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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  February 1, 2016 10:00am-10:30am EST

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>> a young woman stars in a video definition of the word bizarre. >> the crazy reason she's all tied up at the train station. a four-car wreck leaves one mangled mess. >> everybody there prevented anyone from dying. >> the moment angels come from every corner. >> it's a gender announcement. >> inspired by steve harvey and a recent incident. >> why this may not be the last word on what they are having. plus the great ipad mini give away is back. and comedian ben gleeb and stephanie simbari for a story --
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>> see how they feel about grandmother's sweet dog. >> it was straggly, has one eye. [ laughter ] >> this is the video definition of the word bizarre. check this girl out at the under ground rail station in china. she is tied in rope and she is walking around. this is her reaction to a break she is sad. this is how she's dealing with this parting. she tied herself up like this to redirect the pain of her heart to this rope that she's tied herself in. >> she should be taking the rope off because obviously he broke up with her she is unbound, she is freed, she's unfettered. she's a woman in china. she has her pick of the litter. >> there's a huge missed opportunity by other single guys
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this could have been their knight in shining armor moment, come in and take out their pocketknife and cut the rope and honey i saved you. >> yes, that would have been so good. >> it's such a peculiar reaction to the situation. i don't quite understand what she's going through. >> later in the video, you soo that her friend puts a sweater over here just before the va ends so we don't know what happens afterwards but reported this is just how she dealt with a heart break. >> i can't imagine why she got dumped. >> right. >> oh, my god. hopefully after this ordeal she realized how not worth it any guy is. she needs to move on with her life and appreciate the beauty that comes with being single. cctv camera catches this on in canada. three vehicles into an
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there's an eerie quiet on the scene. there's a group of angels zend. -- descend. he figures there no chance anyone could have survived. he's able to see the people are just fine. if you look over to the left-hand side, you'll see someone is out on their hands and knees because they are trying to treat someone who is lying on the floor. that is the ford pickup truck driver who was thrown from the truck that was disintegrated. keep an eye on the pickup truck. as the smoke gathers. i love that there are people still with that injured person. they didn't back off waiting for him to put the fire off. >> the crazy thing is no one was killed. when you see this, it looks so terrible but the actions of everybody there prevented anyone from dying. in china, though, right at the start of this video, you'll hear a noise.
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which is the first mistake as he moved over shoulder, stops the vehicle, everything is fine. as long as everybody sees him. >> how does that happen? >> everybody was fine, though, but in fact the driver unfortunately ended up getting a fine and points on his license for answering a phone can call while driving and illegal occupation of the emergency lane. >> i'm thinking he did the right thing. he got a call. he pulled over. >> and he still caused an accident. how crazy is that? >> he didn't cause the accident. >> the truck driver hit him. >> he wouldn't have hit the car if it wasn't there for the first time. somebody stole dough from the ginger bread man. not a joke. it's the name of the store here in russia and that man is about to steal the dough to the tune of $400. jumps over the counter, grabs money. the seller runs out before she does. she closes the door.
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runs back in and locks the door behind her, but you see, he didn't get away with it because as he was running down the road, he starts waving down these lights and he didn't have a get away car and it was a police car. >> he waved down a police officer. >> they took him back to the store and the woman quickly identified the guy. in russia, when they arrest you, they let the press come talk to you before you've even pleaded not guilty. >> then they put you in the cell which i had to show off because it's so nicely designed. talk about humiliating you. >> his rap sheet has eight other criminal charges listed on them. if he's convicted in this case, he could get 7 years in jail. and they are looking for this guy. he's all clad in black and he's armed with something pretty ugly. see what that is? that's a machete. >> he starts swinging it. he take the money out.
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police are hoping somebody knows something about this case because absolutely scary you are working behind the counterand this happened to you. >> they didn't have much to go on. you can't make out almost no identifiers whatsoever. he was in and out like that. >> we're back with another give away giving you a chance to win a ipad mini. >> the buzz word coming up in a bit. >> stand by about for the rtm give away. a couple guys mountain biking in sedona liked they had glue on their tires. it seemed incredible. they did something called the loophole where she seemed to defy gravity. this guy on this book is back at it again. back with sedona with a drone overhead to attempt something
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>> straight up a cliff, what's left to do? >> more like straight down. here he is on this trail that looks difficult for even hikers to navigate. he's got to walk his bike up first. it's hard to believe he even rides down. here he goes. the drone going up and up and up. i believe this is on cathedral rock in sedona one of the most iconic landscapes in that area. >> people die hiking in places like this, let alone on a freaking bicycle. >> let's see how he does. here goes simon, he's at the top, starts riding down that cracked, rocky, jagged mountainside. the drone shot is pretty cool way up in the air, making simon look like a blue boulder. >> he goes and he's seeing lines, he's seeing places he wants to ride.
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the bell tower to come crashing down. what happens when it can no longer stay standing? >> oh, no! >> and see how this dude proves that when it comes to driving an as ton martin in the know, they are not so good anymore. >> right this minute is brought to you by -- you can't work from home the next day. [ coughing ] that's why you need alka seltzer plus day night liquid gels. it's tough cold symptom fighters provide powerful relief. relief that helps you sleep at night and gets you back out there during the day. [ deep breath ] [ truck horn ] alka-seltzer plus day night liquid gels. also available, in stores alka-seltzer plus alka-seltzer plus night time hot drink mix. there has to be a way. carry the centimeter, divide by 3.14 something something something... [ beeping, whirring ] great caesar salad! and now
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shows people policy options to help fit their budget. is that a true story? yeah! people really do save an average of over $500 when they switch. i mean about you inventing it. i invented the story, and isn't that what really matters? so...
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progresso, soups... white breast meat chicken every time. so if you're not going to make your own chicken soup tonight, do what we do...make it progresso. look at this sweet face.
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gooey, flaky, happy. toaster strudel. we they immediately evacuated the
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able timing. watch what happens next. >> this fell on its own. >> this is what the tourists come to see andme to see and it's the center this is heart breaking. >> we also have some images of some of the after math and clean up. there was a gas leak after this but the bottom line is nobody was injured. now, over to parker, texas, where another tower is also going to come crashing down. >> this one seems planned, though. >> this one is a little more organized. >> timber! >> and just like that, the tower goes down, but it's a very strong tower because it crashed and everything is still intact. >> did we miss anybody? >> oh, my god! [ laughter ] >> the wicked witch of the west. >> yeah, i think that's a nice little funny joke over at the
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well-done. >> aston martins are very good cars at doing lots of good things. going fast. but when you throw some snow underneath the tires, they are not so good anymore. doug had a beautiful aston at his disposal and decided to see plowing snow. of course, it quickly gets stuck. not good at plowing snow. what else might it be good at? what about braking? is it good at braking? >> i think basically in this weather your entire usage for this aston martin should be looking at it and posting it on inat that gram -- instagram. >> it's a paper weight. doug discovered it's a great car but not in the snow.
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this car is owned by somebody. that means they are not going to be able to give it back. >> no, no, no, no. [ bleep ]! >> oh, oh, oh, man! >> other the alarm just went off. >> that's not powder. >> you can hear the thud, the thump, you even hear crunch a few times. thankfully, nobody was inside that vehicle at the time this happened. >> oh, no. it's like a concrete slab hit it. >> dude goes for a walk on a frozen lake. >> he's walking like it's nothing. >> the breath-taking stroll you won't want to miss. next "right this minute."
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paragliders start soaring and it is absolutely beautiful. the picturesque flight that will blow your mind. >> he's flying like an eagle. >> don't miss monday's buzz ward for your shot to win an ipad mini. plus unlimited salad and breadsticks. the best tour of italy is the one you create. at olive garden. fact. advil pain relievers are used by more households than any other leading brand. to treat their aches and pains more people reach for advil. relief doesn't get any better than this. advil. (becky) i started smoking when i was 16. now i have end stage copd. my tip is; if you keep smoking, your "freedom" may only go as far as your oxygen tube. (announcer)you can quit. for free help,
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floyd doesn't believe he can get his taxes done for nothing. so we brought in dr. kaku to explain what we mean by nothing. it means it's free
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>> promotional considerations provided by -- spokesbox: go paperless, don't stress, girl i got the discounts that you need safe driver accident-free everybody put your flaps in the air for me >> watch the video again and again, head on over to right this, find tons of videos and share them with your friends. >> rtm adventurers strap up. these paragliders are about to cross over an area known as the dolomite and he is absolutely beautiful.
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the way these guys can just fly. >> this is a a destination place for adventurers all over the world and i think it's pretty clear as to why. all of these different peaks are part of the dolomites and these paragliders are thousands of feet in the air. it shows the variety of at the rain around the gleb. you can go to italy to see architecture or you can see this. >> look at that. kt that. flying like an eagle. dude, even brought his sleeping bag up there with him to stay warm. >> you have to. it's freakin' cold. i wonder if he brought a sandwich. >> right. thank you. thank you, how much better would it make it? >> i love all the colors that you can see from up above. the blues, the greens, the graze, the whites, all of it. >> it's interesting to me they call it the pale mountains
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you see them descend and they make this look easy. >> one of our favorite guests on the show, ben gleib, has a very fun show called the idiot test. idiot test, when i heard, finally a show just for me. >> what do you guys say we bring him in? he's actually visiting us here on set right this minute. >> hello, hello. what's going on? >> come on in. welcome back. >> it's great to have you here. your show, "idiot test" doing really well. you have this video on line called the stud puzzle. your contestants are asked to touch the stud. where is the stud? >> it's not a stud. it's more like a doorjamb. >> that's what i first thought. >> he poked the man in the crotch. >> that was ironically was my initial instinct.
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>> is the tud is the s-t-u-d. comedy tour. you are not by yourself. you have a very funny comedienne we would love to meet. >> my dear friend, please welcome stephanie simbari. >> it's absolutely lovely to have you both on this show. we are a show about viral videos and i have one that i want to share with you guys. it's cute and freaky and weird at the same time. kind of like ben. >> this guy thinks that his grandmother sweet dog really likes him but i think he's confused. >> evil! >> oh! >> need help. >> look at the white eyeball. >> it's a bond villain. >> it the person petting the dog blind, unaware of what's happening. >> you are the one who thinks
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you can make it love you. >> that explains stephanie's taste in men. >> a little scragly, only has one eye. >> an amazing, spinning for the positive you just did this. you saw this demonic dog with one eye, you are at look at the bent ear. >> every man can be cleaned up into something. >> i guarantee you this is exactly what the grandma looks like. if grandma doesn't have cater acts i'll be shocked. >> this dog brings psycho back and it's frightening. it's time to give away a ipad mini. >> you need the buzz word. 18 years of age, and a legal u.s. resident. >> click on right this
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>> get on over to this the win ipad button and enter the buzz word, king. king -i-n-g k-i-n-g. >> you have a chance to win a flat screen tv. good luck everybody. a family game of heads-up, gets tricky. >> they are trying to communicate a message to us. >> that's really, really hog wash. >> stroller. >> see the precious moment when the answer is finally revealed. >> well, a lot of people say congratulations. on the next "right this minute." kevin walker definitely lives up to his name. >> he's walking over this frozen lake in switzerland. >> aahh! >> see how this dude takes going out for a stroll to another level. >> what? >> it looks like he's sliding
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it's so cool. >> he's walking like it's nothing. next "right this minute." on the next "right this minute." kevin walker definitely lives up to his name. >> he's walking over this frozen lake in switzerland. >> aahh. >> see how this dude takes going out for a stroll to another level. >> he's walking like it's nothing. >> next "right this minute." on the next "right this minute," dude goes for a walk on a frozen lake. >> he's walking like it's nothing. >> the breath-taking stroll you
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>> boy or is it a girl? >> they will know when the baby is born for sure but they are going with girl right now. >> it's a baby! >> happy monday, everybody. thanks for watching. we'll see you on the next "right
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