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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  March 18, 2016 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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divers are stunning to find a sea creature -- >> who was kept in a cage under water. >> wait until you hear the shocking reason why. >> that's just awful. dancing for shoplifters. >> that's pretty clever, if you will. >> see how one big coat can get you another. a jaguar tries to shake a drone. >> what's it going to take? >> the driver putting a world class sports car through the ultimate obstacle course. and another viral hit from some talented brothers. >> this apple didn't fall far
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>> why this time it's the momma getting mad props. check this out. this is a sea cow, it's related to the manitee. you can see its tail is tied. under water. some drivers were under the sea in indonesia in a remote island area and ran across a fisherman who was saying he would charge money for people to take pictures or even come look at the dugong. that's just -- ah. >> i thought it was caught in fishing line or something. >> no, it was intentionally put on this creature's tail. this creature is a mom and say that her baby is in another holding area. but it's tail was not roped like her's. but the sad thing is the poor creature is believed to have
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>> it's good to know that social media is used for something pictures. >> somebody at the top levels of government was able to see this and execute the release of this poor little sea cow. now this video, a lot happier. somewhere else under the sea some divers came across a shark pup. and shark pups like human want attention. this one wanted his back scratched. just wanted to play, follows the divers around and eventually swims around them, just wants to hang out and say, hey, give me some attention. >> his mom doesn't want to play fetch with the divers, then we're okay. >> yeah, that won't be good. this is tv from the inside of a clothing store in russia that helped aid in the capture of the suspect who they dubbed a kangaroo. because of the way she had to
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keep a close eye on her on the left-hand side. while her accomplice is distracting the shop clerk, she grabs the coat off and has a special pocket in her skirt. and you can see there as she push, push, pushes it into this special pocket before then walking out with the jacket. it was worth about $95,000 >> clever. >> clever as it may be, it did end up catching up to her. he was captured on the border and recognized because of this video. and it turns out this is not the first time she's done it. so now unfortunately for her she's in custody. i do have a second video and it's believed to be from venezuela and captured from a car that is following this truck. look closely there towards the top, what can you see in. >> are those legs hanging over? >> that's exactly what they are. a young boy has climbed onto this moving truck because watch
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there you can see as he grabs two live chickens. >> hey, the boy's got to eat. point. you'll see here as he rides the back of the truck before quite eventually impressively makes the the dismount while the truck is still moving, pops off here and makes his getaway. now the thing is venezuela is in the middle of quite a serious economic crisis where a lot of every day basics are almost impossible to find. so what this video is going viral and people are sharing it, it's a sad reflection of the day-to-day life people are going through in order to survive. i spy a guy in fatigues. that can only mean one thing. >> be back in just a second. >> no, but the other woman on the end of the surprise most definitely is. >> i'm home! >> that's her husband holding the roses.
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he's walking up to the door -- >> i brought you something. >> there's not much that can make a man in fatigues sexier to women except roses. add roses on top of that -- >> and a surprise and you've been away for a while, pretty much you're just done. >> put a puppy in his arms and he's a killer. >> my goodness! >> good thing he's got energy. >> i thought it was like season one and two. >> maybe they made it back. he's got his arms full of loving. >> apparently he's been deployed for a while so they wanted to make this happen. she's about to be upped. >> they are already in the bedroom.
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during this next video, it is also for a big moment. this time with dad, he's sitting in walmart doing some shopping when his son appears -- he's like, wait, i can't get up fast enough. and this hug just goes on and on and on and i don't blame him. love is ooey-gooey. >> like the surprise. for all those people who are sitting around at home wondering, gosh, how do i shake all these prying eyes of drones? i've got your solution. you need a jaguar xj. >> this guy is faster than the drone. >> yeah, and has the nimble ability that is demonstrated here with the jaguar xj. of course, the video put out by jaguar to show off the beautiful car, not only how sleek and sexy maneuver.
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eyes of this and fire one? it's going to be tricky. >> this thing is pretty nimble. >> they are nimble and have a rather powerful camera. looks like the professional pilot behind the stick there has some ability to follow this jag right into this old abandoneded garage there. but the driver tries to shake the tail -- >> i want that car. i really want that car. >> i'll take the drone. >> that's pretty done. >> i just hope there's a professional girl pilot out there. >> they are getting to be more and more professional pilots out there. but it looks like the jag still can't shake loose the eyes of that drone. what's it going to take? >> an eagle. we have seen eagles do it. speed. nevermind the nimbleness of the car, just find a flat spot at this circuit in china, mash the
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she's up to no good. >> but older brother knows all the tricks so he keeps asking questions. >> see what elle is smuggling in the back. >> he's also got the cheese powder so he's equally as guilty now. and it's march madness, which means marvel racing time. >> it's like a game. >> find out which country wins the world cup. >> oh! >> ooh! >> what an upset. >> yeah, unpredictable winner right there. because there's nothing like a great meal with the family except maybe another great meal with the family buy one take one choose one delicious entr\e at our place and another for yours starting at $12.99 may all your tomorrow's be as delicious as today
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look like this. feel like this. look like this. feel like this. with dreamwalk insoles, turn shoes that can be a pain into comfortable ones. their soft cushioning support means you can look like this. and feel like this.
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closed captioning provided by -- edgy. .. kind of like this look. i'm calling it the "name your price tool" phase. whatever. let's take a little ride.
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>> i see it. i see it coming. >> oh! >> i knew it. >> oh! >> i knew it. >> okay, maybe the music wasn't up. maybe that was just the sound of an avalanche. all of this snow just slid off the roof. doesn't look like this dude's going anywhere. >> oh, my gosh, deep enough for him to go around. >> this guy is lucky to escape. we have seen snow crush cars in that situation. >> yeah. well, do you see this coming? >> oh! >> oh, my gosh. brained that guy. >> oh, that was brutal. china. these two folks are on the motorcycle when this side door swings open and knocks them both off the bike. >> yeah, it is. and the truck keeps going. i don't think the drir knew it hit those folks. >> dang, man. >> at least they are getting up
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literally, i felt like i got hit by a truck. nothing more adorable than a baby cracking up. [ baby laughing ] >> can dad do more because he's just dying here. >> duh. >> do it again, daddy. >> they are going to try to get me to eat that in the future. >> and i'm going to give them a hard time and it's going to be funny. this little girl loves her toy but dad is being goofy. over and over and over again. the movement is the same. >> he's hamming it up for her, definitely. but the video i love is the next one. this little girl around midnight decides to be up. her older brother reuben starts
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up to no good. he starts asking questions. the bathroom is on the other side, what are you doing over here? she says, i was going to the other room to grab a pillow. he's like, tell me the truth. but did youotice the slight move in her hand. she places it behind her back. she's smuggling another bag of cheetos and he says, i'm sorry, i have to tell mom you're eating it at this hour. no, no, no, she puts her hand in the bag and gives the cheat cheetos to the kid and says, don't tell mom. >> she just gave him the equivalent of $20. >> right? the video's gone viral with millions of views. it's the middle of march, everybody's got their bracket because it's time for -- >> march madness! >> no. >> basketball! >> no. it's the marvel racing world cup, guys.
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>> that sounds much more interesting. >> this guy has put together this obstacle course. so this is round one you're seeing and it starts with 40 countries represented by their own marvels and he sends them down a giant game of plinko until you end up with a winner. as you slowly go through the bracket, you have round one and round two with a different course. then we end up with the grand finals. the u.s. is in the u.s. course finals. >> so is mexico. >> obviously, it's homemade but the really cool thing is on the final round you get commentary as well. >> this is really interesting. i want to know how the u.s. marvel does or the italy one or the mexico one. >> i want to believe heads of states from each of these countries selected a marvel and sent them in. >> that would be glorious. >> place your bets right now, ladies and gentlemen. if you want to see the marvel
12:16 pm >> can't you show who won? >> okay. >> what an upset. >> yeah, unpredictable winner right there. billy smith is experiencing one of the happiest moments of his life. >> you are best friends to her. we're going to go pick up chicks. >>. see why he feels like a disney princess. plus, a signifier that can save your life. >> does he start off with a vaseline covered caramel? >> no.
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gold bond rough & promotional considerations provided by -- reduces bumps 72 percent. ultimate lotion. ultimate skin. the original gourmet jelly bean in fifty true-to-life flavors, like toasted marshmallow.
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you guys are going to thank me. mark my words, you're going to thank me the day you're stranded in the middle of nowhere and you have to build a signal fire. this is how you do it. from the youtube channel survival russia, this guy knows what he's doing because he was in the military, the army, as a matter of fact, where he learned to build the signal fire he's about to show you here. >> they can save your budd. >> first you start building your tps aspen and then you build this on a platform. what if you're out there for a few days? you don't want all the dry wood you collected to be sitting in the snow. the expert says he has a flare to light the fire. >> always have a lot of flares. i usually carry like five or ten. >> the flare is not going to work in broad daylight. a signal fire is much more easy to spot. >> hang on. if you've got a flare, what do you need the fire for? >> i just explained a flare is
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daylight as a signal fire. >> plus, a signal fire has smoke that you can signal for longer than that flare will last. >> right. >> i'm going to die. >> now he's going to cover that little tepee that he's built with fresh spruce leaves again to protect it from possible snow. >> you want to use the fresh spruce, right, because that will create more smoke in. >> exactly. you want a nice smoky fire. that's what he gets here. i love the fact that he uses his little flint here to start the fire. once he's got it lit, producing lots of smoke and like you say, gayle, for an extended period of time. you want to maximize your chances of being spotted. this could potentially save you. these videos prove that the internet just keeps on giving. we start with billy smith -- [ bleep ]. >> i'm a disney princess.
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>> because he's able to pet a bird. >> and he is not just petting a bird. he really is a disney princess. watch where the bird is now. >> you just don't give a [ bleep ] do you? >> if you want to be like a disney princess, the potty mouth has to go but he's entertaining. >> with the giant glass door, the bird is like, i'm going to fly right -- no, i'm not. >>. i'm still trying to figure out where he got to where he was going. >> and the bird flies away. but billy had a fun video. and then there's this -- who is driving this motorbike motorbike? is it sidney the dog or the owner? at one point you realize that is sidney in control of the motorbike. >> not exactly. >> he's got some little throttle lock on there. and you're hearing the scooter with the weight of his body. >> i love the fact that the dog is basically in control of that bike.
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but entertaining. what's really funny is a bunch of school girls love it. this guy said sidney used to ride on the back but he was afraid he would fall off. a new way to serve champagne at your next party. >> like a champagne super-soaker. >> why this will blow your mind. >> you can squirt champagne
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updating you on breaking news unfolding right now, a plane crashed at peter o. knight airport. minutes ago one clean those plane crashed at the end of the runway. making calls right now to find out exactly what happened. expecting to get more details and a briefing in just a few
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we will bring you that life when it happens. we will continue to bring you updates on the air and on our abc action news mobile app. though, also use it to surf. >> why would anyone do that? >> or you can use it just as a decoration. it doesn't come cheap. >> no kidding. >> guess how much this costs? >> it looks plated with something, is it just gold or looks gold? >> you can get it in three different colors including gold, rose gold and platinum. >> i'm going to say $1500. >> $1500. okay, no, it's going to cost you roughly $460. >> okay. wasn't far off. >> it is such an adventure. hey, why not. my name is kurt
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>> we had these guys on and this went completely viral. they are so fly. they've got rhythm, they've got rhyme. can therapy buy you a medicine get it >> the twins are terrace and terry and their boy john joins them. while it looks like they had a few words with momma. >> these guys, i'm already in love with them. >> these guys have mad problems in this video. >> so far it's pretty sly. you see apples don't fall far from the tree. these are my boys and they are making noise
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she has a great sense of humor. >> i like it a lot. it looks like the guys are still making their videos. hey, if you're going to do it, why not include mom? >> all the girls watching this across the country are thinking, mother-in-law. >> oh, yeah. she's like, stay away from my sons. >> exactly. >> they are not good enough. >> plenty of time for that. >> good job, all. we had fun, didn't we today? we'll do it again next time.
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it's the song that signals the bride's grand arrival. but -- >> everybody has a seat, because this wedding is about to take a drastic turn. >> what the deejay did that is downright dirty. >> a video making the rounds this st. paddy's day shows a bartender's big mistake. the alcohol is what is burning. >> find out how the woman who faced the fire is doing now. >> raccoons leave a surprise open the porch. >> mama decided to have the babies in the cooler. >> and meet the mom of five, living her dream.


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