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tv   Good Morning America  ABC  October 25, 2016 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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good mor good morning, america. breaking right now, a deadly accident at an amusement park water ride. four killed when the ride malfunctions. trapping people and ejecting others. the park is now closed and police are on the scene investigating. behind in the polls, donald trump fights back at the media. >> these people are among the most dishonest people in the world. the media. >> launching his own nightly newscast on facebook. >> we will win. >> while hillary clinton calls on her strongest supporters, president obama attacks trump on "jimmy kimmel." >> what i don't do like at 3:00
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>> the election two weeks from today. caught on surveillance camera, the terrifying moment a stranger breaks into a woman's home as she's sleeping on the couch. >> i woke up to him putting his hand over my mouth and nose and strangling me with the other hand. >> the moment she tries to escape and he pulls her back. how she got out alive. reversing the curse. the cubs and the indians set for a major world series showdown after decades of not making it really happy right now. >> the stage is now set. just hours before the epic matchup. and and we do say good morning, america. we go on the record right now. we're going to be tired tomorrow morning. we're staying up for game one. >> the baseball gods are doing their work. >> you're happy. >> sure.
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>> also the cleveland cavaliers get their ring tonight. >> ooh. >> big day for cleveland sports and 108 years for the cubs and paula faris. that's her team. she's out there with that for us today and you too. you got a little something. >> i have to, i think. >> visine out tomorrow. also hillary clinton bringing out the big guns on the trail. >> yeah, we just saw president obama. he was on "jimmy kimmel" last night not holding back having a lot of fun, even read some mean tweets. let's take a look. >> my mom and it sucks. it isn't even conditioning my hair. i blame obama. barack obama, bro, do you even lift? well, i lifted the ban on cuban cigar, that's worth something. >> he had a lot of fun there. also got a little serious about donald trump. we'll have more on that in a moment. but first we want to get to that breaking news. there was a deadly accident on an amusement park water ride in
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four people were killed. abc's linzie janis has the breaking new details. good morning. >> reporter: this is a very common kind of ride. almost everyone who has been to a big amusement park has been on or at least seen a ride like this one considered one of the more tame attractions for family, even young children. that is what makes this deadly accident so terrifying. overnight four people killed in an amusement park accident. two men and two women died when a raft overturned river rapids ride in australia. the water ride malfunctioning, throwing people from the raft and trapping others underneath. >> one of the rides have sustained a -- some sort of malfunction causing two people to be ejected from a ride. another two people were caught inside the ride. >> reporter: park workers rushing to help the injured. horrified witnesses at the theme park describe the chaos after the incident.
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front of them flipped off and turned around and saw the whole thing flip over and heard everyone screaming. she came out hysterically crying and then two people that worked here took her away. >> reporter: normally the ride holds people inside a circular raft floating down a rapid river pulling the raft along a conveyer belt. now investigators are trying to understand what caused the raft to flip over on the conveyer belt. australia's prime minister speaking out about the tragedy. >> it is a very sad day thorough investigation of the causes of this accident over the days that follow. >> reporter: according to australia media there were reports of problems with the ride earlier in the day. investigators are going to be looking into that and pouring over security camera footage to figure out what went wrong. the park is closed. >> i would imagine that, okay, thanks very much. we move on to that massive manhunt in oklahoma for a man who killed two relatives, attacked police officers and
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midwest city, oklahoma. good morning, jim. >> reporter: good morning, george. the fbi and u.s. marshals have now joined the search here. this massive manhunt for a man named michael vance accused of shooting six people killing two of them and wounding two police officers. he hasn't been seen in more than 24 hours, the leads are getting cold and police are wondering if he might be dead from his own wounds. overnight, two oklahoma sheriff's deputies released victims of a violent rampage that has led to a statewide manhunt. >> two gunshot victims, that's affirmative to the leg and foot area. both patients are conscious. >> reporter: the man believed to be behind the attacks is labeled armed and dangerous. he's wounded and posted his getaway on facebook. >> let me tell you it hurts. >> reporter: even if we have that we don't want to get engaged in a shootout with someone armed with an ak-47.
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approach. >> reporter: 38-year-old michael vance suspected of murdering his aunt and uncle in a small town 35 miles outside of oklahoma city. and allegedly shooting those two police officers and taking off in their patrol pickup with an ak-47. vance then accused of attacking three more people while he made his getaway stealing two different getaway cars. >> i'm about to steal another car like right now. this is gonna be intense. pregnant wife had their car taken from them at gunpoint. >> he's got an assault rifle and tells us to get out of the car. >> letting you all know this is real, see that's a gun. that's the real deal. >> reporter: polpolly was shot the leg. >> i got down but i had already been shot. >> reporter: vance displayed his own injuries on facebook.
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police shot me. >> reporter: police are warning the public that if they see this man, to stay away from him. along with an ak-47 he has a communicable disease and people are worried he might try to spread it. the race for the white house two weeks to the day till election day and hillary clinton is leading in the polls and calling on her top surrogates including president obama to make her case as donald trump takes media coverage into his own hands and abc's cecilia vega is her good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. two weeks to go and it is time for the closing arguments. donald trump is going after the media and those polls claiming that they're rigged. hillary clinton is feeling so confident right now she's happy to let others do the attacking for her. donald trump claiming the system is rigged launched one of his famous attacks on the media overnight. >> these people are among the most dishonest people in the world, the media. >> reporter: and he's now trying
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equation altogether. launching a tv show on his facebook page, his aides there inside trump tower anchoring coverage leading up to his nightly rallies. the inaugural broadcast, not without some hiccups. >> what's going on? >> give them a second, boys. it's all right. >> yep. >> reporter: on the other side hillary clinton feeling so confident she's now leaving her heavy hitting to others. from elizabeth warren. >> get this, donald. and on november 8th we nasty women are going to march our nasty feet to cast our nasty votes to get you out of our lives forever. >> reporter: to joe biden. >> i'd like to take him behind the gym if i were in high school. i mean, all kidding aside, wouldn't you? i mean, for real. >> reporter: even president obama getting in on the action
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before, i think, is somebody questioning the integrity of elections and the will of the people. >> reporter: trump landing a spot on kimmel's mean tweets. the president all too happy to play along. >> president obama will go down as perhaps the worst president in the history of the united states, exclamation point. @realdona @realdonaldtrump. well, @realdonaldtrump, at least i will go >> yeah, ouc >> yeah, ouch. so clinton is now feeling so confident she's not just campaigning for her own win on the top of the ticket but also for down ballot candidates too, both clinton and trump are in that also important battleground of florida where clinton has a lead in the poll, george, and voting is already under way there. >> okay, cecilia, let's dig into the polls right now. our latest tracking poll out shows clinton holding that 12-point lead over trump. want to bring in jon karl to talk about where things stand
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solidifying her hold on the race. >> reporter: especially state by state where it matters. our partners at fivethirtyeight now give hillary clinton nearly 84% chance of winning the election. and, george, understand why, take a look at our abc news race ratings. of course, the red states are advantage donald trump. blue state, advantage hillary clinton. right now, just in the states where hillary clinton is already leading, she gets to 308 electoral votes. that's more than enough to win the presidency. >> there's a massive shift that changes everything across the board but absent that let's look at what the most plausible path is for donald trump to get those 270 electoral votes. >> reporter: this is the way the trump team sees the race in their path. they take this map, they say they'll hang on to the traditionally red states of utah and arizona, convert nevada, win nevada, win the state of florida, they're still not there yet. win the state of north carolina and then win the state of ohio,
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not there yet but they then win the state of new hampshire, that gets them to 269, 269, then they have their eyes on the second congressional district of maine, a single electoral vote that would get them to 270 as you can see. a very narrow path to victory. >> one of the problems at least four of those states, just about every public poll in the month of october has her ahead right now and the early vote has started. >> reporter: yeah, the early vote is not looking good for donald trump. we already hav 1 million voted just yesterday. we don't know how they voted but we do have some information on who has voted. and if you look at the state of nevada, 52% of the ballots cast have been cast by democrats. only 30% by republicans. far outpassing more democrats when they won the race four years ago. north carolina, 55% of the ballots requested have been requested by women and as you know we have a big gender gap in
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for hillary clinton. >> okay, jon, thanks very much. >> all right, thank you, jon. let's bring in matt dowd. how are you doing, my friend. >> michael, i'm great. >> we heard jon talk about the poll numbers and seems like trump has a big uphill climb. do you think he can pull it off? >> no candidate in modern times has come back being this far down at this far late in the process. nobody has ever done it. i think it will akin to the bills comeback against the oilers 20 years ago. >> i was an oilers fan, yes, i do. >> four touchdowns down. and they came back. he'll have to channel his inner doug flutie and need a couple of hail marys and our fathers. >> our tracking poll has hillary clinton up by 12 but the just released cnn poll has her up only by 5. people want to know why is there such a major difference. >> i think it's important for the viewers to look at this and if i were everybody, i would take all the polls, average them and get to where the number realistically is. i think it's around seven or
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eight-point lead you will have polls real, true that will have her at 11 and 12 and polls that have her at four or five. if the number sits in the middle. that's why you get those two. >> we heard in cecilia vega's report, elizabeth warren hammering trump about those nasty women remarks yet in the new cnn poll it shows trump is still getting 41% of women voters. does that tell you anything. >> even in a large electoral loss in a national loss, donald trump's going to get million votes in this election. even in a loss. and of that number he's going to get 25 or 30 million women votes. part is not just donald trump but it's a comparison between hillary clinton and many of those women dislike hillary clinton more than they dislike donald trump. >> jon, one of the things that the trump team seems to be counting on is there's some kind of a systemic bias in all of these public polls. >> they think these polls are overstating democrats. they believe that there is a
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silent majority to borrow nixon's phrase that will carry him through but you have to believe that all of these polls are off including the state polls. >> okay, two weeks from today we will find out. now to bad weather on both coasts this morning. we're feeling the chill in times square and, ginger, there's some major storms out west. >> robin, look at this. the lightning in newport beach, california. something you don't see every day. the video showing you there was a san diego high school football student or a football player thankfully he is okay this morning and that was just the first storm. there is another storm on the way. that's the one that went through. this one will impact parts of central and southern california by thursday into friday. look at some of those storms at 4:00 a.m. mudslides in some of the burn areas and a quick look, robin, at that freeze watch from virginia up to massachusetts. >> oh, boy, we'll keep an eye on that. thank you. now to amy with the morning's other top stories starting with the controversy over soldiers' bonus. >> that's right.
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to pay back the bonuses they received for serving in iraq and afghanistan. members of congress say they're outraged but the "l.a. times" reports the california national guard told lawmakers about this issue two years ago and congress did nothing about it. thousands of soldiers have been ordered to repay the money because a national guard official handed out payments to soldiers, didn't qualify for. militants have launched a four-hour attack on a police academy in pakistan. at least 59 cadets and have been killed at the facility in quetta near the afghan border. isis and the pakistani taliban have claimed responsibility. and back here in this country four teenagers are under arrest in philadelphia after a string of random attacks on the campus of temple university. surveillance video showing there a mob of up to 200 people assaulting and robbing students after they couldn't get into a local theater on friday. well, get ready for sticker shock if you're looking into the price of obamacare plans.
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year. many consumers will also be limited to choosing plans from just one provider. finally you don't want to see this on your commute and we don't suggest you doing what this man did. he chased after his car, look at him, on the freeway. he had pulled over but forgot to use the parking brake. if not for a sign that eventually stops the car from rolling, this could have been a lot worse and, of course, those drivers thankfully slowed down but there he is, look, still runnin the other drivers did -- were able to avoid hitting him, thank goodness. i don't know what he thought he was going to do. did he think he would catch the cary. >> watching a lot of movies. somehow get in and stop the car. >> let's just say he wasn't thinking. >> thankfully he's here to still think. >> good point. thank you. >> i appreciate that, amy. now, all eyes are on cleveland tonight. the indians are hosting game one of the world series against the cubs and right across the street, the cavaliers are
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our cubs superfan paula faris is in there in the middle of all the chaos. good morning to you, paula. >> good morning, michael. that ring ceremony you mentioned happening right here at quicken loans arena honestly just step as way from progressive field where they'll be playing game one of the world series tonight. they've even changed the tart times to accommodate fans and cleveland fans feeling the winds of change finally blowing in their favor. tonight begins the tale of two cities, two teams in the times after decades of the worst of times. >> baseball gods are saying about this matchup. >> the baseball gods are probably really happy right now relationship the chicago cubs and the cleveland indians both hoping to break their curses and taking extra precaution. >> you want to wear the same underwear. you don't want to have to change your underwear out. i mean, you wash it, but -- >> reporter: the cubs dubbed the lovable losers haven't won the world series since 1908.
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might be getting a bit greedy. in the past 50 years chicago has won 11 major sports championships, cleveland, only one. >> cleveland is a city of champions once again. >> reporter: and that was just a couple of months ago when the cavaliers finally broke that losing streak. stephen king even tweeting enough with the cubs. how about some love for the cleveland indians? go, tribe. cleveland essentially has been universally mocked as the even movies like "major league" poking fun at the indians. >> every newspaper in the country has picked us to finish last. >> reporter: but now a renewed feeling of possibility. while much of america is pulling for the cubs, you have george stephanopoulos on your side. >> i'll take it for sure. >> okay, so we mentioned that movie "major league." cleveland fans were pushing for
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character wild thing and throw out the first pitch but last night said he couldn't make it. they might be calling upon the lefty. >> i'm ready. cocoa's real answer is who is he? >> i don't care how many games you win, change your underwear. >> michael, decent tonight weatherwise. not as great tomorrow. your local weather in 30
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former former congressman gary condit breaking his silence when we come back. ] [ rear alert sounds ] [ music stops ] ? on the road again ? ? just can't wait to get on the road again ? [ front assist sounds ] [ music stops ] [ girl laughs ] ? on the road again ? ? like a band of gypsies we go down the highway ? [ beetle horn honks ] no matter which passat you choose, you get more standard features, for less than you expected. hurry in and lease the 2017 passat s
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lunch is ready! campbell's spider-man soups. made for real, real life. thanks mom good morning. it's a busy morning in county. captain al is flying over a crash. what is going on where you are. >> good morning, janelle. a couple of accidents. this first one eastbound ulmerton past 66th street but before you get to u.s. 19, four vehicles involved. they are in the left hand two lanes. not a lot of backup. that is good news. another accident southbound 49th street in front of the courthouse complex. it's taking up two lanes as well off the bayside bridge toward ulmerton.
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but traffic is getting busy. back to you, janelle. >> we can see the crash that captain al ways talking about. i have another crash at roosevelt and ulmerton. leave yourself extra time. the camera not working here. 275 through pinellas county is up to speed.
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good morning. we will get you back to "good morning america" in a couple of minutes. cool, down right morning. temperatures in the 40s and still in the low 50s across the nature coast. the rest of us in the 60s and all of us getting warmed up with an east wind. that will do a couple of things with the temperatures. it will warm us up but pulling in humidity from the atlantic. that will result in slightly less comfortable temperatures for today as we combine that with the dew point. 84 feels like 86, 87. the next few days even higher humidity and we are back into
tv-commercial tv-commercial
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as the average here. mid-to-upper 80s across the interior. a nice weekend. you notice what hasn't changed, the rain chances. they are gone for now. upper temps in the 0s. hahn is great with plenty of sun for trick or treaters.
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even launched his own show on his facebook page as hillary clinton counts on her top surrogates for support. this morning we're watching bad weather on both coasts as ginger was telling us. lightning out west and a big cold front in the east and ginger will have more on that this morning. it was a big night on "dancing with the stars." laurie hernandez finally had a chance to go to the prom with val and because she's homeschooled, everybody. get it. a special moment there we've got the booted couple joining us live. >> marcia, marcia, marcia. >> i know. >> oh, well. >> she had a good time. she had a great time. >> gave it her best, all coming up. we begin with former congressman gary county speaking out for the first time in 15 years about the murder of chandra levy. in interview with dr. phil he flatly denied an affair or any involvement with her death and we have more from david. >> reporter: he was a powerful
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career because of this scandal. now gary kaine has written a book about the chandra levy case and finally telling dr. phil his side of the story. >> you develop aid friendship with her and you saw her outside the office, correct? >> i saw her one time. >> reporter: for dr. phil this week a blockbuster booking, former congressman gary condit talking about chandra levy, the intern he was accused of having an affair with before she suddenly disappeared in d.c.'s he denies both the affair and any involvement in her murder. >> i saw her one time outside the office at a restaurant and she came by my condo once. >> came by your condo once. >> maybe twice, yeah, i think it was twice she came by. >> reporter: this is the first time condit has spoken about the case since he sat down with abc's connie chung back in 2001. >> did you have anything to do with her disappearance? >> no, i didn't.
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>> did you kill chandra levy? >> i did not. >> reporter: eventually police ruled condit out as a suspect in levy's murder but the man they later convicted, a homeless immigrant named ingmar guandique had his conviction thrown out in july of this year, the entire case based on an unreliable witness. >> now, our wish is that the right person whoever did what they did to my daughter, we get answers. >> reporter: condit has always the d.c. police tried to railroad him. >> there's nothing unusual about my conduct. people have made some speculation about that but -- >> were the police making something out of that? trying to? >> absolutely, yeah. yeah. well, they were trying to make something out of everything they could. >> the condit interview airs thursday on "dr. phil."
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condit isn't saying. for the past decade he's been practically in hiding live ing arizona and arizona and working odd jobs selling ice cream. we'll move on to new testimony from the woman featured in that now retracted "rolling stone" article about an alleged rape at a university of virginia frat house. jurors got to see the videotape deposition and new detail, amy. >> she's only her story helped bring attention to sexual assault on campus, now her testimony could help the case of a former associate dean of the school suing over the way she was portrayed in that "rolling stone" article. overnight for the first time jurors hearing from the woman at the center of that now infamous "rolling stone" article, "a rape on campus" in a videotaped deposition played in court monday, the uva opportunity known as jackie says that she was under impression that the
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advocacy and details of her alleged rape were not going to be published. i was "i was 20 years old and had no idea there was an off the record or on the record. i was naive." jackie says she felt like she was going to be misquoted but felt pressured by the magazine to participate in the story and that when a friend of hers mentioned her concerns to the reporter, sabrina erdely, erdely responded th responded there is no pulling the plug at this point. it is moving noncelebrity story ever. erdely highly critical of the uva administration including former associate dini coal eramo. >> how would you describe how "rolling stone" portrayed you. >> it made it look like i used the trust of young women to cover up rape and that was so far from anything i would ever do. it's just unbelievable to me. >> reporter: eramo is suing erdely and the magazine for over $7 million saying she was
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article's portrayal of eramo saying the dean never discouraged her from reporting the alleged assault, quote, she wanted to see me get some kind of justice. since its publishing the "rolling stone" article has been refracted but jackie maintains that she was assaulted. testifying in deposition that while she believes erdely manipulated her story in order to write something sensational, she believes her intentions were good. i believe she did the best she could. and eramo is suing for more than $7 million saying the article damaged her reputation, her career and her health and this trial is expected to go on at least till the end of this week. >> okay, amy, thanks very much. >> and we have the big board coming up. coming up on our big board the first lady is being called a rock star on the campaign trail. but will she run for office next? we're going to find out about that. plus, what about justin bieber's on stage meltdown.
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back her back here and it's time for our big board. our team of insiders standing by live for more on this morning's top stories. larry hackett is here talking justin bieber in just a moment. >> you bet. >> we're glad you did. let's start with michelle obama. the first lady is set to clinton on thursday. clinton's camp is call her a rock star this election cycle leaving many people wondering, yep, will she run for office herself? abc's cokie roberts is going to join us to talk about this. before we hear from you, cokie, i don't know if you saw the president last night on "jimmy kimmel." he had this to say about his wife. >> i know you have to leave but can we keep her for another four years? [ cheers and applause ]
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telling somebody backstage. michelle was never wild about politics. michelle once explained to me i try to organize my life not to have a lot of mess around and politics is just a big mess. >> and, cokie, she has repeatedly, michelle obama, repeatedly been asked this and repeatedly she has held steadfast no but democrats in illinois they got some openings coming up and hoping she may change her mi absolutely, absolutely no way. but you know part of -- that's part of the reason she's so effective, robin. everybody knows that she's the real deal. and she's not running for something herself so anything she says actually sounds authentic because it is. >> but, cokie, if she doesn't run for public office what do you think she'll do next. >> she's consulted with other first ladies. she and laura bush are good friends and she's made it clear
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to keep girls around the world in school is something that she says will be her life's work. and military families will also stay on her agenda. >> both of the obamas are very young. in their early 50s. they have a lot they can do. >> i know she will continue to be effective and help a lot of people. >> wherever she is. >> and thank you, cokie. next up, a police chief is now defending his department's ridealong program after a civilian passenger was caught in a dangerous shoot-out on sunday. take a look. [ gunshots ] >> shots fired. >> all right, abc's gio benitez joins us now and, gio, steve frazier who is the chief of police in madeira, california, this is what he's saying. >> i think our policy is sound in regards to how we approach and look at ride-alongs. i don't foresee any changes necessarily coming down the
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doesn't foresee any changes. does that surprise you and, secondly, what's going on with this case? >> first, i guess we should say everyone is okay, thank goodness but i'm not surprised that the officer -- the chief said this because these four -- these police officers ride-alongs are very important talking about community outreach, showing the community how important police work is and you also are looking at recruitment, whether people who say they're going to be police officers actually want to do the job. >> help you figure that out. >> talking about 14 shots, two shots that went through this car, one of the bullets went right between the passenger and the officer. this is dangerous. >> yeah, very much so. of course, if you're going to be with police officers. we see this all around the country, ride-along programs. >> they'll look at this and look at this video and they're probably going to use this
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country because, in fact, this particular department is going to be using this video as part of their training and also you got to look at these bulletproof vests. this officer in this case had what they call a soft bulletproof vest. she did not have anything on. so i don't believe that they're going to look at this and say there there's not any change coming. i think they'll have to look at that and say we'll have to do something. >> protect the passenger a little more. >> absolutely, gio, thanks so much. okay. hit it, li ? is it too late now to say sorry ? >> the biebs' popular song "sorry," the singer walked offstage midconcert in england. here's a video of him posted on youtube. >> the screaming during these breaks has got to stop. >> drop >> drop the mike moment. former editor in chief of "people" magazine and our dear,
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>> good morning. >> is here. this is not the first time. >> it's not. he's going through pop star growing pains. there is a new movie out called "eight days a week." if you want to hear skull stabbing screams, go see that. that wasn't so bad. look, he's growing up and going through this for seven or eight years and trying to bring his audience along and they're not ready to go. i think like you said though we've seen these petulant outbursts before. we'll probably see them again. and, bad night. >> he said i want to connect with you in the break so stop screaming but he's a young kids at a concert. his beliebers. >> exactly. >> at what point do you think there is a point where these kids say enough is enough. >> the kids, no, i don't think so. he refused to do selfies a while ago and had his teenage bad years where he was misbehaving and withstood that. they'll withstand this. he came back out and apologized
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i think the trip will be for everyone who became a pop tar or teen idol, does the audience move along. he's trying to drag them along. usually they kind of sit back and let it happen and the fact is if you look at the beatles, the audience does mature eventually and if you're worth it they'll stay with you. if not you get added to the pile of teenage pop ex-stars. >> you mature as your audience mature. >> people screamed for me and then they stopped. >> he does make good gio, do you have any favorite bieber songs? >> who? >> i knew cokie would -- cokie. >> did you say elvis? >> elvis. well, gio, i know you do. >> "love me tender." >> "beauty and the beat." >> what that comes on. >> "love me tender". >> my baby likes "baby." >> what do you mean?
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? what do you mean ? i like "right here" with drake. yeah, i was listening -- i just like you i'm listening to the song and vibed in, who is this, justin bieber, for a second i was like, what am i doing? >> all is forgiven here. way to go, cokie, with elvis, keep hope alive. >> cokie, gio, thank you, larry, thank you, as well. the terrifying home invasion caught on tape. a woman sleeping when a m we're going to find out how she
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know h know how you earn the title ... world's best mom? by starting each day with a perfectly balanced mug of... i've got this. mom! mccaf? coffees brew a smooth blend. that's not too strong, but never weak. mommy's not a napkin honey. you wanna see something intense? pantene expert gives you the most beautiful hair ever, with our strongest pro-v formula ever. ? ? strong is beautiful. you guys ever try one of these bars made over at right twix? why? our special cookie is cascaded with caramel and cloaked in chocolate. you never wondered?
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[ glass breaks ] aah! [ male announcer ] try both. pick a side. twix. [ male announcer ] try both. alright, did you know i was the mommy slam dunk champion? really? yes, really! don't sound so surprised. let's see it! -oh you're ready. alright, here we go. let's hear the crowd. ahhhh! i go to the right. i go to the left. fake 'em out. mama go up, up, up! she did it. -again? you can't avoid gravity. but unitedhealthcare can help you avoid financial surprises by helping you compare costs and doctor quality ratings. unitedhealthcare frmthsdz and we are back now with that scary home invasion caught on surveillance tape. abc's diane macedo here with that story. good morning, diane. >> george, good morning. this might be the most terrifying example of life imitating art. the woman says she fell asleep watching the show "a stwrapger in my home" and the next thing she knows there is a stranger in her home with one hand on her mouth and the other on her throat and maybe the worst part
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it's a brazen home invasion caught on surveillance camera. you can see a man lurking outside a ft. worth home saturday while a young woman is alone inside. >> he just comes out of nowhere and, look, he's turning around like looking in the window watching me sleep. >> you can clearly see the man's face as he searches for a way to get in. eventually crawling through a window. inside the woman had fallen asleep on her sofa watching the investigation discovery show "a stranger in my home." >> i woke up to him putting his strangling me with the other hand. at first i was immobile because i thought i was in a dream. >> reporter: now face-to-face with the intruder the woman notices the open window and tries to make an escape. >> when i saw that window i thought in my head, this -- if you're going to get out of here alive this is your one and only time. >> the man drags her back inside. >> i start screaming for help so he takes off running. >> she's shaken but not injured.
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>> anybody who is bold enough to go inside of someone's residence knowing that they're home is someone that we are concerned about. >> reporter: so obviously a dangerous man but the good thing is there's actually a very clear shot of his face so the victim is really hoping sharing there will help catch him so he doesn't have the chance to do it in anybody else. the thing is with this often you freeze and don't get a chance to scream. >> watching a movie about that happening. i can she was in a dream. >> lucky she was able to scream. >> glad it ended up all right. thanks, diane. great to have you here. >> our next hour a parenting alert. a new headline about sids and your baby. and dancing through the decade turing back the clock last night and now the booted couple joins us this morning.
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introducin introducing tresemm? botanique a blend of coconut milk and aloe vera in a professional-quality formula, inspired by nature. blended by professionals to replenish for stunning healthy-looking hair. tresemm? botanique professional. at your fingertips. professional. ?"all you need is love" plays? my friends know me so well. they can tell what i'm thinking, just by looking in my eyes. but what they didn't know was that i had dry, itchy eyes. i used artificial tears from the moment i woke up... the moment i went to bed. so i finally decided to show my eyes some love,... ...some eyelove. eyelove means having a chat with your eye doctor about your dry eyes because if you're using artificial tears often
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? there are 16 fresh-picked oranges squeezed into each bottle of tropicana pure premium. and absolutely no space for added sugar, water, or preservatives. tropicana.
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(chuckle) ( ? ) come on, dad. ( ? ) ? they tell me i'm wrong ? ? to want to stand alongside my, my love ? ? whoa, talkin' 'bout my love ? ? talkin' 'bout my, my love ?
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? ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh ? back back here on "gma" got a second hit of fresh snow in parts of vermont and there's more where that came from. look at this. that low that's going to bring cleveland some rain for tomorrow night's game will eventually get up into those higher elevations. look how close it is to new york city. it's trying. >> too close. >> too close, exactly, robin. heavy rain and a few thunderstorms along that cold front. look wha t thursday night through friday morning. that's going to be bad if you have any flights that way and temperatures, i need to show
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"good mo "good morning america" is brought to you by rent-a-center.
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good tuesday morning. 7:56. with early voting underway some election officials about double voting. the concern involves seasonal residents, snow birds who may vote early in their home state and then head to florida and vote again. election officials say the state of florida has been unable to fully participate in a cross-check program due to differences in the state's public records laws. traffic now with janelle. >> good morning, everybody. we are checking the cameras in pinellas county.
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skyway down to the howard frankland bridge. once you get to the bridges, it will slow down a bit. 14 minutes across the howard frankland in the middle. 14 across the courtney campbell. eight minutes in the green on the gandy bridge. the drive on i-4 is looking great. wide open in polk city, i-4, about, let's see what we have here, 37 minutes to get from lakeland to downtown. let's check in with action air 1. captain al, good janelle. speaking of bridges, the bayside from gulf to bay down south joining at 49th street, there was an accident further ahead in front of the courthouse complex before you got to ulmerton. it moved out of the way 10 minutes ago. residual backup being throttled by the traffic lights. now 49th street is clear to ulmerton. ulmerton is getting busy out to 275-6789 here is ivan with the forecast. looks good.
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chilly readings this morning. in the 40s across the nature coast. we are warming up now a little bit. it will warm up later on today. hanging on to 50s. by this afternoon, we will climb up to the low 80s. the warm jest day we had the last couple of days and along with this, higher humidity as well. the next few days not as comfortable and will not feel like fall with temperatures around 86. we will do that with more moisture. not rainfall but higher
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good mo good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. donald trump behind in the polls launches a nightly news show on facebook covering his own campaign. hillary clinton calling on her biggest supporters to join her napes to turn out the vote just 14 days to go. parenting alert. the new headline about sids and your baby. where they should really be sleeping the first year and how close you need to be. dr. besser breaks down the new guidelines. bus stop show off. the mother showing her son it's okay to stand out and be goofy every single day counting down to halloween with the mom who has the whole family in on it.
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ballroom and here live. maureen mccormick and her partner artem flying all night on the "gma" express dancing into times square to say -- >> good morning, america. ? ? why are we eating this? i can't have cake in front of me and wait. >> you don't have to. >> we do say we're very excited to have the booted couple here, maurn >> smiling, full of energy. they're here. gave it everything they had in the ballroom and look great. so glad they could fly all night to be here with us. >> another reason to celebrate as robin just alluded to, delish. the woman credited with starting the cupcake craze is here, sprinkles, the greatest cupcakes and has something special. >> my mom's cake recipe. my favorite, yellow cake, chocolate icing and candace
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cookbook featuring the best desserts in the recipe and including this one from my mom so i'm honored to show mom a little love. >> louise, we thank you. >> that's your breakfast. >> after two bites you may have to count the calories for the rest of the day but it's good. >> amy is not being left out. >> not at all. >> you got to put the cake down and do the news. >> i stuck to the frosting but it's good. i can't wait to dig in afterwards. the big story this morning, donald trump slamming the polls and the media as he faces a he and hillary clinton both campaigning in florida today. trump now claiming the polls that show him trailing clinton are phony and rigged and last night in tampa he accused her of taking advantage of minority voters. >> just look at what clinton and her party have done to the inner cities and to the african-american and hispanic communities. they failed them, they betrayed
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longer respond to trump's attacks but is enlisting her top supporters including senator elizabeth warren to take direct aim at trump hitting him back with his own words. >> get this, donald. nasty women are tough. nasty women are smart and nasty women vote. and on november 8th we nasty women are going to march our nasty feet to cast our nasty votes to get you out of our lives forever. >> president obama also made the case for clinton while visiting jimmy kimmel last night. well, millions of americans are voting early. the crowds broke records on the first day of early voting in texas. more than 67,000 people turned out in the houston area alone. well, there was a deadly mishap at an amusement park raising new questions.
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australia's largest theme park when a malfunction on a river ride caused two people to be thrown from a raft. two others became trapped. investigators now trying to figure out what exactly went wrong. two sheriff's deputies in oklahoma have been released from the hospital as the search intensifies for their alleged shooter. michael vance posted his getaway on facebook. he's accused of murdering his aunt and uncle before shooting those two officers with an ak-47 and stealing their patrol truck. police say he later attacked several other and in medical news a warning for women. the gender gap is closing when it comes to alcohol. a new study showing women are now drinking nearly as much as men. that is especially true for younger women. researchers say campaigns warning about the dangers of alcohol need to now be aimed at both genders. and finally, an unusual disturbance at a busy intersection in portland, maine. this man dressed up as a tree was standing in the middle of the road.
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>> here it goes. here it goes. >> but when he put down his roots in the street again, yeah, he was hauled off to jail. his name is asher woodworth. not making that up. he said he just wanted to see how he would affect people's natural choreography in the street. >> you can't even finish that. >>you took that story just for the puns. >> that was good. thank you, amy. news that goes pop. news" with you for a very special reason. >> i've heard. >> uh-huh. >> pop news time, everybody. agents of shield known for tackling superhuman cases in the marvel universe, our very own superhero, george, is stepping up to get answers in a role we say he's familiar with. >> it's an honor to be here george. >> let's get started. director mays. >> of an intro like that i think
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question. >> go ahead, north. >> what is shield's purpose if it's not protecting us from the inhumans. why are human lives not shield's priority. >> inhumans and humans share -- >> inhumans are human. and the science is in agreement with me. in fact, we share 99.8% of the human genome. >> it really is that close? i had no idea. >> wow. >> still in my range. >> george, you really are good. i had no idea. that was exce prepare for a role like that it's transformative. >> it really is. i really had to stretch. >> george, as we know is a method actor, never ever breaks character. can you watch his role on "marvel's agent of shield" that airs tonight on abc at 10:00. i am smelling recurring role. >> i'm watching that? we don't want to lose our george to the big screen. also in "pop news" this morning, another "pop news" exclusive, rob the gronk,
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character. this is a new role for "undercover lyft" and plays the role of goon, the lyft driver in a video for the company taking unsuspecting passengers and talking to them about football. right in his new england stomping grounds, take a look. >> mostly in the detroit area. >> are you a detroit lions fan because -- >> unfortunately. >> i'm a patriots fan. like hurt my feelings that you said -- >> mostly in the detroit area. >> are you a detroit lion >> unfortunately. >> i'm a patriots fan and like it hurt my feelings that you said you were a detroit lions fan. >> well, unfortunately i said. >> gronk. you ever hear people say that in new england. the gronk. >> not quite like that. >> you got to know who the quarterbacks are, right. >> i know who tom brady is. >> i love that guy. >> okay, good. >> not a clue who he was. nfl tight end introduced himself as goon and went with the name
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got out of the car and did his special kaboom smashing of the ball for them to realize the gronk was driving them all day long. all of that you can see on the video. it's on our website, very funny, the gronk wants to play in i'm glad he was in an. uv. he's a big man. >> so bigger than you. >> he makes me look like a baby. >> really. >> yeah, he is a big guy. >> i had no idea. >> watch him on sunday. nobody can tackle the cool. all right, finally, everybody, back here at home, shaquille ee neal may have launched a new brand and new career, not a new brand but career. he is now part owner of a krispy kreme franchise in downtown atlanta. shaq, you know we love our doughnut, just saying he announced it by tweeting out the krispy kreme logo saying, your favorite dough thought just got even hotter, baby so now the man known as the big daddy and the
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krispy kreme also announcing the shaq is the brand's new global spokesman. >> i grew up on krispy kreme. >> well, let's bring them on. >> oh. >> you've been in the krispy kreme family forever. >> when that red light is going -- >> nice and warm. >> sounds like a great investment, shaq. that's "pop news," guys. >> coming up new guidelines about where your baby should sleep their first year. dr. besser here with a recommendation to keep them safe. plus, we've got "dance's" booted couple, from "the brady bunch" and artem. they are here live. see them dancing in the ballroroom. ? to me the acidity of foods and what they can do to your teeth. thinning of the teeth and leading to being extremely yellow would probably gross me out! my dentist recommended pronamel. it can help protect enamel from acid erosion. my mouth feels really fresh and clean and i stuck with it. i really like it. it gives me a lot of confidence.
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helping to protect your enamel. mayb maybe almond breeze tastes so good because it's the only almondmilk made with california blue diamond almonds. but if you ask our almond growers... there's no maybe about it. ilk. proud sponsor of usa volleyball. technology is useful. i just bought a book. and while i was telling you about the book, i downloaded a song. oh, and full disclosure, when we were just chatting about that song thing, someone arranged a date. guilty. the point is, life is digital. so, carmax, created a site where you can reserve a car online. come in when it's convenient, your car will be waiting. just another thing to make buying a car better for you...
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lol. how tall are you? how do we measure greatness in america? it's measured by what we do for our children. it's why as president i'll invest in our schools. and an economy where every young american can find a job that lets them start a family of their own. i've spent my life fighting for kids and families. i want our success to be measured by theirs. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. sweet sun ripened strawberries. no artificial flavors. philadelphia? strawberry.
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nothing else tastes like philadelphia? i don't want to live with the uncertainties of hep c. or wonder whether i should seek treatment. i am ready. because today there's harvoni. a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of chronic hepatitis c. harvoni is proven to cure up to 99% of patients... ...who've had no prior treatment. it transformed treatment as the first cure that's... pill, once a day certain patients... ...can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. harvoni is a simple treatment regimen that's been prescribed to more than a quarter of a million patients. tell your doctor if you've had a liver transplant, other liver or kidney problems, hiv, or any other medical conditions, and about all the medicines you take including herbal supplements. taking amiodarone with harvoni may cause a serious slowing of your heart rate. common side effects of harvoni may include tiredness, headache and weakness.
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are you ready? ask your hep c specialist if harvoni is right for you. ? good ? good golly miss molly ?come b >> welcome back to "gma." calvin johnson, lindsay arnold nailing the jive on "dancing with the stars." they're still in it, unfortunately, miles an hoaureem
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we want to get to that big parent ago letter. new recommendations for keeping babies safe while they sleep. here's a look at the new guidelines. oh, you know putting babies to sleep can be tough. but don't take shortcuts. there are new recommendations to make sure they're safer while they snooze. the american academy of pediatrics releasing new safe sleep guidelines on monday to prevent many of the 3500 sudden including from sudden infant death syndrome, sids, that happens every year in the u.s. the academy now recommending that babies should sleep in the same room as their parents for their first year. lowering the risk of sids by up to 50%. staying in the same room but not the same bed. continue to skin contact for the first hour of life reduces the risk of death. so does breast freezing and babies should be put to sleep on
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editor dr. richard besser will join us. same room, not same bed. that's key. >> these recommendations have been a long time coming. it's been a while since they've come out with it. sids is rare but it's the leading cause of death in the first year of life. no movement in about 20 years so the big message from this is in the same room but not in the same bed. in the same bed there's worry about smothering. you also don't want to feed your baby or fall asleep on a couch or an armchair. breast fed babies half the risk of those who aren't and can reduce the risk. >> a pacifier. how so? >> and they think it may just keep the baby a little more alert. if it falls out you don't have to put it back but it's interesting. >> you will give us an example. how many types do you see things that want to be beautiful and comfy. what's safe. >> you think, oh, my, so cozy and comfortable. it's exactly the wrong way to go. so let's make this safe. you want to get rid of the blankets, okay. those go in the basket.
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get rid of these nice lovely stuffed animals. okay. you want to have a nice firm mattress, tight fitting sheet and put the baby down on her back to sleep and that is the safe way to go. >> okay. no blanket but it's cold. people want to put something on the baby. what do you suggest. >> a couple thing, first make the house comfortable so that you are comfortable wearing just a light outfit then you can put your baby down in one more layer than you would wear. so it can have a onesie and then a zip-up. okay, but no blank occasionally smother. >> layer like we do. >> it may not be the way you like to sleep but the safest for your baby to sleep. coming up "dancing's" booting couple maureen and artem
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? ? lots of vitamins a&c, and, only 50 calories a serving...
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you're you're acting so funny, what's wrong, billy? my doctor says i have skittles pox. are they contagious? i don't think so. contract the rainbow! taste the rainbow! i'm lucky to get through a shift without a disaster. my bargain detergent couldn't keep up. so, i switched to tide pods. they're super concentrated, so i get a better clean. tide. number one rated. oh, look... ...another anti-wrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. neutrogena? rapid wrinkle repair works... one week. with the... fastest retinol formula available. it's clinically proven to work on fine lines and... ...even deep wrinkles. "one week? that definitely works!" rapid wrinkle repair.
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ee what's possible." ? ? back now with all the "dancing with the stars" action. the couples pulled out all the stops last night. see calvin johnson right there. because they were dancing through the decades. >> calvin and james tied at the top of the leaderboard. one couple, though, danced their
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hey, jesse. >> it was the end of an era for maureen mccormick and her partner artem. we'll hear from both of them in a moment. first a look at all the excitement on era night. ? the stars stepping back in time. ? god golly miss molly ? >> reporter: dancing across the decades in mobasher's era night. after a time traveling showdown between team future and team past an elimination. >> maureen and artem. >> reporter: actress chigvintsev bidding farewell to the arena. >> i'm so proud that i faced one of my biggest fears and i did it. i mean i lasted seven weeks. >> marcia, marcia, marcia. >> reporter: >> reporter: despite tension. >> back, step, step. >> i'm just going to stay positive. ? >> reporter: the pair steadily
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>> 8. >> oh, my gosh. >> reporter: to see you where you came from week one to where you are tonight, you are a different person. ? >> reporter: the tell television star leaving the ballroom grateful for every step on the dance floor. >> it was a dream for me. it was beautiful. ? >> reporter: with just seven couples left the competition is now heating up. next week it's getting scary. there's going to be a very and lara. >> ooh. spooky. jesse, thank you, my man. maureen and artem joining us now. welcome both of you. >> chilly new york city. looked like there was a blunder out there. did you trip on her dress? what happened? >> yes, towards the end i kind of slipped on the dress and it's a bummer because that was the dance we led with. >> life happens.
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came here and i heard you say in the course of this, you felt like you were the worst dancer in the world. >> oh, ya i. >> you felt like you were floating in the ballroom. did you expect to ever get to the point where you felt as comfortable as you did? >> no, i never did. i really didn't and honestly i thought i'd be lucky if i survived a week, you know, but i just wanted to give it my all and, you know, yeah, it was so with him when i felt like i was floating. >> that's great. i mean, i know, let's face it, it's not easy to spend that up time and put that much pressure on someone who is not a professional dancer. there was tension at times. do you think that in the end made you stronger and helped you -- and lift maureen, so to speak. >> i think we understood each other better. it's all a learning process and everybody learns so different.
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make best in the situation and it was a learning process but i think we figured it out. >> you did. tough part because -- >> not only emotionally, emotionally it's a tough thing but physically it's tough and you tore two muscles in your back. >> i did. >> how are you feeling now. >> great. i feel so good. yeah, i tore two muscles and had to go in for an epidural which thank goodness i could do because it really helped me get through everything, but i great. i'm like -- i can't wait to go back and do pilates and swim and jog and do all the things i love so -- >> we want to bring in our dancing expert. >> bring her in. >> that can relate. >> physically, emotionally. ginger. >> she's been so amazing on "dancing with the stars." >> you were so beautiful. >> you said that to me and i thought you were inspiring. i loved watching you and artem. i know how great a teacher you
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i'm so proud of you. congratulation. >> thanks. >> what is your insight, though, on them, on the show right now and on where the couples are heading. >> at this point i feel like when they start to add the group dance it's hard enough knowing that first dance, you have the second so mentally you're going, what then the honeymoon is over for your body and it starts to break down and you start to go, wait a minute and the couple, the honeymoon is over because you start to ago like you would act in a relationship. >> it's true. it's true. >> what will >> oh, you know what, the crew. the nicest crew ever. >> well, we'll miss watching you every week, artem, you did a great job. thank you for entertaining us and, ginger, thank you for your insight. >> you don't want to miss didn't. monday night at 8:00 eastern, 7:00 central right here on abc. and don't go anywhere. we'll come back with ginger with more weather. >> actually i'm going to freeze
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>> thanks, >> thanks, ginger, coming up, we have abbi jacobson here live in times square. and cupcakes for everybody. sprinkles' founder is here sharing her best recipes and one from this guy's momma. >> momma's chocolate cake. >> i got to taste that. >> i'm sharing. everybody gets some.
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good morning. a crash on of i-275 in pinellas county. it's in the clearing stages. it was causing a backup on 275 after you got to 38th avenue north. let's take a look. you can see the slow down back to around 5th avenue south. if you are heading to the interstate, take u.s. 19. even though the crash is moved out of the way, we are still seeing lingering delays. in the next 10 to 15 minutes
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average speed northbound on 275, 37. southbound you are looking great, 67 the average speed there. checking your drive on the toll roads, slow on the veterans, 24 minutes from 54 to 275. the selmon expressway, we are in the green. seven minutes from i-75 into downtown. ivan? >> janelle, thanks a lot. high clouds rolling in here. i think we will be in fine shape. a lot of sunshine. we will warm up more than we we are not stopping today. i will show you the seven day in a second. mid- to upper-60s. nice and cool start one last monk then we warm things up. in the 50s right now. we have morning lows in the 40s across the nature coast. a couple of 60s. polk county in the 60s as well. by the after, all of us warm wearing up -- warming up. we will be in the low 0s with a tad more humidity.
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temperatures back in the mid- 80s. that combination will make it feel less like halloween and more like september as we check on temps for the upcoming weekend. both weekend days in the mid- 80s with overnight lows not as cool, in the 60s.
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? welcome t ? welcome to my house ? and we do welcome you back here to times square and so just so you know usually we're inside election in two weeks so they had to build the set. right, right, so we're out here freezing. >> we're out here freezing but there's a halloween countdown. even though we're freezing how many are excited for halloween? >> which in turn leaves us to our first story which you have. >> so funny you should mention that, michael. yes, we have this mother of
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and and she dresses up as a halloween character at the bus stop and goes and picks up her kids. >> different one every day. >> different one every day for the entire month of october and did this because one of her children was a little -- a bit shy and feeling different and wanted to show that being different is okay. would you like to meet this mom from virginia? she's at the bus stop. so let's see what she's dressed up as tay children. there she is. hey, julie. >> so, adorable. adorable. so, julie, explain why you wanted to do this why do you do this? >> well, i started in 2013 because my son was a perfectionist and was hard on himself and was shy and i wanted him to know that it was okay to be different and to stand out
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you and sometimes they wouldn't but that's okay. life shouldn't be so serious especially when you're a child and find fun among the mundane and so i started dressing up. >> how have the kids been about this, mom? >> they loved it actually. they look forward to every october and all the kids on the bus stop do too. and my daughter last year started school earlier and i said do you want me to dress up for your bus too and she said can i elementary school kids so she's been my partner for two years now. >> wonderful. has it helped your son, julie, at all? >> it has helped my son so much. he's in sixth grade now and he's a little shy still but that's just his personality but he has been goofy and has done thing that's wouldn't have done are, you know, three years ago and it's so refreshing and, in kt fact, he told me in middle
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>> coming out of his shell. >> they're out of their shell this morning. that's for sure. >> definitely are. >> i got to tell you that was a creative idea and it's working for you and it's just wonderful that you found a way to help your son and to have a little -- come on. you have a little fun with this too, don't you, julie? >> that's right. i do. i do. it's a good creative outlet. but it doesn't take much time at all and that's something that i put into it, i try to find pieces around the up with fun costumes with those little pieces. >> it's a long month, october. different outfit. >> november is going to be a breeze. >> i'm sure the kids at the bus stop seem to enjoy it too. >> they love it. they really do. i've had a few moms come up and thank me and they said my son looks forward to this every day and i love it. i love it other kids have found
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>> any chance the other moms are going to join you? >> actually, yes. we have a surprise for halloween. we're going to dress up as skeletons just really simple and we're going to do part of the "thriller" dance. that's our surprise for halloween. >> please tell me a camera will be rolling. please tell me you're going to tape it. i'm sure that's going to be priceless. but, julie -- >> okay, great, we'll do that. >> please do. >> thank you very much. thank wave. can you wave? >> she is all in. i'm glad the kids are at school and don't know about the surprise. that is good. i have somebody who i'm bringing to the table today. she is one of the leading ladies of the hit comedy "broad city" and now she's got a hilarious new book out called "carry this book" and it's abbi jacobson, everybody. [ applause ] >> hi, abbi. >> hi, guys.
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>> nice to see you. >> hi. >> hi. >> good to see you. >> it rolls, be careful. you got it. >> it's a roller. >> whoa. hi. >> great to see you here. >> yeah, this is so cool in times outside. >> so cool and cold. >> it's really cold. >> you're getting ready for the fourth season of "broad city." congratulations on that. >> thank you very much. >> amy poehler is executive producing the show. you have so many incredible guest stars on the had hillary clinton. >> yeah. it was pretty insane for us. i don't know, i mean it meant so much to everyone that works on the show and obviously ilana and i to have someone of that caliber. >> i know. completely around but we had such amazing actors but just to have hillary was another level. >> what was it like when you got the call. >> we didn't get the call. we had been kind of trying to
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awhile. we wrote it way before we shot it. and i guess we did get a call. when we got a call, we got an e-mail, we were just -- it was unbelievable. i mean. we really didn't -- >> tell us. >> so the book, it's called "carry this book." basically every spread is a different famous person or famous fictional character's contents of their bag. >> imagined by me. sort of like my own littl with them. >> so i'm looking at one board here. this is hillary clinton -- what you fantasy size she's carrying in her bag. >> yes. >> let's have a look at that. >> some items. >> obviously there might be a lot more things but these are just a couple things. >> lady gaga fan club card. >> yep. >> old school blackberry. >> hot sauce. >> she's just like -- yeah -- >> one of my hero, billie jean king. i i love her glasses.
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>> uh-huh. >> your character on the show does a lot of sketches so this is a play off your character's -- ? i went to our school so my character abbi is an illustrator as well and everything that she does on the show is stuff i've actually done and doing it on the show is kind of made me want to get back into it so, yeah, for the past like six months i've been working on this and it's been so much fun. >> draw what you imagine -- >> i did it at night after we were writing the show. it was very i lost feeling in my fingers. >> you gave santa at hamptons house -- >> yes. and drives a mercedes. i feel like santa probably gifts himself a lot of nice things. >> who do you have. >> i have beyonce. very funny, cho lula, the hot sauce and "the secret." i'm sure that's what it is. >> i don't know if i got the right hot sauce brand.
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brand. >> beyonce's bag is basically just me realizing that or fantasizing that we use a lot of the same brands so it's basically -- >> maybe you are beyonce. >> we had hillary so now i have donald trump. you have donald trump right here. >> equal time. >> equal time always. >> donald -- i could probably update it every week with new things. >> i like the comb. that's very nice. >> and the huge gloves. >> dummies. >> i'm reading the sign. >> it's a pen. it's a very nice pen. >> building walls for dummies. >> good read. >> yeah, his i could have done a lot more. >> so do you draw from just what you read about people, what you know, some of them i'm sure you know personally so has anyone said, you know what, i do have those things in my bag. >> i don't know a lot of these people personally. the only person that help mood he do it was amy poehler because
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carry. but, yeah, i did basic research and then used my imagination. yeah. >> it's what you do. >> you do it so well. >> what she does really well and the way you talk about your mom on instagram is sweet with pictures like that. very sweet. >> moi mom will love that. i do a littttle pull for her li carol burnett. >> moms are the best. >> so are you. great to meet you. >> nations. >> thanks so much for having me. >> yes. to art school so i'm glad it comes in handy. >> there we go. >> absolutely. >> and "carry this book" is out now. coming up, lara and her physical therapist are breaking down the best ways to prevent joint pain next. you're doing well in your recovery, right? >> so far so good, robin.
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we were we were just chatting and have a lot to talk about. i wa "gma" and ask how many of you are finding dory fans? yeah. oh, yeah. well, i've got great news for you. and for you at home. "finding dory" is out this morning on digital release. the adventures of everyone's favorite forgetful fish can now be viewed in our own home. yeah, it's exciting plus for you guys in times square, all of you, are getting the digital code so you can download
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>> okay. they're going out. they're going fast, lara. >> all right, ginger, thank you so much. and now we're going to talk about the best ways to prevent joint pain. i had to have surgery and my hip replaced because of a through -- how do you say it. >> argue throwscopic surgery. >> thank you, osteoarthritis, big problem. good news there are ways to strengthen the body and help avoid invasive operations. we're going to get into that with todd, my physical therapist in a moment. some very simple exercises i promise will help you but first here's the back story. >> i know all too well severe joint pain can be absolutely debilitating. >> oh, my god.
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common form of joint pain affects 27 million americans. almost 20% of them are under the age of 60. it is painful and it is the leading cause of joint replacement surgery. most people think the condition is impossible to avoid. the simple result of growing older. but that's not true and doctors say there are ways to prevent or at least put off the worst of osseoarthritis. >> the prevailing thought is that if you keep your muscles strong, flexible and in good abnormal joint stresses. >> reporter: although doctors cannot always predict who will get osseoarthritis. they think certain kinds of exercise, though, can go a long way towards helping the body. >> i think one of the most important things when it comes to exercising is to be assessed. to make sure you're doing exercises that are appropriate for you. >> all right, we're joined by my physical therapist todd wilkowski. thank you, thank you, thank you
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surgery, up, moving. i ran two miles yesterday and a lot of this is -- well, it's all about exercise. and what we're talking about today is exercising, when you have osseoarthritis to hopefully avoid surgery altogether. how important is exercising? >> exercise is important because it brings blood flow to the joints and to the musculature and also important for weight control. we know that when someone is carrying a couple extra pounds for each extra pound they carry it they're hit by six pounds and three pounds of extra stress at the knee joint if if you're feeling those aches and pains just getting up and moving can really make i difference, a couple pounds, you had me in an ultra g treadmill and took away some of my body weight to run so it was less pressure on the joints, the difference it makes is unbelievable. so getting up and moving is critical. >> it's critical and like you referenced the ultra g, to actually understand what it feels like to take a little bit
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>> all right, so let's talk about some myths. you'll be our myth buster. there are a lot of questions people have. first i want to say arthritis is not just for old people. i just want to say it's for active people so a lot have asked those questions, what's the deal. why so young, i know i'm only 26 but it happens so we're here to help you with important information. number one, here's a myth, guys. we want the audience to participate. tell us if you think it's a truth or myth. cracking your knuckles causes arthri hand. most people think that's a myth. i got a couple -- todd, the real answer. >> it is a myth. [ cheers and applause ] even though i tell my children otherwise, because i can't stand the popping at the dinner table, it's actually a response of -- a release of gases within the joint. it's -- >> it's no big deal. >> to big deal. no scientific evidence to back up that it causes arthritis.
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is better than ice for sore joints. is that a myth or is that true? heat is better than ice for joints? a lot of people think it's a myth that heat is better. a couple of truths in there. what do you say, todd. >> it's a myth. it actually -- it actually depends on the time of the day when you're using it. ice usually better in the evenings or after someone has been active on a joint and it's inflamed. it helps alleviate the pain. we usually recommend joins up or prior to exercise >> that's the way we do it and then ice. let's get up. we want to show you a couple of quick exercises. oh, wait. they're saying we have time for one more myth buster. when it comes to exercise, no pain no gain. is that true or a myth. >> what do we got? >> we got a mixed bag. >> it is a mixed bag. there's actually some truth to that and myth as well. >> all right, everybody wins. >> what's the deal?
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pain and soreness you experience for 24 to 36 hours after exercise in the muscles, good. intense sharper pain that you can get in the joint, not so good. that's something where you want to avoid that exercise and, you know, seek attention from a medical professional. >> that throbbing, trust me, you'll know it. they're very different. that's exactly what we discovered. we'll have to do our exercises and do them and put them on our website because we've run out of time. thank you for all the myths and thank you guys for participate. so much great information out there. really important to know so we'll definitely post that. coming up, cupcakes. after a workout who doesn't need
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all righ all right, back now with cupcakes and my friend and pastry chef candace nelson, she just released her first cookbook. i'm so proud of you. >> thank you.
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sprinkles baking book" with over 100 of her favorite recipes including one of my favorites from my own mother's kitchen. my mom's butter cake. welcome. >> thank you so much. today i'm demoing our dark chocolate cupcake and we've got our butter and sugar cream in here so we're just going to ramp that up a little bit and then add these eggs and i'm pretty excited because we are sharing this recipe and so many more in my cookbook. and this is actually my favorite recipe, got me -- >> you have a favorite cupcake. >> this is my got me through both of my pregnan pregnancies. >> you opened up your restaurant. it is the only cupcake -- only restaurant back in 2005. >> that's right. sprinkles started as a first cupcakes only bakery but you know what, we do so much more now. we're doing ice cream. we're doing cookies. and all of those recipes are in my cookbook which is launching today. >> yep. >> and i'm super excited because
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we've got, you know, sprinkles recipes. >> a lot of friends' recipes and celebrity recipe. >>s we got some including your own momma's butter cake which is amazing. >> which mom is very happy she's in the book. >> you know what, i love how sweet you are to your momma and i hope my boys are watching. i hope someday they honor me the way you always honor your momma. >> thank you. i appreciate that. hear that, momma. >> you got a good one. all right. so when your batter is done you want to scoop it with this. >> okay, i can do that. >> d a you group up abroad like i did and how does that influence your like love of cooking and baking. >> you know what, i grew up overseas and always wanted to feel like i was part of my homeland, america and so i grew up baking american desserts with my mom and led me to cupcakes, the great american dessert. it'll look like that and you'll throw it in a 350-degree oven for 18 to 20 minutes. kind of want to make sure the
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po pour. they're a delicate creature. >> we'll move on from my scooping. >> here we have our frosting which you'll find the recipe on the website. and it's full of butter and bittersweet chocolate and -- >> all healthy. >> all healthy. all good stuff. you want to use an offset spatula to create that nice handcrafted feel. >> mine doesn't look as ha handcrafted. mine looks a little disheveled. >> it looks extra ha perfect for halloween cupcakes because it's nice and black and you can throw anything on here like a little fondant ghost and sprinkles has tons of halloween decorations. >> tons of cupcakes. ooh. a little ghost right there and the "the sprinkles baking book" is out today. make sure you go and get it. we'll be right back. you two are eating. we're over here working. you're eating. "gma's" countdown to
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a c a clean plate. >> i mean, you know, part of the job, right?
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good morning, everybody. we have the second crash of the morning on 275 northbound through pinellas county. just minutes ago they moved the crash out of the roadway. so cars are getting by easier now. just a little bit of cars, a few cars left on the roadway. use caution. slow down and move over. as you can see, we are getting back to 275. we are up to 54. we were in the red last time i talked to you about 30 minutes ago. things are getting better. southbound 275 is looking great at 67 average speed. a new crash in pinellas county. curlew road we have westbound roadblock at u.s. 19. i'm seeing southbound delays as well. leave yourself extra time there. checking your drive across the water this morning, still a little slow on the howard frankland, 11 minutes. 112 on the courtney campbell
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to cross the gandy bridge. ivan. >> janelle, thanks a lot. temps are in the low 80s. by this afternoon mostly sunny. mild with an east wind with us over the next few days. that will provide us with higher humidity heading into the middle part of the week boo the weekend. not as fall like with temperatures climbing up into the mid- to upper-80s and eventually we will talk about humidity that will make it easterly wind will moderate the temps and humidity and the forecast, hour by hour, temperatures this morning 40s and 50s across the nature coast. respectable. we are getting out of that climbing back into the mid-80s. still humidity under control for the day and then heading into tomorrow, you will notice it by the afternoon with a little more moisture. we will talk about that and whether that will affect the rain chances into the big upcoming weekend of halloween
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unfairly target. an emergency meeting underway to investigate the close ties between taxi companies and the group supposed to be regulating them and how it's impacting uber and lyft. >> a theme park ride turns into trading in australia. >> a scary thought. sheriffs warning parents this halloween, your kids could be


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