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tv   News Ch8 at 11PM  NBC  March 7, 2016 11:00pm-11:34pm EST

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call for help. tonight the survivors talk exclusively to news channel 8. >> 1 step closer to closure, a jury awards erin andrews $55 million in her civil lawsuit, but how much will she ever really see? >> every wonder what it's like to be on nbc's hit show the voice? we sit down with a bay area teen-ager on team christine. good evening. i'm keith cate. >> i'm jennifer leigh. thank you for joining us. we begin with breaking news in south tampa. police are on scene of a deadly shooting. we know two people were shot at the gardens south bay apartments. there are a lot of officers on scene. so is our melanie michael who joins us now live. what can you tell us about what's going on down there, mel? >> reporter: jen, good evening to you, heavy police presence as you indicated just a moment ago. this investigation is literally happening before our very eyes. news channel 8 was the first news crew here as tempers were flaring and emotions running high. i want to show you the scene to give you an idea how big of a police presence it is, several
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corner near bayshore and gandy and it is just packed with investigators trying to piece together exactly what happened. i want to show you video taken a few moments ago as i indicated, emotions running very high because two people were shot. you can see tampa police officers trying to back some of the people away from the scene. they had to take one man down because he was trying to cross police lines. we're told that one person is dead tonight as the investigation continues. one person has been taken to the hospital with nonlife threatening injuries, but the question is how did this all begin? again detectives are on the scene trying to piece this together. they say this started with a dispute that has been ongoing. two people were shot, again one person is dead here in the south tampa neighborhood and about 70 people, 70 to 65 people, were kept in the distance because they were getting, quite frankly, unruly. police officers were nervous for neighbors and onlookers because they wanted to make
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again heavy -- that everyone in this area is safe. again heavy police presence, news channel 8 on the scene getting the latest video and information to people tonight, two people shot and a lot of questions to be answered. we'll stay on the scene tonight and give you updates throughout the newscast. >> melanie michael live in tampa on breaking news for us tonight. thanks, mel. a dramatic rescue at sea all caught on camera, two men find themselves in the cold waters of the gulf for hours their boat sinking, but their calls for help were answered. tonight news channel 8 speaks exclusively with the captain of that boat and we're also hearing from the coastguard petty officer who rescued him. paul mueller joins us now live from clearwater. well, paul, this was supposed to be a regular fishing trim for these guys, but anything -- trip for these guys, but anything but that. >> reporter: supposed to be, keith, you're right. it was a maiden voyage for this boat but turned out to be the last, the coastguard helicopter taking off from here in clearwater, the boat from bradenton and the race was on
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>> mayday mayday! coastguard, coastguard 60! >> reporter: tonight captain dan gilliland relived two horrifying hours beginning at around 2:30 this morning. he and his first mate were on his 37-foot boat. then all of a sudden. >> the stern was gone. feet. i had time to get up and get a mayday call off and the engine was going under water and everything was just going down so quick. it just went down quick. >> we've got some life rafts. she's going under now. we've got the life raft. she's going under. >> i've been raised on the waters all my life. i did my best. i did my best to try and keep the other guy alive, too. >> reporter: after more than two hours floating in a life raft in rough seas they spotted the coastguard helicopter and light. the coastguard spotted them. >> instantly started waving their lands. they're excited happy to see us -- hands.
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obviously, cold and shivering. >> reporter: two hours later they made it on board and now the captain and the coastguard have another survival story to tell. >> you would want someone to save you, so you got to help them out, you know. >> extremely grateful thanking god all day long, definitely wasn't no way i wanted to go for sure. >> reporter: now the coastguard says the captain did everything right setting off the flares, the stroke light, also activating that emergency beacon, keith. >> that's some of the most dramatic and heart pulsing video i've seen in a while with that surveillance video from the coastguard. do we have any idea what caused the boat to go down and what's the captain plan to do next? >> reporter: some good questions. the captain tells me somehow the ruledder fell off and interest -- rudder fell off and interestingly enough he was building another boat and from here he wants to do what he does best and that's fishing. >> we're glad he's safe tonight
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mueller live in st. petersburg. after a two week trial and a few hours of deliberations a sportscaster erin andrews $55 million. jen holloway is in the tampa news center. >> sportscaster erin andrews won a judgment against the owner of a nashville hotel and a stalker who secretly recorded peephole. on paper she is supposed to get 55 million, but in reality one expert thinks andrews will take home drastically less than the awarded amount. >> i do believe what more than likely is going to happen as the defense council is going to appeal and in the meantime they will probably meet with her plaintiffs lawyers and come up with an undisclosed confidential agreement in which amount. >> reporter: this attorney subjects the only money andrews will see -- suspects the only
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the hotel chain. >> the reality of it is she's not going to get any money from the defendant. he wouldn't have any. >> reporter: arline also suggests the defense counsel made a huge mistake trying to portray andrews as a victim. >> they attempted to somehow make the argument she benefited from this tape and i think that was a huge mistake from the defense standpoint because you can't measure the amount of embarrassment she feels on a daily basis. this isn't a kardashian sex tape. this is a respected reporter whose privacy was violated and she was not in any way a part of this voluntarily at all. >> reporter: again erin andrews $55 million award is set to be split between stalker michael barrett and the hotel, barrett responsible for 28 million while the hotel is responsible for $26 million. that's the wrap of the story from today. live from the tampa news center i'm jen holloway. hulk hogan was on the
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petersburg courtroom as part of a $100 million lawsuit suing the website gawker for posting a sex video. the larger than life wrestler life. >> i was embarrassed what it did to me as a person, but it was even embarrassing as a character. hulk hogan was embarrassed. >> hogan told the court he didn't know he was being video. an attorney for gawker claims the website has a right to publish the photo because hulk hogan is a well known public figure. now an 8 on your side investigation, dream home turned nightmare. >> this south tampa couple contacted 8 on your side when they found their home listed for sale by a bank on the internet. three weeks later the mess is over. turns out the couple's title insurance company made the big mistake and now it has to pay up. our investigation discovered
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than you might think. shannon behnken joins us now to show us how to protect ourselves. >> you giving kisses? >> reporter: kris and rebecca kraft never missed a payment, but there it was, their home internet. >> it's mind blowing that something like this could happen. >> reporter: 8 on your side followed a paper trail and found two titles on their home. it started with a botched foreclosure on a previous homeowner. the kraft's title insurance company didn't catch it and three years later the original bank wanted their house back, but here's the good news. the krafts' title insurance policy will kick in and no one can take their home. >> title insurance is one of those things you look at on your closing costs and you're like what is this? why do i need this? discovered why. >> reporter: the krafts were getting nowhere on their own, but after 8 on your side stepped in things changed. >> we're really grateful for channel 8. >> reporter: this is a happy
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the title agent galen letcher explains this should be a lesson for the rest of us. >> if the krafts didn't have their owners title policy, they would be completely out of luck. >> reporter: that's because lenders only require title insurance that protects them like liability car insurance, but only an owner's policy gives you full protection. the krafts are thankful they bought the right insurance plan and never have to think about this nightmare again. >> then we get to keep living here and living out our dream as we had planned it. >> now it's up to the krafts' insurance company to settle with the bank, but none of this will impact the krafts and now they have a clean deed to their home. >> well, sha none -- shannon is there anything else other than title insurance to make sure that a buyer can do? >> you can check public records and you're looking for certificate of title.
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of title, there's a big red flag you should check because there could be somebody else out there claiming they had title to your house. >> it worked out for this couple. thank you, shannon. >> it did. in an 8 on your side consumer alert a new crime trend has been uncovered in sarasota county. dealt i its removed credit card skimmers equipped with bluetooth technology at the corner of cattleman and fruitville roads. the crooks used the skimmers to steal credit card data and access it remotely without touching the gas pump. officials say the skimmers may have been there as long as two weeks. in your vote coverage tonight presidential hopeful and florida senator marco rubio was back in his homestate tonight rallying supporters at the tampa convention center. rubio tailored his speech to the florida crowd noting its status as an important swing state throughout the election cycle stating, "a turning point is coming and it starts here in florida." before the rally he told us that he acknowledged this
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unlike any other in history. >> i'm going to be on the ballot. we're going to win florida. this is going to be a very long process. you guys have never covered a campaign like this. this is unchartered territory, no one, not even donald trump is on track right now to have 1,237 delegates. a vote for john kasich or ted cruz in florida is a vote for donald trump. i'm the only one that has a chance of beating donald trump in florida. if you don't want donald trump to be the republican nominee, you have to vote for rubio. >> rubio will be back in the bay area tomorrow rallying the crowds in sarasota. on the democratic side all eyes are on michigan and its presidential primary tomorrow. hillary clinton hopes to win the state in her bid to wrap up the nomination, but hold on because senator bernie sanders continues to be a thorn in her side as he looks to gain ground. voters will cast ballots in michigan and mississippi tomorrow. republican voters will also be voting in hawaii and idaho. >> so interesting to watch, i
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>> another day in history. a dangerous find caught on camera. >> coming up next we'll show you what this ranger found lurking in the woods of ft. de soto. >> plus a bay area contestant on the voice talks about what it means to make it past the blind auditions and on to team christina. >> much warmer temperatures in store for us reaching upper 70s across most of the bay area today, but 80s likely the next several days, also rain chances for the weekend.
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(donkey sound) (elephant sound) there's a big difference between making noise, (tapping sound) and making sense. (elephant sound) (donkey sound) when it comes to social security, we need more than lip service. our next president needs a real plan to keep social security strong. (elephant noise) hey candidates. enough talk.
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some breaking news in south tampa, police on the scene of a deadly shooting, two people shot at the gardens at south bay particles. let's go back to melanie michael out there covering this for us. it's been pretty dramatic so far. what can you tell us, mel? >> reporter: it certainly has been, keith. a very tense situation continues to unfold here, news channel 8 the first news crew on the scene tonight. let's get straight to that video where police officers had to take down a man trying to cross the yellow line. this is what it's been like tonight, 60 to 70 very angry
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place, again two people shot -- taken place, again two people shot, one of them dead, one of them taken to the hospital, police trying to do crowd control in the area. officers everywhere. when i tell you every single block off this neighborhood of bayshore and gandy is packed with investigators and forensic crews trying to figure out what's happened, that's exactly what's going on. we'll stay at the scene and continue to update you on the air and online. >> thank you, melanie michael live for us in tampa. this video was posted on facebook of park de soto. the park ranger is reaching for something in the woods. after a few seconds he pulls out a rattlesnake, yeah. they were able to get the snake into a trash can and away from people. nbc's hit show the voice is back and it is on fire. here at news channel 8 we already picked our favorite. she is the youngest singer this season and she's from tampa
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it was the greatest day of my life. i never experienced anything like that. i've never experienced nerves like that. >> wise beyond her years and all heart. >> i may only be 15 years old, but i'm going to go out there. i'm going to get a button pushed and i'm going to be the happiest person alive. >> and her dreams came true. just listen to this voice. oh it was supposed to be what is love . >> all you need is one chair. that's all you need is one. >> there's no doubt she's special. >> shalia is one that could do pretty much anything. >> when i finished my song, i like kicked my leg in the air and i was like yes, yes, and christy was like you're all mine. >> she's now on team christina with her parents and seven siblings cheering her on. >> we're like a perfect match. it's going to be great.
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feels like to be 15 years old and going in the music industry and she wants to help me get better at it because she knows. it's going to be great. please support me and all that i do. we're going to put tampa on the map. i love you guys so much and i'm going to make you proud. >> she said she's 15 and just turned 16. happy birthday to her. she goes on to l.a. in a month. you can watch a new voice tomorrow night at 8:00 here on news channel 8. well, this is the weekend clocks go forward before you go to bed saturday night, officially 2 a.m. sunday, but it's this weekend. the time change makes those days stay a little bit longer. the sun stays up a little longer and the strawberry festival is looking fantastic, what a weekend. 81 degrees, warmer afternoon and we're trending warmer with temperatures in the 80s, 71 degrees at 8 p.m., still mild
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expecting rain this week, which is great news for the festival and other outdoor activities. tuesday, wednesday, thursday you can see temperatures well above normal. the average line about 75 degrees. so you can see we're in the sun, the spring breakers loving this and that eight-day forecast will continue to call for warm temperatures despite the rain chance and a little bit of a cooldown after the rain moves away. 64 degrees at 2 a.m., mostly clear skies, some clouds maybe moving in overnight. we're seeing quite a few clouds on the east coast of florida this hour. 58 degrees at 7 a.m. a nice warm-up lifting us near 80 degrees and a lot of spots could be some low 80s in some of the inland areas. 64 degrees, currently temple terrace, mcdill also, 64 in -- macdill, also 64 and lake placid 60 degrees. high pressure is our big pressure both at the surface
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keeping the for of low pressure farther back to the west with rain across texas, oklahoma. they also have flood watches in place for the western part of louisiana up into arkansas anticipating consistent rains this week, but that ridge of high pressure is kind of holding all this back to the west and protecting florida at the same time from any precipitation chances coming from a front at this time. southeasterly wind around the southern section of that area of high pressure is keeping it mild. the big picture is ridge of high pressure aloft that allows us in the tampa bay area to thursday. as this ridge starts to break down at the end of the week, we start to see this trough move increase. the timing of that at this hour looks to be saturday possibly into early saturday, although on this one. dominate. tuesday afternoon. most of the rain is well back to the west. that's why they're concerned the world.
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normal temperatures. we're seeing the surface wind coming in from the southeast lifting our temperatures and bringing moisture into our atmosphere through thursday. the thunderstorms and wet conditions are much farther back to the west. 82 degrees wednesday, 83 for thursday, overnight low temperatures in the 60s, getting a little warmer each morning largely because we're adding some moisture back in the atmosphere. when you have higher humidity, the overnight lows are a bit warmer. there you go, time change this weekend, guys, don't want to forget that one, although i likely will, 80 degrees for saturday and sunday, not much temperature change. so warm seems to be the change now all the way through the week. >> consistent. >> consistent. >> i like it. still to come tonight in sports mr. consistent peyton manning, not going to be there much longer, was not the only nfl player to call it quits today, a bucs player bidding farewell. >> the lightning got a near
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goalie, but was it enough to keep their winning streak alive? (vo) you can check on them. you can worry about them. you can even choose a car for them. (mom) honey, are you ok? (child) i'm ok. (announcer vo) love. (mom) we're ok. (announcer vo) it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. at busch gardens, our appetite for fun never ends. and now, the food & wine festival feeds your appetite for adventure, with wild flavors... and concerts for every taste. busch gardens' food & wine festival is
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attractions... ...and your favorite artists live in concert every weekend, now so come eat, drink, and rock out . pand when you buy a busch gardensv pcard you get an adventure islandr fun card for free. busch gardens. florida's thrill
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i think we should've taken a left at the river. tarzan know where tarzan go! tarzan does not know where tarzan go. hey, excuse me,
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waterfall? no, me tarzan, why don't you want to just if you're a couple, you fight over directions. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more you switch to geico. oh ohhhhh it's what you do. ohhhhhh! do you have to do thattright in my ear? what if one piece of kale could protect you from diabetes? what if one sit-up could prevent heart disease? one. wishful thinking, right? but there is one step you can take to help prevent another serious disease. pneumococcal pneumonia. if you are 50 or older, one dose of the prevnar 13 vaccine can help protect you from pneumococcal pneumonia, an illness that can cause coughing, chest pain, difficulty breathing, and may even put you in the hospital. even if you have already been vaccinated with another pneumonia vaccine, prevnar 13 may help provide additional protection. prevnar 13 is used in adults 50 and older to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. you should not receive prevnar 13 if you have had a severe allergic reaction
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if you have a weakened immune system, you may have a lower response to the vaccine. common side effects were pain, redness or swelling at the injection site, limited arm movement, fatigue, headache, muscle or joint pain, less appetite, chills, or rash. get this one done. ask your doctor or pharmacist about prevnar 13 today. sports on news channel 8 is brought to you by your gulf coast honda dealers. >> what a day dominated by nfl news of the lightning made their own headlines in the ceasefire of the jonathan drouin stan yzerman standoff -- steve yzerman standoff. we'll see if he shows up tomorrow. bolts looking for a 10th straight win tonight at the flyers. andre palat fired up, four goals now in three games.
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goals now in three games. the team was flat sent for an dry vasilevskiy, 30 -- andrei vasilevskiy, 36 saves for vassy. this is a defense nan. he score again tonight. 4 -2 the final. the streak is over. bolts home tomorrow night to face the bruins. on a day where football fans were mainly focused on peyton manning's retirement, buc's left guard logan mankins quietly left i had 11 year career leaving a -- left his 11 year career leaving a void. . he helped groom left tackle donovan smith. now the bucs offseason adds an interesting little twist on the o line. nice presentation today by the denver broncos giving peyton manning center stage to close out his 18 year nfl career. a tearful manning managed to
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expressing a love for the game that few players have and will every match in the hall of fame -- and the hall of fame countdown begins. see you in five years. former burks head coach lovie smith introduced as the new coach today at illinois. lovie was asked about the shock of being fired by the bucs. here's his response. is this a jab at bucs ownership? >> that's, of course, going in the hall of fame this summer. i was also fired by the buc they'res. so you just -- buccaneers. so you just kind of take it and you move on. >> that's lovie. simple as that as they say. usf, the third crack at no. 1 uconn tonight. this is the american conference tournament championship game and this is just like their game a week ago. bulls were hot early, held after one quartz, but uconn takes off. 77-51, 69 wins in a row for the huskies and i'll have a little
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from the rays game today in ft. myers, taylor lauter played all left field in triple-a in durham and they got to see. this rays are in lakeland tomorrow to play the tigers, so a little bit closer for folks in the bay area if you want to head out and check them out. >> we'll be right back. tomorrow is not a given. but entresto is a medicine r that helps make more tomorrows possible. tomorrow, tomorrow... i love ya, tomorrow p in the largest heart failure study ever, entresto helped more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading heart failure medicine. women who are pregnant must not take entresto. p it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. if you've had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, don't take entresto. the most serious side effects are angioedema,
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we want to get back to our breaking news in south tampa, melanie michael on the scene of a deadly shooting. >> reporter: hi, guys. the investigation continues this hour literally unfolding right before our very eyes. crews are on scene trying to piece together exactly what happened near the corner of bayshore boulevard and gandy, police presence is very heavy tonight as one person is dead, another taken to the hospital. a crowd had to be pushed back earlier tonight as the investigation goes on. we'll have more on news channel 8 today starting at 4 a.m. with live updates on air and online. i'm melanie michael live in south tampa, news channel 8. >> thank you, mel. final check on the weather, steve? >> temps pretty much what we expect them to be this year, 58 degrees, plenty of sunshine, maybe a few clouds especially inland.
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those on the east coast, partly cloudy skies, generally a nice day, low 80s and progressive warmer each day. >> a winner. >> a winter or winner? >> no a winner. >> jimmy fallon is coming up next. >> winning.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart


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