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tv   Today  NBC  November 9, 2016 12:00pm-1:00pm EST

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at hhgregg. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee hello, everybody. [dramatic music] ? ? >> steve: so how's it feeling? >> joey: hurts worse now than when i got it. >> steve: hmm. >> joey: i swear the doctor had a smile on his face as he was zapping me. >> steve: oh, come on. >> joey: there was a burning smell. >> steve: ooh, don't tell me about the burning smell. the important thing is,
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>> joey: at least mom will be relieved. >> steve: oh, yeah. >> joey: jade'll be pretty bummed, though. she liked having matching symbols. >> steve: speaking of jade, how are things going with you two now that she's back? >> joey: to be honest, not as good as i'd hoped. >> andre: laura, i don't want to hear any excuses. abigail is missing, and th o the reason i brought you on is because i thought you could take good care of her. obviously, you failed at that task. just call me when you have good news. [knocking at door] oh. detective hernandez.
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>> rafe: hope's requested to see you. >> andre: well, i-- >> rafe: alone. >> andre: well, i'm very busy right now. >> rafe: look, i don't want her anywhere near you, but this is for her. see, she needs to fully understand the terms of your agreement before she goes in front of the judge. >> andre: i'm surprised that you know about the agreement. >> rafe: she tells me everything. so yes, i am fully aware that she's taking responsibility for the murder so there won't be any further exposure. >> hope: thank you. >> marlena: is there anything you need? before the arraignment? anything at all? hope?
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just so exhausted. you voted. just soo you voted. i tried to tweet something innocuous and as inclusive as i possibly could and still got nasty reaction. >> you know what -- >> it cracks you up. >> this was such a personal election for so many people and you could tell in the reaction when results came in. cheers, roars, almost disbelief from a lot of people in the trump camp camp, there were tears and kind of that sort of just that awe. trump gave his victory speech at around, i thought it was 3:00 i'm east coast. maybe it was 2:00. i was eating oreos and tostitos with lots of dip. i was a hog. >> you just went through it. >> that's what i do. anyway, so, this is a look at his speech. >> to all republicans and democrats and independents
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time for us to come together as one united people. it's time. i pledge to every skin of ocitir land that i will be president for all americans, and this is so important to me. for those who have chosen not to support m i there were a few people, i'm reaching out to you for your guidance and your help so that we can work together and unify our great country. >> yeah. you know what jie w? i was probably thinking the less stressed he will be the next four years. right after you win, when everything is possible and i think the country is hoping that everybody does come together,
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as we have through this. >> and it still is. still is. >> yeah. >> everybody feels for little baron, 10 years old. what a beautiful little boy. but it's 3:00 a.m. now and he's exhausted. you just know he is. >> yeah. >> secretary clinton decided, chose not to give a concession speech last night and it's coming up, depending on your time zone shortly. so last night's election was one of the things that took over all of social media. they said in the alone, there were 40 million tweets using the #election2016 that shattered numbers from four years ago. >> since last august, there have been 1 billion tweets. >> yeah. >> about the election. more than that spent on it. >> i think it's going toi to be important for people, family members who voted one way or the other, and everyone's coming together, there's thanksgiving, friends, there are lives, and by the way, anyone who's scared.
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i met a woman in my gym cleaning up, crying. she was upset. trying to hug anybody i thought was afraid. don't you be afraid, but i think people need reassurance. there's somebody you feel is afraid or scared or worried, just give them a hug, because, you know, can you do that, and you can make someone feel a little bit better. >> and did you. >> why don't you hug me? >> oh, yes inchs love you. >> i love you, too. >> so a lot believing that the glass ceiling was going to finally be shattered with a woman president. and some pundits are saying that america wasn't ready for a female president, and i don't agree with that at all. but -- >> yeah. i think some people say, i think because, it was, again, so divisive and people felt so viscerally about hillary clinton you wonder how much her being a woman played, but there have been pundits who said, look,
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woman. i mean, that's a fact. >> i don't -- i don't know anyone like that. i got to be honest. i really don't. for me, for this election, i think for the whole country it was about the direction the nation is going. some of -- some people are happy with that, the way it was going. many, many, seven out of ten weren't. and a lot of people showed up and vote hood have not voted. i have a friend who's never voted in their entire life and came out to vote. i don't know how she voted but she came out to vote this time. >> a lot of >> good for the process. >> it really did strike a cord. by the way, hillary clinton is the only woman to have ever won a presidential nomination in major party. here's a fact. >> known fact. >> back in 1872, victoria woodville martin was the first woman to run for president. did you know that? >> no. then she was a leader in the women's suffrage movement. good for her. she didn't win either. maybe then, i think far more
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in any kind of authority. >> susan b. anthony's grave site is in rochester, new york. put stickers, i voted on her grave. a women's socialist, integral in women's rights. yeah. quite a sight, moving, no matter who you voted for. >> i always want the best person for the job. i truly an color-blind about it. i'm gender blind. think is going to do the best job. >> i think it's going to be interesting. the republicans controlled all of congress. it will be what is, you know, what he wants. and it will be interesting to see what happens as result. everyone will be watching. >> all complained about gridlock. some people may not like what happens when the gridlock stops and things start happening. so we'll see. anyway, america has faith.
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and we go forward. >> and been around a long time, everybody. don't worry. >> i was there at beginning! [ laughter ] >> all right. should we change the subject with something hot and sexy? >> well, it isn't us, even though it could be. >> should we bring that up? >> but it's not. >> mention it quick, since it's here. look at us. >> we are -- how or why. >> we would liket "bella" magazine for -- picking us. >> who's buying that when all this stuff is going on. >> you might need this. >> one is history in the making. it ain't this one. >> there's a yorky, a dog. apparently very sexy hair. let's see. >> gone viral. >> oh, my gosh! >> is that really her hair? >> her name's wilomina. they call her willie for short. on instagram. look at her.
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>> kim basinger! >> that's more -- >> out of the control hair. >> oh, my god. so cute. >> very cute. >> all righty. >> cocktail, casseroles and carving stations. >> we've got all your thanksgiving entertaining covered right after this. >> yes, we do. >> ? ?you don't own me? ?oh? ?don't tell me what to do? ?just let me be myself? ?that's all i ask of you? the new 2017 corolla with toyota safety sense standard. ?you don't own me? toyota. let's go places.
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easier created by our sponsor jcpenneys. >> holidays are fast approaching. time to think about entertaining. >> yes. from plating to present aches, revealing secrets to setting and serving thanksgiving meals like a pro with the help of lifestyle expert jj caras. >> here on batch ehalf of the wonderful jcpenneys. >> it's november. it's time. >> the holidays.
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what's cooking? >> when guests walk in. start with little cocktails and cheese. come over here. >> you don't want to feed them too much. a feast is coming? >> right. i don't like a craft cocktail. three 2ki6 ingredients. cool, if you have tiered the tray, use it as a dessert tray and as a garnish for your drink. you r would you like a try? a little mint. give you -- >> hodi likes lots of -- >> limes. >> sure does. >> and cheers, ladies. >> isn't this fun? thank you so much. >> and moscow meal, it goes all season long. >> nice. >> ginger beer, use vodka or rum and lime juice. >> how about the wine glasses? how can you set them up pretty? >> i like a larger one.
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pour a big, and let them walk around. >> room temperature, usually. >> yes, room temperature. and white, smaller. how to make a fabulous -- >> how do you? >> i think a lot of people don't really know and it's so simple. the secret. you go clockwise, soft to hard with blup e at the end. show you. start with goat, soft cheese, followed by our brie and mancheggo. >> like a parmesan? of sorts? >> and gouda. gouda. >> and then gouda. >> and then bleu at the end. >> why are you dhoog? >> doing that? >> bleu at the end, soft on the palate. >> a very strong cheese. >> and fill in with spanish figs, almonds. >> beautiful. >> and the final plate.
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at room temperature. you don't serve it cold. so an hour before guests arrive put it out. it's the most flavorful. >> okay. >> we serve up our turkey. >> then our turkey. we've put so much time and attention on the bird all day. we're going to style him up. we've got to dress him up. greenery, fresh herbs, parsley. >> you want a -- >> a leg. >> >> and thanksgiving. >> persimmon, oranges. >> look at me, taking over. >> come on! >> the plate at the end. go ahead, hodi. let you go. >> okay, baby. >> start with the rolls. then move to the hot and the turkey -- >> here. you want the yams? >> no thanks. i'll do potatoes. >> the turkey always goes at the end. >> exactly!
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silverware at the end so we're not going to -- >> oh! >> smart. >> no digging into the buffet. drinking at the buffet. >> oh, the gravy. >> gravy. >> ask you show us the table? >> yes. >> now, all your guests -- during your buffet -- >> leave your plates. >> okay. i got -- >> ready? >> come on. >> here we go. come on. let's go. >> now go and pig out. >> and the salad is there. av >> thank you. >> okay. oh, what a beautiful table! >> here's the table. >> okay. >> ooh -- >> uh-oh. now, alex has started eating without -- >> which is rude. >> without the host. you brought my napkin. >> not a surprise. >> and by the way, thank you. >> very pretty. >> what you do -- >> excuse me. >> signalling the start of the meal, the host or hostess takes out their napkin. okay? >> ah!
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to the left of the plate. >> left of the plate. >> put your silverware out and then kathie lee is our hostess, say. signaled, she got it, and prayer. we fold it. fold it, and the shape on there. do a prayer. >> uh-huh. >> thank you, lord. >> and then we begin the meal. >> oh. >> and alex is already done. >> scold him, or not? >> well, you should wait until all guests -- it really depends on the size. >> a lot of people, there's and when everybody's finished -- >> i love the setting. simple but elegant. >> right. and wine son the table and candles. >> uh-huh. >> i also have a centerpiece that, it's low. under 12 inches. a great idea for a centerpiece so you can see. also something not too scented, because -- >> yes.
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this is an nbc news special report. here's lester holt. >> good day, everyone, from new york. we are standing by for the president. president obama to make a statement to the white house rose garden. these will be the president's first formal remarks since the country elected donald trump its 45th president at a stunning defeat of hillary clinton. let's take a look at the results. trump winning with 279 electoral college votes to 228 for clinton. even though clinton is ahead in the popular vote by a margin of a short time ago, we heard from clinton and her first public remarks about the election. she spoke to her supporters and staff at a hotel here in new york. she said she hopes donald trump will be a successful president for all americans. >> we must accept this result and then look to the future. donald trump is going to be our president. we owe him an open mind and the chance to lead.
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enshrines the peaceful transfer of power. and we don't just respect that, we cherish it. >> hillary clinton about an hour ago in new york. let's go to ron allen at the white house, as we await the president. ron wh ron, what do we any about the plans for the president to receive donald trump? >> we expect these to be brief remarks. here is the president now coming out of the oval office. >> good afternoon, everybody. yesterday before votes were tallied i shot a video that some of you may have seen in which i said to the american people regardless of which side you're on in the election, regardless of whether your candidate won or lost, the sun would come up in the morning. and that is one bit of prognosticating that actually came true.
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i did as well. i had a chance to talk to president elect trump last night about 3:30 in the morning i think it was to congratulate him on winning the election and i had a chance to invite him to come to the white house tomorrow to talk about making sure that there is a successful transition between our presidencies. now, it is no secret that the president elect and i have some pretty significant differences. bu president bush and i had some pretty significant differences. but president bush's team could not have been more professional, or more gracious in making sure we had a smooth transition so that we could hit the ground running. and one thing he realized quickly in this job is that the presidency and the vice presidency is bigger than any of us. so i have instructed my team to follow the example that
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can to make sure that this is a successful transition for the president elect. because we are now all rooting for his success, in uniting and leading the country. the peaceful transition of power is one of the hallmarks of our democracy. and over the next few months we are going to show that to the world. i also had a chance last night to speak with secretary clinton and i just had a chance to hear her remarks. i could not be prouder of her. she has lived an extraordinary life of public service. she was a great first lady. she was an outstanding senator for the state of new york. and she could not have been a better secretary of state. i'm proud of her. a lot of americans look up to her. her candidacy and nomination was
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country that they can achieve at the highest levels of politics, and i am absolutely confident that she and president clinton will continue to do great work for people here in the united states and all around the world. now, everybody is sad when their side loses an election. but the day after we have to remember that we're actually all on one team. this is an intermural scrimmage. we're not democrats first, we're not republicans first, we are americans first. we're patriots first. we all want what's best for this country. that's what i heard in mr. trump's remarks last night. that's what i heard when i spoke to him directly.
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that's what the country needs. a sense of unity, a sense of inclusion, a respect for our institutions, our way of life, rule of law, and a respect for each other. i hope that he maintains that spirit throughout this transition, and i certainly hope that's how his presidency has a chance to begin. i also told my team today to keep their heads up, because the remarkable work that they have done, day in, day out, often without a lot of fanfare, often without a lot of attention, workiwork i in agencies, work in obscure areas of policy that make
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more efficient and make it more service friendly so that it is actually helping more people, that remarkable work has left the next president with a stronger, better country than the one that existed eight years ago. so win or lose, in this election, that was always our mission. that was our mission from day one. and everyone on my team should everything that they have done. and so should all the americans that i had a chance to meet all across this country who do the hard work of building on that progress every single day. teachers in schools, doctors and er clinic, small businesses putting their all into starting something up, making sure they're treating their employees
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families and congregations and every state, the work of perfecting this union. so this was a long and hard fought campaign. a lot of our fellow americans are exalted today, a lot of americans are less so. but that's the nature of campaigns. that's the nature of democracy. it is hard and sometimes it is not always inspiring. but to the young people who got into politics for the first time, and may be disappointed by the results, i just want you to know you have to stay encouraged. don't get cynical. don't ever think you can't make a difference.
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morning, fighting for what is right is worth it. sometimes you lose an argument. sometimes you lose an election. the path this country has taken has never been a straight line. we zig and zag and sometimes we move in ways that some people think is forward and others think is moving back. and that's okay. i've lost elections before. joe hasn't. but, you know. so i've been sort of -- >> you beat me badly. >> that's the way politics works sometimes. we try really hard to persuade
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and then if we lose, we learn from our mistakes, we do some reflection, we lick our wounds, we brush ourselves off, we get back in the arena. we go at it. we try even harder the next time. the point, though, is that we all go forward with the presumption of good faith in our fellow citizens because that presumption of good faith is functioning democracy. that's how this country moved forward for 240 years. it is how we pushed boundaries and promoted freedom around the world, that's how we expanded the rights of our founding to reach all of our citizens, it is how we have come this far. and that's why i'm confident that this incredible journey that we're on as americans will go on.
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sure that the next president is successful in that. i said before, i think of this job as being a relay runner. you take the baton, you run your best race, and hopefully by the time you hand it off, you're a little further ahead. you made a little progress. and i can say that we have done that and i want to make sure that handoff is well executed because ultimately we're all in the same team. all right. thank you very much, everybody. >> president taking no questions as he walks back into the white house. the president reflected there almost as if he is still grappling with the results and noting he was up at 3:30 in the morning with a conversation with president elect donald trump. chuck todd now joins me here in our election center. chuck, at moments there it sounded like the president was
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address, the legacy question is going to be looming large now. >> it is. it is a conversation you don't get the third -- the quote/unquote third term and, you know, the big pledge among the new republican majority, both in the house, the senate and the presidency is to repeal your signature domestic program. obamacare. so and health care. so i'm not surprised that there is a little bit in there, but i thought he hit -- he hit all the right notes. again, this is -- this is important moments in our democracy. he brought it up himself. the two of them do not -- it is personal. but that was important to the democracy, the people spoke, that was a president who respected the fact that the people spoke. >> the people spoke, he said, we're all on one team and he made a specific note of how he was -- how the transition went from the bush administration to his and wanting to follow that example. and speaking very quickly of president bush, a quick statement, he said this morning,
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trump, congratulated him on his election, goes on to say laura and i wish the president elect melania and the trump family all the best as they take on the responsibility and goes on a bit more. but that statement from george w. bush. to trump tower right now. peter alexander is standing by. we heard the president say he's invited president elect trump to the white house. do we know where that invitation stands and when it will be accepted? >> well, we don't know it has been formally accepted but i did campaign manager, kellyanne conway, that told me donald trump does look forward to meeting with president obama at the white house. we assume that will take place tomorrow. what was striking is within the last few minutes we're hearing for the first time from donald trump's inner circle a response to what hillary clinton's remarks were, describing it as a very classy speech, saying that it was an important step in bringing this country together. it is worth noting right now that they just temporarily shut
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trump, now president elect, new york police and secret service are trying to sort out the security that now surrounds this man, bringing in giant barricades with huge sand trucks that surround the place as well. this has been a striking scene all morning long. we have seen international journalists, of course, but also protesters and supporters of donald trump, the debate that was the force behind this whole campaign for so many months continues in this country. >> peter, thank you, to the white house one more time and check in agait what has the mood been at the white house, have you observed this morning? >> like a funeral, lester. there are dozens of white house staffers who came out here in the rose garden to support the president and we see a lot of tears, a lot of hugging, a lot of trying to support each other and get their heads around what happened. i heard a very philosophical president obama talking about donald trump in a way he never had before. it was very striking but all about trying to keep the
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>> ron allen at the white house. ron, thank you. we'll continue to watch reaction to trump's election this afternoon, continuing coverage on msnbc and, of course, we'll be back with a complete wrap-up on "nbc nightly news." arkansas. >> girls, let's play. finish the lyrics to this song by lionel richie. here we go. ? fiesta forever ? come on and ? sing along ? >>? all night long ? >> yeah. give her that. >> and perhaps lionel richie's most beloved songs. always the mustache. >> time for one more? >> hi. >> your name? >> gary. >> with the princess? >> yes. >> your birthday. >> yes. >> your name? >> becca. >> happy birthday. see if he can win something for
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abraham link didn't not have a beard for most of his life? >> false. >> he said, false. oh! [ laughter ] >> it's crazy, but the true. he didn't start growing a beard until he was in his 50s and did so after he got a letter from a little girl who urged him to do so thought it would help him win the election. >> and only the-odid the bottom. >> right. >> o >> megan. >> from -- >> ingle, indiana. >> megan, let's play. which -- wait. what was the original name of the mustache wearing character. a picture. here it is. mr. boardwalk, martin moneybags or rich martin moneybags. >> c. >> rich uncle moneybags. >> had to be a guess, right? >> a good one.
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>> that character famously modeled after the businessman jpmorgan. >> thanks for coming in. sharing all of this stuff with us. >> my pleasure. >> hoda, come on back. he's become a pop culture phenomenon for his in your face style. billy eichner is with us right after this. the new false lash look? flaunt the winged effect. new falsies push up angel mascara from maybelline ny.
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el. make it happen. ?maybelline ny? i'm lucky to get through a shift without a disaster. my bargain detergent couldn't keep up. so, i switched to tide pods. they're super concentrated, so i get a better clean. tide. number one rated. it's got to be tide i have no idea what's in this seaweed wrap. but with this usp seal i know exactly what's in my nature made gummies. organization that sets purity and potency standards. here's a little healthy advice. take care of what makes you, you. right down to your skin.
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? our craftsmen begin each day... perfectly seasoning our hillshire farm smoked sausage. so by simply adding the right ingredients... you can end each day crafting a perfectly delicious dinner. patti labelle?!? yep! patti pie!!! mmm-mmm! girl, that's $3.48! ack. save money. live better. walmart. new infallible pro-glow foundation by l'oreal. the pro look in longwear. go pro with an all-day glow for up to 24 hours. resists dry-out, and fade-out. new infallible pro-glow foundation. from l'oreal makeup designer/paris. ?
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? ? and off you go, ? ? ? and off you go, ? for every step, every stride, every start, begin strong with the lasting energy of 100% whole grain quaker oats... and off you go. laugh to ease tension during an election season and we invited the noshgtder you'd least enjoy running into on the street. >> the hilarious billy eichner. >> he is back. fifth season of trutv. >> remember when we thought that would never go? same old billy. take a look. >> for a dollar. >> what the hell? >> name a defining with -- >> yes. >> for a dollar, name a cartoon.
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>> and la blanc. >> miss, here. hope it, hope it. >> what? >> open it. open it! [ laughter ] >> open it, let's see. read the whole thing. read the whole thing. >> the winner is kate winslet. >> yes! yes! [ laughter ] >> we remember -- nice to see you. >> falling apart. >> and can i tell you. >> thinks you're hysterical, hon. we do, too. when we saw saw this, everybody had the same reaction. what is he and now i'm still doing it. >> and enough people know you. are you getting better, reactions? or -- >> we have a good mix of people on the street who know me, and make me feel like vie a career. you know? who watch the show. then people who still have no idea who i am, which is what makes the show work. >> mostly you sneak up on people. look down, they look up and -- >> that's part of the fun. to get a spontaneous reaction
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>> jon hamm, and lupita, and andy samberg. so many people. john oliver. the list goes on and on. i'm sorry? >> when you pick up the phone and call one of these guys, i'd like you -- >> they call me, hoda. i'm turning people down. calling me every night. yeah. >> and they don't -- do any celebs ever get embarrassed? kind of make fun of them. >> humbling in a good the-of--o -it-s.t.a.r. "star trek" did the show. he said every actor should do this. >> and in march, something and "hairspray live" in march. >> let's discuss. >> it's pivotal. a small part.
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>> the newscaster, comes in at the end when the kids are at the dance show. i don't know. i'm just happy to be invited. >> that's live. >> very live. >> well i'm securing this up for "mayor spray live." >> "billy on the streets" starts next tuesday and then "may "hairspray -- and "difficult people" happens next kathie will love it and not stop tweeting about it. >> looking forward to that. i'll let mel know. >> and "billy on the street" premieres next tuesday night. don't kniss. billy, thank you. >> and say hello to julie for us. >> of course. ready for a little music, hoda? >> i am. parson james will share a song coming up right after this. and at progressive, we let you compare our progressive direct rate... great deals for reals!
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>> announcer: the citi concert series on "today" is proudly presented to you by citi. >> earlier we met elvis duran's artist of the month and finally now it's time to hear him perform. >> yes. after writing or singing on kygo's international hits stole the show, parson james is busy working on his first album. >> and heard over a million times on spotif it's parson james. ? this might sound like a sad song ? but i just much move on because i was lost in pain ? and frankly, you're insane ? and you were no good for me and i was no good for you ?
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here i go by myself again raise another glass to a could have been ? running it back oh, my goodness ? first you want to feel it getting low and permanent and playing it back and thinking, oh my goodness ? i'm no good at hugging and kissing ? i'm so tired of swinging and missing ? i'm no good at no good at falling in love ? now, this might sound like a phantom, but i just wish i would have moved on ? ? because i was lost in pain and
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and you were never any good for me and i was never any good for you ? now this might sound like a sad song ? but i just wish you had moved on ? and you're insane and you were no good for me and i was no good for you ? hey, you really got the church and to therapy ? and oh my goodness ? i'm so tired of lying and kissing ? i'm so sick of something revolving in love ? i'm so tired of swinging and missing ? i'm no good at
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song ? but i just smiled since you moved on ? i was in pain and frankly you're insane and you were never any good for me ? ? and i was no good for you ? and i let you get in i'm so tired of swinging and missing ? i need to be loved but, no, no, no, no ? they'll be no crying today ? now, this might sound like a sad song ? ? but i just smiled sense you moved on ? because i was lost in pain ? and frankly you're insane and
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amend i am no good for you ? [ cheers and applause ] >> good song, parson. to hear all of elvises artists of the month, check out the play today. >> we are back in a moment, but first -- >> all: this is "today" on nbc. >> you were on nbc, baby.
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all right. before we go, we had a cute video to show. a dog named sebastian who loves playing hide-and-seek with his owner little sierra. >> goes and hides, then what happens? >> then she tells the puppy when she's ready. >> i'm ready! >> where is she?
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>> no. he does it -- colder, colder, colder. come on. there's her bike. where is she? where is she, sebastian? where is she? >> hoda, sebastian can't hear you. >> yes, he can. watch. >> oh! >> can i just say -- first of all, she says, ready! and he knows that's the cue to go running. >> i'm sorry. nothing better than -- i'm in tomorrow, molly ringwald! >> oh, yeah. she's here. >> and a classic for mothers and daughters. >> if you want a new look for the holidays you know what we have? ambush make overers! >> and, bobbie is with us. have an awesome wines day, wednesday, everybody. what's tomorrow? >> thirsty friday.
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>> go on forever. >> and more on sunday. >> what happens on monday.
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>> sonny: since it's a small group, i'll arrange transportation. limos for everyone. >> adrienne: oh, honey. thank you. that is so sweet of you to help out. >> sonny: i'm the best man. it's my job to help out. and the bride-to-be is my mom. who i haven't seen this happy in a verng >> adrienne: oh, i am. i really am. lucas makes me so happy. [dramatic music] ? ? >> steve: so how's it feeling? >> joey: hurts worse now than when i got it. >> steve: hmm. >> joey: i swear the doctor had a smile on his face as he was zapping me. >> steve: oh, come on. >> joey: there was a burning smell. >> steve: ooh, don't tell me about the burning smell. the important thing is,


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