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tv   Despierta America  Univision  September 19, 2013 7:00am-11:00am EDT

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we don't have to get a bottle of oil poured on our heads, although there is an anointing with oil where we can anoint people for service and anoint the sick, pray for them to be healed, but we receive the holy spirit, the anointing of the holy spirit when we receive jesus christ. and that anointing equips us, enables us to do whatever we need to do in life. jesus saves us, and the holy spirit equips us to live out the christian life. it's not good enough to just be saved and go to heaven when you die. we're supposed to have a great effect on people while we're here. we're supposed to be able to get out in the world and live the christian life in our everyday life to where really we shouldn't even have to preach a bunch of sermons to people. our lives should be a sermon, and my great concern in the times that we're living in today, more and more, christians are just beginning to blend in,
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and what we need to do is stand out. not in an obnoxious religious way, but there needs to be a difference in us. and so god has given us this anointing to enable us to deal with whatever problems that we might have. we have this anointing. 1 john 2:27 says that there is an anointing that abides in every believer, and that anointing teaches us. it teaches us what we should do. it's like the leadership of the holy spirit. so we have it. everybody say, "i have it." it's one thing to have it. it's another thing entirely for it to be released in your life. you remember when mary came to jesus and she had the little alabaster box of sweet ointment? the perfume in that bottle was worth about a year's wages, and there's a very important thing in this scripture, that she broke and it poured it out on jesus. she broke it and poured out
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the sweet perfume. the thing that i think we fail to understand, and i failed to understand this for a long time in my life, was we are just full of good things. the fruit of the spirit is in us. god's anointing is in us. there's righteousness in us. there's love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, all of these wonderful things are in us. there's ability in us. creative power is in us, but the alabaster box, which is this outer shell, has to be broken in order for the good thing in us to be poured out. now, when i say broken, don't let that word frighten you. it's not a bad thing. it just means that the rebellion in our flesh, this desire to run our own lives and do things our own way, must come to the point where that's laid down in our life and we want god's will more than we want our own. there's a submission that has to come.
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jesus said, "my peace i leave with you," and peace, inward peace, outward peace, mental peace, emotional peace, financial peace, peace in your marriage, peace in your home, peace is one of the most vitally important things that we need to strive to keep. the word of god encourages us to be makers and maintainers of peace, "blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the son of gods." we don't get to wait for somebody else to make the peace. we become peacemakers. is anybody willing to take that on? you're gonna be the first one to apologize, the first one to make things right, the first one to say, "well, i may be wrong." don't stick your hand up if you don't mean it, 'cause you'll get tested when you go home. you better be careful what you say "amen" to in here.
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jesus said, "my peace i leave with you." well, we've got a lot of good stuff that we don't use. we've got joy on the inside of us. in psalm 133, it says that unity is like the anointing, and then it goes on to say in verse 3, "it's like the dew of [lofty] mount hermon and the dew that comes out of the hills of zion; for there the lord has commanded the blessing, even life forevermore." so where is there blessing? not where there's war and trouble and frustration and upset and hatred and bitterness and resentment and offense, but there's blessing where there is unity. there is anointing where there is unity. so let me just be real simple about it. we have an anointing on the inside of us, but that anointing is released as we make a determined effort in the power of the holy spirit to stay and live in peace.
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now, how many of you, if i were to walk in here and say, "how many of you need more peace," how many of you would have stuck your hand up? all right, well, i'm gonna give you just a little, tiny course correction. you don't need more peace, you need to start using the peace that you already have on the inside of you. we don't need peace. we need to access peace. we need to cast our care on god. stop worrying about silly stuff. stop fighting with people over petty things that don't really make any difference to anybody. can anybody say amen? we need to get violent in the right way. we need to be violent christians. we need to be violent against sin and violent against the things that try to hold us back from a real relationship with god, and that sounds a little strange. a violent christian? well, in a right way, having a holy righteous anger toward things that try to keep you from going full force with god. you need to get angry at
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the offenses that satan tries to trap you with and just start saying, "no, i am not gonna live my life angry. i am not gonna live my life bitter and resentful. i am not gonna live the rest of my life stuck in anger over something that somebody did to me 15 years ago. devil, you've got part of my life, but you're not getting the rest of it." >> [applauding] >> joyce: something i love to share with people, and you just need to stomp your little holy foot and make a determination. you might say, "well, i didn't have a very good start in life. woe is me." well, what you need to say is, "okay, maybe i didn't have a good start in life, but now hear this. i'm determined to have a good finish." >> [applauding] >> joyce: i met a woman in a starbucks shop a year or so ago up in utah, and she recognized me from tv and started to talk to me,
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and right away she started telling me about all of her troubles. and, you know, she said this bad thing and that bad thing and some other bad thing. and she said, "yes, i've just been thrown under the bus in life." i said, "me, too, but i decided to drive it." >> [applauding] >> joyce: so you can stay under the bus if you want to, or you can decide to go get in the driver's seat and not let all this stuff that wants to destroy you be successful. we all need a strong anointing. i think we need to talk a little bit more about the anointing in church these days. we need to hear more good messages about the anointing, because the anointing is the presence and the power of the holy spirit. when they poured that anointing oil on kings and priests and prophets, it was just a symbolism of the power of
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the holy spirit coming on them, enabling them to do this assignment that god was giving them to do. to anoint means to rub all over with. i love this. we are anointed with the holy spirit. that means we are rubbed all over with the holy spirit. he is just in every little part of us, amen? you know how you take lotion and you rub it and you rub it and you rub it, and, you know, if you're like me, you rub it 'til it disappears. well, you know, maybe you don't see the holy ghost on a person, but he's been rubbed in until you are full of him on the inside and you have everything that you need to do anything that you need to do. that's why i can say to you, really, truly, no matter what's going on in your life, you're up for it. you can do all things through christ who strengthens you, but it's not gonna happen if you don't believe it. you have to believe that. i could believe it for you, and it won't really help.
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you have to believe it for yourself that you can do all things through christ who strengthens you. i spent so much of my life upset and several years ago, i made a decision. i got violent, and i said, "i am going to have peace. whatever it takes, whatever i have to change," 'cause see, for a long time, i just wanted every--you know, "if dave changes and the kids change... if everything out there changes, then i can be peaceful and i can be happy and enjoy my life." well, you know what i found out? the world ain't changing. well, it is. it's getting worse, so the thing that we need to do is we need to change how we deal with it and learn that we don't have to be upset about everything. how many of you have figured out by now that being upset about a problem does not change it one iota? doesn't do one thing to help it, but it sure does a lot of damage to us. even jesus was anointed
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for his assignment from god. jesus was baptized by john the baptist, and the holy spirit descended on him in the form of a dove. and a voice came out from heaven saying, "this is my beloved son, in whom i am well-pleased," and the very next verse says that he then began his public ministry. it's interesting to me that even jesus didn't get to begin his public ministry--even he did not get to begin to fulfill his assignment until he was baptized with the power of the holy ghost. many of you may want to be used by god, but you're gonna need the full power of the holy spirit. god has placed an anointing in you. and as you begin to do the things he's asking you to do, he'll help you do them, that anointing is gonna
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be released in you. when you're anointed, things work. there's a flow. when there's no anointing, everything is difficult and hard, amen? let's see what bothers the anointing. we're anointed with the holy spirit, so we don't want to grieve the holy spirit, do we? we don't want to vex or sadden the holy spirit. we don't want to hinder the holy spirit. we want that anointing to have free flow in our lives. ephesians 4:30, "and do not grieve the holy spirit of god [don't offend him]." we're talking about offenses. we can offend god. isn't that amazing? how many of you would rather not offend god? okay, "and [do not offend or vex or sadden him], by whom you were sealed (secured and branded and kept) for the day of redemption." verse 31, and here's how we can avoid offending him, "let all bitterness and indignation
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and wrath (passion, rage, bad temper) resentment (anger, animosity) quarreling (brawling, contention) slander (evil-speaking)." how many of you get it? in essence, what he's saying there is the best way to not offend the holy spirit is to get rid of all this offense and bitterness and anger and resentment. we could go so much further if we would all just stop being mad. "well, i don't know that i'm mad at anybody." well, give it a week and see what happens. this is something we all get tempted to do in different ways. now, 1 peter 3:11, there's a great scripture. i'm not actually gonna take the time to turn there, but it's had quite an influence on my life, and it says, "strive," we're supposed to stay away from strife, but yet we are supposed to strive, "strive to live in
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peace with god, with yourself, and with your fellow man." so there's three relationships that we see that we need make sure we have peace. we need to have peace with god. that happens by having a clean conscience, being quick to repent when you know you've done something wrong. just keeping things right between you and god, not having a bunch of stuff you're trying to hide. you know, god knows everything anyway, so there's no really point in trying to hide anything from him. it kind of, like, just doesn't work. peace with god, peace with yourself, peace with your fellow man. but i want to talk to you for a few minutes about being mad at god, because as silly as it sounds, there are a lot of people that are mad at god. and, why are they mad at god? they're mad at god because things didn't turn out the way they thought they should have in their life. or it seems that somebody else has been treated better than them and they get
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a little bit mad about that. "well, you know, i'm more spiritual than they are, and they're more blessed than i am. what's with that? i don't understand that. you know, this person's a rank sinner. i know the stuff they do, and they got the promotion at work that i was praying and believing god for. and god, you didn't give it to me. what's with that?" and so we continue to go to church. we continue to sing the songs, but there's a little something that gets stuck on the inside of us that says, "is god really good? that wasn't fair. i don't understand why my life has turned out like this." let's think about the apostles james and peter. james went to prison and he died there. peter went to prison and god sent an angel to come and shake the place and he got set free. now, what's up with that? i mean, friends of james could
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have gotten really mad, "well, i guess you don't love james as much as you do peter." no, god's got a plan that we just don't understand, and what we need to do is be willing to submit to god's plan and we need to stop having to know "why" about everything. boy, you know what? i can just give you the gift of peace right now if you will just make a decision that you're gonna stop asking god, "why." why? honestly, i don't know what people do who have no faith in god when tragedy comes. i cannot even imagine trying to make it through some of the things that happen if you can't say, "god, i trust you, even though i don't understand it." that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt, but if we will just give up trying to understand everything, we can have some peace. i wrote a little mini book called, "why, god, why?"
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and another one called "when, god, when?" i didn't pray. all i did was, "why, god, why? why was i abused? why didn't you come and deliver me? i know you could have gotten me out of that situation. why didn't you get me out of it?" well, you know what? god didn't get me out of it, and i was born again when i was 9 years old. and i prayed--i mean, i prayed for my dad to die. i prayed for my mother to leave him. i didn't pray very spiritual prayers, but i mean, i was after wanting to get out of that place. and i stayed there. and it continued unless i was 18 and could walk away from it, week after week after week. well, you know what? for whatever reason, god didn't come get me out of it, but i tell you one thing. he did keep me and he has made me strong as a bull, and i'll tell you what-- >> [applauding] >> joyce: you are looking at somebody that is not one iota interested in giving up because that does no good at all. and i remember laying in bed
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when i was a teenager, thinking, "some day, i'm gonna do something great. i am gonna prove," i was thinking about my dad, "i am gonna prove you wrong," because he always told me i would never amount to anything. i thought, "some day i am gonna do something great." and you know what? if you get a little bit of that holy ghost fire stirred up on the inside of you, you are making an announcement to the devil that his days are over. don't just sit around and feel like, "i'm the tail end of everything. nothing good happens to me. i don't understand. why, god, why? when, god, when?" you say, "you know what, god? you know what i don't know. i am not gonna ask you why. i'm not even gonna get all upset about when. you've got a plan. you won't be late. all i know is i am gonna serve you full force the rest of my life," amen? >> [applauding] >> joyce: amos 3:3 says, "how can two walk together unless they get into agreement?" you can't walk with god if you're not in agreement
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with god, if you're a little bit mad at god. and you know what? as odd as that sounds, there are people in here today. you got a little issue with god. you're just a little, little area there. you just got this little, you know, i don't know. "i don't know if i can trust god. i mean, i trusted him and i got hurt." well, maybe if we get hurt, it's because we're trusting god for our plan. >> [applauding] >> joyce: let's look at matthew 11, beginning in verse 2. show you something interesting. now, this is a report about when john the baptist was in prison. "now when john in prison heard about the activities of christ, he sent a message by his disciples and he asked him, are you the one who was to come, or should we keep on expecting
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a different one?" now, first of all, john already knew very well that jesus was the christ, because he was the one who said, "behold the lamb of god who takes away the sins of the world." he was the one who baptized him and saw the holy spirit come down in bodily form and light on him. but even though he saw it with his own eyes, when he was in a difficult situation, and our emotions begin to cave in and we've been having problems for a long time, all the other disciples are out running around with jesus. people are getting healed. the dead are being raised. demons are cast out, john's over here in prison. and he's the guy what wandered around in the wilderness by himself, all those years, waiting to be the forerunner of jesus christ. now, for whatever reason, he's losing that faith that he should have had, and he said, "somebody go ask him if he's really the one." i think sometimes we wonder
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that in our life, too, "well, looking at my situation, i mean, is this stuff all real? i don't know, i've been praying. i've been believing. i've been going to church. i've been giving. nothing's happening for me. is this really real?" you know what? god doesn't ever want us to think like that. so he sent back a message. jesus sent back a message. he said, "go and report to john what you have heard and seen: the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed (by healing) and the deaf hear, the dead are raised and the poor have the good news preached to them." check, check, check, check. i like all that. yep, maybe jesus. and then he says the oddest thing, "and blessed (happy, fortunate, and to be envied) is he who takes no offense at me and finds no cause for stumbling in or through me and is not hindered from seeing the truth." so maybe he's saying to john, "look, look at what i'm doing.
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now, don't you get offended because something different is happening to you than what's happening to everybody else, because if you get offended, you're gonna stumble and fall." and i believe in essence, he was saying, "you're not gonna be able to finish this thing right if you get offended." and then another thing that i think he may have been alluding to was the fact that a short time after that, the hero of this whole christian movement was about to die in apparent weakness, hanging on a cross. well, what's with that? a lot of them thought that he was gonna set up an earthly kingdom. he kept trying to tell them that he wasn't, but they still didn't quite get it. he was basically saying, "your hero's gonna be gone. i'm not gonna be here for you." let me ask you a question. what all has happened to you in your life when jesus was asleep in the bottom of the boat? anybody? anybody had any sad, bad, painful things happen to you and it just seemed to you like god wasn't there? come on, let's see your hands if that's the case.
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well, you know what? that kind of stuff happens to everybody. it's a test of our faith and we have to be able to get through those things and say, "i don't care what it looks like. i don't care what i feel. i don't care what i see. i don't care how long it takes. god is my answer to everything in life. i believe in god and i'm not gonna lose my peace." >> [applauding] >> joyce: if you're even a teensy, teensy, tiny bit offended at god, leave it, let it go, drop it, and make complete peace with god. >> joyce: well, we need to have peace with god, peace with ourselves, and peace with other people. where there's unity, there's blessing. today we're offering you a 4-cd set of teachings called, "8 ways to live conflict free." you know, sometimes it's just real simple things that we need to pay attention to that will help us enjoy the peace of god. we also want to give you a gift.
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it's a book that i've written called, "reduce me to love." learn how to love god, love yourself, and love other people. >> announcer: discover the joy that comes from experiencing real peace and love in all your relationships, even your most challenging ones. with joyce's 4-part cd series, "8 ways to live conflict free" for your gift of... and when you order, you'll receive joyce's book, "reduce me to love" free of charge. to order, call us toll free at... or visit us at >> joyce: do you ever feel like god is angry with you? this is a widespread problem both inside the church and outside of the church. an understanding of god's love will set you free from guilt and condemnation. so many people run from god in fear rather than running toward god. decide right now that you won't spend another day in fear and
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know that god is not mad at you. >> announcer: new from joyce meyer. available now wherever books are sold. cc by aberdeen captioning 1-800-688-6621 >> announcer: the preceding was paid for by the friends and partners of joyce meyer ministries.
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>> god wants you to reign! cc by aberdeen captioning 1-800-688-6621 >> female announcer: previously on "destined to reign." >> god is not counting your sins against you. come home to the father's love. come home to his abundance. come home to his health and wholeness. come home to goodness. >> announcer: as a thank you for your gift of any amount this month, our ministry would like to bless you with joseph's latest four-cd audio series, "discover god's never-ending supply." let this resource show you god's heart of love for you and his desire to supply all your needs. be empowered to step into god's provision today. separately, for a specific gift to the ministry this month, receive a special resource bundle containing joseph's brand-new two-dvd album, "refreshed by grace." learn how to live by the unforced rhythms of god's grace and experience
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christ's power working in you. this bundle also includes joseph's latest special gift edition book, "provision promises," and a four-cd audio series, "discover god's never-ending supply." to order these resources, call us toll-free at 1-877-901-4300 or visit us at today. >> announcer: today with joseph prince. >> let me just say this, okay? marriage is applicable here. be not unequally yoked with unbelievers. why? it's a long term thing, and it's a belief system. how can you sleep with someone, all right, day in and day out, okay, share life, literally become one and the person's worship or belief system, everyone worships--by the way, when i say worship, how many understand everybody worships?
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they worship themselves. they worship money. they worship fame. they worship all kinds of things. everybody worships. so how can you who believe in the true god, worshiping jesus, be unequally yoked with an unbeliever? i agree it applies in marriage. i agree, hundred percent it applies to marriage, but it does not apply, listen carefully, completely to business. where a business agreement have you, the christian, compromising, all right, you are unequally yoked. how many understand that, all right? in other words, if you are involved in a business and it requires you to do something immoral, to do something wrong or else you cannot be in that business or to, you know, get money under the table or whatever it is or sell a product that is harmful for people or whatever, you are in business agreement contract kind of thing, okay, and you are
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doing it. in other words, if you have a business with someone who's immoral, that is 1 corinthians 5. there's nothing wrong with that. he is immoral, i am not. what it's saying is this, don't live their immorality. you can do business with them, but don't live their immorality. don't worship what they worship. amen. are you listening, people? because if having a contract, having an agreement with a non-christian is wrong, alright, then abraham sinned because abraham had a covenant with abimelech. you know who is abimelech or not? he's the king of the philistines. you know who are the philistines? they're the number one enemy of israel, but notice the context in which abraham cut a covenant with abimelech. look up here, genesis 21, alright? "it came to pass at that time that abimelech"--abimelech, by the way, is not a name. abimelech is a title. it's just like, for example, czar of russia, alright?
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the king of russia. in some places, sultan is the designated title, okay? in egypt, pharaoh is the title. it's not a name. there's pharaoh one, pharaoh two, pharaoh three, okay? alright? so, likewise, abimelech is not a name. it's a title of the king of philistines, number one enemy of israel. did they worship god? no, alright? but look at the context. "abimelech came and spoke to abraham, saying, 'god is with you in all that you do.'" and some people say, "there, you see? abimelech believed in god." they all believe in god. the god here is not yahweh. it is the god, g-o-d. it's elohim. it's the same reference like when joseph interpreted pharaoh's dream. pharaoh says, "you have the spirit of elohim." how many understand the world can say god? but it doesn't mean they worship god. the same thing for abimelech. abimelech saw the blessings of abraham. the world calls it good luck, alright? he says, "somehow elohim has
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blessed you." and he wants to come into contract, come into a covenant, with abraham. "now therefore, swear to me"--abimelech says to abraham--"by god that you will not deal falsely with me, with my offspring, or with my posterity; but that according to the kindness that i have done to you, you will do to me and to the land in which you have dwelt.' abraham says, 'i'll swear.'" drop down, alright? "therefore abraham called that place beersheba, because the two of them swore an oath there. there they made a covenant at beersheba. so abimelech went back to his land, and abraham stayed in the land," alright? "abraham called on the name of the lord." notice it's called beersheba, and to today it's still called beersheba. by the way, that's the place where we saw the helicopter rescue when we were there the last time with my leaders, alright? we were first-hand witnesses of a rescue where god is still keeping covenant. so what i'm saying is that abraham cut a covenant with abimelech, but notice, who has the upper hand? if you're gonna cut a covenant, make sure you don't compromise.
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make sure that friend knows your boundaries. how many understand that, alright? but you say, "be not unequally yoked," and all that. you cannot even sign a contract for a building with someone as a guarantor or whatever. it's crazy. are you listening, people? that's why marriage is very applicable. it's something you do day in and day out. you are yoked together, alright? the whole context here refers to don't do what they do. you can do business with them, but don't do what they do, or else before you invite the air condition repair man into your house, at the door you must ask, "are you a adulterer? are you this? are you that? are you that?" okay, god bless you. find a good one. at the end of the day, if you have a tumor and you want it removed, i'd rather have--listen carefully--i'd rather you have a non-christian surgeon who is
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very experienced in this field than a christian who just graduated, alright? but the guy is a smoker, pastor prince. can he remove it? how many understand? you see, you lie down there. it doesn't mean you gotta smoke, but if you have a relationship where the guy wants you to smoke, then it becomes unequally yoked. you understand? are you with me or not, church? alright, then let's go back to 2 corinthians 6, the unequally yoked, and next verse. "i will be a"--this is a promise. notice the quotation. it's a promise from the old testament. today god is already a father to us, but he's looking back in retrospect. god says, "'i will be a father to you. you shall be my sons and daughters,' says the lord almighty. therefore"--the next chapter, 2 corinthians 7, says, "therefore, having these promises"--what promises? when god says, "i will be a father to you." because god is my father, alright? "beloved," now he's writing to christians. "let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of
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the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of god." do you see this or not? now, many people read this like this, "you see, pastor prince? there are those who teach that once you are righteous you can be defiled in your spirit and flesh." it is not saying that. read carefully. it says, "having these promises and having this"--"having" there is present active participle. in other words, it's not present passive. there's also a present passive, which means having these promises. no, use the promises to wash yourself. you know, there's only one washing left for christians today. we are all washed by the blood of jesus. it's called the bathe. jesus says, "he who is bathed does not need except to wash his feet." find out what that means. i have a whole teaching on that. once by the blood, every day by the water. so jesus sanctifies us by the washing of water today. how many understand that? you get defiled with the dust of the world, alright? how refreshing to get under a bathe.
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so even though i say, "i'm going to bathe. i am going to bathe myself. i'm gonna wash myself," how many understand when i come under the shower, i don't wash myself, the shower washes me? but you understand the term when i use "let us cleanse ourselves"? you cannot cleanse yourself, but it's god's promises that cleanses you. it is the word of god that cleanses you, so, in other words--i asked god, "you know, this holiness that comes by the washing of water of the word, give me an illustration because i know that the righteousness, the gift of righteousness, cannot be defiled." how many understand that? once you are righteous you cannot be unrighteousness. if--listen--you are righteous until your next sin, then what jesus did for us is lesser than what the first adam did. the first adam's sin made us sinners. even when we do right, we are still sinners, wow. and jesus, the gift of righteousness, when we do wrong, we become sinners again.
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it doesn't make sense, and we're talkin' about jesus here compared to the first adam. are you with me? so i know for a fact--i know the gospel enough to know that once you are righteous, you are righteous forever. daniel 9 talks about jesus bringing everlasting righteousness. it cannot be changed. so i ask god, "god, i need to give a correct application here." a lot of people don't quote, "having these promises." they just say, "see? the bible says we must cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit," and making it sound like you can be filthy again. now, in a sense we can get contaminated, so i asked god for a picture, and he gave me an inner vision. i saw a gold bar, alright? because it's best, you know, a picture paints a thousand words. look up here. that's a gold bar. is it dirty? talk to me people. is it dirty? yes, it's a gold bar, alright?
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it's dirty. it's defiled, but is it still a gold bar? is it still righteous? yes! is it still gold? yes, but is it defiled? yes, but is it still gold? is the value still there? if you see this gold bar will you pick it up? now you wash, you see, washing or having these promises, having these promises. now, you know, once you wash, guess what? it shows what you already are, but when you are being contaminated and all that, okay, it doesn't show what you--you don't shine, but you are still valuable, even among dirt. so god gave me this vision, and i thank god that i was able to instruct somebody to do this. but this is what i saw. in other words, the filthiness is on your flesh. it's on your spirit, but it doesn't change your spirit, the fact that your spirit's righteous. you just have to wash it with the water of the word. every time you come to church,
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there's a washing of the water of the word that's going on. are you listening, people? two more verses to close. go to haggai chapter 2. are you with me, church? are you learning? alright, now listen. there's compare and contrast. under law--listen. under law god says, "don't come near unless you are sinless, unless you have it all together, like the high priests once a year. don't come near lest you die." that phrase in leviticus appears so often, "lest you die. lest you die. lest you die." and a lot of people have this attitude towards god still, but jesus changed everything, amen. jesus' death, his blood, has changed everything. the bible says in hebrews 10, "having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter the holiest by a new and living way." you what it means, "new and living way"? that means now the more you come to god the more you live. it's a new way. it's a living way. in the old testament under law, the more you come, the danger of dying is there because you have
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sinned, but because of jesus' perfection of his work, amen, the more you come, now, the more you come, the more you shine. the more you come, the more healthier you become. the more you come, you live as a new and living way, living way. in fact, the more you don't come to the presence of god, there's death out there. so there's been a change. under law, god remembers your sins to the third and fourth generation. under grace, god says, "your sins i remember no more." where are we living? and this is my point. under law, uncleanness is contagious. under grace, holiness is contagious. are you with me? i'll close with this verse. look at 1 corinthians 7. now, before you show us 1 corinthians 7--they showed
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haggai. so since they showed haggai, i'll just tell you what haggai--the lesson here is that uncleanness under the old testament is contagious. you see what the lord of heaven asked the priests? he says, "this question about the law"--this is about the law. this is what the law does. the law make uncleanness contagious. look at this. "'if one of you is carrying some meat from a holy sacrifice in his robes and his robe happens to brush against some bread or stew, wine or olive oil, or any other kind of food, will it become holy?'" if something is holy, alright, you'd think from the sacrifice it is holy, and it touches your clothes. would it make your clothes holy? in the old testament, no, alright? the priests will say no. this is the law, but watch this now. next verse. "then haggai asked, 'if someone becomes ceremonially unclean by touching a dead person and then he touches any of those foods, will the food be defiled?' and the priests answered, 'yes.'" in other words, uncleanness is contagious.
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holiness is not, under law. "then haggai responded, 'that's how it is with this people and this nation,' says the lord. 'everything they do and everything they offer is defiled by their sin.'" some people they are just sin, sin, sin conscious. everything is defiled. their wife kissed them, they said, "you love me or you lust me?" who cares. it's your wife, you know? and some of them cannot even get intimate during a time of prayer. they cannot--they feel like if they are intimate with their wife, alright, you will destroy the anointing. no, my friend, you will destroy your "annoying". your wife will love it 'cause you are annoying, amen. so this is--let's go to--now, in other words, this is a question god asked about the law. the law makes sin infectious, alright? grace, now--look at what the apostle paul says in 1 corinthians 7. look at this. "but to the rest"--talking about marriage--"to the rest, i, not the lord"--did you see that?
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paul knows the lord enough to say, "i'm gonna tell you something, not the lord tell you, i am telling you," because he knows the lord. he says that, "if any brother has a wife who does not believe, and she is willing to live with him, let him not divorce her. and a woman who has a husband who does not believe, if he is willing to live with her, let her not divorce him." and every religious woman watching me right now need to listen to this. every religious guy also, alright? they are trying to find an excuse, alright, in the name, alright, of christ to divorce their unbelieving spouse. paul says, "i'm telling you, i know the lord enough to know this, okay? this is not god's will." why? next verse. "because the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife"--you know what is sanctified or not? literally the word in greek, "made holy."
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"and the unbelieving wife is sanctified"--made holy--"by the husband who is a believer; otherwise your children would be unclean, but now they are holy." what does that tell you? under grace, holiness is contagious. one spouse is an unbeliever. one spouse is not. who gets the benefit? the children, alright? from who? which is greater? the mother who is a believer or a father who is a believer. can you see this, church? now, now, now, now, please, please, it's not talking about if you're not married. aw, i will sanctify my boyfriend. no, sanctify means "set apart." it means "made holy," alright? you know, when people come to your house you don't bring out your best chinaware, you know, your plates and all that. those expensive ones you put for display. you spend thousands of dollars buying it, and you give us junk.
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i mean, you just give us--sometimes we go to your house, you give us paper plates, paper fork and spoon. why? because these things are common. the opposite of holiness is not sin. it's not sin. it is commonness, being common. in those days, the word "holy" means "set apart, special, set apart, first-class, set apart from economy," common. you understand or not? holiness is a very beautiful word, "set apart." people look at you set apart. you are blessed, amen. you look young for your age. you are healthy, amen, but watch this. "but if the unbeliever departs, let him depart"--so if your unbelieving wife or unbelieving husband depart--"let him depart; a brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases." wow, you hardly hear that preached. "but god has called us to peace."
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it's talking about a marriage not a dating situation. once you're already in marriage, don't start thinking, "he's a child of the devil. he's"--no, no, your attitude stinks, and you know what? the blessing of god can still be on your house because of you and be on your wife because of you, and because the person is set apart, it's easier for the person to be saved. are you with me? which goes to show, church, under law, uncleanness is contagious. under grace, holiness is contagious, and all your children are now holy, and they are blessed. you are not being shortchanged just because one spouse is an unbeliever. no, no, no, not with god, not under grace. have you been blessed so far? my time is up. alright, praise the lord. give him praise. come on, church, hallelujah, hallelujah. and you all know, right? the clothes don't make the man, alright? it doesn't mean if you're a minister it means you gotta wear all black.
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nowhere in the bible it says they wear all black. even under law they wore white and diamond, sapphire, amethyst, ruby, on the chest of the minister. i haven't come to that place yet, alright? so don't judge, don't judge one another by the clothes you wear, but, of course, alright, ladies, alright, wear enough. have you been blessed? every head bowed. every eye closed all across this place, everywhere that's watching this. friend, if you are here, listen. if you are a sinner, listen. god loves sinners. jesus is a friend-- listen--friend of sinners, and the reason jesus ate among them is because for this reason god sent him, not to condemn. jesus says, "i did not come to
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condemn, but that the world through me might be saved." did you hear that? he didn't come to condemn, but he came to save, but in order for you to be saved, you need to acknowledge, "i am a sinner," because if you don't acknowledge you're a sinner then you are not a candidate for his saving. but if you admit, "i'm a sinner. i change my mind. i repent, and i turn to you, lord. save me," you'll be saved. he'll make you whole, spirit, soul, and body. he will transform you inside out, and he will give you life more abundantly. the greatest thing that will happen is that you are born again. once when you were born of your mother's womb, all of us were born to lose in that fleshly birth, but in this new birth you are born to win, born to conquer.
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it's a new birth. i'm not asking you to embrace a religion. i'm challenging you to be born again, a true transformation inside out, and that comes when you receive this gift. this gift is so powerful. it is not your efforts that transform you. efforts are deadly in the christian life. human efforts are deadly. god doesn't want human works, human efforts. god says, "let me do it. let me save you. let me cleanse you. let me fill you with my spirit." if that is you, wherever you are, pray this prayer with me right now. say this from your heart. from your heart, say this, "heavenly father, father god, i acknowledge i'm a sinner, and i thank you that you sent jesus christ to be a friend of sinners, to die for my sins
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on that cross. his precious blood washes me clean from every sin. transform me inside out, as much as your grace can do it, into a person that shines your glory. father in heaven, i confess jesus christ is my lord and savior. thank you, father. i am saved. i am forgiven. i am blessed, and i am favored by god. the favor of god is on me. everywhere i go i am the temple of god. god lives in me. in jesus' name." and all the people said, "amen and amen." give praise to god, hallelujah. >> announcer: if you have just prayed the prayer to receive jesus christ as your lord and savior, we want to welcome you to a new life filled with the goodness and abundant grace of jesus. to help you begin this journey,
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we would like to bless you with an e-book titled, "the one thing: 31-day devotional," by pastor joseph prince. receive daily bite-sized inspirations of the favor, healing, and provision that god has for you. simply log onto and download your free copy today. get ready to experience the amazing love of god. >> thank you for tuning in to our broadcast. you have watched highlights of a sermon by joseph prince. to order an audio cd of the full sermon, which is approximately 60 minutes long, call the toll-free number at 1-877-901-4300, or log on to now. >> announcer: as a thank you for your gift of any amount this month, our ministry would like to bless you with joseph's latest four-cd audio series, "discover god's never-ending supply." let this resource show you god's heart of love for you
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and his desire to supply all your needs. be empowered to step into god's provision today. separately, for a specific gift to the ministry this month, receive a special resource bundle containing joseph's brand-new two-dvd album, "refreshed by grace." learn how to live by the unforced rhythms of god's grace and you will experience christ's power working in and through you as you rest in him. this bundle also includes joseph's latest special gift edition book, "provision promises," and a four-cd audio series, "discover god's never-ending supply." for more information on how to order these resources, call us toll-free at 1-877-901-4300 or visit us at today. >> hello, i am joseph prince. today i'm really excited to share with you about my new book, "the power of right
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believing, seven keys to freedom from fear, guilt, and addiction." you often hear people quoting this verse from the bible, "know the truth, and the truth will set you free." jesus, himself, spoke these words, and yet today we still see so many people struggling with fears, guilt, condemnation, and addiction. where is this freedom that jesus spoke of? i believe with all my heart that this freedom is found in his grace, his love, and his forgiveness. the more you believe in his love for you and believe in his grace and his forgiveness, the more you'll walk in greater levels of freedom, joy, and peace. my friend, that's the power of right believing. when you believe right, you will live right. god's grace is the power that sets you free from every bondage. i hope that you'll pick up a copy of my new book today. i believe that it'll be a source of great encouragement to you and to your loved ones. >> announcer: preorder your copy of "the power of right believing" today.
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for more details, visit >> announcer: if you've been blessed by today's message, we would like to give you an opportunity to partner with us to impact the world with the gospel of grace. >> under grace, god says, "i will be merciful to your unrighteousness and your sins i will remember no more." there's been a change, there's been a change, church, and it's all because of jesus. >> announcer: dear friends, together we can impact the world for jesus. partner with us and be part of this exciting grace revolution. call us toll free at 1-877-901-4300 or visit us at today. joseph prince ministries is a section 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and your gift is tax-deductible for the amount that exceeds any fair market value of the materials you receive from us.
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joseph prince ministries believes that your tithes belong to your local church. your donations to the ministry are received as offerings to support the preaching of the gospel of grace.
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my life is full of statistics. thing is, i could've dropped out of school and become one myself, but i didn't because i had people that believed in me. here's another statistic. 7,000 students drop out every school day. that's one ever 26 seconds. it's time that student know that we believe in them. announcer: inspire a student and share your message of support
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[all laugh] announcer: they say that when you're facing extreme danger, your life flashes before you. [bells peal, baby cries] if you think that's sad, consider facing it before you even have enough life to flash before your eyes.
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deaths and injuries can be prevented by using the right car seat. visit to know what is appropriate for each age and size. as a public defender, judge karen fought for her clients' rights. she was elected to the bench because she believes in doing the right thing. >> i'm very passionate about helping people, period.
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sometimes life pulls you from up here to down here to teach you a lesson and you're in a valley right now. there are lessons in this valley. i hope you learn from this. >> objective, independent justice. >> you can always turn your life around. if you keep walking, you can overcome whatever circumstances you're facing. >> this is "supreme justice with judge karen." tiffany henson is suing party bus company operator pablo saldovar for the cost of a bus rental. miss henson says the bus he provided was unsatisfactory. >> okay. miss henson, you are suing mr. saldovar for $950 for a breach of contract, is that right? >> yes. >> and sir, you own a limo bus company? >> yes. it's called luxury bus and limos fanatics. how did you find these people?
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>> i searched online and looked for a bus around the area and this is what it came up with. >> okay. why were you looking for a bus, ma'am? >> for my senior prom. i have a big group of friends and we decided to go together. there's 28 of us so we couldn't fit in a limousine so we went with the luxury bus to get a nice party bus. >> what kind of party bus were you looking for? >> well, the ones that i found online for us with the pictures, it had l.e.d. lights, nice couches, flat screen tvs, stripper poles. >> a stripper pole? what did you need a stripper pole for? >> just have fun. >> how old are you? >> 18. >> okay. are you old enough to drink? >> no. >> but you weren't going to be drinking? >> no. oh, no, no alcohol on the bus. >> what would you all be doing on the bus, then? >> we can't all fit into a limo. >> where were you going to be going? >> to prom. >> just to the prom and back home? >> yes. >> so how many hours were you looking to contract this bus for? >> they would pick us up at our house at around 8:00. >> your house. >> yes. >> all right.
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>> at around 8:00, then they would pick us up from prom around 11:00. >> okay. so from the house to the prom, from the prom to the house. >> yes. >> how far from the house to the prom? >> i mean, about ten miles. i don't live in -- >> doesn't seem like it was really worth it, really. you've got the bus to go ten miles from the house to the prom and from the prom to the house, no drinking. >> it was the only way we could all be in the same vicinity to get there. >> you just all wanted to be together. >> yes. >> how much was the bus going to cost you? >> $950. >> $950. >> split up between 28 people, though. >> seemed like you could have gotten a limo cheaper than that. anyway, tell me about the bus. what kind of bus is this? >> she did get the bus -- >> what was the bus she wanted? the one with the stripper poles? do you have a picture of that bus? >> we do have pictures on our website of the bus. >> okay. do you have a picture of the bus? >> i do, yes. >> let me see the bus. how long you had this company? >> it's been in our family for about 20 years.
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>> 20 years. they have party buses 20 years ago? >> absolutely. i've been running it for about ten years now. >> oh, wow, what a nice bus. >> we originally started -- >> this is a bus? >> yes. that's the bus that we have online. >> gorgeous. >> that's the bus we expected. >> this is gorgeous. i can rent this bus. look, they got martini glasses and everything on this bus. you weren't looking for those martini glasses when you were thinking about renting this bus? >> no. >> of course not. you were just going to the prom. then there's that stripper pole in the middle. why you smiling? >> just out to have fun. >> this is the bus that you contracted for. you agreed she contracted for this nice sleek bus, looks like a tour bus. >> yeah. that's the bus that she originally wanted, although on our website underneath, we do have evidence here, it does show that buses may change due to demand. >> okay.
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but let me see the contract she signed with you for the bus. didn't she sign a contract to get this bus? >> no. there was no original contract -- >> so what is it, then, verbal? >> it's a deposit -- >> where's the receipt for the deposit? >> there's a transaction number. >> let me see something. >> i have some evidence right here. >> what is that? >> this right here is the actual ad that we have online. it shows the pictures -- >> let me see this, please. >> it also shows exactly what it says on the bottom, where it says that the buses are subject to change due to demand. >> let me see here. our buses are beautiful, high class luxury buses. >> yes, they are. >> that is a loaded statement. my favorite words in this sentence, beautiful, high class luxury. that's what you say you got here with your buses, right? >> that's what we have. >> they have fully stocked-up bars. i don't think that was coca cola. did you see that? they had the fully stocked-up
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bar? >> yes, obviously we saw it. we weren't going to drink. you can't drink to get into the prom. if you were getting into prom -- >> how does anybody know you've been drinking when you got into the prom? >> if you're completely intoxicated. >> you can't get intoxicated in ten miles. >> coming up on "supreme justice with judge karen" -- >> this is the bus she thought she was getting. what bus did she get? >> she got a little bit of a different type of bus. >> this is a comparable bus here? >> and later -- >> first of all, i could not imagine being in court with my grandmother. stephanie, you're 30 years old, don't even have a place to stay. and you haven't paid your and you haven't paid your grandma ma? with diabetes, one more thing i have to control -- dry skin. [ female announcer ] new gold bond diabetics' dry skin relief.
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you're watching "supreme justice with judge karen." we're back with the case of tiffany henson, who is suing bus company operator pablo saldovar for the cost of a party bus rental. >> comfortable coaches to relax on. okay. buses may change due to demand. this is on your website? >> yes. >> it says buses may change due to demand. >> yes. and she did -- >> when you -- when you contract with somebody to give them a bus, there's no -- nothing in writing, nothing that anybody signs? >> no. well, we do everything online and over the phone.
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if you come down to our office -- >> any kind of application or something online? >> no. >> okay. all right. but she thought, did you talk to this lady? >> yes. >> okay. this is the bus she thought she was getting? >> that's the bus that -- >> what bus did she get? >> she got a little bit of a different type of bus. >> okay. was it comparable to this bus? >> the picture -- >> it was comparable -- >> let me see the pictures of the bus you sent her. >> she had 28 of her friends and -- >> wow. wow. wow. wow. this is abomnsvcórouter comparable bus here? this is comparable? let me ask you this question. do you rent this bus and this bus out for the same price? >> it says may change due to demand. >> wait a second, baby. wait a second, ma'am, okay?
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you might run circles around this little 18-year-old girl but i'm no 18-year-old girl, okay? so you don't tell me that i think i'm getting this, and you pull this up in front of my door? >> well, your honor, due to demand -- >> due to demand? you knew when she contracted for that bus, you knew what was going on. you knew how many other orders you had. how many years you say you been in this business? >> ten. >> and how long have you been in the business? >> ten. >> i don't believe that. you said it's been in our family for ten years. that means your daddy or your granddaddy had the business. >> no. it's been in our family for 20 years. i've been running it for ten. >> who was running it before you? >> my grandfather and then my father. >> you are doing a poor job, okay? you don't have somebody come in, these little kids, and i know what you want to do on that bus. you don't have 28 kids come in with $1,000 and having them thinking you're going to give them this and give them a school
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bus because they're kids. >> i mean, that's what we had. >> i am ready to rule. okay. so you're -- how much did you rent this thing for? >> $950. it's all the same price. >> the court is here to remedy mistakes. i'm ready to rule. judgment for the plaintiff in the entire amount of $950. good luck to you. >> all rise. >> judge karen has ruled in favor of the plaintiff. the defendant is ordered to pay $950. >> basically you were just taking advantage of a high school student and now you owe me the money. >> i can't believe the judge is making me pay you. we provided a service, you took the ride. i really don't understand why i have to pay this fine. >> well, you have to pay me. >> coming up -- >> first of all, i could not imagine being in court with my grandmother. stephanie, you're 30 years old, don't even have a place to stay.
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joseph degraw is suing her granddaughter stephanie in the
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amount of $1,030 for back rent josephine says stephanie has not paid. >> miss degraw, you are suing stephanie degraw for back rent she owes you. >> yes, that's correct. >> and what is your relationship to miss degraw? >> she's my granddaughter. >> so what's your relationship like with grandma? >> well, up until coming here today, your honor, i felt like our relationship was fine. >> why? >> you know, i moved in with her under the agreement that i would pay my bills down and get on better standing with my career. >> what is your career? >> i'm an artist. >> how old are you? >> i'm 30, your honor. >> okay. grandma, is that the understanding, that she could, this 30-year-old could just move in and pay her bills and catch up? >> no, it wasn't -- it wasn't my understanding. i feel really bad being in court
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suing my granddaughter, but in january, she had lost her job and she had a boyfriend, but she broke up with him, and so she was without a place to stay, so she asked if she could come and stay with me. i said well, it will only be temporary. >> grandmother, do you have an income? >> i retired two years ago. so i have a retirement income. >> you're living off of retirement? >> i'm living off retirement, yes. yes. >> so where was this place in your home that you allowed stephanie to live in. >> i have a basement that i recently fixed up. and i was planning on renting it out to subsidize -- >> your income. >> my retirement income. >> and you let stephanie move in there? >> it was only going to be for a month. >> okay. what's down there, just a bedroom? >> oh, no. down there is -- it's a full studio apartment. >> with a kitchen and everything? >> there's a kitchen -- >> bath? shower? >> yes. a shower, yes. and also, there's a separate
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entrance to the street. >> what? and you are 30 years old. >> your honor, my grandmother told me she was remodeling and we could work on our relationship. >> when you moved in, was it still in the process of being remodeled, it was not completely done? >> she's still doing work. >> was there a kitchen in there? >> there's a little kitchen. >> there's a stove? >> yes. >> does the toilet flush? >> to my knowledge. >> is the shower running? >> yes. >> you had a full apartment there, okay? okay? so where were you living before this? >> i lived with my boyfriend, your honor. >> the one that went off to the navy, the army, the military? >> yes. yes. he said he was in the army. >> you don't believe he was in the army? >> i thought he and stephanie were going to get married. i thought they had a pretty good relationship. stephanie told me he was in the army. >> what did you find out? >> well, i found out that he wasn't really in the army, and that he had gone back to be with his wife. >> that's not true, your honor.
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>> were you having an affair with a married man, stephanie? >> no. that's not true. >> is he in the army, stephanie? >> he's in the corps of engineers. >> he's in the army corps of engineers? >> yeah. um-hum. >> he's not in the army. let me ask this question. first of all, i could not imagine bringing -- being in court with my grandmother. because grandmothers are great. >> i agree. >> are you lucky at your age to have your grandmother here. but grandma worked a job all these years so she could retire and live comfortably. stephanie, you're 30 years old, don't even have a place to stay. and you haven't paid your grandmama? >> your honor, i did. i worked and i worked in june and i gave my grandmother $600 because she would not stop pestering me. >> for what? >> for money. >> what do you mean, pestering you? were you laying up in the bed downstairs?
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>> no. i worked -- my grandmother got me a job at a grocery store. it wasn't the job that i wanted, just to make her happy -- >> what were you doing, checkout girl? >> yes. >> coming up -- >> sometimes you have to let people fall flat on their face. she is 30 years old. the chill of peppermint. the rich dark chocolate. york peppermint pattie get the sensation. one square inch of deliciously smooth chocolate in creamy milk... or rich dark. incredible indulgence. one square inch of bliss. hershey's bliss. [ woman ] the technology in these pads... best creation ever! [ female announcer ] always infinity. the only pad made with foam not fluff so mind-blowingly thin,
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you'll be surprised it's up to 55% more absorbent. genius. always infinity. you'll be surprised it's up to 55% more absorbent. rich, chewy caramel rolled up this one's going into overtime. rolo. get your smooth on.
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[ female announcer ] rehydrate your skin with gold bond ultimate healing lotion. 7 intensive moisturizers, healing aloe. gold bond ultimate. this stuff really works!
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you're watching "supreme justice with judge karen." we're back with the case of josephine degraw who is suing her granddaughter stephanie degraw over unpaid rent. >> grandma, you have to get her down. >> well, she was pretty upset the first month after she broke up with her boyfriend. she was trying to get it together. i said it's time to go out and get a job. she was doing nothing about it. she was moping around. >> had no savings or anything? she didn't have any savings? >> none that i -- >> did she have a car? >> no. >> she didn't have a car.
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she didn't own anything. she didn't have a job. did she have a degree? you got a degree? >> yes, your honor. >> for what? >> [ inaudible ]. >> you have a bachelor's degree, you have no money at all? what college did you go to? >> i went to a state school. >> you went to a state school. it seems like she's kind of a screw-up, this girl. >> honestly, she's been a problem for most of her life. >> what's her problem? >> well, it's hard to believe her, unfortunately. she does tend to lie a lot. >> grandmama, you believed her when she told you she was going to pay if you let her live there. >> i did believe her. we had a verbal agreement. she is my granddaughter. you know, i'm hoping she will mature. i thought she was more mature than she turned out to be. >> how long did she live with you without paying? >> well, she lived there in january -- >> grandma, how long did she
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live there without paying? how long did she live there? >> she paid me for two months. she lived there a total of six months. >> so she owes you for at least four months. >> she owes me for three. the first month was -- >> you gave her the first month. you gave her first month free? >> i gave her the first month. but we had an agreement that as soon as she got a job, she would start paying me $300 a month. >> why don't you think you owe grandma? >> well, your honor, to my knowledge, we didn't have this agreement. i've been doing a lot of chores around the house. i walk her dog, i do the rose garden -- >> this is your grandmother. >> i understand. >> i do all kinds of chores for my grandmother, a lot more than that little bit you're talking about, okay? but she is on a fixed income. and she's doing you a favor, and she's trying to get you to get yourself back on your feet. you need to pay grandma. but more than that, grandma, sometimes you have to let people fall flat on their face.
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she is 30 years old. how long are you going to keep catching her? >> but your honor -- >> how long, grandma? >> it's hard. she is my granddaughter. >> it ain't that hard, grandma. we're in court. you brought a lawsuit against
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you're watching "supreme justice with judge karen." >> you know, grandma, i have to slap you on the wrist a little bit for being so naive when it came to this girl. you knew she was already not doing anything, not working. you had to get this girl a job, right? >> yes, ma'am. >> then you let her lay in your place for four months without doing anything. but i do believe that you agreed to pay grandma and she paid you for two months and owes you for another three months. so that's $300 a month times three so that's $900.
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all right. so add to the $900 in back rent, in california, any lease that is less than a year does not have to be in writing. so this is a valid oral lease. i believe you and i find for the plaintiff in the amount of $900. good luck to you. >> judge karen has ruled in favor of the plaintiff. the defendant is ordered to pay $900. >> i hope that now we can put this behind us, you can get your life together and on track again. >> thanks, grandma. i appreciate that. i just wish that you couldaomnsr
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as a public defender, she fought for her clients rights. she was elected to the bench because she believes in doing the right thing. >> i'm very passionate about helping people, period. sometimes life pulls you from up here to down here to teach new a lesson. you are in a valley right now.
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>> there are lessons in this valley. i hope you learn from them. >> justice. >> you can always turn your life around. >> if you keep walking, you can overcome whatever circumstances you are face. >> this is "supreme justice" with judge karen. hairdresser dennison is suing tammy smith in the amount of $1750 for personal injury miss dennison says miss smith caused. miss smith is countersuing for $200. >> you are suing miss smith for $1750 for personal injury that you suffered when you braided her hair. shark? you, miss smith, have counter-sued for $200 for the cost of a cell phone that you ruined while your hair was being braided. is that right? >> yes, ma'am. >> okay. so you -- braid hair. >> yes, your honor, i do. >> where do you braid hair? >> in may home. i have been braiding home sincive 12 years old.
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my mother had a shop. i watched and i have been braiding hair for a while. >> had you ever braided -- has she ever braided your hair before this time. >> no, ma'am. she braided some of my friends' hair. >> they referred to her friends -- referred to you this place. >> yes. >> the braid took place in her house? >> yes, ma'am. >> okay. how did you get injured braiding her hair in your house? >> sammy called me and explained to me she was going on a trip to jamaica. >> what does that have to do with a trip to jamaica? how did she get injured with her hair being braided in your house? >> i got injured because i was braiding her hair and she wanted me to put her in hot water to wave. >> it isn't that a standard thing? i'm not going to get my hair braided but i have seen my nieces get their hair braided. they dip it in hot water after it is done. >> that's the procedure. dip it in hot water. towel dried. then they take it off. take the rods off and then -- the -- the heat from the water curl it is hair. >> so that's what sheefts asking
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for. >> yes, ma'am. >> standard procedure that you do in your house all the time. >> yes, ma'am. right. then when happened? >> so then as i was combing her hair, she decided that i guess her son -- he was -- like kept calling her phone. he was -- stranded some where. so she kept on saying she had to get to her son. when i was doing her hair, she jumped up when her phone rang. she jumped up and she -- splashed and her hair came from up out of the water and burning me and splashing her. >> she bumped me and my cell phone dropped in the water. >> no, that's not what happen. >> wait, wait, wait. wait a minute. because i wasn't there. how often do you braid hair? >> i braid hair -- at least four heads a day. >> so -- this -- boiling hot water, who created the water? >> i created the water. >> where is the water in the house? >> on my stove. >> on the stove. how does she have her head in a
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pot of water on the stove? how does that happen? >> i explained to tammy -- >> waited, wait, wait. first of all. take some of that bass out of your voice when you are talking to me. i'm the only one that can put bass in their voice. >> yes, judge. >> i'm hearing there is a stove with boiling water on top. do you have a license. >> month, do i not. >> but, but tammy was aware of that that i didn't have a lines. she was aware of that. >> i didn't ask you that. just answer the questions i asked. >> did you no, i don't have a lies sense i didn't ask you what sheaf aware of. i'm still at that time store with the boiling water. the water is boiling. then what's the client -- what is it the client does. >> she comes up and bring her over to the seat. i take the water off the stove and put it by the seat. i put a -- drip a towel around her. >> is the pot now sitting in the sink? >> yes. i have a chair. but -- being that -- her weight is the way it is, i -- i couldn't put her in the chair and bend her back. i sat her on a straight chair
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and put the pot on the corner. >> show me. so me. use that chair back there. does that move? there you go. okay. so then -- show me what did you. >> this is the pot of water. i have her sit right here. >> no. i had her sit there. >> i had her sit right here. she was -- she leaned over. >> so she -- right here, pot of water is what you are telling me. >> yes, ma'am. >> i was going along with it because i thought she knew what she was doing. >> she knows how it works. >> stop! y'all want to try to work it out outside? if you want to talk to each other, i can go start knew lurn in the back! okay? you want to -- you think you can work it out outside? you want to talk to each other? yes? no? >> no. >> you were doing a lot of talking a minute ago. i'm back in this chair. i'm sitting in a chair next to a pot of boiling hot water and i'm leaning to the side with my head in the pot? >> yes. exactly. >> okay. then what happened? the phone rings. >> she -- >> sit in the chair and show me
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this. i want to you demonstrate this. so -- i'm in the chair. glass represents the pot. >> okay. >> needs to be this way. then what happened? >> she dipped her head -- dipped her head in the water. leaned this way. i dipped her hair in the water. >> then what happened? >> her phone rang. as soon as her phone rang she said -- like this. and -- grabbed the phone. it burned me and splashed the water -- splashed everywhere by her doing that. >> that makes no sense. >> let me ask you a question. let me ask you. you stand back at the podium. what happened? >> well, your honor, i have known her -- >> what happened? >> well, she -- boiled the water. i don't really know how to -- >> what happened once you sat in that chair? >> my phone rang. and i picked it up. i picked up -- >> what happened? stop talking. do not interrupt. i gave you the floor. i heard your side of the story. i'm interested in her side of
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the story now. >> coming up on "supreme justice" -- >> this is not a place for a phone. i got my head in a boiling pot of water and the phone consideration and you decide to answer the phone? >> and -- later -- >> i looked in the window and i was horrified. there was this -- wasn't any water. there wasn't any food. there was feces all over the there was feces all over the floor. with diabetes, one more thing i have to control -- dry skin. [ female announcer ] new gold bond diabetics' dry skin relief. 9 out of 10 saw noticeable improvement. gold bond diabetics' dry skin relief. children's allegra -- effective, long-lasting, non-drowsy relief of their toughest symptoms. after allegra, kids can stop suffering and start living.
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for more information call 1-800-263-0825. ♪ are so soft, chewy, and filled with their fruity selves... they think this world isn't big enough for the both of them. but we assure you - it is. bites. little greatness. you are watching "supreme justice" with judge karen. we are back with the case of a hairdresser that's suing tammy smith for personal injury. >> you are sitting in the chair. >> yes, your honor you have your head in this pot of water? >> yes. >> then your phone rings. then what happens? >> i reach for the phone and --
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>> how did you think you were going to answer the phone if you had your head in a pot of boiling water? >> because my son was -- >> how did you think you couldtance phone -- you know, this is the problem with phones. people try to answer the phone at any given time! there needs to be some rules about cell phone etiquette! i'm in line at walgreens and the woman is on the phone and trying to pay the cashier! it is just not a place for a phone! i got my head in a boiling pot of water and the phone rings and you decide to answer the phone? >> yes, ma'am. because my son was -- i needed to see if he was okay. >> how old is your son? >> he is 12. >> he's 12 years old. had you talked to him already that day? some yes, but he was -- i needed to go get him because -- his father couldn't pick him up was he stranded before you put your head in the water? >> no. i didn't know his father couldn't pick him up. while she was doing my hair i got the text saying that --
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>> wait. wait. stop! wait a minute. it has to make sense to me. i got a text while i was -- my head was being braided and my son is stranded. then what? what did you do about that text. >> i told him i would come as soon as possible and i told her that if she could go as fast as possible because dip want to leave my son because the neighborhood she in is not safe. so i -- that's what i told her. she was like okay, i will do it as fast as i can so but then you did -- reach for that phone. >> yes. >> you are saying as a result of her reaching for the phone, that hot water then splashed on you and you suffered $1750 -- >> yes, i did, your honor let me see your medical bills. let me see your damaged phone. and the cost to replace it. let me see that. >> she was -- i don't need you to point out anything. $1750. this is a hospital bill. that's the burn on your arm? >> yes, ma'am.
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s >> she probably got from someplace else this says you bought a cell phone from cell phone galore. let me see the damaged zone i don't have it with me. >> okay. let is me say a couple of things. first of all, this is why we require beauticians and other people doing personal services to have a license. you are not supposed to be doing hair in your house. okay? you don't know anything about boiling water and taking precautions and just the fact her sitting in the chair next to a pot of boiling water is negligent. i believe that you contributed to what happened to you by your own negligence. because it doesn't make my sense to know. the law says i can offset any award and i'm going to give to you because of her negligence by what i believe to be your own negligence. i'm going to do that. i am going to subtract $1750
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from your award because i find that you contributed to your own injuries by your own negligence. judgment for the plaintiff in the amount of $1,000. counterclaim is dismissed. >> all rise. >> judge karen ruled in favor of the plaintiff. the defendant is ordered to pay $1,000 and her counterclaim is dismissed. >> at least i got $1,000 out of the deal. >> you weren't supposed to get anything. >> you burned me. >> whatever. i feel like i should have gotten it. >> this is my money. >> coming up -- >> i looked in the window and was horrified there wasn't any water. there wasn't any food and there was feces all over the floor. vo: at meineke we know that oil is the lifeblood of every car. remember to change it on schedule to keep your car healthy. show your car a little love with an oil change starting at $19.95.
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>> lexi brookside is suing her aunt, charlotte gill in the amount of $5,000 for the cost of
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a pet canine miss brookside says she is owed. >> that's a cute little dog. miss brookside, you are suing miss gill for $5,000 for stolen property. >> right. >> you are saying this is your dog? >> yes. that's may dog. >> so -- why does she think you stole this dog, ma'am? >> well, she abandoned the dog and so i took it. >> where did she abandon it? >> at her apartment. >> what is she talking about? >> i didn't abandon -- what happened? >> i was away from the apartment for a day. she walked into my apartment. >> who are you to her? >> this is my niece. >> it is your niece. >> >> you live in the same apartment complex as she does? >> no. >> all right. tell me what happened. >> she had agreed to -- call me every week. >> okay. >> just to check in, she -- had trouble with drug abuse. >> okay. is that right? >> yes. >> do you have a job?
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>> i do now. >> okay. and whether were you working at the time that you say she stole the dog? >> yes. >> what were you doing? >> working in a bar late at might. >> doing what? >> bartender. >> but do you have a drug abuse problem, substance abuse? >> yes. >> can you be around alcohol? >> no. that's -- but i did check myself into a rehab clinic. >> so -- you were supposed to call your aunt and say, hey, i'm all right, things are going well, you are supposed to check in? >> yes. >> were you checking in regularly? >> no. >> okay. so she didn't call and check in. what did you do. >> so i stop bid her apartment. i looked in the window. and i was horrified. there wasn't any water. there wasn't any food. and will was feces all over the floor. so it wasn't a day as she claims. >> how do you know how long she had been gone? >> i don't know. i'm just -- >> how do you know it just wasn't a bad day? >> it was my opinion. >> it was your opinion that she -- had you a key to her house?
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>> no. what happened was -- i saw -- the dog out -- you know, in through the window. then i -- you know, i tried to open the door to rescue the dog and it was open. she didn't even lock the door. >> okay. >> where were you that day? >> i was meeting a friend down the street. >> okay. when did you find out that this -- you took the dog? >> yes, i did. >> okay. wait, wait, wait. are you sure you just didn't want the dog? >> i do want the dog. >> that is a cute dog! look at this dog! is he adorable? >> yes, your honor i mean -- look at her. the face. i can take you home. >> he is my dog. >> i'm in love with this dog. >> okay. so you went in and you took. >> it yes, i did. >> okay. >> then when did you find out that he was gone? >> when i was back. >> that same day? >> yes. >> is that right? did she contact thaw day? >> well, that evening. very late. it is -- at night. like at midnight.
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like -- >> why didn't you give her back her dog? you heard from her that same day about her dog. >> i know. but she -- she -- somebody had stole the dog because she didn't know you took the dog. >> coming up -- >> what do you think your legal right to this dog is? with what's your legal right to the dog? let's hear it. the chill of peppermint. the rich dark chocolate. york peppermint pattie get the sensation. one square inch of deliciously smooth chocolate in creamy milk... or rich dark. incredible indulgence. one square inch of bliss. hershey's bliss.
9:46 am
[ woman ] the technology in these pads... best creation ever! [ female announcer ] always infinity. the only pad made with foam not fluff so mind-blowingly thin, you'll be surprised it's up to 55% more absorbent. genius. always infinity. you'll be surprised it's up to 55% more absorbent. rich, chewy caramel rolled up this one's going into overtime. rolo. get your smooth on.
9:47 am
[ female announcer ] rehydrate your skin with gold bond ultimate healing lotion. 7 intensive moisturizers, healing aloe. gold bond ultimate. this stuff really works!
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you are watching "supreme justice" with judge karen. we are back with the case of lexi brookside who suing aunt, charlotte gill, over a pet dog. >> so you just walked in because the door was unlocked and took the dog and you think you have a right to the dog because? >> well, i -- >> because? >> she had been staying at my place. >> okay. now why do you have a right to this dog? you didn't have a right before you took the dog.
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so don't tell me about anything that happened before. why do you have a right to the dog right now? why? >> she abandoned the dog. >> because that one day you went to her house and the door was open and the dog was there, she abandoned the dog? >> well, i think -- >> what condition was the dog in when you got the dog? >> she was -- dehydrate. >> right. did you take it to a vet? >> yes, i did. >> tell me about this. what's been the issue? >> i had problems with drugs. >> when was the last time you used drugs? >> six months. >> six months ago n. >> yes. >> you used drugs. have you used drugs since she took this dog? >> no. no. >> you have not used in i drugs? >> month. >> have you been in rehab? didn't you tell me you went into rehab? >> hi the dog when -- like three years ago. i got the dog lee years ago. from the pound. >> so you got her from the
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pound? somebody gave this dog up, you think? you don't know his history. >> no. i don't. >> in the three years that you had -- have you gotten it shots? >> yes. >> okay. where are you living now? >> i'm living with a friend? >> okay. do you have a place for the dog? >> i would like -- i would like for to it stay with me. >> i -- you don't have a right to her dog. you just don't have a right to the dog! why do you think you have a right? >> well -- >> legally, what do you think your legal right to this dog is? tell me what is your legal right to the dog? legal. let's hear it. you are in a court of law. what's your legal right to that dog? >> well, i -- i have been taking care of it for a we are. >> no, no, no, no, no, no. you took the dog from her! believing had a legal right to the dog. right? >> right. >> what is that legal right? >> well -- i thought she was missing. because she hadn't --
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>> you thought she was missing but she called you the same night. >> after her dog was missing but she was supposed to check in every day. >> right. >> i -- >> i'm ready to rule. >> judge karen's verdict when "supreme justice"
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my problem is this. you don't have a right to her dog. but i'm thinking in terms of what is in if best interests offing the dog, and i just don't think it is in the best interest of the dog to put him in your care under these circumstances. you have struggled with dogs. have you continued to struggle with drugs. i am going to reset this case to six months. i will reserve ruling. if i decide that you have straightened up your act and you have gotten yourself together,
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i'm going to give you back your dog but you are going owe her some money for having taken care of your dog. >> thank you, your honor. >> good luck to you. >> all rise. >> i can keep the dog! >> judge karen has reserved her ruling on this case and will revisit in six months' time. >> i want your life to be better. >> after six months i'm going to come back and the dog is coming home with me.
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and now enter the courtroom of judge mathis. the plaintiff says the defendant is his brother, and when they were younger, their father worked for the mexican drug cartel. danny claims when he was 12 or 13 he unknowingly helped his father wrap pounds of marijuana. he is saying his brother stole his money while he was in prison. the defendant says danny became involved in the drug trade and got hooked on cocaine. he was in and out of jail. he insists the money he took was to make danny's truck payment. >> all right, well, unfortunately it's sad it had to
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come to this point. this is my brother. growing up together we did everything together. we're from texas. at the time my dad was working for the drug cartel out of mexico. we didn't know that at that age. we just knew that he was always leaving town. >> you didn't know you were living a rich life. >> yeah, we had motorcycles and go carts, and stuff. >> judge mathis: you got a car? >> yes. >> judge mathis: you think it was worth it? >> not at all. >> judge mathis: how many years was he rich from drugs? >> from when i was drug to the age of 14 for me. >> judge mathis: so you have a 14 year run, and 30 or 40 years
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in prison. >> yeah, 25 to 99 years. >> judge mathis: wow, so 99 years in prison for 14 years of big money. all right. >> it wasn't worth it, but -- >> judge mathis: to you. i know a lot of philly street guys they think living rich for a few years is worth being rich for 20. until they get there. changed their mind too late. go ahead. >> so growing up, my dad never taught us how to be a man, how to work for a dollar, work 9:00 to 5:00. he was there, but he was not in our lives, like -- he would never go to any basketball games or anything like that. >> you were getting along?
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you weren't fighting all the time? you were good brothers? >> yes, there was a time i would help him wrap pounds of marijuana, and i was 12 or 13 years old. and -- >> judge mathis: why did you do that? >> why? >> judge mathis: yeah. >> i didn't know what i was doing at the time. >> judge mathis: you were smoking weed. >> i was a late bloomer, i started at 15. >> judge mathis: what did he tell you it was? >> he said it was rabbit food. >> judge mathis: okay, i'll go with what you tell me. i'll go with it. >> so eventually, he got into doing drugs, he became an addict. >> judge mathis: what kind of drugs? >> cocaine and crack.
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both of my parents were turned on to it and they both fell -- >> judge mathis: how old were you? >> young. like 14 or 15. >> judge mathis: did you stay in the house hold throughout your teenager years when they became addicts? >> once they became addicts, they left us in mexico for about a year. and they were just like -- just partying and doing their thing. >> judge mathis: so when you came back did you get your ged or diploma? >> i got my ged. >> judge mathis: okay, then what? >> i wept to school for hospitality, and i have been working in restaurants for eigh: years now. >> judge mathis: good money too. sir, what did you do, did you graduate or get a ged? >> caller: yes, i'm going to the
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art institute to be a chef. >> judge mathis: good, same thing, good story. you want to give us some background? >> like he said, we didn't grow up in a traditional home, he was a drug dealer and stuff. i always looked up to my brother because he was good at sports, an honor student, got all of the hot chicks, you know? as he got older, he started getting involved in drug trade, and he started doing drugs. >> judge mathis: smoking weed? >> me? >> the person you're talking about. >> weed, and then went to cocaine. >> judge mathis: you became a crack addict? >> yes, zhe÷unfortunately. >> as he was doing that he was getting worse, getting in
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trouble. he was in and out of jail. >> judge mathis: what did you do with your life? >> i moved to mexico and i started going to high school over there. i focused on sports. >> judge mathis: you never got in trouble like2aaaf3 that or a drug addict? >> marion? >> judge mathis: what about going to prison or jail? >> no. >> judge mathis: let me hear about the stolen money. >> okay, so yes, i had my share of run ins with the law, and that was to support my drug habit. i went to prison. i had to do 18 months, i was without for two years on parole. i relapsed two times while on parole, and i went back to jail for about two weeks each time. the third time i was so close to finishing parole that i violated it by violated my monitor. and i went back to jail for 83
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days. by then i was working two jobs. don't go away, more of judge mathis is coming up. >> he has a probably with strip clubs. >> does he have enough to go there and make it rain? throwing the money in the air like that do? >> no, i don't make it rain, i make it drizzle. >> i see $200 on the first of june. ñ vegas with my money. >> judge mathis: is that where you had to go for the car note? >> no. >> i believe in tough love with emphasis on the love. >> you have proven your case, have a good day. what dom-m you think i'm naive the game? >> i don't know how big you are
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the game? mom, dad told me that cheeriose is good for your heart, is that true? says here that cheerios has whole grain oats that can help remove some cholesterol, and that's heart healthy. ♪ [ dad ] jan?
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[ female announcer ] another newtonism. into every life, a little fudge must drizzle. new banana drizzled with dark fudge fruit thins. real fruit, real fudge, whole grains.
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newtons fruit thins. one unique cookie. >> i would help him wrap poupds of marijuana when i was 12 or 13 years xgjold. >> judge mathis: why did you do that? >> i didn't know what i was doing. >> judge mathis: yeah right, 12 years old you were smoking weed. he is suing his brother who claims danny got in trouble with the drug trade after watching their father work for the mexican drug cartel. >> i had a curfew, and i was not in -- >> judge mathis: you go out and then come in. >> yes, sir, but i had closing responsibilities, and --
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>> you tell tell the judge that. >> all right, so anyways, i went back to jail. 83 days. while i was in jail, i gave my bank card to my grandmother. i got arrested april 11th, and on april 16th, my brother went to my grandmother and asked her for the card saying he needed to take money out to pay my bills and my truck. >> judge mathis: so what happened, what did he do? >> he had my car for several ó6# days, he made various purchases that i have right here. >> judge mathis: what did he tell you? >> he had no reason. he will just -- >> judge mathis: he admitted to doing it?
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let me hear from you. >> well, what happened was he went to jail, and he tells me, he calls me from jail, and he's like can you take over my truck payments? at the time i was like sure, i'll help you. i went to my grandma, grabbed his card, and i use it'd to pay his truck. i thought i was helping him out. >> judge mathis: and what did he say after you told him you spent his money on his truck? >> he wanted me to use my money. >> the agreement that i had with him on the phone was i toldt h, i was like hey. >> judge mathis: this is -- did he put the money on to your truck? >> no, okay, and you say you did. how do i know? how can i determine? >> because my card was used and
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it shows there on the statement that that i was incarcerated -- >> $200 on the first of june. >> and he went to vegas with my money. >> judge mathis: is that where you had to go for the car note? >> no. i had already had that trip planned prior, before. >> but withdrawals were taken out around the time for the trip. and he used my card to put gas in my truck. >> 7-11. insufficient funds for item paid were for cash transaction. what are these other charges for? he was in jail in june, you have his card, and i see $200 at the atm, did he tell you to do that also? >> no. i had to use that for gas for myself. >> judge mathis: just like you
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use the rest of the money for yourself. judgement for the plaintiff. >> he is my brother at the end plaintiff lisa abraham dated the defendant. she claims he has an addiction to strip clubs and he brings the strippers home with him. after the defendant blamed her for robbing his house, he put peanuts in her food knowing she was allergic. christopher jackson says he likes going to strip clubs but denies bringing them home and says he wouldn't have been able to do that anyway because he was living with lisa. he says he never put any type of peanuts in lisa's food and he
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doesn't owe her for anything. >> judge mathis: what happened? >> it started in 2009, me and chris were together, 2010 we started the relationship. the relationship was good, no problems, everything was great, and then, you know, three or four months later, he wants to go to the strip club with his friends. he has a horrible, horrible problem with strip clubs. >> judge mathis: does he have enough money to go there and make it rain? throwing the money in the air? >> or do youu put your hand in your pocket and stand in the back, and hope the girls don't want tips. >> i just like the show, i don't make it rain. >> some of the mature audience members don't know what that means, people go in the strip clubs and they throw money in the air, and you have some rich guys throw tens of thousands of dollars, and they even fight about it. it's disrespectful if i come and
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throw more money up in the air than you. those are grounds for fighting. if you throw $10,000 in the air, and i come and i throw $15,000 up in the air, i have disrespected you. >> you'll always win that one with me, though. >> judge mathis: no, sir. you admittedly don't make it rain. >> no, i make it drizzle, just a little. so he has a strip club habit? >> judge mathis: he can afford to bring them home? >> he tells me. >> judge mathis: they don't go home with drizzlers. >> exactly.
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>> judge mathis: go ahead. >> he called me and he's like it's 2:00 in the morning, i'm having fun with my friends at a strip club, we came to party and celebrate. 5:30 in the morning i get a voice mail, saying, moaning and him and someone else having sex, banging and moaning. i call him. i got a voice mail of you having sex with another girl, and they're like it was my friend and another girl. so he calls me, his friend calls me, i don't know how that voicemail got to you. it was really me having sex, it wasn't chris. he was in the other bed. there's two beds in a hotel room. you mean you're going to have
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sex on one while the other one is sleeping. what kind of freakiness is that. you're coming from the strip club, okay -- we'll deal with that later. quick messages, starts having sex on"íij phone, but it wasn't chris. great, so we worked it out. judge mathis will be right back. >> he brings home a girl. he didn't have to tell me i never would have found out. >> judge mathis: where are you from? >> brooklyn. >> judge mathis: you can go back to brooklyn after this airs. later. >> well, what mr. ames is unaware of his is daughter who had a drug and alcohol problem caused us financial burden. >> judge mathis: you were living
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ghetto fabulous? >> no. >> judge mathis: you were on the >> no. >> judge mathis: you were on the
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are you furious with a
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friend or family member who has wronged you? visit us online at judge mathis. >> yeah, he likes to go to the strip club and take girls home. he takes them home, he is lying. >> judge mathis: you can afford that. >> i'm living with her, how can i take them home. >> they don't go home with drizzlers. >> lisa says while dating the defendant, he dials her phone by accident and left her a voicemail of him having sex with another woman. >> judge mathis: you might want to ask him about that. >> it wasn't me. it wasn't many. the phone was pocket dials. it wasóom pocket dialing. i slept with all of my clothes on. >> does it have a lock on it? >> no, i have a blackberry and
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it does not lock. >> judge mathis: i have one also. nobody hears me when i come from the strip club. just kidding, i haven't been but three times in my life and the last time was about 15 years ago. >> you need to get back in it. >> judge mathis: so 20 years, this is before i was an elected judge in detroit, and i just felt like such a trick. i never liked the feeling of giving a woman money and she sweating and stuff. we weren't making it rain back then, just trying to put your dollar in their stocking. trying to ease the dollar in there. it felt like a trick. no offenseli to the ladies or t men, it's just how it made me
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feel. >> we went to the strip club, it was a friend of mine. make it drizzle, have a little fun. so we went and had fun. broke bottles, got drunk. from where i'm from, it's like i'm from north, we're not trying to go to the hotel with a chick that i don't know, he asked me to get a double bed. he did that to make sure that we don't have somebody coming in there. >> you don't bring home a girl you don't know. how did you bring home the next girl you didn't know and have sex with her. >> judge mathis: another one? >> after this he brings home a girl. the only reason he had to have sex with her iskyj because he ha guilty conscious. he didn't have to tell me i never would have found out. >> what part of new york are you from? i have a lot of buddies in new york. >> i'm from brooklyn.
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>> judge mathis: they may run you out of brook lynn. you won't be able to go back after this airs. >> i got caught up, i'm working with expected -- i can't receive a phone call without her answering -- >> i don't answer your phone calls. >> who thought of that? who thought of that, though? who started that? >> you started that. >> you go through my phone bills. >> so what. so what. so what. i can do that. i don't answer your phone. i look through the phone bills, yes, to see who is calling, yeah. >> that's not different? >> i'm not going, yo, what? after 9:00. i can't get calls from a female after 9:00? >> you don't pay the bills. >> you're under my roof. >> don't get billing to my house
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and i won't read them. >> judge mathis: medical bills. >> he says he didn't, but he poisoned me. your honor, september 9th, he went away with his friends, when he came home, he said a bunch of stuff was missing that i know i would never take. he doesn't do any research or ask anybody, he doesn't even file a police report, but he accuses me of robbing all of the things out of of his apartment, he kicks me out. then henb so-called feels bad weeks later. lisa, i did some research and i was told it couldn't have been you because it wasn't home the whole day and they saw a guy lingering around the whole week. let me take you out.
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i'm sorry i accused you, we have known you too long. >> judge mathis: it doesn't sound like him. >> granted, i go out with him. we went back to his apartment. he brings food out of takeout, and puts it on a plate. i wake up in the morning and my eye is swollen shut. >> the only thing that could have happened is i had an aallergic reaction. i got a salad. >> you made my plate. >> i was at the restaurant -- >> judge mathis: terrible. >> yeah. >> judge mathis: how long did it take to go down? >> about three weeks. >> judge mathis: really, yeah?
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>> we'll be right back, and coming up on judge mathis. >> still in the business. folks like he who are not very adept at technology. folks like he who are not very adept at technology. that's wha♪ ho ho ho o to yellow
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the phone, dialing -- >> is there a lock on it? >> no, i have a blackberry,
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there's no lock. >> judge mathis: i have one also. they don't hear me when i come from the strip club. lisa abraham says while dating the defendant, he dialled the phone by accident and leapt her a voice mail. >> did you know she was allergic to nuts? >> yeah, i didn't even give up peanuts. i don't know why -- she is making this up. you think -- >> doesn't it also make your tongue swell? >> he could have died. >> he does anything to get back at people. >> what do you have there, a recording or something? >> that's the phone, you're waiting on that call. you know what i mean? >> yes, i also have the doctor bills to show, sir. >> sir, you say clearly you have
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no idea -- >> judge mathis: how did you respond? >> i thought it was a joke. >> judge mathis: when you saw it, how did you react? >> i was a little nervous, but i still thought it was a prank. >> judge mathis: you saw her eye -- >> that could have happened anywhere. >> judge mathis: how many times did you go to the doctor? >> i was admitted that night, i went three total. i had to keep going back to get check ups. >> judge mathis: one more time, how many times all together? >> four or five times. i'm not sure how sincere you are about this. i'll be right back. >> for what though, like, what? >> like my outfit? >> i don't want to see you.
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>> i look good today, right? i look good, i look great. i always look great. >> you look good for the moment. >> why don't you just admit it. just admit. >> there's nothing to admit. >> you're mad that you messed up my stuff, and i poisoned you. just say it. saydúg it. okay, the restaurant poisoned you. >> stay seated, this court is back in session. >> all right, once again you're suing the department, your exboyfriend from $2740. you say you were out eating after having broken up and coming back together for a dinner that you believe he poisoned you. but the medical bill showed several different dates. two different bills, and you all have been talking pretty fast and slick to me.
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you can't out slick the judge. the judge has been around. the doctor you were treated by on all of these occasions is an obgyn. oh man, slickster. the game is over. the game run out today. take that slow game back to new york. bring me some fast game. have a good day, your claim is dismissed. >> i knew you were fronting. there wasn't much to say. >> go bunch yourself again. >> whatever, just a few technicalities. don't get it twisted. you already know. you got that smirk on your face. >> all right, whatever. frank ames says his daughter was married to the department and he took $400,000 to start a
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business. the only thing he is good at is running his mouth. frank says the defendant blew that investment money on personal items and he is suing for a loan he gave them to save their home. the defendant says frank's daughter has a drug and alcohol problem. and throughout their marriage, he spent thousands trying to keep her out of jail and her record clean. a.j. blames frank's daughter for putting them in a financial crisis in the first place. >> well, what happened is my daughter bethany, who is here with me today, married a.j., and in september of 2007. and he represented himself as being a successful mississipbus that knew how to run a business, and that's wrong the only thing he can run is his mouth.
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>> judge mathis: what type of business did he have? >> he was going to start a storage business. >> judge mathis: what business did he have when you met him? >> he didn't have any at that point. >> coming up next -- >> you're about to do it and then the bank goes out of business? >> yes, sir. >> judge mathis: because of the wall street crooks. all right, $1900 -- >> your honor, his story has
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if you're in chicago, and would like to attend a taping of the judge mathis show, call us.
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frank ames is suing his f m formfor formfor former son-in-law who says his daughter was into drugs and alcohol. >> judge mathis: what was he doing? >> he was working for a carpet laying company. >> judge mathis: so he says he's going to be a successful businessman, but an ambitious businessman. >> he said that hevi÷ had a fo business. >> judge mathis: so he came up with the new business, and that was what? >> the storage business. he borrowed $400,000 from a friend's wife that came into an inheritance. >> it wasn't a loan, it was an
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investment. >> everything was going fine, but the $400,000, he went out and bought a fan si pickup truck for $40,000. he got a second harley. he bought a second. one for show, one for go. so he put another $30,000 out for a low rider chopper. and then he spent two and three days a week playing golf. it wasn't long before the $400,000 was gone. >> judge mathis: so he popped about a third of it out. >> those vehicles were financed, i didn't spend the money on those. >> when the business failed, he had to go get a job selling yellow pages advertising.
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>> judge mathis: do they still do that? >> absolutely. >> he said he was doing great and had big commission checks coming in but he was three months behind on the mortgage. so he asked if we could help him get current. >> judge mathis: let's allow him to give some background. i was curious about the yellow page thing because with today's technology, it's so easy for people to just very quickly go through and know everything they need to know about what they're looking for. >> yellow pages is still successful for people in rural areas. >> judge mathis: i'm glad yellow pages is still in business. folks like me who are not very adept at technology, so -- that's what i still do, go to the yellow pages. just kidding i tell my kids to look it up. you give me some background on
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yourself. >> the $400,000, it was $560. >> the total start up was $400,000. >> you had more than it took to start it up. >> what we needed to do, what mr. ames failed to remember, there was an economic hard times in '08 and '09 when the:3t econ crashed. we were closing on the business. >> let's go back to the structure in the financial interest of the business. i'm sure the audience knows this, what percentage of the business did you own? >> i had 49%. >> you owned 49% of the business, how do you come about 49% when you put zero up, most people would expect that person that paid for it all to own
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100%, unless one party works there day today and runs the operation and the other is a silent partner and all they do is finance. >> that's what i did every day. all of the other investor did was finance it. so your 49% was sweat equity. >> yes, and my mother had 22 years experience in storage facility. i negotiated the deal for the property, put together the business structure, the plan, proposals, market demographics, the research, us going to a convention to meet the operators and vendors. >> judge mathis: day today work. so when you're going into business with someone, just because you put u up all of the money and you do no work, doesn't mean now should get 100% of the profits because the person doing all of the work,
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that's capital, the biggest contribution, because they're going to do the workday in and day out every day for as long as the business lasts, and you're going to sit back and collect those profit checks without doing a thing for putting up the initial investment. 20 years from now, if it's making millions of dollars, you're still not doing a thing you're getting millions of dollars and you're just watching. only because you put up $500,000 to get it started. >> i had 71% in countsx!/ receivable contracts that were already -- the story facility was 71% filled before we dropped a shovel on the ground. >> what mr. ames is unaware of is that his daughter had an alcohol and drug problem
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>> frank ames is suing his former son-in-law who says his daughter had a drug and alcohol problem. >> judge mathis: is sounded like it was successful. >> wegd needed $200,000. banks were clozing left and right. the bank said no, you need 20% down. so my investor said i'll put up another $200,000 if that's all we need. we went to vegas. for a convention. >> judge mathis: you were popping it off. >> no, no. we went there foryu a storage convention to meet our builder in person. we had done video communication and e-mails and things of that sort and we want today put a face with a name. we met him, made our agreement, he needed an initial down
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payment on that, that's where the other $160,000 came in. when we got back, our plan was accepted, we had our letter of intent, saying go ahead and order your steel. here is the what you're going to be able to provide, the steel manufacturer will need showing that we are za0intending on lending -- >> judge mathis: a bridge loan. >> absolutely. when we went to close on our clone, our title adjuster came in the door, and she said i hate to tell you this, but your bank is closed. and i'm like that's okay, we'll come back, and she said as of today, they are closing their doors. >> judge mathis: this is one of the banks. >> ours was one of them, so we spent six months having a 6% construction loan, which constructionq! loans across th
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country were shut down. so we went all over trying to find investors. >> judge mathis: how much did you lose? >> $560,000. >> judge mathis: that's horrible. the effects on a smile businessman, on their way to success, you have your financing, you got everything, your suppliers, you're about to do it and then the bank goes out of business. because of these wall street crooks. >> absolutely. >> your honor, his story has touched my heart. >> judge mathis: but, however -- >> i use the term story because that's all it is. he still came to me when he blew through the money, he came to me and said i'm losing my house,
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i'm behind on my payments, behind on my motorcycle payments, behind on his pickup truck payments. >> judge mathis: why didn't you say sell it? >> i did, he said he was upside down. i felt sorry for him, he is married to my daughter, and i thought to save their house, i'll lend them $2500. >> judge mathis: what do you say? >> it's true. >> why shouldn't you pay? >> he's not awa that his daughter had an alcohol and drug problem at the time and caused us a lot of financial burden. >> judge mathis: fine, and you were living ghetto fabulous. >> no. >> judge mathis: two or three motorcycles, on the golf course -- you know. you know what it is. go ahead. but you are trying to blame it
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on the daughter. she spent all of the money on drugs and alcohol? >> no, but she was involved in a couple incidents with the law that mr. ames is unaware of. i kept her out of jail, kept it off her record, and i made sure what you wear to bed is your business.
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mayo? corn dogs? you are so outta here! aah! [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of great-tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensure®. nutrition in charge™. frank ames is suing his former son-in-law. he says he spent thousands trying to keep his wife out of jail. >> was this after the ln or before? >> that occurred after the loan. >> judge mathis: the divorce occurred after the loan. so this is a debt. and who, did the judge order should pay this debt? >> mr. reese. >> judge mathis: there is one joint marital debt owed to frank
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ames in the amount of $3800. each party should be responsible for $1900 for the debt. and the husband shall pay his portion of the debt without interest within one year from the date of this agreement. when was the divorce order issued? you might be in contempt. i better get you out of here. this was ended in march of '11. let's get him out of here. $1900, you pay $1900 toward this debt. to keep you for being arrested from contempt, it's only civil con cement, they probably wouldn't arrest you, you're ordered to pay $1900 and get out of here as soon as you can because they may come and get you anyway. have a good day, judgment for the plaintiff.
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if she hasn't drank and smoked our financial income away we would not be in this predicament to begin with. >> that's completely false. >> it's public knowledge, it's on missouri case, it's not true. >> he should get deadbeat loser on his forehead so others know what they're dealing with. >> i'm wondering, i wrote a bad review for a salon, and i was wondering if i can be sued for slander or defamation. >> good question, for the answer, go to my website askjud askjud askjud askjud
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. today on "america's court". >> i see tim seeing there and he runs up to me and says, i'm a
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diabetic, i fainted while the dogs -- while i was with the animals. i said, i didn't know you were diabetic. are you okay? he replied, no, i'm fine but one of the dogs passed away? >> the whole purpose behind law is to right wrong. i want justice to be something that isn't this foreign concept. >> justice knows no boundaries and the truth will be heard, fair, firm, compassionate, this is "america's court" with judge ross. carl johnson is suing mobile pet groomer timothy east in the amount of $10,000. mr. johnson allegations his two dogs died while in mr. east's care. >> all rise. remain standing and come to order, this court is now in session. the judge kevin ross presiding. >> ladies and gentlemen, you may be seated. >> all parties have been sworn, your honor. >> thank you, deputy thomas.
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>> mr. johnson you had a situation happen and now you're seeing mr. east over that situation. >> yes, sir. >> you may proceed. >> your honor, i've been single for a while and i've enjoyed living in the city doing my own thing, constantly getting pressure from my sisters and mother, when are you going to settle down and give me grand babies in the house, stuff like that. i'm in no rush to do anything like that. i love being the favorite uncle to my nieces and nephews. >> that's where the dogs come in? >> no, the dogs about three years ago, a friend of mine had his dog had pups and he insisted a take two of them to prepare me for having a family, like i protested as much as i could but after a while they became more than i expected. they were so awesome, they would just be super excited and greet me every time i came home from work. >> now you know why dog is man's best friend. >> we were the three amigos.
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>> how did you meet mr. east? >> i was coming out of the vet, i was in the market looking for a mobile dog groomer and met tim here. and he was pretty reasonable in terms of cost and he seemed good at what he did. >> how long have you been a mobile groomer, sir? >> i have been a dog groomer for the past nine years. >> this is your own business? >> yes, correct sir. >> how was business prior to this incident? >> i mean, i'm always booked, which is part of the reason why i think we had this issue is that he pretty much forced himself into my already busy schedule. >> how did he force himself? >> he basically wouldn't take no for an answer. i told him that i had a full day of clients and then he told me he had this date with this girl and wanted to impress them with
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his dogs. >> that's not necessarily true, your honor. >> was there a conversation about a girl? >> there was a conference, just like that but it wasn't to the point -- >> you said it wasn't exactly like that and then said it was exactly like that. >> he did ask me if i had a date. i told him i had a date. >> he wouldn't ask you did you have a date? >> no, he didn't. >> when he was saying -- when he was saying he couldn't fit you in and you started saying, i really need you to take care of this, what was the urgency. >> like he says, it was -- i did have a date that night, i was meeting a lady friend of mine and wanted to have my dogs nice and clean and cut and ready for the three amig os to meet this lady friend. >> you were going to take them with you? >> they are like my children. >> you were trying to impress a girl, the dogs are his wing man. >> like when you bring a child in the stroller to the mall, the


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