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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  February 7, 2016 5:30am-6:00am EST

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a hero saves a man in a burning truck. >> he pulled him over like a sack of potatoes. >> why he got him out not a second too soon. >> come across a wilderbeast in a lion's jaw. >> fight he will. >> see the great escape that left the lion hungry. >> that dinner was too hard to get. but how about you guys? >> a daredevil suffers a major malfunction. not long after he jumped off the top of the building. >> see when glitches lead to stitches. >> and. >> this is the last straw.
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with celebrities. >> see why mixing and matches leads to some very weird mash ups. >> sometimes it just pays to be in the right place at the right time. this 60-year-old truck driver just crashed his truck into the guard rail. it slid across and burst into flames. they're thinking that birds flew into the windshield causing the driver to lose control and from there you have all of this. >> oh, there's nothing right about that place. what's going on here? >> all of these motorists hopped out of their cars to try to help the man. but he can't see past that area. that's when this good samaritan, folks are calling him a hero, he climbs up the cab of the truck, secures the truck driver and starts to pull him down. he literally pulled him over
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>> the burning truck barefoot. >> he says all he had on were his flip flops and if you look closely you'll see he lost one of those in the process. shortly after they pulled him from the truck, the truck went up in flames. i'll show you a picture of what the aftermath looked like. >> was the driver hurt or any injuries? >> the driver suffered a broken leg and burns. went to the hospital. they're expecting that he will be okay. >> this guy is about to base jump off an 80 meter building in brazil. that equates to 262 feet. >> that's not very high. >> it is not very high. he has not very fall to fall considering what happens next. >> stupid place to base jump you idiot. >> oh! >> razor wire. >> oh my gosh!
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tracks or the razor wire. >> did he think this through at all. >> you don't plan for your parachute to break. that's what happened. it wasn't a faulty landing. fall. his parachute broke not long after he jumped off the top of that building and that is the place where he landed. >> even if everything had gone been dangerous. there wasn't a lot of place. you're faced with all of these railways railways. >> and he's wearing shorts. he must be all sliez ced upright now. this man required 40 stitches but other than that he's okay. >> could the razor wire have saved him from injury because he didn't hit the wall. he didn't impact the ground. as sharp as it is could it absorb some impact? >> this is making me kweez queasy and
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>> he was relatively okay after 40 stitches. hah was all that was required. i would have thought more. i would have thought broken limb. but no. >> to see people attack unsuspecting vulnerable people. see this woman right here in the red top? that's a 79-year-old woman that just finished buying some stuff headed to her vehicle. as soon as she puts her stuff away, watch this other person over here walk up behind her and very quickly grab the purse and snatches it and takes off running. the woman though that's just been robbed runs after the thief screaming and yelling getting the attention of some of the other shoppers that were in this parking lot who do come over to help but watch this, that person manages to get in the car. one of the other people in the parking lot opens the driver's
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exchanging words, do you see that more people start gathering around. but that doesn't stop the driver from backing the car up. >> oh! >> wow. >> injuring two people in the process. and managing to take off. >> this person has got all kinds of nerve to rob an easy target and then risk running people down off of what might be in a purse. >> police ended up arresting this woman. apparently she had just filed at the big store they were at and learned she was not going to be getting a tax refund so maybe that was what triggered her to attack this woman getting away with about $500 in cash and also the value of her cell phone. >> silver lining, do you still have to pay tax in jail? >> she's going to be facing some serious fine. her bail is set at about $24,000 but she'll be facing serious
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fortunately the 79-year-old woman that she is was not injured at all. >> when you're out on safari the kill. the moment one of the big cats, a lion captures it's prey and that's what we're seeing right now. now we can all tell that nick is staring at the two people sitting right in front of this guy shooting this amazing moment vertically. don't worry. it gets better. >> thank you. >> i know you too well. >> this lion starts pulling this lifeless wilderbeast into the trees but the crowd starts clapping. you're not out yet, buddy. you can do it. because he's not out and he's fighting for his life and fight he will. now he's there and he's got a full grown lion hanging from his head. he could use that tree as a weapon. >> he's absolutely trying to do that. he's saying no, today is not the
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he could go for a submission right now. meanwhile the lion's still got him by the throat. the animal is trying to fight back but he's getting choked out. >> but suddenly out of nowhere, there goes the wilderbeast. there goes the lion. >> my favorite part of the lion, does not acknowledge the human being. he's on camera like nobody saw that. i'm just going over this way. >> if the lion was smart he'd be like that dinner was a little too hard to get but how about you guys? >> this is the elephant nature park in thailand having the time of her life. >> he's broken one of the sprinklers. she has created her own pressure wash. everybody watching it is just cracking up. for every nook and cranny it's awesome. >> oh, man. that elephant you can tell is
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>> so it's just so adorable. >> brave firefighters trying to save a family's home go to the front door and once you open that door, what's on the other side? >> see the answer caught by a helmet cam. >> and he's a military man on a homecoming mission. >> it never gets hold when we see this. >> the moment his girlfriend figures out who the flowers are more. when you order now you get a free pizza after super bowl 50! free pizza? we get it after the super bowl. order now through super bowl sunday at and get a free pizza starting monday. use promo code superbowl50. papa john' hey mom. yeah? we've got allstate, right? uh-huh. yes. well, i found this new thing called allstate quickfoto claim. it's an app. you understand that? you just take photos of the damage with your phone and upload them to allstate. really? so you get a quicker estimate, quicker payment, quicker back to normal.
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an app that will help you explain this to your father. quickfoto claims. just another way allstate is changing car insurance for good. tim thinks you need to be a mastermind to do your own taxes. so, we flew in a mastermind to help him. well, did you buy a home? yes. then i'd press there.
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when i have a breakout from eczema, i feel like i'm in this shell. >> closed captioning provided by. frustrating symptoms of eczema. my skin's back. >> firefighters never know what they're getting into. they know the job is dangerous. guys here working on a single family trailer fire.
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out the front door. the guy here has the helmet camera going. >> go to the door but no inside. >> now as soon as they're charged he's ready to make the initial interior attack. he walks up to the front door and opens the door to reveal the monster inside. >> something exploded just moments after opening that door. whatever it was, they're not sure. just poof right in the firefighter's face. now listening to his reaction. >> it sounded like he just got off a ride. >> he's like bring it. let's do this. >> it's exactly the way he founds and thankfully because of his reaction we know that he was not injured in this situation. after that blows up in their face firefighters go right back after this continuing to fight this fire right from that close angle. difficult situation. now over to georgia where this fire is consuming this. it's the rural area of georgia.
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people were barely able to get out. they could smell smoke. late at night. got up. ran out of the house and nothing on their feet. they found them shivering in the darkness. you see some firefighters show up but at that point, look at how high the flames are up in the air. >> how terrible though because you see the entire house, the contents inside it, it trickles over to the vehicle. >> yeah. the cars are catching as well. >> looks like a devastating total loss. here's some of the aftermath after the fire was put out and >> that's devastating. >> oh, wow. >> their country and their family are about to get a nice surprise. this first one is hosted by the
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[ inaudible ] >> it's pretty quickly. and the man happens to be serving in the military. >> aw. >> and the crowd goes wild. greatest prize ever. >> never gets old when we see this. >> and you see as the crowd gives this guy a round of applause. standing ovation. this one also pretty good as well. wanted to go surprise his girl but his girl is in a lecture at the moment. this is her right here with the green bow in her hair. she does not notice and everyone starts wondering what's going on and draws attention. it's when she suddenly looks up and it happens here. you can tell the moment she
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she closes the laptop and moves over to him and they have a huge hug. >> well, that can only mean one thing. >> someone is getting hurt and we're going to laugh? >> yes, you're going to laugh. >> a little close. >> you can see that coming a mile away. >> look at the size of that. >> look at the girl in the purple sweater there. she has her head in her hand. she knows this is a bad idea. >> if you're going to do it, do
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and on my queue. 1-2. >> oh! >> a lot of broken ankles? >> no. >> oh! i thault i heard it snap. >> i did too. >> oh! >> that is a broken bone. >> that's not a stick. >> both at the same time. >> oh my god. >> hopefully it'sot a broken bone and she's okay but i think there's a lesson learned. >> the quick stop at the store might get you this. witness stacy's freestyle game. and what t happens when you don't properly enclose your pet's enclosure. become especially important. from the makers of one a day fifty-plus. one a day proactive sixty-five plus. with high potency vitamin b12
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now you can create your from olive garden' s most mouthwatering dishes, choose 3 of 10 classic favorites to enjoy on one plate. like our delicious new shrimp ravioli with lobster alfredo, a filled pasta like irresistible tortellini al forno, and a classic like creamy fettuccini alfredo. plus unlimited salad and because the best tour of italy is the one you create. we' re all family here. breadstick lovers, your new favorite lunch is here, breadstick sandwiches. r hi, i'm henry winkler p and i know there are many r myths out there about r a reverse mortgage t so i want you r to know the facts. p a reverse mortgage is insured p by the federal government; p you can get tax-free money p
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giving people options based on their budget is pretty edgy... kind of like this look. i'm calling it the "name your price tool" phase. whatever. >> got another installment from the sunshine coast snake catchers down in australia. showing us some stuff about the family pet enclosure outside. he's showing us that you have all the wire and meshing here and inside that family's pet enclosure we have a carpet python. that's a very common snake in this area. >> is that where the pet used to be? >> well, you'll see him lift open the hutch door right here. >> oh, no. >> there he is with a full belly. >> looks like the python here has just recently had a meal and the python is not the family
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the guinea pig inside the python was the family pet. now ross does point out that this is what happens when you don't take the proper precautions. the family was wise enough to use this snake proof meshing on top. that snake was easily able to slip through the meshing on the top and good night, lights out. >> and it wasn't able to escape back out. because it put some weight on. >> right. >> it's the circle of life. >> independent puppy plays
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>> imagine making a quick stop at the wall green when you stop and hear this. [ rapping ] >> that is singer-song writer stacy kate at the walgreens. she was in charlotte, went to pick up some tweezers and a freestyle flow just came about. you see the employees gathering
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that is busta rhymes verse. >> for real. you see the walgreens employees they are so pumped. >> looks like they're waiting for her to trip up and then boom, no, she got it. [ rapping ] >> she was also on season 10 of america's got talent. she's an amazing singer. she might want to start rapping as well. >> brock baker has been having too much fun with a new app you can find all kinds of celebrity faces. >> watch things get creepy when we face swap live. >> would you like a spot of tea?
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it. >> it's cool. >> microwaved meteorite jewelry. >> when i was a kid i used to love people that could do impressions. celebrity impressions could
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people could never quite do it. >> great scott, buddy. >> this guy though had some pretty incredible impressions but he does have technological help. >> hello, i'm brock baker. >> this is brock baker. >> >> oh my gosh. he even looks like him. >> yeah, what about him. >> this is the last straw. which one of you [ bleep ] ate my ice cream. >> what the heck is this. >> this is good. i like this. >> make some time. the former president here. >> i've got it, face swap live and it worked so quickly. >> you all switch it over.
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>> there you go. >> all have to do. >> oh my gosh. >> put my face on next but if you do mask, this is my nick impression. i like motorbikes. i fart a lot. >> nailed it. >> perfect. >> oh my gosh. that is really weird. >> do you want to be gail. >> if you have a problem, you call your local congressman. and don't you go hurting the animals either. bob's your uncle and there you go. >> this is crazy. >> we're going to be taylor. >> wait, this is taylor. this is what taylor does. >> wow. taylor.
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>> i want to be taylor. whoa. that's not good. >> who do you want to be? do you want to do nick? >> face swap live. it cost 99 cents. have a bit of fun with it and see what you can do. >> that is creepy. >> this is too spooky.
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