tv Noticias Univision Washington Univision September 23, 2013 6:30am-7:00am EDT
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it served a purpose, but now that the new has come, the old needs to go, and book of hebrews is specifically written for that purpose... to get people out of this old testament, legalistic mindset. if you are like most people, hebrews is not one of their favorite books and the reason for that is because it's not understood. it's contrary to what's being taught in most of religion... christian religion today... and so because of it, the traditions and doctrines of men make the book of hebrews of none effect, but i'm going to challenge you through this series to open up your heart and let god's word domate you rather than just religious tradition and things like this and the book of hebrews is so powerful making these points that if you can track with this and follow what the writer here is saying, i can guarantee you, it will transition you from serving god
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out of the condemnation and the guilt of the old covenant into the joy and the victory of the new covenant. man, that's huge! this is huge and here's the way that i want to approach this. instead of starting at hebrews, chapter 1 and going through, i'm going to jump over to hebrews, chapter 10, because in a sense he's summarizing some of the things that he said right here and so what i want to do... instead of teaching verse by verse through the book of hebrews, because if i do that, there is so much material in here, it could lit...i could spend over a month teaching on this on television easily. so what i'm going to do is go and take these summaries... some of the highlights of the book of hebrews... make these points and then go back to individual scriptures in the earlier part of the book of hebrews to substantiate it and show you the points that were being made, and so as a whole, what we will do in two weeks' time, we will basically give a bres... brief synopsis
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of the book of hebrews and i think that this will have tremendous benefit for you. so let me jump down here into hebrews, chapter 10 and in verse 19 he says, "having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of jesus, by a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh; and having an high priest over the house of god; let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water. let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) and let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works: not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."
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boy, there is a lote, in those five or six verses. that is just a huge amount of information, and again, many people miss this because we aren't understanding the context... we aren't standing... understanding who this was written to, so let me go back and just say a few things that i believe will help bring out some of these truths. in verse 19 he says, having therefore... of course, the word "therefore" is relating this to all of the things that have been said previously, and again, i have to be careful because there is so much powerful things said in the book of hebrews, but real quickly let me just summarize this... that he had taught that there is a new covenant. there has to be a new covenant because there is a new high priest and if you change the priesthood, then you have to change the entire thing because the old testament law specifically said that you could only be a priest if you came out
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of the tribe of levi and hebrews, chapter 7, makes a major point of this... that jesus didn't come out of the tribe of levi. he came out of the tribe of judah so he's not qualified according to the old testament law to be a priest and yet the new covenant... and there are many scriptures in the new testament that show that jesus is our high priest. so if the priesthood is changed, then you can't go by the old testament law and this is one of the reasons that the lord made jesus our high priest out of the tribe of judah was because it meant that the entire law had to be changed. you cannot relate to god based on the old testament law, so having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of jesus, and again, this is lost on some people because they aren't aware of the way that the old testament had set things up. in the tabernacle and in the temple... there were three parts to it. there was the outer court
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and in the outer court of the tabernacle... that was what moses was instructed by god to build and...and this was in the wilderness and they carried this. then when they went into the promised land, solomon built a temple and so the tabernacle later became the temple, but they were all modeled on the exact same thing and it was the lord told moses to make this tabernacle according to the pattern that was shown to him in the mount and this is a point that is made in hebrews, chapter 8, and in chapter 9 shows specifically that there is actually a temple in heaven and god revealed this temple to moses and moses saw it and what he made here on the earth was reflective of the temple that's in heaven. so this tabernacle... it had a curtain that went all the way around it and it was a large, large enclosure and you entered this whole
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tabernacle area through the east side the... it had to be facing towards the east and as you entered in there was a brazen altar and this is where the sacrifices for sin were made and until you had had this sacrifice for your sin made, you couldn't approach god. you couldn't do anything and so that was the very first step. what this relates to is that when it comes to us relating to god, you have to accept jesus as the sacrifice for your sins. you cannot go any further. you can't have any relationship with god until first of all you receive the blood of that sacrifice. the scripture says that jesus is the lamb of god that was slain to take away the sins of the world and so jesus is that sacrifice. as you enter the temple or this tabernacle area, the very first thing that had to happen was you had to accept jesus as your sacrifice and then beyond that, there was a number of things. i'm not going to mention
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everything, but only the priest could go into this inner area and this inner area was divided into two parts. there was the holy place and then the holy of holies. the holy of holies was a relatively small area and in there was the ark of the covenant that had the ten commandment inside of the ark... this pot that had some manna that was put in there... and aaron's rod that... anyway...budded. that was over in the... i think the 16th chapter of the book of numbers and anyway that's a long story, but those things were laid up in there and this was where god actually dwelled. it was called the holy of holies. when solomon came along and built the...the temple, this became much more elaborate and they had a curtain that separated the holy of holies from the holy place and this curtain was huge. it was like 60 foot tall... 60 feet wide
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and it was a very strong thick material, plus it had gold thread woven through it, so it was just impossible to tear or anything like this and josephus, an early first century historian, wrote about this and he said that a team of horses hooked up to either side of that curtain could not pull it apart, and so when the s... when jesus died, the temple veil was rent in two, from the top to the bottom and that's significant, because even if you could have somehow or another rent that curtain with all of this gold woven through it, you certainly couldn't have done it from the top... 60 feet up in the area. the fact that it was rent from the top to the bottom was very significant. it showed that it had to be god. no man could have done this. but before jesus died, this curtain existed to separate men from god
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and the...the significance of that was that holy god could not be approached by unholy man. even after this first sacrifice was offered for sins, only priests could go beyond that into this first veil where there was a holy place and in there is where the show bread was, where the altar of incense was, the candlestick that burned continually and there were all of those things. each one of those has great significance. but anyway, the priest could enter into that first place, called the holy place, and they entered into there every day and performed their duties, but you could only enter in to the holy of holies once a year... only one person. that was the high priest who was symbolic of jesus, and that high priest had to first of all be cleansed himself... go through a great ritual and then he would enter in with a sacrifice and sprinkle the blood of that sacrifice on the altar
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where god said that he would meet with us and it could only be done once a year and if the priest didn't do everything just right... i mean he had to have all of the symbolism and everything just perfectly, he would be struck dead because this was in the presence of god. so anyway, if you understand all of these things, what it means is that here was holy god who was separated from sinful man by all of these steps that had to be taken and even after receiving the initial sacrifice the average person could not approach god. you could only do it if you were a priest. you could only go into that first thing and then there was only one person in the entire nation, the high priest, would symbolize jesus who could enter in to the presence of god one time per year. now this isn't in the bible, but josephus, this historian that wrote
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in the first century actually wrote that they used to put a rope around the high priest's ankle and tie is around him and let the rope extend out into the holy place and the logic behind it was that if the high priest didn't do everything just perfectly and if he had any sin or if he had missed anything and if he entered into the very presence of god, he could be struck dead and nobody could go get him! so what they would do is tie this rope around his ankle so tha ñif he was struck dead... he didn't come out... they could drag his body out and bury him. you know what this did? it produced a tremendous fear and reverence for the presence of god and this was done in the old testament and most christians today still have this. it's reflected in a number of things. you can...we sing songs... i'm not trying to... you know, point out any person individually or some song,
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but i'm just trying to illustrate that see, this is still prevalent... that people still kind of relate to god the way it was done in the old testament and there's a song that we sing about pass the outer court and into the holy of holies and they are trying to go passed all of these things and get to the presence of god. you will often hear people talk about that man, they are trying to call god down and they are trying to get god to manifest himself and they're doing all of these things. that's an old testament mentality and what this verse is referring to, "having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of jesus." see, if you don't understand all of those things that i was describing from the old testament law, this is lost on you, but this to people who were living under the old testament law... this was such a radical statement. to say that you can have boldness to enter into the presence of god... first of all,
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under the old covenant, you could not enter into the holy of holies. only one person... the high priest could do that. average joe blow believer could not approach directly unto god. you had to go through a priest. you had to have all of these symbolisms and things and you could not personally relate to god and so it was just impossible for the average believer to enter directly into the presence of god. but then his statement, having boldness to enter into the holies... this is just such a radical statement. they couldn't even conceive entering into the presence of god, but certainly, even if they could imagine entering into the presence, it would have been with fear and trembling. it would have been afraid. they would have had to have the rope tied around their ankle in case they weren't just perfect and god killed them. it is totally different in the new covenant. in the new covenant, we now have boldness to enter into the holiest
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by the blood of jesus! this is the significance, see, of that veil being rent in two, from the top to the bottom. the moment that jesus died... you can read about this over in the gospels. it's reported in all of the gospels that when jesus died, there was a great earthquake and the veil of the temple was rent in two from the top to the bottom. the significance of that was no man could have done that. that was god tearing the veil and saying that now we have direct access to god and this is not just for the priest one time a year. the veil has been rent and now every person... this is what the book of hebrews is talking about. every born-again believer has direct access to god without any fear of punishment. we can have boldness to enter in to the holiest place by the blood of jesus. man, this is so powerful.
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again, i think that most people have... if you don't understand the old testament and the wrath of god and the separation and all of things that this is describing, then we don't fully appreciate the freedom and the liberty that we have today. jesus said that you know, our father loves us the same way that he loved him. he repeated that in the 17th chapter of the book of john as he was praying... that god loves us the way that he loved jesus! in galatians, chapter 4 it... paul said that god has sent forth the spirit of his son into our hearts, crying, abba, father, and the word "abba" in the greek is an affectionate term. it would be comparable to what we say today as "daddy" or "papa", and so instead of coming to god and you know as many people do in know, they just have such a respect
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and a reverence and...and don't misunderstand. i'm not saying that we lose our respect and reverence, but god has taken the veil away. there is absolutely no fear of judgment or punishment, which even as i say this there are many of you watching this program that this is not the way you see it. you are constantly afraid that you're going to mess up... that god is going to punish you... that god won't answer your prayers... that if you do something wrong, that the wrath of god is going to come upon you. the religious church teaches that god put sickness on you... makes you fail... is liable to make your business fail... make your marriage fail... put some kind of incurable disease on you and all of this kind of things. that's an old testament concept. in the new testament this veil has been rent in two. there is now no more separation and every single individual... i don't care if you are the sorriest saint alive on this planet...
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you know, this program goes all over the world. we've got people watching all over the world and i don't care where you are, if you feel like you are the most ungodly... the most worthless saint... christian on the entire plant, you have direct access to god. hebrews, chapter 4, verse 16 says, let us come boldly before the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in the time of need. not just when everything is perfect... not when you've been fasting and praying and living properly, but even in the time of need, you can come boldly before god! that's what this is talking about. you can enter in to the holy of holies. you do not have to have somebody with their collar turned around backward to intercede between you and god. you...this is one of the things about true christianity. now there's a lot... there's a large segment of christianity that still believes
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that you have a priest and that you have to go through them and that they have to absolve you of your sins and you have to do all of these things. i'm not here to pick on anybody, but i'm telling you, that is not a biblical concept! every one of us it says in peter are kings and priests unto the lord our god. you do not have to have an intermediate between you and god! it says in 1 timothy, chapter 2 that there is only one mediator between god and men, and that is the man, christ jesus. you do not have to have somebody else stand between you and god. you can have your own personal relationship. you can enter right into the very throne of god and say abba, father... daddy, father. you can come to god like a child would to their parent and be totally accepted without any fear of punishment. you know, i'm just into my first day of teaching on this and already i've hit something and i can guarantee you,
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the vast majority of people watching this program do not have this intimate relationship with god. you still have layers of separation between you and god because of an old testament concept. the book of hebrews was written to change that. and praise god, i believe we are going to share some things that are going to make a big difference in your life. now again, we're offering these materials entitled hebrews highlights . there's a cd set that is five teachings that is much more detailed. a dvd set that was taken from that same gospel truth seminar, but then there is this tv teaching that is a brief synopsis. if you'll listen to our announcer, he will give you that information about how to receive these materials. >> god's basically spoken to my heart in bringing me to cbc and me getting a hold of the message of grace and god's unconditional love has totally changed my life... and my family... how i view god... how i see god... and has given me an overall better perspective on life and it's really
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>> produced freedom. >> we would like to give you the opportunity to invest yourself in building the lives of charis bible college world changers through the foundation builders program. this special group of ministry partners is joining hands financially with andrew and jamie to make this vision a reality and contributing financially toward building the lives of cbc world changers. you can get more information by calling, writing or logging on to invest yourself in andrew wommack ministries and charis bible college today. change your life, >> change the world. >> andrew's complete 5-part teaching titled hebrews highlights was recorded live at a gospel truth seminar. it's available on either cd or dvd for a gift of any amount. or if you prefer, you can get the two-part condensed teaching
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as seen on tv. this condensed version is available on two dvds for a gift of any amount. this entire series is also available for audio download absolutely free from our web site. go to and click on today's tv offer to see all the ways you can get this teaching. we would also like to remind you that we are offering andrew's latest book titled how to find, follow, and fulfill god's will for a gift of any amount. contact us today to get your copy. you can use your credit card to order resources through our web site at while you're there, you can discover more product details and download many free resources. or you can order through our helpline monday through friday from 4:30am to 9:30pm mountain time. our helpline number is 719-635-1111. if the lines are busy, remember - you can order ministry materials
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24-hours a day, 7 days a week at to write us, use the address on your screen. we appreciate your generosity and hope to hear from you today. we would like to point out andrew's upcoming speaking schedule. mark your calendars to come meet andw at one of these events. in the month of september he'll be in colorado springs, colorado. in october he'll be in walsall, england, victor harbor, south australia, melbourne, victoria, australia, and in carrara, gold coast, queensland, australia. and in november he'll be in shreveport, louisiana, dallas, texas, and in fort worth, texas. for more details on andrew's next meeting in your area visit our web site >> at
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>> what do you do when one of your children is diagnosed with stage 4 cancer? mike and aster mullins had a choice to make to accept the virtual death sentence for their son and beg god for a miracle, or to take a stand and act on a revelation that god wants you well. take a healing journey with the mullins family. healing journeys, volume 4 now available on dvd >> at >> the ministry training program is designed to help charis bible college graduates identify and be equipped in their calling of either business, media, ministry, missions or worship. the worship school focuses on mentoring and developing cbc graduates to lead the body of christ into genuine worship >> with character and integrity. >> my favorite part about it is just the relationships that we get to build
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and the fact that we are here and we are learning how to do what god's called us to do >> in excellence. >> the worship school leads the cbc student body into worship each week along with each student receiving more training in vocals and instruments. to learn more about this program available to charis bible college graduates visit our web site >> at eye.
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>> joyce: you know, we've all encountered special moments in our life when we have known for certain that god is with us. we felt his presence, been comforted by a helping hand and are encouraged by the generosity of others. these moments touch our heart and remind us how much god loves us. you know, it's my desire to continue to be used by god so that these moments can continue happening all over the world. well, it is wonderful, isn't it, ginger, when god just goes out of his way to give us that special confirmation that he's with us and he loves us? >> ginger: yeah. and those are the things that just stick with us forever and they become moments for us and for that other person that we were connecting with. and it's one of those things that we never forget, and so when we look back on this past year and all that our wonderful friends and partners have
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allowed this ministry to do, we have a lot of moments to be grateful for. >> joyce: you know, and thinking about jesus, he, of course, ministered to huge crowds everywhere that he went, but he always took time for the individual that came to him or the individual that cried out, even in the midst of a huge crowd. there were oftentimes when someone could cry out in a loud voice and he would always take that moment to go to them and pay that special attention to them. and, you know, many times we are with huge crowds, but i always try to let the people know that although there's a lot of you here today, god sees every single one of you. so our partners are actually providing, yes, for hundreds of thousands and even millions of people to receive the gospel, to be fed, to be clothed, to be housed, to have medical needs taken care of, but it really is the individual and the individual stories that we hear and the testimonies that come in that are so wonderful.
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you know, i don't really think that just preaching to people that are really hurting-- they need to be touched. and i'll never forget a story that i heard about a woman in russia, when the poverty there was just horrific, and a missionary went there and he was passing out gospel tracks in a line of people that were waiting to get bread. >> ginger: desperate people. >> yeah, their bread was rationed and so they had to stand in long lines of people. and so he went to this one lady and handed her a gospel track and she actually looked at him and she said, "you know what? your gospel track does not fill up my belly." and that just really was even more confirmation to me that some people--i always say it like this, some people are hurting so bad that they cannot receive your message if you don't go out of your way to show them love. people do have emotions and they
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need to be touched when they're having very difficult times, and so we're thrilled to be able to be doing the work that we're doing. you know, it's our desire to help in whatever way we can so people all over the world can experience their special moment and these moments can only happen because of the faithfulness of our partners. they are focused on honoring god and serving others. they are the ones bringing the tools to the table. [music]
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