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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  August 31, 2016 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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fresh new viral videos coming up "right this minute." ? here we go. >> a mom so excited to her daughter because -- >> she has never met her until this night. >> the story behind the reunion of a lifetime. >> oh, hi! professional tree trimmers tackle a big job and -- >> the tree starts coming down. >> why somebody should have moved those parked cars. >> a driver spots a plastic bag that's moving and is shocked to find inside it. >> the woman who saves him reveals where hefty has found a new home after the story goes viral. >> i was standing in the middle of the road.
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>> and a man baby in a buggy. >> so cranky and hungry. >> the simple prank that's oh, so satisfying. >> going to go to the bathroom -- >> [ bleep ] >> all day long. if i could sign up for this job all day long it would never get tired. >> this video was nearly 50 years in the making. >> and here we go. she's here! >> that is rose marie. she's 67 years old. but when she was single and a teenager, she was pregnant. without the benefit of marriage as they used to say years ago and she decided the best thing to do for her unborn daughter was to put her up for adoption. and she has never met her until this night. >> oh. >> oh, my gosh. >> wow. >> oh. >> her daughter is 48-year-old molly caldwell. she says her adopted parents were very supportive. but she said in ohio for many
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to get her birth certificate and look for her birth mother. [ indiscernible ] >> i'm curious to know -- >> it's very tough for me to watch. my daughter's adopted as some of you guys might not know this. this is a conversation that we have. she wonders every day she wonders about them. it means nothing against us. after all we're still mum and dad. it's just that question, where did i come from. >> molly had those same questions. she said as soon as she saw rose marie she said we look exactly alike. how wonderful is that? that you finally get to meet somebody. she found her. on facebook. >> of course. >> but rose marie since the year 2000 has been looking for her daughter. >> it's tough because of the circumstances with which she gave up her daughter. you know back in the day that was a huge thing. whereas today that's not really so much of a big problem and it's sort of so nice to see the stories 48 years later get a book end. >> -- to see you ever.
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>> beautiful night, sweeping shots of this lake, i believe el dorado lake. it's identified at the bottom of the shot. >> however, do have a propensity to sometimes think for themselves. this one is heading home. everything's going to be great. except -- >> look out. >> quick. >> uh-oh. >> uh-oh. it clips a spinning down into the lake. bear in mind, this is february, about 40 degrees fahrenheit in the air. the water significantly colder. i guess you've just got to leave -- >> yes, yes. it's too cold. let it be. >> it's dead anyway. >> funny enough these people describe it's worth it. it's worth it to go out there. they start heading their way out to the area where they lost it. you can see that guy got a mask on wearing a wet suit.
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>> okay. maybe it's a bit cold. maybe we should retire, and maybe we should just return in a little bit and continue this rescue mission. >> yeah, because these guys are putting themselves at risk now. >> to save a drone. >> six months later. >> oh. >> what's that? >> six months later, in august, of this year, they returned to the scene of the crime. >> all right. now i'm in. >> yeah. it's like 75 degrees out there now. >> water is kind of murky, too. not like you can see it. >> after a good 20 minutes of that, nick -- >> suddenly -- >> tah-dah! >> it is resurrected. >> well, what are you going to do with it now? it's just a wasted piece of plastic. >> you can see them side by side. what it used to look like and what it now looks like and you see a couple of the propeller blades were broken. once they gave it a little bit of a wash. plugs it in. >> ooh. >> ooh. >> you can see that battery -- >> oh. >> sign of life.
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>> imagine how scary it must be if you're driving down the rote and then you encounter this. a trash bag on the road but whatever is inside it is moving. >> oh, gosh. you're thinking what, it could be a human, a baby? animals? what is it? the horrifying part of this is that somebody put that there. >> that's it. >> on the side of the road to die. >> the woman in this video decided to pull over and investigate. wait till you see what was inside. >> oh! >> that precious puppy. >> why not just take it to a shelter. >> love it. >> that terrible situation has now led to a pretty awesome situation for little hefty here.
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glad. >> to tell us more about this whole ordeal we have melissa via skype right this minute. welcome to the show melissa. >> whoo! >> our savior. >> so tell us what you were feeling when you realized what you had just found in a bag. >> well, i was just glad it wasn't something awful that had eaten me up, you know. i had no idea when i saw that bag what kind of animal was in it, and luckily, it was a nice little puppy. >> what do you person that did this? >> i can't imagine a person that would take any live animal and do something like this. i mean it's just so cruel. i've got the little guy here. he's trying to get away. >> oh. >> this little guy. >> melissa take us through the few moments after your camera stopped recording. what happened after that? >> just tore a little hole in it. i didn't reach down and grab it
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and the puppy looked up at me. so there i was. i was standing in the middle of the road, late for work, holding a puppy. i said well he's going with me. i can't leave him here in the middle of the road. >> he's so precious what's the plan? are you going to keep him? >> yes, i have three boys and they have fallen in love with him. and we're going to keep him. >> yay! >> so is the name going to remain hefty? >> i can't think of any name that would suit this dog than hefty. perfect. >> last week we were talking about the fact that men should just hire folks to chop down their trees. >> oh, yeah. >> and professional tree trimmers -- >> they got the big truck. they got it tied up. they know which way they want it to fall. which way -- >> oh, my gosh! >> oh, dear. oh, dear.
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>> oh! >> it's not supposed to fall that way. the tree starts coming down. >> oh. >> crashes right into those cars. >> nailed it. >> somebody's going to have to take responsibility. because look at the scene as this person starts to walk closer. >> oh, oh. >> right between? >> yeah we've lost the back wind screen from that one. looks like we mail have avoided a pancake car situation. >> but there's some serious damage. now in this five young lads believe that this tree might need some help coming down. >> oh, oh. >> you see a guy on top of the tree and he's just bouncing on the branches. >> that's the thing. because what do you think was going to happen? >> exactly what he hoped was going to happen. >> what was the best case scenario in that situation? i don't quite get it. but well done you felled the
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>> stella rose has some big news for mommy. >> my tummy is having a baby. >> oh. how do you respond to that? >> plus, it's believed to be the smelliest food in the world. and he's about to do more than just get a whiff of it. >> let's see if he's grossed out. >> find out what it is that he's gulping down. >> this is the closest i've ever come to becoming a vegan. screec] flo: [ ghost voice ] oooo! [ laughs ] jaaaaamie, the name your price tool can show you coverage options to fit your budget. tell me something i don't know -- oh-- ohhh! she slimed me. which i probably should've seen coming. [ laughs ]
12:10 pm
their flea and tick killer doesn't have to be. nexgard, the vet's #1 choice for dogs, is a delicious, beef-flavored chew that kills both fleas and ticks. so it's easy to give, easy to take. reported side effects include vomiting, itching, diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. why mess around? for powerful flea and tick protection, ask your vet about nexgard.
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12:12 pm
[ announcer ] cortizone- closed captioning provided by -- eczema, with the strongest non-prescription itch medicine for fast, lasting relief. cortizone-10 eczema relief. feel the heal. if anybody ever offered you this the answer is no. if you no what it is don't take it on a plane.
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he's going to have what we would call sour herring or fermented herring. >> oh, on a plane. that would be horrible. or an office setting. >> or just in general. come on. >> it doesn't sound good. >> for a lot of people it doesn't sound or smell good. that's why several airlines have banned it. the way they ferment it in salt for about six months to keep it from rotting and then after that they put it in a tin for another month. >> in a camp ground, i'm waiting for him to go oh, man -- >> even the bears are like -- >> oh -- >> this is the high season because they have a big festival in the north of sweden to celebrate this. this guy he's just going to drink the juice. >> ew. >> they recommend that you open it under water and rinse it and then you take the herring and put it on a sandwich -- >> why? can >> why? do you have to open underwater outside not around other people
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the tastiest thing. >> refrigeration is a modern convenience. you have the salt and preserve things. so let's just see how this goes down. >> this is the closest i've ever come to becoming a vegan. >> let's see if he's grossed out. >> oh, like it's a pint of beer. >> people don't eat it because they like it. because nobody really likes it. but they say it tastes better than it smells. i'll take their word for it. >> are we going to try >> no. i don't think they would let us open it in a building thank goodness. >> a pregnancy reveal of a different kind. >> i'm having a baby. >> oh. >> um, uh -- >> how do you respond to that? >> want to feel it? >> yes. >> this is stella rose. she's one of the kiddos of "right this minute." her mom works on the web team and there's one more thing.
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mom has a baby i'll have a baby too. >> how many babies? >> six babies and four babies. >> mom says cool you have two. i've got four. >> what are the babies names? >> this baby's named [ indiscernible ] >> or moon. >> or moon? >> yeah, moon. >> oh, moon. i like that. >> yeah. >> what's his name? >> speed. and he's a boy! >> so many of us don't know or realize what would get lost.
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stand in this universe. just what we don't actually see because we've become so accustomed to the urban environment that we live in. we don't know what we're missing. for example -- >> as this video moves on we'll see the light pollution going down and down and more and more of the cosmos revealed. many people have never even seen the milky way and it's s >> i mean look how many stars there are. like when you go from the mountains from an urban area and you see the stars and it's like the sky exploded. >> they're all out there the planets and the stars and everything else is still out there. we just can't see it because it's blotted out by technology. blotted out by modern living. but the more you see the more you feel like wow, this is our place in the world. this is our place in the universe. this is our place in the cosmos.
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photographer. that's what he wanted to show. he hopes that this short film makes people realize where we are in this world. where we live, and what is still out there. he really did an amazing job at capturing the most and allowing us to see it yet again. >> this cute panda just likes to roll with it. >> that means it's play time. >> see it having the time of his >> awesome. >> and building a fort at home isn't as thrilling as building it in a store. >> i love it. >> here's the outside. pretty good. >> why grown men can't be left alone. >> this is a cool -- ugh. heartburn. sorry ma'am. no burning here. try new alka-seltzer heartburn relief gummies. they don't taste chalky and work fast. mmmm. incredible. can i try? she doesn't have heartburn.
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nexium 24 hour introduces new, easy-to-swallow tablets. so now, there are more ways, for more people... to experience... complete protection from frequent heartburn. nexium 24hr. the easy-to-swallow tablet is here. there's no way to hide from potentially deadly heartworm disease. the threat is everywhere. and it only takes one mosquito bite to transmit it. that's why you need to protect your dog with heartgard plus. just one tasty real-beef chew every month test dogs for infection prior to use. in rare cases digestive and neurological side effects have been reported. for more information, contact your vet. get your dog out of hiding. ask your vet about heartgard plus. the vet's number 1 choice. promotional considerations provided by -- their budget is pretty edgy... kind of like this look. i'm calling it the "name your price tool" phase.
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of all the tricks parents use to fight cavities one rises to the top. act kids anticavity rinse tastes great and helps reduce cavities up to 40%. act kids. it's a scientific fact if you leave any grown male humans alone for enough time they'll start building a fort. building forts, five years ago. the guys decided to head to their favorite place. >> there are a lot of places you can build a fort. >> and for 24 hours no one's really paying attention. >> and they have all the supplies. >> exactly. >> so we're going to try the water bottle fort today because last time we tried it it didn't really work. going to try to make a very powerful fort today. >> they decide they want to get in there, see how long they can stay in there. because they're human males and they want to build a fort. >> i love this idea and i want to join them. >> so many people said building forts is catching on.
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>> it's enough of a thing now that people are aware that it might be happening. in fact when you're in these large forts keep an eye out. there may be people living there. >> it has happened. >> different pallets of water around getting higher -- >> made it. >> that's so stupid. >> i love it. >> here's the outside. >> it's pretty good. that's the fun thing if you're not figuring it out yet, you're hiding and strangers come by. >> oh, dear. >> see when he someone's arrived. >> they continue to build this fort with stephen hawking mcgaver-like ingenuity. >> yes. the cardboard we put in the block wall. >> that is a good invention. >> we've never had a fort with a roof before. >> wow. >> this is a cool fort. >> cardboard. but it's made no one can see in -- >> want somebody to come past
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>> stop what you're doing unless of course they're just kind of fun. >> employee was like you're a friend back there? like yeah. oh, okay. yeah -- >> okay. >> do you want to see the entire video pick it up on our website "right this minute" or use our mobile app. >> eating an apple makes this hedgehog have the simple joy of like a flower opening its petals when the sun shines. >> scowly face. >> oh, i believe [ indiscernible ] just balled up not exactly happening but watch what happens when he sniffs that little bit of apple, and then puts in front of him. >> his entire demeanor -- >> like i said lick a petal opening for the sun. look at him.
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>> in this video it's just a simple joy of rolling downhill. >> yay. >> he is 2 years old, now 100 pounds and getting used to his enclosure because he's now being separated from mom learning to be on his own a he just realized there's a slope. that means it's play time. >> this is awesome. they play all day and then inefficiently eat bamboo. >> but they bring a lot of luck. their purpose is to put successfully because we're still -- ? >> he's taking a stroll through the park. but -- >> i was wondering if you guys know anything about babies or anything like that. just going to go to the bathroom -- >> [ bleep ] >> when a man abandons his man baby. >> oh, my gosh!
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tortilla chips. >> now watch this. >> excuse me. could you just watch me real
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bathroom right over there? >> who just leaves a child abandoned at a park with strangers. >> youtube pranksters. >> i was wondering if you guys know anything about babies or anything like that? i'm just go to -- >> [ bleep ] >> yeah, in fact these fun time federation did this. they rigged a stroller with an adult obviously. but they made i had a baby in the stroller. >> oh, my gosh. >> sorry to bother you guys. i'm just -- i'm just really have to go to the bathroom. could you just -- she has something like a rash on her forehead so i'm just going to -- >> oh, my gosh! >> that's a full grown adult y'all. >> uh-huh. >> [ bleep ] >> could you just watch him for a second? >> excuse me.
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>> i just -- actually for you. >> -- >> all day long. i could sign up for this job all day long. that is all -- it would never get tiring. >> it's one of my favorite pranks i've ever seen. >> [ bleep ] >> that's all for today's show. check out for more great videos.
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all-new today on the viral videos show "right this minute." a mom calmly gets out of her car, even though this is a hijacking. how she keeps it together to try to get her kids out safe. a little dog is spotted running down a road. >> i'm going to call this dog lucky. >> youl >> i don't know what to do, do i like put water on its head? >> a guy wakes up to find a visitor who decided to take a little nap on his -- >> how the scene turned into a perfect story on snapchat. >> and it's the host of brave wilderness versus a dungeness crab. now coyote peterson stops by to see who's up for the challenge.


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