tv Right This Minute FOX September 10, 2016 5:30am-6:00am EDT
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fresh new viral videos, "right this minute." heartbreaking cries after rescuers find -- >> without his mom. >> how an unsettling trip to the shelter leads to a reunion the next day. >> hungry! hikers are for find to see an tumbling down this face. >> how they dodged high drama at 13,000 feet. kids are on their way to school when suddenly a guy just strolls onto the bus. the shocking reason he's holding a big belt. >> oh, no! my parents are out of town the next few days. they asked me to take care of their house. >> he's taking care of it all right, with more than a thousand rolls of tape. what happens when a jet-lagged
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through the door? this video is a perfect example of what you should so when you see it without his mom. manuel saw it injured in the greenery near his house. they called animal control. >> that's a real bambi. >> animal control came and took care of it. >> if you're calling it bambi, er >> they know mom is nearby but they don't see her. >> oh, my god, mama is somewhere around. [ deer crying ] >> so they take her to the shelter. but the very next day, mom is spotted. so they come right back with that little fawn. mom is close by, you can't see her. let's get a little closer. mom is laying down below those bushes. once they zoom in, you can see
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>> look how he's wagging his tail. >> all of it coming together. >> that was the incredible thing. and there you could see mom saying thank you for taking care of my baby. >> finally back together. you might think it's a little too early in the season to be talking about avalanches. i can assure you, it's not. from jookin. >> oh, that's a monster. >> it's all coming down. this is in the himalayas, the valley itself is around 13,000 feet. mavra taylor and his friends were hiking z-1, one of the summits in the area. >> that's the height from which people skydive. >> they're way up in the mountain. >> they haven't even started their hike. this is day one at base camp. this is what they're seeing.
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to go back to the hotel. that's what you're go to go walking into. >> the good news, believe it or not, that is not the route they were going to climb. they were actually happy and thankful that the south face they were to climb, their route they had planned was completely untouched by this. this is just one episode. they said that this entire valley was cracking and tumbling and sliding down this face the entire day and night. >> i can't believe that they stuck around all like when the earth is moving like that constantly all night, you can't see what's going on. at some point it's time to go. >> i've got to believe these guys and their guides knew that they were in an area that they did feel safe. otherwise, yeah, they probably would have hightailed it out of there. >> as dangerous as it is, it looks so cool. two crazy videos. but the stories behind them even crazier. we're going to start in south
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camera inside the bus. amid the chaos and small children, pretty safe to assume you're looking at a school bus, a private bus but for the school. suddenly you see that for the chaos and standing up suddenly comes to a stop, everybody starts grabbing their bags, sitting down. is the bus moving at this point? it's just come to a stop. this fellow is coming aboard. this bus had been driving along. this guy was in another thrown from the bus, maybe a rock, and it had cracked the windscreen. this guy pulled in front of the bus, stopped. the driver, thinking it was an emergency, opens the door, and this guy strolls onto the bus. he feels like he knows who the perpetrator is. >> apparently nobody is really sure who threw what. he's talking to a kid in the back. he has a word with the driver.
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wag and we're all done. no. you see what he just did? he took his belt off. he doubles it up, grabs this child, and then attacks him, whipping about 14 times, over and over and over again on this child's back and face, on this child's arm, before finally deciding he's had enough and he gets off the bus. >> please tell me this man is under arrest and in jail. >> i wish i could, gayle. but no. he is not. in fact that is why the parents of this child want to help police track this person down. now we'll head over to china. you can see this group of wannabes walking aggressively through this car park. you can see a whole heap of machetes. >> they're vandalizing without a car. >> rumor online is that this is
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basically what they're saying is, a rival school that offers a very similar service to what that's people do hired these triads to come by and smashup all the vehicles of the rival schools. >> this is a modern 21st century "west side story" kind of stupid stuff. >> it's crazy. hol oli pettigrew? >> check them out. >> ugh. >> this is like speed posing. >> i think different videos, same model. >> exactly. this video was recently posted but he caught folks' attention on the internet last year with this video here. you see with every second and every slash, mm-mm.
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in the book. >> in the modelling world, magazine shoots, you're often not getting paid. catalogues, you're there all day. you're changing hundreds of times. >> i'm impressed with the fact that it looks like a dance move with the way his footwork goes back and forth. it looks so choreographed. >> we've heard it, we've never seen it. >> i'll give you two of the most difficult poses that you can do, okay? first doing that, even when we're sitting there for instagram. >> the other one is, i need that cap. i've been doing it for many years. if you concentrate, you can do both at the same time. >> thank you very much. >> he looks angry the whole time. >> he's hungry. he's trying to be cute and he's
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streets. why we're betting you'll never guess what it's about. >> they both knew it was coming, i mean, hey. he's pulling out all the cards for this trick. >> impressed yet, baby? >> see who is the true magician here. here. >> that's magic. she got a man to commit. from the makers of claritin. clarispray provides 24-hour, prescription strength relief from sneezing, runny nose, and nasal congestion. return to the world. try clarispray today. i had that dream again -- that i was on the icelandic game show. and everyone knows me for discounts, like safe driver and paperless billing. but nobody knows the box behind the discounts. oh, it's like my father always told me -- "put that down. that's expensive."
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bang! guy goes flying off the curb, ends up underneath the bike, gets one last hit from the guy. what a scum bag. completely out of nowhere, sucker punches completely unconscious, gives him that last kick before being pushed away and he legs it. police are looking to identify this guy. no word on why he punched this dude. looks like a serious punch. it was. he was knocked uncons guy is fine. it's all going down in kazakhstan as well. these two ladies really getting into it. looks like something out of a wwe match. picks up the chair, throwing the chairs at each other. boom, the other girl gets it too. throws a shoe, before the video finally cuts out. my favorite part is around here
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guys keep fighting. >> he walks away. >> you're going to do it anyway, go on. two ladies fight in the street, what do you reckon it's about? >> a man. >> i hope not. the oranges on the table. they're fighting over the groceries. >> you're so close. they're fighting over an orange. >> an orange? >> in the singular. >> orange you glad it wasn't about a man? they're hanging out and as oli would say, they're doing some -- >> pick a card. >> any card. >> she pulls her card. there you see it. ten of diamonds. >> what was that card? >> ten of diamonds. >> he picks up a different deck of cards. >> she picks a new one. show it to us.
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>> watch closely. one, two, three. >> impressed yet, baby? these magic hands. >> she's going along with it. >> i want you to grab the corner like this. >> ooh! >> that's entertainment. >> so remember, facing away. >> there's definitely going to be a diamond at the e nice move. >> magic. >> he sees the words on the other side of the card. he pops up the little red block. >> will you marry me? >> i think she's still pretty shocked from the magic trick. and he pops the ring on her finger. >> that was slick. >> she seems flat-out stunned.
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>> he did a really good job. that is a bit of magic, she got a man to commit. i'm going to stir the pot of debate here. give me your best guesses. a guy claims that his dog brought this what he says skull to him while he was out fishing. they're in oklahoma. he takes this bone and shows it to the camera. for the life of seen anything that look like this. in my opinion it clearly does look like bone. i agree with him that it's a skull. >> it looks like a seashell at first. but no, i see what you're talking about. >> i spent the last two days on the phone with my biologist buddy mark, he works for the government, he's a certified biologist. he looked at this and he says a cadaver! >> no way. >> he said this.
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look like a four-horned goat. but the antler holes are deer. >> i swear that's what my biologist friend said. >> i know he said that but he was probably joking, because you have funny friends. >> you believe in ghosts and not chupacabra? >> i don't believe in ghosts. >> look, we have like the whole nation watching the show let's throw it to them. if you guys out there have any clue, have ever found anything like this, go to our facebook page,, and let us know what you believe this is. found in oklahoma near water. those are the two clues we've got. what will you eat instead? >> i will eat whatever is on the table. >> she's young but this girl -- >> has a very clear message.
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plus another day, another insane climb. >> this is one of the more dangerous ones we've had on the show. >> see what happens when adrenaline kicks in. >> no, thank you! what headache? what arthritis pain? advil makes pain a distant memory nothing works faster stronger or longer what pain? advil. hi, i'm henry winkler and i'm here to tell homeowners that are sixty-two and older about a great way to live a better retirement... it's called a reverse mortgage. call right now to receive your free dvd and booklet with no obligation.
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[ announcer ] cortizone-10 eczema relief is specially formulated for eczema, with the strongest non-prescription itch medicine for fast, lasting relief. cortizone-10 eczema relief. feel the heal. people think i'm too perky. so now i'm not being perky, telling you that drivers that switch to progressive save an average of $548! whoo! i mean, whoo. kids have the most fascinating minds. unfortunately we can't understand them most of the time. this little girl along with her crocodile tears has a very clear
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but not chicken or meat. >> this little girl has a very emotional reason for why she doesn't want to eat chicken or meat. >> why do you think you don't want to do that? >> because they're animals and i like animals. >> good for her, that's really sweet. >> do you think they suffer? >> i think they don't really like being cooked in the >> that's the moment she became a vegetarian. >> this moment is one that you will not understand. you know there's a problem. your 2-year-old is letting you know. you just don't know exactly what it is. >> what are you yelling at? >> mommy, mommy! [ yelling ]
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he must have done something wrong because she's mad at him. >> i don't know what you just said. >> don't you think this is a ploy by dad, get all that energy out because bedtime is coming? >> who that? >> nobody. >> who is daddy? all right! this beautiful metropolis of hong kong. >> millions of people live on top of each other, full of super tall buildings which are really fun to climb. >> once again, we've got another video from him, he sets his sights on something special. you can see the building
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construction. this is one of the more dangerous ones we've had on the show. you can see they're making their way through the building. the building is nowhere near complete. it's a bit of a concrete shell. once they get on the top, that's when they head up the crane. they head up the outside. >> is it really that scary? it looks scary for us because we're not there doing it. >> different human beings have different thresholds for adrenaline. this guy might get it from climbing up the side of the building sit down. >> okay. >> then he does this by standing on top of the thing. this is where i was like, okay, there's safety, there's gloves, there's preparation. this is straight up, no thank you. >> that's the part where i would go -- >> but he gets a few nice pictures of the place before he makes his way rather gingerly down. they quickly run off down the street before anybody can catch up with them. there's only about 200,000 more
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on "tv show," or check it out on our mil >> don't be picky. they love to do these things at the tape it channel. >> you guys are geniuses. >> this time there is a very specific and well-chosen target. he's serious. he opens up the roll of tape and he's done. >> whoa! >> is this like pranking your cellphone? >> you know what, i'm kind of
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your parents will be around to get you back at some point. he's got over a thousand rolls, estimated to be 60 miles of tape. by the looks of it over the first minute or so of this video, they use most of it. >> it doesn't break easy. you're going to need scissors. you're going to need knives. >> what a tremendous waste. >> after what i can only imagine is hours of work, the results. >> how long is this tape? >> too long. obviously someone didn't get a lot of time to do this. >> we don't just get to see the taping. we also get to meet dad. the most patient dad ever. because dad's tired. dad's just flown in from overseas. >> remember the time i was on tosh.0? >> that's where it all becomes
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little bit of exposure on the kind of show that likes viral videos. he says, i got attention for those videos, i wonder if i can get attention for this one. it's even worse. the pressure is increasing for dad. >> i don't want to be taped. >> if this is the kind of thing you enjoy, they have a website, check it out. thanks for joining us today. check out for lots more content. we'll see you on the next "right
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. i'm tracking showers moving in along this front. i'll tell you who has the best chance to see rain this weekend. >> a month after losing their 15-month-old son, his parents are still looking for answers. >> it hurts me knowing that whoever did this is -- has as much freedom as i do. >> only on fox 25, their
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toddler's death continues. >> plus four people hurt in this early morning crash. fox 25 cameras captured the aftermath. >> good morning to you, happy saturday. thanks for watching the fox 25 morning news. it's 6:00, september 10th, i'm catherine parrotta. the record heat is over. the humidity there. >> jason: i'm jason law. and jason brewer in the storm tracker weather center. how is the weekend shaping up? >> jason brewer: good morning. we do have a chance for rain today and tomorrow. i'm going to time it all out. right now we have a front lifting northward. really the best chance is going to be in the islands, possibly the cape, the south coast throughout the morning. you can see they're off and on here. nantucket over to the vineyard. that's about it.
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