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tv   Meet the Press  NBC  November 7, 2016 2:01am-3:00am EST

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when i got there, they treated me like they know me, like, forever. i never met a doctor so happy and so wonderful. he told me from the beginning what was gonna happen, how it was gonna be done, and i feel so comfortable because he explained to me, one by one, every step. >> when dina came to see me, she had a lot of extra hanging skin. i think that she was literally weighed down by this extra skin it bothered her, you could tell. it was affecting her outlook and afterwards she just seemed so much lighter and brighter and really more herself. >> my granddaughter even made fun of me. she said, "grandma, cut it out. you're not a teenager." because i feel good, not only in my face, in my heart, too. >> isn't it crazy that a simple visit to sono bello can actually change peoples' lives?
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looking better. it's always about feeling better. it is to me. you know, that feeling that i want to get out in the world. i feel good about myself. i want join the workforce again. i want to meet somebody new. or honestly, it's really best when the people around you turn and say, "what are you doing? you look great. what's happening?" with lift by sono bello, now there is no reason to wait anymore to be the you that makes you happy. >> when i looked in the mirror before the procedure, i saw an gr as the transformation has happened in the last few weeks, people are just looking at me going, "oh, my god." >> i have so much more confidence. i feel like i'm happier. it's great. i love it. i look great! >> i feel like a kid again. before this procedure, i felt like a grumpy old man. now i'm re-energized. i'm exercising. it's meant a lot to me mentally. >> my lift by sono bello has
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it's just amazing. you know, i feel so good. i've had so many compliments. >> if somebody looks at you, you think, "yeah, they're looking at me 'cause i look good!" >> i feel good. for once in my life, i feel pretty. >> announcer: like it or not, our face plays a powerful role in how people view us and how we feel about ourselves. it can be the difference between feeling timid or confident, self-conscious or self-assured. what if you could get firm, lifted skin that looks completely natural? affordable? and what if you could simply reverse the signs of aging to take years off of your appearance? lift by sono bello is a fully customized facial rejuvenation procedure that delivers amazing natural-looking results. lift is performed in an in-office visit using local anesthesia, so there's less down time than with traditional facelifts. it's easy and it's affordable on almost any budget. sono bello is a trusted,
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over 75,000 procedures. with a nationwide network of nearly 100 board-certified doctors, sono bello provides a facial cosmetic procedure that is customized to meet your specific goals, ensuring a natural and refreshed look. >> there are no two people that look alike, and our doctors, having done thousands of procedures, do what is necessary for what the patient wants. >> they don't have a just "out of the box" procedure they use on evee. what you're looking for, and they customize it just for you. >> announcer: for sagging skin, lift by sono bello can enhance your jawline and neck to create a more natural and youthful appearance. and for sleepy eyes, bags, or drooping brows, sono bello doctors can customize a solution to diminish that tired look. >> sono bello has changed the way i look, the way i feel, and how i feel about myself.
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for your free consultation right now. >> they changed my face. they changed my confidence. they changed my life. >> announcer: lift away the signs of aging to reveal a younger, fresher version of yourself. and when you call for your free no-obligation consultation right now, you'll also receive $250 off your procedure. and payment plans available to meet most any budget. call...for your free consultation right now. the preceding was a paid presentation for lift by sono bello.
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hair club. this station is not responsible for claims made in the following program. whether you have receding hair, thinning hair, or advanced hair loss, it's a harsh reality -- hair loss adds years to your appearance. but now you can change that with hair club, the number-one customized hair-loss solution provider in north america. hair club is dedicated to giving you more hair and more confidence so you look younger. >> i'm a than i did when i was in my 40s. >> i look better today than i did at 40. >> i love it. i really do. it has changed my outlook on life. >> announcer: at hair club, we understand that coping with hair loss can be difficult, but finding the right solution should never be. with over 900 experts across north america and backed by 40 years of tested and proven results, hair club provides exclusive technologies and proven solutions for every stage of hair loss and every hair-loss
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ironclad 100% satisfaction guarantee. >> at hair club, we understand what it's like to lose your hair, and we understand what it's like to get it back, and we would like you to have that experience. >> when i went in there, they were friendly, discreet, and i felt like it was a team of people that were all working with me to help me get my hair back. >> they took care of something that was really terrifying to me -- really terrifying -- and made it fantastic. >> announcer: over 500,000 men and women just like you have turned to hair club customized to achieve the best possible results for their specific need. >> this is my hair. and it feels great. it feels natural. it's growing. it's strong. it's stronger than it's ever been. >> announcer: today we'll introduce you to hair club's newest technologies, and explain how there is a hair-loss solution that's perfect for you. so stay tuned. but, first, let's meet your host -- hair club client dave nemeth. >> hi. i'm dave nemeth.
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hair loss -- my hair loss. as a tv host, this is a really sensitive subject for me, because, like a lot of you, i was embarrassed by my own thinning hair. my problem started right back here, and it kind of snuck up on me. it started as a little bald patch about the size of a golf ball, and i really didn't believe it was going to get worse. then, one day, while taping my talk show, i caught a clear view of the back of my head in a studio monitor. my golf-ball-size problem had turned into a hockey-pk- bald spot. i knew i needed help, so, like hundreds of thousands of men and women before me, i turned to hair club. based on my need for immediate results, hair club customized the right solution for me. it's called xtrands. it's called xtrands because they attach extra strands of hair to your existing hair. it's a same-day aesthetic solution that's perfect for men and women. it's not a weave, and it's not an extension, and it doesn't
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is so fast. i walked into hair club with a bald spot, and i walked out camera-ready, without fears about how my hair would look on live tv. i have hair. >> yeah, it's great. >> i have hair! [ chuckles ] ? >> announcer: did you know 25% of men will experience hair loss starting at age 21, and 30% of women will experience thinning hair by the age of 30? no matyo degree of hair loss, hair club has the solution for your need. >> i was in my early 20s and looked like i was in my 30s. now i feel like i finally look my age. you know, it's weird to look at a picture of yourself now and look younger than you did when you were 22. >> life is different. i mean, i feel more confident, outgoing. looking at what i see now, it's almost night and day. you know, it makes you feel like a whole different guy. >> i can take a photo and show
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and i just feel good. i don't feel like i have to hide anything. >> when you see the old photos of me, you can see i had no hair right here. and look. now i have hair, right? it's there. >> the hair club really gave my hair back. it's natural. it's my hair. feels great. i look younger. >> now i'm just so positive, and i at least look, i would say, five years younger. >> i feel so much happier because i look so much younger. >> when i looked in the mirror for the first time, it was like, this?" >> xtrands plus has given my back my youth. that's what i love to think. it's given back my youth. ? >> as a hair club client with medium-stage hair loss, xtrands was the ideal solution for me. but that's me. if you have extreme hair loss, then xtrands plus is likely your best answer. if you have pattern baldness or want extra volume, xtrands or hair transplantation could be
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hair loss in its tracks, then the ext program or hair club's brand-new laser therapy could be your solution. >> we have so many different solutions that are individualized and personalized, and one of them is our laser technology. it's really great for men and women, and it's clinical-strength technology that they're able to bring home, where it's gonna stimulate their blood flow, increasing their follicle size, thickening the hair that they've got and slowing down the hair loss. >> i have been a hair-transplant surgeon for 15 years. technology has changed tremendously. it's gone from relatively large grafts with an uneven appearance that all of us have seen, to virtually undetectable results using follicular units of one, two, and three hairs in a method that does not leave a linear scar, and that is called follicular unit extraction, and that's one thing we specialize in. >> one of our most effective solutions with hair club is our ext, which is our
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it's a specially formulated shampoo with a conditioner. and then there's an enzyme scalp cleanser that preps the follicles to open up. and then the highest dosage fda-approved minoxidil that will go deep into where the roots are, allowing the stimulation of the hair to work faster. so, it's really great, because my clients can see in a timely manner that it's working. >> it makes me very proud to work at hair club, because we've had 40 years of success. and we have all the cutting-edge technologyal necessary to bring all of the best and latest and greatest solutions that are scientifically proven. we're constantly growing and improving, so we're at the point now where we can help everybody who comes into hair club. ? >> announcer: whether you're looking for more volume, a little extra coverage, or complete crown coverage, hair club has the answer. >> what people don't realize about the hair club is that you can walk into a hair club office
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information about hair loss -- stuff you can't get anywhere else. you get an experienced consultant to work with you, you get the view of your own personal hair loss on the hair and scalp analyzer, you get the explanation of all the options for treatment, all at no charge, and you don't have to feel so alone anymore. >> announcer: just call for your free information kit and dvd at no obligation. get the facts about our full range of tested and proven solutions. this vital new information, physicians, can change your life. pick up the phone right now and we'll rush it to you for fe. as an added bonus, we'll also give you, for free, a private hair analysis worth $150. we'll identify your specific needs so there's no guesswork, customize a solution that is right for you, and back it up with our ironclad 100% satisfaction guarantee. >> it was pretty amazing to be able to walk into hair club and,
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it was fantastic. >> i feel great. it's like i have a new lease on life. >> this whole planet has become very conscious about appearance. and i think that if you are conscious about your appearance and it bothers you, do something about it. >> announcer: call now for your free information kit and dvd, and your free hair analysis worth $150, all backed up by our ironclad 100% satisfaction guarantee. this is a limited-time offer, so call today. look younger, feel younger with hair club. ? >> no one likes to look old, and let's face it, hair loss makes you look older. it's not an easy thing to talk about. and it's that "not talking about it" part that can leave people feeling alone. well, the folks at hair club can
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they have solutions for every stage of hair loss. hair club will customize the right proven solution to your specific need, and back it up with their 100% commitment to satisfaction. if you're not 100% satisfied with the option you choose, hair club will apply your initial purchase price to any of its other proven hair-loss solutions. so there's no guesswork, only the best possible outcome. ? everything, and nothing has worked, come in and see us. what makes hair club so unique is that we have customized solutions based on everyone's individual needs. probably the thing that i hear the most from all of our clients is that they wish they had done this so long ago. like, "what a waste of time feeling unattractive or incomplete." and it's so rewarding. that's really what i wake up to go to work for every day, is to hear that i'm making a difference in someone's life that didn't think that there was
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somebody points it out or you see a picture or you see yourself on video or any way that you notice that you're losing hair, that would be the best time to come in. whether you just want to prevent yourself from losing hair, whether you want to restore the hair that you've lost, whether you want to just maintain what you have, we can help anyone that comes into hair club. you just have to actually come in the door. ? >> joining me now, we have tina, one of hair club's leading alyssa. welcome to all of you. tina, i know how embarrassing, firsthand, how thinning hair and losing one's hair can be for a man -- very embarrassing. but for a woman, hair loss can just be devastating. >> it is absolutely devastating for a woman. and at hair club, we've been working with men and women who have been suffering from hair loss for over 40 years. so we really know how to work with those clients and make them
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woman, susan, it's got to be so lonely and so -- you must feel so isolated. >> i think that effect on women is just so much more devastating. i could be walking down the street, and i'll see some guy who's balding, and you know, i might feel bad for him. but i know, for me, nobody expects a woman to be balding. and nobody expects to see scalp on a woman. it's just not even in the, you know, way people think about women. crowning glory. and if we don't feel good, it doesn't matter what you have on, how your makeup looks, how you're dressed. when your hair doesn't look good, you really don't feel good. i mean, it's not just a trite saying. it's really true. you just don't feel good when your hair is not right. >> alyssa, at your age, when you started losing your hair, i can't even imagine how hard that would have been to go through high school, dealing with classmates, social media, all of that. it must have just been so tough.
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about, because i didn't -- first of all, i didn't want people to know, even though you knew by looking at me. and it was really tough being in high school. i was bullied, you know? i didn't want to be around people, because of the things that they would say. and it was really -- it was really tough. and even when i would try wigs on, i wouldn't want anybody to know, 'cause that was embarrassing to say, "oh, i'm 15, 16, and i'm wearing a wig." >> yr truly ruined your life. >> mm-hmm. >> and instead, hair club really gave you your life back by giving you back your hair. >> it totally did. i feel like a completely new person. i love going outside. i love -- i'm just walking around town, people come up and they say, "you have great hair." i can put heat on my hair. i can curl it. i can make it look however i want, and i love it. i love how versatile it is. >> absolutely. and look at your hair. it's gorgeous. >> it's so much fun. you know, i was worried about my wedding day and what i would
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think. but now i'm like, "i'm ready for it." i can't wait. my hair is gonna look beautiful. i'm so excited, yeah. >> it looks beautiful now. you both look tremendous. i mean, i would never know. nobody would ever know. >> that's what's so perfect about it. people do not know. you cannot tell. and it was illuminating to go into hair club and see how many other women. i had no idea. >> mm-hmm. >> alyssa, what would you tell women who are watching and still wondering if this is for them? hair club as soon as possible, because it changes your life. it makes you feel like a completely new person. it really does. >> susan, agree? >> completely agree, completely agree. >> [ chuckles ] >> make that call, like, right away. don't do this to yourself anymore. don't suffer with it anymore. >> announcer: at hair club, we understand that coping with hair loss can be difficult, but finding the right solution should never be. just call for your free
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obligation. get the facts about our full range of tested and proven solutions. this vital new information, endorsed by prominent physicians, can change your life. pick up the phone right now and we'll rush it to you for free. as an added bonus, we'll also give you, for free, a private hair analysis worth $150. we'll identify your specific needs so there's no guesswork, customize a solution that is right for you, and back it up with our ironclad 100% satisfaction guarantee. if you are not 100% satisfied with the option you choose, hair club will apply your initial purchase price to any of our proven hair-loss solutions. whether you're looking to stop hair loss in its tracks, add more volume, a little extra coverage, or complete crown coverage, hair club has the answer. >> when i went in there, they were friendly, discreet, and i felt like it was a team of people that were all working with me to help me get my hair back. >> it was pretty amazing to be
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a few hours later, walk out with a full head of hair. it was fantastic. >> looking at what i see now, it's almost night and day. >> if i had known the technology was so good that it would look this natural, i wouldn't have hesitated a minute. i would have done this 20 years ago. >> announcer: call now for your free information kit and dvd, and your free hair analysis worth $150, all backed up by our ironclad 100% satisfaction guarantee. ths call today. look younger, feel younger with hair club. ? >> at hair club, we understand that hair loss can be a very emotional and personal issue. so the wonderful thing is, when you come in, we have a very discreet and private environment. it's a consultation room where
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and everything is kept completely confidential. >> there is no obligation. there is no expense. it's simply a way to get good, accurate, clear, concise information about the approved treatments for hair loss -- what works. you're in a place where there's a lot of experience knowing what works. that is the best advantage of coming to hair club. >> i think, when people come in to meet with me, they're really -- they can't believe everything is gonna be free. like, "oh, you're gonn t scope analysis, and it's free? you're gonna talk to me about my hair problem, and it's free?" yes, of course it's all free. there's no obligation at all. i think people need to feel comfortable. they need to feel confident. and only then should they move forward. ? >> hair loss runs in the family, and my father had lost hair here in the middle and in the front. same with my brother. my hair loss started in my early 20s. and i just felt like i was getting older, and i was losing
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amazing, and i was starting to fall apart. so i realized i had to reinvest in myself. i remember picking up the phone and dialing that morning and booking an appointment the same day and going in that friday afternoon. everything was free. it was a free consultation. they sat down, they took the time to help me out, explained everything to me. and the next week, i started on the ext program. and i looked at the "before" picture, how thin my hair was on top and in the front. i just can't believe that was me. i got all my hair back, and i look great. i feel younger. i want to share what happened with me with people out there that are going through the exact same thing that i did. >> i can't begin to explain how much different it is that the women just look at you instead of saying, "oh, hey, you know, he's cute, but..." now, he's just "cute," and i feel good on the inside, i feel great on the outside, and now i just feel great altogether. >> i felt as though my world was crumbling and crumbling before me.
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gave me back my life. >> i love my hair. i can go out, and self-confidence is just incredible. >> if you're a guy with hair loss, it can feel like a no-win situation. part of you thinks you should just live with it, it's no big deal. but of course it is a big deal. but then, if you want to do something about your hair loss, you kind of feel like it's not manly. for a long time, that's how i felt. but here's the thing -- i guarantee that the moment you actually do something about hair club, the moment you see yourself with hair again, you'll wish you'd done it sooner. i took one afternoon off work, walked into hair club with a growing bald spot, and walked out with a full head of hair, feeling young again. xtrands really was the perfect solution for me. but that's me. your hair loss might be a little more advanced, in which case xtrands plus is your answer. or you may find that a topical
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transplantation. until you come into hair club and have your free hair analysis, it's just guesswork. hair club eliminates that guesswork. you've got an entire team on your side helping you every step of the way. here's how you can get your free hair analysis at a hair club near you. >> announcer: with over 900 experts across north america and backed by 40 years of tested and proven results, hair club provides exclusive technologies stage of hair loss and every hair-loss problem. just call for your free information kit and dvd at no obligation. get the facts about our full range of tested and proven solutions. this vital new information, endorsed by prominent physicians, can change your life. pick up the phone right now and we'll rush it to you for free. as an added bonus, we'll also give you, for free, a private hair analysis worth $150.
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customize a solution that is right for you, and back it up with our ironclad 100% satisfaction guarantee. if you are not 100% satisfied with the option you choose, hair club will apply your initial purchase price to any of our proven hair-loss solutions. >> at hair club, we understand what it's like to lose your hair, and we understand what it's like to get it back, and we would like you to have that experience. hair club is uniquely positioned to treat hair loss because we ofa this is why it's important to come into hair club and have your unique individual situation evaluated. >> announcer: call now for your free information kit and dvd, and your free hair analysis worth $150, all backed up by our ironclad 100% satisfaction guarantee. this is a limited-time offer, so call today. look younger, feel younger with hair club.
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>> for men, it can be embarrassing to admit that you have hair loss or that your hair loss even bothers you. for women, the problem of hair loss can be devastating. >> it was sort of... it was like a -- you know, like a -- like a scar, almost, right? you can see it, and there isn't any way for me to cover it up. i diy a nightmare. the glue really stuck to my hair, and it pulled my hair out. and that was the first and last time i ever used extensions. i, um, thought, "okay, well, what could i do next?" and so i went online and i did some research. and i found hair club. and hair club had so many options. but i really liked xtrands because it was chemical-free, it
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i just was astonished. and i was always afraid to pull it back, but now i can pull it back, and i don't feel self-conscious about it. i mean, i could just wear it in a ponytail, and i just feel so comfortable. you know, i feel young and vibrant, and i think that's what any woman wants to feel. ? >> announcer: did you know, most people have 100,000 scalp hairs that follow a natural growth cycle? and on average, you lose between 50 and 100 hairs each day. whatever your cause of hair loss, from pattern baldness to stress, hormones, even styling-product use, we'll customize the right proven solution to your specific need, and back it up with our 100% commitment to satisfaction. if you are not 100% satisfied with the option you choose, hair club will apply your initial purchase price to any of its other proven hair-loss solutions.
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of experts all across the country, where we're all here to help you realize you can get your hair back, too. >> just absolutely come in. there's nothing that you have to lose. it's a free consultation. we're here to help you. you're gonna meet someone like me. hopefully, you think that i seem nice. [ chuckles ] i'm here to help you. that's my job, is to be there for you. >> if you're bothered by your hair loss, come on in, find out what your options are. the only thing you have to lose by waiting is more hair. >> the combination of a stressful job, being a police officer, bad weaves, bad braids, chemical treatments that would burn my scalp, it was a perfect recipe for devastating hair loss. i wanted to fix it. i wanted to hide the hair loss. so, of course, i would continue to braid, but braiding the hair was making it worse, causing stress on the roots, causing the
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problem again, by covering the problem, was making the problem worse. i felt helpless and hopeless. i didn't know what to do. and discovering hair club is a dream come true. when i look at myself now, it's given me back my youth. that's what i love to think. it's -- it's given me back my youth. it's -- it's taken years off my life. and it's fantastic. and i can't be more thankful. ? >> there's a reasoha has been in business for 40 years. there's a reason they're so trusted. it's because they only use solutions that have been tested and proven -- technologies that have been fda-cleared, new aesthetic solutions like xtrands and xtrands plus that not only restore your confidence but they're not a source of shame themselves, because they're so undetectable and so advanced. most importantly, the folks at hair club understand the nature of hair loss -- that you can't
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impersonal solution. it takes the analysis by your hair-loss expert and the experience of your stylist to customize the right solution for you. this was me before going to hair club. and this was me by the end of my visit -- a same-day transformation, thanks to xtrands. hair club had an answer for me, and they'll have an answer for you. call and set up your free hair analysis right now. >> i wish i would have done this 10 years earlier than i did. >> now i look in the mirror and >> i feel great. it's like i have a new lease on life. >> announcer: whether you have receding hair, thinning hair, or advanced hair loss, it's a harsh reality -- hair loss adds years to your appearance. but now you can change that with hair club, the number-one customized hair-loss solution provider in north america. hair club is dedicated to giving you more hair and more confidence so you look younger. >> i'm 52, and i look better now
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>> i look better today than i did at 40. >> i love it. i really do. it has changed my outlook on life. >> announcer: at hair club, we understand that coping with hair loss can be difficult, but finding the right solution should never be. with over 900 experts across north america and backed by 40 years of tested and proven results, hair club provides exclusive technologies and proven solutions for every stage of hair loss and every hair-loss problem. just call for your free information kit an obligation. get the facts about our full range of tested and proven solutions. this vital new information, endorsed by prominent physicians, can change your life. pick up the phone right now and we'll rush it to you for free. as an added bonus, we'll also give you, for free, a private hair analysis worth $150. we'll identify your specific needs so there's no guesswork, customize a solution that is right for you, and back it up
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whether you're looking to stop hair loss in its tracks, add more volume, a little extra coverage, or complete crown coverage, hair club has the answer. >> at hair club, we understand what it's like to lose your hair, and we understand what it's like to get it back, and we would like you to have that experience. hair club is uniquely positioned to treat hair loss because we offer a variety of solutions. >> i am so much more confident. i feel so sexy with my hair. the first time, it was like, "oh, my god, why did i wait so long to do this?" >> this whole planet has become very conscious about appearance. and i think that if you are conscious about your appearance and it bothers you, do something about it. >> announcer: call now for your free information kit and dvd, and your free hair analysis worth $150, all backed up by our ironclad 100% satisfaction guarantee. this is a limited-time offer, so
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hair club. ? this has been a paid presentation for hair club, produced by produced by schulberg mediaworks. deciders. clinton will be introduced by the gold star father who the campaign says represents the very best of america and president obama coming back here tomorrow. >> thank you. as we march towards election
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yesterday, nearly 40 million people have already voted. we expect the total early vote turnout to be 50 million by tuesday. there are strong indications this weekend the hispanic vote is up sharply in las vegas and along the critical i-4 corridor of florida. that would be very good news for hillary clinton. joining me now is the chairman of the clinton campaign, john podesta. mr. podesta, welcome back to "meet the press." >> good to be with you. t hispanic turnout. but you are having struggles with african-american turnout. we have seen indications north carolina, georgia, ohio, michigan, that all that turnout among african-americans is down in the early vote. i will put up a north carolina stat here that shows it down almost 6% from the turnout in 2012. why do you think you are having trouble motivating african-american vote? >> well, look, all the way
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african-american voters came out for hillary clinton. we expect that again now. and we're working very hard to make sure that happens. she is campaigning across the country in african-american communities. we have had the president out for us. you know, you are comparing us against the first african-american president running for re-election. we think we can hit those numbers. the president is helping us do that. but we built a different kind of coalition and a bigger coalition. hispanic turnout we're seeing in floo florida, in nevada, where we feel good. obviously, more work to do between now and tuesday. we have had college educated women voting in higher numbers, voting for her in higher numbers. asian americans voting disproportionately. so we're feeling very solid going into this last weekend. but there's a tremendous amount
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an interview he did with reverend sharpton about motivating african-american voters to the polls. take a listen. >> michelle and i, we talk own the dinner table, we explain to our daughters, not everything is supposed to be inspiring. sometimes you just do what you have to do. one of the things you gotta do right now is to make sure to vote for hillary clinton. >> it's not a hope and change election. i assume you would like the president to come up with another rational inspiring? >> look, we're on the ballot on tuesday on the ballot in these early votes is what kind of country we're going to be. as a president has crisscrossed the country, he laid that challenge to the voters on the line of what kind of country are we going to be. are we going to build pep up op? are we going to run a campaign of bigotry or are we going to
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the right investments for people as hillary clinton has proposed? she has done that all her life. that's what the cause of her life has been is to fight for family and children. and that's what we think that voters who are now i think with enthusiasm coming out and voting for her will do. chuck, we have a million volunteers. we did 7 million voter contacts yesterday alone. that's the kind of enthusiasm i think that she's been able to demonstrate. >> what's happg how concerned are you? we saw the iowa poll numbers. you are clearly behind in iowa. likely that's the one blue state for sure that trump is going to flip. michigan, obviously, you are taking it seriously by sending secretary clinton and the president up there. >> look, if we hold on to nevada, hold on to michigan, you know, then hillary clinton is going to be the next president of the united states. most people vote on election day in michigan.
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vote states in the earlier period of time. now we're going to michigan, to new hampshire, to pennsylvania where they do it the old-fashion way, everybody votes on election day. we feel like we got a lead in michigan. we want to hold on to it. we think we can do that. >> tim kaine yesterday in an interview said, people within the fbi are actively working to try to help the trump campaign. do you believe the entire fbi announcement has been a benefit to the there are forces in the fbi that are actively working against your candidacy? >> look, i think what mr. comey did nine days ago was a mistake. i think it broke with precedent. i think it was criticized by democrats and republicans. including four -- i'm sorry, two former deputy attorney generals who served with him in the bush administration. i think it was a mistake. >> is it a mistake that should
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motivation. i just said it was a mistake. it broke with precedent. there's a reason for the policy. it looked like that it was interfering in the election. i think the leaks that have been ongoing, which was what tim was referring to, is worrisome. i think the men and women of the fbi are doing a tremendous job out here across the country. but the leakers should shut up. >> let me ask you a final question about wikileaks. i don't think anybody if it being exposed the way your personal and private messages have been exposed. explain what this has been like. >> you mean on a personal level? >> yes, sir. >> i've got a pretty thick skin, chuck. what i have worried about is to make sure that this is an unprecedented situation where a foreign power hacked my e-mails as working with wikileaks and
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hillary and to maximize the help to donald trump, who has adopted essentially russian foreign policy and rejected bipartisan u.s. foreign policy. so it's kind of an unprecedented circumstance. look, my job is to make sure that we're doing what we need to do to make sure that those volunteers are on doors, on the phones. that's what we're going to do to win this election. >> john foe decemb campaign, that's all the time i have. thanks for coming on. >> thanks, chuck. joining me now, from the other side, is former speaker of the house and a current donald trump supporter, newt gingrich. welcome back to "meet the pre press." >> chuck, it's great to talk to you. >> let me start with reading from a memo you wrote on behalf of the rnc earlier this year. principles for planning the 2016 general election campaign. your first two points, bullet
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under words and ideas matter were this, the wrong words cripple or kill. the right big idea or ideas expressed in clear and simple language with the right tone can win campaigns. if donald trump comes up short, is it because he violated those first two bullet points in your -- in what you sort of set out there, words matter sometimes? >> well, i think the reason trump is such a fascinating historic figure is he managed to encompass those points. saying things unwise. at times he has been a historic figure. his use of large ideas, whether it's make america great again or drain the swamp, the speech he gave at gettysburg where he outlined item after item in his contract with the american voters, his proposal for a new deal for african-americans, which is more than any republican presidential candidate in my lifetime. so he's a funny paradox on the one hand he is one of the most
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on the other hand for a while, he was undercutting himself. if he had not done that, he would be ahead by ten or 15 points right now. as it is, he has had to make a comeback. go ahead. >> no, no, no. >> your turn. >> i am bemeebemused about the in hispanic turnout. could it be donald trump could lose -- to look back and say he lost this election on the very first day he announced when he called -- w mexicans on that very first day? because it does seem -- at least so far -- that the evidence is that activated the hispanic vote. >> you know, look, the other side of that coin, chuck, is could it be that hillary clinton when she loses will look back and say, i shouldn't have been a serial liar, i shouldn't have totally abused national security and i shouldn't have used the state department office for personal corruption? i mean, she's got plenty of stuff to look back on if she loses. she was the one who was the front runner. she was the run who represented
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of her life trying to become president. now she's scurrying off to michigan. she didn't think it was in play. she's lost ohio in addition to iowa. that's two states that have flipped for sure. i think that she has a very long couple days here. remember, trump brought into this election -- i was at a book signing the other night in georgia. 90-year-old woman who had never voted in her lifetime. there are people trump is bringing into the game. >> do you think whenu lack of unity inside the republican party, how much of that has been a handicap to his election? i look at a place like new hampshire in particular where you don't even have the senate candidate kelly ayotte and the presidential candidate on the same page. 1,000 votes could flip new hampshire. >> that's exactly right. that's one of the real challenges that we faced all year. the truth is, donald trump
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furious at the republican leadership. when this campaign began, 63% of all republicans said they did not like their leadership in washington. and those are the people who nominated trump. well, it turns out some of the folks in washington didn't particularly like having what is in effect an outsider populist hostile takeover of the party. i get that. some of them would rather have hillary clinton win and have a left wing supreme court and have the corruption continue rather i get that. the question for trump is, can he arouse enough voters to overcome these? my guess is he can. i think we're going to be shocked how relatively few people there are who care about the never trumpers. >> can i ask you quickly, you use the word let the corruption continue. have we been too loose with some words? i say that because -- >> no. >> look, there's actual corruption that is a crime and then there's sometimes we use
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do you worry we have let language get too loose? >> no, chuck. i worry -- with all due respect to you as a person. you no you know we're pretty good friends. i worry the elite media has blindly refused to tell the truth. every foreign gift, foreign speech -- every one -- >> it's a big charge. >> it's the u.s. constitution. there's a section in the constitution that says no one r she has to be guilty of 70 or 100 counts just on that one charge. then you look at the people who came into the office -- by the way, the interesting thing about wikileaks is they showed us how corrupt the system was. she showed us people are being told you need to get them in because they're giving to the foundation. i think the real corruption is the lack of the media being willing to be honest about how much lawlessness the clintons stand for.
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last sort of point here. i'm trying to figure out, november 9 -- what do we do as a country on november 9? it has been a rough election. i want to use your words. this is what you said in january of 2001, after another very contentious presidential election. you said the following. most americans do not find themselves actually alienated from their fellow americans or fearful if the other party wins power. that was america 2001. do you believe that's the case in january of 2017? >> no. no. i think tragically, we have drifted into an environment where if hillary is elected, the criminal investigations will be endless. and if trump is elected, it twill be like madison, wisconsin, with scott walker. the opposition will be so hostile and so direct and so
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i think that we are in for a long, difficult couple of years. maybe a decade or more. the gap between those of us who are deeply offended by the dishonesty and corruption and the total lack of hon he esty o clinton team and on their side their defense of unions, which they have to defend, nird thi understand that, that will lead to a struggle if trump wins. >> well, speaker gingrich, there's a picture you painted >> i wish it wasn't true, chuck. >> i think everybody agrees on that. speaker gingrich, i appreciate you coming on the show. >> good to be with you. >> later, we will check in with our pollsters to see how sturdy this hillary clinton four-point lead really is. see who has the edge in the fight for the control of the senate. that's on a knife's edge as well. we will talk about november 9 and have a continuing
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plus, you will hear from some on air folks that were familiar to you, been around this table throughout the season. we asked them to tell us what they are going to be watching for on election night. here is the first couple. >> right away, i'm going to watch for new hampshire, one of the first states we get results from. is there any sign of life for donald trump in what has become pretty blue. >> watch for arizona which used to be deep red and where now some polls indicate thank you is what we say. but we mean so much more. we mean how can we help? we mean what can we do? we mean it's our turn. to do our part. to serve you, for all you've done to serve us.
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welcome back. sundays don't get bigger than this. my panel is so excited, they're handicapping things. neither does our panel. we had to go super size. we went five this morning. call it our spinal tap final. >> i take that personally. >> there you go. of course, i have tom savannah guthrie, good to see you. nicolle wallace. the man who is always playing hard ball, mr. chris matthews and my pal from miami, jose diaz belart. welcome to all of you. grand puba.
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the fbi. newt gingrich talking about the next four years. >> i've been at this a fair amount of time. i have never seen the country so fractured. founding fathers said we the people in order to form a more perfect union. this campaign has been we the african-americans, we the hispanics, we the women, we the angry white males, we the know quite what to do. we're in tribal warfare here. that's not who we are. that's not what we can be. newt gingrich is right, we're in for a very difficult time whoever wins that. there are so many things that have not been addressed in this campaign. >> it's too long. >> most of all, what you see is everything happens at warp speed. bret baier who is a respectable reporter at fox the other day
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turns out not to be true. doesn't make a difference whether it's true, it's in the minds of the voters at this point. that's not a way to run a democracy. >> let's talk about the last two days of the democracy and what's happening here. explain the trump strategy. they're all over the map. >> you keep putting it up -- i was going to say black and white but it's in red and blue. they can run the table. they can win the battleground states which in a normal year means victory. he has to win the battleground states and flip a d i think it's very trump-like to say the battleground states will take care of themselves. he is concentrating his time in the state it would take to win. >> pennsylvania, chris? >> i was in the democratic city committee meeting of the ward leaders friday noon. they let me in. they don't usually do that. that's when they hand out the street money. it's real. 200 bucks for voting division. these guys are all pros.
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it's legal. you pay people to go out door to door starting at 11:00 in the morning. you roust them out of the house. you say, you have voted? go back and forth. you roust them again. you make sure in these congested all democratic districts where everybody is a democrat, they all vote. you turn in the plurality of 450,000 votes coming out of the city. with the suburbs being basically 50/50, more pro hillary this time, because of professional women and college educated women, they will win the state with that. it's very professional. i don't kow thinking about. i asked brady the boss of the city, what is he talking about he is going to carry pennsylvania? he is -- it's his own mind. it's not going to happen. i think it's the firewall pennsylvania once again. >> if the african-american vote is not animated, has the latino turnout, jose, in florida made up for that gap? >> i tell you, chuck, if hillary clinton wins this campaign, i wouldn't be surprised if she renames the states the way she
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carolina. every one of those -- >> that's what people are afraid of. >> donald trump's america is not happy. >> the latino community comes out to stand up against something instead of for something. but against donald trump. and if she wins, it may be very much because of that 27 million possible latino voters. >> nobody can say they didn't see this coming. you go back to priebus, the rnc, they wrote a document. of christmas past, the ghost of election past, what went wrong in 2012. if she wins on tuesday night, is it going to be because of the fastest growing demographic, hispanics, because of the gender that out votes, women. ? it will not be a shocker. it won't by something republicans didn't see coming. >> what you said to speaker gingrich was right. as a guy who is an expert brander, did he brand himself as so anti-mexican by calling them
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one? that will be what we have to unpack in the aftermoath. >> since that time, he has not been on telemundo. he has not been -- we asked him. >> you have never interviewed him? >> a couple of weeks after that announcement. then i was thrown out of a press conference he had . >> what we're seeing is donald trump, the one we have known in new york a long time, his ego overrides everything else, including judgment. he has that gets as he got last night, 10, 15, 25,000 people for how you run a general election. he thinks by showing up he is going to get people who are going to show up there at his rally. but that's 25,000. it's not 2 million he needs in every state. he is mistaken about what it takes to win. >> whoever wants to jump in on this question is this. we're talking about trump and him coming up short. clinton campaign is not just a little nervous, they're a lot nervous here. should they be?
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voted. they need to turn out the vote. there's no -- >> it's true. >> it's true but there's an o offensive case to make. >> it's a fair question. somebody with the advantages she came in having in the sense of she's outspending two to one on the air. she's got a map that favors her from the get go. as we mentioned, a candidate who has in some ways alienated two of the biggest demographic groups. you have to ask yourself, how is she keeping it this close? that's >> it's a good question to end on. you know who might have those answ answers? our pollsters. we will get the insider look. the nbc/wall street journal poll. >> if donald trump gets a larger margin in georgia than is expected, you will see this car is traveling over 200 miles per hour.
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cond, we'll proactively send you a confirmation for any new checking, savings, or credit card account you open. third, we've eliminated product sales goals for our retail bankers. to ensure your interests are put first. we're taking action. we're renewing our commitment to you. we are back. earlier we revealed the top lines of our poll which showed hillary clinton ahead of donald trump. there's more behind those numbers. we thought we would let you hear from the people that do this poll all the time for us, our


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