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tv   Nightline  ABC  September 1, 2016 12:37am-1:07am EDT

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for joining us. tonight we're going to take you inside the fight against isis. not on the battlefield but inso inside the hearts and minds of young people in one of the world's most developed countries. france has been terrorized by isis. now everybody from senators to soldiers, even moms, is trying to keep the terrorists at bay. abc's chief global affairs correspondent mashtds thrtha ra there. >> reporter: we're on our way to see a single mother who son she feared would be claimed by isis. this is a scarily common story here in france. where the government says there are more than 8,000 muslims who have shown some sign of radicalization. like this woman's 18-year-old
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sometimes hunting attackers home by home in neighborhoods like this one. this is st. denis outside paris. it might as well be another world. this is an area where there are many, many immigrants. individuals in france were arrested, accused of being in terrorist networks. three of them allegedly had advanced plans. the mother you saw who asked that her face be kept in shadow we'll call fatima. >> why do you think all these young men and young women are going to daesh? >> translator: they're kind of the perfect target. they believe things easily. >> we were not ready to fight this new threat. absolutely not.
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natalie gulet is blunt in saying the country must basically start the fight against isis or daesh as it's called from scratch. >> it's like being on "titanic" with a little spoon. every day you have to prevent the water to come on this side. so right now the jihadists are running faster than the lawmakers. but it's started to be much better. the tools are almost ready. >> reporter: the most important tool, intelligce prior to the paris attacks in november, french authorities had this man, fabian, under surveillance. despite that he was able to help plan the attacks. a major failure of intelligence, according to senator gulet. she took us to the home where fabian lived and became radicalized. >> it's a decent place with a nice environment. it doesn't prevent the people to
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for answers is samia maktuf, a lawyer who represents the families of the victims of terror in france. >> they don't want to see another mother crying because the son is not here anymore. >> reporter: with her hand-drawn chart showing the connections between terror attacks in multiple countries. she brings to mind the same dogged determination of homeland's obsessive cia agent carrie matheson. >> we have to figure out >> they were well known by the police and the intelligence but they were failure acting. there is lack of sharing information. >> stove pipe. >> yes. that's the problem. >> reporter: that's why now the french government has taken unprecedented steps to improve its intelligence efforts. a state of emergency declared after the november attacks has been extended to last more than a year. the french military has been
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coalition air strikes have been winning the conventional war against isis in the middle east, this week killing isis number two, abu mohammad al adnani. isis fighters are now moving beyond the borders to carry out attacks in the west. they've put up security on both sides of the eiffel tower since the shooting here last november. and they have about 10,000 french soldiers patrolling. >> and what do >> we're looking for all things strange, not normal. luggage left somewhere -- >> reporter: those clues could be vital to stopping another major attack, like the one on the bataclan concert hall in november. alexis survived that attack. he knows firsthand the price that is paid when intelligence
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bataclan concertgoers were not protected, because they were known targets. it's really hard to cope with that and to move forward. >> reporter: alex sister has found some solace working for a victims organization, life for paris. there, he and other young survivors work to come to terms with the new normal. >> the fact that these people are extremely young, is also extremely i think -- for my generation. because they are the same age as us. >> reporter: fatima's teenage son, we're calling him omar, says he was radicalized by propaganda videos he saw on social media. what did you think when you saw those images? >> translator: it made me want to go there. it's interesting. >> did you know what isis and what daesh had done to people
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other people? >> translator: no, i didn't know that. i saw it more as an organization trying to help people there. they were showing people giving food to young boys and young starving children. they were protecting people from the assad government. >> reporter: fatima is very close to her son, and of course knew the truth about isis. but she feared that if she told him not to join them, it would guarantee he would. instead, she tracked him carefully. until he found out about those groups on his own. seeing "charlie hebdo" attack forever changed his perception. >> translator: he said, look at the terrorist attack, look at the terrorist attack. i smiled and said, he's finally going to realize, those are not muslims. >> translator: you should not listen to these people this propaganda. syria is not real life, what's there is not real life. >> as a muslim, do you think they are part of islam?
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>> reporter: still, with officials fearing thousands are on the road to being radicalized in france, the pressure on intelligence and law enforcement only increases. and the hunt for isis becomes even more difficult. for "nightline," i'm martha raddatz in paris. >> we want to thank martha for that report. up next on "nightline," we're going to switch gears a little bit to a story about a man who says he can fix your love life by using his psychic powerso partner. later, will the fourth time be a charm for the new bachelor? a man who has loved and lost before, creating controversy along the way. "that's it, i'm a smoker for life." i wanted to be a non-smoker and i did it thanks to chantix. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix reduced my urge to smoke some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood,
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houghts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse or of seizures. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. most common side effect is nausea. this is for real. i'm a non-smoker. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. ? with this level of engineering... it's a performance machine. with this degree of intelligence... it's a supercomputer. with this grade of protection... it's a fortress. and with this standard of luxury... it's an oasis.
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most people go to a psychic to hear about their future or to communicate with the dead. tonight you're going to meet a psychic who claims he can channel living people, specifically, your romantic partner. can this man fix your relationship? aditi roy put him to the test. >> reporter: kelly suarez is not the kind of person you'd normally expect to see knocking on a >> hi, come on in. i'm paul, nice to meet you. >> reporter: kelly's an executive at creole crayola experience. her career is blooming. she's in love. and two years into their relationship, she and her boyfriend tim are moving in together. >> i think that we did a good job of organizing all the things. >> reporter: both are previously divorced. the couple is devoted to the success of their relationship.
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>> sometimes there's a communication barrier because i want to fix everything. >> we sort of talk past each other. >> reporter: so kelly made an appointment to see one of the most sought-after psychics you've probably never heard of. new yorker paul selig. >> what we say to you -- >> reporter: his followers say it's selig's unusual twist that keeps him booked three months in advance. unlike most psychics he doesn't connect with the dead the living. >> reporter: fans flock to him for what they claim are telepathic insights into their relationships with other living people. >> i always say, i'm not a psychic spy. people say, is my spouse having an affair? i say, i'm not going to go there. but i can tune into the spouse and i can tune into the dynamic between the two of you. >> you do hear voices? >> my physical ears aren't involved. what it's like is i sort of imagine myself letting go of the driver's wheel and climbing into
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i'll hear one phrase repeated in my head again and again and again until i get a voice. the moment i give it voice, everything else tumbles out on top of that. >> reporter: his long-time clients swear by him. take sammy hagar. the hard-rocking lead singer of van halen famous for hits like "right now." ? right now it's all tomorrow ? >> reporter: and "i can't drive 55." ? i can't >> reporter: he and his wife of 25 years, kari, underwent a difficult period in their marriage. the san francisco-based couple had been in therapy for more than a year with no breakthrough, when selig came along. >> a good friend of mine who was totally not into this tells me, i met this guy. and he blew my mind, he changed my life. and i said, i'm going to go see him. >> reporter: and he did, booking the session using only his first name. >> i asked about my wife.
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he started saying everything that the counselor had told me. as if he was in on the secret. and using my wife's gestures. and just broke me down. >> even if he'd googled you those are things you don't know. >> no. telling me with her finger gestures, listen to me, you're not hearing what i'm saying. >> reporter: in some ways selig is an unlikely candidate for this line of work. he has a master's from yale and retired from academia only last year. >> i had another life. i ran a graduate program at goddard program. >> when you first started hearing these voices were you worried that something was going on with you, like a mental illness? >> no. because i heard it in context. i was accessing information for somebody else, not for me. that made me trust it. that was a big difference. >> i love you. >> i love you. >> reporter: will he be able to help kelly and tim? >> hi, i'm here for paul selig.
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hour. the psychic waives her fee for appearing on television. >> when i heard the words i come and repeat them so you're going to hear things twice. usually with a name and a question i can step into somebody else. >> reporter: the first person to come up, her brother. >> let me see if i can get him. okay? that's him. >> i can see that. >> he comes through backing away from you. >> yeah. >> not quite sure how to approach. >> i have felt that. >> i think that the worry is again your fear control. what are you worried about? >> i worry about him finding his way. >> let me go to him. if he doesn't find his way, that's his choice. i have to say, if he doesn't find his way, that's his choice. >> is it possible that you're just really great at reading people's body language and feeling what they're feeling? >> no, not at all. i'm accessing stuff that i shouldn't necessarily be able to access. and the funny thing about the guy you're with -- >> reporter: next, tim. >> i don't think he really wants you to be any different than you are.
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love him as he is, you know? like, this is who i am. i don't want to change it. i'm trying my best, i'm trying my best. don't make me wrong, you know? >> you literally said that saturday night. >> love the man as he is. i hear you've got a good guy. >> thanks, paul. >> you're very welcome. i hope it was helpful, i really do. >> i feel like i just went on a ride. i think it's very powerful. and it transcends normal life. >> reporter: in san francisco, sentiments. >> it was absolutely mind-blowing. because it was to the core exactly of what i was trying to communicate with him. and there's details. there's mannerisms that he brings up that you absolutely can't argue with. >> reporter: my producer and i had to see for ourselves. so she arranged a reading to ensure his hand couldn't be tipped. >> aditi, a pleasure to meet you. >> reporter: we didn't share
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correspondents would be interviewing him. >> i whisper the words as they come -- >> reporter: some of the insights fell flat like the reference to my husband's cuff links. >> i don't know why he comes through showing me cufflinks. >> reporter: which he never wears. but others genuinely surprised me. >> jamie shore. >> male or female? >> female. >> this is her. she calls you in, she's protective of you. >> very. >> reporter: skeptics, of course, routinely distrust psychics. >> how do you who have never experienced that, that that exists? >> i don't try to. you know? i'm not a spiritual teacher, on not a guru, and i don't want to be. >> reporter: back in new york kelly is still digesting. >> i think that was better than therapy. because it's as if he cut to the quick, quickly. >> reporter: and her boyfriend tim is optimistic. >> it's going to give us stuff to talk about for the rest of tonight as we go home, we're going to talk about it tomorrow, i think we're going to talk
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their story has a predictably happy ending. for "nightline," i'm aditi roy in san francisco. next, the man who infamously kissed and told after losing on "the bachelorette" is back. this time he'll be the one handing out the roses. i'm claudine and i quit smoking with chantix. smoking's a monkey on my back.
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your actions, your money. it had me. it had me. i would not be a non-smoker today if it wasn't for chantix. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix reduced my urge to smoke some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse or of seizures. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you have these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. most common side effect is nausea. it's me in control now.
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at 1:04 we're waking you up as it looks like we've got basically what we used to refer to up in the north as a snow day. tomorrow a lot of school systems shut d snow kind of books off and everybody goes, hey yeah, we're going get a snow day even without snow. rain is backing off on what's going to be a hurricane or tropical storm day on thursday. still seeing few showers offshore lingering across downtown tampa into the bloomingdale area. just one little cell around mango. a few more showers further to the south around venice and
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this right now is actually nice with a little bit of a clearing back here into the gulf of mexico. we're still expecting plenty of storms to work through over the next several hours, though, as tropical storm hermine gets its act together, probably by this evening with enough strength to be a minimal category 1 hurricane, winds going up to 75 miles per hour. this is going to continue to churn towards apalachicola looking right around this time tomorrow, depending upon the forward speed of this moving it could actually go a little bit earlier. one of the things that's interesting to note about this as the storm gains strength that area of storminess or showers around it gets smaller. so we may actually see some more clearing throughout the day today. temperatures in the mid-70s right now. we're not going to move much as far as the mercury goes over the next day. with all those clouds we may
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clearing on friday into the weekend things looking better. a sit, then 50% chance of showers as this mass of moisture moves out of the way. but between now and this weekend we're expecting a lot more rainfall, anywhere from three and a half to four and a half inches of rain, then those total os slide off as you work in to the center of the statement once again a lot of rain today, thunderstorms throughout the period. not much of a break as we watch those into the mid-80s. continuing coverage throughout the day. ivan is going to be in at 4:00. i will be out and about doing whatever is needed to try and keep you updated on this storm system as we go into pretty much storm watch mode. >> and... >> kyemah broke the internet when the dress she designed was all anyone could talk about. her collection will debut right here. >> plus, diying with dina. former real housewife dina manzo.


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