tv Right This Minute ABC November 20, 2016 5:30am-6:00am EST
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fresh viral videos today, "right this minute." a couple's relaxing horseback ride suddenly takes a terrifying turn. >> watch closely. the horses were spooked. >> see if you can spot the scary after an abandoned newborn is found by women in a bathroom. >> they started taking off their coats and using them as quiltsd to comfort the baby. >> see the amazing response to let a one know she's loved. >> that's what women do. it look like your average spa treatment. why this one is only for the bold who want to be beautiful. and a nervous home stylist -- >> she's about to cut her bangs. >> why the quest for beauty is
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problem. great way to spend time on your vacation with your honey a horseback ride. this is gorgeous. on your horse in botswana. this is bucket list stuff right here, galloping along with your guy, and your girl behind you. suddenly oh, look out. the one horse cuts in front of the other. and down goes eli. in the delta. the horses were spooked for a very good reason. can you see on eli's go pro. >> oh, yeah it is a predator. >> we're going to switch to lindsey's camera to a different ang angle. they see a lion. in quick pursuit. they saw her behind the termite mountain. the lion leaps out. eli is lying in the bog. the lion running right for him.
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that lion goes -- and stops. eli survives. the uft rest of the crew doesn't realize they have got a man down. they keep running. they don't know eli is in trouble. now you see him to his feet and running. luckily he got out of this. there is his riderless horse. >> that horse was on full on survival mode. >> bye. >>ent were of horse power. >> this lapped last kruger national park. it it was quite the experience. these folks survived and they have a story to tell. a fair situation turned into a heart warming scene when this group of women in china came together. a woman left a baby in a women's rest room in that little trash can there. they suspect the baby isn't much more than an hour old. and when she was found, other women who were in the area
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you see they started taking off their coats and using them as quilts to comfort the baechblt it's not sure who the baby reports to but reports say there are social welfare systems in place. it's disheartening that this person was unable to use those services. >> i would think in this day and age that wouldn't happen him in. >> they suspect the mother wasn't financially stable enough to care for it. >> it was left i probably where she was delivered, too. >> to go aagainst a mother's instincts and to abandon her baby, you have to wonder what pushed them to this point. >> once authorities arrived they took the baby to the hospital and the baby was in perfect condition. once other mothers got word they started taking toys and supplies to aid the baby as well. there you see the baby wrapped
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>> that's what women do. when they see a child in des stress, whether they have kids or not they know we need to come to the aid of this child. >> it is a testament to the beauty that happens when we all come together. before we look into the great dark unknown of winter, sometimes it can be pretty awesome to look back how great it was, how great it can still be. that's the message behind this video. it was from this epic run in sh it's all in nods to the upcoming winter wonderland which awaits us all which must be awesome when you have these kinds of skills. once you get up into the area now they are just playing with mother nature. >> seriously of all the different extreme sports the ability to skpee and fly, put those two things together -- i don't know that i like any other extreme sport video more than this. >> right here he is basically
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time. it shows all these different angles. the guys are doing what they do best. >> nick i'm completely with you. i fine them some of the most kmiting and engaging videos you can really get when it comes to extreme sports when you put that together with the incredible vistas. >> as crazy as it sounds it's actually relatively safe. if you do get caught in an avalanche all you have got to do is woop, go up. >> i don't know if that's accurate but i get the same my wings and fly away from danger, then it's safe. >> a rock, no problem. up. >> with skills like this, with people like thomas and his friend out there we have got a crazy winter season in store. when the great song stress alicia keys sang "this girl is on fire" shement her. she went to the spa day to relax and release negative energy.
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setting people on fire is supposed to do. >> what about cranking the electric blanket. >> will do it. >> let me know if you have any burning sendation sayings. >> this is daniel, the man doing the treatment for her. as you can see he takes a blanket and lays it over another blanket that has something on it. >> what's the purpose? >> it's to energy. >> really? >> yeah. >> this woman is famous in russia. she was a prima ballerina with the bolshoi. but she was fired for being too fat. >> you know, it seems a little crazy. but if there are people standing by that know how this process works and know how to quickly extinguish it. okay. >> it's snake oily, isn't it? >> of course it is. >> it's like i'd rather take a baseball bat to a roomful of
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>> the translation, she is scared a little bit, it feels very warm. she recommends it to all. she thought she felt very good after she did it. a woman attacks another woman outside a prison. >> she's getting it across her head. >> the juicy reason behind a little jail justice. >> i knew it, i knew it. i knew it. and xavier is ready to hear some big news. >> it says brother >> he's excited. >> see why that's not the end of this amazing surprise. ? ? i never over think it do what i want ? ? and i do it my way (okay) ? ? we live the life we want to live ? ? that's right let's celebrate ? ? yeah we're all about a good time ? ? yeah we're all about a good life ? ? you won't believe until you see this ? ? is gonna be a fun ride ? ? yeah we're all about a good time ? ? yeah we're all about a good life ?
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for only 99? a pound at target. you know your heart loves megared omega-3s... but did you know your eyes, your brain, and your joints really love them too? introducing megared advanced 4in1... just one softgel delivers mega support. come into olive garden now for our never ending pasta bowl starting at $9.99! endless combinations of your favorite pastas, sauces and toppings. now including chicken alfredo. plus unlimited salad and breadsticks.
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when you r closed kagsing provided by -- leaves skin nourished, healed, healthy-looking. gold bond. they got check this out. they are unwrapping it. and you can say not your typical looking farming equipment. that's because it's actually for a farm animal. you see, somebody needed a little help with their bag legs. that somebody is patricia. >> oh, piggy. >> the poor pig's bag legs were paralyzed in an accident. her mom was living in a cage in a pig farm. and moms are known to crush
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they are in. and poor patricia's mom crushed her. but she survived. she was taken to this sanctuary and they got her some wheels. >> oh, that's really sad. >> but, no. look, looks like she is taking right to them. did they have to train her? looks like they put her in the cart and off she goes. >> she had already had a set. this was the newest set of wheels for the girl. she was given an upgrade. >> she knows how to u do, people. good news is is that even though she was brought them at days old they were able to give her a really good life. >> next time get her to pirellis. >> or wing. the people in this video are gonna learn to dance. their lessons, because let me tell you, there is trouble
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these people are waiting their turn to see their loved ones who are in prison. keep an eye on this woman right here that's walking right behind the tent. she is angry. and she's headed toward another woman. oh! >> oh. >> she is getting the cheng love. she has got her now by the head. she is hitting her. the other woman is screaming now to let her go. she doesn't actual knowly essentially just telling her, you gonna learn today. >> side chick 101? >> side chick. >> that's like either a mistress or somebody there to see the same guy. >> yep. but even more than that. apparently the mistress, who was a chick on the phone had posted a picture from & her boyfriend from jail on facebook. the wife saw it.
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this woman sees the mistress waiting outside of the jail and tries smashing her head against the bench. >> ironically, if she keeps this up, she will be inside with her man. >> until you see two women walk up, break up the fight. and that's basically where the video ends. now over to china. apparently this guy had the white is the son of the woman right next to him that he is beating. and you see in the video that he like swings and hits her right on the head and then goes after his dad. wh parents? it's the stupidest reason. they bought him a house. >> what ufl parents! -- awful parents! >> right? because apparently the house they bought him for his wedding wasn't big enough. and he was embarrassed by the size of the house that they bought him. the people that saw this were not happy about the situation. they got involved. they called the cops. and eventually they came,
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to learn that this was bad behavior because he is going to spend a few days in jail. >> yeah, he is going to have a roommate, but it ain't gonna be his wife. we all know when mom and dad call family meetings. >> we are having a family meeting. >> things are about to get real. >> xavier is excited. oh, family meeting. >> they present him with a gift. brother bear. and he is excited. >> brother bear. >> bears. yeah, i love bears. bears are great. do i get a pet bear, a teddy bear, a good morningy bear. >> brother, what does that mean. >> it involves a bear hug. >> you are going to be a brother. >> you are going to be a brother. >> what? >> wait. no. >> maybe is going to have two babies. >> he is excited. look at his face. >> he is excited to be a big brother. and of course you ask for one, now he is going to get double for thinks troubles. >> today?
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>> what do you think the baby is? >> a boy. >> guy. >> girl. >> angel? >> girl. >> anthony? >> boy. >> they have all placed their bids. a few for boy, a few for girls. now it's time for the reveal. >> are you all ready? >> yeah. >> it's a girl. it's a girl, and wild. meanwhile -- >> it's a good thing the girls were gracious winners. a guy sticks a water melon between his legs so he can -- >> crush that sucker. >> see the strength to make it slush. and -- >> i can't believe it. >> a wife pranks her husband
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>> look. every muscle is tense. >> she what happens when he is really happy about the news. >> wait. don't go any further. she doesn't have to tell him. >> yes, she does! ulcerative co, the possibility of a flare was almost always on my mind. thinking about what to avoid, where to go... and how to deal with my uc. to me, that was normal. until i talked to my doctor. she told me that humira helps people like me get uc under control when certain medications haven't worked well enough. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores.
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ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, control is possible. it's judgment day. the in-laws, the type-a cousins, siblings and back seat chefs have all assembled to look inside your oven. but you've cleaned off all the baked-on business from meals past with easy-off, so the only thing they see is "mmmmm" go ahead. let 'em judge. why do you dollop with daisy? we do a dollop on our omelets because every ingredient is important. daisy is different than other sour creams... only simple ingredients and it's 100% pure. ?do a dollop of daisy...? [ nutcracker instrumental playing ] [ doorbell ] hmm.
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save ten when you spend fifty on groceries or home at target. cowabunga! promotional considerations provided by -- minimizing cream for body. targeted treatment: results begin in 4 weeks. gold bond. dry mouth can effect how your mouth feels and how you feel. discover act? dry mouth. the movie you are about to see has been ten years in the making. >> oh! >> oh. ahh! >> man, he's a big dude, too. >> he is actually 100 pounds herrierish than he was ten years ago when he could successfully do these wall flips.
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continued training and doing other thigs, just not the wall flips. in this case, he has two buddies there that are helping him, watching his form. he has the drive. his mind, ten years later is now in the right place, where he want to finally try night boom, done, bro. >> he doesn't want to just do the jump. he wants to put it back into his life. so he can't just quit, right. he has to keep trying so that his body builds that muscle memory to be able to do it again. >> you can t body that he is a man of discipline. >> oh, my gosh, yes. >> what makes you say that? >> he is solid muscle. >> that situation requires discipline. it is a going to require discipline on his part to get to -- >> whoa. >> whoa. >> i mean, you did it a couple of times. is it worth all the injuries? >> to him it is. he has been waiting way too long. later in the video you see he does it over and over and over again.
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has brought back the wall flipping to his life. >> yes. >> yes. practice makes perfect. perseverance and maybe that's what got this guy to do this. you put a water melon between your thighs and you just crush that sucker. >> this hurts me. because i love water melon. >> so does he. except he is going to crush into it with his thighs. >> we've sully seen someone do this on the show before. it was a woman. she did have mean thighs. i don't know if that's where he got the inspiration to, but we often talk about the fellows going a little bit too far with their pranks. >> uh-huh. >> well d here may have gone a little bit too far this time. >> i don't think there is such thing, really. >> there is a such thing. >> i said yes. >> here she is talking to her husband jerry about some of her symptoms. she went and purchased a pregnancy test. >> i think i'm pregnant.
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wanted to get a pregnancy test i would have got it for you. >> he is taking it like a champ. >> so nice. so supportive. >> he is just going math. in his head right now how much am i making? how much do i have to spend, i am in trouble. >> i'm pregnant. >> they are pregnant. congratulations. >> that's amazing. >> that's really sweet. >> look at her face. she seems really upis it set about the whole thing. >> terrible person. >> that's amazing. another angel. >> i'm dying right now. >> sounds like they are about to have a wedding. >> i don't care about that dress. this is a baby. >> i think she just realized she may have gone too far. >> you are right. he is super emotional. and it's all fake. >> don't let him go so deep into this. be honest.
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herself into a corner and it's hard. >> every muscle is tense. >> wait. don't go any further. she doesn't have to tell him? >> yes, she does! >> no. get into that bedroom right now. do the deed. he will never know. >> right, and then have a baby 12 months later. >> so. >> do you watch maury povich? >> it's a prank. >> what? you can't fake these things. >> yes you can. >> they don't even >> i'm sorry. i didn't think you would be all excited. >> i didn't think you would be sensitive and a nice person. >> watch his entire demeanor just change. >> looks like they may not be worried about that wedding after all. >> look at his eyes. eyes of pain into don't be messing with people's emotions. we've seen situation where is people have gone too far. this is another one of them. >> he is holding his head, grabbing his chest.
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there are three stages to recovering from a bad haircut. this korean web star is going to show the full g there she has a triangle section of hair at the front. she is about to cut her bangs. >> there is your first problem. if you are going to complain about a bad haircut don't do-it-yourself with craft scissors. >> it's classic error. when you let go, they go doing. >> let's see how it comes out, first. >> i'm sure. >> the finger is not the problem. >> yeah, she cuts herself, and then she sees her bangs.
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>> denial. >> shock. third stage. realization. so this is why i pay my hairdresser $60 a week. >> if you wanted a new hair style all you have to do buy some we have been, style it, wear it. >> finally the last stage, laughter. >> oh, acceptance. >> i told you there were multiple stages. >> this haircut made little parker miles' mom super, parker has down's syndrome. he has been modelling since he was 8 months old, he is now 3 years old but mom says he usually doesn't like haircut time. he is usually antsy and wiggles and around and doesn't enjoy it. >> once he is in the chair look at him. >> something about that mirror mesmerized him. his own looks. mom is thrilled he is chill.
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now at 6:00 a man's bodies squad hupped a dumb tear -- behind county. >> trump versus a popular broadway show. why the president-elect is demanding an apology from the cast of hamilton. >> it's the sunday before thanksgiving. we will run down where you can snag a free turkey today plus our annual safety reminder, turkey fryer dos and dont's so you don't set your house on fire. that's basically. >> that's basically it. >> what you want to avoid.
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