tv Today NBC January 27, 2016 7:00am-10:00am EST
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good momorning. breaking overnight. two members of that group of prototesters occupying a f federal building in oregon shot byy police durining a traffic stopop. one man dead, seven others s behind bar cliending ing cluding the leader. ththe prototest isn't over. donald trump sayays he's goingng to switch t tomorrow night's debabate on fox because he doesn't like one of the moderators. >> they canan't toy likee me like they doo everyonee else. >> ted cruz calling his rival
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>> i would likee to invite donald right now to engage in a one on one debate w with me any t time bebetween now and the iowa caucuses. >> with five days to go, with a differenence? super controversy. the nfl investigating broncos quarterback peyeyton manning over allegations that a performance-enhancing drug was shipped to his home. howw will the scandal impact the super bowl and denver's biggest star? honoring abe. acting legegend abe vigoda, rololes in " "the godfather." >> it wass always busisiness. i always liked him. >> bar "barney miller." he dies at the age of 9494. we'll say good-bye to a friend today, wednesday,y, january 27th, 2016. >> annououncer: from nbc news,
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and savannah guthrie, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. good morning, everyonene. welcomee to "today" on a wednesday morning. abe, abe, abe. abe vigoda h has died. 94 years old. amazing actor in movies likee that, the "g"godfather." onon telelevision, shows like "barney millller." that face, who could forget that face and that sense of humor? >> what aboutut that big heart? so many times he came to stud joe owe 1a, one of our favoritite guests. you don't kiss anynyone on the head, matt. we'll look back shortly. our top story, one protester in oregon shohot dead, eight others arrested at the fbibi and policece look to endnd the siege att a wildldlife refuge. joe frfryer has the story. > good morning.g. 25 days intoo this occupapation, auauthorities decided i it was time to make some arrests,s, but thihings
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the confronontation turned out not atat the wildlife refuge but a highway 50 miles away. anti-government group weree driving to a community meeting. >> reporter: along a rural highway,y, the fbi and oregonn state police stopped thehe occupying vehicles to arrest members of the groroup when authorities say shots were fired. though theyy would not elalaborate on two fire ed who fired. lavoy finicum was shot, who w was a spokesperson. . >> there are thingngs more important than your life, and freedom is o one off them. > reporter: nbnbc spoke b by phohone with finicum's daughter. >> i wanant to knonow why. i know my dad. he would never put somemeone's life in jeopardy. he would only defend his life. >> reporteter: another was injured,d, treated at the hospital and turned over to the fbi. in all, e eight anti-government occupiers arere behind bars,
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bundy and his brother. 59-year-olold cox was also arrested. we saw h her making soup shortly after the occccupation begagan. >> we are setting ourselves upp to help thehem reclaim their land back. >> i have too go agaiain. >> reporter:r: another arrest happenened inn arizona, wherere john had reteturned home. he posted a a vidideo on facebook, hugging his kids before tururning himself in. ththe armrmed protesters took control of the wildlife refuge on j january 2nd. they're calling for local control of the federalal land and demanding f freedom for two oregon ranchers convicted of lighting fires on govovernment land. mamany countyy residents wanted the group to leave, but authohorities made no forcefull attempt t to stop the occccupation until now. >> some armed militants remain at the refugege. the occupationn isn't over,
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those arrested face felonyy chargeges of conspiracy to impede officersrs. >> thank you. another majoror story this morning. donald trump's decision to pull out of tomorrow night's republican presidential debate, which comes just days before the iowawa caucucuses. we h have complete coverage, beginning with nba national correspondent peter alexexander. good mornrning. >> matt, g good morning. we'ree live this m morning from iowa. barely 100 houours out from c caucus day. this, o of course, is farm country, which is fititting given the fact that donald trump is lockeded in a high stakes game of chicken withh both fox news and ted cruz. >> reporter: taking a page out of his art of the d deal play book, dononald trump is walkiking away from the table. abruptly a announcing he'll skipp tomorrow night'ss republican debate. . >> let's s see how much money fox is going to make on the debate without me,, okay? let'ss see. >> reporter: a trump aide telling nbc newss i it's not under considerationn is and his word is bondnd. rival ted cruz immedediately challenged trump to a one on
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hit the billionaire for b backing out. >> donald is a fragile soul. if someone did that, didn't show up at the interview, you know what you'd say? yoyou're fired. > reporter: trump's latest fox news feud escalateded after t the network criticizezed trump and he again slammed megyn kelly for bebeing unfair. their dispupute datining back to the last debatee when they wentt head to head onn her questions about women. kelly responded to the air last night. >> trump has repeatedly brought up t that excxchange as evidence as allegedd bias. it wasas a t tough butut fair question, and we agreed to disagree. . >> reporter: the network fireded back overnight, witith a a statemement charging trump's camampaign manageger with threaeatening kellyly. we can't give into ter ter ter terrrrorizations with any employees.
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touting thehe endorsement, with another evangelical packing cruz. iowans are urged to vote for anyone but trump. trump's past comments on "meet the press." > i'm pro choice. >> in 1999, you said you were pro choice in allll respects. >> w what did i say? reread the fulll statement. >> are youou a truststworthy. >> very trustwtworthy. more than you becausese you d didn't read the question. >> i'm pro-choice. i hate the - -- >> why didn't you say, when youou asked the question before, that i hate the concept of abortion? do you apologize? >> i -- >> do you apologize? >> do i apologize for reading your words? >> for not readingng my wordrds. >> i'm very pro choice. >> do you apologize for not reading my wordrds? >> of course, we never apologized. for skipping thursday night's
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bluff o or miststake. donald trump isn't letetting up.. again this mororning on twitter, calling megyn kelly a lightweightt rereporter. he plans to holold a simultaneous event on thuhursday to support veteterans and wounded ware ed ed warriors. >> thahank you, peter. let's tururn to michael, who is in des moines thiss morning. good mororning to you. >> good morning. >> it's always been a an artrticle of f faith in republican campaigns that you tiptoe around fox news or don't antagonize fox nenews. that's thehe repepublican electotorate. is donald trurump smartrt or will he live to regret this one? >> i think he's on track to dominatete the news. we've moved from the silly season here too tension city. days to go before the voting.. fox news put out a very provococative, confrontationonal statement. they showed donald t trump one finger, a and donald trurump showed them one finger and then punched them in the face.
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chaos in the closing days in iowa. he is showing strength, which is his brand, and he's got some endodorsements and other tricks up his sleeve to do what he's done the whole campaign, dominate. >> let's talalk about this. youu talked about the punchch and counter punch. this seems to have set trump off. a fox news spokeswswoman gave this statement, we learned from a back channel the ayatatollah a and putin plan to treat donald trumpmp unfairly when he becomess president, and trump has his own secret plan to replace the cabinet with twitter followewers to see if he should even go to thee meetings. what was the strategy there? was t that smart of fox,x, to spoke the bear? >> no. journalistically and tacticallyly, it wasn't a good move. a a news organizatioion sponsoring a debate should treat all partrticipants with respect and d let their journalisism speak for itself. fox decideded to continue to go
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they h have a right t to have megyn kelly bebe a moderator. trump c can decide whetherer to participate. but putting out that provocative statatement, they gavave him not jujust an excusese but, i think, a genuine rational to say, i'm not going to show u up by an organization that't's taunting me. >> ted cruz wasted no time. he jumped in and said, look, i'll challenge you, donald, to a one o on one debebate with no moderator, seemingly taking away the obstacacles. hohow can trump duck that? >> well, it's going to be an interesting queuestion, to see whether cruz keeps that up and ifif it becomess an issue. ted cruz must win iowa more than donald trump. the stakes are higher for him. trump l leads in the other 49 states effectivelyly. trtrump, i don't think,k, willl do a one on one debatate with cruz. make no mistake, right n now, trump has a lotot of momentutum going on in iowa. aa lot of orgaganization.
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cruz has t to stop him. i'm not sure fighting about debate i it is the way to stop donald trumump. > mark in des moinines, thank you. for the democrats, bernie sanders heads to the white house today for a s sit down with president obama. the president remained neutral for months but this week i in an ininterview, he heaped praise on hillary clinton, saying she was, quote, more experienced than any non-vice p president has ever been seeking the office. we will be live next monday foror complete coverage of the caucuseses. >> dangerous situation in california. we showed youou this video on tuesday. costal erosision leaving several apartment buildldings t teetering on the edge of a cliff. incredibly, some residentsts are fightiting to stay in their hohomes. nbc'c's gabe gutierrez is therere. good morning.g. > matt, good momorning. city officials plan to be out here twice a day to inspect thihis land. there arare 20 apartment units here, and a a few of ththe residents
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>> reporter: it's the cliff clcliff-hanger that's drawn worldwide attention. ththis momorning, residents insist it's's safafe. >> where else can you l live along the coast for $1500 a month? it's a poor man's mamalibu. >> repororter: markk isn't ready too say good-bye to the view, so he filed an appeal, c challenging the evacuation order. >> if you're not living on the edge, you're taking upp too much space. >> reporter: michelle has lived in pacifica fivee yeyears. >> i love it here. i'mm not willingng to leave. >> reporter: she's a among the f few still spendnding the nightht here, ignoriring the yellow signgns. out, why? if it falls, it's not going to fall in ten secoconds. plenty of time to get out the front door. >> reporter: the erosion blamed on a ferococious el nino. strong storms pacifica has battled before. city council m members approved an emergency declarationon, allowing federal money.
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units to pack during the day, but pololice say thehere's no deadlinene for them to fininish moving out. >> do you feel safe here? >> at this point right now, yes, i do. >> reporter: still, he says he's complying with thee evacvationon evavacuation order. packing up hisis closet and figuring out what's next for him and his dog. >> things happen for a reason,, but i think they'rere making more out of that than they need to be. >> this area has dealt with this before. two other aparartment buildldings nearby were evacuateded in 2010 anand sat unoccupipied since then. more rain is expected h here later this week. matt? > gabe gutiererrez, thank y you very much. > there are n new developments on thehe toxic water crisis in flint, michiganan. the mayor says i it could cost $1.5 billion to fix the lead-contaminated water systemm there. nbc newsws learned from water offificials there are cururrently no lead pipes beieing replaced. plumbers say they haven't done
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announcemement that the water wasn't safe.. also on tuesday, health care workers conducted hundrededs of checks on children for lead exposure. the testing is offered to children 6 y years of age and younger.r. by the waway, rachel maddow w will host a town halall with the residents tonight att 9:9:00. >> two m major airlines said they'll offer refunds to passengers with tickets to the affected regions of zika. american airlilines policy is restrictive. it sayays the airline will offerer refunds to pregnant women if they have a doctor's note saying they're unable to travel to five specific c cities in central and south america. the zika v virus has been linked to birth defecects in b brazil and thought to be spreading to other regions of the woworld. t the case of the affluenza teen is in the news.
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officially dropped his bid to stay in mexico, which means hee could be sent backk to texasas i in the next 48 hours. couch and his mother,, as you reremember, fleled to mexicico late last year after a a video surfacedd which appeared to show him around alcohol at a party. that would have been a violation of his probation. they were l later arrested in mexico. his motherr remains f free on bond. there is big news from m the tech world this mornining. apple bracing f for its biggestst sales, decline in 1 13 years. the tech giant said revenue couldd fall 8% this quarterer compared to a year earlier. analysts say t the latest iphone models aren't providing the boost apple needsds to match the massive salales growth it enjoyed last year. apple's ceo cook points to global economic uncertainty saying, quote, we're seeing extreme condnditions, ununlike anything we've experienced before. al joins us. what's going on in the weather? you've been busy?
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but we're watching florida which has seen a lot of rain thanks too the el nino jet. it continues today. more heavy showers and thununderstorms. there is a risk of storms from campa tampa to the keys. we c could be looking at tornadoes, damaging winds and spotty hail as the front slides sosouth. we're looking for somewhere from about an inch to three too four inches of rain, especially in federal central floririda. rest of the country, showers in thee pacific northwest. also, a storm could be cocoming on shore that could be a snow maker. wet weather through the southeast and lake-effect snow showers around the grereat lakes. we're going to get to your local forerecast coming up day with a perfectly balanced mugug of... i've got this.pmom! to be on top of your mom game...vnailed it! thanks so mumuch. you need a balalanced coffee you
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good girl. mccaf\ coffees brew a smooth blend. for a taste that's not too ststrong, but never weak. so youou can savor every sip knowing you are mamatriarch supreme. mommy's not a napkin honey. mccaf\. available where you buy groceries. >> that's your latest weather. little sad news for us. > sad news for televisioion fans, momovie fans and everyone here at "today." our friend actor abe vigoda has
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the 94-year-old wasas best known forr his roles in "the godfather" and on television in "barney miller." he was special to us, lighting up the studio whenever he dropped byby. > reporter: he was the character actor with ththe unforgettably e expressive face, that made him look world weary and wise, to o a career that spanned almost 70 y years on stage, screen and television. >> you c can't do that it. it screws up my ararrangements. >> reporter: when you saw the face in "the godfather," you knew he was going too getet whacked. >> i always liked him. >> i know. you loved me. >> repeporter: it was the face thatat definened thehe character of the detective with thee dryry sense of humor on "barney miller." >> emergency, you'd be the first one i would callll. >> you shohould call me first. i needed time to put my teeth in.
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>> reporter:r: babe was abe was a good friend on "t"today." whwhen they projected what i m might look like in the future. >> the similarities are striking. >> reporter: thehere was the face again. >> abe vigoda, ladies and gentlemen. >> repororter: he would a always plplay along. >> what did you think whenn you heheard about this comparison thing? >> i was excicited. >> okay. >> is that your excited face? >> therere it is. >> reporter: he even laughed at the reports that he had died, started by a "p"people" m magazine reporterer in 1982. > she saiaid that we're sorry that the late a abe vigoda is not -- in fact, i must be dead. >> look at this. >> he looksks like my grandson. >> we adored him. >> thahank you, abe.
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> you know, one of the things s i always remember about "barney miller" the television show is they'd have jokes w where the punch line was a lookk by abe vigogoda. i marvevelled at him. we loved him. >> what a great sense of humor. so gracious. just adorable. i can see why everybody willl miss him so much. >> 94 years young. our c condolences to his family. peyton manning facing an nfl investigation over human growth hormone claims. what the league iss saying about that this morning. the oprah effect. a tweet about losing weight on weight watchers that made her richer. first, this is "today" on
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soup and sandwdwich and clean and real, and feeling good, sort of. and 500 calories or less. the clean pairings menu. at panera. food as it should be.. earnining unlimited cash b back on purchases. that's a a win. but imagagine earning it twice. you can with the citi double cash card. it lets you earn cash back twice. once when you buy and again as you pay. it's cash back then cash back again. and that's a cash back win-win. the citi double cash card. the only card that lets you earn cacash back twice on every purchase with 1% when you buy and 1% as you pay. with two ways to earn,
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> good morning. i'm gayle e guyardo. it is 7:27. anand leigh, the rain has alreready been coming down. >> yeah, here, we had almost .70 of rarain but notice it's dry the now. most of the rain has pupushed over toward the east coast. just light sprinkles in polk county now. unfortunately, it's coming backck. enjoy the break now. maybe a light sprinkle through 8:00 a.m.m. and d pockets of rain return at noon. and they'll l stay with us through the afternrnoon and 80% rain chance todaday. still 50% tomorrow. thank goodness a break duriring rush hour.
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from when we were having rain here. and this 38th avenue nortrth at 4 1st ststreet. 38th is blococked bothth directions. take 30th instead. and let's go ahead and look at traffific. look at this, , 275way fromom bearss. tatall the way into downtown. really goining to be hitting the brakes. and then right t around fowlwler as well. anand that's a look at traffic. back to gayle. >> all right. thank you. a a chickenpox warning for local parents and children. eight stududents at a pinellas county elelementary schoolol have the virus. officials are now worried the number could go up if children are not vaccccinated.
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i'm gonnana stand by you >> back now at 7:30 on this wednesday morning, the 27th of january, 2016. we would recognize that shot, the empire state building. we have great folks onn our plaza. happyy birthday to my mom, nancy. >> happy birthday. >> will you see her? >> no. i was g going to -- i don't want toto tell you because she'll watch it and know. >> sending her a hug. >> taking a look at the headlines. a shooting on an oregon highway during a confrontation between
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occupying a federalal building. police it ended in the death of one member of f the grgroup. arrests incncluding the brothers behind bars. ananother member r responded to the incident ovovernight. >> peace and resolution and then you kill one of my friends, and say you can say freely but arrest someone who isn't here, what doo you believe ananymore? >> for the ococcupation, it isn't over. several armrmed protesters remain at that t refuge. dononald trump will skip tomorrow's republican presidenential debate following complaints that news anchor r megyn kelly would bee a moderator. >> let's see how muchh money fox is going to make on ththe debate wiwithout me, okay?? all right? let's see. >> trump's rival ted cruz was quick to pounce. >> if he's unwilling to stand on the debate stage witith the other candidates, i'd likike to invite e
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onone debate w with me any timee between now and the iowa caucuses. > trump says he plans to hold his own event in iowa dururing that debate and raise money for wounded veveterans. >> good news, the nation's capital slowly returning to normal after the blizzard. schools and government offices reopening today for the first titime in nearly a week. also this morning,g, nfl star peyton manning is facing more questions about a claim that hghh wawas sent to his home as hisis broncoss prepare for the super bowl. today, craig melvin n is here withth the story. >> g good morning. with days to go until fofootball's biggest game, worord this morning the nfl is i investigating one of its biggest ststars, peyton manning. we're told the investigation wiwill consist of reviews of records, interviews and coorordination withh other agencies. >> reporter: back in the super bowl and under investigation. the nfl announcncing tuesday they
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and comprehensive review of broncos quarterbacack peyton manning.g. this followingng allegations he received shipmpments of hgh or human growth hormone. the leagugue says the review has been going on for weeks. they will not have results before manning taking the field again in 11 dayays for super bowl 50. that makes any potentialal punishment unclear, since the investigatation could stretch beyondnd manning's career ititself. in footage released tuesday, the qb seemed to confirm speculation he'll hanang up hisis cleats after the super bowl. "inside the nfl" captured to him talking to patriots coach belichick after sunday's afc championship. >> this might be my last rodedeo, so it sure has been a plpleasure. >> reporter: the broncncos would not c comment on ththe leleague's investigation. last month, al jazezeera named mamanning, along with other pro football and baseball players, as linked to the guyer institute
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intern claimimed they mailedd thes s s thee drugs to manning's wife. >> we'd be sending ashley drugs everywhere. it'd'd never be under peyton's name. it'd b be under her name. >> reporteter: the intern n never said directly that m manning was doping a and latater recanteted his statements about shipmentnt. manning himself strongly denied al jazezeera's report and ever usingg hgh last month in comments toto esespn. >> it's fabricated,, trash, garbage. more adjectives i'd like to be able to use. itit really makes me sick. >> a manning spokesman and former whihite house s spokesman told mee last night that mannining welcomes the league's investigation. this marks the sececond straight year thatt there hasas been some sort of controverersy as the super bowl apapproaches. this t time last year, we wewere talking a about deflated footballs.
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now a big announcement frorom oprah winfrey. she tweeted about her weight watchers success and the company sesear sored. natalilie has more. . >> oprah's endororsement seems to be the best thing s since slice brbread, which she proududly admits to eating every day on herer mission to losee weight. >> this is the joy for me. > reporter: oprah winfrey's winfrey's cacarb expression posted onon her twitter feed tuesday in a videoo to her millions of followers. with a 10% stake, oprah's partnership and investment with weight watchers caused shares i in the company to rise more than 20%. >> i lost 26 pounds, and i have eaten bread every single day. >> reporter: the single tweet causing the company's m market value to rise by nearlrly $150 million.
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for me, it's a healthy breakfasast. seven minute egg over a bed of greens. >> reporter: her own struggle with weight well documented over the years. >> this is what 67 pounds of fat looks like. >> reporter: put front andnd center in this video released last month for the company. >> every time i tried and faililed. every t time i tried again. every time i tried again.n. it's brought me to this. >> reporter: analysts expecect the oprah effect to up profits 3%, making more dough for the queen of talk. >> she lost 26 pounds, but the tweeeet also netted her $19 million because of the stock prprice going up 20%.%. >> win-win. >> yeyeah, absolutely. > as you would say, a lot of dough. >> l lot of cliches. >> nat, thank you. let's get a check of the weather from mr. roker. >> if you can make a statement and a million per pound, it's not so bad.
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>> still nice. any event, what would be nice is a warmup. we are looking today at temperatures anywhere from 5 to 20 degrees above normal in the central plains from business ismarck to dallas. then houston, 66. after in 56 in birmingham. friday, it extends into atlanta, chicago, nororth platte, all the way to houston. 10 to 20 degrees above average.
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>> that's your l latest weather. savannnnah? >> al, thanksks. ahead on trtrending, in troublble for holding hiss baby. he says everybody needs to relax. on rossen reports, life-saving g technology. >> good morning. i'm jeff rossen. workplacee shootings sadly in the news. what happepens if you're in youour office and suddenly you hear a gugunshot. you don't know where the gunman is or where the gunfire came from. the high-tech system that will pop a map up on your desk computer and tell youou w where the shooter is in reall time. how does it work? wiwith ingredients like roasted hazelnuts and cocoa, the delicious taste of nutella takes pancakes to a whole new
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make any day a pancake day with nutella - spread the happy! adventures from $599, plus up to $300 to spend at sea. come seek the royal caribbean. book now, offer ends soon. what if there was another way to look at relapsing multiple sclerosis? this is tecfidera. tecfidera is not an injection. it's a pill for relapsing ms that has the power to cut relapses in half. imagine what you could do with fewer relapses. p tecfidera may cause serious side effects, such as allergic reactions, p pml, which is a rare brain infection that usually leads to death or severe disability, p and decreases in your white blood cells.
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r are flushing and stomach problems. tell your doctor about any low white blood cell counts, infections, any other medical conditions, or if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. learn more about the most prescribed pill for relapsing ms in the usus, at talk to your doctor about tecfcfidera, and take another look at relapsing ms. to the woman in the mid-90's showstopperer... you're right. it's time to set t this bird free. hot blooded, check it and s see... got a fever of 103... feelin' hungry? how 'bout a donut? i'm hot blooded..i'm hot blooded! whether r it's 30-years old or 30-days old, carmax will appraise it in as little as 30 mininutes. and then y your only concern will be how to spend the cash. rad. it' s a taste so bold, yet so smooth, it could only be called,
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a taste you u could enjoy,y, frfresh brewed, or one cup at a time. black silk, frfrom folgers. when y your cold makes you wish... could stay... bed all day... need the power of... rnew theraflu expressmax. new theraflu expressmax. the popower to feel better. are you powered d by protein? we are. milk has 8 grams to
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>> 7:42 on a wednesday morning. this morning on rossen reports, we're kickiking off a series on workplace emergencies. >> on tuesday,y, we saw an active shooter s scare in san diego. expertss say if it had been the real thing, new technology couldld have saved lives. how it works. >> g good morning. us. the latest case happening at a naval medical center in san diego. reports o of an active shooter spread like wildfirere. you can see the dramatic video here. employees walking out with handnds up c cht up. describedd chaos inside. this was a f false alarm. somebody heard gunshots, called it into police but, thankfully, everything was fine. this casase showing us how scary itit can be. we'ree on edge att wowork. what would you do iff a shooterer came into yourur office? this morning, new technology that can spot a shooter and alert police before you're in danger.
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somebody got shot. i got shot. >> reporter: when thehe call comes in -- >> male with a shotgugun. >> r reporter: toooo often, it is real. >> multiple shots fired. multiple people down. >> reporter:r: workplace shooters caught on camera. this one inside for an hour before police finally locate hihim. what if you and police could know exactly where the shooter isis the moment the first shot is fired? these new,w, high-tech sensors can do it. called the activive shooter detectction s system. >> this is the sensor here. normally, i it'd be installed up how does i it work? >> whehen the gun is fired, there'ss a flalash of light, followowed by the bang of the bullet being fired. what thehe sensor does is looks for the f flash with t these infrared sensors in the bottom. we have highly sensitive, tuned detetection microphones onn top that listen for the bang in the gun. >> r reporter: thehe system can pinpoioint the shooter's location within inches. >> l let's check it out. now, i'm insidide an office building where the sensors have
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we have a weapons expert downstairs who is going to posee as our active shooter today. he's going to walk aroundd w with the big gun and firee blanks and see if the sensors get that. meanwhile, i'll be inside this office, likike so many of us are, sitting at my cubiclcle. we're going to see if it woworks. wiwill i get t the alerts? will it tell me where the shooter. >> shot detected. >> it popped up on myy computer. it was in n the lock bby. >> reporter: the shooter goes upstairs, going inside this conference room. firing agaiain. >> i'm g getting a text alert. shots fired. executive office, floloor two. there was another shot r right here. i know he's close. >> reporter: but the system doesn't onlnly alertrt employeeees. it automatically triggers an emergencncy call to local police, fired.
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>> lobby shot detected.. their way. he keeps firing. >> walking down thiss hallway. >> reporter: the system tracking his every move. >> another alert. >> reporteter: as the pololice are watching it all in r real time. >> shots fired outside room 209, second floor. >> anothther one. he's over here. this is when we can run out and go this way. now that i knonow where the shot was, he'ss passed me. we can run out o of here.. come on. >> reporter: it could be my only chance to get away. within seconds, i'm out of the building. >> we were able to get outside safely because i knew exactly where the shooter was, where the shots were b being fired and the best escape route out away from the shooter. >> it's a game changer and it's going to save lives. >> reporter: that's ed davis, boston's legendary police cocommissioner. at the helm during the boston bobombings and countless shootings, n now working for the company. >> when a a situation l like this
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no one knows where to go or what to do. this device will give us the informatioion we need to goo directly to the threat. >> the company says t this technology is already insnstalled coast to coast. they don't like to broadadcast exexactly where, but they will tell u us it's not just offices. itit's also i in schoolols. what is the cost? anywhere between $50,000 and a few hundred thousand dollars. for a big company, could be worth it. jeff, thank you. coming up on pop start, the beloved tv classic is about to get a long awaited reboot. you won't believe who was just cast to p play michael jackckson in a new movie. first, t these m skincare nonow becomes skskinactive. new garnrnier skinacactive introducing clearly brighter. a new acactive daily moisturizer to brighten dull skin. packed with antioxidant vitamimin c, e and active lha. it does more than moistuturize, it actively smoothes, boosts radiance
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clinically proven. see brighter skin new clearly brighter from garnier. skinactive. the active way to better skin. all the hard work... time in n the service... community collllege... it m matters. at university of phoenix, count your relevant work and college experience as credits toward your degree.e.
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hi. [ indistinct conversations ]ns ] always set a placece at the dinner table for r good manners. stay seated,d, napkin on your lap and elbows at your sides. and remember, mealtime is for nourishment, nothing more. let the music play, he won't get away just keep the groove, and then he'll come back to you again let it play let the music play hey, you forgot the milk! that's lactaid. right. 100% real milk, just without the lactose. so you can drink all you want... ...with no discomfort?ort? exactly. here, try some... mmm, it is real milk.
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oh. right here girl, boom no discomfort ice cream the new sprint lte plus network delivers faster download speeds than verizon, at&t a and t-mobile from an independenent and to celebrate, we' their rates in half. switch to sprint and save 50% on most verizon, at&t or and we' ll cover your costs to switch, up to $650 per line. only from sprint. (trouble hearing on the e phone,
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coming up, the television exclusive. "soprano" star jamie-lynn sisigler openss up about livin i'm going g to share a photo of my eggo waffle when it pops up.. that's so interesting honey because i'm going to share a photo of my eggo waffle l'eggo my eggo l'eggo my eggo (a(answering machine) hey! leave a message. hi, i know you're there, 'cause i can see youou. i'm calllling you to tell you to l'eggo my eggo! anncr: some things are too delicious to golden crispy, warm and fluffy eggo waffles. l'eggo my eggo. t need all this to talk about lbl.
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lips or a small cut. but for people l living in areas of crisis, simple skin conditions can turn into serious issues. so we creaeated the vaseline healing project a partnenership with direct relief to help millions in need heal their skin. so they can go b back to work. or school. and that ordinary jar can make an extraordinary difference. the yogurtrt made from your milk, is delicicious. mmmm, yoplait. (music) ll never remember all the projects, presentations, or meetings i gave up my nights for. (music' s drums intensify) but days like this, i' ll never forget. get out there,
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be unstoppable. this is my fight song take back my life song (mususic) adventures from $599, plus up to $300 to spepend at seaea. come seek the royal caribbean. book now, offer ends soon. somewhere to go, and clean and real and nowhere to be, and warmth and sandwich and soup and inside jokes, and dan is back! good, clean food pairs well with anything. the clean pairings menu. 50500 calories or less. at pananera.
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it is 7:56. here's leieigh with the forecast. >> and you know, we will still have a a lot of puddles around from the overnight rain but the rain has generally pushed toward thehe east coast, stronger stormsms farther to the south. and you see not a lot of rain coming down now. and ththe rain is developing in the gulf of mexico. and that's why i expect this to only be a brief breaeak in the rain. by lunchtime and through 3:00, 4:00, we geget the rounds of downpours to come throrough off and on, even through h the day tomorrow. and an 80% rain chancece totoday. and 50% tomorrow, leleslee. the roadways. . usual suspect, veterans expressway, downtown pam, southbound on the vevet, st. pete, look at this. . not only an accident ouout of downwntown, stacked d and papacked, ststake 9th or 4th. but 38th avenue nonorth at 4 1st, a fatal accidedent so take 3 30th. becacause it's blblocked there at 41st. here. it's's tying up two lanes. let's tatake a live look.
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and 275 bearssss into downtown tampa, a mess. >> thanks. st. . pete police arare investigating a fatal crash involvining a woman in a wheelchair. . the driver of the car hit ththe wowoman and stopped. the 43-year-old in the wheelchair died. investigators closed the road for several hours. it is back open this morning. and the search isis on for a hihit-and-run driver in tampa. ththe driver of a red pickup truck hit t a motorcyclist nenear ththe intersection of rome avenue north and sly avenue west.
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i'm gonna s stand by you 8:00 on "today." jamie-lynn siglerr speaks out. ththe star opens up in her first live television interview since revealing shehe has ms. why she's finally sharing her story after keeping her battle a secret for 15 years. plus, tech overerload. why it's so hard to resist scrolllling, liking and checking for those updates. the toll all that connecting with can take on our brains. and it's a family affair. super stars angelina jolie and
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with their k kids in the latest t movie, "kung fu panda 3." >> did you have too convince them to doo it? >> we forced them. get out there and do your job. earn some moneyey for this family. today, wednesday, january 27th, 2016. >> we'e're sisters celebrating o our graduauation in new york. >> we're from oklahoma. >> shohout out to my friends back in texas. i could use a little bit of your sweet kiss, your lips >> good morning, texas. >> shout out to hurt ourr kids. we love you. >> jacksonville, flororida. hi, mom! we are back now. 8:00 on a wednesday morning, the 27th of january. this month went fast. >> it did. >> 2016.
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it's kind of a damp morning here in the northeast. >> it is a little wet. by the way, you mentioned the month is almost over. meaning, start today is almost over. jill is here w with one more steals and deals, hoping yo e ing ing t to break youou out of your style rut.t. >> we look forward to that. let's start byy heading back inside.. natalie has a check of ththe top stories. >> good morning. once again,n, officials are sorting out details of a deadldly confrontatation betweenen police and armed protesters who o occupied a federaral wildlife refuge in oregon. gunfire broke out after the fbi and oregon state police stopped the protesters car on a rural highway. a spokesman for the group, lavoy finicum was killed, and another member wounded. eightt suspects are under arrest, including ammon bundy. some protesters remain at the refuge, so the month-long occupapation is notot over yet.
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ing his rival donald trump for pulling out of thursday night's fox newews debate. trtrump complained that fox against him. cruz called trump a fraragile soul and challenged himim to a one on one debate. >> a prayer vigil is being held today for an indiana school tuesday. prinincipal jordan pushehed stutudents out of harm's way when a schooll bus jumped the curb. two children were injured. jordan added personal touches, often cooking breakfast and handing out student b birthday cards. crash invevestigate orss say there i is no e early evidence that drugs or alcohol were involved.. there's an important new healthth recommendation for women. the u.s.s. preventive services task force sayays a all primary care dodoctors shouldd screen pregnanant women and new m mothers for signs ofof depression. nbc medical director dr. azar
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we talkeked aboutut postpartum depressision. this group saying that this is preventitive care and needs to happen during p pregnancy and after. this i is a big move. . >> it is a big momove, natalie. according to the americann pspsychological association, 1 in 7 womenen expererience t the postpartum depression. 50%% of those,e, it's t their firirst episodee of depression evever. the same p percentage start to experience these symptoms during prpregnancy. it's not just the postptpartum period, which is why screening is important. >> women experience so many hormonal changes. how do you differentiate b between the usual baby y blues and dedepression? >> the baby blues shoululd last up to two weeks or so. again, it's not a deficit, likee daday 15, you should be okay and if not, you have it. the symptoms would be the same as you can expxperience during regular depression. that is sadndness, crying, deprpressed moodod, loss of interest in doing things thatt norormally would makake you happy. there are, o of course, unique sysymptoms to postpartum, such as
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the baby. feeling guilty. in any evenent, the screening doesn't takake long. it's a good screeningng test for poststpartum, tenen questions, takes a couple minututes to answer. if you screen positive, you care. >> thank you. a frightening scene on tuesday after a national g gas power garbage truck smoldered on a new jersey street. a neighbor was recording as this truck explodes. fortunatately, nobody was injured, but two houses had to be evacuated and inspected foror damage before the resididents could return. a little boy'ss reaction was priceless when the canadien, white, slid the puck to him on tuesday night. a grown-up caught the pucuck but handed it to the young fan. the way his face lights up there, simply adadorable. he's hugging the puck. probably p put that one under the pillow last night and slept with it. >> cutie. >> sweet, love that.
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coming up, t the matador sparkingng outrage for holding his baby while riding a bull. what he's saying a about the controversy. plplus, the choice to play michael jackson in a new movie is raising eyebrows. first, "soprano" star jamie-lynn sigler is here for her first intervieiew since whwhat it can' t do. your cal calculus homewowork. what i it can do. make you peaeanut butter h happy. it' s a whole new kind of jojoy you get
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made with real jif peanut butter. i've smokeked a lot and quit a lotot, but ended up nowhere. now i use this. the nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology, helps prevenent the urge to smoke all day. i wawant this time toto be my last timeme. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. are you powered by protein? milk has 8 grams to help give e you energy to unleash your potential. start every day with milk'' s protein and milk life.
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to feel a cold coming on? new zicam cold remedy nasal swabs shorten colds with a snap, and reduce symptom severity by 45%. shorten your coldd with a snap, with zicam. after trying brookside crunchy clusters, @carlybeyar tweeeeted: at this point, i should just be a brookside chococolate ambassador.. well, i am s sorry, carly... it' s something you earn.. brookside.
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> we're back now at 8:0808 with actress jamie-lynn sigler. perhaps best known for her role on "soprano." siglerer revealed she's b been living with h multiple sclerosis nearly 15 years. she'ss with us in her first television ininterview since making the anounmentnt. nouncement announcementnt. how are you? >> good. i feel relief. you know, i lived witith this secret that caused me to have so many feelings of shame and guilt and fear for s so many years. i thihink to finally sort of feel lilike i'm claiming my power back and being confidentnt with the person that i am,, i feel a great weight off my shoulders.
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immediately made thehe announcement, you felt vulnlnerable. >> yes. >> i was surprisised to hear you say shame and guilt.t. why wouould you feel shame? >> it sounds crazy, b but whenn i think, y you knoww -- when you hold a secret, the feelings justt come alongg with that,, especially when you hold a secret as long as i did. you know, with something like ms, youou know,, you lose control over things that you once hahad. it slolowly is taken awaway frorom you. it can chip awayy at your self-worth, and y you c can feel lelessened. a lot of negegative feelings. you haveve to ask for help sometimes, which is sometething i'm not good at doing. but you havave to be able to reach out. when you h have a good support system, like i have, i think it helps a lot.t. it took me this long to be able to do thisis. >> your d diagnosis came 15 years ago. your symptomoms at the timime were what? >> at the titime, were miminimal. it was heaviness, tingling in my
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then i went symptom free foror quite some time. then during a strtressful time inn my life, i i was going throuough a divorce at 24, 25, things started to hahappen. my symptoms now for the p past five years have bebeen hard, and theyey are weakness on my r right side, l little bit of coordination, high heels arere hard for me. i love h high heels but, unfortunately, it't's limited. i cannot run.n. can't dance the way i used to. yoyou know, things that are hard. >> you gotot the diagnosis. i b believe you were shooting t the fourth y year of "sopranos." you didn'n't tell anyonone for a couple of years. you mentioned guilt a and shame. were you worried about how it would affecect your career? >> yes, verery much. one o of the first p people i told was an industry professionalal, and i know thehey were looking out for me at the time, but they said, i'm going to pretend you didn't telell me that. i don't think you should e ever tell anyone you have this disease. people will limit you. people will judge you. they won't hire yoyou. i took thatt advice. i wawas 20 years old. i i was scared, and i thought that
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>> i was reading that you did tell some e of your cast meat ates on n the "sopranos" a couple years lateter. you know what i likeked? they kept it a sesecret. >> they didid. >> these friends, co-workers, never leakedd it. nobody, not once. . >> them and my friends and my family, they have fiercelyy protected d me over thesese years. they've wanted me to c come out and encouraged me, and i just wasn't ready. i was afraidid. but i'm not anymore. >> you know, what was the reaeason to say nonow? >> yeah. >> youou told me s something in n the commercial breaeak, thatt you had actually prepapared a a post that you wanted t to releaease when you made this announcement. it had been on your computeter about sixix montnths. >> yeah. i feel likike motherhood really changes -- chahanged me. itit chahanges everyone. i didn't want to bring my son up in a home where he felt like he
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i wanted t to be an example of strength and show him that despite what i have or my limitations, that everyone is deserving of opportunity and love and respect. you know, sometimes we have to work a a littltle bit harderr for it, but maybe it'll b be a good example for him. >> you releasesed a couple of tweets on that day, a and you said, this is a hard but liberatiting day for me, and i hope togethther, we can help others and fightht on. you saidid, i'm overwrwhelmed with all of you today. heart. i don't feel soo alone.e. >> i was so overwhelmed with -- i d didn't a anticipate the level of reresponsibility that i now feel, of repepresenting a group of people that suffer in silence. maybe don't f feel representeted. ms is different for everyone. it l looks different inn everyone. it's a hard thing to diagnosis. it's a hard pilill to swallow. it's a frurustrating disease and, you know, i know there's a lot of peoplee that are betteter off than me and a lot of people that arare worse than me..
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people's idea of whahat the didisease is. > the industry person t that you totold this to years ago, who said, don't ever tell anyone else this, doo y you feel differentlyy now? do you wanant to work momore? >> yes. >> do you u think you'll b be received with open arms? >> i hope so. i'm excited aboutut the future. i'm excited to go back to work without feeling thihis -- thatt i have somethihing to hide. i feel like i'lll be a betteter actresess now. i can show u up and be me. i've been working with this disease. i've been working all these years. it was hard, but i'm really looking forward to the future. i understand that some people mayy not w want t to hire me a and some people may. i'm open to it. i have every intention of continuing my career. >> if peoplee don't want to hire you, theheir loss. >> thank you. > i appreciate it. jamie-lynn, great to see you. >> you, too. weather. >> lot of bravery. storm system will be coming on shorore in the pacific northwest
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another behind that. rainfall amounts, we're talklking, some places in northern californrnia, southern oregon, upwards of 6 to 7 inches on the slopes of the olympics.. then we've also got a lot of snow going into the rorockies, making its way into o the cascades and down into the sierra, which is good news >> that is your latest weather. savannah?
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now, it is t time for trending. >> here we go. bullfighting. extremely controversial. extremely dangerous. well, add a little more controversy.y. one matador is takining heaeat for juggggling two tasks at once. his name? >> bob francisco rivera. >> onene of ththe most famous matadors i in spain. he's holding his daughter while fighting a bull. the instagram posost garnered thousasands of likikes but also a a lot of c critical comments. child pektive rotective s services i is investigatating. francisco said this is part of his cultuture and his daughter cocouldn't be somewhere safer, other than his arms. he claimss bullfighting iss a family tradadition. he posted this picture of him on his father's shoulders when his
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what do we think? >> outraged. francisco was gorged last yeyear, nearly died. his father wass gored to death. nonot the family history -- >> thehere are safer places. >> i knknow. i think you want to be culturally sensitive but there's just - -- > at home in the cribib. >> animals are unpredictable. >> ever send an embarrarassing text to an ex, wisished someoeone stoppeped you? >> never. >> there is an app that will stop you. it's called drunk mode. when you turn it on and try to text or callll someone, the app prompted you to solveve a math problem. if you solve it correctly, it'll let you text.. if not, you're out. it also has a bread c crumb feature.e. this is weird. it traracks your movements from the night before, allowing you to retrace your steps if need be. >> so you blacked out?
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file it under things i wish existed when i was 25. >> i if there is a nobel prize for app developers,, that is it right there. >> i know. i need a breathalyzer on the twitter account. people send you nasty grams. onon saturday night, i'll be like, listen! step away. >> don't do it. >> look a at this. >> couple weird posts from her, texts, no question. a bill is beieing proposed in ththe washington statete senatate to revive an ancient form of writing. any guesses? >> high h ro cave andnd a mamarker? >> nono, cucursive. if passeded, it requires all students in washingtonn grade schools to leaearn t to read and writite in cursive. the bibill's sponsor s said she was inspired to get behindnd the bilill after learning h her grandson couldn't read a note written by one of her constituents. it's a topic that's been debated before.
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subject? >> it's a lossss. cursrsive is a beautiful - -- itt leads to yourr signature. >> nothingng nicer than a handwrittenn note. >> you don't l like it in all block letterers? > i wouldn't mind it. newspaper letters.s. >> what do you thinink? you have a beautiful cursive hand. >> i i have a combination hand. i do some scripipt letters and block letters in the middle of words. >> john hancock. >> some want to not teach it anymymore. that's the debate. >> a look fromm behind the scenes of a fuller house and a casting chchoice that has people going, huh? tamron has pop start. >> more than huh.h. first up, we have a little less than a month from the "fuller housuse" release. the new series willl f focus on dj tannerer fululler askingg her sister stephaninie and their friend kimimmy
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to h help us count down the days, nenetflix released a featuture of the cast on the set. >> it's crazy to be back here again. we are >> we are a family and have been since we started this show 28 yearss ago. we've only gotten closer. >> the first time we were a all together as a cast a again was at the table read, and it was kind of like we'd n never left. >> cirircle the cacalendar. "fuller house" comes out on februauary 26th. next up, the 1970s classssic "little house on the prairie." it's getting a reboot. the iconic show is going to be remade as a movie. it's interesting. by paramount pictures. it's based off of laura'a's popular books. gilbert bebecame popular as her role as laura on thehe show. no word on who will be cast as
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>> that's bigger than "fuller house" for me. were you allowed to watch "fantasy islaland?" >> yeah, thehen i went t to - -- >> are you doingng your grocery list in your head? >> yeah, i never watched it. >> you missed out. >> "fantatasy island". >> yeyeah. >> whitete susuit, it was good. conontroversy that we were talking about. joseph fiennes has been cast too play m michael jackson i in an upcocoming momovie. he's b british andnd known for his role in "shakespeaearean loveve." hehe was cast as the king of pop, who is black. the casting concerns haven't been addressed but the role is called a challelenge. ii guess michahael jackskson, after
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this iss the premise. >> i thought it was the start of a jojoke. >> they walk into a bar. >> well, the casting has gotten -- >> it's supposesed to be -- this is a seriousus casting choice? not some -- >> keenan thompson is going to playay -- >> marlon. >> yeah. >> tamron, thank you very much. now, we're launching a new series that we're calling "today's digital divide." we spend a l lot of time jumping between computers and smartphones, constanantly connected to updates in our work and personal lives. >> occasionally drunk texting, as well. we decided to lookk at the effects it's h having on us, beginning wiwith our brains. > reporter: from ththe moment we wake up, we are connected. the dawn of the digital age has brought efficiency and convenience, but digesting all that inforormation can feel
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to see what it't's doing too our brains, wee asked some of the finest mininds around at t the massacachusetts institute of technologygy. dr. mill ser er iss a prorofessor of neuro science. we asked how the human mind iss adaptiting to mumulti-tasking, usising the digital tools. >> the brain has difficulty processing multiplee bits of data at once. we'r're single mininded. >> reporter: to demonstrate, we putt volunteers through a couple tests. >> something is different between t these sceneses. skoonsns you nototice, tell me what it is. >> repororter: with the picturess switcheses two seconds, she m misses the disappearing trees. differenent. >> she didn't do better with h the moving railings. >> your brain has limited capacityty for simultaneous spots. your eye moves five places a second. your brain is taking in information a and your brain pieces it all together into an illusion that your mind can do
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>> reporter: next, he had us see how we can stumble white switching tatasks. >> no one can multi-task well, and below the line, write, the numbers 1 throuough 20. now switch back and forth. >> reporteter: more didifficult. it takes twice a long,, and mistakes. >> if y your brain c could multititask, youou wouldn't have prproblems switching between numberers and letters. >> r reporter: even though our brains aren't builtlt to handle the informatioion, we can't help ourselves. >> your brain evolvlves t to finind information rewarding, to finind new informatition rewarding. the informamation might be very important foror your survival. > reporter: we're h hard wired to checkk that latest e-mail or tweet, while also trying to carry on a conversatation or reaead a book. what are all these distractions rereally doing to our brbrains? we asked dr.r. bob and his researchers at mit.
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imagingg scanners to m map out what happens w when you'ree didistracted. the subject is asked to focus onn thee faces or the houses, as images of both f flash by in this video. >> whenn you're recognizing faces you're using a face processing reregion. whwhen you havee the distraraction from the hohouses, the signal for the f face processing c can be reduced. there's just not as m much neural signal there, when you have the distracting infoformation around. >> reporter: how does that translate to jugglining youour smartphonene when doing g other task tatasks? >> you simply cannot be as g good in processing the task at hand when you have to also filter out all the distraction. people are kidding thememselves. >> reporter:r: for all of us self-proclaimed masters of multitasks, it looks like the joke is on us. >> i have trouble single tasks. >> right? >> i do. >> it's true. dr. miller says our modern devices are great tools.
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a a neighborhoodod is shaken this morning afteter two women were air lifted to the hospitalal following a violent home invavasion. the atattacker brokoke into the home and beat the womemen with an object before flfleeing. polilice caught the attacker a mile away. and d now investigators are searching for a motive but believe the vivictims did d know their r attacker. well weweather-wise, we arare operation oursrself fofor a wet day. it's already really came down ththis morning. >> yeah, we had heavy downpours and we are gegetting a brief break which is really good news as more people hit the roads.s. in the gulflf, yep, that's more rainin coming onshore. let me take you hohour-by-hour. we do have hours of fog upfulllly northern pinellalas coununty and d all day, we keep in a smalall rain chance, maybe light rain this mororning. and ononce we hit t 11:00, the e rain chance goes s up to 7070%. ththat's when the area of rain gets here and rolls in off and d on dowownpours and 8080% chanance at 2:00, 3:00, , 4:00 today. still 60% through h the evenening.
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jill martin is about to make one brand-new look. the best part? you can g get it, too, because their outfits are part of a speciaial steals and deals. >> fantastic. also, angelina jolie andnd jack black talk a about their new movie, "kung fu panda 3," their kids' parts in it and if they hollywooood. it's casserole t time. coming up, a one-dish dinner fromom one of new y york cicity's hottest chefs. casserole or cassulae? >> what't's the differenence? >> one is french. >> check of the weather, al? >> letet's see what we have for you. that's righght. vevery nice. rip currents down along the soututheastern coast as the cold front brings showers and ththunderstormss through florida.
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the pacific northwest. lake-effect snow around the great lakes. advisories along thehe southern california coast.. tomorrow, morore lake-e-effect snow around the grereat lalakes. the rain continues down in florida w with some showers along the carolina coastltline. some s sunshine breaks out in thee northeasast tomorrow with chihilly temperatures. slowly warming in the plains. plenty of sunshine all the way
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>> that is your latest weather. savannah. >> all right, al, thanks. now our today series. jill martin has been very busy this montnth, helpiping us cleanse our minds, fitness roroutines, took on this horrible room inn my house. you've outdone yourself. >> this has been an exciting month foror all of us. so many of you asked me, help me get out of my stylele rut. this week, we d decided to whip your wardrobe into shape. we searched for a deserving couple who wanted t to add sparklele to their marriage. let's meet diane and paul. >> i'm diane. i'i've been marry ied to my husband papaul six years nonow. we have a 10 m month old daughter, liliana. i'm a stay at homome mom, so my dadays consist of chasing h her around the house, diaperr changes,s, laundry. it's not a glamorous life. >> my wife literally spends all of her time taking care of our daughter, e especially when i'm
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so she really deserves too havave some time where it'ss all about her. >> every morning i w wake up, i putt on the same mom outfit, yoga pants and a t-shirt. ii brush my haiair into a a ponytail and that's my look. >> i'll spend l long hours at work often, so when i am off of work, i'm jujust anxious too get home to my beautiful wife and daughter.. so i i don't spend much time shoppiping for clothes or doing my hair. i kikind of run s some mousse ththrough it at the beginnining of the day and that's it. >> i it's a new yeaear and time for me too focus more on myself. >> she deserves it, and i'm really grateful that i get to be a p part of it. >> they are adorable. so this is diane before. now, diane, come on out. let's see your style makeover. wow! youu look gorgeous. >> doesn't she look great? >> how do youou feel, diane? >> wondnderful. i can't believeve this is me.
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probably ovever a year and a half. >> you look like a million bucks. >> thank you. >> you excited to see papaul? you haven't seen each other yet, right? >> absolutely.. can't wait. >> she's seen herself but not her husband, as you said. we have h him hiding right now in the green room. i think it's timime to bring -- look at him. >> there's paul. >> don't look at the monitor. >> i'll cover your eyes here. >> they just got back.k. we want to thank louis a and igor. they went separately this morning, so they separated at 4:00 a.m. now, it is t time for them to see each other for the first time. ready? >> i'm ready. >> one, two, three. >> wow. come on in, paul. >> you look beautiful. >> you look great, too. >> awe. >> did i get lipstick on you? no, you're good. >> how did you get roped into this style makeover?
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i'm grgrateful, and she looks beautiful. >> thank you. you look gogood, too. ii love the flowers. theyey're gorgeous. >> you're adorabable. the best thing, peoplple can see this and do this themselves? >> this is great. we got to spend the day yesterday together. this is so nice because we never get to do this for ourselves, they did. a lot of the items they're wearing are steals and deals items so you can get them, too. >> all right. >> i'll use you as the model. come over here so we can show you off. let's start with the jeans. this was the first pair o of jeaeans we put on her. these are $16167 to $207 retail.. celebrity fans are kristen ststewart, halle bererry and taylor swift. there's s boot cut, skinny., y you can find them. retail, $16167 to $207. deal, $49.99, 76% off. and all colors, right?
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all on great deal on designer jeans. next up, the jewelry.y. a little sparkle in your life. retail, $2$275. it's a fourur-piece set. you get three of ththe necklaces and then you get earrings. three lengngths. we layered them on diane. yoyou can see h how pretty they look. retail is $275. deal is $49. 82% off. they come in platinum o or 18 karat yellow cold. > cc,. >> we hahave the beautiful designer bag t that retails $550. it is an invnvestment pipiece. four colors, made in the u.s. parker and demi moorore. the deal is $79. 86% off. > you can put your mom stutuff in
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>> baby is so gorgeous. >> absosolutely. >> let's talk about paul. >> on to paul. we had so much fun yesterday. he's wearingg two of o our deals, too. oxford shirts, $69 t to $82. we p put him in the shirtrt and the sweater. you get a choice of one. alll the versionss are on the retail, , $68 to $82. dealal is $24. great to layer urnrn nder a suiuit y you alalready have. if you're a little more formal or need ties or a g gift that comemes in a gift box, salt and dapper ties, $165. ven ties. the deal is $39. 76% off.f. what's the next one? >> last one -- i'm going to steal thesese and have you model to embarrass you a little more. i know how much you're loving this..
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the poportoland accessories, retail $225 to $235. you can get the cashmere hat and scarf set. i'll put this on you, too. i'm really d doing it all here for you, paul. so the retail is $225 to $235. deal is $65. up to 72% off. >> great. we have great deals. to get them. you have another thing going on. > i have two more things going on.. the first one is we have a spspecial web deal on ted pont also excitingng, if you want to revamp your style for 2016, s send us a photo of ththe oldesest most out of datate thing in your clososet. uh-oh. using your #start t today contest. you'll havave a chahance to win one of each of the deals. you have 24 hours starting now. i cannot wait. you probably have gooood things. >> exactly. the ololdest, most out of dadate, crazy thing in your closet.
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>> you'll pick a winnnner. >> and announce it, yeah. >> thank y you so much. big thank you to both of yoyou. you look fabubulous. hope you had fun. >> thanks so much. >> let's run through thehe products. jeans f from jane's's jeans. jejewelry from kenneth jay lane. beryl bag. oxford golf shirts. salt and dapper ties and thanks, guys. up next, angelina jolie and jack black.
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about to be served. we'll have two justice platters. did you wantt extra sauce? >> on the side. >> on the sidede. >> what is it about thehese films that makes themm soo special? >> i think anythingg that comes from such a good place is veryy special.l. ththe intention of this is to do something for childrenen. you know, it't's rerelatable for everybody. reallyly, it's foror children and it has beautififul messages off embracing who you are, being a family, loyalty, understanding all dififferent types of family, all different types of beings and finding yourself. >> r reporter: this time around, it's's a family affairir. four of the jolie-pitttt kids and black's s son samuel had roles in the movie. >> how was it working with yourr kids? >> it t was so mucuch fun. >> they took it seriously. i'm not s sure i can do this. you knowow, to talk t them through it,, simple thingsgs, but they
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getting it rightht and not doing a bad job. >> whose idea was it? did y you have to cononvince t them to don't, or were they excited to have a papart? >> we forced them. it's like, get out there and do your jojob. earnrn some money for this fafamily. my boy wanted to don't. when i told him, we'e're doioing "kung fu panda 3," h he was like, can i be in it? i wass like, i'll see whatt i can do. i'll try to get you a line. >> do we have a acting bugugs on our hands? > i hope not. >> why? >> if they'y're going to be actors,, i hope they do something andd then be actors. >> i enencourage them, w when they want to be in a thing, wantt to act, i say, what aree you going to write?e? you have to write it. i try to steteer them towardsds writingg and directining, thihings on the iphone. ipiphone videoeo films. >> i bet yours are great.
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>> reporter: dusustin hoffman and lucy liu are back again. and a few new voices you might recognize. >> these are your cousins, dim and sully. >> welcome back. >> how you been, man? >> whose the panda? > you the panda. > you the panda. >> it's like the b best job i in the world. if you c can get a cool animated film --- >> that works. >> it's so fun. and it's s sort of lower stress than a live action film, where you have to wake up a at 5:00 a.m. and go through the hair, makeup and costumes every day. you show up in your pjs and let it go f for a few hours. it's a really fun job. >> because he c can only be stopped by a m master off chi. >> again with ththe chchi. > jack, should we expect a nunumber 4? >> i think thesese things -- the natural progressionon is three.e. the beginning t the middle and the end.
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that seems to be the law of sequels. when we started off, that was the hope, in my mind, is man, maybe this will be a huge hit and we'll d do another one. >> i think there's a a hunger f for pandas.. people w want more panda, and it's a good sign. >> reporter: for "today," los angegeles. >> my kids want t more panda. they're excited. >> your son was watchingg -- >> my little one was w watching the first one lasast night, getting ready. tonight, we'll watch the second. >> cute. >> "kung fu panda 3"3" openingng on frfriday. ahead, a recipe you need to have.
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the bat, i'm a fan of yours andnd your restaurarant. this is going to be fun for meme. >> awesome. >> we're makaking cassoulelet? > cassoulelet, casserole. cassoulet is actctually the pot in which we're going to cook it in. it is a mixture, very much like we have bakeked beans, porork and ham. we havee smoked bacon, sausage. wewe're using chicken because it's healthier. you can use whatever you so desisire. >> this is like getting a personal cooking lesson. we're going step byy ststep. fifirst thing is sofrot ito. >> t this is a sauce, basicalllly. >> what we're going to do is drain it. we'ree goioing to sautee this, and this is the f foundation for the sauce.e. >> how lonong does it take to brown?
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don'tt burn it. we could puree it. what i'm going to do n now is transfer this. what we have is the bacon. wewe preroastst third-degree -roasteded this a bit and we'll have a little bit of fun on the bottom. deglaze this. >> never know. > unbelievablele. >> deglaze w with white wine. we'll reduce this down. add thehe meat and put itt inside of here. now, these are large, creamy beans to saute. then we have an aeromatic bouquet. >> why? >> i don't want the needles and things insidee thehe sauce. >> makes sense. >> meat goes in, we cover it and braise it. >> how long does it cook? >> two and a half hours. very, very slowly. >> all right. >> length of time is important because it becomes very creamy. this is the thing that a lot of times --
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second andnd check in with my tasters. >> so good. >> cassoululet. >> i always use great terminology. we were poking an egg and doing a vortex the lasast time. remember that? >> i do. >> what i i'm going to do is i put bread crumbs on top. >> can you show dowown in there? look howow beautiful that looks. >> that t is not finished. it could go back in the oven a little bit. you know how we talk about casseroles the next day? flavor. >> when this is done, the idea, the chicken will basically fall off the bone. >> literally fall off the bone. again, it could be, tra somethingng here. your team has a bit of this downstairs t that we mamade. >> down the line, tamron? >> i can just pour this bowl down my mouth right now. it's's amazing. >> she's plannnning to bathe in
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>> i love cassoulet. my f first time witith chicken, perfection. >> i i've not anything like this in a long time.. spectacular. >> so good. >> nat and savannah?? >> mouth fufull. >> casserole andnd cassoulet, are they the same? >> yes. tip from wisconsin, knows everything about casssseroles, right? >> late at night, i'm walking down the streett in new york. michael is standing outut there, grabs m me and says, i want to show y you my new rerestaurant, here. hasn't opened yet. gagave me a tour. it's kinind of close to my house. it's like the greatest kitchen -- >> lunchrhroom. >> -- in your backyard. fantastic. you platedd it up. > little bitit of the juice. again, the caramelizeded -- you see this golden liquid. listen, this is perfect. on the s snow day the other day, it would have been amazing.
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andd i will -- tuesday, t this is on the menu. next time you're walkingng down the street, my friend, and it's cold out, you know where to go. >> c can you freeze this? >> absolutely. it's's a great meal ahead, day ahead, p put it in the frfridge, back in ththe oven, slow cooker. >> s start to finish, it's a fairlyly time-c-consuming thing. you have to cook it properly. >> the results are w worth it. >> yummmmy. >> michael white, nice to see you. >> thanknk you. >> go to for the recipe. bacack in a momentnt.
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how good was that?? >> we have a glow. so gogood. i want to takee a nap nonow. >> what's coming up next hour? >> we've got a b big deal going on. we're starting our today's take facebook page. we have a contest along with it. >> 2 25 days of prizes. visit the facebook "tododay's take" site. >> i'm in.
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i'm gayle guyardo. it 18:58 on this wet wednesday morning. 14 sequel turtles are back in the wild this morning thanks to the florida aquarium. they were rescued in new england during a cold snap in november. the aquarium nursed four back to health. crews then released all 14 turtles at canaveral national seashore on the east coast. we hope they enjoy their stay inin florida but later today, they could see rain for those in tampa bay. that's right, very heavy rainfall from about midndnight to 6:00 a a.m. that's pusheded off the east coast and now i'm watchihing this area in the e gulf of mexico because it too is going to come- on shore. which is why i deft -- come onshore. which is why i left the rain chance in. this i is going to continue
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another cold front comes through. it's not going to cool us down significantly y for friday bubut the e best news, it's going to dry usus out giving perfect weather for gasparililla sasaturday. >> that's going to be fantastic. we will be baback in 20. thiss morning on "today's take," dond trump trump bows out of tomorrow's dedebate. what is he doioing instead? a sneak peek at one of the super bowl ads eveveryone will be talking about. it could get a little wild when dominic monaghan stops by. all that and more coming up now. >> announcer: fromnbc news, this is "today's take," with al roker, natalie morales, willie geist and tamron hall, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza.
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wednesdaday morning, it's january 27th,, 202016. it's a balmy day, warm. >> we don't like t that word. >> willie, al, tamron and natalie, we're all hear. ththe theme you hehear, that's "the godfatheher." in tributete to the great abe vigodada. >> we love abe vigoda. he just passed away at the age of 94. of course, he was in "the godfather." you knew he was going to get whacked. probably so many more people knew him a around the world also from the comedy sereries "barney miller." we loved him on this show. hehe made numerous appearances. we joked with matt that he looked like ababe. through the years, he's she'd visit us.
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so terrific. his carar didn't arrive in los angeles once,, and i gave h him a ride home.e. told stotories about the "godfather," "barney miller," lovely gentleman. >> someone who discovered fame later i in life. he was i in h his 50s. goodod to see hee reinvevented himself. >> he was a runnining gag on "l"leatherman." i'm notot dead. >> 1982, therere was a reporterr who posted that he -- in "people" magazine. >> before posting. >> well, in n the mamagazine. >> actually wrote itt down. . >> in the magazine. >> yes. >> i'll be honest, growiwing up, i knew him as t the guy who walked on to leatherman t letterman. i had to realize he had a career before that. >> barney millller's -- there was a spin off, right? >> yeah. >> todd bridgeses was one of ththe
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he was my favorite character on "barney miller," bibish. >> so joseph fiennes, the brother of raralph, they'y're white, and joseph is playiying michael jackson. >> what? >> yes. >> t there is a huge controversy. i don't know if it's a controversy. >> what d do you mean? > i mean the w white guy i is playaying michahael jackson, the black guy. >> h how great is this? >> the premise o of the movie iss better. >> bbc, right? >> we've run out of b black american actors s to play michael jackson.n. >> the premise of f the filmlm, i it's a trurue road trip that elizabethth taylylor, marlon and michael jajackson took after -- >> amamazing ride. >> who will play elilizabeth tayloror? >> i didn't knonow we were going toto talk about ththis.
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>> off topic a little bit. >> it't's a hot topic. >> i is it laterer in life michahael jackson, is that why he's ablee to pull it off? >> postt 9/11. >> lighter later in life. >> willl you tell us more? >> i it's done. people are very, veryry, very, very upseset, as you can imagine. >> it's ridiculous. . >> it is rididiculous. you also havee this beef withh british actors who get all thehe nominations in thee u.s. >> movies and tv shows, thehey keep casting brits and guys from australia to play americans. we have notot run outut of american actors who are pretty darn good. i'm sorry. >> every year. >> there a are a lot of finine acactors and they make great performances. but wee do havave american actors. >> who would play dononald trump? trying to get back on topic. >> well, probably daniel craig. >> daniel craig. >> because h he's british. >> okay. other way.
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trump is in the news this morning. he says he's going to skip tomomorrow night't's d debate on fox over cononcerns that h he wouould not be treated f fairly by fox moderator megyn kelly, and he's not b been treated faiairly in general, particularly yesterday, by fox news. he posted this video on instagram yesterday. me. she knows that. i know that. everybody knows that. do you really t think shehe can be fair at a debate? >> the bad blood, of f coursese, between trump, fox newews and megyn kellyy goes backk to the firsrst fox d debate inn august.. she led offff the debate witith a a tough question, askingg about his passssed comomments on women and he tookok exception to it. fox fired back with a statement accusing trump's campaign manager with threateningng m megyn kelly. saying, quote, we can't give into terroririzations toward any employees. trump is welcomeme at thuhursday nighght's debay and will be treateted fairly but he can't dictate the moderators on the
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what trump took e exception to was nonot that part. there was an earlier statement about them beieing snanarky about hihim and megyn kelly, putin and how to handle iran. he said, enough is enough cht i . i don't need you. >> foxox stoked the flflames. >> it's hard t to stoke the flame whwhen the flame is onon fire. have you e ever seen when donald trump went on wwe? >> sure. > if you put that clip of him saying, i'm n not going -- and his appepearance of ththe wrestling thing,g, it's very sisimilar. he's taken a page out of v vince mcmahon's play bookk on success. >> he's donone everythingg in his own waway. >> rerewritten the rules. he's put the wwe rules into politics. ted cruz -- >> he wants a manano-e-mano debate. the trurump camampaign sasaid, no. we're g going to d do a parallel event on a different network to
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he said, i'm not going to show up and bring my 20 m million viewers to you, fofox. i'll show up with my 20 m million viewerss and raise moneyey for wounded warriors. what network says, i'll g give you the platfoform? >> hehey, donald. >> thinknk somomeone will take e him? here's the thing, he doesn't need a network. people will take it live, i thinink. >> you think c cable news -- so fox is o on the debate, and thenn ththe alternative w would be msnbc and cnn. >> they d don't have to sanction it. they can take it live as an eventt in t their broadcast. >> it'll be intereresting. >> i'm not convinced he doesn't show up and they donon't work it out. >> i don't think so.. he's already said, that's it. his camampaign manager said. on "morning joe" when you talked to him, he said it's a done deal. >> welcome to showow business, bababy.
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conspiracy, but i think they know it benefefits both. >> it helped megyn kelly. >> she was a s star and it elevated her. she's brilliant at what she does.. i think it's real because he took onn -- it was all f fun and games until you go after someone who isis one of ththe mosost powerful he's done thatt now. he said h his word is his bond. straraight mafia. i don't think he's g going to show up. >> he has the most to lose, perhapaps. right now, he's w writing his own roles. let's talk super bowl. we get super bowl ads. we're getting a sneak peek. a amazon setet to release its first ever super bowl ad. i thoughtht thehey had an a ad before but i guess not. aa look at their campaign leaeading up to super bowl susunday. take a lolook. >> cheerleaders. >> cheerleaders? marino, i thought you were the expert at these parties.
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what about a snack stadium? >> what's a snack stadium? >> a stadium built entirerely of snacks. >> brilliant. marino, new list. i'm going to need an architect, five-star chef. > snacks? that's smart. >> cheerleader. >> cheerlrleaders. >> okay. gegetting ready for the big game. alec baldwiwin, dan m marino. that's their echo, personal assistanant, likike siri. >> give m me marinoo and i'm? >> i think it'll add on throughout the game. . >> something building a attention on al roker this morning, you lost your wallet a and nowow superstars around the world a are what happenened? >> i was in a c cab yesterday on the west side, and i don't know if i dropped itt in the cab or outside of the cab.
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i tweeted, lost my walallet in a yellow cab this s afternoon on t the west side. bummer. james kor corden, said, i i found al roker'r's wallet in a cab in new yoyork city. i'll selell it to the highest bidderer. i donon't think he really has it. >> no woword? >> no. >> somomebody spent lavishly u under the name al roroker. >> exactly. >> therere's only onone al roek ker. >> did you w write down your -- werere you able to immedediately call a and cancel? >> i have now. i was waititing for a little bit to see if somebody would turn it? >> when mark ruffalo lost his wallet, remember, adorable girirls andd he tweeted out this pictuture of the girls. they found his wallet buried in the snow. i guess that's what you do now, right? >> if you're famous. >> i thought i'd do the ruffalo. > while we're here, my mom lost
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day walking the dogsgs. >> does she have her phone on it? >> passcode, you can check the contacts, see many willie geist is on here. >> this is our music. bieber. look at these tabables of swag. part of ourur new today's take table. tamron will be showing you this a a little later on. meantime meantime, we have wetet weather through florida. we're talalking over the next two days, anywhere from 1 1 to 3, 4 inches of rain. and we're t talking about a big warmup coming into the central plains. today, temperatures anywhere from 5 to 20 degrees above avererage. tomorrow, indianapolis, des moines, omaha, oklahoma city, houston, all above avaverage. by friday,, makes its way to the east. a little warmer here in the northeast, but not b by much.
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>> that is your latest weweather. >> al, thank you very much. coming up, you know him from requests lord "lordd of e kings." dominic monaghan is living on the wild side with his cut! this is way too much. i just want to talk to women about my decision to use poise. i' ve had four kids. ladies, who leaks a little when they laugh? uh-uh, uh-huh. you see? switching to poise helps make lifife easier. roll that thing!
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for dryness,s, comfort, and odor controlol. and unlike period pads,, poise thin shape pads have thin flex technology. seize your poise momentt at make delicious recipes that are lighter in calories and added sugar when you u use splenda no calorieie sweetener. think sugar, r, use splenda mmmm mmmm....mmmm mmm mmm mmmm mmmm, yoplait we offered women a myststery beauty treatment. right now? yeah! that sounds great! could they guess what it was? very rich and smooth. . really c creamy. i keep touchching my face.e. so what had d we used? what?! wait! just water was addeded to this? my skin definitelyly feels mumuch more radiant. that sense of having like smoototh dewy skin
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momoisturizing cream for smoother,, more radiant skin. dove, your daily beauty treatment for radiant t skin. give extra. get extra. soup and sandwich and clean and real, and feeling good, sort of. and 500 calorilories or less. the clean pairings menu. at panera. food as it should be. is your head so congested it's ready to explode? you may be muddling through allergies.
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to powerfully clear your blocked nose and relieve your other allergy symptoms. so, you can breathe easier all day. zyrtec -d. at the pharmacy counter. i think the reception for this product is overwhelminglyy positive. this toothpaste, sensodyne repair & protect can actually repair and prprotect sensitive teeth. and as long as thehey brush then t they can expect to continually have that reparative lalayer of protection againstst sensitivity.. sensnsodyne repair and protect has clinical evidence showing how effective it works. i know that dedentist recommend sensodyne rerepair & protect. okay. hehe surviveved a noble quest in the film "lord of the rings," and a plane crash on "lost." now, dominic monagaghan is a real
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us along. >> t travel channel's "wilild things with dominic monaghan." he explores landsquapp capes and wildlilife s wildlife. >> do you do moray eels? >> they have a reputation f for going after divers andnd people in the water, which isn't necessarily true. animal. big creature, as well. if i was to swim over the creature, it might defend its territory. it would give you a nick. thee biggest shark in the world, harmless creature,, onlyy eats plankton. it's big enough to accididentally swalallow you andnd not know. >> jonah. >> you have to be careful whehere yoyou put yourself in thatt situation. amazing creature. >> you interact a lot with chchildren. >> love young people. . >> african rock python?
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of the african continent. this guy unfortunately had been stabbed by a local guy in his chicken coop. it was eating his chickens. the children were scared. the snake is scared because he thinks he'll be stabbed again. we do minor surgery on this guy and send him up a tree. >> let's bring in our first animal. creature. >> he's hungry. >> this is a rodent.t. theyey're related to hamsters and guinea pigs. . >> youou can see it. > he's a prey animal. they're skiddish. they're eaten by crorocodiles and stuff.f. they can be known to be a l little shy. they makee an adorable noisese when you stroke ththem, make them f feel good. very strong teeth but not interested in biting humans. they live close to the water's's edge.
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rodent. it's's the same family as -- give him a stroke. you c can be brave. only a rodent. >> a rodent. >> on his head here. >> he's interestedd in eatating his cord. >> let's bring out the next. >> is that a stroke? >> hey. let's bring in the lemur. >> so glamorous. >> lemurs of madagascar. >> with the anime classisic, "madagascar," kids knonow about this creature. they're off the coast of africa. a primate thatt evolvlved completely separately from other primates. has a little bit off a dog-like face. >> is that a gummy bear? >> love candy. smart creatures. they're in big social groups. he's looking for morore to eat now. > all hail king julius. >> how beautiful. >> sorry. >> he's a glamorous creature.
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>> he has a leash. >> who is our last person? >> last person? >> this guy, v very interesting. >> so cute. >> they're found all over central america. let's see if we can get him on camera. >> are youdominic? al will help. >> is that a ferret? >> raccoon-type creatuture. >> hear the claws? >> very, very sharp. feel how soft the skin is. you're okay. >> i just want t to always know. >> come on now. and they smell absolutely beautiful. love honey. >> he smells like honey. >> fantastic climbers. loves my hair, for good reason. >> d dominic monaghan, thank you. >> i love how little you are scared by harmless creatures. >> "wild things with dominic monaghan monaghan" tonight on the travel
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one crest 3d whitete smile... all it t takes... turn the tables. p crest 3d white toothpaste... ...removes 5 times moret ststains... r ...than the red box. for a smile like that, crest 3d white... is the way to whiten. now you can create your own tour of italy from olive garden' s s most mouthwhwatering dishes, starting at $12.99. choose 3 of 10 classic favoriteses to enjoy o on one plate. like our delicious new shrimp ravioli with lobster alfredo,, a filled pasta like irresistible tortellini al forno, and a classic like creamy fettuccini alfredo. plus unlimited salad and freshly baked breadsticks. because the best tour r of italy is the one you create. only at t olive garden. we' re all f family here. breadstitick lovers, your new favorite lunch is here, breadstick sandwiches.s. [ female annnnouncer ] take skincare to the next level with roc multi correxion 5 5 in 1. proven to hydrate dryness, illuminate dullness,
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of dark spots, and smooth the appearance of wrinkles. high performance skincare only from roc . sesee me. see me. don't stare at me. see me. see me. see me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. i'm not contagious. see me to know that i won't stop. until i find what works. discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. proven to help t the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. 8 out of 10 people saw 75% skin clearance at 3 momonths. while the majority saw 90% clearance. do not use if you are allelergic to cosentyx.. before startrting, you should be tested for tuberculosis. an increased risisk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms... ...such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. if you have crohn's disease, tell your doctor as symptoms can worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. see me. see me.
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a clearer path forward. for a different kindkind of medicine, ask your dermatologigist about cosentyx. this morning we were so excited. we're launching the "today's take" facebook page. >> look at us. we have our own page. >> to celebrate, we're givining awaway 25 prizes in 25 days. we will post one prize each day at's take. just heaead to the sweepstakes tab to enter each drawing. there will be a new prize e each day a at 9:00 a.m. entries end at 5:00 p.m.m. two big trips too win. first is new york city. you and a guest will be h heading here for four days, threeee nights,, overlookining the manhattatan skyline. four-course dinner at the hotel's restaurant. tamron, let's look at the other prizes.
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da, da, da, da. >> this could be yours. >> a nordic track. snow blower. k smart kmart gift voucher. slow cooooker. >> koof fee coffee. >> amazon echo. >> so many things. >> these prizes are major. these aren't throw away scarves you will regift -gift next year. >> lolook, a book by al roker and deborah roberts. >> go to's take. >> 25 prizes, 25 days. coming up, "suits" star
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therere's a story behind the silver ofof philadelphia cream cheese. it always begins with fresh, local milk blended with real,l, wholesome creacream. going fresh from the farm to our fridge in just six days. when it comes to fresh taste, nothing else tastes like philadelphia. [ julie ] the wrinkle cream graveyard. if it doesn't work fast... you're on to the next thing. neutrogena rapid wrinkle repair has the fastest retinol formula to visibly reduce fine e lines and wrinkles in just one week. neutrogena . grilled chicken and bush's baked beans. >>mom totally forgot to give us vegetables. i know. . it's awesome. >>boo-yayah. blow it up.. bush's baked beans. slow cooked according to our secret family recipe with a hint of sweetness.
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good morningng. it's 9 9:27 on this wednesday morning. a new obstacle in an unsolved murder case in pinellas county. the disappearance e two years ago is still a mystery. and now w the only suspect ever named in ththe case is dead. he owned the home where she was last seen. investigators claim he made
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eventually refused to talk. deputies hope someonone may now finally feelel comfortablble coming cacase. anand weather-wise, itit's going tuberculosis a wet day later. >> later. we had the rain overninight where we had d up to an inch and 1.5 incheses in plplace. and nonow we are in the weweak to watch more showers and thunderstorms offshore pushing closer and closer. it's mildld despite the cloudy skies. mid-60s right now. soso off and on downpours this afafternoon and evening. and at that point, the potential of seeing flooding may occur, espspecially with the stronger downpours. and you could see some isolatated damaging wind gusts and wewe wiwill be watchihing that closely. and we finally y clear out, not until tomorrow eveningng and then weekend. get out and enjoy. all right.
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taking a lookk at the headlilines. two big airlines offering refundnds to passengngers who are worried about t the zizika virus. united airliness sayays peoplee bobooked on f flights to areas affected by y the virus c can reschedule or get refunds.s. american airliness says pregnant women booked to f fly to el salvador, honduras, gaud withth a doctor's notes, can get refunds. the virus has been lilinked to birth defects. >> a u.s. task force i is
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forr all patients overr the age of 18 and recommends allll primary cacare doctors scrcreen pregnantt women and those who have recently given birth.h. currenent estimates a are as m many as 15% of new mothers suffer from postpartumum depressionon. oprah wininfrey is winning by losing. on tuesday, the weight watcherss investor and partner posted on twitter by follolowing the weight watchers prograram, she's l lost 26 pounds and, yes, s she has eaten bread every day. after that single tweet, the company's m market value jumped up 20% and helped oprah earn more than $19 m million in one day. that's a a good thing. a new study finds three popular methods for quitting smoking have the same success ratetes. researchers frorom the universityy of wiscoconsin looked at 1,1,000 people who wanted toto give up cigarerettes and compared nicotine
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1 in 5 wasas smoke three free a year later. w what's the f favorite comfort foodod in america? the big winner is, you guessed it, pizza. according to a new poll, out of 2,200 adultsts, 15% said pizza is their favavorite comfort food. almost double than any other food. chocolate and ice cream tieied for secocond. a rare giraffe standing abovove the c crowd at a national park in tanzania. this i is a 155 mononth old white giraffffe. she was spotted this month by photographers from thee wild nature institute. it's the second white g giraffe to be s seen i in the park in the last 20 years. she was named after a brand of deter detergent let's get a check of the weather from al. >> wet weather through florida and the southeast. we've also got high surf
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cali coast. what is that button? this counts our likes. let's see here. new "today's takeke" facebook page. 7,300. go to "today's take" on's take. hit it again. let's see. this is fantastic. i love this thing. oh, my goshsh. it's like the easy button. only better. by the way, we get to a million, we're going to pull a random viewer's name out of a hat. i'm coming to do weather at your place. i think i problem broke the box. that's what's goioing on around the cocountry. wow, we spared noo expense for the box. that's what's going on around
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>> don't forget, 25 days of prizes. a prize every day. popcorn. >> sorry, whoever. you're not winning the popcorn. >>'s take. >> catch, al. >> nice! money shot. >> tamron? >> livee tv, folks. >> you a are a king. that's incrcredible. i'm sorry. hey, it's pop fix time. i think i've got a way to upstage al. we'll seeee what happens. ryian -- rihannana keepsps t teasing
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she tweeteded this pipicture. lilistening to h her new album.m. itit's the insane headphoneses that have attracted so much attention. the crown onn her head, they are by dolce & gabbana.a. embellished with crysystals. $8,895. it's notot in our facebook give away. but we are guessing rihanna's new trackss will soundnd just as good on your r regular earar buds. while no release date is set,t, just this morning, , she dropped a single.. it featutures drake. ii love how we call him a canadian rapper.. she's teaming upp with him. late lasast night, kananye west announced he changed the name of his upcoming alblbum frorom swish to waveves. there's also an updating track list.
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scribbbbles from his wifife kimim and sistster in law. in case you're wondering how big the new record will be for kanye, he put on twitter,r, this is not an albumum of f the year.. this iss album of the lifefe. grammy voters, takake vote. he wants it for life. kanye will unveil "waves," seventh studio albubum, at madison square garden, during the premierere of his fashion line, season three. so major. >> is one of our "today's take" aisle? maybe not a a date, but it l looks like there couldld be wedding bells i in store for one off our favoritete guys in the world. john cena and his girlfrienend of three years. look how things turned out on tototal divas onn e. >> what do you want to talk about? >> i guess, where you stand with
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>> you want to know if my mind d change snd. >> i mean, i hatate saying it that way, but i guess. >> at this popoint, in our relationship, in our lives,s, because of nights l like this, when we have so muchch fun laughing withh each other, because of moments like the afternoon w when you fell asleep in my arms, the momoments i spend with your family, wouould i love to marry you? absolutelyly. >> what t the hell? >> i love youou. and i love you more ththan i've ever loved anyone in myy entire life. >> d did he propose?e? what happened? jojohn, please calll us and let us knknow. did you propose? we lovee you guys together. you j just got a newew dog. okay, that's riveting. al rokoker is g going too do weatheher at yourr house.e. we'r're at 13,000 facebook members. if we reach a million, you get toto pick two things out of my closet, two dresses, two shoes, you never have to wear them. theree you have it.
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ahead, one of the fast-talkingng stars of "suits," gabriel macht, spills secrets ahead of tonight's premiere, after these messages. how mamany, gabrieiel? hit it. >> oh, gosh.. don't ruin it. t like restrictions. not in life. and d not when it came to watching her calories. why settle on taste? jane thohought. that' s why jane loves light & fifit greek nonfatat yogurt. burstingng with rich creamy awesomeness and 12 grams of protein. all for 80 calories. no settlining here. what else does j jane love? that youou could win a fitbit flex from light t & fit. learn more on specially marked packs. light & fit. feel free to enjnjoy. nivea in-shower body lotion. first i wawash... then i apply it to my w wet skin. it moisturizes with no sticky feel. i quickly rinse off. and i'm ready to go.
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if you're lookining to save money on your medicare part t d prescriptions, walgreens says, carpe med diem. seize the day to get more out ofof life and medicare part d. just switch to walgreens for savings that'll be the highlight of your day. now preview the cost of your copay before you fill. you can even get one-dollar copays on select plans. [ scanner beeping ] sir, could you stepep aside? "sir"? come on. you know who i am. progressive insurance? uh, i save people an average of over $500 when they switch?h? did you pack your own bags? oh! right -- the name your pricice tool. it shows people policy o options to help fit their budget. [ scanner warblingng ] crazy that a big shot like mee would pack his own bags, right? [ chuckles ] so, do i havave the right to remain handsome? [ chucuckles ] wait.
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weight watchers has changed. weight watchers all-new beyond the scale program puts the focus on you and not just the number on the scale. lose weight while eating healthier, with all new smartpoints. and move more by including fitness in ways that work for you. see how good you'll feel with the new weight watchers beyond the scale program! join for free noww and lose 10 pounds on us. i'veve smoked a lot and ququit a lot, but ended up nowhere. now i use this. the nicoderm cq patch, with unique extended release technology, helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time.
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is your head so congested it's ready to explode? you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec -d to powerfully clear your blocked nose and relieve your other allergy symptoms. soso, you can brbreathe easier all day. zyrtec -d. at the pharmacy counter. i'm going to share a phohoto of my eggo waffle when it pops up. that's so inteteresting honey because i'm m going to share a a photo of my eggo waffle when it pops up. l'eggo my eggo l'eggo my eggogo (ansnswering machine) hey! leave a message. hi, i know you'r're there, i'm calling you to tel tell you to l l'eggo my eggo! anncr: some e things are too delicious to share. golden crispy, warm anand fluffy eggo waffles. l'eggo my eggo. gabriel macht has kept us on the edge off our seats, literally on the edge of your seat, on
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"suits." >> he plays harvey speck torre ter, who hires a law school drop out.. how, harvey is trying too keep him calm after a a secret iss out. >> you're in the harvard database. you have a trananscript. you'rere in the bar. you're a practicing attorney.. thosose facts are rereal. just like every casee you ever workeded on and every person you helped alolong the way. >> harvey, the woman is nonot joking. . a fraud. you're a lawyer and thahat's the way it's going to stayay. dodon't forget, w we don't need to prprove you're a lalawyer. she needs to prove youou're not. >> gababriel macht, good momorning, sir. good to sesee you. >> nice to see you. >> this f feels like this moment was inevivitable over fivive seasons, like someonene was going to expose mimike. who sold him out here? >> well, i can't tell you that. >> i tried. >> if youou think tonightht is a good episode, y you have too watch next week, because i think next
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>> he gets arresteded, riright? mike gets arrested,, going to jail. >> he goess to jail foror a night. you just sawaw him. i g get h him ouout. but t the next six episodes is really about, you know, this indictment. the state has indicted him withh conspiracy t to committ fraud. itit's a house of cards that might crumble. we'll see if we canan get him off. we'v've gotten everyone off in thee five years, but this is the hihighest stakes rigight now. >> you said the next six episodes, sixix must be yourr lucky number. you've b been renewed for a sixixth season. >> that's right. >> what isis it about this show that you think hooks us all in? >> i thinknk there's something about the elevated aspirirational ideaea of who these people are. we're not real pepeople, you know. we d don't speak like real people. we try and groundd the drama inn reality, butut these guys are super lawyerers.
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way. i thihink at this point though, it hahas become m more grorounded than ever. that's what makes it moree interesting. >> i'm curious when you take onn a role like this,, play a lawyer five seasons, do you feel like you u understand itt where -- d do you have that swagger? i could walalk into a courtroom andd represent somebody? >> absolutely. >> get willie off on that charge hehe's facing? >> it's pending. > ask what he did new year's eve. >> what'd youou do? where were youou the night of -- >> no. >> notot safe f for work or tv to hearar. >> it was a long night. we'll talk about it later. right along thehe river. >> don't telll anymore. could you get him off? >> i don't't t think so. did you say thihings i -- no, weird. it's n not ever going t to happen. >> where did your brains go in the gutter?
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>> america's sweetheartt gabe macht. >> thahat was a "tododay's tatake" first and it has to be worth likes on facebook. >> guys, have we ever had a spit take?? i don't t think so. >> youou made "t"today's take" history. >> yes! >> that's worth at least 1,000 likes on facebook. >> thank you. >> goodd one. nice spray. >> d did you rehearse that in the back? >> no, come on.. this is my job. >> he's n not acting. >> i fall on skateboards. > last time you were here, you talked a about how the set is huge. you shoot up in torontoto and skateboard arouound. >> we do. i have n not fallen yet. >> yet. >> i don't knoww how you recovered to ask that. my mind i is just -- >> oh, man, you gotot my dna all over your table here. >> wee can sell thahat onn our facebook page.
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>> gabriel macht, h he wants to go, so we'll let h him go. >> he doesn't want to do. >> "suits," terrific show, returns tononight at 10:00/9:00 central. good to see you. >> howow many likes did we get? >> come on, slow motion. >> must like it. >> oh, that was the aftetermath. >> here we go. > oh! there's only one egg that just tastes better. so fresh from the farm. delicious. perfect. only one egg with more great nutrition... like 4 times more vitamin d and 10 times more vitamin e. and 25% less saturated fat. only one egg g good enough for my family. because why have ordinary when you can have the best. eggland's best. the only egg that gives you so much more: better t taste. better nutrition. better eggs.
9:37 am
who doesn't? so i bike. i get all of my greens. and i try not to faint. this.. i can do easily. benefiber healthalthy shape. just a couple of spoonfuls every day means fewer cravings. plus, it's all natural, clear, taste-free and dissolves completely. it's clinically proven to keep me fuller longer and helps keep me healthy inside and out. benefiber healthy shapape. this, i can do. find benefiber healthy shape in the fiber aisle. an ordinary jajar of vaseline jelly. it's something we don't think about much. except when we've got chchapped lips or a small cut. but for people living in areas of crisis, simple skin conditions can turn into serious issues. soso we created the vaseline healing project a partnership with directt relief to help millions in need heal their skin. so they can go back to work.k. or school. and that ordinary jar can make
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you forgot the milk! that's lactataid . right. 100% real milk, just without the lactose. so, no discomfort? exactly. try some... mmm, it is real milk. lactaid . 100% real milk. no discomfort. look at this sweet facace. so sweet. ok, we're going to need a napkin gooey,y, flaky, happy. toaster strudel. about dancing. he was thinking about his joints. but now he's taking osteo bi-flex, and noticing a real difference in his joint comfort. the feeling originates in this area... spreads throughout the body... to here, inducing hilariously high levels of embarrassment in his son. he knows it't's working by that of abject humiliation on his son's face. you were made to dance, phil.. so dance. shows improved joint comfort in just 7 days. osteo bi-flex.
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we're kicking off a three-day sereries called chill out. today, it'ss about keeping the cold air from getting into your homeme. >> here to show you howow to do it is the host of diy network's "desperate landscapes a and man caves." good morning. >> good morning. >> letet's talk about snow removalal on roofs. willie learned the hard way. you have to get that out. >> actuallyly, don't get up there. you think you want to get up there. we were hit heavy witith all the snow. this is one of those things t that pepeople don't t think about. instead of getting up, stay on the ground. >> what's the best thing to use to get u up there? >> this isis a goodd example. this is a snow roof rake. ght it is. >> sturdy. you can go up to almost 30 feet. it has wheels on the bottom.. you can stand on the ground, put
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it prevents snow load, somethihing that can do a lot off damage. icee can do a lot of damagege if you don't let the sun get to it. you can get this on roof for $49. >> i didn't realize until it was too late, but the water followed the beams into the living room and c creates a puddle. >> freezing pipes? >> another problem, plumbers a are complaining they have to g go on call aftfter call. i've installed many, many miles of this. this is frost king's water pipe heating cable. basically a cable. this is a good example of h how it woworks. goes on straight. youu tape it every sixix inches with electrical tape. makes contact with the pipe and you continue to tape it. followed up by 1/2 insulatation and the plalastic over thehe top. easy to do. it has a light indicator on it, which tells you thehere's power t to it. you want to o plug sbiet into a gfi outlet. >> exposed pipes? >> anything a cold zozone, whihich is importanant. those willl freeze.
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prevent that, the heat is going to keep the pipe warm and prevent i it from freezing. >> outside spigots? >> this is great. feel how easy it is. >> water resistant. pull itt over and youou're done. >> warmingng up the indodoors. sometimes there are draftfty areas. this is a heater you can install onon the wall, riright? >> i love this heater. this iss 10100% convection heat. thee only one on the market that does this.. cold air drops and hot air rises. the c cold air works to the bottom, comes out the top. convection heat so there are no fafans. puput nit it i in a bedroom. we've had t the colold room and the warm room. >> ununsafe board heating. >> right. ththis is a plug-in. it mounts to the wall soo there's no worry abobout tipping it overer. built-in switch.
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>> 100% convectionon. safe for kids and cool to the touch. >> more important. >> this isis an envi heater. $140. >> drafty windndows. >> a l lot of people, you know, energy-efficicient windows, don't have it. this is a 3m window kit.t. >> sheet off plastic. >> the good old dryer. turn thihis on. after it's done, youou see t the wrinkles disappear. simplele to apply. any windndow, differentnt sizes. $2$20 to $30, depending on the size of the window. good for windowsws that are drafty. >> we're out of time. but the rest of your tips are on our website. jason, thank you so much.
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good morning. i'm gayle guyardo. 58:00 on this wednesday morning.g. a chickenpox warning fofor local parents and children. eight students at a pinellas county elementarary school have the virus. hehealth department officials are now worried ththe number could go up if children are not t vaccccinated. and d weather, youou need to knknow about the rain on the waway. >> yeah, even thouough it may look like it's not raining right now,w, still take your umbrella through h the afternoon because rain is bacack on the waway. you see itit now out t in the gulf of mexico, alreadady beginning to around n north port. and thenen we have ththese heavy downpours s that will be possible after lunchtime and
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