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tv   Right This Minute  FOX  November 14, 2016 10:30am-11:00am EST

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it's an all new show today "right this minute." road workers hear faint cries under an icy lake and realize -- >> hey, there's a dog out there. >> see the remarkable moment he knows his rescue is near. >> are you ready to get started? >> i am ready. >> her hair is about to go with a -- >> glow in the dark style. >> how to not get lost in the crowd ever again. >> yes, yes! >> a wing suit base jumper forgets something critical until -- >> right before they pull the parachute. >> why that would be a little too late. plus, the buzz word for your chance to win a new ipad mini. and a grandmother teaching self-defense. >> incredible.
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>> i pity the fool who thinks they could steal her purse. in this video, some road workers notice on the frozen lake there was a hole in the middle and realize, hey, there's a dog out there, so they commandeered a wooden boat and used their powers to get out to the dog. >> you can hear the dog's cries. >> the go to rescue innocent animals and people get themselves in situations that shows there's humanity left in the world. >> this dog is cold and wet and has been in the water for about an hour. you can see it up there up ahead. >> by this point it's now a matter of minutes. >> as they get closer, you get a better look at the dog. this dog luckily has a winter coat giving it some protection. look, somebody grabs it by the scruff of its neck.
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>> he's a big guy. >> once they got him to shore they started a fire to warm him up and gave him a blanket. the good news is, the dog is out of the water and warmed up and where it belongs, running around, messing up the neighbor's flower bed. also stuck in a frozen lake in russia, ducks. according to a report, these ducks were put in this area to make it more scenic, give people in the area something to look frozen over, they'd need to remove the ducks and move them to another area so they wouldn't get stuck. >> we don't control nature and right here is an example. make it look prettier, but i know. >> scooped him up, put him in boxes, hold the ducks and put
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for them. >> here at "right this minute" we do our best to get the stories behind the videos and the stories behind these two videos are crazy. watch this. obviously, a pedestrian just hit by that car. you see on the dash cam the driver quickly gets out, tries to get the person to get to her feet. realize she's clearly unconscious. >> leaves her? >> walks away and it gets worse. that was his own dash cam, but you see from surveillance leaving his car there. walks home, got his wife, walks his wife to the police station, and pinned this accident on her. made her take the blame. told the police, my wife was driving, accidently hit somebody. >> what was his blood alcohol content? >> yeah, he had been drinking, that's why he didn't want to take blame for this, but police were immediately suspicious and looked at his dash cam and the
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fraud. good news is, the woman was taken to the hospital, treated and released. she's going to be okay. now over to sydney, australia, where cameras captured this incident. car crashed right into a power pole. immediately you see a driver get out. remember it's australia, driver's on the other side, he runs away. soon after the passenger gets out and begins stumbling away from this incident. this incident was intentio moore, 47 years old in the passenger seat. his ex-fiance, kelly williams, kelly was allegedly kidnapped earlier in the day. paul had a history of violence. police say he was trying to kill her with this incident. she did have some serious injuries. paul moore is now being charged with attempted murder. >> i hope they keep him locked
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for having perfectly impeccable, gorgeously put together displays, but of all of their displays, this is perhaps the most significant one. it's called 25 square meters of syria. in one of their stores in norway, they created a replica of a home that belongs to this woman and her family of nine. just to show what it looks like. >> is thinking something isn't a problem because that problem doesn't affect you. it's out of sight, out of mind, and these people are human beings that are going under immense suffering right now. >> and the questions for the people in syria are, do we have access to water, do we have food, they don't have access most of the time to medical care. >> think about it, ikea is an international brand and they are taking out retail space during the holiday season to tell the
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this display, you realize that they do have the tags attached to some of the items in the home, but the red tag at the very bottom tells you how you can get involved or how you can help and that in this case was donating to the red cross. >> this is a great teachable moment for the kids that you see going through, parents can take their kids through there. you see the girl playing with the toys that those kids would be playing with. >> such a great idea, because exactly the same theory they use to sell things, make you feel this could b it's time to give away another ipad mini. >> to enter you'll need monday's buzz word, 21 years old, and a legal u.s. or canadian resident. >> the "rtm" buzz word coming up in a bit. >> stand by, everyone, for the "rtm" ipad mini giveaway. certain skill set are necessary to be a wing suit pilot. one of the most important is to
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jump off a cliff. good for you, you got it, buddy. next up, to develop the skills to be able to then fly your wing suit. this pilot not doing any proximity flying, keeping a respectable difference from the cliff, but proximity is going to come into play in this video. as they are flying towards their landing area, looking straight down, you can see the camera mounted on the helmet. eventually they look up right before they pull the parachute. like i said, proximi issue. it's proximity to the ground. you can see a whole slew of trees right now and immediately see we are way too low. we've got no forward motion and we're going to go. >> were there holes in that parachute? didn't look like that slowed them down at all. >> i honestly feel like this person miscalculated a bit. opened too late, too low, and as such after losing the forward momentum, you see this has no
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landing. this is a lesson to learn. >> safe to say this pilot's okay? >> from the way the landings happened, speed isn't too high, the tree not too big. seems to be a very sort of -- it's ugly, but not painful. >> that pilot is lucky. strapped in to the lines. now he's going to hang from the trees instead of slamming all the way down. >> we learn from mistakes, but don't want to make mistakes when doing that stuff. surf board. >> golden retriever to the rescue. >> almost bumped him. >> see how this rescue ends. and plar cuss was feeling like a champ after a workout until he went back to the locker room and realized -- no key, no problem. ? i never over think it do what i want ? ? and i do it my way (okay) ?
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? yeah we're all about a good time ? ? yeah we're all about a good life ? ? you won't believe until you see this ? ? is gonna be a fun ride ? ? yeah we're all about a good time ? ? yeah we're all about a good life ? ? good energy come follow me oh ? save on butterball turkey for only 99? a pound at target. you know your heart loves megared omega-3s... but did you know your eyes, your brain, and your joints really love them too? introducing megared advanced 4in1... delivers mega support. come into olive garden now for our never ending pasta bowl starting at $9.99! endless combinations of your favorite pastas, sauces and toppings. now including chicken alfredo. plus unlimited salad and breadsticks. hurry, this never ending value ends soon.
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when your skin is feelin closed captioning provided
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d, healed, healthy-looking. gold bond. on the internet, the latest one when it comes to your locks is this one right here. >> whoa, yes, feels more and more. yes! >> oh, my >> wahoo! >> looks like a super hero. >> yeah, that is designed by guy, a very well recognized hairstylist, hair artist, i should say, of the internet. this is his glow in the dark style. >> that's a really cool look, though. >> if we go to the beginning of the video, he walks us through that entire process. >> yes, yes! >> yes!
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yes! yes! oh, do that again. do that again, yes. >> he then brushed on different types of dyes, including fuchsia, yellow, orange, red in an hombre-like pattern. >> hair glows so much, you can't see the colors picked up on the camera. just insane. look at that. like fire. >> they actually do manage to get it to glow in the dark. >> ultimate club hair. >> isn't that cool? >> never lose your girlfriend, right? if she had hair like that in the club, there she is. >> you could never lie about going to the bathroom when wanting to get away from annoying friends. >> i'm obsessed, guys, i'm obsessed. i know you are, too. love you guys. >> going to the gym, get that testosterone pumping.
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realize i locked my keys in the locker. now you have to eat a little crow and ask somebody, can you open my locker. that's what marcus from the marcus and sandy show on star 101.3 in san francisco had to do. marcus -- marcus had to get somebody to please let me into the locker. >> at least they can do it in a quiet way that's not going to attract attention. >> sure. >> sparks flying everywhere. yeah, yeah, that was me. waited a second or two before he grabbed the broken lock. >> might be a little warm. >> a little? >> yeah, it's hot, thanks. >> what's not embarrassing is this move. we've seen her before. she's decided to team up with her gym in new jersey. my home state, i see you. kicks off this clip of the
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resting approximately 500 pounds on her lap, as the camera slowly moves through the gym to reveal all the other muscular and fit people. >> these mannequin challenges have continued to up the ante. this one, i don't know, takes the cake. it's time for a game of -- real or fake. getting it started with a jumpy situation. then a frozen fish comes back to life. going to go real. >> and a game of virtual reality has a big impact. plus don't don't miss the b word for your chance to win an ipad mini. with my moderate to severe ulcerative colitis, the possibility of a flare was almost always on my mind. thinking about what to avoid, where to go... and how to deal with my uc. to me, that was normal. until i talked to my doctor.
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"mmmmm" go ahead. let 'em judge. why do you dollop with daisy? we do a dollop on our omelets because every ingredient is important. daisy is different than other sour creams... only simple ingredients and it's 100% pure. ?do a dollop of daisy...? [ nutcracker instrumental playing ] [ doorbell ] hmm. uhh, yeah. we're gonna need more food. save ten when you spend fifty on groceries or home at target. cowabunga! one day it appears. is that a dark spot? promotional considerations provided by -- targeted treatment: results begin in 4 weeks. gold bond. dry mouth can effect how your mouth feels
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specially formulated to soothe and moisturize your mouth. act? dry mouth. who doesn't love a game of real or fake? so our own resident game show host mac dreidel joining us "right this minute." >> yeah! thank you very much, macre installment of real or fake, where you can either keep it real or -- get the fake out! >> video number one! >> jumungi! >> there are people inside this office that jump as soon as you get too close to them. . not their fault. this looks like he might be sleeping for days, though. >> i'm going to have to get real.
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camera. >> definitely real. >> yeah, the reactions every time, always looked shock, not fake at all. i'm going real with you on this one. >> video number two. >> frozen fish out of the freezer. going to put it in this water here and stay tuned. >> there's another fish in there, too, what's going to happen? >> oh, is this like the bee thing where you can temporarily make the bee fall asleep? by freezing it and bringing it back? >> i don't see what >> this is real, all in one shot, you saw it swimming, still rolling now. i think it's possible. i'm going real. >> i'm going real with an asterisk because it's possible because they breed human body parties and put them back in you. >> freezer looks like a flash freeze kind of thing. >> yeah, didn't have time for the heart to stop. >> also may have caught it this morning. >> the internet says this fish is an arctic black fish and they
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survive without an issue, while water freezes at zero degrees celcius, the blood in fishes sometimes freezes at a minus .56 degrees or .65 degrees celcius, so the blood can still be flowing in the fish while the outside of the body is completely frozen. >> wow! >> that's what i was trying to tell y'all. >> so we're going real on this. >> video number three. >> this video appears to be taking place in russia. i virtual reality game. >> i'm calling fake. never interested when you're playing games. >> oh! >> yeah, okay. definitely going fake after we see the guy get hit by the car. >> yeah, i'm going with that, too. only person that really knows what's going on is the guy wearing the goggles. >> right. >> so she can't really control his experience by pushing him around. >> you get hit, throws the controller to the left. definitely fake, mac, come on.
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and impact, not hard enough. if you're going to fake it, you might need to break a bone or two. dogs just want to help. >> dogs are the most helpful creatures in the world and sometimes you only need one, but three have to get involved like in this video. you got a puppy stranded on that surf board. that poor puppy. it senses danger. golden retriever to the res crew. >> almost bumped him. >> jumped in with the life vest on and immediately puts his mouth on the board and pushes the puppy to safety. another dog says it's pool time. now two of them are guiding the board to the side of the pool. in this next video, this dog doesn't really want to help out. that is the corgi helping on the channel, today's recipe is a
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>> no, he and chef matt are making kibble. basically, kibble with meat in a can with sauce and cheese. >> that's one heck of a meal. >> finally, take the hat off, put the bib on. samples, success, looks resistant, right? they bring in the other dog. see if the other dog likes it. she's sucking the food up. tatyana. >> still laughing. it's time to give away another ipad mini. >> to enter you need the buzz word, be at least 21 years or older, and a legal u.s. or canadian resident. >> go to, enter the win ipad button. >> you can enter each every day.
10:53 am, click on the win ipad button and enter the buzz word, fantasy. >> later this week we're also going to be having a bonus give away day, where we'll give away an ipad mini as well as a flat screen tv, so stay tuned and good luck. a 73-year-old sword-wielding grandmother is teaching self-defense. >> she is a teacher, in fact, not only a teacher, i say master.
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>> you have to use a soft tooth brush, though. don't get the hard one that's going to strip your skin. all appears calm and quiet outside this unassuming building in india. as the doors open, you can see it quite the opposite on the inside. >> hey, hey, hey, girlfriend. >> meet 73-year-old, she is a
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say master. she has been at it for 66 years. she's got 150 students really from the ages of, like, 5 all the way up. >> incredible. i am in love right now. >> actually got the opportunity in my previous life to go to india and do it. you get right up close and personal. it's kind of like in a way like a sort of dance. in fact, she got started as a dancer. you've got some skills, you shou >> how sharp are they, though? >> pretty blunt when you get to use them, but the thing is, she also teaches the local girls in the community self-defense. she's got a great quote for them. >> talk about what it means to them.
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>> she's got some really, really good moves. now, yes, there are injuries, but -- [ speaking in a foreign lang >> i pity the fool who thinks they can steal her purse. >> it's awesome. great story. if you want to see the entire thing, we'll stick it on our website, >> t
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live from new york city, it's "the wendy williams show." >> wendy: how you doin'? we won't judge -- but we're judg judging. it's going to be juicy. >> now here's ?? [ cheers ] >> wendy: hi. welcome to a good time. thank you for watching. [ cheers ]


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