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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  March 3, 2016 12:00pm-12:29pm EST

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they're all trapped in that subway elevator. >> help! >> can you open it? >> see what happens before the doors open again. and it's a purse-snatching on a busy train. >> she heads right on out after him. >> stop, thief! >> see the chase and the hero. just bought a dog. >> look what the boyfriend is bringing home. >> oh, yeah! >> that is adorableness right there. >> see what happens next. >> isn't he perfect? and that baby elephant is under attack. >> i don't know what it is but the baby elephant responds by going, ay!
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>> oh my gosh! if you are the type of person that typically doesn't take the stairs, this video will make you want to. every time. the nightmare that we all think about. >> oh! >> ten times worse. >> trapped in a full elevator, nine people, stranded at the fulton street station in new york city. >> this is the command center. there. it's right there. help! >> the rubber is burning on the elevator. >> you just start to see these people melt down a little bit. >> this is crazy. [ bleep ]. >> this is when you really sort of get to understand people's personalities when they're trapped this close. you're forced to talk to them. >> i think i would absolutely freak out if i was stuck in an
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>> this guy kind of loses it first. the nice lady you hear on the phone does offer this guy some of her water. >> i have a super little bit of water. >> they are in contact with the little call box that we see in the elevators. >> we'll dispatch somebody. five minutes. >> they don't feel like he's offering enough help. they're like, send the fire department now. >> tell them to hurry! hyperventilating. i am thinking about the fact that, like, we're not moving and smaller. >> you're looking more and more uncomfortable. your a you're almost hugging yourself. >> here they are. >> fire department does show up, and they say, okay, stand by. we got this under control. as soon as we get the power turned off we intend to break the window. but the guy with the camera misses the shot of the door opening. suddenly you just see people out
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thankfully their ordeal is over. we hear it all the time on the news. keep your things close to you, especially when you're on a train, or any type of public transit. this is why. >> oh, look at that! >> this man, on the train in china, just took this woman's cellphone and darted out the train. she heads right out after him. >> this is whe wh there were other people on the platform that would spring into action. >> the gates, can't get through. go under. station. here is where security sees him and heads after him. there. hops on it. about to take off. wait! not so fast! he snatched him off the bike like he was clay matthews. he's about to be arrested. they did arrest this man.
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driver because he got away. this story baffles me completely. why would anyone decide to vandalize other's property. in london, four acres of an abandoned warehouses. people dump on it. chairs. anything they didn't need and wanted to dispose of, they dropped it off there. it got worse because some folks took it a step further. smashed windows. broke down doors. it took police eight days to finally put a stop to all this. unfortunately the owners of the property are left with hefty cleanup damages. with less than 20 days away from celebrating spring, it doesn't mean you can't spring into b.a.s.e. jumping already. >> three, two, one!
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>> he is no rookie. he does all kind of other jump videos. these guys set up a trampoline here at the edge of this bridge. decided to just jump right over. >> 20 years ago this kid was doing the same thing onto his bed, in his bedroom. now it's the same thing. he's like, i can make it bigger and better. >> i love this shot. actually, i love every angle of the jump. you can see him jump over and deploy his canopy. you can see him land safely down below. >> you know what i like about this? not only do i love the trampoline and the jump, but you can see all the heavy traffic going by, people on their regular day. and here you have this one guy who is able to see how beautiful it is down there where he's made that jump. >> true. >> he managed to put together this very short but very cool video.
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here at "right this minute." you can even see oli's t-shirt. he loves all bike videos except for one specific kind. the kind that gives motorbike riders a bad name. in liverpool in the u.k. these two start screaming through the middle of this shopping mall. eventually they make their way outside. you can see it. they're like, whoo, we did it! we're the greatest. and they ride off into the sunset. >> i just hate this video so much! it's awful. i would never consider riding through a mall. who would want to do such a thing? >> they didn't ride off into the sunset for long. as the video continues, we get another camera view, but this time from the police helicopter that's locked onto this joker.
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the pavement. they continue to follow him. fellow. he looks exactly like he's thinking. >> clearly making poor life choices. this happened back in january. video just released because he has just been sent down for 12 months for dangerous driving. however, he is no stranger to the british court system. it all started at the age of 14. he was given an anti-social behavior order by banned him from the city center you saw him riding around in. he probably won't learn his lesson. a brutal fight breaks out at a diner. >> this woman started throwing plates. all the customers that were in between her and where she was throwing the plates were trapped by her outburst. >> find out what set her off. >> that's so bizarre. and hacks that any parent will love. >> stroller hacks.
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meet the piadina the newest addition to olive paired with your choice of unlimited soup or salad starting at just $6.99 think of it as a quesadilla that speaks fluent italian olive garden a heart attack doesn't care if you run everyday, or if you're young or old. no matter who you are a heart attack can happen if you've had a heart attack, a bayer aspirin regimen another one. doctor before you begin
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closed captioning provided by -- so you'll be bringing home the bacon in no time. sorry. get a free quote at you would think this is a greek restaurant where it's acceptable to break plates. not at this manhattan diner. >> oh! >> she needs a whooping on her behind because this woman started throwing plates. all the customers that were in between her and where she was throwing the plates were trapped by her outburst. it looks like she has lavender or blonde hair.
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woman. according to the guys who captured the video they said the teen was upset because somebody threw a purse to the ground in a bathroom and a group of women called her derogatory names. >> [ bleep ]. >> get yourself on lock down there, girl. you're a bit of a hot mess. >> she starts running. see this? >> oh! >> police say this woman hit a 22-year-old woman over the head with a coffee pot. >> wow! this is mental! >> then you see an all-out brawl between a group of women happening behind the counter. there you see that woman who initially tried to calm things, still trying to break up the fight. >> she is doing her best to save everybody from this pain, including the people involved, but i think it's way too far gone now. >> all over a purse that fell on the ground? so bizarre.
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one officer did show up. you have one police officer trying to maintain order here. finally, after talking to the women doesn't work, he breaks out the pepper spray. >> hope people like their dinner spicy. >> one woman was arrested and is facing assault and other charges because of the incident where the 22-year-old woman hit with the coffee pot was taken to the hospital with a serious head injury, according to police. i love this video from what's up, mom. i don't have kids or a stroller, but i want a stroller to do these hacks. >> i'm interested! >> we start off with a little guide for your man if he can't figure out the stroller. >> your husband can't quite remember how to work the stroller? use color coded stickers to label buttons and levers with instructions. >> right back to first grade. apparently it works. >> you know. you know.
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stuff because as the anttie of two nieces, i don't remember this stuff. >> i have eight or nine nieces and i cant figure it out. it is rocket science. got spilled milk. cut out two pockets. add adhesive velcro and stick it to the side of the basket. use a large clip. you are officially multi-tasking. >> bear in mind, when you take the baby out -- >> [ laughing ] >> wrap ankle weight around the front legs to prevent tipping for a smooth ride. >> every once in a while your stroller will get dirty. >> use dish soap to create a sudsy and effective solution. present as a stroller car wash and this is one chore kids will love helping with.
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sun or an added hygienic boost. >> you want to see the entire thing, head on over to right this or see it on our mobile app. there are men, and then there are men! manly, manly men, the kind of manny men that drive a 70,000-pound dump truck pulling behind it a shovel buggy laying asphalt on the road. just about the manliest thing you could do in the world. this versus a bird. >> stop, stop! >> oh, oh, oh! >> the worst part is because he is currently laying the asphalt, he cannot stop the truck. so he starts shouting for help. someone please open the door. someone, please help me! >> look at the guy coming in on the right there.
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>> what exactly is going on? >> eventually he gets out. he turns to the camera and he's telling the brutal story. >> there was no one there. it was a tiny little bird. the way he's telling the story, by the time he gets home a bengal tiger came and attacked him. >> he's like the burly man where they say he's just a little teddy bear. >> he is not the only teddy bear who shouldn't be scared. we head to this video of a baby elephant. what have elephants to be scared of? well, there is terror lurking in this video. if you look towards the right, you might catch a glimpse of it. [ laughter ] >> oh, my god! >> i don't know what it is but the baby elephant responds by going ay! and running to mom. it's adorable.
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comes to being scared! he's got a fuzzy surprise for his girlfriend. >> i just bought a dog. my girlfriend has no idea. excited. >> witness the sweet encounter. >> she is so cute. she stands in the door like, wait a minute. a downhill long-boarding ride out of this world. they have some l.e.d.s on the base of the boards to make it look even cooler. a moonlight cruise you don't want to miss. >> there is nothing i love more than the light of a full moon. (clucking noises) the cadbury bunny delicious cadbury creme eggs. while others may keep trying, nobunny knows easter
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i thought i needed cigarettes to cope. i was able to quit smoking. and then i started running. now, i feel a lot better. (announcer)you can quit. for free help, call 1-800-quit-now. yeah? we've got allstate, right? uh-huh. yes. well, i found this new thing called allstate quickfoto claim. it's an app. you just take photos of the damage upload them to allstate.
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quicker payment, quicker back to normal. but maybe you can find an app that will help you explain this to your father. quickfoto claims. is changing car insurance for good. if you're going to say better pizza." you better deliver. papa's quality guarantee: love your pizza, or get another one, absolutely free. pget any large pizza up to pfor just $9.99. online only. at gold bond rough & used daily, it exfoliates, smoothes, softens. provided by -- reduces bumps 72 percent. gold bond. ultimate lotion. ultimate skin. [ announcer ] cortizone-10 eczema relief eczema, with the strongest non-prescription itch medicine for fast, lasting relief. cortizone-10 eczema relief.
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keep in mind this video is on planet earth. however it looks so incredibly out of this world. this video shot in the french alps, on the night of a full moon. group of guys longboarding down this gorgeous mountain path. they have l.e.d.s on the base of the boards to make it look even cooler, like they're hovering down the mountain. they have pads on their hands and feet to throw some sparks to make it look even wilder. the light is bright enough for them to comfortably and safely navigate down the road. >> i would say it's even safer at night because you could see if cars were coming around the corner. you could seehe lights. >> could you skate by the light sure. no. camera technology has advanced to the point where it can shoot
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the camera is the sony a 7-6. this has not been doctored. this is simply moonlight. >> funny you should say that. remember in the old days they'd shoot it during the day and put a filter on and you'd get a quasi blue sky. >> it's so well done and it's so fascinating to see the beauty under the moonlight. >> yeah. there is nothing that i love more than the light of a full moon. the fact that these guys were actually able to capture it while longboarding on these beautiful roads is amazing. it really is beautiful. recently we've had quite a few boy friends who play pranks on their girlfriends. >> recently we've had quite a few boy friends. i was going to say, good for you guys. >> you weren't supposed to tell. i think it's only fitting that we highlight boy friends doing sweet things. matt, he should get boyfriend of the week.
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>> my girlfriend has no idea. >> when she says this face. >> oh my god. >> oh yeah! >> that is adorableness right there. >> he picks up the dog and he's ready to surprise his girlfriend. >> girlfriend is about to walk through the door. sticks in the bow. here she comes. >> no [ bleep ] way! >> he walks through the door and she's completely shocked. >> nice work, mate. >> isn't he perfect? >> yes. >> you can come in, you know. >> he is the most chill dog you have ever met. >> she is so stunned. she kind of stands in the door like, wait a minute. >> yeah, it's kind of a big deal. you literally just brought in a new member of your family. it's like a baby being born. >> dog sitting on the ground waiting for her to come over. >> no wonder he calls it chill. i was thinking, if it wasn't being held it would have run over to her but it's chill. >> he says they have had the dog
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hasn't barked or anything. >> perfect. >> her question. it's like -- >> do you love him? >> oh my god! >> she is instantly in love. she takes one look at the dog and you're like, oh, i love you! >> boyfriend of the week right here! an insane magic trick that's guaranteed to get you -- >> you two guys go next door, liquor store, pick any six-pack of beer you want. >> i like this trick already. >> see if you can figure this one out. >> no!
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that. maybe even make it a life rescuing device as well. that would be pretty cool. there are great magicians. above that, there are some people who are just straight-up wizards. sacramento, california, inside this barber shop.
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take part in a trick. >> anthony and chris, both go to the liquor store. get like a six-pack of beer. any beer. >> i like this trick already. >> he is saying we're going to do something cool. they come back with the six-pack. >> i need a bottle of beer. >> he gets someone to hand him one. it's a light bottle. you can see that everything says corona. >> hold one hand flat. >> he sandwiches the beer between his hands. >> how about your name. your first same is sean. sh or se? sean? >> what's your last name? >> christianson? all right. >> sean christianson.
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take a peek at the bottle cap. [ bleep ]. >> no! >> yeah, right! how did he do that? >> wizardry. >> that's trippy. that was -- that was smooth! >> yeah. this is great. it's like a proper top. everyone is getting close and rubbing at it, you get a good look at it. they check the other beer to make sure they've got corona on the top. they do. >> wtf! >> this is great, great
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dude's running at a train station when -- >> boink! >> the story of how he wound up in the stockade. it's a playful nature seen that will boggle your mind. why nothing beats a cold brew and a snake. can this guy guess what you're thinking? what has us sharing this mind-blowing video. and it's your chance to win an ipad mini or a flat-scream tv. and a leap-year proposal on live tv. >> he's about to pop the big question. >> why his answer makes for one awkward moment.


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