tv CBS 4 News CBS March 1, 2016 1:37am-2:12am EST
1:37 am a police chase through broward county. the suspects managing to change vehicles in the middle of the pursuit. story. on the loose. >> let's go out to the water help police station where one of the suspects is being questioned. >>reporter: a police spokesperson told us the young man was brought here to the police department a few hours ago, being questioned will likely be taken off to jail.
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running and fence jumping. follow the blue sedan after a brief pursuit on 95 southbound, stolen is on the run. he drives onto a median to avoid traffic and less than a minute later ditches the car and people scatter. the car still running. complex. they get into another car. this car was reported stolen out of their city and the young men are on the move again. they weave through traffic and driving the wrong side of the road and race three water hill neighborhood making sharp turns. seconds later they bail out. fort lauderdale police are on their tail. the third-base--the foot race begins. an officer tracked down one of the thieves. in the young man is in for a long run. he hops a fence and then a few more and that lurks near the side of the home were a family comes outside wondering what
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he is on the run again hopping fences. three, for, five, six, seven before getting cornered by police k-9. the suspected thief gets down the ground and crawls forward, preparing to hop fence number eight. seconds later he was on the ground against getting handcuffed and led to a police car. allen has lived in this neighborhood for decades and has never seen anything like it.>> is scary to know that you can't leave your car open, you cannot leave your door open. >>reporter: cameras caught one man getting slapped with cuffs and being led away on a stretcher. looking for clues. they want to make sure the young man did not ditch any weapons during the chase. seriously hurt. during this pursuit. he saw several people jump out of the car, two of them are in custody and two of them police are still looking for.
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contact crimestoppers. campaign 2016 an average of the most recent polls taken in florida, you can see trump is way ahead for the republicans, just 15 days away from the primary. super tuesday is tomorrow but the candidates are focusing on the sunshine state. we are the first winner take all primary with 99 delegates up for grabs. three of the candidates will hold events in south florida tomorrow night as a result of the other states reporting. elliott rodriguez joins us now from the control room. >>trumps opponents are looking for any opening to attack a. trump is leading in most states, but trailing taraj kemp in texas. leading rubio here in florida with early voting underway miami-dade county.
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for black lives matter. protesters who interested. this rally in virginia.>> get them out they get them out. all lives matter. >>reporter: a time magazine, photographer was thrown to the ground at the event. a sign that the rallies have become more raucous as his momentum builds, despite criticism that he was slow to disavow an endorsement by former ku klux klan leader, david duke. >> running against all trump at this point is treason to your heritage. >> i don't know anything about david duke. i don't know what you're talking about with white supremacy are white supremacists. >>reporter: trump is not as forceful over the weekend and many believe he did it not to alienate southern voters. some of you have to look at the group rate. i don't know what group you are talking about. you would not want me to condemn a group i know nothing about. >> he is an adult. he knows the consequences. i let him be who he is. i give him my opinion, many
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>>reporter: trump's wife told cnn she disagreed with her husband when he used in an appropriate word at a rally in new hampshire. so he goes with the flow. he goes with the people. he was having fun. everyone was cheering and he said, and the next day, he repeated the word. that was not his word. >>reporter: many supporters of rubio cast early ballots monday helping rubio can to five polls that show him trailing trump in florida. >> marco rubio is a young man, but he is wise beyond his years. >> he simply must win. he cannot continue his campaign without guaranteeing him winning his own state, which right now is like it's in jeopardy. >>reporter: rubio will watch super tuesday results of tropical part in miami-dade and
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palace studios in miami. the fact that three candidates will be in south florida tomorrow night is proof whereabouts to become the focus of this campaign, no one is expecting to clinch the nomination tomorrow but if polls are accurate, current and trump can pick up enough delegates to make them unstoppable. new video into the newsroom tonight and watch as a sushi place gets a new drive-through tonight. david is live in turn 15 with what happened. >>reporter: the businesses boarded up and it will be closed for a few days. it could be a lot worse. >>reporter: the cleanup is underway at the sushi bar after a range rover crashed to the storefront monday afternoon. the surveillance camera captured it all. >> it was really bad. scary. >>reporter: the managers of the man behind the wheel had just finished eating and left with a woman. >> i was fixing the table
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of nowhere the car went through. >>reporter: the car was parked in front of the store when it went from zero to bang and a number of seconds. second half. he was distracted her on the phone or he was with his wife. i think about that. >>reporter: the police said the driver did not appear intoxicated. sac. he claims to have missed the break. at the gas pedal and jumped the curb and proceeded through the window. >>reporter: thankfully, the restaurant was empty at the time. >> right before it happened. we had a couple sitting on the side of the restaurant. and then thank god, nobody was in the restaurant. tiffany the drivers facing a number of charges, he should not have been behind the wheel. student the driver was cited for distracted driving in a criminal infraction of driving without a florida license. he is from abroad. >> no drivers license at all? >> not at all, he had an expired license from his
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>>reporter: the city of trafficking is issuing emergency permits to get the work done as fast as possible, the business helps to be open in a week or so. now at 11, take a good look at this one-handed man deputies say broken to the north regional courthouse in deerfield beach. the man broke a glass door with a bastard tried opening several doors inside. anyone with information is asked to call broward crimestoppers. tonight we're hearing from the aunt of a two-month-old kidnapped at gunpoint in fort lauderdale. detectives say taraj kemp was snatched by her cousin, stephanie augustine and another cousin during a home invasion friday night for the next day. police found taraj kemp abandoning her car seat inside an apartment in orlando. her family is happy to have her back. . it's a blessing to have her
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they are bonding and loving. >>reporter: augustine appeared in court she cried when the judge read charges against her. her family something her seek mental treatment. news tonight in a celebration is the venetian causeway opens for the first time in nine months. the bridge built. 90 years ago, offers another option to get to and from the beach. hank joins us from the causeway with more. hank? >>reporter: we talked about this today. this is a big deal. the iconic bridge and causeway now open all the way from miami to miami beach. let's take a look. so i thank you guys for coming out. >>reporter: a big night for these runners. earlier for these bikers. and of course motorists, and commuters. after nine months of rehab, the 90-year-old venetian causeway
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>> before it was a pain because the causeways were crowded. >>reporter: since june 15 when construction began. all of this traffic had to go across the macarthur. to get to and from miami beach. now. surrogate is a huge time.- -timesaver and i am super happy. >> will have access to everything over there so it will change our lives. >>reporter: the historic bridge best in the florida sunshine with politicians on hand to tout the reopening. >> the venetian causeway will help ease a traffic concern. >> i wanted on time and i wanted on budget. >>reporter: on time and on budget, to the tune of 12 point for million dollars. no longer will motor set to go miles out of their way to get off the beach. and the completion has a big recreational component. bicyclist and runners are overjoyed. the causeways a favorite venue for running and riding,
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miami. >> everyone has been breathing the macarthur, challenging, but not so safe. >>reporter: tomorrow morning. if you are coming off the beach, good news for you, divination is open. just in time for rush hour. reporting for cbs4 tonight. new video into the newsroom. watch as refugees take on police and a violent battle. plus, screaming. it was all over the internet and they did know what it was.>> tearful testimony is erin andrews takes the stand over the stock or video, her stalker taped her food in her hotel room. an oscar
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did chris rock go too far? new video into the cbs4 newsroom, violent clashes of hundreds of refugees and immigrants try to push through the border from greece into macedonia. they had been told the border would open but when that didn't happen, things got violent. police fired tear gas, the people shouted and pushed on the fence.
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are trying to make their way into europe. erin andrews getting emotional testimony in a civil suit against a stalker who took a new video of her. michael david barrett recorded andrews through peoples in a hotel room opposed to the video online in 2009. now andrews wants $75 million from barrett and the hotel chain for causing her distress and humiliation. >> do you feel grief about this? >> idea. >> do you feel shame? >> i do. i feel so ashamed. i am so embarrassed. i start talking about my job and this happens every day of my life. >> barrett was sentenced to two
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stocking andrews in 2010. chris rock at the hollywood diversity issue hard at the oscars last night. some are wondering if he went too far. the insider joins us live from los angeles with more from the story. let me tell you the ratings slipped into it. eight year low from the cutting edge to the cringe worthy. let's go inside the chris rock report card. >> i am here at the academy awards, otherwise known as the white people's choice awards. >>reporter: chris did not just address the controversy, he will that to the broadcast every chance he could. and no one was safe. surrogate snow fair that will was this good and did not get nominated. you are right. it's also not fair that he was paid $20 million for the wild wild west. >>reporter: the result? a social state meant -i been a social state meant and rock- bottom ratings. >> 30 for point 3 million.
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times. the lowest was in 2008. student the cover of the new york daily news. it declares chris went too far. pointing to the violent imagery in this joke. >> i am sure there were no black nominees and 62 and 63 and black people didn't protest, they were too busy being alleged to care about who want the best cinematographer. some of many say there is nothing funnier than whoopi goldberg's cameo. >> a black girl would have to cure cancer before they give her a tv movie. >> she joined the tracy morgan and leslie jones, by asserting themselves into the conversation. >> i am a danish girl. >>reporter: there was one moment that awkwardly fell flat. >> it's my honor to introduce the new director of our
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great >> happy black history month. a win for apple in a spell get the federal government over customer privacy. a federal judge ruled today that the justice department cannot force apple to provide the fbi with access to an unlocked iphone data in a brooklyn drug case. this comes as advise pressuring apple to unlock the phone of one of the san bernardino shooters. apple is filing an appeal. nightclub. tipping is a popular way to keep --microchip is a popular way to keep track of pets, but would you microchip yourself? >> with the swipe of a hand it would allow you to turn on lights come unlocked doors, make calls from your cell phone. it's happening right here in south florida. >>reporter: we live in a digital world filled with computers , cell phones, and
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humans now use technology for every day conveniences by learning how to hack life. >>christie is implanted with a tiny low-frequency microchip the process is called bio hacking. you have seen it before in movies. science fiction is now a reality. why would someone do this? to end the hassle of carrying a security badge at work.>>a lot of times i'm carrying a bunch of stuff that was inconvenient. >>reporter: with a wave of her bionic hand, she gets the green light . her identity get scanned and verified. carlos maldonado is chipped. also, but this implant is different. it communicates with his cell phone and other gadgets, by touching them.
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i can get onto electronics with ease. so it would be a cool thing. >>reporter: he can use it to keep his car lot. with wireless technology, becoming mainstream picketing implanted is not happening in a doctor's office or at a hospital. this experience is offered to body modification clients at tattoo and piercing shops like this one in coconut grove. >> i think is the future, these microchip implants. it's the simplest thing to do. >>reporter: garcias one of the fewest people in the country performing this procedure. how is it legal to do this at a piercing shop? >> it's no different than getting a flu shot. it's basic body piercing techniques. >>reporter: he has done a dozen of the past few years, but anyone can buy the implants and syringe from dangerous >> most of our customers understand what they are doing and they understand the risk.
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booming. >> are devices are nonmedical in nature. they are used for identity applications access control, getting in your house, logging into your computer. it doesn't fall under the requirement to be medically approved. >>reporter: people like noel can do this legally with no questions asked. piercings. >>reporter: keep in mind you look at your own chip online. a cost $75 chip online. a cost $75-$150 for the implantation process, depending on the type of chip and where you want to implanted. semi-breaking news, we are taking her out to newport beach, california and orange county police in a standoff with someone inside this palmer. we was earlier is this car was
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police and we got this live feed. >> we believe police are working on the assumption there are two children inside the car . as we see one of the doors open, the driver side door. we are told there were two children inside the vehicle but we don't have a lot of information. they're going to keep watching this and hopefully will end peacefully. we will keep you posted. craig spencer joining us now.>>i am thinking about putting this clicker in my thumb. >> i would have to get my ears pierced. >> we can't find a password for the gate. we're looking at a live picture from downtown miami, where this camera showing clear skies uncomfortable temperatures. 67 in miami and 69 in key west. air is very dry with 0% humidity.
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looking pretty good. northwest broward and southwest miami-dade in the low 60s. right on the beaches in the low 70s. overall high temperatures today, 79 is the normal. we were just about their everywhere. a normal day by south florida standards at the end of february. not coming through the nearby days but plenty of sun and highs around 80. on wednesday the front gets very close to us with a stray shower. temperatures in the low 80s. thursday and friday looking pretty good, but over the weekend. it looks like this cold front will come through. saturday warm with a few showers possible. temperatures fall back into the 70s. across the country right now.
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60 for kansas city and 21 in minneapolis and 28 in chicago and going back to the southwest, warm in the southern half and winter in the northern half. the coolest readings in the upper 50s and 60s tomorrow. plenty of sun and a bit warmer with the high temperature of 81. 10 kn tomorrow and a light chop on the days.
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disney is rolling out seasonal prices for single day tickets an effort to spread out demand. the changes let visitors look at a calendar. h2 11 months ahead of time to see which days are considered value, regular or peak. when the prices are posted they will not change. coming at the miami dolphins will have to deal with tom brady for a few more
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needed help to avoid the dreaded luxury tax. the team will get a big windfall. pat riley is so sneaky. and cleveland lebron james shows off some cool handshaking techniques. crunch time. look at tristan thompson, helping the cavaliers get over the hump. the panthers make another move trading for a draft pick. they bolster up the playoffs seems like now they are trying to win it all. so i say go for it.>>the ranking is up and so is their confidence. they jumped for spots to seventh in the ap poll. this comes after their
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the place rocking. with the ncaa tournament coming the coach said the team and the fan base. it should be a model, the most confident. >> everyone in the top 25 should be thinking we should win the conference regular- season tournament in championship. what's to say you cannot go on a roll and do that? six. nobody says you can't. struggling tom brady said he is going to play into his 40s. he wasn't kidding. he signed a contract through 2019. brady will be 42. within eight years he will be ready for aarp. after that. and finally i had no idea the chicago cubs for this excited about being favored to win it all the season. they take a break from baseball to break it down. work with it. i'm impressed. if you're going to say "better ingredients. better pizza."
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(donkey sound) (elephant sound) there's a big difference between making noise, (tapping sound) and making sense. (elephant sound) (donkey sound) when it comes to social security, we need more than lip service. our next president needs a real plan to keep social security strong. (elephant noise) hey candidates. enough talk.
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to say "better ingredients. better pizza." you better deliver. which is why i'm introducing our new papa's quality guarantee: love your pizza, or get another one, absolutely free. pget any large pizza up to 5-toppings pfor just $9.99. online only. at thanks for joining us tonight. the late show is coming up next.>> join cbs4 them a morning at 5 am. >> announcer: the following is a paid advertisement for armando montelongo live events. you are about to meet a man that can change your future now. he is america's top real-estate investing expert, he has been
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