tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC March 15, 2016 11:35pm-12:37am EDT
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i'm jimmy. i'm the host. thank you for watching. thank you for coming. [ cheers and applause ] it is the middle of march, and can you feel the madness descending upon us? how many of you filled out a bracket for the ncaa tournament? [ cheers and applause ] you're all under arrest. it's illegal, you know. [ laughter ] did you fill one out, guillermo? >> yes, jimmy. >> jimmy: you did. and it was what? $10? >> yeah. 10ds. $10. >> jimmy: i didn't have time to fill out a bracket this year. so i just sate a $10 bill. [ laughter ] i'll get the same result. it's an exciting time of year whether you like basketball or you like learning the names of colleges you never heard of.
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everything. they say march madness will cost employers in the united states $4 billion in lost productivity. which you know, this study or whatever it is every year. it's stupid because they're making the assumption that if employees weren't watching the games and tallying up their brackets they'd be working. which if you've ever been in an office you know could not be farther from the truth. [ laughter ] if we weren't filling out facebook. [ laughter ] i actually did fill out a bracket, and since some of the games -- i don't like to reveal mine to my staff because i'm hoping to win, but since some of the games have already been played i thought i would reveal this to you now. and this is my -- oh, wait a minute. [ cheers and applause ] it's the wrong bracket. that's my bracket for "the bachelor." but you can see i was very close. i had lauren b. and jojo in the finals and it was the other way around. i'm sorry. i like girl things. i don't know what to say. [ cheers and applause ]
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night, they had the big finale last night, and the good news for jojo is she did not find love with bachelor ben but she is going to be the next bachelorette. so this is our circle of life here at abc. it's hakuna ma-hot-tub, we call it. [ laughter ] it's really beautiful. we have a new bachelorette. and eventually we will have a new president of the united states. but not for another 28 months or so. there were primaries in five states today. cnn dubbed today super tuesday 3. and we are now another tuesday closer to finally having a president who has his own line of vodka named after himself. [ laughter ] donald trump has claimed -- he's been claiming correctly, i think, that his candidacy is fueling more interest in voting. more people are signing up to vote. just like herpes fuels more interest in veltrex, for instance. [ cheers and applause ] but most of the focus tonight was on florida and ohio. and if there's one thing i know,
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decision. [ laughter ] hillary clinton beat bernie sanders in florida. and i'll say, that's tough for bernie because a 74-year-old jewish man can't win in you know. i sometimes try to remember what these 24-hour news channels talked about when there wasn't an election going on. because they're covering every iota of it. numbers. i thought it would be smart for us to start covering every iota of it too. so let's go to the waufle graphics. here we go. [ cheers and applause ] that's bigger than the magic wall. let's put them up. these are the results from super tuesday 3. as the candidates fight for the all-important delegates. trump and clinton in the lead
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but what happens when you add 45 to each of the delegate counts? you'll see that the leads remain the same but the number goes up [ laughter ] which is interesting. now let's wipe that away and let's see what happens when you mix all the numbers up. okay? you mix them up. [ laughter ] now let's flip the numbers. and you can see at this point some of the numbers are backwards. but if we take the square root of those numbers it changes the colors on the map to kind of a plaid. [ laughter ] which is exciting considering the fact that we're about to move into spring fashion season. so we will continue to monitor these results as they come in. in the meantime, joining me now to break it all down and find out what the math means, our panel of experts. first, author of the book "not in my boardroom," betsy lebber-sharp. hello, betsy.
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think tank americans against everyone, philip steen. and political strategist dr. ahmed fatah. hello there. welcome, panelists. [ cheers and applause ] thank you for being with us. i'll start with the obvious question. what did tonight's primary results mean for the race going forward? [ all talking simultaneously ] >> donald trump. >> donald trump. [ all talking simultaneously ] >> jimmy: okay, guys. i'll try to say it. who would you say it's biggest winner from tonight? womb start with -- >> i want to say -- [ all talking simultaneously ] >> jimmy: maybe instead of all talking at once we could talk one at a time? >> okay. >> jimmy: okay. at this point is there any scenario you could imagine in which donald trump would not be the republican nominee for president? and this time we'll start with --
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you've got to be kidding. >> he's got a -- [ all talking simultaneously ] [ yelling simultaneously ] >> jimmy: unfortunate. [ cheers and applause ] that's exactly what our family dinners are like at home. [ laughter ] this is something i came across today. when you go to the youtube channel through the white house, you know they have a youtube channel, there's a video -- put that up on the screen. with a very curious title. "president obama and prime minister trudeau hold a joint." [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] how does that not have a million -- he really doesn't care anymore, does he? [ laughter ] dr. ben carson is no longer running for president but he did
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and in case you're wondering what the opposite of a ringing endorsement is the answer is this. >> even if donald trump turns out to be not such a good president, which i don't think is the case. i think he's going to surround himself with really good people. but even if he didn't, we're only looking at four years. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i know he's a neurosurgeon but maybe not the guy i want operating on me. [ laughter ] even if i don't get the tumor out of your brain, how long were you really going to live anyway? [ laughter ] maybe up to 80 years. i'm also starting to worry about chris christie, who appeared again with donald trump, this time in north carolina. look at this. this is a picture of chris christie with the man he says he thinks might be the worst president in history, president obama. and here's chris christie with donald trump. it looks like he just saw "the revenant."
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do we know for sure that trump doesn't have a gun to him on that plane? meanwhile all the candidates who have dropped out are starting tone doris each other. a number of celebrities are lining up with their endorsements too. donald trump not only is he being supported by a number of notable athletes and television stars, the stars who are supporting him are joining television reality show. look at this. >> from the producers of "sex box" comes the craziest reality show yet. all the celebrities who support house. aaron carter, dennis rodman, jesse ventura, wayne newton, willie robertson, mike tyson, tila tequila, and gary busey. >> t-r-u-m-p stands for taking redirection, understanding, massive power. >> which super fan will trump make vice president of the united states? >> like a business. >> chris christie hosts.
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>> jimmy: all right. we have to take a break. but when we return from that break, these young foreigners will go head to head to trade room. in other words, dreams will come true when we return. so stick around. t cure pink eye. hi. how are you doing today? that' s how i am. red head fred. i collect these too. nah, these are for my dog because he can never decide which one he wants until he gets home, so... american express presents the blue cash everyday card with no annual fee. cash back on purchases. this is where we put food. s foot is cleaner s mouth. that' is it? cleaner than my mouth. backed by the service and
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whaaaaat? i can pour this champagne on my phone and it still work. whaaaaat? yeah look. kenny, i'm 'bout to put you in the fish tank. whaaaaat? that's crazy. [electrical cracking] your phone can't do that max. here, i have another one. (all three) whaaaaaat?! the new water-resistant galaxy s7 edge. innovative sonicare technology with up to 27% more brush movements versus oral b. get healthier gums in 2 weeks guaranteed. innovation and you. philips sonicare. save when you buy the most loved rechargeable toothbrush brand in america. lips appear to age faster than other skin. no worries. now, there's new chapstick
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formula is clinically proven to provide healthier, more youthful looking lips. chapstick put your lips first uh oh. oh. henry! oh my. good, you're good. back, back, back. (vo) according to kelley blue book, subaru has the highest resale value of any brand. again. you might find that comforting. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. [anthony] last year, i didn't go to h&r block. and pay half, what i paid my other guy. you can switch to block and pay half too.
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there's a youth hostel right on our block. it's called the walk of fame backpackers hostel. they've got a new sign p. it's very exciting. beds go for $30 a night. you share a bathroom. you share a shower. it's a nightmare really. [ laughter ] every now and then we like to give a pair of young tourists who are staying there a chance to compete for an upgrade, a free upgrade to a luxurious hollywood hotel suite. and with that said hostel la vista. [ cheers and applause ] here we go. hello cousin sal. that is my cousin sal. >> jimmy, what's happening? >> jimmy: you look great in that outfit, cousin sal. these are our contestants. sal, explain where do we get these people? >> they're from the hostel, i believe. >> jimmy: you are from the hostel. but you are not hostile. yes? >> no, we're not hostile. >> okay. they don't really get jokes. >> jimmy: we'll start with the young lady. i see your name there is nicki.
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>> jimmy: what part of australia? >> meal bourne lbourne. >> jimmy: okay. what? >> melbourne. >> jimmy: okay. what do you do there for work? >> i'm a nurse. >> jimmy: do you see a lot of snake bites in that part of the world? >> no. >> jimmy: we hear a lot about the dangerous vipers and spiders and animals. >> not a lot of that. >> jimmy: and how's the hostel so far accommodationswise? >> it's adequate. >> jimmy: it's adquatd. okay. they should put that up on the sign. [ laughter ] let's meet your opponent now and neighbor, max. hello, how are you? >> good day. good day. i'm fine. how are you? >> jimmy: i'm doing well, thank you. where are you from? >> i'm from the netherlands. >> jimmy: where in the -- >> utrecht. >> jimmy: what? >> utrecht. >> jimmy: can you spell that for us please? >> utrecht -t-r-e-c hearing-t. >> jimmy: oh. there are art supplies named after that place. >> because it's a very artful place. >> jimmy: i can tell by your sweatshirt.
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>> i just graduated. but i also deliver chinese. >> jimmy: you do? >> yeah. the chinese restaurant's called neo china. >> jimmy: you deliver chinese food in the netherlands. who the hell would have ever guessed? [ laughter ] does anyone order it? >> oh, a lot of people. >> jimmy: have you ever had mexican food? >> i was in tijuana saturday. i had mexican food, yeah. >> jimmy: wow. why is his spanish better than ours? [ laughter ] all right. well, this is what you're playing for. a luxury suite at the one and only hollywood roosevelt hotel. [ applause ] say good-bye to potentially being murdered in your sleep and hello to a 700-square-foot king suite with soft unlimited toilet paper and all the mints you can eat. to win all you have to do is know more than your opponent does about the place you are visiting, los angeles. i'm going to ask you some questions about our city and state. and whoever answers more of them right gets the room. are you ready? >> i'm ready. >> jimmy: all right. here we go.
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first question. what word or words are located on the famous hollywood sign? max. >> hollywood. but before it was hollywoodland. >> jimmy: that's absolutely right. congratulations. next question is name the famous beverly hills street where the movie prostitute played by julia roberts went on a shopping spree. yes. nikki. >> rodeo drive. [ applause ] >> jimmy: that is correct. we have a tie game. very well done. why are you wearing your backpacks, by the way? >> they made us. >> jimmy: oh, they told you? [ laughter ] oh, i know why. because whoever wins goes right to the hotel. okay. next question. here we go. [ cheers and applause ] please settle down.
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of what nba team? max. >> lakers. >> jimmy: no. nicki. you want to jump in here. there's only one team left. [ laughter ] >> we can give her a picture if it helps. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, that's what we said when we saw it too. >> it was the clippers. >> jimmy: it was the clippers. thank you, max. yes, it was the clippers. we will award no points for that one. next question is what famous los angeles boulevard is named after the sun setting. nicki. >> sunset boulevard. >> jimmy: sunset boulevard is right! [ applause ] nicki takes the lead. next question. this is a video clue. inside this place, look at the screen, what do they sell in there? max. >> marijuana. [ applause ]
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in the netherlands they call it chinese food. [ laughter ] it. >> jimmy: we have a tie game. next question. who sings the song "california girls"? max. >> katy perry. the correct answers. that or the beach boys and david lee roth. or gretchen wilson. all right. next question, according to cher horwitz in "clueless" she doesn't need to learn how to parallel park because everywhere she goes in l.a. has what? max. >> no parking spots. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no. everywhere she goes in l.a. has what? >> a valet. >> jimmy: a valet is right! [ applause ] we have a tie game. we're going to have one more question. it's going to be on the video screen. i'd like to turn your attention to the screen.
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>> jerry brown. >> jimmy: that's right! holy cow! [ applause ] max. how did you know that? >> well, actually, i looked up one thing. >> jimmy: oh, wow. >> who the government -- or the governor is -- >> jimmy: close enough, max. you know more than all of those people behind you right now. [ laughter ] well, max, congratulations. sal's going to take your luggage for you. and don't fret, nicki. you're not going home -- or back to the hostel empty-handed. we've got a bottle of purell for you. we've got a styrofoam cooler. and most significantly, we've got a "make america great again" hat. [ cheers and applause ] there you go. all right. thank you both. tonight on the show we have music from jake bugg. from "batman vs. superman" gal gadot is here. we'll be right back with kirsten dunst. [ cheers and applause ]
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kimmel live" are brought to you by the brewers of guinness, who want to wish you a happy st. patrick's day. please drink responsibly. shopping for an suv? well, this is the time. and your ford dealer is the place, to get 0% financing for 60 months on a ford suv. that's right. just announced. ford explorer...edge...escape... and expedition... are available with 0% financing for 60 months. ford suvs. designed to help you be unstoppable. no wonder ford is america's best selling brand. but hurry, 0% financing for 60 months on ford suvs is a
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she's a good wonder woman, by the way. not an american wonder woman, which is a little bits unusual. but a good one nonetheless. then a talented brit. his album is called -- there it is. "one by one." jake bugg from the samsung outdoor stage. tomorrow night our guests are harry connick jr., erin andrews. we'll have music from 2 chainz and lil' wayne from south by southwest and a special report on the scene in florida from our friend and donald trump enthusiast jake byrd. in fact, jake byrd, who goes around and winds up -- he made it onto cnn tonight. look at this. >> i talked to a top trump campaign official who said john kasich may have a good night in ohio. but this person also said -- [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] we'll hear and see jake tomorrow. our first guest tonight is a very talented actress. a two-time golden globe nominee who kounds among her leading men tom hanks, brad pitt, tom cruise, christian bale, and that
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her new movie is called "midnight special." >> i'll get him here. >> if he's not dead. i'm sorry. >> i won't let that happen. >> yeah. >> he believes in something. you don't. >> it doesn't matter. good people die every day believing in things. >> bryce spent two years watching another man raise our son. he did what i couldn't. >> jimmy: "midnight special" opens in theaters friday. dunst.
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how are you? >> i'm really well. >> jimmy: you look fantastic. i know you just got back from austin, texas. right? >> i landed at 11:30. i thought i'd have to be wheelchaired into the -- >> jimmy: it may be too much fun there, right? >> oh, yeah. it was either hangover, breakfast tacos, like -- it was -- >> jimmy: what did you eat? let's go through everything you ate. >> okay. i had the best sushi of my life. >> jimmy: really? >> yes. chico. have you been there? >> jimmy: i heard of it. >> who would think you'd have the best sushi in austin, texas? >> jimmy: right. because there's no fish there. [ laughter ] >> there's a lake. you can have some crawfish sushi. >> jimmy: that's a weird thing to eat in austin, isn't it? >> yes. he flies it in from japan. he's a white dude named tyson that studied in japan and gets the best sushi -- the best fish flown in from japan. it's crazy. i felt like a little dolphin. he would bring us out little snacks like this. clapping after each bite.
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sea world there. >> i really did. that was the first time. >> jimmy: did you eat any barbecue in did you have any of the traditional austin fare? >> i did have barbecue one day. and then the other day we had just come from berlin to promote the film. it's funny because we promoted the movie at this brat house. so we had more brats. we had brought out a tray of germany. stuff. >> jimmy: yeah. the barbecue was started by the real. that's how it got started. >> it did? >> jimmy: bratwurst is a big thing in austin, texas. >> yeah. we went to the prime brat house. >> jimmy: i'm filled with all sorts of knowledge no one cares about. [ laughter ] i know you're a big fan of "the bachelor." we talked about this the last time you were here. did you get to see the finale? >> i did. but you know what's funny? i did an interview for this before i came on your show obviously. he told me -- i was like just tell me. i think i was just tired. >> jimmy: you didn't know who it was? >> i was going to be on the plane -- well, i kind of sneak
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look who won. i knew already before i came on the show bays want to do my homework actually. i got a little bored because i know who won. i ruined it for myself. >> jimmy: like watching the super bowl and knowing who the winner is. of course you're going to ruin it for yourself. >> and i was sad for jojo. i like jojo too. i'm so happy she's the new bachelorette. >> jimmy: are you really? >> i am. i love jojo. i was sad. i was disappointed. i walked it by myself in the morning p >> jimmy: what do you think jojo thinks about the fact you love her in she's like oh, this movie star loves me. >> she's a sweet lady. >> jimmy: she does seem very nice. and i'm sure she'll be a good latch lorette. i don't know what it takes to be a good bachelorette other than you have to have sex with at [ applause ] four guys. 3 1/2 maybe. maybe like three and four halves. who knows what goes on in that fantasy suite? i know you analyze the show. i'm so surprised you didn't watch the finale last night. >> i was on a plane from austin.
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time -- i couldn't get a flight earlier. this is bad my friend got cupcakes with their faces on it. the whole thing. >> jimmy: you call it the bach. when you call it "the bach" -- who do you watch it with? >> it's funny because my mom was like come to my house and watch it. my best friend's like come to my house and watch it. i can host one too. it's always a contentious like where am i going to be? >> jimmy: group viewing? >> yeah. my mom's texting what she's making for dinner. trying tone tice me to go there. >> jimmy: do people talk during the show when you're watching it? >> we do. we analyze it very, very like specifically. >> jimmy: in what way? do you stop the tape and then -- >> yes. >> jimmy: oh, you do. >> we stop things. we talk about things. we have shots. we call them terence malick shots which are just like crickets in mexico city -- you know when they do the nature shots? >> jimmy: sure. >> those are our terence malick moments. we have some wordage for all of it. >> jimmy: i have friends who watch az group s a are group with laser pointers.
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i don't know them but i heard this story. >> jimmy: you got your own laser pointer? >> no, i don't. but i know that gruch of women that watch it with laser pointers. i was kind of jealous. we need some -- with our wine glasses. >> jimmy: you point the laser just the right an it will actually takes the hair off the contestants. >> whoa. [ laughter ] you can see what they're going to look like after you've been married with them. >> jimmy: try that with your mom. i wanted to mention "fargo" because i thought that last season -- [ cheers and applause ] you were great in it. and it was so great. >> i'm proud of that one. >> jimmy: rarely is a show even better the second season than it was the first season. was that a fun job for you? or do you absorb too much darkness when you play a character like that? >> that was actually one of the most intense characters i've ever played for sure. and actually, after i'm done with a role sometimes i'll like write a little note to myself to
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okay, stop acting like peggy giersen because otherwise you >> yeah. i write to myself basically like kirsten, you're done now. whatever in my words. away. it's very personal to me. but yes, i do write -- notes? >> i don't. it's more like letting your unconscious know to let this go. system. that? is this something that people do? >> no, it's something someone i work with told me about. >> jimmy: how about that? >> it's nice. it's like saying good-bye in your own way when something means something to you. >> jimmy: i would love to see a compilation of various actors' notes after -- did you write a good-bye note to mary jane after spider-man? >> no, i wasn't doing it then. [ laughter ] i was just like here, get this -- >> jimmy: your new movie is a >> yes. it's kind of like a close kointers vibe or "e.t." it's a throwback to those films but this incredible director
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he did "mud" and "take shelter." if anyone's seen those films. [ cheers and applause ] great director. >> jimmy: we're being nice, but they didn't see those movies. [ laughter ] >> he's very talented. you should check those movies out if you haven't. >> jimmy: i saw "mud." it's great. >> i love this movie. i'm really proud of it. >> jimmy: this is your son -- i don't -- i'm always worried about ruining and saying too much because i don't know how much you want to say. but your son has -- >> special powers. >> jimmy: okay. i'll let you say it. i don't know. >> you can tell from the trailer clearly the kid has something. his eyes are glowing -- >> jimmy: a lot of kids nowadays have glowy eyes. you don't know. [ laughter ] the video games they give them weird things. and then you are on the run. >> we're basically on this crusade to get him to this point that we don't know what's going to happen to him. and by the time you meet my character, she hasn't seen her son in two years because she's been kicked off this religious ranch. it's a very intense family story
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and then on a bigger scale it's a very big spiritual sci-fi -- >> jimmy: sounds a little bit like the bachelor in a way. taken away from their families to go live on a -- in their case a mansion. but it's very good to see you. i hope you recover from austin. the movie is called "midnight special." it opens friday. kirsten dunst, everybody. we'll be right back. [ cheers and applause ] cat. live photos are more than just photos. they come alive when you touch them. and then they go back to still when you let go. so every time you take a picture, you get more than just a photo. you get to relive the moment. because it teleports you through space and time. i'm kidding. time travel is dangerous. and at progressive, we let you compare
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>> jimmy: max is enjoying his room at the roosevelt. st. patrick's day is almost upon us. and if you aren't completely ready to celebrate unless you know how to pour a perfect pint of guinness. so we asked an expert, mr. eoghain clavin to help teach us how to do it. >> we want to learn to pour a perfect pint of guinness. can you teach us? we're not good at things. >> not at all. >> first of all we're going to pull down nice and easy and let all that beautiful hydrogenated stout come into the glass. >> jimmy: wouldn't it be simpler
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>> no, jimmy. guinness is all about patience. >> that's mine? >> not yet. >> not yet? >> not yet. >> jimmy: already impatient. pouring? >> jimmy: yeah, i would like to try it. >> all the way down. don't be frightened by it. ease off there, guillermo. ease off, baby. nice one. >> jimmy: ours looks better than >> yeah. home field advantage. >> jimmy: he's dressed as a leprechaun, in case you were wondering. >> no, a mexichaun. >> jimmy: espera. that's spanish. do you want me to finish pouring my own? >> oh, no, jimmy. it's one steady pour. you don't want any of those bubbles in the top. >> jimmy: you're so picky. don't you have some kind of clever irish toast you can share with us? >> we don't share that with outsiders. >> jimmy: outsiders? how dare you? >> a toast. we'll say slante. >> slant. >> jimmy: that's like -- >> like a lawn chair?
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mom, who is that? hello! who? these dresses are fantastic. they're old navy. thanks. old navy?! all dresses are on sale up to 40% off. oh i have to go, to old navy right now. never underestimate the power of energizer. our longest lasting energizer max ever. washed 12 weeks ago and unstopables in-wash scent boosters the more you pour, the more scent you'll savor. toss it in before your clothes for luxurious scent up to 12 weeks unstopables by downy. america's best scent booster. hi, i'd like
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scanner: rescan item. rescan, rescan. rescan item. vo: it happens so often you almost get used to it. phone voice: main menu representative. representative. representative. vo: which is why being put first... relax, we got this. vo: ...takes some getting used to. join the nation. nationwide is on your side representative. you live on a planet that is mostly water. sometimes water just starts falling out of the sky. some people sleep on water. people think it's funny to push others into water. and smart people, like this person, say there's about there's about to be even more water. when water freezes, people play on it. when it bubbles, when it moves, people slide down it. ok, smile. in fact, there's why in the world would you get a phone that can't get wet? the new water-resistant galaxy s7 edge. tired of working for peanuts? well what if i told you that
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that's right. i'm talking full time delivery of 7 grams of protein and 6 essential nutrients. ever see a peanut take a day off? i don't think so. harness the hardworking power of the peanut. (vo) you can check on them. you can worry about them. you can even choose a car for them. (mom) honey, are you ok? (child) i'm ok. (announcer vo) love. (mom) we're ok. (announcer vo) it's what makes a
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>> jimmy: still to come music from jake bugg. our next guest flew all the way from israel on her invisible plane to settle a dispute between gotham city and metropolis. she is wonder woman in "batman vs. superman: dawn of justice." it opens march 25th. please say hello to gal gadot. [ cheers and applause ] >> wow. >> jimmy: welcome. >> thank you. >> jimmy: did i pronounce your name correctly? >> i didn't hear the way you -- >> jimmy: gal gadot. >> you're good. the gadot could be better. more t at the end. >> jimmy: gadot? >> yeah. >> jimmy: i was steered the wrong way. gadot. >> no, no, no, you're doing -- >> jimmy: does the name gadot mean anything? >> river bank.
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>> and gal means wave. >> jimmy: oh. maybe you should have been aqua girl instead of -- [ laughter ] >> you're right. no, but actually the gadot used to be greenstein. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. but we felt like gadot is more -- >> jimmy: yeah. it's -- >> it's more -- >> jimmy: who changed it? >> my parents. >> jimmy: your parents did. they went for a stage name. preparing you for fame. >> yeah. i love your show, by the way. >> jimmy: oh, that's very nice of you. [ cheers and applause ] thank you guys. >> and i was so, so disappointed when they cut you off the movie. >> jimmy: i know. it was disappointing for me too. i was furious about it. >> maybe in the next one. maybe in "wonder woman." >> jimmy: is that shot already? >> what a brilliant idea. we are shooting the movie right now. >> jimmy: yeah, i'll be in it. sure. [ laughter ] i think i'd be a great love interest for wonder woman. >> you think?
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>> jimmy: you could tie me up -- >> done. >> jimmy: run it by the director. >> no, no, no. sorry. chris stein is fantastic. >> jimmy: yeah. he's okay. you know, if you like that sort of thing. >> don't get me there. but we can find something. >> jimmy: you kind of -- i have to say, i've seen the movie. and i know how seriously comic book nerds take this kind of stuff because i am one of them. >> really? what do you think about my breasts? >> jimmy: what? [ cheers and applause ] >> no, no. i'll tell you why. it sounds weird. >> jimmy: i don't know. hold on. let me figure it out. >> figure it out. >> jimmy: they look great. both of them. [ laughter ] >> thank you. thank you. no, no, no. i was joking. it might be a bad joke. >> jimmy: i'm blushing. but yeah. >> me too. >> jimmy: why do you say that? >> because i thought you were alluding to the fact that a lot of the comic -- the fans had a lot to say about my breasts. >> jimmy: oh, they did? >> you knew that.
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>> that's where you were going. >> jimmy: no. honestly, i'll tell you, the only thing i take issue with is you have a different costume. this is not the wonder woman lynda carter the almost red, white and blue but it had some yellow in the middle. and that was america. oh, there's your costume. [ cheers and applause ] i mean, it's a fantastic costume. >> jimmy: it's different. it takes some getting used to. >> it times akes time to get used to it. the first time i tried the costume they brought me into michigan two days after they announced that i'm going to do the part. they brought me into michigan to try on the costume. and i walked into this huge hangar filled with images of me as wonder woman, which was surreal. fitting room. and then i tried the costume. and i was so happy and so grateful and thankful for being there and doing this role that i
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fact that it was so tight. breathe. myself together. >> jimmy: they made it too small? >> it was so small. but i didn't say anything. >> jimmy: perverts. [ laughter ] was it a guy that made the costume? >> of course. but i love him. but right before i passed out they noticed that i was breathing quite heavily and they adjusted it. >> jimmy: and then you have to fight and it's very active in an outfit like that. >> i know. >> jimmy: you must feel vulnerable in that. just cold. >> jimmy: just told. i guess it would be weird for wonder woman to have like a wonder parka or a wonder -- [ laughter ] cardigan or something like that. >> i don't know who came up with the idea of shooting wonder woman during the english winter. >> jimmy: this is the guys. again. >> you saw the costume. >> jimmy: so it was freezing cold while you were shooting this? >> of course. >> jimmy: meanwhile, bat sxhan
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superman, especially batman, more than covered. might as well be in a gorilla costume. he's like burning on the inside and you're freezing. >> i'm totally jealous. they're going to do a movie with you. the kimmel man. >> jimmy: that sounds like i would have changed my name from, kimmelman. [ applause ] the kimmelman family. you were miss israel when you were a teenager, right? >> i was. >> jimmy: how did you wind up becoming a beauty pageant -- >> it kind of happened to me. they offered me to participate in the pageant. i went for the experience. and then i won. and i was overwhelmed. and then i had to do the miss universe pageant. >> jimmy: which donald trump owns, right? >> yeah. >> jimmy: did you meet him? >> interesting, don't you think? >> jimmy: i think it makes it all the more interesting, yes. >> yes. and then i was -- >> jimmy: did he try to marry you? [ laughter ] >> no. >> jimmy: he did not? >> no. >> jimmy: interesting.
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maybe he had the flu. >> no. and then i was freaking out that i'm going to win that pageant as well because i wasn't thinking about -- >> jimmy: oh, you didn't want to win? >> no. so i gave myself permission not pageant. >> jimmy: you threw the miss universe pageant? girl. i never thought i'd be miss israel. >> jimmy: how do you not win the -- >> oh, god. [ applause ] >> jimmy: oh, that's you. wow. you know what? it doesn't look like your heart is in it. [ laughter ] >> i just tried really hard not to fall off the high heels. >> jimmy: yeah, really. well, you've come a long way to wonder woman. i'll tell you that. >> thank you. >> jimmy: well, congratulations. i think people are going to like your character a lot. "batman vs. superman: dawn of justice," march 25th. gail gadot, everybody. we'll be right back with jake
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>> dicky: the jimmy kimmel live concert series is presented by samsung. >> jimmy: thanks to kirsten dunst, thanks to gal gadot. apologies to matt damon. we ran out of time for him. "nightline" is next but first, his album "on my one" comes out june 17th, here with the song "give me the love," jake bugg! [ cheers and applause ] stick lies and rhymes about the old days keep em rich just to make new waves i've thought about it in a few ways full back tough on the pale blaze middle road well bode the game played soft focused hard on the airplay tryna' make it sound like the new phase it's only gonna be the same peering down their postponing defeat stay back try to keep it upbeat false fibs talk about the old streets brick wall hit by the concrete throw band back hand is pony hard to tell if any of them are phony took back time to think
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it's only gonna be the same just gimme the love just gimme the love just gimme the love just gimme the love just gimme the love just gimme the love just gimme the love just gimme the love it's only gonna be the same shakes hot turn it on to get paid dead sound scissor paper real fake pushing on her what's already been made coming up fast cut glass the next take better put your sticker on coz you're gonna break late nights make you walk sideways and now we're gonna party my way it's only gonna be the same just gimme the love just gimme the love just gimme the love just gimme the love just gimme the love
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just gimme the love just gimme the love it's only gonna be the same just gimme the love just gimme the love just gimme the love just gimme the love just gimme the love just gimme the love just gimme the love just gimme the love it's only gonna be the same just gimme the love just gimme the love just gimme the love just gimme the love just gimme the love just gimme the love just gimme the love just gimme the love
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[ cheers and applause ] morning it's another pure grey morning don't know what the day is holding when i get uptight and i walk right into the path of a lightning bolt siren of an ambulance comes howling right through the center of town and no one blinks an eye and i look up to the sky for the path of a lightning bolt met her as the angels parted for her but it only brought me torture but that's what happens when it's you that's standing in the path
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everyone i see just wants the walk with gritted teeth but i just stand by and i wait my time this is "nightline." >> tonight, judgment day. for the presidential hopefuls. donald trum wp a huge win in florida, forcing native son marco rubio out of the race. but with underdog john kasich scoring big in ohio, could he be the one to take down trump? and with a projected win in three of the states up for grabs today, could hillary clinton have finally put bernie sanders behind her? plus the a-list activist taking a stand for the millions forced to flee syria. power couple george and amal clooney meeting with the refugees.
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