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tv   America This Morning  ABC  September 21, 2016 4:00am-4:30am EDT

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making news in america this morning, breaking right now, violent protests erupting overnight after a deadly shooting by police. demonstrators damaging police vehicles, setting fires on an interstate, the new video coming in. the suspect in the new york and new jersey bombings faces see the evidence investigators say ties the suspect to the scenes, plus the missed signals from his own family. we're live with the latest. new questions about donald trump's charity. accused of using donated money to settle lawsuits for his businesses. overnight trump's campaign responding. and a police officer on a collision course after a truck
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good wednesday morning. we begin with that breaking news from charlotte. violent protests lasted through the night after the shooting of a black man by a black police officer. >> at least a dozen officers have been injured including one who was hit in the face with a rock. protesters shutting down interstate 85, fires were set and at least one walmart looted. overnight officers used tear gas to try to break up the crowds and s.w.a.t. teams have been mobilized. chaos in charlotte. overnight protesters hitting the streets clashing with police in riot gear and damaging several vehicles in widespread demonstrations lasting at least five hours. dozens of protesters then converging on a major highway blocking traffic and surrounding several 18-wheelers putting out the contents and setting them on fire. >> the trailer as we speak. >> reporter: a television news crew retreating after
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window. the crowd started gathering after police shot a black man, 43-year-old keith scott yesterday afternoon. the officer who was also black says scott got out of his car holding a firearm and posed a threat. >> at this point all we know they're in the apartment complex parking lot and this subject gets out with a weapon. they engage him and one of the officers felt a lethal threat and fired his weapon because of that. >> reporter: investigators say they recovered the weapon that scott was carrying the but the man's family says he was disabled was holding a book, not a gun and was reading. this morning the mayor of charlotte pleading for calm and promising answers. and the officer involved by the way has been placed on administrative leave. it's a normal procedure, of course, following a police involved shooting. traffic meanwhile, is moving again on i-85 but a reporter from our station has seen people trying to break into a walmart store. so that story still clearly
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to stay on top of it. >> to the other story we're continuing to follow. the terrorism charges against this suspected bomber, ahmad rahami accused of using weapons of mass destruction. >> the fbi has searched a restaurant in eerth amboy, new jersey. this is rahami remaining in the hospital this morning and amid new questions about red flags authorities may have missed. abc's maggie rulli has the latest. maggie, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. officials say they found his fingerprints at the scene of multiple bombings, also evidence that he bought bomb materials online months ago. as authorities continue to build their case against rahami, we're also learning more about the suspect behind these attacks. we now know that federal officials had been warned about suspected bomber ahmad rahami years ago and he had been planning and plotting saturday's attacks for months. in this chilling new video we see what authorities believe is
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that pressure cooker bomb he set off in new york allegedly -- powerful enough to shatter windows about 400 feet away and propel a nearby dumpster 120 feet injuring 31 people. the criminal complaint also revealing a journal found in rahami's pocket following his shoot-out with police. in it anti-american rants and praise for the late radical islamic cleric anwar al awlaki. these new details come as the fbi confirms it knew about rahami hav own father in 2014. >> i called the fbi two years ago. >> what did you tell them. >> i told them you got a connection with this guy. >> reporter: he later took the comments back and the fbi never questioned his son. the father's accusation came after his son's year-long trip to pakistan, now a key part of the investigation. while overseas rahami married and had two children. the fbi is now questioning his wife. >> basically we're trying to get a picture of him through her. >> reporter: authorities are
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accounts trying to learn more. they say that while they aren't actively looking for another suspect they're not ruling it out either. so, kendis and diane, some relief but still plenty of questions. >> yeah, including where is his mother who left the country some months ago, maggie, thank you. both the new jersey police officers who were injured in that shoot-out with rahami are now out of the hospital. officer peter hammer who was grazed in the head was greeted by a crowd of cheering officers as he was discharged. angel padilla is spotted the suspect and gave chase. he was saved by his bulletproof vest. another major republican figure is making no bones about the fact that he's voting for hillary clinton. former president george h.w. bush told dozens of people at a reception in maine he will not be voting for the republican presidential candidate. no one else in the bush family has declared support for clinton but only his grandson so far has endorsed trump. speaking of trump the campaign is blasting a report accusing him of settling
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family charity. the trump foundation allegedly paid more than $250,000 to resolve two cases against two of trump's private clubs prompting hillary clinton's campaign to call him a fraud. we get more now from abc's david wright. >> reporter: "the washington post" accused trump of using his foundation as a piggy bank to settle lawsuits against his companies in possible violation of irs rules. when his mar-a-lago club faced a $120,000 fine for hav a flagpole he settled by pledging $100,000 to a veterans charity. the check came not from trump's own pocket but from the foundation. foundation money also paid to settle a lawsuit brought by a golfer against trump's club westchester, new york. 158,000 to the golfer's favorite charity. trump has bragged about how much money he gives to charity. >> do you want to reveal how much you paid to charity? >> i think i revealed over a period of years i've given over $100 million to charity.
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charity. >> reporter: since he wasn't released tax returns there's no proof. the foundation tax returns shows the last time he made a personal contribution was eight years ago, since then according to the post he spent $12,000 of the foundation's money at a charity auction to buy a helmet signed by tim tebow and shelled out $30,000 for two portraits of himself including this one. david wright, abc news, new york. >> and the trump campaign is denying any wrongdoing. they call the and released this statement saying, in typical "the washington post" fashion they've gotten their facts wrong. the trump foundation has no paid board, no management fees, no rent or overhead and no family members on its payroll. all contributions are reported to the irs and all foundation donations are publicly disclosed. the u.s. is holding russia responsible for a deadly attack on an aid convoy in sierra. at least 20 people were killed in the air strike monday night. officials say within one minute
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a russian jet over that area. russia denies it carried out the air strike and says a cargo fire caused the damage. the u.n. has canceled all aid delivery for the time being. to northern california now where residents of vallejo were ordered to shelter in place because of a strong odor. it got more than 500 calls about the smell of gas on the city's south side. so far crews have ruled out a natural gas leak or burnoff from a refinery. in southern california, they're rain. there's the radar right now showing the remnants of hurricane paine moving through the rain forest, a rain delay in the padres baseball game in san diego. palm springs got more man a half inch of rain. it's the most since early january. still ahead, how wearable fitness trackers can make you heavier. plus, we're going to return to that breaking news, the violent protests erupting overnight in north carolina. after a police shooting.
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after a police involved shooting there. the officer is now telling her side of the story. hear why she says she opened fire on the unarmed man. i'm a coupon guy... i signed up for the publix digital ones... i clip the paper ones... in fact if there was a third kind, i'd probably love those too. that's how i save at publix. how 'bout you?
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when we shop it is kinda like a competition. it is exactly like a competition. whoever finds the most bogo's wins! which is usually me. that's how we save a lot at publix. how 'bout you? publix. where shopping is a pleasure. police -- cam video capturing a wild chase on a utah highway after putting over the pickup truck driver reverses crashing into the cruiser as you saw. it continued into a parking lot where the suspect hits the police vehicle yet again. the guy was eventually arrested. he's facing several charges. one u.s. air force pilot is dead. another injured after their spy plane crashed in northern california. it happened during a training mission for a u-2 spy plane
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from beal air force base. the pilots ejected before it crashed into a rural area sparking a 250-acre wildfire north of sacramento. the ceo of wells fargo was grilled on capitol hill even told by senators he should resign. john stumpf offered an apology for questionable practices at his bank which is alleged to have opened millions of accounts without customer permission in order to meet sales quotas. but senate banking committee members noted that only low level employees were fired. >> your definition of accountable is to push the blame to your low level employees who don't have the money for a fancy pr firm to defend themselves. it's gutless leadership. >> i am deeply sorry that we failed to fulfill on our responsibility to our customers, to our team members and to the american public. >> stumpf admitted no senior management was fired because of the scandal.
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republican came to his defense during that hearing. >> so unity on capitol hill. there is another corporate executive who is on the hot seat on capitol hill today but this time it's a pharmaceutical company and mary bruce has a preview. >> reporter: mylan executive heather bresch has questions to answer. >> you should always carry two epipens. >> reporter: mylan under fire for raising the price of the severe allergy sufferers from $100 in 200 to more than $600 today. "usa today" reporting bresch's mother gale manchun, the former head of an education group led an effort encouraging states to require schools purchase products lick epipen, a campaign that drove the devices to become staples in schools. the drugmaker now pushing back saying in a statement that the report is factually inaccurate
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restrictions. mary bruce, abc news, washington. >> when we come back caught on camera, a man playing pokemon go when he suddenly is attacked. a school under investigation after an altercation involving a student and a teacher. a flu shot? t more thn when it helps give a lifesaving vaccine to a child in need. thanks to customers like you, walgreens "get a shot. give a shot." program has helped provide 15 million vaccines through the un foundation. it's that easy to make a difference. ? walgreens. at the corner of happy and healthy. if you've gone to extremes to escape your nasal allergies... try clarispray. from the makers of claritin. clarispray provides 24-hour, prescription strength relief from sneezing,
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try clarispray today. thank you. my advice for looking younger, longer? pam. this, this is pam's. try not to take things personally. all right. thank you pam. don't let the little things get to you. get your beauty sleep. and use aveeno? absolutely ageless? night cream. with active naturals? blackberry complex. you'll wake up to younger looking skin in just one week. younger looking skin can start today. absolutely ageless?. aveeno?. i was out here smoking instead of being there for my son's winning shot. that was it for me. that's why i'm quitting with nicorette. only nicorette mini has a patented fast dissolving formula. it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. every great why
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returning to our top story violent protests following a demonstrators brought traffic to a stop on interstate 85 breaking into tractor trailers and even setting fires. >> police say they shot 43-year-old keith scott, a black man tuesday afternoon because he had a gun and posed a threat. but scott's family says that he had a book, not a gun, and they say he was disabled. it's the sixth police killing in that city in the last year. charlotte's mayor calling for calm. in tulsa, oklahoma, protesters gathered at police headquarters demanding the
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unarmed black man be fired and arrested. investigators now confirm they found the drug pcp in terence crutcher's suv but a lawyer for the family says the drug is being used as a distraction from the real issue why police used deadly force. a lawyer for betty shelby says he ignored police commands before a video was recorded. >> she's screaming at him, stop, stop, stop. he walks up to the window, faces the suv and then and then his left hand goes into the car window and that's when she fired her shot. >> the window was up so how could he be reaching into the car if the window is up and there is blood on the glass. >> local and federal investigations are now under way to determine whether criminal charges against officer shelby are warranted and whether crutcher's civil rights were violated. this was an interesting one, viewers watching the livestream
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new york city got more than they expected. they saw him get violently mugged. the man was attacked in central park after midnight. his camera capturing in realtime the attacker punching him in the head knocking him to the ground. now, he was treated for a swollen jaw. the chief got away with three cell phones. violence at a philadelphia high school. a fight broke out between a teacher and student. at one point the student is actually placed in a headlock. the altercation started when the the student has been charged with assault. the teacher has not been charged. a new study suggests fitness trackers aren't going to help you lose weight. people using the trackers lost 5 pounds less than those who did not wear them. the study's author says that doesn't mean you should give up on your tracker. don't lean on it too much when it comes to slimming down. you can't just put it on and then expected the pounds to melt away. you actually have to do the fitness part of it.
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up next in "the pulse," brangelina's big breakup. how the couple's friend, george clooney, reacted to being told on camera about the news. the first couple booted from the ballroom. since the launch of the new dannon whole milk yogurt, a natural outburst seems to have taken over the country. (security...) hi, i'm stuck in an elevator... with a cow. (a what?)
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with vitamin d and whole milk. new dannon, natural is back. the things that i consume on a daily basis, a lot of it is vy acidic. the enamel on my teeth was actually weakening. the whiteness wasn't there as much. my teeth didn't look as healthy as others. my dentist said that pronamel would help fight against that erosion that foods and drinks were causing. so it was really important to start using the pronamel. it'll be one less thing you have to worry about. pronamel is now giving me the confidence to know that i'm doing the right thing. that it's as simple as that. ? what do you call deliciously smooth, creamy yogurt that comes in over 25 amazing flavors and packs 6 grams of protein per serving? yoplait original. the family favorite. yoplait. man, my feet are killin' me. same t? dr. scholl's massaging gel work insoles absorb a hard day on your feet
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dr. scholl's work insoles. ? americans are buying more and more of everything online. and so many businesses rely on the united states postal service to get it there. that's why we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. the united states postal service. priority: you ? time now for "the pulse" and we're going to start with the internet now recovering from the news that broke it yesterday. angelina jolie and brad pitt divorcing. >> jolie filed to end their marriage of two years citing irreconcilable differences. brangelina has been a couple for about a dozen years and share custody of six children. >> now, one of those caught off guard was the couple's friend, george clooney.
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correspondent at the united nations. >> angelina and your friend brad. >> what happened? >> they're divorcing. >> i didn't know that. i feel very sorry then. that's a sad story, unfortunate for a family -- unfortunate story and i'm very sorry to hear that. it's the first i heard it. >> jolie is requesting physical custody. pitt said in a statement to "people" magazine, i'm very saddened by this but what matters most now is the well-being of our kids and that seems to be what both of them are maintaining, the most important thing in all of this are the children and their well-being. >> it's going to be an ugly thing in the tabloids. it was kind of funny. adele has two shows at madison square garden and opened it up by addressing the elephant in the room, the breakup of
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them. >> everyone is talking about the breakup of brangelina. well, they're asking for privacy at least for their children. we'll see how that goes. another voice now joining the chorus of criticism against donald trump jr. over his tweet about syrian refugees. >> trump's use of this image to compare the refugees to a bowl of skittles is now drawing the attention of the photographer who snapped the photo. it turns out the photo was taken by david kittis, a refugee himself who fled cyprus in >> he cleared he does not support trump's politics but it was used without his permission and says he would never take trump's money to use it. >> okay, so the first couple has been sent home from the 23rd season of "dancing with the stars." >> the wizards of wafer ily place actor jake t. austin and his partner, jenna, they got the boot last night. austin left on an upbeat note calling the show an incredible experience. >> now, former texas governor rick perry and his partner,
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but somehow managed to avoid elimination. still leading the pack, however, olympic gymnast laurie hernandez and val. it's for second police, the competition. >> rick perry said he does have experience trying to garner people's vote. he said he went out to try to get the vote, maybe that paid off after all. >> i think he has a pac to try to win it all. >> but, laurie hernandez does not need a pac to win >> more news after this. anything meant to stand needs a stable foundation. a body without proper foot support can mean pain. the dr. scholl's kiosk maps your feet and recommends our custom fit orthotic to stabilize your foundation and relieve lower-back, knee or foot pain from being on your feet. find your nearest kiosk at also available from dr. scholl's: heavy duty support for lower back pain, lightens the impact
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good morning. we will have full coverage on the brangelina situation at 4:30. no, we'll probably cover that after 9:00. as we've been talking about the last couple of days, the dry air that was up to our north is beginning to gutpled in. this area of low pressure acting as a spoke to bring it in and through the day today and especially into tomorrow lower rain chances here. i think we're going to be in pretty good shape. if you tonight want to see rainfall. if you perhaps want to wash the car and have it clean a few days before you get rained on again i think we're in good shape the next few days. rain chances not shut off, just lower. talking 20% and then increasing it into the weekend.
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still a tropical storm. but lisa, we'll talk about the two storms out there in the atlantic and potentially third one coming up. busy tropics, in fact we've gotten to the l storm. haven't done that in a while. so low 80s and upper 70s across our interior counties. a few mid-70s haines city into lakeland as well. feeling nice. here's futurecast. you can see not much going on. a little spin is an upper level disturbance that is going to help us in a way, it puddles in the drier limit rain chances. on futurecast, plan your morning and afternoon -- see the showers eventually making it i think onshore this morning. not -- i don't think it's as widespread as yesterday but then by 1:30, look at that, partly cloudy to mostly cloudy skies, and a couple of thunderstorms popping here and there. but not much doing as far as any any significant coverage today. that is fine with us.
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we're going to fire the storms today. more on that and check in on karl and lisa, straight ahead on abc action news at 4:30. 4:30. protesters damage police vehicles in charlotte after the deadly police shooting of a black man. conflicting reports of what that man was doing when he was shot. >> federal authorities are now charging new suspect ahmed rahami. the charges he faces and who he praised. >> and hillary clinton is expected to come to central florida. what she's expected to deliver and latest controversial comments from donald trump. thank you for joining us on this wednesday, i'm dan shaffer. >> i'm deiah riley. protests lasted into the night in charlotte after the deadly police shooting of a black man. officers say he was armed but
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reading a book. >> as reed reports police shot the man while looking for a different person with an outstanding warrant. >> reporter: protests in north carolina after charlotte police shot and killed a man while looking to serve a warrant tuesday. police say while officers looked for the individual in the warrant they encountered another man they say was armed. >> it was some imminent threat to them. and because of that at least one officer fired rounds at the subject. >> reporter: the officer involved is now on administrative leave. the demonstrations in charlotte following other protests in tulsa, oklahoma after the fatal shooting of an unarmed african- american man friday. police video shows 40-year-old terence crutcher walking to the vehicle with his hands up followed by officers. he stands for a moment beside the suv and then -- >> shots fired! >> reporter: lying on the pavement fatally wounded after an officer fires. officer now on paid


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