tv Right This Minute FOX January 6, 2016 10:30am-11:00am EST
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a bullfighter wannabe gets cocky. >> he's decided to face this bull on his knees. >> how that left him flat on his back. >> aye-yi-yi! >> he's going to turn, he's going turn. a deputy spots a guy doing a wheelie. >> this guy decides to take off. >> why instant karma is a very real thing. some fishing buddies hook a big one. but -- >> they had no idea. >> that was going to hook him back. >> whoa! plus throwing a strike in a bad way. and say hello to the newest -- >> coolest. cutest food critic out there. >> this is a croissant breakfast sandwich. >> see this 7-year-old meat lover's mouth-watering review.
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as her head. >> that's all i'm seeing, is bacon. were you guys talking? you mess with a bull, you get the -- >> horns. >> yeah, it's just about the most common saying for a very good reason -- you don't mess around with bulls. >> well -- we head over to san jose, costa rica. where one young gentleman obviously didn't get the message. >> that is luis contreras, and he's decided to face this bull on his knees. the bull is -- stamping his feet, pushing the dust backwards and it's almost like he's antagonizing the bull. >> come on, come at me, bull. >> he's going to be feeling everything in a second. >> oh! >> yeah. no, that's not the way that was supposed to work. >> he didn't move quick enough and that bull gets the horn right under his arms. >> whoa!
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he does start attempting to get up and quickly realize he is doesn't have the use of his right arm. he had a serious puncture wound under his arm. it was bleeding profusely. he had to go to hospital. he was in intensive care, but did recover. you know what's crazy, guys? this was the second time he's been roughed up by a bull. >> that bull was faster than gravity. the guy was trying to fall to the ground and the bull beats him to the ground. >> this was broadcast live on tv as well. part of a bigger event. a lot of people saw this happen. let's hope they will learn from this guy to maybe just avoid the situation in this entirety. let's just be glad that he's okay. >> it's time to retire, brother. >> when conner colby and his friends set out to sea they had no idea that they were about to hook the big one! >> whoa! >> that's dangerous. >> they almost got hooked by the
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>> that's a 198-pound marlin. >> they hooked the marlin -- and then suddenly the marlin reversed and flipped on to the boat. nearly missing conner's head with its beak. >> and then to add insult to injury as it flipped off the boat it slid across his back and left a little bit of slime as if to say -- don't get grimy with me. >> and got away. >> oh, that's not fight or flight, that's fight and flight. a much calmer encounter in canada. these guys were out fishing for prawns to get ready for their fishing trip when they had company, from not one but two humpbacks, they swim up, coming over here -- >> oh my god, oh, my god! >> hi, big boy. >> they go under the boat and come out on the other side. >> they're just putting on a show. >> that's so beautiful. >> the show goes on for quite sometime.
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site. >> we're in a completely different spot. and they have followed us. and they're right here, oh, my god, look at this! >> they came right up to them. that's amazing. >> apparently they just wanted to offer some company for the day. >> don't be an idiot. especially when you're on a motorcycle and as two examples, the video starts off at an intersection. the guy we're with is on a motorcycle. there's another motorcyclist that turns left to join him in that lane. but decides he has a much better motorcycle and he's going to show off, mind you, it doesn't even look like this is a street legal bike. >> this guy is not wearing a helmet. so many things he's doing wrong. >> this is instant karma. go what do you do if you're the rider on the black bike? >> you laugh. >> do you stop and help or do you just -- drive right on by? >> well let's find out what he
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>> the guy got up on his own. he doesn't need to stop. >> we go from the uk over to arizona. i presume the police officer they see on the road, because this guy that we're riding with decides that it's a great idea to do a wheelie right in front of the officer. there goes wheelie number one. the deputy started tailing him so this guy decides to take off. >> you can't run away from your license plate. if it's registered and insured to you, the officer doesn't need to chase you down. >> you also can't run away from karma. >> he got up to 170 miles per hour. >> he cruised through the red light. >> too fast, he couldn't make the turn. now he's going the wrong way. okay. when does this guy get shut down? >> oh! god. >> that's a pickup truck to the face. >> the video says he was able to walk away from this accident. it's amazing he's not dead. >> he's not even apologetic
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>> he does recognize he was being very reckless. no word on if he's going to be facing charges. he posted on instagram and social media. this was a big lesson for him. >> you guys might be tired by now. hearing me me drone on about drone videos. but i can assure you this one will make you go crazy. it's another drone volunteer of venice beach, but this one is just a little bit different. because you'll soon realize that this is next-level stuff right here. the pilot is robert mcintosh. he's using a rather small drone. that is allowing him to take us on an aerial tour of venice beach. that even a bird would be a little bit envious of. watch ease gets a little bit lower, lower, lower and flips right underneath that park bench. >> made the bird flit away.
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now up he goes again heading towards this giant public art installation. is he going to go around it? no. right through that as well. >> threading the needle. but all so cinematic. it's like venice beach paid him to do this. >> and they did not. this is just what robert does out there. the other cool part about there video is there's no mechanical stabilization of this video. no, what does that mean? a lot of modern drones these days with cameras have something called a gimble on them. that uses motors and things and gyros to keep the camera stable. this does not have that stabilization. he's using something called real-steady. a software that takes the video and stabilizes it and gives it a very smooth cinematic look. >> he's not being paid by venice beach, but i think they'll be calling him soon. >> a very cool video called "rise and shine." 6 . a hoax article made its rounds.
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got pregnant after she got the flu shot. >> leave it to odd boo to keep it real. >> you need some -- bam. to have a baby. plus -- >> it is a raging bush fire out of control and they have no idea they're heading towards it. >> see what happens next. >> run! >> run! th raviolis so nice we filled them twice. bursting with indulgent flavors like chicken marsala ravioli, or smoked mozzarella manicotti. plus unlimited salad and breadsticks. starting at $12.99. for a limited time. at olive garden. [ music ] defiance is in our bones. citracal pearls. delicious berries and cream. soft, chewable, calcium plus vitamin d. only from citracal. stress sweat. it can happen anytime to anyone. stress sweat is different than ordinary sweat, it smells worse. get 4 times the protection
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>> announcer: closed captioning provided by -- standing by for fun. where there's smoke, there's fire. a common idiom that these two may remember after this experience in australia. they were driving down the a-82, they were distracted by this amazing weather front they saw. they get out of the car and decide to take some pictures.
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>> it is a raging bush fire. out of control and they have no idea they're heading towards it they start realizing they might in trouble. >> oh boy. >> they're not quite sure where it's coming from. >> they continue driving wait they're going. >> bad idea. >> i'm actually quite frightened. because fires -- you wonder about people, imagine if that catches fire on that hay. imagine the speed that will spread across the road. >> then you can hear from the accent he sounds quite english. another local drive by gives him a bit of advice. >> turn around, mate. the flames are coming here. >> these guys understand how quickly a bush fire can spread. and then the warnings start coming over the radio. guys, listen to how scary this sounds. >> there's a risk to lives and property. people in these areas are in danger. act immediately, follow your bush fire survival plan.
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fire survival plan. go if you're not from the area. what is the bush fire survival plan. >> run! >> they're driving away from the fire. but guys, remember this is the middle of the day, check it out. that doesn't look like daytime any more. visibility drops to almost nothing. you want to be like get me out of here. but you can't, because you can't see. suddenly, they see this glow. >> those are the flames, but no, it's the light at the end of the tunnel. video. actually shot in november of last year. just posted. getting a lot of attention people are just -- >> where do i go, where do i go. >> keep going, follow them. aunt boo is back with even more commentary on things -- she's seen. the latest one. were talking about -- >> kind of a big deal. >> this 14-year-old went and got
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and the flu shot got her pregnant. >> i haven't seen that headline. but -- >> i'm so glad she's taking this on. >> man. >> listen sugar -- >> the article she's talking about is a fake article. that was written -- >> you need an aid. >> you ever see those hoax articles circulate. this happens to be the claim that a 14-year-old girl in texas got pregnant after she got the flu shot. >> you need a man and you need some -- a -- bam! >> ooh ooh! >> no, she didn't! >> yes, she did. >> to have a baby. >> she wants to clarify how it is you do in fact get pregnant -- bam! >> awesome. a personal comment from aunt boo. >> don't let nobody fool you, immaculate conception, all that,
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>> boo is over here preaching. >> man, if aunt boo was a teacher, i'd go every week. >> don't be mad, but don't be stupid, either. >> she lays the truth out. >> boom! >>. i got fails. the first guy on snowmobile -- crashing. wide-open field. a jump but augers in, tail-first, that sends bits and pieces flying. second fail video. this guy on his ski-doo floating across the ground. he slashes past his friend here, it seems that they've had a bit of a problem. up the hill. >> that looks so super cool. >> gets close to the top. doesn't get there, loops back around. digs in. falls off the snowmobile. but here's the problem. >> doesn't set off an avalanche? >> nope. >> bye!
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himself. his buddy realizes okay, dude's sled is not stopping. so he's got to chase it all the way down. >> he's, he's stuck. >> what happens if you're in canada and it snows? this is how you have some canadian snowstorm fun. forget the engines or snowmobiles. walk through the snow, make some snow angels and start skiching behind the minivan. >> snowboarding down main street. this is a canadian commute. a killer at large. >> in 1997, she was abducted. i want to find out who brutally murdered this poor girl. >> the hop side investigation shot in real-time. >> and -- >> when i say no texting on the job, i mean it. >> so does this guy. >> watch this foreman take foreman take
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considerations provided by -- th soothing formulas that strengthen teeth and freshen breath. act. stronger teeth and dry mouth relief. apparently, people think i'm too perky. so now i'm not being perky, telling you that drivers that switch to progressive save an average of $548! whoo! i mean, whoo. the 18-year-old cold case of a murdered grad student in isolated louisiana, the old-school grizzled detective coming out of retirement to make good on a promise. and his partner, the young hotshot detective with a knack for reading people. this is "true crime" real detectives. >> in 1997 she was abducted. i want to find out who brutally murdered this poor girl. >> wow, that's intense.
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on discovery channel. "killing field" this is a real story, a real case and they followed the entire process, these two detectives, rudy sanchez and aubrey sant angelo worked together to solve this mystery. >> somebody comes up behind her. smashes her in the head. >> they head back to where they believe that she was grabbed. they remember this area where they've been putting up flyers on certain posters that someone around the area had been taking them down. so they attempt to see if they put them back up. whether they can reel someone in. you know what? live by skype "right this minute" we have both detectives right now. we don't we all say welcome to the show. so rody, aubrey, i saw the trailer for this show and it hooked me immediately. give me some background about how it all came about. >> i started this case in 1997,
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my mind, i promised miss joan 18 years ago i would do everything possible to put closure to her daughter's death. >> you guys have been working on the case for 18 years, no conclusion. how confident are you that will be able to solve it now? >> some people weren't contacted and brought in in 1997. they're being contacted and brought in and interviewed. i'm liking the closure that we're getting. to some of these notes. >> so if somebody is watching the show, will they see new evidence that you didn't know before that would have been handy back then? >> oh yes, ma'am. you got to understand back when i was in law enforcement, all we had was dust fingerprints, we didn't even have computers. now we have dna, technology has helped law enforcement tremendously and i've learned a lot. >> we're intrigued, so thank you so much for taking the time to
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>> catch episode 2 january 12th, 10:00 p.m. on discovery the. when i say no texting on the job, i mean it. so does this guy. he's had it with this guy and he's about to take action. >> is he really texting? >> no! give me my phone back! give me my phone back! >> yes, yes, he walks over to the guy and snatches the phone. stuffs it into the mixer and then goes, oh, my god, my phone. water. >> he grabs it out of the cement, wash it is off in the water and walks off. >> looks a little fed up. but i'm going with if. >> me, too. suspicious all the time. i know. my dad is in construction and when you are mixing cement, you have a small window. and i know for a fact my dad would fly off the handle old-school like this and do
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>> man this is so messed up. >> i'm suspicious. >> makes the point -- no texting on the job. >> this dude is about to step right up and take a swing. >> oh! >> somebody ask you at a party, what's the most embarrassing moment of your life -- >> that's it and it's on camera. >> how the heck can you even get a bowling bar that far up? those things are heavy. >> he's using one of those little six-pound kiddie balls. [ laughter ] phoenix is about to chow down. >> he's trying to eat this big
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critic out there. >> i'm going to be trying to eat this big, humungous sandwich from quick tricks. >> 7-year-old phoenix is going to try to eat this enormous breakfast sandwich. >> my guy ordered it with all the meat because i love meat. >> go meat! >> yeah! >> she's a total meat lover, she explains what's in the breakfast sandwich. >> it's ham with some egg and some bake within some sausage and some more egg with some bacon and then turkey with lettuce and tomatoes and always on top, a croissant. >> she goes to eat this thing and -- >> wish me luck. >> it takes her a second or two or a long time to even pick it up. >> what angle do you attack it from? >> it's so big. it's the size of her head. >> yummy in my belly. >> you're wondering, does she actually finish it. >> all right.
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>> the whole thing is gone. she has one bite left! >> where did she put it, christianne? >> you can hear dad behind the camera, mmmmm, great work, sweetie. >> aren't you proud of me? i ate that whole thing. i'm just kidding. my daddy had to eat some of it. >> in all, greatest, newest little food critic out there. >> this is super good, people. you got to try this thing.
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