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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  August 12, 2016 10:30am-11:00am EDT

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it's an all-new show today, with great viral videos "right this minute." high drama at the hair salon where -- >> sometimes people overreact. >> what has one dude wearing bangs. >> oh! >> he didn't like his hair cut? >> we're going so fast. >> popular youtubers are skate boarding through ireland until the skate board goes -- >> right into the drink. >> now sean mcbride reveals the amazing story of how his prized possession got back home. >> that is the best part. >> somebody broke mommy's lipstick. >> and she doesn't deny it. >> what dad this of her unusual plan to fix it. >> hmm. >> let's do that. >> and a man on a very public mission who -- >> find out what has him busting a move all over l.a. >> and he is working it. >> it's -- >> it's lit, it's lit, it's lit. >> sometimes, people overreact
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>> sometimes. it happens. check out this first video and tell me what you see inside this hair salon that might be out of the ordinary. you've got hairdressers there, you've got clients. >> another one of your ghost videos? >> no it's not a ghost video. but i think the guy that's about to make an entrance was seeing things. >> what the -- oh! >> it's the female client that that hairdressers was working on related to the guy that threw the punch and he was angry about the person being -- >> yep. that's exactly it. that guy is ap woman's boyfriend and didn't like the way the hairdresser was touching him. >> doing their hair. >> just make no -- >> it's amazingly good sense, that guy is an unbelievably insecure.
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>> the guy in this video was cut out of the game and he wasn't happy about it. it's a game happening. >> terminology -- >> all right. there's a match happening keep an eye on number seven. the referee gives them a red card. he's to leave the game. >> that's not going to help your cause there, brother. sorry, sh y don't you stay in the head. >> there are pictures of what he looked like afterward. he's got a pretty big boo-boo to the eye. >> this is just unacceptable. >> well it's worse than that charity. because he was arrested according to reports he was charged but not to that. he's been banned forever. >> good. >> he is no longer able to play. >> so, remember how i said got sent over.
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shipping here. another shipping here. like this thing has been shipped all over the place. >> sean mcbride popular youtuber has got himself a package. that package has a very cool and grand story behind it. it starts about two months ago when sean was hanging out with his good buddy in belfast, ireland and they went out for a bit of a skate board. check out what goes down as they were cruising by the river. >> oh, no! >> right into the drink. river, huh? >> sean's a good skater but i don't think he's much of a diver. so fill in, paul and his young son ethan. a couple of belfast, ireland, scuba divers, and fans of sean and casey. they decide to jump in to the murky waters, and start searching. what are the chances that they even find this skateboard. >> wheels.
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>> they put that skate board in a box and my oh, my that skate board wheeled its way all the way back to utah. to tell us the rest of the story and find out a little bit more about this we've got sean mcbride joining us "right this minute." what's up, sean? >> whoo! >> long lost skate board back. >> it feels awesome. >> the skate board's medium informs me but the story behind it is really -- >> how many places has the skate board ben? >> i don't know it's been like four different post offices and box so it's bouncing all over the place. >> how do you feel about this whole thing? because it's very indicative of how youtube let's people really connect withha it right there? that's the story like i'm sure the son is like a huge fan. that's a cool adventure and he's pumped on his dad for doing it and i got the skate board back. >> did they call you and say they had it? how did that all work out. >> i didn't even know they were
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twitter account called sean's skateboard and it was a picture of my skateboard and it tweeted me hey, i'm alive. i'm like, what? >> can you still ride it? are you just going to kind of hang it up on the wall? >> right as i pulled it out of the package, i rolled it, i did a kick foot first try in socks so it still works. >> you mentioned when they told you that they had your skateboard you told them they could keep it. >> that was really cool, too. i saw the video, that is so cool you got it, that's your reward. no it has to come home. they were dead set on sending it back to me. just kind of makes this story go full circle. >> now your skateboard is a legend. >>t is they
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when he went fishing. >> there he is in the water. >> get hands on. >> with a shark. i call it shark, literally this big. >> with my bare hands. >> well actually he caught that shark with a rod and real. he had to take the hook out of its mouth and that's why he's in the water. >> oh. >> so this is a catch and release. >> did you see the teeth on that sucker? >> could still be a little bit dangerous but he put it back. >> it a pass. it's the circle of life. you see right here? a little sea otter in british columbia canada. >> it's got a stick in its mouth. >> as we all know -- like i've got -- >> nope. >> thing about it is i guess if an eagle takes a fish and not uses it -- you know what? i'm fine with it, you eat it.
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he was there shooting the video with her son and she said she was shooting the video for her husband in the military to give him something to watch. >> oh, you got him a show. >> the otter scampers back into the water screeching. maybe because it was angry. maybe because it was trying not to be eaten. >> yeah, i'd go with that. >> on the internet always kind of trends, things to catch on. seems to be trends called on here at people on their bet. like this guy. >> this video is sponsored by rob. because i lost a bet to him, spoil alert i lost a bet. so the bet was whoever loses has to dance around their city. >> there you go. >> so he sets up the camera,
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>> oh, oh, oh, get it get it get it. oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. >> he is working it. >> you all better get lit lit lit lit lit lit lit lit lit lit. >> yeah. something? >> you're like freaking out. >> she's got the -- >> i'm dancing, okay? >> that's a -- >> she's got the music in her. >> oh, this is pacific park on santa monica pier. >> how did you know? >> amazing! >> you could -- >> right there. >> today, he nailed it. if you do make a bet make sure
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we brought you their sweet story on how they saved sammy. >> scottie and his wife fell in love so they had to take her to the humane society to get checked out. >> now hear the update. >> she's people really signed up for a challenging case here. >> and she's coming in hot. >> whoa! >> oh, yeah. home, car, life insurance obviously, ohhh... but with added touches you can't get everywhere else, like claim free rewards... or safe driving bonus checks. even a claim satisfaction guaranteeeeeeeeeee! in means protection plus unique extras only from an expert allstate agent.
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nexium 24 hour introduces new, easy-to-swallow tablets. so now, there are more ways, for more people... to experience... complete protection from frequent heartburn. nexium 24hr.
10:41 am
thank you so much. did you say honey? hey, try some? mmm that is tasty. is it real? of course... are you? nope animated you know i'm always looking for real honey for honey nut cheerios well you've come to the right place. great, mind if i have another taste? not at all mmm you're all right bud?t.
10:42 am
closed captioning provided by -- tensive healing. two powerful ways to fight itch. gold bond. relief starts now. last week i showed you the story of scott cramner falling in love with another woman.
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that he found running around. >> breaking my heart with this dog. seeing the shape that she's in, everything about her. she's such a good dog. >> scottie and his wife took the dog in. they fell in love. >> she ended up talking to somebody on facebook and they suggested the branch of the shelter. >> get her checked out. keep everything legal. >> here they are picking her up from the burlington county animal shelter. >> hi, hi, hi. >>h, >> what was that? >> it's from some surgery. >> remember, she had those ropes on her body? >> yes. >> right there. the side of her leg. >> once the vet took a look at her -- >> she called us and said that they think that she might have cancer. >> dear. >> scott and his wife say whatever the news is -- >> we're going to try to keep her safe and give her the life that she deserves. >> she's people really signed up for a challenging case here
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of a dog. >> it's a good thing they did find her so they could get her some help. her overall appearance looks different from that first video. >> me and my wife have basically adopted sammy so she's our dog now. >> all about some quality of life. and it looks like finally she's going to get where she's going to be able to enjoy herself with people that just love her. >> i love scott and what his wife have done, because you can actually see this couple who ve yet again with an animal who just needed someone to love her. there will be an update once they find out the news from the doctor, if it is a cancer or not. and that's what dogs do. you know, they can be abused or whatever and as soon as they get in to at perfect forever home they give unconditional love. >> such a good dog. ?? >> i'm always talking about how the ocean's trying to kill me.
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the zip line. here's two perfect examples. >> coming in a bit hot -- >> uh-oh. uh-oh. >> whoa! >> gosh! >> yeah. >> wow this guy saw it coming, too. he knew that his one buddy was not going to be able to stop her. >> and quiet -- >> oh, no. we got to listen a little more carefully during the instruction period. >> i don't think anyone's losing in this one, either. similar sort of way -- >> oh! >> not funny. >> watch the guy -- >> he grimaced. he was like -- >> you stay away from me, charity baby. and everyone. just stay away from zip lines. >>ist an all-new ebaum's world. if you followed along on facebook live it's time to find
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money. first up -- >> it's lingering in the sky it's aliens you guys. >> then some other predator or something was creeping in the back -- >> oh. >> whoa! >> and this will send chills down your spine. >> oh! >> i am sorry for whatever i did. >> is it real? or is it fake? find out next. for lower back pain sufferers, the search for relief often leads to places like... this... this... or this. today, there's a new option. that uses technology once only available in doctors' offices. its wireless remote lets you control the intensity, and helps you get back to things like... this... this... or this. and back to being yourself. introducing new aleve direct therapy. find yours in the pain relief aisle. hi, i'm henry winkler and i'm here to tell homeowners that are sixty-two and older about a great way to live a better retirement...
10:47 am
free dvd and booklet with no obligation. it answers questions like... how a reverse mortgage works, how much you qualify for, the ways to receive your money... and more. plus, when you call now, you'll get this magnifier with led light absolutely free! when you call the experts at one reverse mortgage today, you'll learn the benefits of a government-insured reverse mortgage. it will eliminate your monthly mortgage cash from the equity in your home and here's the best part... you still own your home. take control
10:48 am
promotional considerations provided by -- plus a powerful decongestant. breathing free for 24 hours strong. allegra-d?. gold bond rough & bumpy skin therapy. used daily, it exfoliates, smoothes, softens. reduces bumps 74%. gold bond. ultimate lotion. ultimate skin. all right. it's time for one of our favorite parts of the show. ebaum's real or fake with mac
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day because we're airing this segment on friday instead of our usual monday. welcome to the show, mac. >> whoo! >> one and only mac dreidel representing ebaum's world every week on "right this minute." >> video number one. >> look y'all. another one. >> those are alien -- >> [ bleep ] >> what's going on here is there seems to be recording some type of aliens falling out of the sky. >> oh. >> ooh. >> aliens. it's a ufo. >> another >> kind of maybe -- >> on a parachute. >> that is aliens coming down here y'all. >> oh, it's breaking up. >> it's split up and it's not falling. >> he's really seeing it. it's not aliens. >> i say this is a real video but there were no klingon reports so i'd say it's not aliens. >> i'm interested in knowing what it actually was. >> i think we all agree it's a
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we also have the tally of how you voted on facebook yesterday during our live broadcast and apparently, 60% of you believe the video is fake. >> yay! >> 23% believe the video is real. but it's not aliens like we all said. if you believe it's real some people say they thought they edited. >> what this really is is the u.s. army golden knights and they're a parachute team and it took place in milwaukee, it was an viewer who just caught it from afar didn't know what was going on, just saw the crazy lights and thought it's got to be aliens. >> oh. >> all right. next video. >> oh. >> whoo! >> big foot it's aliens. >> i completely say real i think it could be an adult fox. look at the baby in the foreground. it's mom and this is a baby. >> because of the size of the fox next to the grass -- >> i'm with you, nick, i think that's momma. >> i'm going to go with fake.
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>> i think it's just a game camera. i think it's too weird of a fake and caught the eyes in the background. i think the footage is real. >> last video. >> they go to close look at these. >> oh. >> sorry for whatever i did. >> wow. it had its eyes open and then they closed. >> dude, that's -- >> look i ain't scared. it's fake. >> yes, i >> going to go with what would say is it's real. >> us was posted on the site automentional. when it was first posted they had claimed it had been examined for weeks by more than 20 specialists. but yes, this is completely fake. it's a video edit. you know, it's a photoshopped job. i also had our users vote on it. >> okay, very entertaining this
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>> get ready to bask in the adorableness of this video. >> what did you do? >> it's clearly obvious who this little girl -- >> is a joker. >> she got in to mommy's lipstick and she doesn't deny it. >> what are you talking about? [ indiscernible ] >> yeah, that's exactly when you're sorry after you've already gotten the lipstick you're already wearing it. >> genius because she went to dad. >> well, that's because mommy is still sleeping. >> wasn't very happy -- >> red lipstick. hmm. >> she'll never tell. >> it's written all over her face. >> what are we going to do? >> she's got a solution, and it's priceless.
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>> oh, obviously put it back to the. >> but then also mum's not going to be able to say anything to get her in trouble. >> i'm as clever as a 3-year-old girl. >> you prove that all the time. >> okay. >> let's do it right now. >> okay. >> it's an iconic american figure. smoky the bear. >> oh!
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? ? ? click on stories or see it on our mobile app. >> or buy a knife. >> back in the city there was a fire in mexico. firefighter responded and saw a bear cub. it ran up a tree and had burns on its paws and hind legs. part of the fire crew rescued that bear cub. one of the crew who was also a rancher nearby took that cub home, and that's what we know today, as smoky the bear. >> oh!
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bear, one of our favorite youtubers did this. oh. back in new mexico, in this same region, that smoky the bear got his name. >> the licking guy is on the move. >> there's the ranger station. there's smoky up ahead. >> only you can prevent forest fires. >> the licking guy taking cover behind trees. jumping over fences. but wait, was likely -- no! >> he thinks he heard something. >> he better make this quick and stealthy. >> now is his chance. go for it licking guy. go for it. >> my favorite part of these videos. >> that's the same noise he made -- >> smoky pretty good bath there. gets spotted one more time by a guy off in the distance. >> with an ax! >> very dangerous mission here. to honor the memory of smoky the bear. >> oh!
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story of smoky the bear. >> i learned something new today. >> just say according to the licking guy. >> that's all for now. we'll see you on the next "right
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11:00 am
>> the kids have come to play today. >> you won't believe what i'm about to tell you. >> my girls are always turned out. i give it to you straight, no chasers. now, here's wendy! [ cheers and applause ] thanks for watching our show! [ cheers and applause ] say hello to my co-hosts, my studio audience. [ cheers and applause ] how are you doing? it's getting complicated. let's get started, it's time for hot topics.


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