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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  December 14, 2015 10:00am-10:30am EST

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all right, here we go. >> a guy on a brand new bike is immediately blocked by police. >> there's a reason all of these cops show up. >> why they're not going to let him just drive off the lot. >> i just bought the bike and i'm leaving. >> daredevil scare, a famous landmark. the secret hatch to a spectacular view. the video went viral when the elephant did not want to get out of the bath. see why he's back in trouble with mom a week later. plus a busy train station is packed with commuters. >> no one is expecting to see
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>> the creepy story behind the life size doll. >> oh, no. >> ready to go. >> this guy just got a brand new bike straight from the dealership. >> triumph speed rrr. >> that's right. he bought the bike earlier in the day and is picking it up after the store was closed for about an hour and a half. he's about to pull up. >> he hasn't even gone. he went about ten feet. lot? >> what happened? >> he said i'm pretty confused. there's a story behind this story. cops show up. this is georgia. this place has been hit twice before.
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trucks and rammed into the bike shop and took off before them. >> this place had been hit before and they've been keeping on eye out and there's a guy outside a place that's been closed for an hour and they're like what are you doing here. >> what happened? >> all's well that ends well. >> is this my celebration for buying a bike? >> he's letting them know i just bought this bike and the cops are like all right. >> where's the title and receipt? one of the coolest cities in the world, rio de janeiro, a popular tourist destination for many reasons, one of the biggest, christ the redeemer. that giant statue on the hill, lots of people like to go there
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experience the grand jur of the statue. a group of russian videographers hop this shed and wait there until night fall. there's a ladder and they're going to use that ladder now that the sun has gone down, prop it up against the base of the statue and begin their clandestine descent. >> i knew that was going to happen because you know we get a lot of young russians who like to climb stuff. i guess they want to be closer to god. >> they get there because this video -- you're not supposed to do this kind of stuff but it's so cool because once they get inside they climb up these hatches and stairwells and ladders. once they reach the top, bet you never knew that was there. that hatch opens up on the shoulder of the redeemer's statue.
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beautiful city of rio below. no word whether they had any behind the scenes help. i don't think so. i would imagine the folks what curate this statue may want to increase security. >> put some locks on some doors. >> you would think there would already be security. >> bad, bad but cool. >> you might want to fix that before the olympics, just saying. this robbery has a real international flare. according to metropolitan police in england you see this guy right here? he and his buddies are from astone ya. police said they flew to london to rob the watches of switzerland shop and these guys actually grab $1.5 million in luxury watches, but security is hot on the trail. there you see they get him into a bear hug.
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let that guy go. this gang was caught. they were on organized gang and went with the intention of robbing multiple places. they got 51 years for what they were trying to do here. another robbery attempt with some tools, this time with a sledge hammer and an axe. you see right here two guys walk up to a jewelry store. they take to the window and they start grabbing ring sets. according to police, they got $53,000 in ring sets from this and grab. >> this is crazy for a jeweler to, one, leave the display up at night but no gates, no anything. >> the shop could still be open. siness, it's not uncommon. >> nearby residents came by but according to the owners they said it's going to cost $53,000 because of the loss but also an
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replace the glass with anti-bandit glass so this doesn't happen again. in 2010 they were robbed and thieves got away with nearly $14,000 in jewels from these people. this video is my wife's nightmares come true. already it sounds kind of creepy but no one is expecting to see this. >> oh, no. >> i'm with your wife. i'm cool. i can live without this. >> these life size creepy victorian dolls milling around all stephen kingy in the london underground just weaving people out with their crazy doll eyes. look into their eyes. >> no! >> they can see your soul. >> she's not going to be here for tuesday's show if you keep it up.
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that puts my mrs. in therapy, just staring at you with crazy doll eyes. even these photos, just hanging out, being creepy, waiting for a train in a creepy way, riding an escalator in a creepy way. you see this. darren brown is keeping a secret. have you guys ever heard of darren brown? he's super famous in the rest of the world. he's an illusionist, a mentalist and hypno test. >> i don't want to see that anymore. >> how about this? how about this? we're going to give you a doll for christmas. >> you better not give me no damn doll. all is well on this quiet road, but then -- >> out of nowhere -- >> no. it's not all going to cave into the street.
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get a bit more chaotic. and hitting the drive-through to serve up a holiday hit and some christmas cheer all i want for christmas is you >> you want fries with that? >> the holiday carolling that will leave you hungry for more. hey mcmellin' you gellin'? i'm gellin' and zinfandellin'. and so is my new bride, helen mcmellin' i'm so happy my eyes are wellin' dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles are so soft they make your feet feel outrageously comfortable. i'm gellin you're so not gellin' dr. scholl's breathtaking peppermint... rich dark chocolate... york peppermint pattie.
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giving people options based on closed captioning provided by -- whatever. the rtm video app, the easiest way to watch the best videos. download it now. in china all is not well on this quiet back street. see if you can spot the problem right at the beginning. >> look out, look out. >> you see what's going on there, guys? you see a bit of the mace onry on the front of that building
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splashes into the road but the cars continue to kind of pass. but some of them start realizing this is probably not a good idea. >> it's not all going to cave into the street. >> all going. both houses just collapsed. >> how old is this place? >> it's not actually to do with the age. what had happened is that the huge land slide coming off the hill behind it and the trees coming down with it and it basically just pushed these two buildings out of the way and they crumble. >> were they vacant? >> the day before there had been warnings. these people all actually vac evacuated the buildings, no injury but at the same time it's like, wow, it came out of nowhere. from these houses crumbling, we go to another strange incident where it's snowing inside. >> that's not snow. that's the ceiling. >> it is the ceiling.
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a dude as well. you see there? >> oh! >> was he breaking in or did he fall from a roof repair? >> the guy was up in the attic. you see his phone goes flying across. the guy up in the attic didn't realize that old trick of you have to walk on the rafters when you're up there. that's not the floor. he took a step, took a tumble and falls down and hits the banister and he kind of just gets up and ironically the song playing in the background is "let it snow." no serious injuries. drive-through employees are a popular target for internet pranksters and they're getting hit again but this time they're getting something back for all their trouble. >> maybe just this christmas cheer.
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is you >> how about that? >> you want fries with that? >> they brought up a stage show. >> the whole moving living room comes pulling up right into the drive-through. you may recognize our buddy stewart edge there with the a cappella group beyond measure that's covering mariah carey's you." thankfully the employees seem to think this is one heck of a nice night and for once they're not getting pranked. >> i think this is a really neat idea that they could expand beyond fast food places. like they could go to maybe a home where a lot of older residents live and say, hey everybody put on your coats, go outside and roll on up and there you go. >> i like that idea, gail. there's stewart blasting away on the saxophone. i'm pretty sure he doesn't
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>> he does air saks as well. >> if you dig that video, it's available on itunes. check it out. >> on "right this minute" you guys have learned that don't get nauseated when you see gross things. this one is the first one that made me go, you know, maybe i don't need to see this. >> i'm intrigued. >> it's not even gross. it's just the idea of it. that is a life sized human-shaped cake. the head on that thing is real. table. >> oh, yeah, and he's making noise. ahh! >> that's so weird. speak to the table and ma that man is screaming every time they cut the cake.
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of cake if they dared. the. >> i can't eat a cake that's shack kled. >> that's bizarre. i would think this is a premier party for the new han aball lector movie. >> it gives me an uneasy feeling. if you look at the inside of the cake it looks like a normal regular cake. >> as far as grossing you out, this video takes the cake. >> is it weird that i want to take a piece of cake and feed it to the dude? >> yeah. >> of all the yucky things that you've shown us, this is the one that gets you? >> well, i draw the line when you're imitating the dawner party. could these two be -- >> this couple on instagram. >> talk about using body weight. >> see if their workouts lives
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minute." still to come, andrew hail strangers. >> i'm probably going to be alone my whole life. >> why things get uncomfortable. >> i pay for tinder plus. >> who says this things. >> plus, when a snowmobile ride takes takes a wrong turn. >> oh. you know the love you feel baked breadsticks? well multiply that by a million. new breadstick sandwiches, part of olive garden' duos starting at $6.99. centrum brings us the biggest news... in multivitamin history. a moment when something so familiar... becomes something introducing new centrum vitamints. a multivitamin that contains spectrum of essential nutrients... you enjoy like a mint. new centrum vitamints.
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10:17 am
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across the country and it kind of just lubes the stupid train. >> it makes it a little easier to slip into things like this. fail. i don't even know if that skier >> i don't think so. that. >> it was like somebody went blatt and ejected him off the trail there. >> like he almost kicked himself in the back of the head. did he survive? >> he did survive. his friends were so concerned about him that they did this. >> that's kicking a brother while he's down. >> absolutely and why not? this next guy found himself on a snowmobile, nice and slippery but he's going uphill. >> oh.
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do any of those steps on a snowmobile. >> he's left there. >> like his head in the trash can, his legs all in the snow boots kicking around. but he got to the top of the hill and created a funny fail. >> well done, sir. sometimes losing a tooth can be horrific but for whatever reason parents seem to really, really, really, really, really, really love it. >> it's fun when it's not your tooth. >> what are we doing with this arrow? >> we're going to put it in a bow and arrow and shoot it and i'm going to cry on the ground. >> three, two, one. >> perfect. look at that. how did they find it so quickly.
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>> it is impressive. just as impressive as little miss callie. she's going to use her cookie shock it to help her pull out her first tooth. >> what's's that? >> dental floss and tie it to the cookie. >> give it a throw. sing for the fences. >> good-bye, tooth. >> you got it. >> losing teeth never gets old and this is quite a payout. >> now they just need to get paid. i'm getting paid, you know i'm getting paid >> this is going to be awkward mostly because andrew hales is involved in this video. he walks up to people, asks for directions and then -- >> probably going to be alone my whole life.
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>> do you know where i can get some food around here. >> that building over there, on the second floor. one of the floors -- >> i'm a [mute]. what food do they have there? >> he immediately goes back to the food conversation. i'm a big [mute]. >> who says these things? >> andrew hales. >> i pay for tinder plus. >> all right, later. >> he's got to just have so much fun doing this now because it's obviously not embarrassing for him. this is what he does. just to think of all the weird things that he gets to go and say to people. >> i spark noted automatic american literature classics in high school and now i don't have a good sense of the human spirit and the american dream. is there -- >> a restaurant that can solve
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>> well played. this baby elephant had the because -- >> the baby did not want to get out of the bath. >> see why a week later it's the
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>> get out of the intact. >> right. you lose the eye sore but you keep the amazing diving, the fish and all the animal life. it's no surprise why this video went viral. it's because of its cuteness, its awesomeness. this is surprising because time. >> i got water babies for kids. they don't want to get out of the bath either. >> it's like a mud bath. it's going to make my skin all soft. >> let's check seven days later to see how things are going. >> the little elephant is smiling. there's a huge smile on his face. get out of the bath! >> that's basically what the mama said. the baby is like, this is fun. it's play time.
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i don't want to go. don't make me leave. that was my translation. at that point i get worried because it is really in the mud around. >> most of the time though parents aren't too amused with this level of resistance. >> the irritated mum puts her head up. i don't care. >> thanks for watching, wefsh. we've got a website and a mobile app.
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