tv Despierta America Univision September 13, 2013 7:00am-11:00am EDT
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thank god for the gifts that he has given you that you're functioning in and trust him to fill up the weaknesses. god will take care of your weaknesses. don't live in competition with anybody else. god did not call you to be somebody else. he called you to be you. you don't have to be like anybody else. say right now, "i'm happy to be me." believe that god loves you unconditionally, unconditionally. he loves you right now just as much as he will ever love you. even when you behave better, god's not gonna love you any more than he does right now, because god is love. it's not something he does. it's who he is. value yourself as god's special and unique creation. you're not weird. you're unique. there's a big difference. i used to think, "well, my voice is really weird. i don't sound like other women," so i would try to lower my voice and sound sweeter. i actually did that.
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"well, praise the lord." no, not me. "well, praise the lord!" >> [applauding] >> joyce: and honestly, i thought i was weird, but then i realized my voice is different. there's probably not another one like it. i'm unique. unique things are more valuable, amen? and some of you have some very unique things about you, too. i would venture to say that every one of us has got some unique feature where we're not like somebody else. stop torturing yourself thinking that you need to shove yourself into somebody else's mold. god created you purposely with his own hand and he wants you to stand up boldly and be the person that you are. >> [applauding]
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>> joyce: and then the bible says we need to have peace with others. so here we've got peace with god, peace with ourselves, peace with other people. now, that's the problem, isn't it? my goodness, do i have enough time to preach this? i don't know. 2 timothy 2:23, "but refuse (shut your mind against, have nothing to do with) trifling (ill-informed, unedifying, stupid) controversies over ignorant questions." the bible, welcome to the bible. "for you know they foster strife and breed quarrels." so what's he saying? "resist the devil at his onset." as soon as a thought that's
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gonna create strife or disagreement or disharmony or disunity comes to you, shut your mind against it. that's when we need to get violent and say, "no, i'm not going there." >> [applauding] >> joyce: "well, i wish i didn't have these thoughts." that's not gonna work. "well, i just wish the devil would leave me alone. joyce, could you pray for me that the devil would leave me alone?" no, not really. don't even ask me to pray that, i'd be wasting my breath. i can pray that you will be full enough of the holy ghost that when he comes around in your space, you are gonna be the one that's gonna run him off. he's not gonna rule you, amen? >> [applauding] >> joyce: jesus didn't mess with him. "get thee behind me, satan.
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you are an offense and in my way," amen? submit yourself to god. resist the devil, and he will flee. and all this upset and lack of peace and offense, it is something that the devil provokes. the servant of the lord must not strive. let's look at verse 24, "and the servant of the lord must not be quarrelsome (fighting, contending). instead, he must be kind, mild-tempered, [preserving the bond of peace]," on and on and on. so here's the bottom line. look at me and let me give it to you simple. hello, everybody. isn't this cool? right now, i am talking to hopefully millions of people in asia and russia and india and africa and the united states
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and australia, in europe. this is so cool. and here is the word of the lord for today, "be easy to get along with." >> [applauding] >> joyce: wow, it's not complicated. how many of you are pretty high-maintenance? [laughing] i tell you what, as an employer, i love what i call low-maintenance employees. they come to work. they get there on time. they do their job. they go home. they don't murmur. they don't complain. they work 8 hours for 8 hours' pay. they don't even see a problem with that. they actually expect to work 8 hours for 8 hours' pay. that's a novel idea today.
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let's learn how to be easy to get along with. let's be people that are easy to be around, and you know how you can have that? flowing in the holy ghost. get up every morning, spend that time with god. get that anointing stirred up. you know, i say to the lord, "i need to be well-oiled today, so i can slip in and out of sticky situations." >> [applauding] >> joyce: amen? man, i tell you what, it would scare the living daylights out of me to go out of my house without having spent my time with god, because i know the devil hates me, and he has already got a plan for what all he can do to me that day, and the only way that i know to properly avoid him is to be so full of the holy ghost that there's not anything he can do to me. you know, in isaiah, in isaiah,
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the bible talks about that it's the anointing that destroys the yoke of bondage. so we tell people very often just to come and sit in a conference like this and just soak up the anointing, the corporate anointing from all the beautiful christians that are in here, the anointing on the worship, the anointing on the word of god. just to sit and just soak up the anointing. i mean, that in itself can break bondages off of you. but listen, in the amplified bible, this is what it says. the anointing is referred to as fatness, which is very interesting, and it says that because of fatness, the yoke is broken off of us. so this is one time when we get to legally be fat. we can be fat with the anointing and the presence of the holy ghost. and we need to be so fat with the holy ghost that the devil has no bondage that's big
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enough to fit around us, amen? let's be fat in the spirit, hallelujah. all over the place, it says "strive." strive to be in peace. strive to be in peace. don't be in strife, but strive to be in peace. that word "strive" in the greek means "hard labor." in other words, here's the bottom line. if you're gonna get along with people, you're gonna have to want to. i said if you're gonna get along with people, you're gonna have to want to. maybe some of you are just getting real weary with trying to get along with the person you're married to, and you've been kind of contemplating, you know, getting a divorce and starting over. well, let me tell you something. the grass is usually not greener on the other side. you have to mow that grass, too, so maybe you ought to just try
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to stay and work things out. all right, now, five ways to get along better with people. are you ready? number one, understand that everybody is different. god makes us different on purpose, sticks us together, and tells us to get along. not funny, god. how many of you have multiple children, and they're all different from each other, and you think, "how could all of these kids come out of the same place?" how many of you have kids that you get along with better than some of the other kids you have? how many of you have a child you love, but truth be known, you don't really like 'em very much? >> [laughing]
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>> joyce: is the one you don't like a lot like you? >> [applauding] >> joyce: made my point, didn't i? man, when you've got a strong personality and you've got a strong-willed child, the war is on. i'll give you a secret. give 'em something to be in charge of and stay out of it. you can say, when they're 1, "this playpen is yours. you can chew on it. you can throw stuff in it. you can throw stuff out of it. whatever you want, this is yours right here. you can do whatever you want to in that." you gotta give a choleric some room, man. you can't make them feel like you're controlling everything they do. it's just gonna be war from day one if you do that. i honestly thought that i would go stark raving mad until i found out that there wasn't
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something wrong with people just because they weren't like me. i'm telling the truth. i mean, i thought, "what is wrong with you? how could you think that? how could you like that? how could you want that?" oh, my goodness, when dave and i would try to decorate a room together, oh, lord, have mercy. he wants everything in a room to stand out. i mean, everything. and i want everything to blend and match. he likes flowers. i like this. he liked that, i like something else. "what is wrong with you? how could you possibly like that?" well, see, the thing we have to come to the place of realizing is that person has just as much right to like what they like as we have to like what we like. oh, you ain't so sure about that, are you? that clap's taking a while.
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>> [laughing] >> joyce: "i don't know about that." honestly, god gives us all a basic temperament, and they're all different. i mean, peter, the apostle peter and john were so different. i mean, peter was like this fireball. couldn't keep his mouth shut for 2 seconds. and john just kind of hung out with jesus, and even called himself--he referred to himself in the book that he wrote, "i am the disciple whom jesus loves." >> [laughing] >> joyce: now, i'm a fair amount like peter, and i can tell you right now, that grated on peter. you just have no idea
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how that grated on peter. and let's don't forget, when jesus was teaching about forgiveness, peter was the one who said, "how many times am i supposed to forgive my brother for the same thing?" these guys were people just like us. they got offended at each other. they were constantly dealing with that stuff. you know what, jesus had opportunity to be offended. let me ask you a question. he came to do a job. he was anointed to do that job. he had to maintain that anointing on his life. let me tell you, he needed an anointing to go to the cross. he needed the presence and the power of the holy spirit to make it through gethsemane. we have to have the power of the holy spirit to make it through these things. now, what do you think would have happened if jesus would have gotten offended at john the baptist when he began to doubt whether or not he was the one? so he kind of stored that up
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in this little area. and then he got offended at the religious people of his day because they were always giving him trouble, so he kind of stored that up somewhere. then he got offended at his own family because his own brothers thought he was stark raving mad, so he kind of stuck that somewhere. kept trying to do his thing, you know. gonna do what god asked him to do, but he keeps getting all these weights and these hangnails in the spirit. you know what? we wouldn't be sitting here today. you're not listening to me. i said we wouldn't be sitting here today. he could not have finished what god would have called him to do, and he was tempted every time he'd turn around to take offense. i hope somebody sees something. let me tell you something, i have to work all the time at keeping offense out of my heart, and i have to deal with it violently. don't think that i'm any different than you. i can wake up in the morning and have some of the stupidest thoughts.
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i mean, i'm praying. all of a sudden, i'm thinking about something that somebody said to me 2 weeks ago, "well..." the devil is the devil in everybody's life. and i mean, i say sometimes out loud, "no. no, not going there." you gotta shut your mind against that stuff. pray, "god, help me. i'm not going there." you know why? because i don't belong to myself. i don't have the privilege of acting like an ordinary person. paul told the corinthian church, he said, "you are carnal, a bunch of fleshly babies because you are behaving like mere unchanged men." let me say it again, we don't have the fleshly privilege of behaving like everybody else. the whole rest of the world can get mad and stay mad, but we don't get to stay mad. we may get mad. we don't get to stay mad. we've got to let it go, get over
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it, drop it, leave it, and not be stumbling over this thing all the time. i'm determined to finish what god has called me to do, and you need to be determined to do what god has asked you to do. whatever that is, you need to be determined to finish it. and if it's nothing other than serve the lord with gladness, then be determined to do that. that's even a call. so everybody out there is not like us. they're gonna do things we don't understand, and we just need to really begin to look at a person, say, "you know what? you have just as much right as i do to be yourself, to think like you do." you know what, we don't have to answer for everybody else. we only have to answer for ourself. you know, life would be pretty boring if we were all alike. you know that? just think about making a smoothie that only had milk in it.
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it would only be milk. but the more ingredients you add, the better that thing gets. you know, we have to learn how to appreciate the differences in people, and appreciate the value that they are to us, rather than thinking about how different they are from us, amen? my administrative assistant, penny, she's extremely organized, and i'm not a slob, but i'm not organized like her. you know, like, i'll get all my underwear in the same drawer, but they're not gonna be folded into these neat little piles, cream and black and brown and blue. i mean, i know where they're at. i can get 'em, but you know. you know, you got it? the shoes get to the closet, but i don't know about the--and so i asked her about a year ago what she did in her free time, and she said, "i organize things." i thought.
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she said, "yeah, that's like entertainment to me." well, you know what i do in my free time? i lay on the couch and pray that god will send me somebody to organize my life. >> [applauding] >> joyce: and not only that, i do not feel one iota bad about myself because i don't want to cook, i'm not interested in cleaning. you know, i did all that for years and years and years. now i'm giving myself to a new thing that god has called me to do, and he sends me the rest of the help that i need. >> [applauding] >> joyce: stop feeling bad about yourself 'cause you're not like everybody else. i tried to be like my neighbor next door. she was miss arts and crafts and had a garden and painted the house and mowed the lawn. i don't have time
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to tell you all those stories, but it was just a nightmare. i mean, you know, we got a garden. i got a sewing machine. i mean, you know, i finally made dave a pair of shorts and hemmed the stupid things on the wrong side. the hem was going up this way instead of underneath, and the pocket was longer than the shorts. i talked dave into digging up this garden and we planted tomatoes and he pulled weeds and i watched the tomatoes. i got my canning equipment. i was gonna can tomatoes with my neighbor. i was trying to be a regular woman. >> [laughing] >> joyce: and the night before we were gonna can, we had it planned, "we'll start tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock." a swarm of black bugs came in and ate big holes in all my tomatoes, but she lived right next door to me, and they didn't touch her tomatoes.
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i got a little offended at god. i was like, "now, i'm a woman of faith, and i've been praying over these tomatoes, and the bugs ate holes in my tomatoes. they didn't even touch her tomatoes." he said, "i never told you to grow tomatoes." >> [applauding] >> joyce: "i don't have any obligation to protect your tomatoes. i've called you to preach the gospel." come on. stop trying to be somebody else and just be fully and completely you, and let everybody else be who they are. i'm in trouble. i got four points left and i'm out of time. i'll throw 'em at you. be humble. learn how to say "i'm not always right," oh. learn how to say, "yeah, it's okay if we do that. i don't have to get my way
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all the time." [laughing] oh, it's a shame we don't have another hour. this is getting good. stop trying to change people and leave that to god. stop wanting people to be what they're not. give criticism sparingly. people don't respond well to criticism, but they respond very well to and are motivated by encouragement. mind your own business. >> [laughing] >> joyce: and always believe the best. more than anything, the most important thing for me is to maintain the anointing that god has given me, and the way to do that is to stay in peace. where there's unity, there's anointing and there is blessing.
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>> joyce: well, we need to have peace with god, peace with ourselves, and peace with other people. where there's unity, there's blessing. today we're offering you a 4-cd set of teachings called, "8 ways to live conflict free." you know, sometimes it's just real simple things that we need to pay attention to that will help us enjoy the peace of god. we also want to give you a gift. it's a book that i've written called, "reduce me to love." learn how to love god, love yourself, and love other people. >> announcer: discover the joy that comes from experiencing real peace and love in all your relationships, even your most challenging ones. with joyce's 4-part cd series, "8 ways to live conflict free" for your gift of... and when you order, you'll receive joyce's book, "reduce me to love" free of charge. to order, call us toll free at...
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or visit us at >> announcer: coming up next week. >> joyce: the main thing i want you to remember is the story of me and my brother. two people raised in the same house, equal opportunity, one dead in an abandoned building and one preaching the gospel. >> announcer: the joyce meyer conference is coming to atlanta, georgia september 26, 27 and 28 at the gwinnett center with worship by matt redman and christy nockels. then, little rock, arkansas, october 10, 11, and 12, at verizon arena, with worship by phil wickham. admission is free and open to everyone. for more information and a complete conference lineup, visit us online at or call toll free...
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cc by aberdeen captioning 1-800-688-6621 >> female announcer: previously on "destined to reign." >> you can receive prosperity you don't deserve. you can receive healing you don't deserve. you can receive wholeness you don't deserve because jesus took your curse at the cross. he took your judgment, your punishment at the cross. >> announcer: as a thank you for your gift of any amount this month, our ministry would like to bless you with joseph's latest four-cd audio series, "discover god's never-ending supply." let this resource show you god's heart of love for you and his desire to supply all your needs. be empowered to step into god's provision today. separately, for a specific gift to the ministry this month, receive a special resource bundle containing joseph's brand-new
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two-dvd album, "refreshed by grace." learn how to live by the unforced rhythms of god's grace and experience christ's power working in you. this bundle also includes joseph's latest special gift edition book, "provision promises," and a four-cd audio series, "discover god's never-ending supply." to order these resources, call us toll-free at 1-877-901-4300 or visit us at today. >> announcer: today with joseph prince. >> i don't want to be someone god just loves. i want to be someone god likes. and god liked abraham. but abraham lived more than 400 years before the ten commandments was given.
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so how did he live--how did he walk with god? joseph lived hundreds of years before the ten commandments was given. joseph could resist potiphar's wife, and there was no ten commandments. christ is our wisdom. christ is our righteousness. christ is our holiness and christ is our redemption. can i have a good amen? it's christ. the law cannot make you holy. the law was given to bring out your sin. it was designed for that purpose. it was designed to bring out your sin. it's not designed to bring out righteousness. for by the law is the knowledge of sin. the bible calls the law the ministry of death. imagine, doing a series on the ten commandments. we are killing our people slowly every week.
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i submit to you that people are sick today in our churches. people are bound today, not because of sin. jesus took care of sin. they are bound, they are sick because of condemnation, the ministry of condemnation. you know, in luke 18 and luke 19, we have 2 chapters put side by side by the holy spirit. luke 18 is about the rich, young ruler. luke 19, zaccheus. the holy spirit put these 2 chapters side by side to show us the effects of law and grace. luke 18, the rich young ruler came to jesus boasting, "what must i do to inherit eternal life?" now, church, what is the correct answer? "believe on me." jesus should have said, "believe on me." but because he came boasting in his performance, "what must i do?" jesus says, "you know the commandments? thou shall not bear false witness. thou shall not commit adultery. thou shall not.
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thou shall not." jesus gave him the law. why? because jesus knew that the law would bring him to the end of himself. but this guy got real self-righteous and says, "all these i've kept." then jesus looked at him and says, "one thing you lack." the law is always designed to bring out your lack. "one thing you lack. sell all you have, give to the poor." it was a test. whether mammon or money was his number-one god, the bible says he went away sorrowful. he could hardly give up $1. next chapter, zaccheus, he was a short man. for all have come short of the glory of god. so he climbed a tree. the answer is always the tree, man. he climbed a tree and he saw jesus. now he was a tax collector. in that day to be a tax collector is like betraying your own country. he was a tax collector on the tree, all right, looking
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down on jesus and jesus looked up, no law is given. no commandment's given. jesus looked up and says, "zaccheus come down. today i must eat at your house." just grace. as they went off, the people were whispering. "this is candle of grace." people always whisper when grace is shown. they don't whisper when law is preached. they will say, "amen." law produces mean people, have you noticed that? especially mean on ladies. jesus went to zaccheus' house, no commandments issued, no laws given. at the end of the dinner, zaccheus got up and said, "half my goods, i give to the poor. all those i've cheated i'll repay four-fold." jesus smiled and said, "salvation has come to this house." hallelujah! under law, the rich, young ruler
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could hardly give up $1. under grace, zaccheus gave up almost everything. grace makes our people generous. there is something about grace that needs to be taught again and again and again. martin luther says, "i need to preach the gospel of grace to somebody," so usually he ends up preaching to his colleagues. every day i need to preach the gospel of grace to somebody because every day, i forget. if you hear 10 good sermons, 10 weeks of good sermons on grace and the 11th week you hear mixture, you can forget all the 10. there is something about us that has a propensity towards the law. are you listening? now abraham's blessings. let's look at abraham's blessings for a while. in romans 4.
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it says, "for the promise that abraham would be the heir of the world was not to abraham or to his seed through the law, but through the righteousness of faith." now, what is the promise that god gave abraham? that he would be the heir of the world. now, if you are to be--if god's gonna fulfill that promise in your life to be the heir of the world, at least you'll be the heir of south africa. if god's gonna fulfill the promise to make you the heir of the world, he gotta make you healthy. it's kind of hard to be an heir of the world flat on your back. if god's gonna make you the heir of the world, he's gonna make you wealthy because it's kind of hard to be the heir of the world poor and bankrupt. so within this all-encompassing promise of being the heir of the world is health, wealth, protection, but why is it believers are not even taking
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the territory they're in, taking more land, possessing at least a part of the world? why? we've been hearing about the blessings of abraham all these years, yet, we are not seeing it. why? i think we missed what we are reading over here. it says, "the promise that abraham will be the heir of the world was not to abraham or to his seed." now y'all know you are christ's, therefore you are abraham's seed. this promise is also for you because you are abraham's seed. turn to somebody and say, "i'm abraham's seed." all right, so the promise is also to you, right? you are abraham's seed. so the promise was not to abraham or to his seed through the law, but through the righteousness of faith. it's not through the law, and we've been trying to get it through the law. in other words, it's not through your obedience. it's not through your law keeping. it's not through your
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earning it. amen? hey, abraham himself did not receive the blessings because he got his act all together. the man lied about his wife, man. just outrightly plum lied, and he has a very spiritual motive to protect his own life. and he did it twice. so he's not exactly a perfect example of someone being blessed because he kept the law or he obeyed god, but he was a man of faith. so the promise is not via the law. it's via the righteousness of faith. if we had preached righteousness of faith to our people, they will just effortlessly inherit. you know, abraham lied.
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some of you look at me kind of strange. you never heard abraham lied? you know, he was about to enter egypt and his wife was lovely. and abraham says, "you're a good-looking woman, so if somebody asks whether you are my life, just say, 'no, he's my brew.'" so pharaoh saw the woman, wanted her for his harem. and you know what happened. the bible says the lord plagued pharaoh in his house. wait, wait, wait, wait a minute. lord, you got the wrong man. you should plague the liar. god plagued--i mean you cannot blame pharaoh. "this is your sister, okay, whoa, what a good-looking sister. i'm gonna pay you for it." all right? i mean cannot blame pharaoh. god plagued the wrong man. i'll tell you something, when you are righteous by faith, god does not see your faults and weaknesses. and that's the reason why,
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listen, that's the reason why in the hall of faith, by faith, moses. by faith, abraham, by faith. you don't find any record of sin, you know why? because heaven does not record sins of the believer. ever since the cross, there's no more record. there was no more videos to play this was your life. don't worry. i used to think when you go to heaven one day, all right, god will play a video, this was your life. frightened the living daylights out of me as a teenager. you mean every thought will be shown on screen? uh-huh. there's no record. you know, just 2 weeks ago, i was in--i was preaching in hillsong europe, and i was lying in my bed and the lord spoke to me and the lord says, "son, in the hall of faith, even moses,
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all his exploits of faith was before the law." well, i got up. i turned to the bible just to prove god wrong. you ever done that? and i looked at the hall of faith, it says, "by faith moses refused to be called the son of pharaoh's daughter before the law. by faith, moses kept the passover and the sprinkling of blood before the law. by faith, moses and the children of israel crossed the red sea," and there it stopped. forty years after the law was given, no record of moses' faith. you know why? because the next verse here says, look at verse 14, "if those who are of the law are heirs, faith is made void and the promise made of no effect." if you are trying to earn something by the law, your faith is made void and the promise of god in your life is made of no effect. if you interview the average
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believer today, you ask them, what voids faith in the believer's life? you are trying to believe for healing. you are trying to believe for a breakthrough in your church. you want this to happen, and it seems like something is voiding your faith. you are ask an average believer, what do you think voids faith? i tell you, the standard answer will be "sin. amen. sin voids faith." wrong answer. it says those who are of the law. if you are under law, your faith is voided. law and faith are opposites. if you look carefully, the bible is very consistent. romans and galatians, the opposite of grace is works. the opposite of spirit is flesh. the opposite of faith is not fear. it's law. law produces fear. "well, pastor prince, the whole
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revival came to an end because of sin in the camp." well, if sin in the camp can stop revival, it will never have begun because revivals happen where there is sin. are you with me? where sin increases, grace super abounds! there is hope for south africa. there is hope for the entire continent of africa. there is hope for europe. there is hope for asia. there is hope for the world. when you see sin increasing, you see our young people into sin. you see internet abounding with pornography. you see all kinds of filth in the world. you see hollywood turning up, immoralities. where sin increases, put your eyes on god's grace, it super abounds! it gives us hope for this generation.
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"well, pastor prince, don't you know the bible says, shall we sin that grace may abound?" well, don't just quote that. keep on quoting. it says, "how shall we who died to sin live any longer therein?" if you were formally an american but now you are a citizen of south africa, you died to being an american and you're now a south african. sometimes you behave like an american but you're a south african. you have died to it. this great man of god, he's in heaven now, dr. martyn lloyd-jones. he preached at westminister in london. i remember one time i was kind of sad, feeling down because i read some things. you know, you should never read, you know, blogs and e-mails. today they don't throw stones, they write poison e-mails.
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so i made a mistake, i read something like that. i was so discouraged. you see, my heart is gentle. i can be hurt. so i was browsing through a book shop, christian book shop, just absentmindedly, feeling a bit discouraged. that was years ago. and then i saw a series of books by--a series on the book of romans by martyn lloyd-jones. now i was preaching grace already. so i absentmindedly, i just took one at random and i opened the page and my eyes fell on this passage written by dr. martyn lloyd-jones the theologian. he says, "why is that it today no one is accusing us of preaching 'sin more that grace may abound'? they leveled their accusation against paul, but why is it that no one is accusing us today of the same things they accused the apostle paul?" then dr. martyn says, "because we are not preaching the same gospel paul preached." he says, "unless you preach the gospel to the point that
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people misunderstand you and you get persecution, you're not preaching the true gospel." i remember years ago when this call to preach radical grace came to me, i was in switzerland and i was just having a holiday with my wife. we're on vacation at the beautiful swiss alps and my wife was sleeping and i was driving and i heard god's voice on the inside of me saying, "son, i want you to preach radical grace." i said, "lord, i'm a preacher of grace. that's a low blow to suggest i'm not a preacher of grace. i'm a gracious man." and the lord says, "no, every time you preach grace, you try to balance it with the law." and god says, "what man calls balance, i call mixture." you cannot put grace, new wine into old wineskin, you will lose both. you see, no church preach pure law, only in the synagogues.
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every church preach grace to a certain extent, but it's not pure grace, radical grace, grace only. and the lord said to me, "unless you preach radical grace, lives will not be radically transformed." that changed my life, that changed my heart. i went back and i preached my first message on grace. the complete, pure, grace with no balancing, and i saw results like never before. and the rest has been a wonderful journey ever since. god opened doors here and there, even tv ministry has been opening up. and i'm telling you, church, i don't like to be, you know, traveling here, traveling there. i'm a very homely person. even right now, i miss my home. i miss my wife. i miss my daughter. i miss my church. but because god is opening the doors and even the finances are coming effortlessly. i tell my people, the finances don't come in, let's close this
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down tomorrow. and god is opening--god wants this gospel preached. and i'm just his delivery boy. amen? and god keeps me well maintained for the gospel. hallelujah. one of the blessings of abraham is that you become rich. no, no, that's not accurate. the bible says abraham was very rich in cattle, in silver and gold. you know why god says cattle, silver and gold? because god foresaw religious folks who will say, rich spiritually. no, cattle, silver, and gold. one of the first things god did for abraham and that's gonna happen to you as well. say, "very rich." look at his health. he lived to 175 years old. that's a long life. that means you are still a teenager, brother.
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pastor ray is just a teenager. hundred seventy-five is the blessing of abraham. after his wife died, the man married again. at the age of a hundred, god renewed his youth so that he could perform. that's the blessing of abraham. no pfizer in those days. the blessing of abraham. are you sure you want the blessing of abraham? wives pray. if we don't see it manifest in our lives, it's because we are trying to get it through the law. it voids our faith. not only that, his wife, god
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renewed sarah's youth in her old age that pharaoh wanted sarah for his harem. and later on, abimelech wanted sarah for his harem. two heathen kings wanted this woman. she is at this age, 65 at one time. another time she was 90 years old and 2 heathen kings wanted her for his harem. his harem was full of beautiful women. god did something physical for sarah. it's under the blessing of abraham. it's not a spiritual renewal, okay? these two are heathen kings. they don't go by "i see sarah's spiritual beauty." this is an eyeball thing, man. it's under the blessing of abraham. ha, ha, ha. amen. and you'll be surprised that when you are under grace, it will take years off your face.
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and god knows we need help. when you're under law, it stresses you. there's condemnation. there's guilt. you're conscious of sin all the time. under law, prophets, old testament prophets bring your sin to your consciousness. under grace, new testament prophets calls your righteousness in christ to your attention. amen. you know, it's amazing that the bible calls the law the ministry of death. isn't it amazing that the children of israel, when they came up from egypt, all the way to mount sinai, not a single one died? they murmured. they complained at the red sea. god opened up the sea. on the other side, they were good for 3 days. they complained at the bitter waters of marah, god sweetened
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the waters with the cross, the tree. then they were good for a few days, they complained again--how many know complaining is sin? come on. complaining is sin. you know, we categorize sin, god doesn't, right? so if complaining is sin, how come no one died? they complained all the way from egypt all the way to sinai. they complained there was no food. god gave them manna from heaven. they complained there was no water. got brought water out of the rock. it seems like every fresh failure of man brought forth fresh manifestations of god's grace. >> announcer: thank you for tuning into our broadcast. you have watched highlights of a sermon by joseph prince. to order an audio cd of the full sermon, which is approximately 60 minutes long, call the toll-free number at 1-877-901-4300 or log on to
7:50 am now. >> announcer: next on "destined to reign." >> under grace, god says, "i will never leave you, nor forsake you." you know why? because 2,000 years ago, a lone man hung on the cross and he shouted, "my god, my god, why have you forsaken me?" >> announcer: as a thank you for your gift of any amount this month, our ministry would like to bless you with joseph's latest four-cd audio series, "discover god's never-ending supply." let this resource show you god's heart of love for you and his desire to supply all your needs. be empowered to step into god's provision today. separately, for a specific gift to the ministry this month, receive a special resource bundle containing joseph's brand-new two-dvd album, "refreshed by grace." learn how to live by the unforced rhythms of god's grace and you will experience christ's power working in and through you
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as you rest in him. this bundle also includes joseph's latest special gift edition book, "provision promises," and a four-cd audio series, "discover god's never-ending supply." for more information on how to order these resources, call us toll-free at 1-877-901-4300 or visit us at today. >> hello, i am joseph prince. today i'm really excited to share with you about my new book, "the power of right believing, seven keys to freedom from fear, guilt, and addiction." you often hear people quoting this verse from the bible, "know the truth, and the truth will set you free." jesus, himself, spoke these words, and yet today we still see so many people struggling with fears, guilt, condemnation, and addiction. where is this freedom that jesus spoke of? i believe with all my heart that this freedom is found in his grace, his love,
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and his forgiveness. the more you believe in his love for you and believe in his grace and his forgiveness, the more you'll walk in greater levels of freedom, joy, and peace. my friend, that's the power of right believing. when you believe right, you will live right. god's grace is the power that sets you free from every bondage. i hope that you'll pick up a copy of my new book today. i believe that it'll be a source of great encouragement to you and to your loved ones. >> announcer: preorder your copy of "the power of right believing" today. for more details, visit >> announcer: when you see jesus as the great i am, he becomes all that you need. for a specific gift to the ministry, you can request this 3-cd audio series, "unveiling jesus." for more information on how to order this powerful resource, call us toll free at
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1-877-901-4300 or visit us at today. >> announcer: if you've been blessed by today's message, we would like to give you an opportunity to partner with us to impact the world with the gospel of grace. >> under grace, god says, "i will be merciful to your unrighteousness and your sins i will remember no more." there's been a change, there's been a change, church, and it's all because of jesus. >> announcer: dear friends, together we can impact the world for jesus. partner with us and be part of this exciting grace revolution. call us toll free at 1-877-901-4300 or visit us at today. joseph prince ministries is a section 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and your gift is tax-deductible for the amount that exceeds
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think of all the possibilities. learn how to fulfill your dreams right here on career day. coming up on career day, top nasa careers. ever thought about working for nasa? well, it's not just for astronauts anymore. and there are countless careers to choose from. how about a nasa videographer? remember the space shuttle "endeavour's" recent fly over the country and final trek to los angeles? it was one of the most exciting events in our nation's history. well, this nasa camera woman had a front row seat. quite amazing. find out what led to this ultimate career. from her cozy cockpit in the sky. >> i've flown with some of the most incredible and amazing pilots in the world.
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i've watched them fly and i've videoed them. >> plus how about a job that takes you all the way to mars? this mars rover engineer helps work on the most amazing work on this or any planet. if you have a passion for exploring you won't want to miss this. >> i've been doing this for the past 30 years. >> then our next nasa career takes us across the galaxy. this visualization producer may not be strapping on a space suit. or sending up a satellite. his job is more like a translator. he creates advanced computer animation and graphics that turns data into videos like these. talk about cutting edge. >> push the boundaries. to become better engineers, better scientists.
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>> all that and more right here, right now, on career day. it's a plane! it's a -- videographer? >> i'm laurie and i document some of nasa's coolest aviation history. >> for over two decades laurie has had one soaring career, literally. >> you would think i'm an adrenaline junkie from what i do. >> laurie is a videographer for the national oar owe naughtics and space administration, also known as nasa. what exactly does that mean? >> i fly in the back seat of some of the most incredible, amazing pilots of the world. i watch them fly and i videotape. >> as a nasa videographer laurie had a first class seat videotaping the "endeavour" as she flew around the country and made her final trek to los angeles. her extreme mission and one she
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gladly accepted documenting aircraft activity and flight test programs from the cockpit up high in the sky. >> nasa does really cool stuff. it's our job to try to help facilitate that information so everybody knows. >> nasa research center in california, you can find her filming anywhere. above earth, that is. >> i've been to the north pole, to the south pole, and everywhere in between. just documenting what we're doing. >> can you see it? >> i can. more or less. i got it. >> i rarely have a chance to put the camera down because my camera is the eyes for the engineers on the ground. my view is it's a view finder for anyone. from 30 minutes to two hours at a time. >> the job isn't for the faint of heart. she's often thousands of feet up into the air and often upside down. >> it's very physically demanding to fly in these
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aircraft. >> laurie's high pressure position takes extremes. she prepares with extreme safety courses. >> we go through land survival classes and water survival training. all of those are meant to teach us how to assess our situation and protect ourselves should we ever need to eject the aircraft. >> it's a cool career. >> i got into video production, photography, imagery. it proves you don't have to be a scientist, you can be a liberal arts major and still have an incredible job working at nasa. >> after finishing film school in the '80s, laurie got her break in the biz as a photographer for nasa. >> opportunity came available to become full-time being a helicopter camera operator. that put me in aerial status. from there another door opened for me to get in the back seat of jets. because i was already onsite.
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>> lauren's career has really when she's not flying, she's running the show at the nasa tv station >> i get to write, shoot, edit, direct, produce. everything from the concept to distribution, i'm involved in every aspect of. >> among her career highlights? directing dozens of space shuttle landings. >> 54 shuttles have landed here at edwards air force base. i've been involved in about 36 of them. and i'd be guessing but i think i've directed on nearly 20. it's very stressful. but when it's done, it's very rewarding. >> another thrill for laurie is working inside nasa's icon of aviation. >> i've had an opportunity to work for some of the most amazing people. i've flown with shuttle astronauts, f-15 pilots. not many people can say that.
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>> no doubt about it, lauren's videography to infinity and beyond. >> in all the years i've been here, i have seen and been a part of so many aviation milestones. and i can take that with me forever. i've gotten to make history. the robots have landed on career day. a great job can take you lots of places. but this oneaom waycnz >> hi, career day. i always wanted to build robots and i've been doing that for the past 30 years. >> he's a mars rover engineer. (hn3he jet propulsion bomnsr
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>> i was just joking. you know, working with this stuff to come up with a robot. >> these were the first robots he ever made and the first step to building the twin rovers, spirit and opportunity. see the stunning images they transmitted from mars. the next trip to the red planet will be even tougher to pull off. >> one of the problems is we were behind it, we wanted to get to areas that are currently not accessible to our current rovers. are you about to drive this rover?
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>> robots, math and science two two subjects you need to know. and the other subject? the joy of exploring. >> understand how things work. enjoy yourself. enjoy the problem. have fun. >> more nasa careers that are really out of this world. legendary astro physical cysts and astronomers with gathering information are out in space. >> i was part of an experiment
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take observations out to the edge of the universe. >> and our next career takes us all across the galaxy. this visualization producer creates computer animation and graphics that turns data into videos like this. talk about a creative job. >> this is what we make. >> 94 nasa careers from outer >> 94 nasa careers from outer sp hershey's bliss. one square inch of deliciously smooth chocolate in creamy milk... or rich dark. incredible indulgence. one square inch of bliss. hershey's bliss. don't blame him. instead, rely on frontline plus. it kills adult fleas and ticks, plus flea eggs and larvae, destroying future generations. ask your vet about frontline plus.
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. welcome back to "career day." our next career takes us across the galaxy. this job isn't about strapping on a space suit or sending up a satellite. it's more a translator. >> my job is to turn this to this. find out how, next. >> doug is a visualization producer at nasa. to understand how things happen out in space you have to be a scientist. since most of us aren't scientists there are people like
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doug to explain it for us. >> it's very hard to understand all the engineering jargon, all the scientific words and things hike that. this is curiosity, our next module. this is the animation i spent about nine months developing to explain to the public what what this looks like when it gets to mars. >> creating otherworldly animation used to be a hobby for doug. when nasa saw what he could do, he moved across the pond from england to work in jpl in southern california. >> christmas 1987, emebedeeedd.. interesting work about the universe. and i knew------------------- :-
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100 years of exportion that people can play with but you have to find the interesting parts, laying down life-sized pieces for the public. >> using computer animation and graphics to turn mountains of data into scenes like these. talk about cutting-edge. >> using cutting-edge animation, the power is there on everyone's laptop. >> one of his projects? this mobile phone app to give you the conditions of the globe at a glance. what an amazing innovation. it looks like a video game, except everything in this game has the look of the possible. >> this is where the pressure is. what we make becomes the face of the thousands of engineers and
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scientists that do this stuff. people always push the boundaries. we always want to find the next frontier. it makes us become better engineers, better scientists. >> doug didn't take the short route to his career. but with a little guidance, he still landed right where he wanted. >> when what we're good at and what we like meet, that's where i'm at right now. it makes getting up and going to work easy in the morning. next we're exploring a career that's really out of this world. find out how this legendary nasa physicist and astronomer created some of the most incredible animation for gathering critical data. >> we used to carry passengers. now we vo: at meineke we know that oil is the lifeblood of every car.
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i've been lucky enough to see the very center of our galaxy. >> dr. eric bethman is a world-famous astronomer as the national aeronautics and space administration, also known as nasa. >> i look at objects that are out in the universe and try to understand what makes them the way they are. how stars form. he's credited for creating amazing innovations. >> i'm credited with putting instruments on hubble, the telescope that's in space, that's been flying for the last 20 years. making observations out to the edge of the universe. >> today we're getting a glimpse of the doctor's latest and greatest endeavor.
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he's pioneering a project with aviation. >> this passengers. >> it's an aircraft that collects radiation from outer space. >> from the outside this looks like a passenger plane. the inside is designed for one mission. >> three, two, one. >> we have modified it so that there's a door that opens and vations. you can test better if you're flyingr stratosphere at high> through months of testing in the lab, the new camera is ready. >>
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the electronics onto the telescope very carefully to make sure that it's right. this is very exciting. >> the doctor is affectionately known for combining his passion into one cosmic career. >> this is the way i keep track of what's actually happening in the observatory. i got interested in astronomy when i moved to california as a graduate student. i just got fascinated by studying outer space. >> 50 years in his astronomical career. the doctor still loves what he does. because he's truly out of this world. >> this is an image taken of jupiter. it just demonstrates how different. you'll notice that there's a dark line here. that's actually very bright. it's the brightest part of the planet.
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>> now a paid presentation for meaningful beauty advanced by cindy crawford. >> with special appearances by debra messing. >> valerie bertinelli. >> christa miller. >> and stars from tv's royal pains and the mentalist. >> hosted by network tv correspondent katrina szish. >> brought to you by guthy-renker. >> hi, everyone, i'm beauty and style journalist katrina szish on location in beverly hills. in just a few minutes we'll meet one of the most beautiful women in the world, supermodel cindy crawford. at age 45, cindy still looks impossibly young and gorgeous. >> oh, my god, she's just stunning. her skin is just amazing, and so i feel like now i have a chance. >> what's cindy's beauty secret? we're about to find out. ♪ >> the first time i saw cindy in person, she turned around, i went, "whoa! that woman's gorgeous and she doesn't have a drop of makeup on." whatever she has, i want it bottled and i want to use it.
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>> cindy crawford is one of the most beautiful women on earth. she's iconic, and the buzz is like what is she doing? >> i wanna have what cindy has because she gets the super secret info that we don't get. >> what is cindy's secret? >> after more than two decades on the job, cindy remains one of the most visible faces and sought after supermodels in the world. >> yet her skin still looks remarkably youthful and gorgeously wrinkle free. >> everybody wants to know what is cindy usin', 'cause we all know we want to look like cindy crawford. >> check out these photos. on the left, cindy at age 28, and on the right, at 41. here's another picture of cindy at 28, and on the right, at age 43. and finally, cindy at 28 and today at age 45. >> how does cindy do it? >> her secret is renowned french anti-aging specialist, dr. jean-louis sebagh. >> he's been called "the wonder doctor,"
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"a miracle worker," "and the youth guru." >> dr. jean-louis sebagh is a super exclusive doctor in paris. i was 28 when i first went to him, and i instantly noticed that my skin just came alive, and that was it. it was kind of love at first sight. >> dr. sebagh's treatments are in such demand, models, celebrities, and even vip clients wait months just to get an appointment with him. >> people don't mind waiting four hours at a time just to see him, because they know that at the end of the day they come out looking fresher and healthier and younger. you know, he's the man. >> how is that dr. sebagh is able to produce such powerful anti-aging elixirs? >> his secret lies in a fabled and beautiful part of the french countryside. >> here in this secluded field in the south of france, scientists have discovered a rare vine ripened melon with astonishing youth preserving properties. >> check out this new time lapsed video, showing how an ordinary melon wrinkles, ages, and decays.
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>> while the remarkable melon on the right stays fresh and firm. no wonder they call dr. sebagh's signature ingredient the youth molecule. >> yeah, that's pretty dramatic right there when you look at the two melons side by side. it's like, "hm, what's in that melon that's making it not age?" i want some of that. >> it's been very difficult process to extract the enzyme from this melon, and we'd been the first one to use this melon extract in a very high concentration, which is exclusive to meaningful beauty. >> since cindy first joined with dr. sebagh to bring the power of his melon based serums to women like us, rumors of the amazing visible results have made it an underground secret in hollywood and around the world. >> you have cindy crawford, supermodel, and dr. sebagh, internationally renowned skin expert. those two together, to me, that's gold. >> now for 2013 and beyond, dr. sebagh has reengineered his melon based formulas
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and enhanced them with even more remarkable age fighting ingredients. introducing meaningful beauty advanced, the ultimate youth enhancing system from cindy and dr. sebagh. >> literally within seven days i could see results. >> using meaningful beauty has been amazing. it's even got my skin tone, and it reduced circles and puffiness. >> this stuff is amazing. it's just a little miracle in a bottle. >> meaningful beauty advanced is a revolutionary anti-aging system that is so advanced and so perfectly formulated, women surveyed saw visibly healthier, younger looking skin in just weeks. >> meaningful beauty works, and you don't know its working. all of a sudden, you turn around, and you see your skin looks amazing. >> take a look. that's not trick photography. it's not a dramatization or simulation. these are real results. and there's more. >> today cindy is here to announce a groundbreaking new innovation from dr. sebagh.
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three powerful anti-aging formulas combined into one luxurious serum. it's called cremede serum. >> i was sold right away, because this rocks, and it has such a silky glide on your skin. >> it's the creme de serum, and the end, they mix together, and you achieve cream, then you got the best of the best, you have creme de le creme. >> as soon as you apply it, your skin just instantly feels tighter, and it feels like you can just feel your pores shrinking. it is amazing. >> in the next few minutes, correspondent katrina szish takes you deeper inside the story of cindy and her wonder doctor. >> as cindy shares how you can get access to the man whose amazing formulas have worked their wonders on cindy for over 17 years. >> there's probably nothing in my life that i do that's more exclusive than spending time with dr. sebagh. >> and what if you could have your own personal visit with dr. sebagh? >> watch as one lucky meaningful beauty customer receives a surprise invitation from cindy. >> hi, this is cindy crawford.
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>> oh my gosh, are you serious? >> i am serious, and actually-- >> and a little later in the show, cindy does something very surprising. handheld camera, totally candid, zero makeup. >> i still can't believe when people come up to me and ask me if i really use meaningful beauty. i do use meaningful beauty, and i'm gonna show you how i do it. >> plus, imagine if you can have every one of cindy's youth enhancing secrets for yourself at more than haloff the regular price. >> it's no joke. just watch for this special coupon code when it shows up again later in the program, and take advantage of over 50% in instant coupon savings thanks to cindy. >> just ahead, it's your chance to look years younger as you discover the age defying magic of meaningful beauty advanced. >> you know her as america's most celebrated supermodel, appearing on over 600 magazine covers and counting. hi, everyone, i'm katrina szish, here today with one of the most beautiful women in the world. please join me
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for this very special close up interview with cindy crawford. nice to see you, cindy. i am so excited to sit down and really talk to you about meaningful beauty. >> thank you for being here, too. >> people are talking about it everywhere. women's wear daily even recently talked about it as one of the top ten fastest growing skin care brands in the us. this is huge. why is it catching on like this? >> it's delivering results. i mean, women are getting great results, and they're--they're telling their friends or they're tweeting about it or blogging about it. with meaningful beauty your skin looks amazing. it has that glow. it looks, you know, it looks great, and it just feels like that youthful, lush skin. everyone's like, "what's the trick, what's the trick? or what's the secret?" and really the trick is meaningful beauty. >> tell me about the man you worked with to create this incredible line. everybody in the beauty industry knows jean-louis sebagh. he's been called by vanity fair the world expert in medical anti-aging. he's got a long list of celebrities, models, socialites, politicians, who wait for months to come to him. what makes him so extraordinary? >> well, jean-louis sebagh
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is light years ahead of everybody, and just how he's thinking about the way that skin ages. and i have been working with him since i was 28 years old. a makeup artist actually suggested that i see him. so i went. i made an appointment, and his office is in this apartment building in paris, it's not marked. you know, it's like you have to knock three times and know the secret code and all that. and after the very first time i saw him, i saw like immediate results. my--my skin just felt radiant looking. it was just like a new me, and i was like, "okay, he's the real deal." and i was sold right away. you know, he's been my guy ever since. >> right. >> with meaningful beauty, you don't have to go to paris to see him. you can still have access to dr. sebagh through meaningful beauty. >> the secret to meaningful beauty advanced, is dr. sebagh's groundbreaking serums, featuring a rare melon enzyme discovered by scientists in the south of france. >> this melon produces a large quantity of an antioxidant enzyme called sod.
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the enzyme keeps this unique melon from decaying, and in the skin, helps to prevent cells from aging as fast as they normally would. >> what's unique with meaningful beauty is we use these very powerful super antioxidants, and we are one of the first in america to use it in the skincare. ♪ >> i talk to a lot of people about a lot of different skincare, and when i see meaningful beauty, people say, what is it about that secret melon, that antioxidant. i think of it as the magic melon at the core of this story. >> meaningful beauty is based around the special melon that is grown only in the south of france. it has this very special and very potent antioxidant. in the beginning, if you put it next to a regular melon, you wouldn't see that much difference, but over time, this melon doesn't decay as fast. it stays fresher and firmer longer. >> that's amazing. >> and i always joke, i'm like, "i want to be fresher and firmer." >> right. >> and dr. sebagh and his chemists figured out a way to extract this very special
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and very potent antioxidant. it's been called the youth molecule. >> that melon extract clearly works. i've been usin' dr. sebagh and cindy's formulas for three years, and it is amazing how great my skin looks. >> i actually went to my dermatologist, and she said, "you skin looks fantastic. what are you doing?" and i thought that it might be like candid camera. i looked around because i thought, "you're kidding me, right?" and she's like, "no. your skin tone looks better, your pores look smaller. i mean, everything's better." and i was like, "it's meaningful beauty." >> i've had the opportunity to review before and after photographs, which were taken of subjects using meaningful beauty. and what we see here is the appearance of the crow's feet are visibly diminished. we see the dramatic improvement in the redness of the cheeks in addition to a reduction in the size of the visible pores. and finally, a remarkable improvement in the appearance of these deep forehead wrinkles. ♪ >> think about it. you've got this amazing skin doctor from france,
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and he has this secret weapon, and you've got the world's most beautiful supermodel, and they've developed this beauty system. now wouldn't you want to try it? >> imagine if with one phone call you could get some of that same magic that's kept cindy crawford's skin looking so youthful for over 17 years. well, now you can. introducing meaningful beauty advanced, the ultimate youth enhancing system from cindy and dr. sebagh. >> call now and get started with cindy's luxurious skin softening cleanser. >> this unique formula can be used with water or dry to cleanse and remove makeup, leaving your skin soft, dewy, and refreshed. >> next you'll get dr. sebagh's incredible anti-aging day creme for a beautiful glow throughout your day. >> complete with broad spectrum spf 20, and dr. sebagh's rare melon extract. >> you'll also receive his new advanced lifting eye creme to reduce the look of puffiness, dark circles, and crow's feet. >> you'll be impressed how your eye area
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appears more firm and lifted with this new super treatment. >> my makeup artist on "the mentalist" noticed that when i started using the lifting eye creme within two weeks there was a reduction in the darkness underneath my eyes and the puffiness. i mean, that's pretty amazing. >> you'll also get dr. sebagh's newly advanced decollete and neck treatment. >> the skin brightening super creme helps smooth the look of sun damaged skin and minimizes the appearance of age spots in this eye catching area that often shows premature aging. >> and for nighttime, you'll get dr. sebagh's groundbreaking new cremede serum, which features three powerful age fighting formulas swirled into one. >> you'll be amazed how this decadent super serum nourishes, firms, and fights the signs of wrinkles while you sleep. >> the creme de serum is magic in a bottle. i put this on at night before i go to sleep, every single night, and every morning i wake up, and my skin looks refreshed and happy. it's fantastic. >> dr. sebagh has been called
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"the wonder doctor," "a miracle worker," and "the youth guru." >> his patients wait months for an appointment, and often pay thousands of dollars for a series of treatments containing his rare melon discovery. >> that's why the regular price of only $119 for a meaningful beauty advanced is already a total bargain. but because cindy is using her unique position to bring dr. sebagh's elite formulas direct to you through tv without excessive retail markups, you can save big on meaningful beauty advanced. >> just mention this special coupon code when you call toll free now, and you'll receive over 50% in instant coupon savings. >> that's right. all you'll pay is just $59.95 for the complete new meaningful beauty advanced. >> meaningful beauty definitely works. you can see actual results. >> in france, at the hit paris boutique colette, women have lined up to buy meaningful beauty, paying 275 euros for a kit. >> that's nearly $350 us,
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but all you'll pay is just $59.95. >> i can't imagine your skin not just loving it. my skin looks younger, more youthful, the lines don't show as much. meaningful beauty is the best product i've ever used on my skin. >> and cindy has a special proposition for you. be among the first 500 callers right now, and she'll send you $45 worth of personal gifts absolutely free. you'll get dr. sebagh's "model secret," his incredible glowing serum, a favorite of hollywood insiders. >> ah, this is my red carpet secret for my celebrities. it will re-firm, hydrate, and it will give you an instant glow to your face. >> and we'll also send you dr. sebagh's enhanced wrinkle smoothing capsules, named a best new anti-aging product by allure magazine. >> you'll love how it targets the look of frown lines, crow's feet, and even expression lines and lip lines. >> it's just like silk in little capsules. you can apply it here, up here and here
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on those smile lines. they're just amazing. >> imagine, you'll get all these age defying super treatments for just $59.95. that's an incredible steal. >> but what if we could go even lower? >> that's right. >> today cindy is offering a special one time reward for smart shoppers who act quickly. >> order in the next 10 minutes and use today's special coupon code, and you won't pay $59.95, not $49.95, but just $39.95 for everything you see here. >> pick up the phone, try it. it's gonna make you feel beautiful. it's gonna make you feel more confident. it's gonna make you feel revitalized. you're gonna be thrilled, i promise you. >> remember to mention today's special coupon code when you call to lock in all your discounts and free gifts. >> we'll even fast track your shipment with a free upgrade to priority shipping. >> but supplies are limited, so call now and start looking younger like cindy with meaningful beauty advanced. >> imagine you're sitting at home,
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the phone rings, and it's cindy crawford inviting you to spend the day with her. sound impossible? well, that's exactly what happened to this meaningful beauty customer. take a look. >> it's so exciting. >> hello. >> shannon? >> yes? >> hi, this is cindy crawford. >> no it's not. >> it is. how can i prove it? >> oh, my gosh! i'm shakin' right now. >> well, listen, i am going to new york this week, and i was wondering if you wanted to fly up on friday to hang out with me, and, um, you know, go on some appointments with me. >> oh, my gosh, are you serious? >> i am serious, and actually one of the appointments that i'm doing is with dr. sebagh, and if you wanted to meet him he is in-- >> i would love to. i want to tell him thank you. yes! >> so if you think you can get off from work, come out and have a meaningful beauty day with me. >> that sounds wonderful. oh, i'm so excited. i won't be able to sleep.
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>> she is in. ♪ i always love coming back to new york. it's just such a great city, and the thing that's incredible about new york is the energy. and i think that's what i miss most. this visit is especially fun, because i'm gonna meet one of my meaningful beauty customers for the very first time. hi, shannon. >> hi! >> hi, how are you? >> oh, how are you? this is so nice to meet you. >> nice to meet you. thank you so much for comin' up. >> oh, thank you for havin' me. i'm so excited. >> oh, you're a kindergarten teacher, right? >> i am a kindergarten teacher. >> and you're from texas? >> from houston, that's right. >> oh wow, okay. it's exciting for me and dr. sebagh to meet you, and get to experience what it's really like to be one of his patients. >> that is is so exciting. >> so on that note, let's bring him in. dr. sebagh. >> hi. >> how are you? nice to meet you. >> this is shannon. this is jean-louis. >> you look great. >> thank you. thanks to you. thank you. i had a trip to new york where i was able to meet dr. sebagh and cindy also. >> it's amazing.
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it's very nice. >> he's checking that elasticity now. >> okay, so that's good. >> --is very good. because she's using meaningful beauty on a daily basis shows such wonderful result. >> he was inspecting my skin, was giving me tips, and he was very knowledgeable about was goin' on. that really impressed me. >> you need to feed your skin on a daily basis. it's quite essential the way--same thing you would feed your body. so meaningful beauty will allow you to achieve what everybody wants, glow radiance, and at the end, a youthful appearance. giving back the confidence to a woman, that's the best thing you can do. >> i want to thank dr. sebagh and cindy so much, because when you feel better about yourself, it is a life changing experience. i love meaningful beauty. love it. ♪ >> let's talk about the new meaningful beauty system. at the core of this there's this amazing creme de serum product. >> yes, dr. sebagh, really he talks about it as creme de la creme like-- >> right. >> --this is as good as it gets.
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the serums are the hot thing in skin care. i know you know that from all the work that you do, but then you normally have to use a moisturizer on top of that. so this takes out that step, and what's really unique is we combined really three different products in one bottle. and when you pump it out onto your hand, right then they're blended together, and right away you put it onto your face. and this is the new night cream. we loved out old night cream, this rocks, and it has such a silky glide on your skin. and then in the morning you wake up, and it's like your skin just drank it in. this has a really unique look. it's kind of futuristic, but it's a combination of a cream and a serum. >> exactly. inside here we have the melon color, which is of course our super antioxidant, the melon complex. the clear is a hyaluronic. and what that does it kind of acts like a sponge on your skin, and it helps your skin grab moisture and hold moisture. so it gives it that dewy, lush, hydrated moisturized look. then the white is
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anti-aging peptides, and those help with the deep lines, the fine lines, help the volume in your skin. normally you would use the serum alone, and they're usually very expensive. >> right. >> i mean, even this serum, dr. sebagh said, you know, we asked, "well, what price could it be?" and he said, "$200, $300." >> that's amazing. >> and it's fun for me to try new things, and when i notice a difference, then i'm really excited to share that with everybody else. >> that creme de serum is so good. it feels so silky. it feels like you're doing 500 great things for your skin. >> yeah, this is amazing stuff. when you put it on your skin, it immediately feels younger. i use it morning and night. i'm greedy. >> up next, discover how you can get dr. sebagh's new cremede serum delivered right to your door fast. >> and still to come, cindy takes the makeup off to give you a private, personal demonstration of how she uses meaningful beauty every day. ♪
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>> imagine if with one phone call you could get some of that same magic that's kept cindy crawford's skin looking so youthful for over 17 years. >> well, now you can, because with the new meaningful beauty advanced, dr. sebagh is making his amazing french melon extract available directly to you. >> just watch as over time an ordinarily melon wrinkles, ages, and decays. >> while the remarkable melon on the right stays fresh and firm. >> call now and get started with cindy's luxurious skin softening cleanser. >> this unique formula can be used with water or dry to cleanse and remove makeup, leaving your skin soft, dewy, and refreshed. >> next you'll get dr. sebagh's incredible anti-aging day creme for a beautiful glow throughout your day. >> complete with broad spectrum spf 20, and dr. sebagh's rare melon extract. >> you'll also receive his new advanced lifting eye creme to reduce the look of puffiness, dark circles,
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and crow's feet. >> when i'm tired and overworked, it shows in my eyes. so i love, love, love cindy's eye creme, lifting one. this one. this little, magical, little bottle. it tightens, it lifts, it makes the wrinkles look like they're gone. it's amazing. >> you'll also dr. sebagh's newly advanced decollete and neck treatment. >> this skin brightening super cream helps smooth the look of sun damaged skin, and minimizes the appearance of age spots in this eye catching area that often shows premature aging. >> and for nighttime, you'll get dr. sebagh's groundbreaking new cremede serum, which features three powerful age fighting formulas swirled into one. >> my skin feels so soft and smooth once it's on. it's an incredible product. >> this stuff is amazing. it just gives your skin just a real smooth finish. it's like velvet. >> dr. sebagh has been called "the wonder doctor," "a miracle worker," and "the youth guru." >> his patients wait months
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for an appointment, and often pay thousands of dollars for a series of treatments containing his rare melon discovery. >> that's why the regular price of only $119 for a meaningful beauty advanced is already a total bargain. but because cindy is using her unique position to bring dr. sebagh's elite formulas direct to you through tv without excessive retail markups, you can save big on meaningful beauty advanced. >> just mention this special coupon code when you call toll free now, and you'll receive over 50% in instant coupon savings. >> that's right. all you'll pay is just $59.95 for the complete new meaningful beauty advanced. and cindy has a special proposition for you. be among the first 500 callers right now, and she'll send you $45 worth of personal gifts absolutely free. >> you'll get dr. sebagh's "model secret," his incredibly glowing serum, a favorite of hollywood insiders that dr. sebagh normally reserves only for his exclusive vip clients. >> and we'll also send you dr. sebagh's enhanced wrinkle
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smoothing capsules, named a best new anti-aging product by allure magazine. >> you'll love how it targets the look of frown lines, crow's feet, and even expression lines, and lip lines. >> the wrinkle smoothing capsules, these are magic. you open it up, you squeeze it out on your hand, and when you put it on, it feels velvety. i think this is my friend. >> imagine, you'll get all these age defying super treatments for just $59.95. that's an incredible steal. >> but what if we could go even lower? >> that's right. >> today cindy is offering a special one time reward for smart shoppers who act quickly. >> order in the next six minutes and use today's special coupon code, and you won't pay $59.95, not $49.95, but just $39.95 for everything you see here. >> what's more, you can lock in this one time discount price and insure you'll never pay a penny more. >> thank to cindy's convenient home delivery, you'll receive a fresh supply of meaningful beauty
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each new season. >> always at our lowest price ever guaranteed. >> and your order is risk free thanks to a 60-day money back guarantee from trusted guthy-renker. >> with meaningful beauty, you will feel the difference in your skin immediately. the very first time i used meaningful beauty, i was hooked, and my skin has never looked better. >> remember to mention today's special coupon code when you call to lock in all your discounts and free gifts. >> we'll even fast track your shipment with a free upgrade to priority shipping. >> but supplies are limited, so call now and start looking younger like cindy with meaningful beauty advanced. ♪ >> i still can't believe when people come up to me and ask if me if i really use meaningful beauty. i do use meaningful beauty, and i'm gonna show you how i use it at home every day. in the morning, the one step i would never skip is the day creme. during the day you have to protect your skin, and you can do that in a couple different ways. you can do that with antioxidants, which we have our special melon in here, but also we have spf. it goes on super light.
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it's not greasy. its great under makeup. so next i use the eye creme, and i have found now that i'm getting on in my 40s, i have this whole new beauty concern of puffiness. so we reformulated the eye creme, and this eye creme really is action packed, and it addresses under-eye circles, puffiness, and the appearance of fine lines. since the beginning of meaningful beauty, we've been talking to you about taking care of your neck and chest. so many women forget about this area, and it really shows your age. everyone sees it, especially if you want to wear something low cut, so our new decollete treatment has spf in it, and we put in some brightening ingredients. it just gives your skin that dewy lushness that has vibrancy to it. okay, now let's talk about our new product, the creme de serum. this is jean-louis' latest baby, and it's totally innovative. it's three different products swirled into one. you're getting hydration, you're getting protection, you're getting anti-aging peptides. it's all in this one great product.
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when you put it on, it's so silky, and when you wake up, you have that great fresh glow. with meaningful beauty i know my skin is getting everything it needs to fight the good fight, fight that aging process, and it really feels like nutrition for my skin, and that's what i want. >> i feel every day with meaningful beauty like i have exactly what my skin needs to keep it looking young and fresh and natural. >> with meaningful beauty we look youthful, you look younger, and your skin looks great. >> you got to try this stuff. i really can't tell you enough how great meaningful beauty is. >> i'm super thankful for cindy for bringing meaningful beauty to us, because i feel like now i have a chance. >> with meaningful beauty you actually see fantastic results, and that's so exciting, because i've been searching. >> it is taking all the blotchiness away. it is even out my skin tone. i am so happy that i tried meaningful beauty. i'm so glad i did.
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i'm so glad i did. >> there's still time. order now and see how ageless and beautiful your skin can look with meaningful beauty advanced. >> if i were you, i wouldn't wait. call now, and if operators are busy, keep on trying. >> you have to go and get this stuff. you have to try it for yourself to see. >> this has been a paid presentation for meaningful beauty advanced by cindy crawford brought to you by guthy-renker.
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brought to you by guthy-renker. none of the testimonials or dentists in this show have been paid to share their opinions. >> a bright and healthy smile can be your biggest beauty asset. it's one of the first things people notice about you. but if you're embarrassed by your smile because of your stained, discolored, dull teeth, it's hard to feel good about yourself. now you can turn back the clock on your teeth and safely get a naturally whiter, brighter, sexier smile thanks to an astonishing new teeth whitening system. it's time to turn your smile into a supersmile. >> my smile a month ago was more like this. my smile now is more like this. >> the supersmile system works in minutes to safely remove embarrassing stains from your teeth. plus, supersmile actually strengthens your enamel with calcium and helps prevent cavities with fluoride. >> it's taking care of my teeth. my gums feel healthier and my teeth are noticeably whiter. and i say that with a big smile because it really does
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excite me, it makes me feel great. >> trays, strips, and professional whitening can be time consuming and expensive. some may even be damaging and cause sensitivity. and the results start to diminish as soon as you start eating and drinking. many whitening toothpastes scrape away at stains with silica, a type of sand that can damage your enamel, and tooth enamel doesn't grow back. but now, there's a safe way to whiten your teeth and it's gentle enough to use every day. eat, drink, even smoke, and the supersmile system will get your teeth whiter and keep them that way. >> my whole entire mouth just feels so much cleaner and fresher and it's just, honestly, almost like my teeth have taken a bath. >> supersmile is clinically shown to whiten teeth nearly five shades in 30 days, even if you continue to smoke or drink coffee, tea, or red wine. here's the secret: supersmile has a dynamic proprietary ingredient no one else has. it's called calprox, and it has changed the science
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of tooth whitening. no more scratching and scraping because supersmile with calprox is designed to gently and safely dissolve and lift stains away fast every time you brush. supersmile's dual stain-fighting action not only lifts embarrassing stains gently from the surface of your teeth, it even fades stubborn stains deeper in your enamel. you'll never look at tooth whitening the same way again. >> supersmile is the only system that i am aware of that can have such results, such dramatic results, in such a short period of time. >> it's a great product developed with science and concern for patients behind it. and i think that's what makes supersmile unique in the industry today. >> the supersmile system works on natural teeth and will even whiten veneers, caps, bonding, crowns, and dentures back to their whitest original shade. in fact, 100 percent of clinical study participants saw results with supersmile. >> you see the resul really quickly. you don't have to wait
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two weeks or a month to see the changes. >> i've seen those hard-to-reach teeth get whiter and i feel myself smiling because of it. >> supersmile has been awarded top honors by the beauty industry, including best whitening toothpaste and best at-home whitening innovation. magazines, newspapers, beauty blogs, the media can't stop talking about supersmile. lucky says, "this stuff really works." "you'll get a wow result," promises in style weddings. harper's bazaar raves supersmile will give you "your whitest possible smile, without sensitivity." and usa today says, "you'll look like a star." >> there's definitely a lot of buzz with supersmile. it's really the go-to brand if you want great-looking teeth and a beautiful smile. >> the people who read new beauty magazine are very interested in beauty and in their appearance. and what dr. smigel and supersmile have done is they have enabled everyday people to have celebrity smiles. >> supersmile was created by dr. irwin smigel,
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the father of aesthetic dentistry and the only dentist the national museum of dentistry has honored with a permanent exhibit dedicated to his countless achievements, including the invention of tooth bonding. top celebrities have flocked to dr. smigel's madison avenue office. they know that if you want the best, he's the man to see. >> when you smile and that smile is really bright, they'll look and they'll say, "wow, my teeth aren't that white. how do i get 'em like that?" well, supersmile, baby. >> coming up: see people just like you try the supersmile system, which includes dr. smigel's revolutionary professional activating rods for the very first time and be blown away by the results they get in just six minutes. >> they are better. >> that's crazy. five to one. a one! >> a shade four all the way to number one. >> seven to a two. >> i jumped five shades lighter, actually. >> eleven to a--to a four. >> over 4 million people
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have brushed with supersmile already. now it's your turn. to find out more, let's join television host and long-time supersmile user, lisa mason. >> dr. smigel tells us that whatever will stain a white shirt will stain your teeth. like coffee, chocolate, or red wine. when it comes to whitening your teeth, most products like trays, strips, or treatments you get at the dentist are used occasionally. and when you stop using them, any whiteness and brightness you may have seen begins to fade. the stains start to build up again until you whiten again. this cycle of whitening, fading, and whitening again can actually hurt your teeth by over-bleaching, damaging your enamel and causing sensitivity. now you can break out of that harmful cycle because supersmile's special ingredient calprox whitens safely by gently lifting stains away every time you brush. supersmile does it all. it strengthens enamel, contains fluoride, replaces your regular toothpaste, and takes just minutes a day.
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and it's the only whitening system with calprox. just rinse and brush and you're on your way to a whiter, brighter smile. >> i drink coffee, i smoke cigarettes, i drink a lot of red wine, but i believe in the product so completely and i just-- i can't use anything but supersmile. >> i started using strips, but the thing about strips is that they didn't whiten the back of my teeth. supersmile has made my smile so much brighter, so much shinier, so much whiter, and so much healthier. >> by using supersmile every day, i don't have to worry about stains accumulating on my teeth because i know that i'm going to be using the products again and re-whitening my teeth every single day. ♪ >> recently, in santa monica, california, a group of lucky people tried the same supersmile system you're getting at home. they started with the professional activating rods and experienced something we call six minutes to a supersmile. >> so take a look at your before smile. >> okay. >> and say goodbye to it. >> goodbye.
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>> we started by taking everybody's current tooth shade with the supersmile shade guide. >> you are about a twelve. a four. eight. >> then, we had everyone prep and prime their teeth with the professional activating rods, used once a week with the supersmile system. >> the rods were great and it was really easy-to-use. >> we brushed with the supersmile toothpaste and accelerator, rinsed with the supersmile pre-rinse, then repeated. and that's it. just six minutes. let's check the shade guide to see results. >> you're like a number two. you have to look in the mirror. >> i can't believe it. that's incredible. i went from a seven to a two. >> i think she's like a number two. >> oh, i feel like i want to smile all the time. >> you jumped like five shades. >> yeah. it's pretty much just like my regular nightly routine. it was so easy. >> it was six minutes, six shades. that's about a minute per shade. >> well, i started at three and a half and then i went down to a one. >> there was a huge difference. five to one. a one. after the first six minutes of using supersmile,
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the change in my teeth was dramatic. after a month, my teeth are even whiter and they feel healthy, they feel good, they feel clean. >> after using supersmile, i don't think people can tell that i used to smoke or that i drink coffee on a regular basis. >> i feel like i don't have to worry about a special occasion coming up and, "oh, are my teeth going to look white?" because i'm constantly with the product, the supersmile product, maintaining that nice, bright, white smile every day. >> stop being embarrassed by your smile because now you can turn back the clock on your teeth and safely get a naturally whiter, brighter, sexier smile. now you can whiten your teeth safely and gently every day by making the switch to supersmile, the only whitening system with calprox. >> you have time to brush your teeth regularly, right? well, that's all it takes. >> the supersmile system works in minutes to safely remove embarrassing stains from your teeth. supersmile is clinically shown to whiten teeth nearly five shades in 30 days, even if you continue to smoke
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or drink coffee, tea, or red wine. plus, supersmile actually strengthens your enamel with calcium and helps prevent cavities with fluoride. it works on natural teeth and will even whiten veneers, caps, bonding, crowns, and dentures, so you can smile with confidence. in fact, 100 percent of clinical study participants saw results with supersmile. >> the beauty of it is that it contains a number of minerals and products within it that really promote tooth health, in addition to enhancing the whiteness and brightness of your tooth. >> here's how supersmile works. start each day with the whitening pre-rinse. this powerful stain reducer makes your mouth minty fresh and it supercharges the results you'll get from the supersmile professional whitening toothpaste and accelerator. these work together to remove stains in the tooth. surface stains form on a thin layer on your teeth. many products scrape this layer away with silica, a type of sand. this can damage your enamel, and tooth enamel
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doesn't grow back. supersmile is safe and gentle because it's the only whitening system with the proprietary ingredient calprox. just a drop each of the toothpaste with calprox and the whitening accelerator on your dry supersmile toothbrush create a dynamic whitening reaction that gently lifts and dissolves away surface stains. there's nothing else like it. and supersmile doesn't stop there. it also quickly and safely lifts away those older, deeper, stubborn stains within the tooth, leaving you with a naturally whiter, brighter, sexier smile you've always wanted. >> i could see with my own eyes that my teeth were so much whiter. it was incredible. >> your supersmile system also includes dr. smigel's patented toothbrush. its unique inverted v-shape bristles clean the hard-to-reach areas between your teeth and gums. and listen to this: your supersmile system includes five professional activating rods to jumpstart your supersmile in just six minutes! >> they really mean it.
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it is six minutes! >> i was like, eight, and that's pretty yellow. now, i'm a three. >> this easy-to-use design dispenses just the right amount of an incredibly effective cleansing agent that is the same amazing whitening formula dr. smigel uses in his office. use once a week or before a special occasion and then brush normally for a dazzling smile. >> i just rub it across my teeth, leave it on, and then i come out and i brush and, amazing, so white. >> messy trays and awkward strips don't whiten all the way to your gum line. abrasive paste can damage your enamel. professional whitening can cause sensitivity and may cost $500 or more per treatment. and every one of these methods will have you stuck in a recurring cycle of whitening and fading. but now, you can get a whiter, brighter, healthier smile safely with supersmile for only $39.95. and it gets even better. when you call and order in the next 16 minutes, you'll get three fantastic bonus gifts absolutely free. the supersmile quikee instant whitening polish with calprox.
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just smooth a drop over your teeth when you're on the go or simply don't have time to brush your teeth. the supersmile professional whitening gum with calprox freshens breath and whitens your teeth one shade after eating or drinking. and the supersmile shade guide. take your own supersmile challenge and measure exactly how many shades whiter your smile becomes. everything you see here is valued at over $90. but because dr. smigel is teaming up with guthy-renker to sell directly to you with no retail markups, we are giving you the ultimate insider price reduction. so you won't pay $90 for supersmile, you won't even pay $39. act quickly, and you'll get supersmile for only $29.95. but we're not done. order in the next 15 minutes, and we'll include shipping absolutely free. call now and you'll receive a complete 30 day supply of supersmile and all these bonus gifts and free shipping! all for the amazing price of $29.95. >> if you're not 100 percent satisfied, simply return the empty tubes within 60 days
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and you'll get a complete refund of the purchase price, no questions asked. >> if you decide to return supersmile, you can still keep the bonus gifts as dr. smigel's way of saying thank you for trying supersmile. the sooner you use supersmile, the faster you'll see results. but you only have a limited time to try this extraordinary teeth-whitening system at this amazing low price of only $29.95, and right now, shipping is absolutely free! get ready to turn your smile into a supersmile. call right now! >> i use the supersmile system every single day and i love it. it's a teeth whitening system unlike any other. you'll find supersmile in almost every top beauty magazine. now, hear why men's health editor bryan boye says his readers love it. >> every once in a while, i discover a really great product that works for me and i know it'll work for our readers. i think the most important reason that supersmile has won a men's health grooming award three times is very simple
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and that's innovation. >> new beauty publisher steffanie attenberg feels confident recommending supersmile to her readers. >> supersmile has won numerous awards. they've been recognized for the best at-home whitening innovation, they've been recognized for best breath freshener. our readers love it, the feedback has been phenomenal. >> rubin singer is a top new york fashion designer and shares supersmile every chance he gets. >> when i show the collection during fashion week, we usually put bags at, you know, at the front row where all the editors and buyers and celebrities sit, and we use supersmile products in the bags and we've gotten the most amazing feedback from everyone in the industry, so supersmile is always a huge hit. ♪ >> you know, every day i wake up and i wash my face, i put my makeup on, i spend a ton of time deciding what to wear. using supersmile, that package is complete. >> i tried other whitening products and i just felt like i still had like the yellow film you get on your teeth.
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and then supersmile, within a month, i had like this great, clean white smile. >> academy award nominated actor danny aiello is a longtime patient of dr. smigel, and one of supersmile's biggest fans. >> i don't use anything else but supersmile. a smile means so much. a smile completely releases your entire body. if you can really smile and let it go and not worry, and smile! it's--it's a wonderful feeling. >> in case you're wondering, none of the testimonials in this show, or the dentists you've seen, have been paid to share their opinions. they're appearing because they believe so strongly in dr. smigel and his amazing supersmile system. >> supersmile is in a league of its own. there is not another product that i'm aware of that can even begin to compare. >> he's giving the patient everything that we know that the patient needs. >> i use it myself every day.
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>> it's unique, it's different than any other system on the market. >> the calprox gently removes the pellicle on the tooth, which is an outside surface layer on the tooth. that allows the active ingredient to get into the enamel and allow the lightening effect to be enhanced. >> it works so well that i even use it in my practice when i clean people's teeth. supersmile really works the best. it just works the best, period. >> i get the best checkups since i've started using supersmile. i'm in and out, i have no cavities, i have no problems, i have no issues. >> coming up, meet the brilliant man behind the breakthrough supersmile professional whitening system, the one and only dr. irwin smigel. >> i've watched dentists around him, gather around him. he's like a king. >> now you can turn back the clock on your teeth and safely get a naturally whiter, brighter, sexier smile with supersmile. supersmile is clinically shown
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to whiten teeth nearly five shades in 30 days, even if you continue to smoke or drink coffee, tea, or red wine. here's how it works. start each day with a whitening pre-rinse. this powerful stain reducer makes your mouth minty fresh and it supercharges the results you'll get from the supersmile professional whitening toothpaste and accelerator. these work together to remove stains in the tooth. supersmile is safe and gentle because it's the only whitening system with the proprietary ingredient calprox. your supersmile system also includes dr. smigel's patented toothbrush. its unique inverted v-shape bristles clean the hard-to-reach areas between your teeth and gums. and the shape of the handle guides you to brush correctly at the ada-recommended 45 degree angle. and listen to this: your supersmile system includes five professional activating rods to jumpstart your supersmile in just six minutes. this easy-to-use design dispenses just the right amount of an incredibly effective cleansing agent that is the same amazing
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whitening formula dr. smigel uses in his office. now you can get a whiter, brighter, healthier smile safely with supersmile for only $39.95. and it gets even better. when you call and order in the next seven minutes, you'll get three fantastic bonus gifts absolutely free. supersmile's quick instant whitening polish with calprox, the supersmile professional whitening gum with calprox, and the supersmile shade guide. everything you see here is valued at over $90, but because dr. smigel is teaming up with guthy-renker to sell directly to you with no retail markups, we are giving you the ultimate insider price reduction. order in the next six minutes, and you'll receive a complete 30 day supply of supersmile and all these bonus gifts for the amazing price of $29.95. and right now, shipping is absolutely free! >> if you're not 100 percent satisfied, simply return the empty tubes within 60 days and you'll get a complete refund of the purchase price, no questions asked.
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>> if you decide to return supersmile, you can still keep the bonus gifts as dr. smigel's way of saying thank you. you only have a limited time to try this extraordinary teeth-whitening system at this amazing low price of only $29.95. and for a limited time, shipping is absolutely free! get ready to turn your smile into a supersmile. call right now! >> dr. irwin smigel is recognized by new york university as the father of aesthetic dentistry. that's the art and science of making your teeth and your smile healthier and more beautiful. he's world-renowned for being the original creator of tooth bonding, and he is the only dentist with a permanent exhibit in the national museum of dentistry. >> dr. smigel is a living legend of cosmetic dentistry. >> he's the guy who made it cool to be an aesthetic dentist. >> irwin's impact in the dental profession is huge. >> when he stands behind something, we know that it-- it works. >> dr. smigel, why do you think so many people
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are interested these days in whitening their teeth? >> everyone wants to look as attractive as possible. through the ages, people have been trying to whiten their teeth. fortunately, most of them did more damage than good. >> traditionally with bleaching, you have to stop at some point. >> you can't bleach your teeth indefinitely. eventually it'll irritate the gum tissues or even damage the enamel. i've seen the results of bad bleaching, i've see the results of people who damage their gums. i made up my mind that i would develop something that no matter what would not do any damage to the teeth. >> we've heard a lot about other whitening products. yours is different, and it's that great proprietary ingredient calprox, isn't it? >> the problem with whitening toothpaste is that they have to get rid of the cause of the stain, which is a biofilm that forms on the teeth. all the whitening toothpastes use silica, an abrasive,
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to get rid of it. now, when you use an abrasive, it can wear away the enamel. and enamel does not grow back. >> good point. >> and what the beauty of calprox is, it actually reduces this without being abrasive. it's healthy for the gums and the teeth. there's never been a toothpaste like this. >> every time i use supersmile, i feel like i just left the dentist's office. and i don't feel like i need anything else in order to have a great smile. >> i've been using supersmile for four years. a few months after i started using it, i went to the dentist and he was like, "you have to tell me what you're using, your teeth have never been in such good shape." and i was like, "really? supersmile." >> in this show you've seen what a difference supersmile can make for people just like you. you've seen people try the supersmile system for the very first time. the same system you can get at home. and you've heard their honest reactions right after they saw the amazing results with their own eyes. >> it feels like i've just gone to the dentist and had them professionally cleaned. >> smooth, clean, sparkly, healthy. >> if that can happen
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in six minutes, what can happen in a week or a month? >> you've heard from people who've shared their amazing results after using supersmile for 30 days. >> it's amazing to me how my smile just keeps getting whiter and brighter. >> i don't have to worry about stains accumulating on my teeth. i know that i'm going to be using the products again and re-whitening my teeth every single day. >> people who've been using supersmile for years swear by it to keep their smiles white and their teeth and gums healthier. >> i've been using supersmile for the past three years. my hygienist and the dentist both said that my teeth are pretty boring now, which is not bad. >> i like the simplicity of supersmile. i like the product line. i like the results. >> i started using supersmile about six years ago. as soon as i started using it, people would be like, "wow, lindsay, your teeth are beautiful." >> magazine editors, celebrities, fashion designers, and top dentists have all volunteered to appear in this show because they've seen their own amazing results with supersmile.
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>> it's an easy product to use and it delivers that great smile that guys are looking for. >> you don't have to worry that it's causing any damage to your enamel while getting that white, beautiful smile. >> i'm gonna keep using supersmile because i want my teeth to be white, and i want them to be healthy. >> stop being embarrassed by your smile, because now you can whitenyour teeth safely and gently every day by making the switch to supersmile, the only whitening system with calprox. >> i just brush my teeth and watch them get whiter. >> the supersmile system works in minutes to safely remove embarrassing stains from your teeth. supersmile is clinically shown to whiten teeth nearly five shades in 30 days, even if you continue to smoke or drink coffee, tea, or red wine. plus, supersmile actually strengthens your enamel with calcium and helps prevent cavities with fluoride. it works on natural teeth and will even whiten veneers, caps, bonding, crowns, and dentures so you can smile with confidence. in fact, 100 percent
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of clinical study participants saw results with supersmile. >> you're going to get a nice whiter smile but in addition to that you're gonna promote oral health. healthier gums, healthier teeth. >> the supersmile system is simple and safe, and gentle enough to use every day. here's how it works. start each day with the whitening pre-rinse. this powerful stain reducer makes your mouth minty fresh and it supercharges the results you'll get from the supersmile professional whitening toothpaste and accelerator. these work together to remove stains in the tooth. surface stains form on a thin layer on your teeth. many products scrape this layer away with silica, a type of sand. this can damage your enamel. and tooth enamel doesn't grow back. supersmile is safe and gentle, because it's the onl whitening system with the proprietary ingredient calprox. just a drop each of the toothpaste with calprox, and the whitening accelerator on your dry supersmile toothbrush, create a dynamic whitening
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reaction that gently lifts and dissolves away surface stains. there's nothing else like it. and supersmile doesn't stop there. it also quickly and safely lifts away those older, deeper, stubborn stains within the tooth, leaving you with a naturally whiter, brighter, sexier smile you've always wanted. >> it's amazing to me how my smile just keeps getting whiter and brighter. >> your supersmile system also includes dr. smigel's patented toothbrush. its unique inverted v-shape bristles clean the hard-to-reach areas between your teeth and gums. >> and listen to this! your supersmile system includes five professional activating rods to jumpstart your supersmile in just six minutes. this easy-to-use design dispenses just the right amount of an incredibly effective cleansing agent that is the same amazing whitening formula dr. smigel uses in his office. use once a week or before a special occasion and then brush normally for a dazzling smile. >> i just rub it across my teeth, leave it on,
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then i come out and i brush, and amazing. so white. >> messy trays and awkward strips don't whiten all the way to your gum line. abrasive paste can damage your enamel. professional whitening can cause sensitivity and may cost $500 or more per treatment. and every one of these methods will have you stuck in a recurring cycle of whitening and fading. but now you can get a whiter, brighter, healthier smile safely with supersmile for only $39.95. switch to supersmile to gently whiten your teeth and keep them white every time you brush. and it gets even better. when you call and order in the next three minutes, you'll get three fantastic bonus gifts absolutely free. the supersmile quikee instant whitening polish with calprox. just smooth a drop over your teeth when you're on the go or simply don't have time to brush your teeth. the supersmile professional whitening gum with calprox freshens breath and whitens your teeth one shade after eating or drinking. and the supersmile shade guide. take your own supersmile challenge and measure exactly how many shades whiter your smile becomes.
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>> just gave my teeth kind of a glow that i haven't seen before. >> i have like, so much more confidence to, like, smile. >> everything you see here is valued at over $90, but because dr. smigel is teaming up with guthy-renker to sell directly to you with no retail markups, we are giving you the ultimate insider price reduction. so you won't pay $90 for supersmile. you won't even pay $39. act quickly and you'll get supersmile for only $29.95. but we're not done. order in the next two minutes, and we'll include shipping absolutely free! call now and you'll receive a complete 30 day supply of supersmile and all these bonus gifts and free shipping, all for the amazing price of $29.95. >> if you're not 100 percent satisfied, simply return the empty tubes within 60 days and you'll get a complete refund of the purchase price, no questions asked. >> if you decide to return supersmile, you can still keep the bonus gifts as dr. smigel's way of saying thank you for trying supersmile.
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the sooner you use supersmile, the faster you'll see results, but you only have a limited time to try this extraordinary teeth-whitening system at this amazing low price of only $29.95. and right now, shipping is absolutely free. get ready to turn your smile into a supersmile. call right now! >> the preceding has been a paid presentation for supersmile brought to you by guthy-renker.
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>> narrator: and now enter into the courtroom of judge mathis. the plaintiff jennifer staddler was married to the defendant for 13 years and they had four sons. jennifer claims that the defendant was an abusive alcoholic but a good father until he left her for another woman. jennifer is suing the exhusband for the son's funeral expenses. the defendant matthew hale insists that jennifer left him several times in their marriage for other men. matthew claimed that jennifer didn't supervise the children prior to the son's death. he is counter suing. >> judge mathis: start with you. >> plaintiff: for a start i was married to matthew for 13 years, a little over. our marriage was very rocky.
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he was an alcoholic. he was very abusive and on the other hand he was a good dad and that is the main reason i stayed with him so many years. he was there for my kids . >> judge mathis: drunk? >> plaintiff: drunk, yes. he was. >> judge mathis: didn't alter his behavior around your children? he didn't exhibit destructive behavior around them? >> plaintiff: he did at times. >> judge mathis: every time he was drunk. he wasn't such a good dad. but if that is your opinion go ahead >> plaintiff: i thought i was doing the right thing. i thought i was going to do the right thing. >> judge mathis: they do stay together. yeah. >> plaintiff: throughout the years, my kids were involved in wrestling and football. he went to all of the football games and he coached some and he was a great dad. >> judge mathis: he was a good dad because he was involved in
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their lives. >> plaintiff: he. down the road our marriage ended when he met another woman. he ended up moving away from us and i raised my boys. >> judge mathis: how did that come down? did you have any inkling or insight and he popped up one day and said that? >> plaintiff: pretty much. >> judge mathis: how many children. >> plaintiff: four boys. >> judge mathis: four boys and 13 years of marriage he popped up said this is it for me. i found another woman and going to move in with her >> plaintiff: basically, yes. he left on my son's golden birthday. >> judge mathis: sir? we are here about paying the cost of your son's funeral which is a tough subject but let me allow you to respond to what she said thus far. >> defendant: yes, your honor we were married almost 14 years and got along great for several years and we did have four
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children together, which as she said i was an alcoholic and i was not a 24-7 alcoholic. i remained employed everywhere i have been three or four or five years. >> judge mathis: get drunk and take a mint and keep working. >> defendant: no, sir, that is incorrect. i was involved with my kid said sporatically. their lives around the football and wrestling and baseball. on the weekends after we divorced. i did the homework for the two weeks of my two younger boys with my boys 6-eight hours that they were supposed to have previous done. and i was in communication with my boy's teachers. >> judge mathis: tell me about the 14 years. how did that end? >> defendant: that actually was not just a sporatic one girl thing. we have actually in the middle
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of 14 years we separated. she left the house other three times. >> judge mathis: for another gentleman. >> defendant: last one was another gentleman which was one of the guy's that wrestled's father. we had been back. >> judge mathis: how many times had she ran off with men? >> defendant: three timings. >> judge mathis: how many times. >> plaintiff: i left him probably three times. >> judge mathis: that's what he said >> plaintiff: it was not for another man. it was his abuse and alcoholism. >> judge mathis: you didn't have the men? >> plaintiff: no, i did not. >> judge mathis: you have any men. >> plaintiff: i was not with him. >> judge mathis: you whan we are talking about? >> plaintiff: no. >> defendant: that's how it. my oldest boys is friends with the actual gentleman. >> judge mathis: she denies it they were just close friends.
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nonetheless. i mean, the time you run off how long had you known this woman? >> defendant: i had known her five or six months. >> judge mathis: you can ran off with her. >> defendant: i only knee my wife. >> plaintiff: that was to save himself for going to prison. i was 15 and he was 21. >> judge mathis: oh. >> defendant: i was 18. or 19. >> judge mathis: get to your son's funeral that you are suing him about here. >> plaintiff: my son after school decided to go with his buddies to a rock foundation over in adam's county, wisconsin. the formation that he climbed on was 303 feet off of the ground. he climbed to the top and slipped and fell coming down and he died on impact.
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>> defendant: he shouldn't been there if he was supervised in the last several years was his life. >> judge mathis: now you are talking crazy. >> defendant: technically he was supposed to be at school. >> plaintiff: it was after school. >> judge mathis: ma'am, i know this man hasn't blamed you? >> plaintiff: he blamed me. >> judge mathis: you have lost your mind. how can you blame. >> defendant: i do not blame her for the death. >> judge mathis: that's what it sounded like moo tow. if hadn't supervised him he wouldn't have died. perhaps if you hadn't run off with a woman you knew for six months -- [applause] you would have been here to help the woman help raise four boys bye by yourself. you have a lot of nerve. you have a lot of the nerve! you run off on your four boys because you got submit yen then
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turn around because you are not there to help this woman with four boys who she doesn't know how to be raising boys. she does the best she can. but she doesn't know how to raise boys and doesn't know it might not be a good idea because boys are reckless. i am letting them go there but not thinking about how reckless boys are. i don't know what boys do when they are not around their mother. you know what boys do, because you have been a boy, she doesn't know. >> narrator: more judge mathis in a moment. >> when i hit the lottery. i had so many friends. >> judge mathis: lined around the corner. >> you need me to baby sit and wash your clothes. >> judge mathis: can we borrow something until the income tax. >> narrator: still to come. >> she went out and had four
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fundraisers and you had none. yet after she hustled and begged and borrowed you want to say i don't owe a thing. she had fundraisers let her fundraisers pay for it. >> judge mathis: i believe in tough love with emphasis on the love. you have proven your case, have a good day. what do you think? i am naive to the game. i don't know how big you are in your house but you are small in the eyes of the world today. i became a judge to make a
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heart healthy, huh?! ugh! actually progresso's soup has pretty bold flavor. i love bold flavors! i'd love it if you'd open the chute! [ male announcer ] progresso. surprisingly bold flavor for a heart healthy soup. i'm here to get the lady of the house back on her feet. [ all gasp ] oj, veggies -- you're cool. mayo? corn dogs? you are so outta here! aah! 'cause i'm re-workin' the menu, keeping her healthy and you on your toes. [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of great-tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and 9 grams of protein. i see you, cupcake! uh-oh!
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[ bottle ] the number one doctor recommended brand. ensure®. nutrition in charge™. but press them flat, add sauce... and some pepperoni and cheese... and school nights turn into grands mini pizza nights. pillsbury grands biscuits. make dinner pop! ni know this man hasn't blamed you for this. >> plaintiff: he blamed me from the minute we got to the sheriff department. >> judge mathis: you have lost your mind. >> defendant: i did not blame her for the death. >> judge mathis: it is what it sound said like to me. perhaps if you hadn't run off with a woman you knew for six months. >> narrator: the plaintiff
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jennifer staddler was married to the defendant for 13 years until he left out of the blue one day for another woman. >> judge mathis: tell me about the expenses and why you are suing for them >> plaintiff: i am only suing him for half of the funeral bill. the expenses were greatly beyond that. if i would have known today what i knew then, i would have added every expense that i went to sue him and i did not. i am paying half. i am a single mom and i had to start working again after this, just so to pay this debt and take care of my boys. >> judge mathis: so the amount of twice as much. if you can give me evidence. sir, what do you want to say? >> defendant: i am not trying to avoid paying any of this. i know she's had four fundraisers for this event and i would like to know. >> judge mathis: how many have you had?
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>> defendant: i have had none. >> judge mathis: so, it sounds like your defense is that she went out and had four fundraisers, you had none. yet, after she hustled and begged and bored you want to say i don't owe a thing. she had fundraisers and let them pay for it >> plaintiff: your honor, when i planned the fundraiser. >> judge mathis: why couldn't you go to him. >> plaintiff: i did go to him. he had benefits through his employers and benefit. >> judge mathis: what happened to them? >> plaintiff: i never saw them. he had a benefit for an immediate death in the family. >> judge mathis: sir, why couldn't you pay in the beginning before any fundraiser. >> defendant: i was originally
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supposed to come out of my work and have that actual benefit that my work would cover the death of one of my children. and the human resources, it was not worded to that extent. >> judge mathis: so why didn't you wake up say i better chip in here because my insurance is not paying for it. my ex-wife is scuffling and begging and borrowing. >> defendant: at that time i was working two days a week and she had gets. >> judge mathis: you couldn't afford it? >> defendant: i probably got a check for a $100 a week. >> judge mathis: you are saying i could not aafford it? all you had to do is say your honor, i couldn't afford it. i would like to have done so, but i couldn't, your honor and it pains me to know but i want to now and i am saving my money. what is your position now? >> defendant: we are actually
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working about. >> judge mathis: about paying your part. >> defendant: i am willing to pay. it is going to take me the whole yearr to pay it. >> judge mathis: take all of the time you need. [applause] >> judge mathis: you have a counter claim for $3189 for breech of if you ditiousary duty. how did she breach a fidurbiary duty she had to you. >> defendant: i would have thought through the fundraisers and funeral money. >> judge mathis: her duty to you. when you sue someone for a breach of duty to you? >> defendant: she had a duty to put the money. >> judge mathis: what did your duty. your claim is dismissed. she had no duty to you. and if the women or i am sure who it was . no men helping this woman sadly
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enough. if the women who helped to raise the money. if they felt she messed the money up. they can sue her. you shouldn't put in a dime and you want to sue her for the money she put into the funeral. you done lost your mind. judgment for the plaintiff. [applause] >> plaintiff: i would just like him to sober and be a dad and step toup the plate and be there for his boys. >> defendant: you haven't seen me in six or eight months. >> plaintiff: neither have your boys. i am not holding them. >> defendant: my oldest boy talks to them and they don't respond. the plaintiff said the defendant is her brother's girlfriend and she's a drama queen and a diva. she once lied about her brother breaking her leg inab an
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argument and she's sng for a balance due. the defendant admits she and shamicas brother have ups and downs. she doesn't believe she should be held responsible for the loan since the money used was to help bail her brother out of jail. >> plaintiff: i have met her 10 years through my brother every since i have known her she is a drama queen and thinks she is a diva and overly dramatic with everything she does. >> judge mathis: give me examples. >> plaintiff: she would come to our house and drops her kids off at our house. >> judge mathis: who? >> plaintiff: my nieces. they are there to have two kids together. you don't bring any type of food or baby sitting fee. >> judge mathis: is your mother
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there at the house. >> plaintiff: yes. >> judge mathis: no one gives grandmother the money and many of them never come back. they just drop them off and come back. you come back and get them? >> defendant: yeah. >> judge mathis: a lot of them have grandma raising them >> plaintiff: she doesn't leave no food or money for them. >> judge mathis: how many children do you have. you don't. >> plaintiff: i stay there. >> judge mathis: they live there. >> judge mathis: you are talking about it for a day and her lives with grandma. give me other drama before you get to the loan >> plaintiff: i am telling you how overlyy dramatic she is. she called and crying on the phone. and telling us how my brother just did this and it was a verbal argument and she said he broke my leg and crying. and 10 minutes later she walk
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throughh the door. >> judge mathis: did she get a cast? >> plaintiff: no. because nothing was wrong with her. she sat on our bed and let us hug can her and the tears leave and disappear. >> judge mathis: give me the background. >> defendant: first of all i know her for 10 years and i have been with her brother two years and have two kids by them. we have had our ups and downs. i am not dramatic. we have ups and downs me and jeffrey. and we fight or fuss. >> judge mathis: why did you tell them. >> defendant: i don't rememberr telling her that. we fought but my leg was never broke. >> plaintiff: that was the whole thing. she said it but it never happened. >> narrator: coming up next on judge mathis. >> plaintiff: i know she pays bills they loan money back. and yet she has her nails done
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>> narrator: if you are currently suing or filing a lawsuit. go to >> plaintiff: she dropped them off and don't bring food or baby sitting fee. i understand that. >> judge mathis: is your mother there at the house. >> plaintiff: yes. no one gives grandmother money. they drop it off. many of them never come back. >> plaintiff: the director is dating the victim's brother and claims that caribbean once lide about her brother breaking her leg. >> judge mathis: how does she owe for a loan. >> plaintiff: i had won the
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lottery and i had so many best friends. >> judge mathis: lined around the corner. you need me to watch your kid and baby sit and wash your clothes. >> judge mathis: i know you got something let me borrow tell i get my income tax. >> plaintiff: my brother ran into bad luck and got arrested for possession of drugs and caribbean works and he picked up the kids and he fed them and she needed him out of jail. it took me a while to get her money. she was $3600 short. >> judge mathis: how much was it >> plaintiff: $7500. and she came through with or without it it gave to much money. and i was trustworthy and we had a promissory note. we didn't. that's why i bring my witness.
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i misplaced the letter. >> judge mathis: did you sign a note you tell me what happened. >> defendant:ip just want to state that i shouldn't be the only one responsible for this. >> judge mathis: you did sign a agreement. how much was it. >> plaintiff: $35 -- 3600. and she paid me 90 dollars back. that was not the agreement. she agreed to pie me and she agreed. >> judge mathis: that is a lot of tips. >> plaintiff: she in a check minus her tips and she get her food check and i heard about it and i seen less of her and less calls and the kids wasn't getting dropped off. >> judge mathis: so ma'am, you don't think you should pay all of it because why? >> defendant: he should be responsible and she should be. i thought she would be more
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understanding due to the fact it it is her brother. >> judge mathis: understanding is bon thing but how is she responsible. >> defendant: did you get yeah. i also took out loanns and i have loan people calling me and i am honest i got behind on bills. i am very responsible person but i thought she would be more understanding due to the fact it is her brother. >> judge mathis: do you know she splunged. >> plaintiff: i know she paid bills and paid the other people the money back. hair and nails done. >> judge mathis: that's not 3000. she needs to get her hair and nails done to come and see judge mathis. my point is she paid the bills. i will give her 60 days to pay.
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$3510 is your judgment. have a good day. >> you put it behind she will pay mon yeyou be friends again >> plaintiff: i hope i can get my money back. i need to move and i also have three kids to support. >> defendant: i don't owe you anything. >> plaintiff: girl, bull. you bad. >> defendant: you bad you are all mad and it don't matter. >> narrator: the plaintiff said after his wife was diagnosed with cancer, they wanted to decide to try the swinger life style. the defendant answered their ad on the internet and the relationship began. he is suing for a car and impound fees. the defendant said there was no connection between him and patrick's wife. but after patrick went to jail, his wife continuually contacted
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him and hit on him. patrick's wife furious when he denied her advances and he denies owes for the vehicle. >> judge mathis: what happened? >> plaintiff: two years ago, my wife was diagnosed with a cancer and we wanted to try things and leave no stone unturned. one of those things was swinging. and so -- >> judge mathis: don't act like this is the first time you heard it. you are going to act brand new. >> defendant: first time he thought of it. >> plaintiff: so wa placed. >> judge mathis: is that what you thought of before. ? >> plaintiff: it was more my choice than hers. >> bailiff: i know that.
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>> judge mathis: go ahead. >> plaintiff: so anyway,y placed an ad in craig. >> judge mathis: is your wife healed? >> plaintiff: she's in remission. >> judge mathis: she was the one to experience these ting in the light of illness and you took her joyy and made it yours. just like a man go ahead. >> narrator: coming up on judge mathis. >> judge mathis: two of them couldn't find an attraction? but the twov you became close friends. hey now. i am just asking. >> hey
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>> judge mathis: she was the one to experience all of these thing in lightt of her illness and you took her joy and made it your joy. just like a man. >> narrator: the defendant is being sued by a former friend whom he met when he answered the plaintiff's on line adlooking for someone to swing with. >> judge mathis: that was one of your goal activities. did he have anything to do with it? >> plaintiff: he responded to one of our ads. and was no attraction with her.
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and then everything fine and fun flirting around a bit then it got weird and creeped out. and he and i became friends, and it lasted for a good two years. >> judge mathis: so the two of them couldn't find an attraction, >> plaintiff: no. >> judge mathis: but the two of you became close friends >> plaintiff: hey you now. >> judge mathis: i am just asking. >> judge mathis: go ahead. so the two of you became close friend and then what. >> plaintiff: a year into our friendship, i ended up getting a parole violation and going back to jail. i was on paroyal for methamphatamine and had a drug problem and had a slipp up when i found out my wife was diagnosed with cancer and it was
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a hard time in my wife. i had a paint ball gun and the neighbors were about that and called the police on me. my house raid my wife naked on the sidewalk and i was on in the hammock. >> judge mathis: this the real police or part of your fantasy >> plaintiff: it. >> judge mathis: you got a helpful an imagination, doc. i never saw that. i saw a lot of thingings. go ahead. >> plaintiff: i was arrested with a paint ball gun and did four month in prison. while incarcerated the defendant came to my house and ask my wife for a ride and she. >> judge mathis:> this is the car you are getting tompt let me aloww him to give background before you get to the car you
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are suing him about. >> defendant: he is pretty accurate there. i answered an ad and i was curious and it didn't work out. it was not a chemical connection there. and so we me and my boys and him go fishing. >> judge mathis: this is a family show. >> defendant: i don't want to know about you and your boys and him. we went fishing. lake paris. >> judge mathis: orch okay. >> defendant: we had a friendship. >> judge mathis: when did it break up. >> defendant: when he got out and misled. >> judge mathis: regarding the incident. >> defendant: yeah. >> judge mathis: tell me about the car you are suing him for, what happened? >> plaintiff: ultimatelyy my wife loaned him the car for a night and it was not returned. >> judge mathis: ma'am, you want to testify about this? state your name. >> witness: kim aconle. i lent it to mike and return the
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next day and if he got into an accident it was on him. two days later. i got a text from mike said it was broke down and he was walking that way. i didn't respond and i was at dinner. and he wanted me to go pick him up and take him to the location of the car instead of telling me where the car was. i didn't see it anywhere. and i said i don't know if it was stolen or towed and they looked it up and said it was towed. patrick name was on the car and i had to wait he was released. >> plaintiff: bill $600 and i didn't have the money. i contacted him about the money. >> judge mathis: what did he say. >> plaintiff: he didn't have anything but we could work something out. >> judge mathis: more judge
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mathis is coming up. >> defendant: she told me she couldn't take me home. take patrick's car and you can use it a week and go get your girl girlfriend. >> judge mathis: you are suggesting that a woman who upset with you. said to you. you take my car for a week? >> defendant: no, i am telling you, that she said
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she offered to buy beer. >> judge mathis: can we get to the car police. >> defendant: i am there and she started to come on to me i put my fut down. she said here take patrick's car and use it for a week and pick up your girlfriend and she said it like an attitude. >> judge mathis: was she upset. you are suggesting to me that a woman who is upset with you. said to you. you take my car for a week? >> defendant: no, i am testimonying you that she said i am not taking you home. >> judge mathis: then what happened? >> defendant: i took it there and had to put water in it three times. it was broken down. i tried to repair it. i drove the vehicle to the house
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just like we agreed and a mile from her house it broke down. >> judge mathis: did you call her. >> defendant: i called her and i was all on time. she was not answering she called me two hours later and i totally forgot. it is my brirth day. i will pick you up tomorrow. she didn't contact me and i texted her and she didn't tex back. >> judge mathis: when did you find out the car was towed. >> defendant: when she told me. >> judge mathis: how long after it towed did she tell you. >> defendant: from the 6th to the 17th. >> judge mathis: she didn't tell you until the 17th. >> defendant: correct. a couple of times. >> judge mathis: you just told me the 17th. you know that sounded unreasonable and now she told me a couple of times. >> defendant: i attempts. about the car towed. >> judge mathis: about the car
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period? when did you hear about it. >> defendant: four days later. >> judge mathis: first time she inquired. don't believe you. just like i don't believe that nonsense you told me earlier. do you have the estimate. i am so inningry take my car for a week. i am sorry. she's pulling the wool over your eyes. >> narrator: the plaintiff took the defendant for 32 dance lessons and they were supposed to dance in a competition. lorry claimms that the defendant got her drunk and she was arrest
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missed the competition. after the arrest the defendant refuse to give her last senlessons. the defendant insists loury only purchased 20 he gave her 7 for free. they banned them from the ball room. >> judge mathis: tell me what happened. >> plaintiff: i met dave at a dance party and he was an instructor. i asked him to be my instructor. and there an event. and it was two or three weeks 32 lessons.
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>> judge mathis: how much. >> plaintiff: $1250. >> defendant: what? >> plaintiff: $1250. >> judge mathis: obviously that was not. >> defendant: no. not enough. >> judge mathis: anyone have a written agreement. >> defendant: i have a verbal witness statement. >> judge mathis: you don't have a written. >> plaintiff: i paid cash and i didn't get a receipt or nothing here. i have this. how much you buy and how much you get. first watch on the sixth and we had four weeks and then i bought another. 13 and another 13. >> judge mathis: 32 is 32 is what you purchased >> plaintiff: i didn't get all of those. we discussed friday night and
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for dinners and 6:30 we are waiting for these guys and we didn't get to dinner until 9:30 and we are going to a pub. and i was like okay. you know, i don't know. we went there. lucky charms?! ♪ yer always after me lucky charms! whoa. i forgot how good these taste! [ lucky ] ♪ they're magically delicious had kraft mac & cheese without me. so this time, i took precautionary measures. looking for these? [ rattling ] [ male announcer ] kraft macaroni & cheese. you know you love it.
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drunk and she was arrested. >> judge mathis: so let's get to what he believes it was. >> judge mathis: your honor, the agreement was that lorry purchased 20 and i gave her 17 prelessons. >> for how much money. first lesson is to get it in writing . of course so. and she paid you in catch. and short ans are how much? >> can what do you say they are. six lessons. it is per hour. you break it down.
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per hour? for one lesson, yes. you say 50 dollars and you say 30. >> when you buy so many you get another one. and you if break it down. let's move on. you all have a total misunderstanding of what your agreementt was. that is going to be a problem. none theless move ahead. and we are having lessons and march 16th. we meet in cedar rapids. and prior to this. we discussed that friday night we would go to biogies for dinner and that is at 6:30 we are waiting for these guys. it is like we are not going, but going to a pub. the dance was next day.
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after the dancing we would celebrate. no, they wanted go to the pub on friday. i was like okay. you know. so i don't know. we went there. >> judge mathis: what is yourr point? >> plaintiff: the point is, the point is mr. #2: she hasn't gotten to the interesting party. >> plaintiff: it gets interesting. the point is, we got there and we started ordering drinks. they wanted know what the special is. i don't drink. but it was beer with a shot. >> judge mathis: quiet, i am trying to on understand what this has to do with anything. >> plaintiff: i got drunk. and i got arrested that night. i miss would my whole dance. >> judge mathis: so you are a crimminal. what else do you want me to know. >> plaintiff: i never been to jail. >> judge mathis: but you did that time >> plaintiff: in the last 30 years. >> judge mathis: you went because you were intoxicated. >> plaintiff: yeah. >> judge mathis: what does that
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have to do. >> plaintiff: that was not going to happen. >> judge mathis: never happened you had drunk before the competition >> plaintiff: he did. >> judge mathis: what about you. >> plaintiff: she the teacher to look out for us. >> judge mathis: what did he do to breach his contract. you seem to be unreasonable. >> plaintiff: i am just saying that. >> judge mathis: sir, what is she suing you with about >> plaintiff: seven lessons. >> judge mathis: sounds like suing you about getting drunkk. >> defendant: not only getting drunk. >> judge mathis: about her getting drunk. >> defendant: her getting drunkk. >> judge mathis: and suing you. >> defendant: i would >> plaintiff: you put me in a situation. >> judge mathis: no one put you in that. >> plaintiff: we are competitors. >> judge mathis: and what. >> plaintiff: we compete. >> defendant: i owned a bar eight years. >> judge mathis: please what is this lawsuit about to your knowledge. alm i heard she's suing you about drinking. >> defendant: she's trying to
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yeah, it's our job to make you want it. but honestly... it's not that hard. old el paso. when you gotta have mexican. >> are you serious with a friend or family member who wronged you? . call 1-88 verdict visit us on line. the plaintiff was supposed to be in a dance comp with the defendant and she claims the night before the defendant the defendant got her drunk and arrested. >> judge mathis: what did he tell you the reason was for not giving you the 7 remaining lessons >> plaintiff: first i was banned from the ball room. >> judge mathis: by who? >> plaintiff: by the owner? >> judge mathis: why? >> plaintiff: i guess what happened with the arrest. >> judge mathis: what hold on, sir. i am confused by the things. >> plaintiff: i fired him.
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>> judge mathis: and that's why they banned you. >> plaintiff: they banned for me for what happened in cedar rapids. >> judge mathis: let's try this one more time. why weren't you able to get the last seven lesssons >> plaintiff: after i got all of jail. i fired them. i had it. >> judge mathis: because you were banned >> plaintiff: i also got banned. >> judge mathis: when did you fired him. >> plaintiff: i fired him after you jail. >> judge mathis: before you were banned you fired him. >> plaintiff: it all happened in the same time. >> judge mathis: ma'am! it did not happened in the same time. at the same time the owner said you are banned and you said you are fired. at the same second. is that what you are telling me. >> plaintiff: no. i am saying what. >> judge mathis: ma'am, your
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testimony is very consistent >> plaintiff: she didn't let me come back. >> judge mathis: you have changed your story. your case is dismissed. have a good day. >> plaintiff: no, just take all of my money, dave. just take it all. very unprofessional and took advantage of me. he wants all of the money. you know, all they do is drink and party and i found out the hard way. i took responsibility and i was humiliated with them and embarrassed. >> defendant: i believe that the judge correct in seen i was right. >> plaintiff: no, you are not rightt. >> defendant: okay. laugh laugh >> hi, judge mathis. i . angela. my accountant lied on my tax return to get me a refund and i am force to pay more money k. i take legal action? >> judge mathis: great question. for the answer go to
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