tv Right This Minute ABC October 23, 2016 5:30am-6:00am EDT
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time for fresh viral videos "right this minute." smooth sailing for competition until -- >> everything goes wrong. >> what leads to the moment the racer meets the road? video sur fashfaces as poli stumble upon some little hurricane survivors. see how many were saved in their shelter from the storm. >> oh! a student's hard work is about to pay off. >> there's a box there on the passenger seat. >> the story behind what's inside and the long journey to
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plus how a video that went mega viral is a gift -- >> that keeps on giving. >> how the dancing millionaire has spawned a parody to end all parodies. >> i just want to know what they told the accordion player they were doing. street luge with wheels. what we've got here is someone taking part in the downhill in bainbridge, ohio. these things quickly get up to about 70 miles an ho you've got a seat belt, harnesses, things like that. on a street luge, it's just you and the road. up ahead for most of the video, you'll see it here. don't worry. everything goes wrong. >> oh. >> bob goes down. you see this other angle. watch this. >> oh, my -- >> it looked like he bounced a little bit too. >> oh, that's the worst.
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from his single. you see that bob hit all that straw on the left-hand side. now he can see nothing through the debris. just moves to the right. >> oh, man. >> runs right into the earth. >> absolutely brutal. there were people around, spectators. seeing that happen, they come running up. people then just grab him by his arms and legs and drag him off the course. super dangerous after a crash like that, but it is still an active raceway. >> he gave them him. so maybe he feels like the wind is knocked out of him and not that he's got serious injuries. >> i would argue against that because this woman comes up and asks. >> i'm in so much pain. >> yeah, he's in so much pain, he can barely talk. they call an ambulance. right around this point is where i think darius goes for his priorities because he asks -- >> is my girlfriend around? >> how is he by the way? >> considering the severity of
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bruising everywhere, legs, ribs. the worst is he had a sprained right ankle and broke his right little toe. >> that's it? >> yeah. hopefully he'll recover soon. ? lots of death and destruction left behind by hurricane matthew, but its effects were far-reaching all that's where this video picks up. under these boulders at a beach, police officers are trying to figure out what's making the noise that's coming from inside them. so they take their cell phone, and they put it in through one of the crevices to be able to film whatever it is that's down there so they can figure out what they're going to need to pull off this rescue. >> oh! . >> hi, puppies.
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there stuck under these rocks. no sign of the mother. the officer is super stoked, though, because now they are able to identify what's down there and they know exactly what to do. in the end, they were able to rescue eight puppies out of this one boulder hole. >> the good news is that those puppies look like they were well fed before this happened. >> they were probably hungry, but it didn't look like they had been neglected for a long time. >> yeah. know that all of the puppies -- all of them -- have found forever homes. italy, full of awesome tourist things to see. and they have their share of criminals too. these two guys walk into a tobacco shop, one with a big old knife, another one with a gun. and they start roughing up the clerk behind the counter, especially the guy with the knife, kind of throwing some
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starts to go through the till, looking for some cash. the video cuts to the outside camera. what do we have here? here comes the police. they were called by a bystander, and they show up just in the nick of time, kick down the door, come bursting in. these guys -- woops, sorry. the hands go up. the guns go down. >> he just dropped it instantly. just like, oops, the jig's up. >> it's so pleasant to watch these ago suddenly, i'm sorry, i'm sorry. i didn't mean to. >> they surrendered to the police without incident. pretty cool to see. now, over to this next video. at an atm in argentina, this woman right here putting in her number, getting the money out. but her child in the stroller right there, munching on some food. when she turns around, she realizes baby has begun to choke. >> oh, no. >> she starts patting the baby on the back. this nearby officer notices the child having difficulty breathing.
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stroller. flips her upside down and starts patting her on the back while trying to sweep the mouth as well. mom does too. >> whoa. >> that's a big piece of food. >> i'm not sure if that's food or maybe a cell phone or something like that. in any case, they did get the food out of the mouth of this child who quickly began to breathe again. the real kicker, once it started getting lots of attention in argentina, the story came out about this officer. he recently lost his own son in and once people heard that story, they really latched onto this video and the heroic efforts by this guy to save that young girl. here's a nice, sweet, reminder that hard work pays off. you see her with her backpack here. she's getting into the car. there's a box there on the passenger seat. okay. >> sausage is in there. >> sausage?
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background say that. but as she peeks into the box, you see it's not sausage in the box. >> oh, my gosh! >> whoa. >> she starts jumping up and down, puts her hands over her mouth and hits the ground. >> it can't be a puppy because she would have went back to grab it. >> she's 12 years old. s she's an artist and she asked her $350. her mom suggested she sell her artwork to save up for the markers. midway, someone noticed and really liked her work and decided to donate the money. she had no idea that the markers would be there waiting. >> oh, my gosh. >> that's cool. >> here's a look at some of her work. the person who donated the money told her mom, you know what, allow her to use that money on other supplies. they said they'd take care of
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>> the company also got wind of this story, and they posted it to their facebook page as well. >> she's really talented as well. >> it's nice to see that kind of reaction, especially for something like that. some markers. you can tell she's grateful. you can tell it's a passion that's going to help her move forward with her passion. you can see how much it means to her. >> oh, my gosh, thank you. a suspect tries to smuggle caviar through >> the moment she gets busy eating the evidence. >> i don't know what you're talking about. do you have any crackers? and they're about to work their way out of the egg sack. >> wow, they come out purple. >> well, one of them did. >> witness the cutest hatch yet. >> aww! >> chameleon just poking its way out. me for up to 48 hours? it's like having a sick family member
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ne family member gets sick. but lysol spray and lysol wipes kill 99.9% of germs including 8 common cold & flu viruses to help protect your home. this cold and flu season help keep your home happy and healthy and lysol that. it's endless shrimp at red lobster. with another new flavor you never saw coming... grilled, glazed korean bbq shrimp. and try as much as you want of flavors like just come in before it ends. after brushing, listerine? total care strengthens teeth, helps prevent cavities and restores tooth enamel. it's an easy way to give listerine? total care to the total family. listerine? total care. one bottle, six benefits.
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how fast are alleg >> closed captioning provided by -- non-drowsy relief you can buy. allegra? gelcaps... not just fast. allegra? fast. don't forget to dvr right this minute and never miss another video. the criminals in these videos are so petty. that one sitting there, well, she's sitting at customs and that caviar she's eating, it's
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the evidence. do you have any crackers? >> that's fishy, man. >> they rolled up her and she's like, i have no recollection of the events in question. i'm just eating my caviar. please allow me to live my life. >> where do you find a bucket of caviar that big? i don't think costco sells something like that. >> she was on her merry way when they said run that back. >> now, this dude, he just completely takes the cake. >> literally? >> actually, he's taking just over $ when they caught up to him, he ran inside an apartment. where did he go? the dishwasher! >> oh, my gosh. >> $3,000 worth of plants? isn't that called drug smuggling? >> unbelievable. >> they took him straight to the cleaners. he'll be there about five years. >> you hope he doesn't dish on his buddies.
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we have two very beautiful reunion stories. this one is so incredibly special. dad comes home after a seven-month deployment to see his son, 5-year-old ethan, in the hospital. you see at this moment when dad gets there. ethan is asleep. but dad can't wait to say hello to his son, so he gently starts waking him up. >> ethan. good morning. >> he barely opens his eyes. let me sleep, whoever you are. >> >> oh. >> it's not a dream? >> it's super sweet. you see the smile that starts to form in little ethan's face. now, this happened back in april in chicago, but the video was just now posted. he was hospitalized because of respiratory infection caused because of a congenital disease.
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as he nears his 6th birthday. so they're really happy they were able to have this moment with dad as he came home. >> did daddy surprise you? >> daddy. >> now over to this homecoming in ohio. mom is hiding in the car. cart belongs to her daughter, which she's going to get into so she can drive home. >> oh, gosh. >> what's my girl doing? >> oh, my gosh. >> that emotional curve looks like -- man. >> now, mom's been in kansas as her husband prepares to retire from the air force. but this is the first time they get to see her mom since she's come back to ohio. >> but they still have to go do the same thing basically to their other daughter. >> you see the other daughter opens the trunk. so mom gets out of the car.
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it kind of looks like a bowl of grape nuts or maybe some marshmallows and raisins in there, but this is a lot cuter than a bowl of grape nuts. what we've got is a bowl of hatchling veiled chameleons working their way out of their egg sack. >> that's really cool. wow, they come out purple. >> well, one of them did. some other green ones popping out. but that's not the cutest part. the cutest part is this juking video. >> oh, little baby chameleon poking its way out. i love the side eye. >> he's got nothing but side eye. he's a chameleon. >> it's like he nails it every time. >> it's like a soft egg sack. >> yep. >> super cute. >> that's weird. i'm sorry.
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as to how it happens. but, like, >> this is sylvia. she posted this video up there, and people went nuts for t. i think it's fas fating that moments after it comes out of the egg, it's already starting to change colors. did you notice that? >> that is cool. >> it cams out p instantly starts to camouflage itself. pretty neat. talk about the right place at the right time. >> the operator just saw an opportunity to capture some video. >> see what happens when that guy runs into the frame. >> wow, this is a great moment. plus a little glass of wine never hurt anyone. >> how about a little wine and exercise. >> why wine and exercise don't mix. >> oh!
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my trainer didn't believe me that trop50 could taste so good and still have 50% fewer calories. can i stop, jane? no. trop50. tastes so good you won't believe it has 50% fewer calories. you know your heart loves megared omega-3s... but did you know your eyes, your brain, and your joints really love them too? introducing megared advanced 4in1... delivers the omega-3 power of two regular fish oil pills... so give your body mega support with megared advanced 4in1. it's olive garden's never ending pasta bowl starting at $9.99! endless combinations of your favorite pastas, sauces and toppings. now including chicken alfredo. plus unlimited salad and breadsticks. it's all never ending, but only for a limited time.
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>> promotional considerations provided by -- new gold bond psoriasis relief. salicylic acid controls recurrence of psoriasis symptoms. plus intensive moisturizers. new gold bond psoriasis relief. in the lotion aisle. minute" and follow the show all day long. talk about being at the right place at the right time, especially with your groom to capture something amazing, life changing. this guy with the drone who is capturing this gorgeous sunset starts panning over to the right. notices that there's a photo shoot happening right here, right at the edge of this rock. the drone operator doesn't know these people, just saw an opportunity to capture some
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into the frame? it's a guy. he's running toward the girl. that's her boyfriend. she doesn't know he's there, and suddenly he sneaks up behind her, gets down on one knee, takes her hand. drone operator, let me tell you, he's smart. he got closer. he figured out what was about to happen. then watch this. ? >> dawned on her right away, didn't it? >> yes. >> she is in shock. he proposes. everyone else is super excited that they're there witnessing this drone too. >> she obviously says yes by her body language, and the big old hug she gives him afterwards. i love this moment. once they've already got the ring on her finger, they turn around. they notice the drone. they wave, and that is the perfect time for the drone to just pull back. >> good photographer is going to anticipate the action. he did just that. >> good work. ?
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exercise? >> oh, right. i see. people are usually whining on the treadmill. i didn't realize you ment literally. >> i think she's already been whining before she got on the treadmill. once she starts it, it's on. >> is this walking under the influence? is that what we're seeing here? >> it's about to get a little better. okay. walking, now running. keep the wine in the glass, please. faster, faster, faster. hold steady there, lady. >> that is so much better than i was imagining. >> she completely falls off the treadmill. the glass of wine goes up in the air, splatters all on the wall. >> this is what i can get into.
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always a fail inducer. >> we don't see many women on the rope swing. >> usually when it's a fail, it's a woman trying it. i'm sorry. back me up. you know it's true. >> nope. >> 1-800-dentist, hello? we're going to need a whole mouthful. ? this couple's smooth moves earn them viral video fame but now -- >> the and you guys are going to love
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[ dog barking ] the dancing millionaire is a gift from the internet that keeps on giving. you remember this from not too long ag his woman, georgia. this video has gotten millions and millions upon millions of views because they're comical. they're super hot, but they're cute. >> this guy looks like he carved himself a pretty good life. >> yes. wonderful things have come from this because now haters going to hate. the parodies are rolling in. you guys are going to love this
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>> they're dancing to ricky martin. ? >> it's exactly instagram versus real life. >> i just want to know what they told the accordion player they were doing. >> those are actually russian. they're known on the internet for creating these goofy, weird covers. they've choreographed the dance to match the original one. ? >> i'm in love with the accordion player. >> poker face the whole time. >> it's so good. >> especially because they're having such a good time. they don't care what you think. >> if this is the only parody of this video, then i see a door wide open, people. get making them. >> now you're talking. he's having his 15 minutes of fame. he was invited to a russian television show where he also
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