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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  October 7, 2015 10:30am-11:00am EDT

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minute." see why hanging ten can give you 20. >> you got to give them credit. a circus tiger is captured. >> she has never walk withed on grass. >> the touching moment that she gets brave enough to try. a college student jonesing for something. what happens when the appetite is out of control?
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a dad wants to know about his purchase. >> now meet the kid that added a couple of dollars to the bid. >> how do you feel now. are you going to be going on ebay again? >> no. life is a beach unless you're this guy. >> yeah, he is headed right into the ocean to get away from the police. >> get stuck out in the deep and climb up on top of the four wheel drive and then the police have to go in and get him. this is gold right here because you have to wonder what the he can was the person thinking. where did he think that it was going to go? was it going to ride or float? there's air in the tires. >> yeah. >> drive in the water. >> he just ruined a beautiful suv.
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>> all of this was in western australia, and he took him on a two hour chase. >> you have to give them credit. it was like who else. >> yeah, there's credit. >> that criminal did not have a plan. this woman does. she looks like an unsuspecting nice lady and walks in the store and looks around. oh, cell phone. i think that i need a new cell phone. here comes the guy. hey fellow, can you help me out. what person would not help a customer. >> look how smoothly she drops that thing in her bag. >> there you have it folks. in the bag. >> there you go. it's all good. i have friends waiting. >> you see this fellow is come canning back later. >> it's like they noticed didn't we have three. >> they did not think for a
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>> me looked like my mom and grand mom. she is like hey. >> i think that she may look a little different. [ laughter ] >> well it means details and details. as a parent there are iconic moments and they have been born and ten years old and playing at school and then an adult. they're going grow back into the human male that you want them to be, and then this hits the internet. >> yeah, i am going to get it. >> this guy is a student at
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student union and wanted some bacon hal bacon jalapeno mac and cheese. they say no, put but he is not going to drop it. at this point he notices the camera. >> i don't understand. he seems very happy about the camera. he is not going happy because this is going crazy viral. >> you're going look like a [ bleep ] fool. >> whoa. >> they decide to escalate things. those in glass houses should not throw stones. >> a lot of people are saying the same thing. >> union street market -- >> oh my god.
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>> now he is assaulting is man. he is not done assaulting and the thing is that people are going to act. >> oh my god. >> and that's when the other guy says i am up coing ming up behind and putting you in a head lock. the two of them are on the top and they start to restrain the guy. before you know it, the police turnover. >> roll over. >> i will. >> put your hands behind your back. >> i am absolutely [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> let me get my shoes. >> they put the cuffs on and taken away. this is not the first run in for students. he was arrested twice in a week period for disorderly conduct and then assault and battery of a police officer. in this most resent case, he was arrested for brief of peace and criminal trespass. honestly once i saw allover this
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and the whole history behind it, it made me sad for the kid. i hope that someone can get out there and help him. this kid needs help. >> i agree with you. what does that feel like? >> well, if you're one of these ladies, you would know. check this out. a woman 29 years old hiking in british columbia got separated from her husband and spent the night on the mountain. they found her at 1:30 in the morning, and could not get to her until the last day. they had the send two guys down from north shore and hook her up to the long line of helicopter and pluck her off the mountain. >> oh my god. >> i am thinking of the husband
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and the wife. how did you leave me behind? >> you left me. >> he is in the dog house. >> yeah. >> looks like she was fine and no injuries to report there. >> i hope that it was the husband. could you imagine if he was missing. he kept ongoing on the hike. honey m honey. >> a very similar situation and this time in minnesota near lake superior. a 62-year-old woman was hick king when he hurt herself. she is not going anywhere. they hook her to the helicopter and up they go. >> if i ever go hiking, i am bringing my own gps and flairs just in case they leave you behind. i don't trust them after these videos.
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you're looking and she is the last circus tiger that was held in captivity. after time they got possession of her and she is 12 years old, and you guys she has never walked on grass. she is about to get a new leash on life. they're transferring her to germany, because after being in the enclosure for two days she got brave and walk withed out ed out on grass. she was like this is all new to me. >> yeah, it's so sweet and depressing. a tiger for 12 years had never walked on grass. >> yeah, it's a good thing that they stepped in. they had a space and area that was appropriate for the tiger to live in.
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when in russia. >> don't walk in front of semi trucks. >> what happens when people cross the road. and if you want to tap into the inner daredevil, you haveou have multiple choices. >> the jumps that will get your blood flowing. with key antioxidants to help support kids immune health. ten million strong and growing do you know the secret to a happy home in these modern times? it's a housewife who's in control of the finances. actually, any wife, husband, or human person can use progressive's name your price tool to take control of their budget. and while the men do the hard work of making money,
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her little heart desires. or the women might do the hard work of making money. [ chuckling ] women don't have jobs. is this guy for real? modernizing car insurance with -- that's enough out of you! the name your price tool, only from progressive. where is your husband?
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you see this look on my face? sfx: growling that's not anger, that's hunger. so i'm gonna have a snack to make me feel better and once i do you will see a look of satisfaction and contentment blossom across my face. see, now i feel better. make your tummy happy mmm
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when your skin is feeling dry and crinkly, time for gold bond healing lotion. packed with 7 moisturizers and 3 vitamins. leaves skin nourished, healed, healthy-looking. gold bond. you can't say whether it's these people's lucky day or not. as we're driving down the road keep an eye on the person crossing the road. >> what an idiot. i cannot pin this one on the drivers this time. he just stepped out and blindly
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like if he did not look, there would be nothing there. >> it's not like the road was empty at the time. there was a stream of traffic. >> yeah, the worst part is when you see the truck impact that. the head. >> yeah. >> so you're going with lucky? >> yeah, they're going with lucky. he is an observant person. >> you now, the next video there must be some construction going on. we see several big orange trucks. now you see that one of those is actually stopping for some people that are again crossing where it looks like a mark crossing in. >> why does everybody want to stop in front of the semitruck? also --
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>> you're just taking your life into your own hands if you have to get to the other side of the street. just stay on the same side. that's just lucky. >> yeah, these guys definitely are. now this one is going puzzle you a little bit. >> what. >> they hit a parked car. >> yeah. >> this looks like it's a rear view camera inside of the car. according to a lose translation it looks like the car with the camera is waiting to make a move. >> the whole thing is ridiculous. it's just idiots. >> well, he has always wanted to fly and there seems to be one place in particular to go. here you have ult m multiple choices. how about the giant rope swing?
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>> yeah, swinging down through the canyon. you can jump if you have the stones for that or take the zip line. it's a monster zip line that will have you speeding through the air at 100 miles an hour. this put together. >> soup every uper tramp. >> yeah, this looks fun and also -- >> terrifying. >> it was really created by a couple of farmers. they saw the bridge and decided to go out and set up a bungy. that was enough to experience the ways of gut dropping. it's quit the experience in new zealand. >> this is what i love about them. there's not a lot to do, but it's the home and mecca of extreme sports because of the beautiful places of mountains
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and lakes. they found an interesting way for you to experience it. the mighty mights not only have football skills but a few dance moves. watch them turn dancers into the tune of the big hit. >> that's the super bowl half time show. >> pluz they figured it was a change. >> how they turned their life around in 30 days. >> i wish that i could remind myself and try that. in multivitamin history. a moment when something so familiar... becomes something introducing new centrum vitamints. a multivitamin that contains a full spectrum of essential nutrients... you enjoy like a mint. new centrum vitamints. the coolest way yet...
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heartburn at night, that's it. i need to kick acid with rolaids advanced. it goes to work instantly on your worst heartburn, bloating, and gas. that's better. kick acid and gas with rolaids advanced. giving people options based on their budget is pretty edgy... kind of like this look. i'm calling it the "name your price tool" phase.
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they're obsessed with their phones and it might be that they look at things from a different perspective. >> wasn't that titled lacy and the times have changed. >> you were told to go to school and college and get a job and work your way up. you get a 401 k and young kids are connected and they're like says who? these guys decided to try something new. four total strangers got together and said what if we just -- what if we just. >> we decided to try 30 things that we have not done before in 30 days. >> it's not like they had a pile
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they had 500 bucks and they went to work. 30 days and 30 experiences. they were like say that we can't do it, we can can. people say that i cannot be a super hero, yes i can. it's like waxing and things like that and eating things. >> it literally tastes like a rug. >> if your friends jump over a bridge, are you going follow them? >> yeah. >> a group of friends is spending this month pushing out of their come fort zone. >> talk about risks. how about trying to draw from the professional soccer players. >> it's a contract and a huge piece of paper. that's how broke they were. >> i bet that they learned more about themselves in these 30 days than what they have learned in the next job. >> i think that more people should do it. >> this is what you should do everyday.
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there are no set rules. you do not have to do what people tell you to do. they're like you can't do this or whatever you want. are you ready for the 30 second dance party? >> yeah. >> so watch me whip and nana. >> no, i can't dance. >> whip whip. >> i can't even. >> no no. >> you are not invited to this dance party. it's the field during half time to show off their football skills at the local high school, but also a few dance moves. you might recognize this song. it's watch me.
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the other half are playing. they tricked the other team and started to play the song. one is dancing and then like okay. let's dance and then run the play. anybody. >> he is just moving them. they're all supposed to be whipping and nana. >> then there's a tackle. forget football. >> i think they get the fitness award. nation learned a valuable lesson and not getting one but
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how he outbid everybody.yo brought in the desert the other day. let's get you going here.
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z mer rise ing. one of the toughest concepts for kids is rough. >> what did you do at ron's house? >> i ordered something off ebay. >> dad's behind the camera and guilty looking nathan. >> what did you order? >> an x box 360. >> he has good taste. >> how many? >> two. they cost $75. >> they got it for $75 according to nation. here is whether the education of money comes in. >> $7,500. >> when nathan put his bid in, he accidentally added a couple of zeros to the bid. >> he forget the point. >> so he outbid everybody. >> yeah, he sure did.
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>> dad, ebay is a website on my computer. uncomfortable. he knows that he goofed here, and he is trying to weasel the way out of it. >> whisper in my ear again. >> are you taking a picture? >> well, i think that nathan certainly learned a lesson as did scott. they're all joining us mom, jessica, nathan and scott. how are you doing? >> good, how are you? >> nathan snuck on to it and decided to google x box 36 o 0 and decided to make a purchase. >> how did you find out that he made a purchase? >> actually mom texted me and said that he ordered a couple of xerox
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>> what happened? >> grandpa worked it out. >> it was that larous. who spends that on x boxes. >> nathan, how are you feeling now? are you going to go on ebay again? >> no. >> what did you learn after this? >> did you learn to ask your mom and dad first? >> yes. >> all right. thanks for sharing your story. we appreciate it. >> thank you very much. bye. >> are you going do it again?
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