tv Right This Minute ABC November 10, 2016 12:30pm-1:00pm EST
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all all new viral videos today, "right this minute." a paraglider with chute trouble figures he's doomed, but that's all about to change. see what's below that hope. >> catch him, catch him. a mother and daughter stroll through a store. >> that's when the mom gives the little one the signal. >> what she's doing that is so not cool. it looks like your average spa treatment. >> he takes a brlanket and lays it over on top. >> why this one is only for the bold who want to be beautiful. plus, bonus giveaway day means your chance to win a new ipad mini or flat screen tv.
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>> he's finally figured out on the third one not to turn it inside out. >> see how many times this model can get it on and off. >> this video has been viewed thousands of times. >> by you. >> no. guys, i'm about to show you a paragliding video from tour key, but this is a little different. this has more information than we've ever seen. bottom middle, his vertical speed. right now it's minus 1.6 meters per second. basicall at about five feet per second. that's all about to change. the win the wing collapses, but the real trouble comes in here. as he's trying to re-inflate the wing, pulling on his brakes, the brake ca brake catches the reserve shoot handle and that deploys. now he has his main canopy
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now he's in trouble. his speed has decreased. his heart rate went from 130 to 167. his vertical speed plummets to about 27 feet per second. >> oh, dude. and his lines could easily tangle. both chutes. >> you're right. he continues to try and inflate the main canopy. it does pop open a little bit, but he's still got this issue of the tangling. he starts to reel in the main chute and rely on only reserve. good news, this spot in turkey is a hot spot for paragliders. and he's also over water. that means there are a lot of people watching the skies and watching for people in trouble. so now you can see he's lost a lot of elevation. he's going straight for the water. also, look. >> earlier i thought i saw wake from boats. >> yeah, two boats. see what's happening. they start heading his direction. >> catch him, catch him.
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here we go. >> oh, wow. >> splash down right in front of these two boats. there was a casualty in this situation, his waterproof bag for his cell phone, not so waterproof. a pretty neat look at something we've seen before but now that we have all the numbers to kind of break it down, it just adds another layer to what these guys do. i've seen this video. honestly, i ordered 350 million of these for the whole country. you'll see why. >> put up the sticky note. >> this young lady right here riding the bus to school was getting bullied for her skin color. that's when mum's like, you know what, don't let the haters get you down. when they go low, we go high. so what mum did is wrote a bunch of affirmations and stuck them to her mirror, telling her to read them. the little girl reads everything
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it's just so sweet. >> i am beautiful and black. i am smart. i am funny. i am vibrant. i am kind. i am honest. i am helpful. i am graceful. i am nice. i am proud to be brown. >> yes, you are. >> i'm magical, unbreakable, and confident. >> teach her self-love when other her down. >> over things that are not important. that's the way you teach your children to love themselves and to love other people. >> i think it's a really beautiful way to remind people, not just her, but everyone that's going to watch this video that we should just love each other as we are. our differences are what make us amazing and beautiful. >> now, you'll always remember those things. you look in wyour mirror every day, and if you're having a bad day or getting teased at school, this is what you remember, the
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okay? love you. >> love you too, mama. we're often amused by the slight of hand by magicians. was that same slight of hand used by thieves? this takes place in a shop in china. you see a young girl and her mother walking into the shop. at this point, the shopkeeper is doing something else. that's when the mom gives the little one the signal. she heads behind the counter and starts opening up all of the drawers. she lands a cell phone. she reaches into the picks the cell phone up, puts it in her pants, and walks out. >> i would love to know how this goes down. do they practice this at home? instead of reading books and playing games, are they teaching this kid step by step how to steal? >> before we all start the judgment, it's all with mum. they're just doing what mum says to do. >> the shop owner did notice the phone was missing. the police are investigating the situation. reports are that a child under 14 in china can't be charged or prosecuted. but the mom is facing jail time for sure. the next video also in china
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pink jacket on. she's standing with her back toward this man. he enters the frame. with what looks like metal chop sticks, reaches into her pocket, and takes the phone out. >> that guy was surgical about it. that's like the old game of operation. he just reached right in there and didn't set off the buzzer. >> he got in, got out, but he didn't get very far. police caught up to him at his home and took him in. >> i'm glad they could find that guy. i would think he'd be somebody you wouldn't know who it was. >> turn the phone off, all these modern devices have gps and trackers. if you're going to steal it and plan on using it, prepare to get caught. >> you're not hard to find. mar maria alvarez is the winner i winner in the rtm ipad mini give away. >> today is bonus giveaway day. we're giving away an ipad mini and flat screen tv.
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least 21 years of age, and a lee legal resident of the u.s. or canada. stand by for the rtm ipad mini y giveaway. the great songstress alici keys s keys sang "this girl is on fire." this girl took it literally. >> what about just cranking the electric blanket? >> hot stones. that'll do it. >>et burning sensations. >> this is daniel, the man who is doing this treatment for her. as you can see, he takes a blanket and lays it on top of a blanket that clearly has something on it so it could flame up but not burn her. she says her internal flame was always afire. >> why do this? >> it's to release negative energy. >> really? >> yeah. this woman is anastasia. she's famous in russia because
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>> seems a little crazy, but if there are people standing by that know how this process works and know how to quickly extinguish it, okay. i'm down. the >> the translation of what she's saying here is she was scared a little bit and it feels very warm, but she recommends it to all. she thought a beautiful look at what's to come. >> upcoming winter wonderland that awaits us all. >> extreme sports at its finest. and he needs help getting on his bike. >> you look pretty strong. can you hold my sheet for a second so i can get on? >> but see what happens once he hops on. you're right. we need to get ready for the big show. what's up dudes?
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up for the lights? you got it. oh, hey. what do you think? tall enough? definitely taller. it's starting to click guys. woo-hoo. yes. [ instrumental music ] we're gonna make this... [ barks ] yeah, spectacular. [ music continues ] ? aking on glass] when families gather, things get messy. ours can help. sc johnson. here's a little healthy advice. take care of what makes you, you. right down to your skin. aveeno? daily moisturizing lotion with 5 vital nutrients for healthier looking skin in just one day. aveeno?.
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closed captioning provided y hot lidocaine. desensitizes aggravated nerves with the max strength lidocaine available. new icy hot lidocaine. bef before we look into the great dark unknown of winter, sometimes it can be pretty awesome just to look back at how great it was and how great it can still be. that's the message behind this
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back in may. must be must be pretty awesome when you have these kind of skills. once they get him up into the air, now they're just playing with mother nature. >> seriously, of all the different extreme sports, the ability to ski and fly, put those two things together, i don't know that i like any other extreme sports video more than this. >> like right here. you can see he's basically surfing the avalanche. doing a little bit of both and it just shows all these different angles as they're doing what they do best. nick, i'm completely with you. i find them some of the most exciting and engaging videos you can get when it comes to extreme sports. when you put that together with the incredible vistas. >> and as crazy as it sounds, it's relatively safe. if you do get caught in an avalanche, all you have to do is, whoop, go up. >> i don't know if that's accurate, but i get the same feeling. i know what you're talking
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my wings and fly away from danger, then it's safe. >> a rock? no problem. >> this is honestly what we get to look forward to. with skills like this, with people like thomas and his friends out there, we have a crazy winter season. just the proper thing to perk everybody up, pancakes. >> always, always, always the best option. >> oh, yeah. this is the time of year where your carb dan cakes made some amazing disney pancakes. i don't just mean you see the shapes of them and two colors of brown. i mean the dude got full on color in these pancakes. first we just see the sketches. he sketches them in black and starts filling them in. oh, look. you found dory. >> >> oh, look, he found dory.
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>> but notice when he starts filling in the details. >> the best part about this is they do it all in reverse. >> i know. that's what i was just thinking. you have to have such creative strength to be able to do this from reverse. >> then he flips it over. >> that's ridiculous. i can't even flip a circular pancake. >> check out his website at >> the only bad thing is you have to wait so long to get your pancake. you have to have a whole stack of regular pancakes first. >> it's now brunch. you guys remember what it was like to learn how to ride a bicycle. >> oh, yeah, when my dad took off the training wheels, it was awesome. >> i'll never forget that day. >> there's always a story to tell. there's a big story to tell in this case because the person learning how to ride his bike is also kno
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>> do me a favor. you look pretty strong. hold my sheet for a second so i can get on. >> you got it. >> my pants are stuck on the pedal. >> all the way in there. >> sorry about that. >> these guys are being real cool. >> i'm so happy. >> they must have kids. >> so they have that dad patience. >> shove me off. [ bleep ]. all right, go. thanks. >> i was hoping for that. >> he finally takes off. he's all wobbly. before you know it, he's popping a wheelie on the darn thing.ppre tune of dr. >> announcer: this is an abc news special report. now reporting, george stephanopoulos. good afternoon. president obama has just met
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trump in the oval office. we saw donald trump fly down from new york earlier today. we have, promising to bring the country together. we heard that in his acceptance speech wednesday morning. president obama said we have to be rooting for donald trump's success. in the wake of that, protests overnight in cities, thousands of protesters in the streets and hundreds were arrested. the trump tower in manhattan. the president and president-elect met for about an hour, and melania trump in her first visit to the white house expected to have tea with the first lady. also companied by donald trump's son-in-law, who has been a key adviser to the president. let's listen in to what we heard. >> i just had the opportunity to have an excellent conversation
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we talked about some of the organizational issues, we talked about foreign policy and domestic policy. and as i said last night, my number one priority in the coming two months is to try to facilitate, transition and ensure our president-elect is successful. and and i have been very aware of the interest of president-elect trump wanting to work. with many of the issues that this country faces, and i believe that it is important for all of us, regardless of party, and regardless of political
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together, work together to deal with the challenges that we face. and in the meantime, michelle and in the meantime, michelle has had a chance to brief first lady, and excellent conversation with her as well, and we want to make sure they feel welcome and ready to make this transition. most of all, as i you, as president-elect that we now are going to want to do everything we can to help you succeed because if you succeed, then the country succeeds. >> thank you very much, president obama. this was a meeting that was going to last for maybe 10 or 15 minutes, and we were just going to get to know each other. we have never met each other. i have great respect.
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half and a half, and as far as i'm concerned, it could have gone on for a lot longer. we really -- we discussed a lot of different situations. some wonderful, and some of twe every single one deeper focus. i very much look forward to working with the president, including counsel. he explained some of the difficulties and the assets and some of the great things that have been achieved. so mr. president, it was a great honor being with you, and i look forward to being with you many, many, many times. >> thank you. thank you, everybody! we are not -- we are not going to be taking any questions. thank you, guys. thank you. that is a good rule. don't answer questions when they just start -- >> always the last one. >> come on, guys. come on, guys.
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appreciate it. thank you, guys. >> president obama making it clear he wasn't going to take any questions after that meeting with donald trump. his first meeting ever with donald trump. apparently a cordial meeting as you heard right there. an excellent wide-ranging conversation. and donald trump also saying it was a good conversation, and saying he would seek the president's counsel in the future. i want to bring in jon karl. a lot of this campaign, and donald trump questioned if president obama was born in the united states. that first meeting, apparently rather successful. >> reporter: and there was a question that was answered. at the end there, i asked donald trump if he was going to really seek the president's counsel, and he said, he is a very good man. those were words that i hadn't expected to hear from donald trump. covering him all over this year.
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many, many, more times in the future. he made a reference to some of the excellent things that have been accomplished, and this was -- this was apparently a quite cordial meeting. as trump mentioned, it lasted for an hour and a half, and while we were waiting to go inside the oval office, they had the pool waiting right next to the aide, i noticed that jared >> that's it. i th kushner, ivanka trump's husband was walking around with president obama's chief of staff. that's a walk that the president often takes when they discuss waiting matters. that was where they talked about the bombing campaign that was to happen against syria. of course, it didn't happen largely because of what the two men discussed. interesting to see not only the meeting between the incoming
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chief of staff and one of the incoming president's important advisers. >> he said that he'll seek his counsel given that many of the things he said on the campaign trail were to undo what he did in office. >> reporter: also the unbridled animosity we have seen. you mention, donald trump questioned or not president obama was a citizen of the united states and therefore, eligible to be united states. and president obama made no bones about the fact that he believed that donald trump was temperamentally unfit to be commander in chief. we see them quite cordial words from each man. the president saying he is bound and determined to try to help donald trump be a successful president and transition because he thinks that would mean success for the country as a whole, and this extraordinary statement from donald trump that he will be seeking counsel from
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>> cokie roberts, cordial words. one of the rituals of democracy. >> reporter: i think donald trump has learned since the election that words really do matter. we had a dramatic instance of that where after the results were becoming clear, we saw the stock market futures drop by almost 1,000 points. 850 points or so, and then donald trump made that very and stocks started to go up, and hillary clinton and the president made their very conciliatory speeches yesterday, and the market soared. that is something that's very hard for presidents to learn, and that their words really do affect peace and war, and they affect markets, and donald trump is learning that very quickly and is responding to it in a way that i think can make people feel a lot more comfortable.
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popcorn will make a dog jump. ? how how many times can you take your t-shirt off and on? >> probably six times. >> i'll go ten. >> i'll go in the middle, five. >> okay. well, this guy is doing just that. that is an italian model and teacher. the 27-year-old was once named the hottest teacher, and he's mesmerizing folks on youtube doing this.
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really interested in making this fact. >> he got his shirt off and on about six times. voila. >> something tells me if you two were standing anywhere near, he'd get it off once and that's it. >> hey, he does not want to be objectif objectified. >> if you don't want to be objectified, you don't get yourself in that she, you don't wax your chest. >> well, he is a model. this video has been viewed thousands of times. >> by you. >> no. i was watching it in my time allotted for work. he also has 1.3 million instagram followers, but he's a self-proclaimed nerd. he says he wants people to respect his mind. he has a ph.d. in engineering. so mind, body, and soul.
1:00 pm
? ? >> announcer: >> announcer: today, gather 'round, because we're having a fabulous friendsgiving. clinton's in the kitchen with yearwood. yearwood. michael and mario are making a duo of mind-blowing side dishes. and carla's helping two super fans who need a little thanksgiving help. the party starts right now on the "the chew." ? [ cheers and applause ] >> hey, there >> hey, there you are. good afternoon. welcome to "the chew."
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