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tv   Today  NBC  December 1, 2016 2:07am-3:00am EST

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y26hty y16fy >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. wow, everybody! it's our favorite day. it's wines day wednesday and hump day, november 30th. >> yes, it is. >> look at our three hunks. >> every day's wednesday. >> piece of chicken, right? >> come on. >> it's really going to be fun. just -- ours until the lighting of the rockefeller tree, which you know --
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>> pouring rain! i got galoshes and we are ready. >> and drink and eat and be merry today. a band of merry makers. >> mark mcgrath and all kinds of celebs. look closely. oh, my gosh is that lisa -- oh, my, is that the guy from -- anyway, they're all there. mark's playing a game of "who knew?" with us. >> somehow we let jill mn talk us into getting into a bathtub. >> did we? >> yes. revealing best skin-care products. that's been a big hit all week. >> been awesome. >> so affordable. >> drug store brands. >> if you're in search of a wonderful recipe, award-winning chef michel nischan is in the kitchen. >> rubbing a raw chicken in your face is also good for your complexion.
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>> do you recognize those two brothers? you, two, i didn't realize how big you were. i knew you were huge -- >> they're tall, too. >> they're huge. i'm 6'2" and they're taller than me. >> we were in new orleans together, and -- >> of course you were. >> and new orleans fell in love with these two guys. like one of those moments, but there were two different kitchen re-dos happening and drew and jonathan will talk a little about that, and we're also going to see lower priced kind to see if we can guess. >> i used to be able to. these days, they do it incredibly well. >> right. >> and that's the -- can't tell the difference with a lot of it. do you want to pay for the name or have something that's great but still cost effective? i do everything well, just so you know that. >> mostly hair. >> turn to the side. >> i love that he did it. >> shorter, and look like me. better looking.
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today, guys. two kitchens were, these two brothers finished. first up is drew's kitchen. all right. take a look. this is drew's kitchen. all right? >> ooh, i like that. >> the next one, you're going to be voting. so look. the next one's jonathan's kitchen. okay? >> so one more time, please? >> drew's kitchen is klg and hoda/drew. jonathan's kitchen, klg and hoda/jonathan. >> for drew, a foot massage. >> and do it on facebook or twitter, under the wine bot. >> we won't know until tomorrow, right? >> tonight is the show? >> yeah, tonight. >> do you want me to tell who won? >> you are not allowed to tell anybody. security! >> remember, do you want me to say? >> you can eat chicken and dumplings later.
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>> drew, by the way, is the red wine, in case you were curious, and look at the white wine. >> like that. looks good. >> drew's ahead already. come on. >> can i take a little bit of this, a little bit of the broth? >> guys, time for "words of wisdom," please. settle down. >> here we go. i think the best vacation is the one that relieves me of my own life for a while, and then makes me long for it again. and -- brilliant. >> isn't that nice? >> yeah. or -- makes you realize how much you hate your real life and want to change. >> or that option. that's also there. all right. >> yeah. done with your vacation and think, oh, my gosh, i've got to go back. >> change my life. >> it's happened. >> we changed our life a little yesterday. we went and had a great lunch at our friends, the scottos at
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>> yes. >> only one missing was -- >> carson. >> very busy out in l.a. we had the best, best time. thanks to anthony and mary and all the scottos. >> wondered if dylan and savannah were going to give birth right at the table. >> boy, did they scarf it down. we had spaghetti and meatballs. big day, everybody. this is the day, my great nephew shecky turns 2. in honor of shecky turning 2 i >> we're applauding. >> i'm shecky. i'm 2 years old. >> i live for this kid. he's the funniest kid alive. we're going to show pictures? oh, there. ? happy birthday to you ? >> he knows it's out of tune. ? happy birthday to you ? >> oh! [ laughter ] >> whoa! >> he is the most precious.
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birthday tomorrow. >> oh, tomorrow. wow. >> turning 80 tomorrow. >> and alicia keys' son, you wonder if they'll catch on and get that musical talent that his parents have. here it is, egypt performed an original song called "superboy." take a look. ? i am the super boy, super boy ? i'm a super boy ? ? ?
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own deal, his own recording deal by the time he's 6, and he's not even looking, i know. looking right at the camera. >> intensity. wow. >> his dad. >> it's in his dna. >> his dad #hardwork. and dedication. good for him. >> that's great. harry connick jr. we knew could play the piano, sing and entertain. yesterday he showed off another skill on instagram, and watch what happens when you combine harry connick jr. with stale bread. he calls it the toast toss. do you believe this? >> he throws stale bread into the toaster. look. let's watch. we look, and, in a cubicle, # -- go, go, okay, watch, watch, and go! >> how does he do that? >> how is he doing it? >> #toasttoss. and he goes somewhere else.
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>> that's a long way. >> watch, watch, watch, watch. don't cut away. don't cut away. >> i'm sorry. that is unbelievable. >> okay. we're going to see who can do it. all right? bring out the toaster. >> toast toss. >> in full disclosure you guys, we didn't have any stale toast, because this is -- "today," but we have some lightly toasted. >> come here, brothers. come here, brothers. get behind us. i want to see if it's really possible. >> and this isn't -- >> stale enough. you have to do exactly. let the brothers try. >> the technique, everyone knows it's the under spin so that it goes into the -- oh, that was a practice, practice. >> uh-huh. >> oh! >> all right. >> sorry. >> that's right. >> okay. watch this? >> oh! >> okay. ready? >> it's all in the wrist. >> can we have the bread back? >> hoda, do it. do it, hoda. >> i'm going to do it, right
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back spin. back spin. >> this is the over -- >> oh, my gosh! [ cheers and applause ] >> hey, harry connick jr.! >> he beats me again. >> hold on, in -- bread drop. that's it. >> oh, my god! that was awesome. >> excellente. all right, now, a quick shout-out to guys, they're all here next week and we need your questions for them to tackle. you'll never really get them answered in any positive way, but it will be funny. almost -- any questions or issues how to handle your partner during the holidays? >> we want to know. go to our website and submit your questions. >> and we brought you yesterday, the story of a mom, of 16, started a program called "american gold star christmas." suzy welch did it for us. a beautiful, beautiful story. allows those to post what they need to help make christmas a little better for kids. almost 300 children on the list. by yesterday afternoon, every single one of those children were sponsored. >> that's so -- because of you guys. thank you, guys, for --
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>> yeah it was. >> i'm sure you all feel great about that. find more information on the believe with me gold star program on >> our thoughts and prayers are going out to everybody in tennessee affected by the fire. the fires burning 15,000 ackers in the area of the great smokey mountains. >> hundreds of homes and businessam >> more than 5,000 people in shelters this morning and dollywood theme park and the dream resort mostly spared and providing, as good neighbors do, a place for firefighters and first responders to eat and sleep. >> dolly parton made a statement saying she was heartbroken and praying for all the families. >> imagine if you're here or doing something -- because her movie airs tonight. i'm sure promoting it everywhere. you can't be there and take care of your friends and family. >> yeah. >> god bless them all. >> okay.
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>> can it be done that quickly? >> wait. who's -- oh. there they are. the scott brothers. showing you how to have great everything, plus the kitchen sink, and save some money while you're at it. >> want to check out who's winning at the wine challenge. >> hey, it's a bad angle. you know? we have to move it, but -- >> wait. no, no. i got one next to it. hey, people, people! >> yes, you do. >> i love this. many people clean their dentures with toothpaste or plain water. and even though their dentures look clean, in reality they're not. if a denture were to be put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists on the denture, and that bacteria multiplies very rapidly. that's why dentists recommend cleaning with polident everyday. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes,
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brighter denture every day. i love my shop, but my back pain was making it hard to sleep and open up on time. then i found aleve pm. the only one to combine a sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. now i'm back. aleve pm for a better am. "credit karma, why are you checking your credit score?" "you don't want to ride the 13l forever, do you?" "credit karma huh?" "yeah, it's free."
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? harry's meeting clients from far away.? ? but they only see his wrinkles. ? ? he's gotta play it cool to seal the deal. ? ? better find a way to smooth things over. ? ? if only harry used some bounce, to dry.? ? yeah. ? ? he would be less-wrinkly and winning at life. ? they became huge tv stars at the "property brothers." now drew and jonathan scott are branching out with another hg-tv home makeover show called -- >> all: brothers take new orleans." >> renovating homes side-by-side competing to increase the property value. >> good idea.
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>> they tackle a new space each week and in tonight's episode, hoda happens to stop by to judge the kitchens the brothers have already renovated. you're not allowed to tell us, hoda, whose kitchen you chose. >> but the wine bot is truly showing the one i liked! >> tonight's episode, all about kitchens. jonathan and drew here to show you how to save some money on some upgrades. >> i should have put a wine bot hoda's nickname was wine bot. i guess i was wrong. everyone said i love what i see on the show, but i can't afford to do it. magazines show expensive pictures. let's play a little game with you guys. >> we're going to show you different things. high/low challenge. you indicate with stickers what you think is expensive, what you think is not. two cabinets, side by side. one of these cabinets is
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go ahead. >> it's scratch and sniff. >> can't open it. >> can't open it. >> okay. >> what you think is the expensive one -- okay. all right. >> what's the answer? >> okay. are you ready? >> uh-huh. >> ready. >> the answer is the far one. the more expensive one. that cabinet is actually $1,100. this cabinet is $220. >> what? >> so one for you. >> the quality today of prefab cabinets is unlike never before. >> grab those. over here. come to lighting. >> hardware? kitchen hardware. okay. those two poles. which is more expensive, which is your cost-effective? >> which is it? >> hardware poles. of course. >> oh, that's a hard one. >> definitely high. >> okay. >> i think i might say the same thing. it's got more stuff on -- >> yeah. high. both said this one. >> boom!
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>> you're correct. the one on the left is $27. on the right, $2. >> wow. >> $2? >> but you can't tell. >> you can save tons of money. >> people don't think about the little pieces. hardware in i don't your kitchen, might have 30, 40, poles or handles. >> end the game we'll have it figured out. which one is the expensive one? >> uh-huh. >> by the looks -- >> like a "zoolander." >> boom! >> all right. you guys are correct. now, size doesn't always mea size doesn't always matter but you are correct. the more expensive light. this is $216. this light is $115. >> by the way, to the eye -- >> deceiving. >> a minute and got to go. come on, people. >> which is the most high-end. >> high end. >> which is less expensive? >> you are correct. hoda wrong, once again. >> what?
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>> what? >> $240 for this sink. >> this one's more expensive? >> this faucet is more expensive but this sink here is as well. >> you can tell by the weight of it. cast iron. i can't do that. >> easy one. easy, easy. tiles, which is high, which is low? subway tile. everybody loves subway tile. >> this one, i can't tell. going with this one. >> i definitely can. >> this is high. >> hoda is not good at this. >> what? >> tiebreaker. tiebreaker! >> which is high, which is low for these dishes? >> this is impossible. >> which is high, which is low? >> high. high. >> for dishes. >> this one. >> i think hoda's high. come on. >> what? >> oh -- oh, you were? >> point to high. >> yeah. high over here. $430. >> you know what? >> i got that one wrong. i prefer those. >> in the future, only doing this with you at home, because -- well, you're good at this. hoda, maybe not so much. >> hoda is pretty.
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>> one of us is old. which one is it? >> the brothers take you, take new orleans, tonight on hg-tv at 9:00. >> with our property sister hoda in the house! >> yeah. >> be sure to tune in to see which kitchen hoda chooses. last time what do viewers think, hoda? >> final vote on the wine bot, it looks like it is -- drew! >> boo! >> oh -- >> the real judging happens tonight. >> you're right. >> all righty. okay. thanks, everybody. we found the cream of the crop when it comes to skin care products. didn't we, hoda? >> yep. get them at your local drug store. >> plus a home-cooked meal to warm hoda's tummy and soul from this cold, wintry day. we could steal these dishes and use it. >> i like these. do you not like these? >> i hate little cups. lars on my car insurance with gco. i should take a closer look at geico... geico has a long history of great savings and great service.
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s great. speaking of great, check out these hot riffs. you like smash mouth? uh, yeah i have an early day tomorrow so... wait. almost there. goodnight, bruce. gotta tune the "a." (humming) take a closer look at geico. great savings. and a whole lot more. (achoo!) you can pick up the flu from surfaces for up to 48 hours. it's like having a sick family member in your home. but lysol kills 99.9% of germs including 8 cold and flu viruses. because i'm a woman... do you think i'm gonna crack under pressure or conquer the field? defy expectations any day with always infinity. made with flexfoam. absorbs 10x its weight.
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coming over for dinner can be stressful. not when you have recipes of some of the best chefs in the world. >> our chef is -- >> all: michel nischan. >> he's the founder and ceo of a nonprofit that helps create a sustainable food system. summer's greenwich wine and food festival. >> kathie asked what he would cook for her if she was coming to his house for dinner and what did you choose? >> right. >> i chose my mother's chicken and dumplings. >> you love your mom. >> i love my mom. amazing when we were growing up, we didn't always have a lot of money as a family, but she would put this meal on the table, and we felt like kings. >> ah. isn't that lovely? >> and little princesses and princes, and my mom would take the chicken and dumplings, like
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>> and we had a garden. grew our own. so even though we were struggling financially we could always put good food on the table. >> she raised a beautiful man. >> oh, thank you. >> you're a sweetheart. >> well, thanks. anyway, we'll kind of get started. so we have, just like a three-pound chick from a grocery store. i like to save all the -- >> giblets. >> and that's the stuff she liked. my crazy wife, lori. >> chicken stock. >> look, hodi's cooking! >> nice. awesome. let it ring. that's for the gods, for the gods! all good, man, all good. >> everyone got one? >> chicken stock. if we got wet, we're delicious. what we do is, kind of bring it to a simmer for about, you know, for about ten minutes or so and then you can see you get a little bit of stuff, you want to skim a little bit.
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carrots to give it a good chicken broth stock soup quality flavor. and here is the chicken when it's finished. and -- here, what you want to do is just kind of -- >> tear it apart. >> yeah. >> got about a -- >> no. why don't you -- come on back. >> you tear it apart. >> so you tear it apart, you know, and here you have, you know, salt, pepper. a little bit of flour and then you have some chicken stock. some chicken fat and egg. it's kind of like schmaltz, give then you kind of like mix the two together to get a loose dough, which is right here. >> making it. >> which you cut. >> yeah. >> with some chicken. >> like this. into dumplings. >> kath, you want to try? >> and put them in here, like this. and the great thing about this dish is that it's really, really inexpensive and it's rich. >> i was just going to say. so affordable. >> yeah. the interesting thing, what we
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with income double snack benefits when buying fresh vegetables and fruits so they can put a dish like this
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wines day wednesday. we're playing "who knew?" tonight is the 84th rockefeller christmas lighting night. we've got some trivia to get you into the holiday spirit. kathie lee is across the street ready to hand out $100 to those who get the answers right. those who don't are still winners. you know what they get? one of kathie lee's cds. here to put the rock in rockefeller center is the lead singer of sugar ray, member of the band of merrymakers, mark mcgrath. >> good morning, hoda. how are you? >> and perform for us later in the show? >> of course we're going to perform. that's what we do.
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>> let's go. >> across the street. >> lovely lady from chicago. i feel bad because i'm standing in front of a tiny little lady from someplace else and i'm going to reach over to you. okay. here it is. see what you've done? all right. the rockefeller center christmas tree has been featured in all of the following movies except, "home alone 2," "elf" or "christmas with the kranks." >> c. >> she was correct. until you see "elf." not in my house, anyway. >> excited about the christmas tree lighting? >> are you kidding? it's when the holidays are officially here. >> totally agree. kathie lee? >> lovely lady from north carolina. finish the lyric to this classic christmas carol, please. ? you will get a sentimental ? feeling ?
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? be jolly, deck the halls with boughs of holly ? >> awesome. >> another merrymaker there. >> by the way, what's one of the favorite songs you and the merrymakers sing? >> so many. if i picked one, "snow, snow, snow." just gets you in the spirit. all the classics. >> look at this lovely father and daughter from cincinnati. according to bill board, which one of the artists doesn't have one of the five most downloaded holiday songs? this is complicated. mariah carey, justin bieber or wham. >> we'll say, b., justin bieber. >> the crowd is turning on you. oh. >> that's all right. he gets a kathie lee cd! >> yeah!
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great song. >> i don't remember that. ? last christmas ? >> oh! ? i gave you my heart but the very next day you gave it away ? >> that's a great song! cranking it. kath, over to you. >> from -- >> michigan. >> michigan. every who down in whoville liked christmas a lot. but the grinch. who lived just north of whoville? he did not. a, never got presents, b, heart two sizes two small or c, his pants were too tight? >> b. >> yep! [ cheers and applause ] >> love it. >> that is -- by the way "the grinch" another holiday classic. yeah. >> nbc airing it's 50th anniversary this year, hoda. >> of "the grinch." >> of course. >> watch these anywhere. something about watching it that night makes it special.
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>> all right. one more, kath. >> this lady's from florida. oh, shoot. the last one. so sorry. here you go. this year the rockefeller christmas tree is from new york, oneonta. what's the city's nickname? >> city of the stars, b. >> oh. >> it was c. it was c, yeah. >> that's all right. >> >> city of the hills. oneonta. >> okay. >> mark, you're back in a couple minutes with fellow merrymakers singing a fun holiday tune. guys, we're so happy to have them in the studio today. and treat yourself to a spa day
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looking for balance in your digestive system? try align probiotic. for a non-stop, sweet treat goodness, hold on to your tiara kind of day. get 24/7 digestive support, with align. the #1 doctor recommended probiotic brand.
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z25ehz z16fz
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z26htz z16fz y26hty y16fy we brought you the best in hair and makeup and now on this final day of our second annual beauty awards it's all about the >> yeah. we teamed up -- with "people" magazine to bring you the best of the best in beauty. hundreds of drug store products, tried and tested by "today" and people staffers. now it's time to reveal the winners while we soak it up -- >> all: in the suds. >> leading the way, "today" contributor jill martin, "people" style and beauty director andrea lavinthal. hello, ladies. >> hello, in the jacuzzi. >> so comfy. >> glamorous morning but our final day.
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it's all skin today. how to get your skin revitalized. >> the first product? >> okay. we're going to start with simple. our little cabinet here. this is hydrating cleansing oil. this is to get your makeup off at night. you put it on dry skin. >> called simple. >> i like this brand. >> really got everything off and left your skin moisturized. >> you said every day? >> every day. >> love it. >> leaves skin beautiful. next? uses baking soda. great if you have a little oily skin. leaves pores nice and clean but not feeling tight. >> baking soda, like vinegar. it's just so good. >> it's a little scent but lovely. cleanses your skin. no tightness. >> i like a scent. i don't like it unscented. >> okay. >> all right. what's next? >> okay, hodi.
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great sometimes it is to use drug store products and not expensive products and how well they work. this, our tester said, really works. it really works. this is spf 30 for chest, neck and face. a lot of women avoid putting cream, not even avoid, forget, on their neck and chest. and really shows aging. >> a good one. >> our tester said this really moisturized and made them feel good and refreshed. >> seems like a much more expensive. >> and ss >> roc. >> i like it. >> next? >> ladies, no excuse not to wear sunscreen, thanks to -- >> hoda! >> spf 60. 60! >> 60? >> oil-free, it's clear. >> just stay in the house. [ laughter ] >> yeah, right? >> i know it's a big deal. >> it's not greasy. it goes on completely light. won't mess up your makeup.
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>> are you going to use it, hoda? >> yeah. ah-ha. >> avino restorative night cream. the tester said this was so great, because they woke up, and went to sleep feeling totally refreshed and moisturized. you see how moisturizing it feels. >> put it on me? >> i've got it -- >> all on my -- >> star ingredient, blackberry. >> like butter. >> silky! >> i like that. >> like that. >> all these cost under what, ladies? >> so affordable. the most expensive, like $24.99. all under $25. >> is that all? >> not even close. guy, looks like a basic bar soap. dove dry oil beauty bar, no basic. the most luxurious bar soap. smell it. like an expensive perfume, right? it's creamy in your hand.
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>> look at the band going -- you want to get in, don't you? >> smell this. after you use it. two more left. wet skin moisturizer. i've been using this. a lot of people forget to moisturize when you get out of the shower and are wet. put it on. don't have to towel dry or anything. absorbs right into your skin and really works. >> the last product? >> sally hansen airbrush sun, not streaky, doesn't smell. leaves you bronzed and >> are you sure it doesn't smell like fritos? >> we have before and after. my pal did half her body. look at the difference. not streaky. >> shop these items, award-winning comparisons body products head to or pick up the latest issue of "people" magazine on newsstands now. >> the rest of your day will be merry and bright, the band of merrymakers take our stage! >> pump up the volume, you guys.
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? merrymakers ? >> it's amazing out there means to me the wonder and the wow of weather. >> everything is amazing. it could be the smallest ice crystal, the biggest storm cloud. >> what does it's amazing out there mean to me? it means looking up and being blue skies. i mean, how beautiful is that? >> that little burst of red that happens when the sun comes right over the ocean, when it comes up in the morning. >> watching lightning streaking across the sky from one side to another. >> the roar of the thunder is just -- oh, it's one of the most amazing things. >> that's what is it's amazing out there. >> how that absolutely affects our lives, what is in our
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going to cost? to me, all those interactions that the weather has real influences on, that's why it's amazing out there. >> what it means for me is it lets the world know what's happening at the weather channel. >> i think what makes the weather channel's coverage unique is that we are meteorologists. we know what's going on with the weather. and that makes a tremendous difference. >> somebody just walks up to you in the field and says, thanks for being there. we're so glad you wer >> we have a charge. we have a responsibility. we have a drive to provide information to people to help them, help the communities stay safe. it matters so much. >> when you start linking the people side up to the weather and the science and the data, it starts to drive home the importance of what we do. >> i love weather. >> i do love weather. >> i love the weather. and, you know, i love working
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>> every single day is going to be something spectacular. it is truly amazing out there. ugh. heartburn. sorry ma'am. no burning here. try alka-seltzer heartburn relief gummies. they don't taste chalky and work fast. mmmm. incredible. can i try? she doesn't have heartburn. alka-seltzer heartburn relief gummies. enjoy the relief. you bought a wig, a jersey, and overpriced nachos... ...don't let sinus symptoms bring you down now.
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>> announcer: the citi concert series on "today" is proudly presented to you by citi. no matter how hard we try, they refuse to leave the building! [ laughter ] >> talking about the talented singers and musicians, band of merrymakers. for hours. we are so, so happy you stayed with us. about to sing a song off their album -- >> all: "welcome to our christmas party." >> around you five seconds you realize it is a party. huh, kevin? >> so much merriment with band of merrymakers. it's intoxicating and contagi contagious. the midst of a whirlwind tour. tomorrow night, b.b. king's here in new york city. december 15th, world famous troubadour in los angeles,
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>> what are you going to sing for us? >> we're going to sing "holiday in l.a." >> in new york! >> you like that? >> band of merrymakers! ? oh, oh, oh-oh, holiday in l.a. ? oh, oh, oh-oh ? oh, oh, oh-oh, holiday in l.a. ? the sun is rising on the pch, there ain't a cloud in the sky ? candy canes are hanging red and white from the hollywood sign ? where every day is a movie, all the wishes come true ? the sun on our face can burn up the sleighs, cruising down the freeway ? ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh ?
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oh-oh ? in l.a., it's a holiday in l.a. ? ? and the sun never sets until we celebrate a holiday in l.a. ? oh-oh, a holiday in l.a. ? oh-oh, oh-oh ? the lords leaping down on venice beach ? there ain't a cloud in the sky melts them every time ? and singing with brian wilson, mistletoe in the dew ? and gingerbread, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh ? well, it's a holiday, oh-oh in l.a. ? it's a holiday, oh-oh, in l.a. ?
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celebrate a holiday in l.a. ? oh-oh, a holiday in l.a. ? oh-oh, oh-oh, whew ? never raining, everybody's singing when you get that feeling ? then you'll know ? it's a holiday, oh-oh, in l.a. ? it's a holiday, oh-oh, in l.a. where the sun never sets ? and we always celebrate ? a holiday in l.a. ? holiday, oh-oh, in l.a. ? it's a holiday, oh-oh, in l.a. where the sun never sets and it's something we celebrate ? a holiday in l.a. ?
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0 holiday in l.a. snow oh-oh, oh-oh ? 0 holiday in l.a., oh-oh, oh-oh 0 holiday in l.a., oh-oh, oh-oh ? a holiday in l.a. ? >> yes! [ applause ] that was awesome! >> band of merrymakers. >> y'all were great. thank you so much. you were awesome. so fun! y'all are such fun. >> all righty. >> thank you, guys. >> merrymaking isn't over yet. >> no! >> first, this is "today" on nbc. >> what hoda said. ? ? ? this is t time ? ? the time for harmony ? ? let love be the song ? ? that everybody sings ? ? fill the air with joyful noise ?
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? let there be peace on earth ? ? let there be peace on earth ? s.c. johnson, a family company. my cold medicines' wearing off. that stuff only lasts a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion for 12 hours. guess i won't be seeing you for a while. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours? let's end this. you wanna see something intense? our strongest pro-v formula ever. strong is beautiful. ve been on i'm bushed! my feel alyea me too. excuse me...coming through! ride the gel wave of comfort with dr. scholls massaging gel insoles. they're proven to give you comfort. which helps you feel more energized ...all day long.
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, that's lovely... so graceful. the corkscrew spin, flawless... ...his signature move, the flying dutchman. poetry in motion. and there it is, the "baby bird". breathtaking. a sumo wrestler figure skating? surprising. what's not surprising? how much money heather saved by switching to geico.
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drive. so what goodies will there be on day number three? >> about to find out who today's generous donor is. drum roll, please. >> it is -- >> all: learning resources senior project manager tom. >> happy holidays. >> hi, tom. >> i come bearing gifts. >> what do you have? >> $185,000 worth of them. >> translates to 12,000 individual educational toys and games in the hands of underprivileged children. >> kids learn as they play, which is -- which -- sorry. >> wow! >> that is what we are all about. learn as you play. >> great because you play and learn at the same time. >> right. what especially this, part of our donation. this is a robot, education learning mouse. what you can do, introduce early coding skills, coding the language of the 21st essentially, what kids are learning, and this is great for them. >> thank you, tom.
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or donate online at for details go to our website. >> tomorrow, elizabeth hurley. >> announcer: dr. phil's otrage over a controversial school campaign. >> that's the most idiotic thing i have ever seen. >> announcer: then this iron nun's secret to stay stronth at 86. -- and a modern day daredevil is able to cheat death on a regular basis. how one rape survivor changed the laws to protect other victims. >> in what other crime do you pay for evident collection? in what other crime would you have to fight to get access to your own police report? >> announcer: that's today! [ applause ] >> dr. travis: welcome to the show. joining us today is ob/gyn dr. nita landry! welcome! [ applause ] >> thank you! [ applause ] >> dr. travis: so, let's


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