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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  October 11, 2015 1:00am-1:30am EDT

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you can do it, honey. oh-- okay. you can let go of me now. we already did. (gasps) i'm walking! oh my god, i'm walking! yes! another victory for christ. the girl beats the odds and walks again and suddenly nobody notices golan got his teeth whitened. it's just... let's go to the audition. discover the latest from care line, are admiring their beautiful nails. they have good reason... introducing the latest the new electronic nail care system specially designed for your toenails and finger nails with 3 heads for filling, buffing and shinning.
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an easy way to have natural looking shiny wow nails. wow! the new electronic nail care system from amop\.
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(ballet music playing) that's my daughter! she's normal! great audition, kids. to make my selection for the last snowflake. the part... of the last... snowflake... goes... to...
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ooo... let that guy read the results of my herpes test. (laughs) ooo... mackenzie b! -yes! cool, cool, mackenzie b. real quick, hey, can i talk to you about something? yeah, just behind the stage where nobody can see us. uh, okay. mackenzie b. moved. well, that's very sudden. almost as sudden as my decision to now go with dylan beekler! (gasps) victory! phase one of our plan to murder spring is complete. soon winter will last forever! proud mama boat docking for a hug. (imitates tugboat horn) hmm, mackenzie b. moved, eh? you buying that, babe? 'cause i'm not.
1:04 am
aah! so, mackenzie b. didn't move after all, huh? how'd you find out? i didn't... until now! you just told me! (laughing) pull out of the dance of the last snowflake, huh? so dylan could ruin the dance and-- oh, no. oww! mother! -hey, what's going on in here? -(crying) see you around, mackenzie b. come to mommy. argh! okay, dylan, you're the last snowflake. bear down on you. but you're cocky. nothing can melt you. is your demise! you heat up, and up, and you melt! yes! yay, the mayor
1:05 am
yay, dylan! i thought you were a snowflake. really? thanks, mom. the town is just going gaga for you, dylan. in fact, you bet'cha, oak grove wants to interview you on the tv! (squeals in delight) we should celebrate. how about a mommy-daughter date? really? you mean it? not that i want or need your approval, carole. because i really don't and although i told golan we'd hang out. we can tell golan that rehearsal went late. laughing) what's all this now? look who finally decided to show up. dance rehearsal ran late, so we parachuted home. plug your ears, please? dylan, why are you even practicing? is not melt. i know, i know. i'm just keeping up the ruse, master. very well then. almost upon us,
1:06 am
i have sketched out plans to expand the fortress. observe. (gasps) shut up! is that a drawbridge over the moat? filled with killer narwhals. plus, there's an adult's only area over here. i call it "the boob zone." totally "toptional." golan, you are a genius. will you tell me if there's a bee on me? because i won't hear it buzzing. i think you're fine, carole. -what? -yes, we will tell you. now, dylan... 'cause i don't like bees. they'll sting you just as soon as look at you. mom, stop. go inside. hive! did you say hive? aah! now, there can be no fort expansion without the proper city easement permits. i'm counting on you, dylan to fill out the paperwork. meet me at town hall tomorrow five minutes before it closes. my lord, you can count on me. all right, good. the first form you're gonna need to fill out is an h-12...
1:07 am
alexis! it happened again. whoa! the legendary you bet'cha, oak grove studio! wow! there's snowy fields. and pickling master pete. and look, mom, the traffic rooster! -what?! and the sports rooster are the same rooster? oh, shoot. until you got married. how you doin', beekler? welcome to you bet'cha, oak grove. uh, your segment's been pushed 20 minutes, but let's get you into makeup right now. 20 minutes? um... no, i can't. i'm supposed to meet golan at town hall. ah, no problem. we'll cancel the segment. hey, jerry! put a chef hat on the rooster, we have a segment to fill. (rooster caws) it's okay, dylan. i don't need the world to know how (sniffs) proud i am of you. no, i'll stay. this is more important.
1:08 am
yes! yet another victory for christ. it's come to my attention that there's an imposter colonel out there, he's trying to be me. that's crazy. they can't just grab some super funny hollywood actor, throw a white suit on him... ...and try to pass him off as the real colonel sanders. and i should know, because i am colonel sanders. and this is my incredibly delicious $5 fill up meal. i'm colonel sanders. i know that. (door squeaking)
1:09 am
my acolyte will be here any minute! uh, we're closing, sir. i'm sorry.
1:10 am
wow. i am sorry. that was not very minnesota nice of me. i shouldn't have snapped at you. you're just doing your job. and let me just say, grace, your chest has been very large throughout this entire process. oh, aren't you sweet. i could give you a few more minutes. why don't we enjoy a little you bet'cha, oak grove while we wait? and we've got the last snowflake right here! isn't she just the most adorable snowflake, yet? -you bet'cha! -you bet'cha! go ahead, dylan. say something to your fans. the traffic rooster and the weather rooster are the same roos-- aah! dylan doesn't even care about the fort anymore! ugh. oh, baby, it will be okay. i'm just under so much pressure to destroy the world. (sobs) (continues sobbing)
1:11 am
if you're mayor and you know it, clap your hands and you know it-- -mayor! mayor! -no, you can't barge in there! the equinox festival is in danger! i'm sorry, mayor. she doesn't have an appointment. gale, gale, gale, it's okay. get out, gale. mayor, dylan's gonna the last snowflake. happening here. you do? you know, alexis, is a lot like diabetes. sure, it's cool at first, but eventually, it'll blind you. mayor, you're the one who's blind and stupid! how dare you! i'm the mayor! i hereby ban you from the festival! (bangs gavel) guards, take her away! shoo-shoo! scat! get out! you'll see! you'll see, mayor! you'll all see! oh. hey there, big shot. bang up job abandoning me there at the permit office. ooh...
1:12 am
carole, there's a bee on you. aah! (laughing) golan, i understand you're upset. proud of me for once. and... i kind of like it. gah! why don't you and your mommy get a room already? oh, my god! dylan, you're gonna melt, aren't you? why don't we talk about this goodbye. we had a plan! what about winter? mother, just drive. what about-- ooh! excuse me, coming through. (ballet music plays) oh, for cute! that's my little angel! she's mama's little snow angel.
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1:14 am
carole: waah! my little girl's gonna be a snowflake! golan: i'm counting on you, dylan. i am so proud of you. don't forget who you really are. i wont. and this is who i am! i'll never melt! winter forever, bitches! (screaming) oh, what the fudge. yes! i knew i could count on that little bastard to not care about her mom's feelings. aha! i told you so! hya! aah! i'll just edit this part out. this whole part of my life. golan, i'm sorry i made you doubt me. it's okay. i've always doubted you. and i always will. golan away! whoo! now, everyone, just stay calm! i'm sure our last snowflake will be right-- shut up, mayor, you had your chance!
1:15 am
we cannot let my bratty little sister get away with this. so, i'm asking you for your help. all you chubby little nerds. do you want to be second string ensemble background players for the rest of your life? or do you want to help me kick a little girl's ass? yeah! kick a little girl's ass! come on, people!
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we must fortify our defenses. secure our perimeter, and prepare for attack! waah-ha! all right, sunbeams. and melt that snowflake!
1:17 am
fire! (yelling) attack, my lord! brick fight! ha! mommy! oh, yeah. wee! get him! we're about to be breached! thanks, stryker. mom, what are you doing here? we're in the middle of a war! dylan beekler, people worked very hard on that festival. why did you ruin it? ugh. you wouldn't understand. only because you don't want me to. the fort's in danger. we don't have time for this. -carole... -aha! argh! urgh. dylan was only pretending to like dancing for you. really? but why? my gosh, are you kidding me? she wants you to be proud of her, duh. oww! i am proud of her. but you should be proud of her
1:18 am
the kind of girl who destroys dances, makes bad-ass forts, and super cool flags. dylan made this? what is it? roadkill? yeah. this part was still twitching when i sewed it in. oh, that's really... neat. oh, i think it bit me. mom, i'm sorry i always embarrass you. no, dylan, i'm the one who should be apologizing. i may not always get you, but i am always proud of you. plus, this is just a phase you're going through. rancid pelt so all the moms can see my daughter made! aah! your days are numbered! of those little bastards! get her! golan, use this!
1:19 am
r from those nerds! yes! god, dylan, act like you've been there before. wait a minute, look! our plan worked! winter forever! -(cheering) -winter forever! p you're all going to die! -you're all going to freeze p-winter forever! winter forever! aah!
1:20 am
take a look at these bbq trophies: best cracked pepper sauce... most ribs eaten while calf yep, greatness deserves recognition. whoomp there it is uh, yeah... well, uh, well there's this one. best insurance mobile app? yeah, two years in a row.
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does that thing just follow you around? like a little puppy! the award-winning geico app. download it today. >> part of me has to think that
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in it or something. >> let's see what happens. >> ready, set, go. >> he's like, wait. you're not supposed to chew? how do you do this? >> pete's a machine. roman's got no chance. >> he's like wait, dude, hold on. he's looking over at pete like i'm in the presence of greatness here. roman didn't try any shady stuff. this is like us. >> you should challenge a german shepherd. >> fun day in the park and pete leaves us with his usual message. >> you guys stay hungry. smile. >> yeah, smile. >> come on over. nathan learned a valuable lesson after ordering not only
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the story behind his ebay purchase and how he outbid everybody.
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who kids have to learn so much
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one of the toughest concepts to grasp is money. nathan here is learning a lesson. >> what did you do? >> i ordered something off ebay. >> he ordered something off of ebay. dad got behind the camera and a guilty looking nathan. >> what did you order. >> it was an xbox 360. >> he's got good taste. >> check that. >> two. they cost $75. >> he ordered two xboxes costing 75 bucks, according to nathan. here's where the education of money comes in. >> no, $7500. >> oops. >> are you serious? they cost that much? >> they were 75 bucks. when nathan put his bid in he accidentally added a couple of zeros to his bid. >> he forgot the decimal point. he also outbit everybody. >> he sure did.
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>> ebay is a website on my computer. >> poor nathan you can see he's really uncomfortable. he knows he goofed here a little bit. he's trying to weasel his way out of it. >> i'm not whispering. >> are you taking a picture? >> well, i think nathan certainly learned a lesson, as did scott. they're all joining us. joining us via skype, mom jessica and nathan. how did this happen? >> grampy was signed on to the computer and googled xbox 360. made a couple of purchases. >> how did you find out he made a purchase? >> actually mom texted me and said he ordered a couple of xboxes. grandpa is not happy. >> what does the seller say to you guys? >> i have no idea. grampy worked it out.
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he was able to contact the seller and get the transaction voided. >> dad, you held it together well. i don't know that my dad would be so nice in the approach. >> it was hilarious. who spends $7600 on two xboxes. >> nathan, are you going to be going on ebay again? >> no. >> what did you learn after all of this? >> did you learn to ask your mom and dad first? >> yes! >> thank you for sharing your story. we appreciate it. >> thank you very much, bye. >> are you going to do it again? >> no, never. that's the end of our show but there's no shortage of great videos throughout. come back for more on the next
1:28 am
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