tv Today NBC March 2, 2016 7:00am-10:00am EST
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ba da baba ba ba good morning. something for everyone. donald trump and hillary clinton each win seven super tuesday states, tightening their grips on their party's nomination. >> once we get all of this finished, i'm going to go after one person, that's hillary clinton. >> instead of building walls, we're going to break down barriers. >> cruz, rubio and sanders, will ththey be well enough to stay in the race?? a new piece of debris has been found that could be from malaysia air flight 370. missing fer
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ing for nearly two years. could it help solve one of the world's biggest mysteries? scott kelly returns to earth after spending more time in space than any other r american. what he's saying about being back home. the shocking sight. the moment a toddler falls out of a moving van, caught on camera. the child getting up and chasing after the vehicle. how a good samaritan helped that boy find his family today, wednesday, march 2nd, 2016. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. good morning. welcome to "today" on a wen wednesday morning. grab tooth sticks and stick them in savannah's eyes. she has a late night. >> the glasses are there to hide it.
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wednesday morning because it's still tuesday night for me. >> late night but it was interesting. let's get to the results. start with the republicans. donald trump scored seven victories. vermont, massachusetts, virgrginia, tennessee, alabama,a, georgia and arkansas. ted cruz notched three wins, including the big prize of texas. that is his home state. he goes along there with oklahoma and alaska. marco rubio took minnesota, his first win of this race. here's how the delegate count stacks up this morning. trump with 292. 188 for cruz. 98 for marco rubio. >> on the democratic side, it was a big night for hillary clinton. virginia, tennessee, alabama, georgia, arkansas, texas and massachusetts. bernie sanders is vowing he's not going anywherere. he won in his home state of vermont, as well as in oklahoma, minnesota and colorado. take a look at the delegate count. hilary lary clinton with a
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bernie sanders. >> we have complete coverage from our decision 2016 team. let's start with nbc nationall correspondent peter alexander. peter, goodd morning to you. >> hey, matt, good morning too you. it was definitely a super tuesday for donald trump, demonstrating widide appeal from the deep south to the northeast. all said, donald trump has won ten states and collected more delegates than marco rubio and ted cruz combined. >> reporter: donald trump tallying up another impressive night. >> we could win six or seven or eight or nine. >> reporter:r: the billionaire boasting lopsided victories from alabama to massachusetts, and narrower ones from arkansas to virginiaia. >> your critics would suggest you're dividing the country and your party. >> i am a unifier. oncece we get all this finished, i'll go after one person, hillary clinton. >> reporter: naysayers insisting
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chris christie toneded it down, trying to bring together a broken party. >> the republican party has become more dynamic and diverse. we're taking from the dedemocrats, takingng from the independents. we have more people. >> god bless the lone star state. >> reporter: by locking up wins in his delegate-rich home state of texas and oklahoma n next door, with an early morning call for alaska, ted cruz strengthened his case as the best equipped to chalallenge trump. >> for the candidates who haven't won a ststate, who haven't wrapped up significant delegatetes, prayerfully cononsider coming together. uniting. that is the only way to beat donald trump. >> i l love you, miami! >> reporter: marco rubio with his sights set on florida in two weeks captured a desperately needed win in minnesota. once again, targeted trump. >> the party of lincoln and reagan and the presidency of the
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by a con artist. i will campaign as long as it takes and wherever it takes to ensure that i am the nexext president of the united states. >> onene of the biggest take aways turnout. consider this, 15 statess have voted. 15 republican states have now had numbers, record turnouts, except for vermont. compare 2008, when barack obama swept to victory in the white house to 2016. here's how they compare. the parties effectively trading places. on the right, 2008. democrcrats with 8.2 million voters in the states that voted in primaries on super tuesday. the republicans with 5 million. this time around, the almost exact opposite.. the republicans witith 8.3 million voters turning out. the democrats with 5.5 million. matt and savannah? >> peter, t thank you very much. donanald trump says he deservrves a lot of the credit foror thatat. >> it's a telling number we just showed.
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last night, hillary clinton has taken full command of the democratic race this morning. with victory in her sights, her campaign is increasingly focusing on donald trump. nbc's kristen welker is following thahat part of the story this morning. good morning. >> good morning to you. hillary clinton has major momentum this morning after resounding victories all across the south. fueled in large part by hugee african-american support. bernie sanders still insists he can stop her, but it's going to be a lot tougher now. >> reporter: clinton securing her front runner status tuesday, sweeping the south, winning seven states in all. >> now this campaign moves forward to the motor city and beyond. >> reporter: even pulling off a victory in massachusetts, defeating the vermont senator in his own backyard. >> this country belongs to all of us, not just those at the top. >> reporter: as clinton marchs
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marches forward, sanders' chances are narrowing. >> i am proud to bring vermont values all across this country. >> reporter: tuesday, he claimed victory in his home state of vermont and wins in oklahoma, colorado and minnesota. >> thank you, bernie. >> reporter: vowing to fight on. >> by the end of tonight, we are going to win many hundreds of delegates. >> r reporter: still, clinton is setting her sights on the battle that may lie ahead. a face-off with donald trump in november. >> america never stopped being great. we have to make america wholole. >> reporter: painting herself as the anti-trump. >> i believe what we need in america today is more love and kindness. >> reporter: the republican front runner returning fire, signaling, if nominated, he'll use the controversy over her e-mails as one of his bigiggest weapons.
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if she's allowed to run, i would be very, very surprised. >> the rhetoric we're hearing on the other side has never been lower. >> while clinton is leading by hundreds of delegateses this morning, her aides don't think she can put the race out of reach until mid to late march. she holds a rally in new york tonight, while sanders will hold a breakfast and lay o out the path forward, a sign he has no intention of getting out any time soon. savannah? >> kristen welker, thank you. let's take a closer look at the super tuesday results. chuck todd is moderator of "meet the press," also up all night. > yes, ma'am. >> any other election cycle, if anybody did this well on super tutuesday, having won the early states, you'd be saying, the race is over. you'd be taking a nap. >> the party leaders would be falling all over themselves, excited about this leader who is bringing enthusiasm and new voters and doing all this winning. but it's not the case with donald trump.
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remaining in the race looking at an increasingly difficult path to the nomination. what could they do at this point? >> he has over a hundred delegate lead and we haven't assigned all the delegates from super tuesday. he'll likely get over 300. even though a hundred, you think, it can't be much, but it is significant in the way the process works. they basically have 13 days. there's a lot of primaries and caucuses by march 15th. obviously, we're spending a lot of time. we'll be talking about florida and ohio. why? marco rubio and john kasich. the game now, they can't't get the nomination of their own. ted cruz, marco rubio. >> they can't get to the magic number. >> without a contested convention. donald trump is the only one to get the contested number. they have to beat them. i don't know where marco rubio can win before florida. i don't know where john kasich can win before ohio. cruz might get a few victories, but trump is going to win most
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starting perhaps with michigan six days from now. >> we'll continue this conversation in a moment, but let's look at the democrats. people need to look at the delegates and see why pundits like yourself are saying this is a tougher road for bernie sanders. >> few things. first of all, there's that gap. a 600 delegate gap there, number one. if you take out the super delegates, which people know those are party leaders that have endorsed her, she'd have a 200 delegate lead. but i want to focus here. the orange are the states clinton won. this is a lot of african-american voters that dominated these primaries last night. bernie sanders did pathetic with these voters. if you can't win these voters -- oh, here we go. you know what, roker? finally, this machine is getting use. >> he's sensitive about the map. >> good-bye. >> lick it while we come over here and let nicolle and matt in on this.
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hear every day. >> nicolle wallace is joinining us. trump has a great night. crcruz had a better than expected night, and not a great night for marco rube io. play the role of rubio, staying in the race? >> there is still an animated endeavor to stop trump from reaching the magic number of 1,200 plus delegates. that is all that rubio can hope for, in terms of the results and the delegate count in the primaries. he no longer has a path of getting 1,200 himself. >> chuck, we watched as donald trump took to the stage. who was that guy? it was not the donald trump that we've seen over the last six months. he was restrained. he complimented ted cruz. didn't call him a liar. couple shots at marco rubio. is that the trump of the future, and how long can he stay inn that character? >> i don't know. we just had this conversation,
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>> three hours ago. >> yesterday, she's going, you know, if he could get act like a statesman -- >> for a minute. >> well, he did it for a few minutes yesterday. the problem with trump, one step forward and two steps back. if thatt trumpmp can sustain this temperament for 13 more days, it's all he has to do, until march 13th. if he can, he'll be the nominee and they won't be able to stop him at the convention. but the trump we've seen hasas never been able to sustain temperamentally that persona. >> remember when we interviewed trump that one time? he said, i'm trying to be statesmanlike, then he was dropping a world at the drop ing that word at the rally. can a third-party candidate emerge? last night, we coined a term, establishment fantasy. is that what it is or is there a possssibility? >> it t is a possibility because in the cycle, everything is possible.
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you would have called a contesteted convention an impossibility three months ago but it's also on the table. >> maybe i'm slow on the uptake, but if the plan is to stop donald trump at the convention, wouldn't the republican establishment want all of these guys to statay in the race, to keep dividing up the delegates? >> absolutely. i think in an odd way, yes. not only that, hope you get m mitt romney to file late in the califofornia primary. will there be a non-aggression pact between cruz, rubio and kasich? kasich, you're on your own in ohio. good luck. we endorse you. we want our voters to vote for you. john kasich sasays, i want my supppporters to vote for marco rubio. if that is the plan, i just don't think these three campaigns can work together like that. >> no evidence of that cooperation. >> it's also really, really hard. it's really difficult to deprive trump of the nomination. not because of the masses and
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frosty of his -- ferocity of his susupporters. >> rubio almost won virginia momostly from democrats trying to help him out, but it didn't work. >> matt asked for a quick answer. >> that was like two and a half miminutes. i don't know how that went. >> guys, thanks. >> i'm going to go mess around with that board. >> thank you very much. hallie jackson spent the night covering ted cruz's campaign. she caught up with him after he addressed his supporters in houston. good mornining to you. >> g good morning, matt. ted cruz is already looking ahead to kentucky today. after cheering the results of the oklahoma primary backstage at his partrty, he did what he had to do in texas, won, and bought himself m more time to try to make his case that republicicans, including his rivals, should
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chance of stopping trump. >> where you go from here, how do you get the republican nomination? >> at thihis point, there have been 15 states that have voted. only one candidate has beaten donald trump. that's been us. >> should somebody drop out? >> i think all of them love this countryy and are putting this country first. if it becomes clear to a candidate that that candidate does notot have a path to the nomination, has not been able to win a state in 15 contests, hasn't been able to rack up considerable delegates, there comes a point, do you want donald trump to be the nomominee? if trump is thehe nominee, republicans get clobbered. i think people are going too look at the numbers, look at the results, and consider what to do. it is my hope that as a party, we come togetherr and say, stop this madness. do not nominate a candidate who will drive the party off a cliff. >> how do you beat donald trump when he has performed as well as he's performed tonight? >> we have to get one on one. head to head.
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i beat him resoundingly. where he benefits now, he has everyone else being fractured and divided. it's my hope the party will say, it is reckless. at a a time when the stakes have never been higher, it's reckless to roll the dice and nominate donald trump. donald trump may bee the one candidate on the face of the planet that hillary clinton can beat. the democratsts are celebrating. we can't let it happen. i don't think republicans want the general election to consist of two ricich new york liberals, one republican and one democrat, runnnning against each other. we should nomiminate a real l conserve tiff and ative and i hope that's what we're going to do. >> cruz is not well-liked by colleagues in the senate, but he seems to be getting reluctantnt backup from lindsey graham, who says the establishment may be in a position where they have to rally around cruz to stop trump. the senator telling me, senator the support.
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around one of the ultimate outsiders? >> apparently. we'll see how this shapes up. >> hallie, thanknk you very much. we'll have more onn the impact of super tuesday and thehe races m moving forward in a little while. breaking n news in the search fofor malaysia airlines f flight 370. nbnbc news leaearned investigators believe another piece of debris may havave been found off the cocoast of africa. tom costello has been on this storyy for two years and has the breaking news. good morning. >> nbc news lelearned a piece of debris was discovered on a sand bank off the mossssambiqub coast. an e early analysis suggests it could have come from mh-370. words were seen on t the piece and the locals think it could have been in the water for two years. the debris found by an american
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the search for mh-370. you call may recall the first piece of debris washed on the other side of madagascar, reunion island last july. the ocean currents would have carried the new piece of debris toto the africanan coast. it's thought thehe debris may alslso be from the plane's tail section,n, from the horizontal stabilizerer. investigators in malaysia, australia and the u.s. have looked at the photographs of the debrbris dedebris. close sources close to the investigatioion says it looks like a piece fromm a bowing ing ing ing ing -- boeing 777. mh-370 was a boeing 777. 239 peoplee on board. it disappears two years ago next week on a flight from malaysia to beijing. ever sincnce, the search has been focused on the indian ocean. the underwater search teams haven'n't found the remains of the team.
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news it's awaware a piece of debris has been found and it's trying to determine what it might be, arranging for a sources s say engineers who looked at the debris say there is a good chahance it came from mh-370. eye on it for us. thank you. it was raining here a little while ago. >> our temperatures are going to start to drop. part of the same system, look what it did down in alabama. we had strong storms move through. jackson county, a little east of huntsville, alabama. they start to pick up the pieces. the good news, the worst is now done. we've got warm air, and it has been a warm winter. warmest on record for over 20 spots from december 1st to february 29th. you can see the northeast and new england. look, it goes to north dakota,al sand
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51 in new york city right now. by the time we get into this afternoon, we'll be down to the 30s. the temperatures in the 20s making their way to the east. that's what's going on around the country. we're going to get plants may have their limits. imagination...doesn't with the right n nourishmeshment... ...patience... day... have you seen your garden?'ll blossom. find low prices on the thingsgs that make easter fun and delicious.
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>> that's your latest weather. matt? >> al, thank you so mumuch. coming up, just this morning, the a anthem of the seas arriving back in port after cutting yet another cruise short. we'll hear from passengers about the ill-fateted voyage from the controversy surrounding the end of the voyage. emotional new testimony from erin andrdrews. the extrememe pru ecautions she now takess at hotels after being secretly recorded by her we'll have the later report. first, this is "today" on
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7:25 am
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good morning. i am gayle guyardo. it is 7:27. leigh is here with a look at the wake-up weather. it's really nice. >> yeah, , very mild this morning and there are patchy areas of cloudsds ahead of a cold front around the georgia/ing the border at this point. 67 in tampa. 68 st. pete. 62 in bartow. duringng the afternoon, we make it up to 75 degrees which is about average for today. only a 10% rain chance with the front and d cocooler tonight. and meredith is in for leslee this morning. usual trouble spots including southbound 275 from
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75 southbound from about fletcher in through i-4. and i- 4 westbound near 50th street. we have an accident reported on the veterans expresswsway southbound. right there near line ball avenue. howard franklin and courtney campbell slow. and in wesley chapel, an accident. gayle, over to you. >> thank you. well two bodies were found in a burning mobile home in polk county. the home is located in lakeland on oldld polk city road. investigators tell us fire crews found the bodies when they were called to the fire. the dog was also found dead inside. . we're follllowing the story on we had real people make their own pizzas. they chose the ingredients they wanted. i like the fresh dough.
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7:30 now on this wednesday morning. march 2nd, 2016. nice crowd on our corner of rockefeller plaza. good morning to them. little rainy this morning. >> a lot of people talking about politics. it is the big story. the presidential race and all the super tuesday results. donald trump dominated the republican side, winning seven states. marco rubio picked up his first victory, taking the minnesota caucus. but bolstered by three victories of his own, ted cruz is calling on his rivals to drop out and
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>> so long as the f field reremains divided, donald trump's path to the nomination remains more likely. and that would be a disaster for republicans. for conservatives. and for the nation. >> over on the democratic side, hillary clinton added to her massive delegate lead. shshe won seven states, with a strong showing in the south. she started to sound like a candidate, looking ahead to the general election. >> the stakes in this election have never been higher. and the rhetoric we're hearing on the other side has never been lower. trying to divide america between us and them is wrong, a and we're not going to let it work. >> bernie sanders won four states last night and vowed to
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to the end. all the way to the convention. let's get more from peterer alexander. good morning. >> hey, matt and savannah. we want to break down some of the n numbers frorom last night. these are things that stuck o out to us at nbc's exhibit polls. donald trump bringing out h huge numbers of republicans. look at this. when you consider how well he did among republicans without college degrees. he has a narrow advantage among those who have college degrees. those who don't have a college degree, donald trump trounced ththe vote. he faces challenges. this is frorom ted cruz's home state, the biggest prize last night in texas. 25% of voters in texas said that they were dissatisfied with donald trump. only 25% said they weree satisfied. 75% said they were dissatisfied. hillary clinton with anothther strong showing last night.
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democratic voters. look what we witnessed again last evening. among the democratic voters under the age of 30, hillary clinton won barely 1/3 of them. among those between 30 and 59, she won 62%. those 60 years of age and older, clinton. forward. back to you. >> peter alexander, thanks. in other news, this morning, royal caribbean's anthem of the seas has arrived back in its home port of new jersey after the second ill-fateted voyage in a month. we'll go to bayonnnne, new jersey. some of the passenger janet shamlian spoke to some of the passenengers. >> some are very angry. they're telling stories of honeymoons, vacations, anniversary trips cut short. many of them, by some accounts,
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the norovirus. that's leading to conflicting reports about why this vessel returned early. >> reporter: it's h happened again. another ill-fated voyage for one of the woworld's largestst cruise shships. anthem of the seas cut short its week-long trip, royal caribbean says, because of a severe forecasted storm. >> disappointed. i wanted to cry. you wait s so long and pay so mucuch money. >> reporter: is that the reason? ports indicate dozens of passengegers and crew are sick with norovirus. on board, frustration. one passenger tweeting, no one to clean. staff in garn teen and told not to talk to the press. another tweeting, wish royal caribbean and rclcorp were honest about why we turned back. my honeymoon was cut short.
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norovirus didn't affect the decision to return. a few weeks ago, hurricacane force winds, pounding sea and angry passengers. >> i think you find out people's lives are at risk. >> reporter: this morning, another trip to paradise cut short. >> royal cararibbean is facing a negligence lawsuit from the lastt cruise that came back early. royal caribbean says the suit is without merit and it turned back this time b because it was following the new storm avoidance policy that it put into placece after the last incident in fefebruary. matt and savannah, back to you. >> janet, thank you. erin andrews' $75 million civil trial is one step closer to going to the jury after she took the stand for a second straight day. she faced tough questions from defense attorneys. nbc's morgan radford is at the courthouse courthouse.
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>> good morning,g, savannah. in fact, four new witnesses are scheduled to testify here in the courtroom today. that's a as the defense scrambles to make its case as to why the marriott shouldn't get stuck with a $75 million tab. >> reporteter: the jury in the erin andrews' case will hear from more witnesses today. the two days of emotional testimony from andrews herself likely made the biggest impact. she broroke down in tears when talking about her boyfriend, the hockey star. >> i think he would have loved the girl more. that was t there before this happened. >> reporter: she described her new routine when he stays in a hotel. at check-in, she askss for a different room. she doesn't let a anyone deliver food and sets b to,o,o s s booby traps to know if there were intruders.
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if it's moved, i i can tell. >> reporter: the lawyer questioned her from the national marriott. >> i don't knowow. can you repeat your question, please? >> reporter: the defense tried to show she hasn'n't been seriouslyy damaged by the secretly recordeded viral video. >> you also got an e endorsement from reebebok? >> yes. >> diet mountain dew? >> florida orange juice? >> yes. >> reporter: the jury heard from an espn representative. >> did you see her performancece suffer in any way as a result of ththe events i involving mr. barretett? >> no. >> reporter: andrews said monday the network made her give an interview about the ordeal. >> my boss said, before you go on-air for college football, we need you to give a sit-down intervrview. >> reporter: prompting the company to release a statement. developments in the case have been i interpreted by some to mean espn was unsupportive of erin. that isn't true.
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>> it'll be a reminder every day. >> andrews says she's been in theory the rest of her life. a jury will decide howow much that pain is worth in dollars, if any. >> morgan, thank you. let's get a check of the weather from al. >> we're looking at a big change coming, as far as the west coast. we've been talking about el nino. it's about to really fuel some wet weather in southern california. couple of big storms off the pacific coast. we've had a big ridge of high pressure pushing the jet stream up to the north, keeping california dry for the last month or so. look out, the ridge breaks down. we're seeing all this moisture streaming into central and southern california, especially saturday into sunday. here's what we're looking for. urban roadway flooding on the weekend. mud and debris flow in recent burn areas. 1 to 3 inches in southern california.
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>> reporter: it was just before 10:30 a.m. local time when the space capsule carrying scott kelly touched down in kazakhstan. >> scott kelly, back on mother earth after 340 days in space. >> reporter: for kelly and the russian astronaut, the end of a 340-day mission. >> we want to say good-bye and thank you. >> reporter: six hours earlier, hugs andnd good-byes on the international space station, as all three men c climbed into the space capsule. >> closesed at 3:43 p.m. central time. >> reporter: and closed the hatch for the return trip home. kelly had been on board since march 27th of last year. tweeting stunning photographs along the way. >> having no running water, you know, it's kind of like, i've been in the woods camping for a year. with regegards to like hygiene.
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learn the long-term effects on the human body in space. scott's brother also subjecting himself to tests. while a 340-day space mission may be an american record, it's not a world record. that's held by another russian cosmonaut. this morning, scott kelly is back on terra firma. >> he'll undergo more medical tests tonight, but a big celebration is awaiting him. among those on thehe ground, his twin brother mark, the nasa administrator and joe biden's wife, dr. jill biden. >> it's a cool story. in part, scott kelly and others like him are responsible -- didn't nasa have a record application class for people who want to become astronauts? >> they'd get more if they had
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>> good news, you're home. bad news, you're in kazakhstan. >> good times! >> tom, thank you. where parents are being threatened with prison time if they post pictures of their children online. >> this one is a doozy. carson will explain why chris christie and canada were you can help prevent blindness in undernourished children all over the world. when you get your vitamins at walgreens, you help give life-changing vitamins to kids across the globe. get vitamins here. change lives everywhere. walgreens. at the corner of happy and healthy. caress presents a fine
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7:49 am
hi i' m jess. and we are the bug chicks. wewe're a nano-business. windows 10 really helps us awesome bugs are. kids learn to be and all kids speak the " hey cortana, find my katydid video." oh! this is so good. if you' re trying to teach a kid d about a proboscis. i don' t have a touch screen on my mac, i' m jealous of that. you put a big bug in a kidids hands and change their world view. [ laugh ] in my business i can count on my i.t. guy bailing me out all the time... i'm not the i.t. guy. i'm the desktotop support tech supervisor. and d my customers knowing right when their packages arrive. introducing real-time delivery n notifications.
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pet moments are beautiful, unless you have allergies. then your eyes may see it differently. only flonase is approved to relieve both your itchy,z watery eyes and congestion. no other nasal allergy spray can say that. complete allergy relief or incomplete. let your eyes decide. flonase changes everything. at johnson's, the products in our bath time routine work together like a team. the washes with the shampoos, the shampoos with the lotions.s. a combination designed to help improve your baby's skin barrier while you stimulate his senses. with johnson's, the more you put in, the more they get out. johnson's . so much more carson is in the orange room with the lighter side of super tuesday.
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morning. >> that's right, guys. thank you. super tuesday made for an eventful night online. over 1 million tweets came in on the topic. this one moment in particular went viral. as trump was delivering his speech, supporter chris christie was in the wings. social media quickly became wrapped up in the expression on christie's face. let's goo through some. david posting, chris christie looks like a guy who isn't sure ifif he turn td stovove ed the stove off before he left for work. elizabeth, when you realize you're sitting in the wrong uber but it's too late to say anything. then ryan poststed, i genuinely believe chris christie is b being held hostage r right now. rosie writes, governor christstie, blink twice if you're in trouble. here was the other messasage that was clear online. throughout the night, google searches for the phrase, how can i move to canada, skyrocketed.
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the canadian government website still holding this bannener this morning that reads, you may experience delays while using the website. we are working to resolve this issue. thank you for your patience. we're not saying the canadian government website crash has to do with the google search but it is a coincidence. >> one of the google searches was from chris christieie. >> if it werenen't so serious, it'd be funny. natalalie goes one on one with caitlyn jenner. why s she can w wake up happ (vo) combine the right things. sprinkle ithe details. and something amazing happens for everyone. that's our inspiration for fancy fefeast medleys. entr\es like white meat chicken florentine and wild salmon primavera with garden veggies and greens. a perfect combination. looks and tastes amazing. availalable in gravy and now pate. fancy feast medleys.
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if your family outing is magical for all the wrong reasons. you may be muddling ththrough allergies. try zyrtec for powerful allergy relief. and zyrtec is different than claritin . because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. try zyrtec . muddle no more . eat up, buddy. you'll get it this time. yeah ok not too quick don't let go until i say so. i got you... start strong with the lasting energy of 100% you're doing it! whole grain quaker oats. and off you go. to the c couple who set aside the whole day to sell theieir old car and buy a new one...
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nana's got the kids til 9... but it's only 2. guess you'll just have to see a movie... ...then get some dinner. what a pity. what if there was another way to look at relapsing multiple sclerosis? this is tecfidera. tecfidera is not an injection. it's a pill for relapsing ms that has the power to cut relapses in half. imagine what you could do with fewer relapses. p p tecfidera may cause serious side effects, such as allergic reactions, p p pml, which is a rare brain infection that usually leads to death p and decreases in your white blood cells. r are flushing and stomach problems. tell your doctor about any low white blood cell counts, infections, any other medical conditions, or if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding
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it is 7:56 on this wednesday morning and leigh has another beautiful l foforecast. >> a little more cloudy than we're used to. temperatures already at 67 in tampa. 69 in st. pete. 64 plant city. and 67 in brooksville. anywhere from four to 22 degrees warmer right now than this time yesterday. and it all has to do with ththe approaching cold front. duringng the day, you may see the clouds increase as the front is on top of you. and there's only about a 10% rain chahance. and cooler tonight, in fact a slight chill tomorrow morning, about 10 degrees cooler. mild and sunny for tomorrow afternoon. we will hit 75 today. and 74 tomorrow. and then another weak front friday, also a 10% rain chance. meredith, how is traffic? speak of 75, this not a pleasant 75. we're looking at southbound 75, very heavy from fletcher in through i-4. a also you're going to be slow northboundnd from the selmon expressway through i-4. no big surprises there.
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extension with the selmon expresswsway, a little fender- bender to o the side. 275 generally heavy. southbound veterans expresswsway from gunn through hillsborough, you have the delays, slow on the courtney campbell and howard franklin. gaylyle, back to you. >> thank you.u. a pasco county deputy is out of a job. the sheriff fired him for attemping to framame a drug suspect. investigators believe it goes back to the suspect spray painting messages, mocking him.
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it's 8:00 on "today". coming up, super night for hillary clinton and donald trump. >> thank you all, so much. what a super tuesdaday! >> when we unify, there's nobody, nobody that's going to beat up. thank you very much, everybody. >> both candidadates moving closer to securing their party's nominations. their competition vowing to fight on. darling, h hold my hand is cait ready to date? caitlyn jenner opens up after life after her traransition and answers the question everyryone is
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>> there is a revevelation in the first episode thahat you may be ready to start dating? >> i know people are always interested in that. i'm on top of the w world taking her in for landing. >> clear to land. >> there you go. you did it. >> it's not down yet. >> definitely half the job. >> okay. >> we'll see if i could handle the pressure on my internship inside jfk's air traffic control tower. today, wednesday, march 2nd, 2016. we'll have a house party >> good morning, raleigh, north carolina. >> good morning, washington! >> i'm at the "today" show. >> spending my 40th birthday.
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all my friends. welcome back to "today" on this wednesday morning. nice crowd of people outside. we'll get out and say hi to them in the beginning of our next half hour. >> as soon as the rain clears, we're there. >> done. >> lot to get to this in half hour, begininning with the results from super tuesday. as expected, donald trump and hillary clinton building steam with seven wins each yesterday. was it enough to seal the deal for eitheher of them? hallieie jackson is in houston where she spent the evening witith ted cruz's campaign. good mororning to you. >> hey, matt. good morning. ted cruz is arguing that he can be the one to bring the party together t to try to s slow down donald trump. but trump looks tough to stop, making the case, he c can unify the party and taking a more measured, thoughtful tone after his big night. >> reporter: from the northeast
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from donald trump. racking up seven wins and, more importantly, racking up delegates. >> i think it's awfully hard to say, that's not the person we want to lead the party, right? >> reporter: skipping ing ping ing ping the victory laps for a newews conference, trump sounding gracious. >> i i want toto congratulate ted onn the win in texas. i know how hard he worked. >> reporter: butut dismsmissed a gop establisishment revolt against him. >> they'll just lose e everything and that would be the work of a loser. >> reporter: he couldn't resist a dig at marco rubio. >> he had a tough night. >> reporter: who is notching h his first and only win in minnesota. >> we've only had five days now to explain to people what a con artist donalald trump i is and you're already seeingg the impact across t the countrtry. i never said we were going to win or close out the campaign on super tuesday. ted cruz did. >> reporter: cruz winning his home state, texas, and picking up two more victories in oklahoma and alaska. to his campaign, a sign this is
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>> should somebody drop out? >> i it is my hope that as a party, we come together and say, stop this madness. do not nominate a candidate who will drive the party off a cliff. >> reporter: on the democratic side -- >> what a super tuesday! >> reporter: hillary clinton sweeeeping the south. plus, massachusetts, in bernie sanders' backyard. the front runner barely mentioningcompetitor. instead, clinton is aiming at her potential republican rival. >> america never stopped being great. [ applplause ] we have to make america whole. >> make america great again is going to be much better than making america whole again. >> clinton seeming to solidifify the front runner status.
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ststory line, turnout. the number of republicans voting or caucusing on super tuesday broke records in every single state except foror vermont. it's what we've seen so far through the primary seaeason, too. >> hallie jackson, thank you so with natalie out in los angeles angeles, we have tamron here for a check of the top stories. >> breaking news this morning to report in the search for malaysia airlines flight 370 which disappeared two years ago next week. nbc news learned that investigators believe another piece of d debris may have been found o off the coast of africa. it was reportedly found between moe zambique and madagascar. the firirst piece of the plane washed ashore on the other side of madagascar last july. the flight was traveling from malaysia to china when it board. >> police in los angeles caught the fugitive who escaped after an hour-long chase and standoff. ththe 35-year-old had been on the
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he was arrested near a bus stop tuesday. police say he's t the hummer driver who led them on a slow-speed pursuit with his kikidnapped girlfriend and two young people in the vehicle. they were not hurt. he ran off into the thick brush afteter the dramatic standoffff. a terrifyingg scene caught on camera ended without any serious injuries. this is unbelievable. a toddler --- look at the video -- tumbles from the back of his grandfather's van on a busy highway in china. yoyou see the child running after the van. a good samaritan rescued the little boy, reunited him with his family.. the grandfather said he'd been rear ended a few days ago in an accident and it must have loosened h his rear latch. >> but the kid shouldn't have been in that section without a seat belt. >> so many questions. the littttle boy is okay. i have one morore story. when you're at a sporting event, the best seats in the house have many perks but there are risks involved. this h happened at madison square
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a pass makes its way to the front row. the man sitting court side tries to block the ball with his arm, but it sends his beer into the air and cascading on top of him. other than needing a refill, he seemed to be in good spirits. wet t-shirt contest at madison kwar square. >> isn't the rule, never put the beer in thee zone of damage? nger? >> that's your priority? >> the g guy behind him might have taken the worst shot. thank you, tamronon. > how kris jenner reveals how he found out abobout the murder of heher friend nicole brown simpson.
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why he won't't look at flying the now ... a breakthrhrough from absolutely ageless blackberry complex ... ... a whole new way to keep skin looking younger longer ... ... starting ton tonight. part of the new absolutely ageless collllection from aveeno give extra. get extra. i'm lucky to get through a shift without a disaster. my bargain detergent, it couldn't keep up. so i switched to tide pods. they're super concentrated... so i get a better clean.
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if it's got to be clean, it's got to be tide. i am never getting married. we're never having kids. we are never moving to the suburbs. we are never having another kid. i'm pregnant. i am never letting go.o. state farm is there. welcome aboard my starship. ahoy, mateys! it's full of things i love... and free of things i don't. just like chex cereal. it's full of stuff we pirates need. no artificial flavors, and it's gluten-free. eat up, me hearties! keep it down! arrrr. so my kids don't have to forage, got two jobs to pay a mortgage, and i've also got a brain. life's short, talk is cheap.p. i'll be working while you sleep. still don't think i've got a brain? who'll step up when things get tough?? don't you want that kind of brain? a degree is a degree. you're gonna want
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but only if you have a brain. hi i' m kristie. and i' m jess. and we a are the bug chicks. we're a nano-business. windows 10 really helps us get the word out a about how awesome bugs are. kids l learn to be brave and curious and all kids speak the language of bug.g. " hey cortana, find my katydid video." ohoh! this is so good. if you' re trying to teach a kid about a proboscis. just sketch it on the screen. i don' t have a touch screen on my mac, i' m jealous of that. you put a big bug in a kidids hands and change their world view.
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we brought you here today to get your honest opinion about this new car. to keep things unbiased, we removed all the l logos. feels like a bmw. reminds me a little bit of like an audi. so, this car supports apple carplay. siri, open maps. she gets m me. wow. it also has s teen it even n mutes the radio until the seat belts are bucuckled. i'm vevery curious what it is. this is the 2016 chevy malibu. and it sells for?? it starts at twenty-two five. what? i mean with all this technology. that's a game changer. thisis is not a job for me, this is, this is my life. thisis is my family. people in need is who i am. not just a job, it's a life for
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i formed many connections with the residents. i feel like i am part of their family and t they're part of mine. if you can get up in the morning, ya know, shake the dust and go up there and d make somebody happy, w when i go to sleep, i did my job. it's 8:12. you know what that means? >> time to trend. >> okay. here is a provocative question for parents in the social media age. raise your hand if you have ever posted a picture of your young chilild online. >> yeah. hello. >> not just the identity, but yeah, i'm in it. >> the question is, are you violating your child's pririvacy by posting the photos online? are. they're u urging parents to stop it.
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laws, when your childreren grow up, they could later sue you for violating their privacy. >> wow. >> or even jeopardizing their security. penaltieies could include a year in prison. or a fine of nearly $50,000. >> seems excessive. i mean, most parents would have ththeir which i would's best interest at heart and not want to do something that invaded their privacy, right? >> you cannot predict how your child is going to feel about ththat later on. >> i don't think we shouould overdo it. > we should holdd on to the photos of kids naked when they werere young, because later, it'll be an n embarrassment. you're going to sue me? oh, yeah. tub time. >> we decided to talk about this with someone other than carson and asked you on twitter, should parents be penalized for posting photos of kids online. 86% said no. 14% say yes. it's a violalation of privacy. >> kidss should take pictures of their parents and post it
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>> my 1-year-old couould post. she sent pictures to you the other day. >> she didid. >> you know throwingg the coins in the public fountains? > for g good luluck. >> psychologists say it feels good. it gives life to our hopes, dreams and wishes. do y you want to know how much the coins get? >> who gets it? >> the lake at the bellagio in las vegas g gets $12,000. the mall of america fountain, $24,4,000. both of those donate to charity. buckingham fountain only gets $200 a yeyear. they say it's too big and people can't see where the coins land. the park district seems that money. >> makes sense though. >> raise your h hand if you reached in if you needed spare change. >> feed your meters. >> need the coins. >> people who eat at chick-fil-a
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order of fries, they're also getting a good helping of family time. this is a good idea. the fast food chain unveiled a new challenge. at every table in the restaurant, there is a little box called a cell phone coupe. when you walk into the restaurant, put your cell phone in the little box and place it on silent. then you're supposed to enjoy your meal without any high-tech distractions. do something like talk to your children and your family members. families successfully complete the challenge, they get a free ice cream cone later. one owner has noticed more chatter in the restaurant. the game. >> incredible. >> it's a good sandwich. the bun especially. >> the warm bun is very good. >> that's the only reason we did chicken chicken.
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that's why they're warm. >> i got two hours of sleep. just a disclaimer. so the rolling stones set to make history again. start. >> we'll start with kris jenner and more off her interview with ellen, reflecting on the mini series about the o.o.j. simpson murder trial. we showed you some of the interview on tuesday. in the new clip, kris explains why she feels she failed nicole brown simpson. >> we were supposed to h have lunch the day after she was murdered. she saiaid she wanted to show me some things and talk about what was in her safe. now, unfortunately, it a all makes sense, t that that's probably what she wanted to reveal to me that next day. which broke m my heart because i'll alwlways feel horrible that i didn't pay enough attention. >> important stuff. you're talking about crick fill hick-fil-a during the sound bite.
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>> kris also talked about caitlyn jenner w who said she was goingg to date men. kris finds it confusing. in the next half hour, natalie sits down with caitlyn herself. roller stones are heading to perform a concert in havana. they'll be the biggest act to play since the 1959 ref lugs volution. the stones will be arriving in cuba four days after president and mrs. obama make their own historic visit. finally, the "voice." stops. one particular artist. christina and oklahoma singer. she rocked the house with her take on "red neck woman." >> one of my favorite. let me get a big hell ya for the red neck girls like me
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oh >> getting three chairs to turn around. at the last minute, christina tried to lure her to her team. with a big kiss right on the lips. pharrell was in shock. she's now a proud member of team christina. there's your pop start. >> a lot going on on the "voice." >> sounded like joplin. >> that's my jam. one of my karaoke numbers. go-to. al, how's the weather looking? >> first pop start where we've all been thrown under the bus. thanks, carson. i don't mind because you worked all night and you deserve it. >> thank you. >> we have a little bit of a clipper that's going to be coming across the next few days. thursday, fast-moving storm dumps down to the south. accumulating snow for des chicago. south bend, indiana. friday, heavy rain for the mid-atlantic coast.
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little, bringing snow to the northeast. how much? here's what we're looking for between thursday and friday. cedar rapids, chicago, columbus, maybe 2 to 4 inches. new york city, 1 to 3. heavier snow as you get down into the delmarva peninsula. >> that's your latest weather. savannah? >> al, thank you so much. this morning, we have more of our series, up for the job today. we became interns.
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>> it was cool. for my internshipip, i was lucky enough to work at jfk airport here in new york in one of the most pressure-packed offices around. it's air traffic control tower.. >> r reporter: jfk is one of the busiest airports in the world, with more than 1,000 flights each day. 90 a airlines moving 150,000 passengers in and out of the city skies. so i head to work in the control tower, 17 stories up. >> it's my first day as an intern. they gave me a security pass. watch. control tower up here. crazy. >> reporter: my boss for the day, dave, jfk's air traffic manager. >> good to have you here. >> reporter: he manages a team of contrtrollers that run a high wire balancing act. moving planes along jfk's 50 miles of runways and taxi ways.
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another two behind him. >> landing plane has the right away over a departing plane. >> still on the ground and able to stop. >> reporter: controllers have eyes across 5,000 acres and rely on radar, too. >> there are times we tower is up in the clouds. when you look out, all you can see the white. >> is it nerve rack wrackiking, knowing there e are hundreds of planes and you can't see them? >> is it for you, will? >> a lot of weather out there, you get s stressed a little bit but you can't let it get to you. >> reporter: this is one cool group under control. pressure. controllers can bee talking to ten pilots at once. as many as 60 in bad weather. with this job, one mistake means no reset button. >> because the stress is so high, if they work 90 minutes, then they'll get a fairly good >> correct. we never want them working more without a break. >> it's also a bit of a young
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i mean, i read that 65, you're done in here. you realize i'm an intern for a job i've already agedd out on? >> yes. >> great. >> reporter: they put me to work anyway, starting with stuffing strips. a computer prints out flight details from pilots with requests to depart or land. will works clearance. >> information below it is t the type of airplane, 737 they fly. altitude they wanant to climb to whenen they get to the cruising altitude. this is the route they'll fly from jfk to minneapolis. >> reporter: next, it's time for training from the simulator. what they call the sim. my instructor, tom. >> we're going to be landing on runway 31 right, right out the window over here. >> these are planes waiting to land on 31 right? >> this one is this one. >> reporter: it doesn't take long for m me to understand the intensity of the job. >> delta 6270, this is kennedy tower. >> wind. >> wind is 310.
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>> at 9. >> runway? >> 31 right. >> clear to land. >> and you're clear to land. >> you did it. >> he's not down yet. >> that's only half the job. now, this whole line is over here, matt. if you lookk at the radar, we about eight miles out. we have to make sure this departure is airbornrne before this arrival gets here. >> in reading my homework,, is that what they callll shooting the gap? >> this is shootining the gap. >> reporter: two planes in, one plane out. imanage to shoot age age age age -- manage to shoot the gap. this takes focus to a new level. >> american 1515 this is kennedy tower. 31 left. turn left on victor. winds 310 at 9. taxi left alpha. >> reporter: it's a huge adrenaline rush. >> first one away.
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getting a feel for it, this happens. >> can i get some rain and lightning lightning? now you lost visibility. >> i can't see any plane landing now. i don't even see the end of 31 left, where i know i've got three or four planes waiting to take off. >> you can see it over here on your ground radar. >> things have gone from bad to worse here at k kennedy. it was raining, which was bad enough for me. couldn't see a thing. now it's snowing. >> snowing. accidents. controllers say the view doesn't get old. it's spectacular on the ground, too. >> where the rubber meets the road. clear for takeoff and clear to land. it's all about that. >> reporter: so as a fitting end to my internship, i sign off. >> hope you enjoyed interning here today.
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i loved it. >> thank you for helping with the strip. >> least i could do. >> interesting. >> it was really cool. >> felt the pressure? >> you only h hear about those peoplele when something goes wrong. on a daily basisis, they do the job so well. day in and day out. >> what's amazing, the little strips of paper in such a high-tech world. that's what they use. >> it's part of it. others are on computer. there's one great radar ground traffic. you see every plane moving o on the runways, on this piece of radar. >> wow. >> united used to have on channel 9, y you could listen to the chatter from the tower. i listened to it on thee plane, ready to take off. it's amazing how much these people have to keep in check. >> in the simulator when you clear a plane to takeoff or land, they talk back to you. you're like, now what do i do? i practiced my part. >> is this matt lauer? love the show. >> want to thank them for their cooperation. >> that was awesome.
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will talk to natalie about her girl squad and take a mountain of beads, an ocean of screaming fans, boatloads of shrimp, an ice cold coca-cola, and you've got florida's biggest party. select nights: february 6th grab a coke and get up to three months free on any annual pass. you'll enjoy amazing mardi gras plus fun in boboth universal so grab an annual pass a and catch all the fun of
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it is 8:27 on this wednesday mornining. this morning, an assistant fire chief in clearwater is off the job. he resigned in the mimidst of accusations hehe stole a $3 energy drink. 7-eleven employees claim he put a 5-hour energy drink in hihis pockcket and wawalked out. he claims he simply forgot toto pay. weatheher-wise, it's a little bit cloudier out there but still a nice, warm day. >> yeah, very mildld. and i amam tracking a cold front. still to the nortrth, that's's one reason why we have the extra cloud cover. anand it will not be like the lastst couple cold fronts. you will barelyly notice when it comes through. temperatures nice and warm, 67 in brooksville. 66 in clearwater. 69 st. pete. . 63 apollo bebeach. through the next several l hour, i'm going to keep in a 10% rain chance throughgh about 3:00 p.m.m. as the front pushes from north to s south. you will see the most cloud cover when ththe cold front is on top of you. notice by 5:00 p.m., the cold
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>> getting a little chilly. good morning, everybody. nice to have you on a super wednesday. >> speakining of super, jill is inside with a super special steals and deals. trying to make every day essentials more affordable, including an unbelievable bar gain, gain, lady ies, on a handbag. >> it's nice. plus, what happens when you combine cinnamon roll with a rich pound cake. you get heaven. that's what you get. we're about to learn the recipe for a match made in heaven. that's like the handbag, must-have of the day. >> that's my segment! >> lucky. >> love it. al, check of the c cake. >> who doesn't? for today, windy condnditions, snow in nororthern new england.
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snow showers through the great lakes. sunny skies in the gulf coast. tomorrow, we have a mix through the mid mississippi and ohio river valley. snow across t the great lakes. little clipper. we have more wet weather in your centntral and northern california, papacific northwest with the snow. plenty of sunshine through texas. warm as you get to o the southwest, 90 degrees tomorrow in phoenix. sunny and 81 in miami. that's what's going on around
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>> we have got nice friends here. it's your birthday. what's your name? >> mckenzie. >> where are you from? >> knoxville, tennessee. >> we have another birthday. hold on a minute. cola, south carolina. >> yes. >> fantastic. right next to pepsi. >> yeah. >> let's head back inside to the gang. >> al, thank you. after covering the oscars for us this weekend, natalie stayed out in calilifornia. she got an interview with kaitlyn caitlyn jejenner. good morning. we miss you. >> miss you, too. i needed to find new friends and visited caitlyn jenner. after h her much-talked about trants sigs, caitlyn kate transition, i we talked about everything from dating to politics. >> hello, ladies. >> i've been around women all my
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they'd say, you can't come. i always thought, well, that's just not fair. >> reporter: that's all changed. hanging out with the girls is now part of caitlyn's new world. >> i woke up the other morning, and i thought to myself, it has been so long in my life when i woke up happy. >> reporter: it's been a whirlwind nine months. she's not only revealed her transition to the world, but faced publicc scrutiny and strong criticism from even withihin her new transgender community.y. >> yours is a p place of privilege. how you came into this was being able to afford the best of the best doctors. the best therapists to help you tranansition. >> most trans people, okay, have -- can deal with theheir issues in private. mine was being publicly displayed around thehe world. >> reporter: in season two of "i am cait" on our sister channel e, the 66-yeaear-old is seen
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learning from other transgender women, who she calls her girirl squad. >> there is a revevelation in the very first episode t that you may be ready to start dadating. not just dating, but dating men? >> yes, therere is a revelation in that. i knonow people are always interested in that. riright w, i i am just so busy, kind of doing whahat i'm doing. but it would be nice to kind of share your life with somebody. >> yeah. >> but, hey, i'm open. >> reporter: something that hasn't changed, caitlyn is still a staunch republican, which led to heated exchanges during the group's bus travels across the country. >> i'm not blaming it on republicans or conservatives. >> i sat on the republican side of t the bubus. when we do get a candidate, i certainly be talk ly ly will t talk to them. i admit the democrats, as far as trans issues, are better than
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>> i've grown up in a democratic party. we've never been one to listen to republicans. but having thahat conversation with cait actually did open up my eyes to some things. vice versa, like she was open to listen to some things. >> since caitlyn told her story and came forward and transitioned in front of the public, what has that done? >> it has allowed the kids to come out at a much younger age. a lot of doors have been opened, courtesy of ms. caitlyn jenner. >> i can't describe how much it chchanged, you know, when caitlyn came out. it was a different, more respectful, to okay, this is something real. >> i think what we should do, since it is an official girls night, i think what we should do is we should have a vote. for a new member. >> what?
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that is such an honor. >> a vote right here. hands up foror in. i'll throw her in. >> okay. >> you're officially into girls night.t. here's your officiaial girls night bracelet. we all got them. >> amazing. >> guys, i have a new set of friends out here. check it out. i'm still wearing my girls night bracelet this morning. it was just really just a g great conversation with all of the ladies, and i really do feel honored that they wanted to talk to me and share some of the issues that affecect them. >> it was fascinating, natalie. thank you very much. really appreciate that. >> you got it. the new season of "i am cait" premieres on e. when counting calle ories becomes a dangerous obsession. one man's struggle with extreme dieting. first of our series this week.
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we are back now. 8:39. we've got part three of our week-long series called compelliling compulsions. >> eating disorders are thought a problem that only impacts women. but you're about to meet a young man from texas whose obsession drdrove himself to lose half his body weight. here is today's n bc correspondent craig melvin. >> reporter: bo is busy counting deductions as he studies to be an accountant, butut there was a time he was obsessed with counting calories. bo is healthy now, but not long ago, he forced himself on to a ststarvation dieiet to get what he thouought was the ideal physique. the reality was unhealthy and horrifying to family and friends. as a boy, bo was always one of the heaviest kids in his class. in high schoolol, he bulked to nearly 30300 pounds to playy football. but he was never happy with how he looked. > i was in choir, and i hadad done a show on stage and saw a picture of myself.
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i'm not going to be thatt big next year. >> reporter: he lost 45 pounds before heading off to college. >> the fear of g getting big again really took me to an extreme. that's when i started doing like 700 calories a day. >> reporter: that's right. while many first-year college students go on a diet of pizza and chihicken wings, bo started eating between 600 and 700 calories a day, six days a week. >> what does 700 calories look like? >> breakfast would be an apapple, banana, blueberries. lunch was 3 ounces of chicken and a cup of green bebeans. dinner wouldld be the same amount of chicken, 3 ouounces, a aparagusus and maybe broccoli. >> repororter: bo got down to 160 pounds on his 6'4" frame. his family witnessed the changes each time he came home o on break. >> it literally scared me. i couould see his spine,
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i've been in the missionon field and i've been to africa, and i have notot seen that kind o of skinny except on a malnoururished child. > reporter: bo's father bruce worried his son was seriously ill. >> i went back in my bedroom and i wept because i thought myy son is dying right in front of me. he won't listen to me. >> i was miserable but i thought i looked good. the scary thing is, i thought i had w weight still to lose. >> reporter: bo wouldn't listen to his dad but he began having doubts whehen his grgrandfather, a doctor, told him he neededed help. that's where trainer justin came? >> how did he look? >> if youou can imagine somebody that doesn't eat and all they do is exercise, that's what he looked like. >> looked sick. >> sick. >> reporter: justin gave bo workouts and a game plan to get healthy. >> you have to eat properly. if you're not planning out your nutrition, like you would plan out your finances, then you're
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>> reporter: bo is 1 of 10 million american men who have eating disorders. >> because these illnesses are still very misunderstood as girls and women's issues, it's that much harder for boys and men to reach out for help. because there is this stigma. >> reporter: bo's message to other guys struggling in silence, don't carry the weight all on your own. >> when you look in the mirror now, whatt do you see? >> now, i see someone that's happy. and healalthy. really is havingg a great time. this is probably the happiest i've been in my life. >> reporter: for "today", craig melvin, nbc news. >> takes a lot of courage to tell that story, as well. >> it does. >> if you want to get a closer look at eating disorders and if you're looking for help, head to shifting gears, we have steals and deals. jill martin has big bargains. there is a handbag selling for like nothing.
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hehey, that's what i like about you we're back with a steals and deals. jill martin is going back to the basics with discounts on what we're calling everyday essentials. good morning.g. >> good morning. >> todaday, these arethem. we start with bras. shouldn't be wearing the bra from seventh grade? >> right. every nine to twelve months, replenish your bras because they stretch out and give less support. these are one size fits all to you. they really do work. the retail is $74 to $86. there's four different sets. if you go on, you could see the difference. the pads are removable, so
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the deal, $24. up to 72% off. >> for one bra? >> for a set of two. >> okay, nice. and you get the different colors. >> you can pick. >> we're not walking. the set moving because i have >> i want to correct myself. it's a set of four. my fault. >> that's a screaming deal. what about these clothes? >> when you dress up during the day and open your closet and feel good about yourself, you're more productive throughout the day. it's a fact. when you're hope if you wear sweats you feel cozy, comfy and cute, you'll be more productive at home. this is sweats and tees. retail, $136. this is a classic set. you can actually mix and match the sweatpants and the t-shirts. we're calling this chic casual wear to boost productivity. the celebrity tans include jennifer beals jen
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i wear these and they really are comfortable. >> i'm still wearing my sweats. >> wouldn't be steals and deals without jewels. >> i'm impressed by the spinning and the boot. >> i hope we have a steal on a medical boot. >> bedazzled. the new statement necklace is layering. you do this with your charm necklace. the retail is $225. all letters are available. if you look really close, there's a diaiamond gold dipped or with a satin $48, 79% off. >> really cute. anything i need to know about you wearing mj? >> jm. >> jill martin. >> i have it on backwards. >> who is mj? >> mystery man that i don't know about.
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>> you really are supposed to replenish anything with a wand in your makeup. mascara, lip gloss, every three to six months because of bacteria. concealer and foundation, six months to a year, depending how often you use it. the retail, $130. it's your choice of two beauty collections. go on to see the different sets you can get. comes with a bag. each come with three shade options. depending on your skin tone. it's really spelled out on the website, as to your tone. the deal, $39, 70% off. >> great. last but not least, the handbag >> yeah. >> cute. foldover. >> okay. >> if you're going to buy a to be versatile. you really only need one bag a season. for some, one bag a year. make sure it goes with the the time. so the retail, $385.
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if you don't have a lot of things in your bag, you can wear it like this. removable strap, six colors. the brand's best-selling tote. the deal, 82 $82, 79% off. >> nice leather. you'll go to the orange room and i'll go through the deals. bras from coobie sweats that will make you more productive. ella poe necklaces. makeup and handbag from the brand, not rational. fwo to the go to the steals and deals page on carson and jill? we teached up ed teemed up with qvc for inventions. jill, in addition to a "today" contributor, fan of michael jordan, you also have a fashion line with qvc. you're on the lookout for another great idea. >> if anybody is named michael james.
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>> this time around, there's a twist. we're looking specifically for mom inventors or what we call mom mompreneurs. head to to enter. you'll have a chance to appear looifr in live in our studio. the product will sell next day live on qvc with me. enter entries are due by friday. up next, how does a cinnamon roll pound cake sound right now? delicious. we'll show you how easy it is to make one.
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>> announcer: today's food baking basics is sponsored by brookdale. bringing new life to senior living. crazy about >> been waiting for this an hour and 55 minutes. today, our week of basics, baking rolls on. on our menu, we've got a sweet treat combining two classics. pound cake and cinnamon rolls. jocelyn, the author of "grandbaby cakes," good to see you. >> thank you for having me. >> look downstairs. table. they're going to chase down the chick-fil-a sandwich we just devoured with your cinnamon cake. look at the ingredients.
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these are sort of typical but we have butter, lots of butter for a good pound cake. we've also got two types of flour. i love to use a cake flour so it makes it nice and tender. then we use the all-purpose flour. >> this is big mama's recipe. >> yeah, my grandmother. i love her so much. she's my inspiration for baking. i added a modern twist. this is great for people, millenials, too. >> let's get started with the mixing. first of all, you have buttered that pan. >> you also always have to prepare your pan. i also added flour to make sure it doesn't stick. >> talk about adding things together. >> this goes inside of the cake. we've got some melted butter, a little vanilla. we've got also some cinnamon and flour. mix it all together until it's smooth. it's going to be your inside. >> we're going to abbreviate the process. i know you go wet and dry ingredients. >> absolutely.
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butter until it's nice and fluffy. getting as much air as possible. we'll add the eggs in one at a time. make sure it's totally incorporated. once you've got that in, that's when we get to adding our flour. beautiful batter. see how beautiful it is? >> great consistency. >> then you add in sour cream. super moist cake. add that in. along with a little oil, too. this makes sure that if you even like overbake it a little, it'll be totally, totally moist. thank you so much. >> vanilla. >> absolutely. great vanilla. you also make sure you do not overbake this or overmix. in. then what, another layer? >> right here, we're going to actually add in the swirl. i'll put this, ladle this over th to a little bit, and then we are going to take our swirls
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>> another layer of the batter on top of that. >> then you're going to bake it. >> pop it in the oven for how long? >> for about 85 minutes. until it's beautiful and golden brown. >> you don't have to be careful the best part. >> the best part. icing. got to put this on top. >> how's it taste? >> yummy. >> thank you, big mama! >> big mama is like, oh, yeah. rings. >> thank you. >> pretty. >> gorgeous. >> and she can cook. how about that?
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good morning. i am gayle guyardo. it is 8:58. we haven dawn it in the trailer that was stolen from american trailers the. manager jus which a watson reports the trailer was found abandoned with minor damage on highway 39 in plant city this morning but the thieves are not off the hook. the sheriff's office is still actively investigating and they are offering a reward for information leading to any arrest. weather-wise, a few more clouds but still a great day. >> yeah, feels really comfortable despite the fact we don't have as much sunshine as recently. all the clouds ahead of the cold front. and speaking of the cold front, emoji man is unimpressed. barely noticed today's cold front. today, already at 70 in plant city and st. pete. 66 in lakeland.
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and cooler tomorrow morning but hard to beat that. >> i don't want him to be impressed, i love the mild temperatures. he can be like meh all day long. we will be back in 30 machines. this morning on "today's take," decision 2016. trump and clinton win big. what does that mean for the other candidates? ben affleck's batman surprise that left fans in disbelief. and your first listen to ariana grande's yet to be released single "dangerous woman." all that and more coming up now. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today's take" with al roker, natalie morales, willie geist and tamron hall, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. welcome to "today". it's wednesday morning, a
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2nd day of march, 2016. beautiful crowd on the plaza. i'm willie with tamron and al. natalie is on assignment. i can't get myself out of the "hamilton" soundtrack. this is "wait for it," and this is my current "hamilton" song. >> i love you went back a second time. we've all been fortunate enough to see it, but it's interesting how many friends i call and say, can you get me tickets? i'm like, who -- >> no. >> the list of celebrities who are waiting. >> i got to go months and months ago with my dad. i took my parents. i didn't -- couldn't get one for christina, my wife. she hasn't seen it and heard me talk about it for six months. she's like, you need to take me. we finally got in. now my kids are like, can i go? i went on stubhub for fun yesterday, oh, my. >> they can see it or they go to college.
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>> they're little kids. >> they'll appreciate it. >> i'm saying they have time to wait on the wait list for the tickets. the wait list is like four years. sweet 16, lucy, you get to go. george, 2030, you get to go. >> and she's in a wheelchair. >> oh, man. >> willie, it won't be "hamilton" then it'll be trump. >> somebody has been on the trail. big wins for donald trump and hilary lary clinton. the rest are staying strong, and they'll be in the race at least another couple weeks. donald trump wins massachusetts, virginia, tennessee, alabama, georgia, arkansas, vermont. winning a couple others up in the northeast, as well. ted cruz, three wins, home state of texas. a lot of people thought he could pull it off. also oklahoma, neighboring state, and the alaska caucuses
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marco rubio got his first win of the primary campaign, taking minnesota. here's how the delegate count stacks up. this is what matters in the end. trump with 292. cruz with 188. 98 for marco rubio. the magic number to get a majority and take the nomination, 1,237. democrats. big night for hillary clinton. she had seven wins. georgia, tennessee, alabama, massachusetts. bernie sanders got vermont, oklahoma, minnesota and colorado also broke for him. the magic number for the democrats, 2,383 delegates. hillary clinton seems to be looking ahead. especially last night to a potential face-off with donald trump. >> we know we've got work to do.
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to make america great again. america never stopped being great. [ applause ] we have to make america whole. i believe what we need in america today is more love and kindness. [ applause ] instead of building walls, we're going to break down barriers and build -- >> there's the core of her contrast with donald trump. love and kindness. we're going to wrap you up. this is not a confrontation. donald trump, celebrating in florida at his home, setting his sights as well on a matchup with secretary clinton. >> make america great again is going to be much better than making america whole again. i am a unifier. once we get all of this finished, i'm going to go after one person. that's hillary clinton. >> we haven't talked about the staging of that event. a lot of people are saying --
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that's all anybody was talking about. >> he may have, if you look at social media traffic, he may have upstaged donald trump, in the theater that was supposed to look like the east room of the white house. it was trending, chris christie, hostage. it's incredible. now, you have, on a more serious note, i believe six newspapers in new jersey calling on chris christie to resign. >> get back to new jersey and do the trail. >> fascinating. >> ted cruz is still fighting. did pretty well last night, winning three states. believes he is the conservative who can challenge donald trump. >> america shouldn't have a president whose words would make you embarrassed if your children repeated them. our president should make us all proud, should inspire hope in all of us.
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deal maker, profane and vulgar, who has the life-long pattern of using government power for personal gain. or we can nominate a proven conservative who has fought consistently for working men and women. and to defend the constitution. >> kind of interesting about that, donald trump went first because he won. he was very gracious about ted cruz, anyway. he said, excellent win tonight for ted. congrats for him. >> took a shot at marco rubio. >> as he's been doing. marco rubio said despite the one win last night and overall in the primary, he's staying in the race and looking ahead to florida on march 15th. he believes if he wins there, it'll change everything. >> the party of lincoln and reagan and the presidency of the united states will never be held by a con artist. i will campaign as long as it
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ensure that i am the next president of the united states. >> he's got about 13 days now until that vote in florida on march the 15th. he's still trailing big in the polls to donald trump, but it could change in the next two weeks. >> super tuesday, when you look at the voters who decided late, in many cases, they side with marco rubio. >> almost won virginia. >> some say john kasich kept him from winning. kasich might say no. the gap. you do wonder if that last week of heated rhetoric that wasn't necessarily about policy, more personal back and forth with donald trump. in reality, as willie pointed out, he just has one win. >> reading some of this stuff, it looks like the super pakt cks are going to go after trump now. >> they are predicting millions now in florida alone will be
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trump, for the trump university, the lawsuit still pending. and other including, you heard ted cruz last night refer to some alleged secret recording with the "new york times," off the record conversation, that he's calling on donald trump to release -- tell the "times" to release the tape. if people think it's cooling down, it is not. >> they're going to do that in florida and ohio. almost. like superman versus batman. speaking of which, tourists on the warning brothers studio tour got a little surprise when batman versus superman star, ben affleck, surprised them in the new bat mobile. >> the car you see behind me is going to be featured very heavily in "batman versus superman." ben affleck drove this around. who do you think would win, batman or superman? >> superman. >> batman. >> who do you think would win in a fight, batman or superman?
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>> who said superman? >> unbelievable. >> how ya doing? >> everyone that said superman, change it to batman. >> are you real? >> i am real. >> he's one of those animatronic dummies. i love it. >> hilarious. >> ben did it to announce the campaign to donate to charities to win a spin in the batmobile. theaters march 25th. fan boys across america are all excited about this. >> batman and superman really get into it, right? >> it's based on the frank miller trilogy. >> one has an ego out of control? >> a little more complicated than that. batman is tired of this super-powered alien who helps destroy the city in a big fight. batman decides to come out of retirement and go after him.
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>> today's would you wednesday. before that, we have some business we have to tend to. >> what would that be? >> want to discuss it publicly or in private? >> we're family here. >> we'll take it to the streets? >> what's happening? >> i've been on the road for the last -- >> you've been busy. >> -- 14, 21 days. >> working really hard. >> not to cry a river here, but i have had a double infection. i'm on my second batch of antibiotics. >> horrible. >> in charleston, willie knows, i had to go to the hospital, where i had two shots in the keister. >> do they make that noise? yeah. i was very, very sick. couldn't get out of bed. so i'm on my last round of my antibiotics. thank you, dr. dave. >> coming out of it feeling good. >> i'm getting better. >> better? >> better. sunday, i am supposed to -- it was my idea, and i own it -- take the polar plunge in the
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>> you can't do that. you're not feeling well. don't do that. >> no. >> you can't do that. that is not good. >> i was originally on zithromax. then something with an "l." it causes loopiness. >> medical term? >> it's from a doctor. does he have a record? anyway, al roker and i have been discussing this. >> you know what? i feel so badly for you. we've actually got the great dylan dreyer to step in for you because you're not feeling well. we would never want you to put yourself in harm's way. >> i've on levaquin. al seems to believe despite being on levaquin, i should do the polar plunge. >> no, no, who would think that? not me. >> willie, what do you think?
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chicago, i feel horrible about this. i'm being 100% seriousness. i don't know if it's medically advisable. dr. dave says no. >> let's go to another doctor. dr. seuss. >> are we done? >> dr. seuss day. it's a day to celebrate reading and, hey, green eggs and ham. that's what the doctor will -- >> al roker! >> what's your favorite dr. seuss book. >> you know what? >> "oh, the places you'll go." >> al, don't guilt me subconsciously. >> dr. seuss, "green eggs and ham." i do not like green eggs and ham. i do not like them, sam i am. let's look at -- see if you can -- look at the low pressure system pushing down. on thursday, it's a fast mover. it'll bring rain to the south. snow to the north. des moines, chicago, sound bend seeing accumulating snow.
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east-northeast, brings snow, accumulating in washington, d.c. and into the new york area. how much snow? cedar rapids, chicago, columbus, 2 to 4 inches. you get to the south of washington, dover, delaware, could see 6 to 8 inches of snow. inches. that's what's going on around the country. >> in any event, there was a scheduling conflict. willie couldn't come.
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>> willie making a donation. >> you're making me feel bad. dylan dreyer and i will be in chicago on sunday. >> you think i should jump? >> you're not feeling well. don't risk relapse. >> this is a jedi mind trick. >> these are not the eggs you're looking for. >> al roker, that's why you're a great dad. you know how to do it, man. >> this is supposed to be a confrontation and al threw his arms around you. love and kindness. >> you hugged me. man. >> let's make the polar plunge the best. come down to chicago and see us, chicago. >> i feel horrible. >> no, you do feel horrible. that's why you'd do it. >> speaking of symptoms, if you've been having strange ones, like a weird craving or tingling in your hands and feet, what it
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what body aches? what knee pain? what sore elbow? advil liqui-gels make pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain? advil. all new dirt snuggler! the dirt snuggler gently removes dirt while polishing the floor at the same time. why would you want to treat dirt "gently"? this isn't cleaning and polishing is it? no, but we both know what does. pine-sol. a real clean. no gimmicks. how do they make starburst taste so juicy? they use wicked small fighter jets to shoot the juiciness into every starburst. [ pilot ] it's about to get juicy. whoo! i feel so aliii... it takes guts. [ female announcer ]
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i am never getting married. never. psssssh. guaranteed. you picked a beautiful ring. thank you. we're never having kids. mmm-mmm. breathe. i love it here. we are never moving to the suburbs. we are never getting one of those (minivan). we are never having another kid. i'm pregnant. i am never letting go. for all the nevers in life, state farm is there. jane likes to mix things up. that' s why she loves new light & fit greek non-fat yogurt mousse. so fluffy and airy it' s her new 80 calorie obsession.
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our bodies are complicated machines, capable of producing strange symptoms. some serious and some not. >> instead of heading to the internet to figure them out and probably make mistakes, we decided to bring in dr. natalie azar. >> hey, natalie. >> good morning. >> first up, you see nail discoloration. should you be concerned? >> okay. so nail -- this is what i want to say at the outset. any dramatic change in your nail, whether it's a change in the color, change in the quality or consistency,en suddenly you have new pits or ridges, it's
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health care provider. we say the eyes are the windows into your soul. you can learn a lot in nails in terms of your nail health. blue nails can be associated with not getting enough oxygen. if you have liver disease and nail changes, not surprising. but changes in your body is a good time to see your provider. >> these are nice for screen savers. what about cracks on the side of your mouth? >> this happens to people if you lip your lip lick your lips a lot. but cracked, red, inflamed looking, can be a sign of infection but also nutritional deficiency. b b12 deficiency. we see it a lot in people who are vegan because b 12 comes from animal products.
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>> animal products. meat, fish, poultry, eggs and milk. otherwise, also supplement. >> next one, this is a little uncomfortable for people. if you have an unusual odor from urine. >> sometimes just from being dehydrated, the scent coming from the urine can be a little strong. if it's a very pungent odor, it could be an indicator of a bladder infection or inflammation. fruity smell. this is in people who have diabetes. the sugars get very, very high and spill sugar into the urine and you can smell that. >> my son asked me, what's the asparagus thing. i don't know the answer. >> half of people have the gene that metabolizes this compound that contains sulfur. if you're smelling your asparagus asparagus, you have the gene.
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this gene that metabolizes that compound. it's a sulfur-containing compound. >> tingling in hands and feet. how serious? >> if you know you have sciatica, a certain herniated disk, tingling in one toe on one foot, is it an immediate medical emergency? probably not. if you suddenly have pins and needles in both hands, both feet, it could be a cause of concern. underlying infections. inflammatory and auto immune disorders. toxins can cause this. you should seek a consultation with a health care provider, yes. >> okay. folks who suck on ice. if you're anemic, that -- >> it's 100% correct. there's this condition we in the medical profession say when people chew on something for
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clay or dirt when you're anemic. people used to do this way, way back in the day. apparently, chewing on ice is an example. it can signify iron deficiency anemia and should be evaluated. >> thanks so much. still ahead, the movie stirring up controversy. we've got an when i grow up, i want to be a teacher, a scientist, or maybe a dancer. but learning is hard when you're hungry. that's why for years kellogg's has helped provide millions of breakfasts to kids who start school without it. and with your help, we can all grow into our dreams. before earning enough cash back from bank of america to take their act to the next level... before earning 1% cash back everywhere, every time... 2% back at the grocery store...
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every day. live claritin clear. [burke] at farmers, we've seen almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything. even "turkey jerks." [turkey] gobble. [butcher] i'm sorry! (burke) covered march fourth,2014. talk to farmers. we've seen almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything. we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum now ... a breakthrough from aveeno absolutely ageless night cream with active naturals blackberry complex ... ... a whole new way to keep skin looking younger longer ... ... starting tonight. part of the new absolutely ageless collection
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bloom when we show you seize si easy crafts for spring. how to keep the kids busy this weekend. cute and cuddly, boys. is organic milk better than non-organic? we'll do kitchen myth-busting after your local news and weat our next item is a genuine "name your price" tool. this highly sought-after device from progressive can be yours for... twenty grand? -no! we are giving it away for just 3 easy payments of $4.99 plus tax! the lines are blowing up! we've got deborah from poughkeepsie. flo: yeah, no, it's flo. you guys realize anyone can use the "name your price" tool for free on, right? [ laughing nervously ] [ pickles whines ] i know, it's like they're always on television. what? we' re non stop, we' ve gotta have our extra protein. oikos triple zero greek non fat yogurt has 15 grams of protein. zero added sugar, zero artificial sweetener and zero fat. and zero holding me back! oikos triple zero. be unstoppable.
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the tampa bay rays kick- offspring training games today. the team will take on the washington nationals. game time 1:05. and they're three-quarters are actually a lot of spring training games locally as well. now there's more cloud cover but it should be comfortable. you can see the cold front to the north. temperatures right now, quite warmer in the upper 60s to low 70s. only a 10% rain chance as the cold front comes through. the main thing, extra clouds and it's not bringing us cooler weather. highs in the mid-70s. another do nothing cold front on friday with another 10% rain chance leading into a gorgeous weekend. there's a reason why spring training is held in the tampa bay area, because of our great weather. >> absolutely. catch a game if you can.
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taking a look at the headlines. astronaut scott kelly returned to earth today after an unprecedented year in space. the capsule ended in kazakhstan, ending a mission at the international space station that was deemed a stepping stone to mars. it was a triumphant homecoming for kelly after 340 days in space. by the way, follow his twitter account. some of the most amazing pictures you'll ever see. a new study reveals the link of occupations of older adults and cardiovascular disease. people over the age of 45 showed sales, office and service
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disease and stroke than those in management and other professional jobs. while unhealthy eating habits was a problem across all professions, sales, office and food service workers had the lowest quality diet. having trouble sleeping? the street you live on may have something to do with it. stanford university researchers studied the outdoor light exposure of more than 15,000 people. people living in the well-lit areas were more likely to sleep less than six hours a night. and suffer from fatigue than those on low-light exposed areas. some news for women expecting a baby or those hoping to get pregnant, taking vitamin d supplements during pregnancy could improve the bone health of babies born during the winter. 1,000 pregnant women took units of vitamin d or a placebo for the last two trimesters. babies born in the winter months to women who had taken vitamin d
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babies born to moms in the placebo group. interesting. last up, as food favorite, chick-fil-a has an idea to get families talking. a box called a cell phone coupe is on the table at some of the restaurants. set your phone to silent and put them in the box and eat and chat without distractions. families who complete the challenge get free ice cream cones. win-win. let's get a check on the forecast from my bestie, mr. roker. >> thank you so much, tamron. a little clipper coming across will bring rain and snow to the northern plains. showers down around hawaii. beautiful day in alaska. sunshine through the gulf coast. windy and cooler in the northeast. tomorrow, a little more snow across the great lakes on into the northeast. heavier rain as you get to the gulf. plenty of showers in the pacific northwest. sunshine hanging around in southern california. they'll be looking at wet
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that's what's going on around >> go to our facebook page."today's take." we're trying to get a lot of folks to like us. how many of you so far? 326,000. thanks so much. tamron, those numbers are going up. >> we've got to get the numbers up. come on, gang. it's party time. water with our antibiotics. you can't drink on antibiotics, my doctor said.
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an exclusive at a movie that has a lot of people talking. "nina" tells the story of the legendary singer but it's generated controversy. ever since the actress was cast for the title role, people were saying an actress with a darker complexion should have gotten cast. here's your first look at "nina." it's the color of my true pain >> do you know who i am? >> yeah. >> nina. >> she's responded saying, quote, i know who i am and i
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that is my truth, and that set me free. the studio behind the film responded to the criticism. saying, it was not altered in any way. the studio used a still image from the film. watch the full trailer at "nina" hits theaters april 22nd. fans should check out the netflix doc. "what happened miss symone," which was nominated for an oscar. it'll blow your mind. phenomenal. first look to first listen, ariana grande is teasing fans with a snippet of her new single "dangerous woman."
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makes me wanna do things >> fans will be treated to a debut performance of the full song when ariana takes the stage at "snl" march 12th. she's hosting and she's the musical guest. impressive. britney spears is sizzling on a cover. she's -- actually covers. gracing multiple versions of "v." magazine. she reflects on her career. she said, people are quick to judge. justin bieber is huge and experiences that. she said she no longer cares what most people think. the biebs is celebrating his 22nd birthday yesterday. happy birthday, justin. the singer hit up a california ski resort, posting this video of him vag having fun in the snow.
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the movie of steven spiel burg's adaptation. matthew mcconaughey got in. follower. #dark tower. king spoke about getting his series to the screen, saying he started these stories as a senior in college. for the record, he's 68 years old. further proof that we can hold on to our dreams and maybe one day, we can be a knock off of stephen king? i don't know. we'll show you how to repurpose household items. i love this. turn them into crafts and decor.
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you don't want own tour of italy at olive garden, starting at $12.99. to enjoy on one plate. and breadsticks. the best tour of italy is the one you create. at olive garden. the cool of the day. the scent of the trees. and the sounds, from all sides, of an orchestra performing entirely for you. the jeep grand cherokee, with active noise cancellation to turn any street
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mmmm, mmm mmmm, mmm mmmm mmmm, yoplait there's a lighter, fluffier way for everyone to enjoy greek yogurt. yoplait greek 100 whips! when you think about success, what does it look like? is it becoming a better professor by being a more adventurous student? is it one day giving your daughter the opportunity she deserves? is it finally witnessing all the artistic wonders of the natural world? whatever your definition of success is, helping you pursue it, is ours. t-i-a-a. mastering irresistibly smooth. the lindor truffle. created with passion... by the lindt master chocolatiers. a hard outer shell
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luscious.... flowing... welcome... to the best time of your day. unwrap... unwind... experience the melt. only the lindor truffle. from the lindt master chocolatiers. many people clean their dentures with toothpaste or plain water. and even though their dentures look clean, in reality they're not. if a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture, and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. that's why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day.
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means there will be a lot of rainy days when you'll need to stay indoors and think of ways to entertain the kids. >> we'll put old household items to good use with the founder of brit and company. good to see you. >> happy march. it's actually spring. >> this is a great idea. my kids outgrow their boots every three months. >> instead of tossing the rain boots away, put them as front door decor. put a little hole in the bottom to water the boots and add flowers in them. april showers bring may flowers. for the repurposed umbrellas, any umbrella with a took goes great on the front door. tuck in flowers. >> great for broken umbrellas. you're tying it anyway, instead of crashing it. >> with the floral theme, you can repurpose the christmas lights by adding flowers on them. we used crate paper, cut them
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wrap them around a floral wire and wire them straight on to the christmas lights. >> so cute. >> if you don't want to make the flowers, al, because sometimes you're not into the flowers, use silk flowers and put them on, as well. >> there you go. >> cute way to decorate a girl's room, too. >> you have egg cartons lying around. >> easter is coming up in three weeks. you'll have a lot of egg cartons around the house. this is an egg carton wreath, alternative to the umbrella. get your kids involved. have them paint the cartons, cut out shapes and you can hot glue them on. >> how do you cut that? >> with scissors. it's not rocket science. >> apparently, it is. i couldn't figure it out. >> she's doing it. >> a 6-year-old can do it. >> glue them on to it. you can use an embroidery hoop, cardboard, whatever you want to do. 6-year-olds can do it.
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>> you can come to my house. i'm not creepy. >> not much. >> we also are repurposing your coffee filters at home. these are papier-mache lanterns. he's mod podging over a balloon and will cover it with a coffee filter. mod podge over the top. one of you, pop this, please. >> go ahead, 6-year-old. you want to do it. >> nice. >> cool. >> this turns into a lantern. hang it outside for outdoor parties. there? >> sure because it's only made out of paper. >> exactly. >> no, we use l.e.d. candles. technology at its finest. >> how about food and making nice things? >> food can also be crafty for spring. these are peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. sometimes moms tell you not to
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is playing with his. he's made cool sandwich faces. use strawberries for the pet dahl s -- petals. pretzels. pipe frostings. >> and fruit kabobs. >> miles is down here. >> what's great about this, you can use the cookie cutter to cut pineapple pineapple, hollow out the middle, and layer it on the ka kabob kabob. >> in the next segment, tamron will show how to make party favors with explosives. thank you so much. brit will be taking over today's pinterest page. willie, what's next? >> we love brit. we'll separate fact from fiction on healthy eating. will eating bread make you gain weight? i think i have an answer. go to to answer that
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we'll hear from you and get the answer right after this. i thought activia wasn' t for me. until i realized how much our digestive systems handle during winter. 90 stressful days juggling hectic schedules. over 40 meals of heavy comfort foods like baked mac & cheese. no wonder after all that our digestive systems can act up. so try the activia two week challenge! twice a day for two weeks may help reduce the frequency of bloating, gas, discomfort or rumbling. try it! it works in two weeks or it' s free.
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here's a little healthy advice. take care of what makes aveeno daily moisturizing body wash and lotion with active naturals oat. used together, they provide 2x the nourishment for beautiful healthier looking skin. aveeno pnaturally beautiful results how do they make starburst taste so juicy? they use wicked small fighter jets to shoot the juiciness into every starburst. [ pilot ] it's about to get juicy. whoo! i feel so aliii... it takes guts. [ female announcer ] starburst. unexplainably juicy. everything kids touch during cold and flu season sticks with them. make sure the germs they bring home don't stick around. use clorox disinfecting products. because no one kills germs better than clorox. crisp garden vegetables. no artificial flavors. philadelphia garden vegetable. rich, creamy... ...and delicious nothing else tastes
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now that karen's taking osteo bi-flex, she's noticing a real difference in her joint comfort... karen: "she's single." ...and high levels of humiliation in her daughter. in just 7 days, your joint comfort can be your kid's discomfort. osteo bi-flex. made to move. pet moments are beautiful, unless you have allergies. then your eyes may see it differently. only flonase is approved toprelieve both itchy, watery eyes pand congestion. no other nasal allergy spray can say that. when we breathe in allergens our bodies react by over producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. one substance. flonase controls six. complete allergy relief or incomplete. let your eyes decide. flonase. 6>1 changes everything. quilted northern works their bathroom experience. just like they forgot conductor randy, who sees all and forgets nothing. at least he's not
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kellogg's 8 layers of wheat... and one that's sweet. to satisfy the adult and kid - in all of us. nutritious wheat for the adult and delicious sweet for the kid you'll never outgrow... with frosted mini-wheats . try new kellogg's mini-wheats harvest delights with sweet drizzle and bits made with real fruit. why am i a fan of applebee's fan favorites burbon st. chicken and shrimp? it's so smokey and mysterious... then that cajun spice. i almost forgot i could feel this way. she used to talk about me like that. everyone's a fan with applebee's 2 for $20 fan favorites. when you walk into a grocery store you're bombarded by
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gluten free, fat free, am i supposed to be drinking almond milk? are these healthy for you and your family? here to separate fact from fiction, our good friend, madelyn. good to see you. >> good morning. >> let's start with bread. does eating bread make you gain weight? we asked the viewers and 55% of them believe that that is, in fact, a myth. more than half believe it's a myth. what say you? >> it is a myth. bread does not automatically cause you to gain weight. but what is important is the calories. if you get extra calories and excess bread, it's easy to consume, it'll promote weight gain, like any other calories. the kind of bread you'll choose is really important. >> we're talking about whole wheat versus whole grain. what's the difference? >> key word is whole. whole means when you take grains, it's not something you find in nature. it has to be processed somehow. the good way is to leave the good stuff that has a lot of fiber on the outside.
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or process it and it disappears. look for whole wheat, whole grain. whole grain is something in addition to wheat. wheat isn't the only whole grain. there's also corn, oats, all these things. >> okay. >> if you have white bread occasionally that looks like, it's okay. don't be fooled by anything that looks whole wheat. read the label. >> do you like whole grain over whole wheat? does it matter? >> depends on the flavor. whole wheat is great. if you don't like gluten, because that'll be in there. whole is the key word, whatever you choose. >> let's move on to milk. so many kinds now. the question we're posing is, is organic milk, does it have more nutrients than non-organic? our viewers said, 82% say, it's a myth. are they right? >> it is a myth. nutrient for nutrient, organic and traditional milk are the same. there are several differences.
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organic milk never had added hormones or antibiotics. this is true. conventional milk, few have added hormones. all milk has a cow growth hormone. the thing that is important is when an animal is sick if they're on antibiotics, the milk is thrown away. it's government approved and safe to drink. they're the safe. >> whole milk, 2%, 1% and skim milk. >> do you like one over the other? >> it's best to stick with reduced fat or skim milk. dairy products, down regulating the fat is better. if you want whole milk, it's good for a treat in coffee or used to substitute for light cream. on day to day drinking, reduced fat 2% or skim is a good choice. >> to the al do the almond milk and cashews give you an advantage?
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calcium and vitamin d through there's no protein. >> last question of the morning. brown eggs are healthier for you than white eggs, we asked the viewers. 74% say it's a myth. >> ow ur viewers got it right. there is no nutritional difference. the funny thing is, different chickens lay different eggs. right? >> because you want to keep them refrigerator. >> great. good tips. you, the viewers, were right, nice. >> smart viewers. >> for more on the food myths, go to back in a moment.
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good morning. it is 9:58 on this wednesday morning. two bodies were found in a burning mobile home in polk county. the home is in lakeland on old polk city road. investigators tell us fire crews found the bodies when they were called to the fire. a dog was also found dead inside. we are following this story and we will bring you updates and more details as they become available on first at 4:00. well, weather-wise, it is really nice out there. a little bit cloudier than yesterday. >> yeah, even with the clouds though, it still feels really nice. it's a great time of year. this is where the clouds are. and notice they are all south of the cold front. and it will come through and
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cole cloud from bravo's "married to medicine." >> but i try to stay very true to who i am, even when it does get crazy. >> plus, i am tapping to stay fit. >> let's start in four, three. >> uh-oh. uh-oh, i can't remember what is next. >> let's go! wooo! >> oh, yes. >> all that and more because "daytime" starts right now. >> hi there, welcome to "daytime." i'm cyndi edwards. >> i'm jerry penacoli.
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