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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  January 9, 2016 5:30am-6:00am EST

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@ a bull fighter wannabe gets cocky. why that left him flat on his back. >> ay-yai-yai. >> he helps folks fix stuff on the internet. >> this week he posted a very different type of video. >> my life means more than it has ever meant before. >> why jim clark is the driving force behind saving his sister's life. wing suit pilots take flight. >> right next to each other. why the impressive precision doesn't end there. and a brave dad asks his son to remove his cash. >> this is about to happen, y'all.
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come out to get the job done. >> to the e.r. you go. mess with the bull, you get -- >> the horns. >> it's a common saying for a very good reason. you don't mess around with bulls. >> we head over to san jose, costa rica. one young gentleman obviously didn't get the message. that's luis contreras. he's decided to face this bill on his knees. the bull is stamping its feet, it's almost like he's antagonizing the bull, come at me, bull. >> he's full of himself, that's the problem. everything in a second. >> yeah, no, that's not the way that was supposed to work. >> he didn't move quick enough
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under his arm. >> he attempts to get up quickly and quickly realizes he doesn't really have the use of his right arm. he had a pretty serious puncture wound, it was bleeding profusely. he had to go to hospital. he was in intensive care but did recover. you know what's crazy, guys, this is the second time he's been roughed up by a bull. >> that bull was faster than gravity. he was trying to fall to the ground about the bull beat him to the ground. >> this was broadcast live on tv as well, all part of a bigger event. let's hope they'll learn from this guy to avoid the situation in its entirety. he is okay. time to retire, buddy. on this show. >> hey, folks. videos. >> do you really it takes 1.6 gallons of water every time you
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>> he posted this video on how to make the most use of water around your home. >> it involves using water that would go into your toilet tank, brings it through the top of the tank, so you can use it in a bowl above. >> you can wash your hands with it, brush your teeth with it, whatever you want to do. >> because it is clean water. it circulates back into the tank so you use it twice. >> i like that. >> just a short while after posting this video, he posted a very different type of video. >> hey, i matter more than i ever mattered before. personal. >> i'm a bone marrow match. i'm a donor for my sister. i'm a match. >> his sister has been battling leukemia and has had a really difficult time dealing with it. he found out on this daythat
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her. >> they're getting ready for the bone marrow transplant. >> he set up a gofundme page to help pay for the procedure. >> it's just a check swab, that gets you on the registry. you may get a call sometime in the future because you're a match for someone, somewhere. you can save that person's life. >> head on over to
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"tv >> that guy is telling us where he is, and he's got great video to show us as well. multiple camera angles of this jump. boom, right into that narrow slot canyon there. but check out how close the cameraman gets to the guy in the but you blue and white suit there. right next to each other. >> they're trying to get this close to each other just to prove how cool they are. >> the proximity to each other really isn't the heart of this video, because watch this. >> whoa! >> they didn't have to get that close. we trust them. >> watch it again. ruins. >> next to that tower. they've got the cameras in all the right positions. here it is, from the point of view of the guy in the blue and white suit.
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cameraman down below and that solid rock wall. what precision. >> i can't imagine what it would be like to hit that wall. >> it would crush his entire body. >> let's not even think about that, because they pulled this jump off quite perfectly. adam was out fishing when he saw something stuck in the mud. so he got out of his boat and went on over, ran into this little fellow. >> it's like the goat found the last bit of moisture. >> he grabs him by the horns and tugs and tugs, and there it goes. >> you see it kind of bust into this tree, takes another fall. you see the bottom half of its body completely covered.
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of himself. he picks him back by the horns track. >> he's exhausted from trying to kick its way out of the mud. good job, adam. >> deer hunters find her. >> she almost cleared that thing. >> they pulled the wiring apart and stick a bar in there, pull a few wires, push and pry. she gets loose pretty quickly and easily. >> look at that struggle. she was really caught in there. two grown men had a difficult time trying to spread those wires apart, it would barbed wire too. good thing for her they found her just in time. she thinks he's going on a trip. but really he's got other plans. >> i'm so nervous. >> how he arrives to deliver a
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and -- >> when i say no texting on the job, i mean it. so does this guy. >> watch this foreman take action. hey mom. yeah? we've got allstate, right? uh-huh. yes. well, i found this new thing called allstate quickfoto claim. it's an app. you understand that? you just take photos of the damage with your phone and upload them to allstate.d upload them to allstate. really? so you get a quicker estimate, quicker payment, quicker back to normal. i just did it. but maybe you can find an app that will help you explain this to your father. quickfoto claims. just another way allstate is changing car insurance for good. after trying brookside chocolate, people talk about it online. love at first taste. i would liquefy it and bathe in it. curse you, brookside! your nefarious plans have succeeded. nefarious? are we still talking about chocolate? brookside. talk about delicious. without any hesitation, your baby trusts you most. so wrap them in the comfort and
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the only diaper trusted to be the number one choice of hospitals
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some things that go up must come down. but a roof isn't one of them. we start in russia, a snowy, windy day. the wind picked picked up. did you see that? it picked up part of that roof. >> it picked up the whole thing. >> wow. >> it was a section of the roof. >> those cars ain't going anywhere. >> man, that one got skewered. >> no one was hurt and no one was in the car.
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>> now, some things that go up must come down, like a hot air balloon. however, what happened here in belgium is unbelievable. it is a very windy day. you have two hot air balloons, and the pilots are saying they were having a tough timekeeping them down. that's somebody hanging off the side. they say they called people over to help them hold the basket down. the air in the balloon got so hot, it started to lift off. that guy didn't understand the words for "let go," so he was clinging on. the pilot told the people in the basket, put him in, put him in. that is a piece of debris, not a person. a half hour later that balloon landed in holland and the pilot drove the man back to bell gium because he couldn't speak his address.
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balloon. when i say no texting on the job, i mean it. so does this guy. this foreman has had it with the action. >> was he really texting? >> no! >> yes, he walks over to the guy and snatches the phone. >> he's going to wash it off in the water. >> he grabs it and walks off the job, like, doofus! >> looks a little set up, but i'm going with it. >> me too. we are suspicious all the time, i know. my dad is in construction. when you're mixing cement, you have a small window. i know for a fact, my dad would fly off the handle like this and do something outrageous.
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but i'm suspicious. >> makes the point, though. no texting on the job. let's go back to december 24th, 2015. this was a special day for scott and carmen. >> he's coming and he's bringing some bling. >> scott has told carmen he's going on a long trip overseas. >> i'm not going to korea. i'm going to surprise her and ask her to marry me. >> he gets off the plane and goes back. she thinks she's filming a commercial. she does a little promo. he's going to be in that helicopter, covered by this tarp. >> i don't even know what to say, i'm so nervous. i don't even know, man. i'm tripping. but i'm super excited. >> the whole thing is actually
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turns out that 30 years ago, his eve. special. >> is he going to jump out in the middle of the ocean? >> no. he waited until they land. his first gift to her was a vinyl record player. he asked her to be his girlfriend by giving her a sync. now he's carrying a vinyl record of "let's get married" by jagged edge. >> that's my cut right there. >> i want to do that one more time. >> what are you doing here? >> it's a good trick. >> there is no way in her mind she expected to see him when she turned around. >> well-played. >> he nails it. >> it's incredibly thoughtful. she agreed to be his woman
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>> and they get to have a nice helicopter ride back. >> congratulations, both of you. she got a very special birthday gift. >> an autograph. >> why putting it to use might not be the brightest idea. >> don't do that, you'll get your hand stuck to one of those. i've got mine stuck to one. plus -- using an abandoned military base to pull some epic skiing stunts. see why playing in the powder isn't always smooth. ve been on my feel all day. i'm bushed! yea me too. excuse me...coming through! ride the gel wave of comfort with dr. scholls massaging gel insoles. they're proven to give you comfort. which helps you feel more energized ...all day long. i want what he has. marvin thinks you have to be a brainiac to do your own taxes. so we brought in world-renowned brainiac, to help him. take your finger and press it right here. sfx: camera shutter, buzz, bloop. yay, you got it.
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i wanted to earn an mba, but i didn't want to spend my time studying material i already knew. from capella university. its revolutionary, self-paced program my work experience. through material i knew, what i didn't, my busy schedule. at the speed of me. flexpath from capella university.
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apparently, people think i'm too perky. so now i'm not being perky, telling you that drivers that switch to progressive save an average of $548! whoo! i mean, whoo. one day it appears. is that a dark spot? new gold bond dark spot minimizing cream for body. targeted treatment: results begin in 4 weeks.
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they say to avoid embarrassing or stupid situations, at about 1 or 2:00 in the morning, you startou start making noise while you start making your can a bbabs, then you start sticking your head in. i don't know how she was approaching it from the inside. maybe she was inside the bin. i have no idea. but now she's got the latest fashion necklace to parade around the kabab shop, much to the amusement of everybody. it takes a few minutes to figure out how to get this chick out of the bin. >> i'm kind of impressed it only took two minutes. you see the quality and the level of her assistants here. two minutes is kind of a record.
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lot longer if one of the guys who works in the shop figures out the only way they'll get her ridiculous head out of this ridiculous situation is to pop the top off the side. this next avoid, another lady using her head. got a very special present there. >> what is it? >> oh, wow. >> tony romo helmet from the dallas cowboys. she's moving it around and holding it. there's a big warning sign on the back. she probably should have read this, because she wants to try it on. >> she squeezes her head in there. for a minute she feels like, wow. >> don't do that, honey, you'll get your head stuck in one of those. i've gotten my head stuck, it's
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>> she's about to find that out. >> ow! ow! >> dad doesn't look like he's coming in to help either. >> it's not funny! >> happy birthday, becky. >> happy birthday. it's easy to watch those ski films with the giant tall mountains way out in the alps, these guys jumping and flipping all over the place. i think videos like this are even cooler. this is from epic tv. they went out for eight days to an abandoned canadian military base and just spent hours building different ramps, leaping through the buildings. >> they have turned something that's abandoned into something else completely. >> this would be a great place zombie movie. >> no.
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ththat these guys have, to think about where they're going to put the ramps, how they're going to jump up on the sides of the buildings. >> i love how the graffiti artists made it colorful for them, they didn't even pay for it, it was already there. >> perfect backdrop for this video. i appreciate these guys for their skill and creativity. but showing us what it takes to pull off these videos and make these moves. >> he was first, apparently. >> not falling into puffy powder. you're hitting concrete and packed landing ramps. this is not easy film to make but these guys make it. a special father/son moment. >> and so begins the very technical surgery of removing the cast. >> watch him go at it with a chainsaw. >> you're about to have a trip
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some oil down in there and it's burning, so he thought, i need to remove that thing. >> is that a good idea? >> you heard the woman in the room. >> he does ice sculpting in his spare time. >> i bet he does. he's like a surgeon with that thing. >> you are correct, he is a chainsaw artist. so don't try this at home.
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wow. man. >> another removal here. this time this guy is going to show us how to remove a hook. he does have a very intricate diagram to show us what he does. >> what we do with the bride is you go around the hook a couple of times, we've got to put my finger on top of the look like that. there we go. >> meanwhile the guy is off screen, bleeding out. you don't see that. [ laughter ] >> that is not fun. >> i'm trying to not catch myself. >> that's why i don't fish. that's it, everyone. see you on the next "right this
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nietonieto. >> windy and wet weather move in this weekend. >> this morning, a boston police officer remains in intensive care after he was shot. the action that officer took
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>> it was a shockingcase.
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