tv WGN News at Nine CW October 3, 2010 9:00pm-9:40pm CDT
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battle. >> good evening, everyone, i'm robert jordan. >> and i'm jackie bange. >> reporter: in a video posted sunday on chicago for ron. rahm. com -- we need leadership that is tough enough to say no anticipate smart enough to know what government can do. >> reporter: the former white house chief of staff talked about his time in congress representing chicago and the challenges the city is facing. he also described a listing toward chicago neighborhoods that he will be coming in the next few creeks. >> i'm calling it a tell it like it is tour because i want to hear from you. >> reporter: as he prepares for his run, there are those who question his ability to
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successfully handle local government after being in the white house. then, there is the former blagojevich's retrial. >> rahm emanuel and his conversations with me and his actions trying to put together a political deal didn't do anything wrong. he will be a central figure and a star witness to testify to what happened. >> reporter: like his video announcement, it appears he will be using the internet to reach voters. on his website, he encourages supporters to stay connected through e nail, texts and facebook. we will be watching. >> a fisherman rescued from lake michigan said two people wearing running gear pushed him into the lake for no reason.
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the man's friend jumped in help because the fisherman was not a strong swimmer. the two stayed afloat until a pa reason unit arrived and floated them to safety. he said he was pushed by two men in their 20s who ran away. he was very lucky. >> 17 people were rescued after a ferris wheel broke down in wisconsin. run of the attractions at the festival in racic ne. riders were stranded for nearly two hour as rescuers stablized the ride. rescuers used cranes to bring the riders back to ground safely. >> luckily for us, they stayed calm. they did a great job up there. they stayed calm. >> reporter: all 17 people rescued were not hurt. the ride will temporarily be
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shut down until it has been fully inspected. >> chicago symphony or kiss virginia announced that the new musical director is sick and will miss his remaining performances. he missed last night's perform ', symphony officials said it is because he is suffering from extreme gastric distress. he will go back to milan and they are expecting he will be back in time for the february performance. >> we want to make sure is he 100%. when he doesn't feel as well, then he can't give as much and he is so dedicated to service to our community that we want him to recover fully. >> in a written statement, he said that he regrets not being able to finish as musical director, but he and the chicago symphony orchestra will make beautiful music when he
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returns. >> friends and family of a injured in the line of duty hosted a benefit in his honor. he was paralyzed last year in a traffic accident pursuing a suspect in a burglary. the fund-raiser was held at marionett park on bourbon street. the money raised will help pay for his medical bills and rehabilitation. one the suspects has been charged. >> bond set for a quarter million dollar for a west suburban man accused of trying to run down three police officers. he was arrested saturday on the south side. he' ledgedly tried it to run down the police officers with his car. he said to the officers had had been smoking crack cocaine. the car was pursued after
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running two red lights and driving erratically on the roads. >> i'm encower ranked by the overall numbers and the significant drop in violent crime. i'm not satisfied. residents should not fear violence in their community. we refuse to accept violence as a way of in our city. >> over all crime was down -- during the same time period -- one area where crime increased. motor vehicle thefts, which were up 22%. >> governor pat quinn joined fellow democrats at a get out the vote rally. >> all of these candidates right here annul 0 of and all of these office holiers believe that the number one issue is jobs. >> the 9th district congress
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woman hosted the event. among the others taking part in the rally were chicago alderman -- who is running for cook county board president. >> after a string of high- profile suicides, there is a new movement to send a positive message to gay teens. next, using the power of you tube to try to save lives. >> the wife of a man who wants to build a mosque near ground zero opens up about the death threats they have received. >> hi, jim. >> hi, jackie, if you park yourself outside are, you may find frost on the wind shield. details and a full forecast, still ahead.
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a new new jersey vigil for the rutgers student who committed suicide after a sexual encounter was secretly stream lined online. 1-year-old freshman tyler cement, jumped off the george washington britain into the hudson river last week. prosecutors say, "hi," roommate and another student used a web cam to broadcast imans of him having an intermate encounter with another man in his dorm. >> as jade miller shows us, chicagoans are doing their part to try to fight a situation
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like this. >> reporter: they are videos of that save a life. this you tube channel created last week in response to the growing epidemic of gay teen suicide has already received nearly a million hits. >> today in laborview, couples sat down in front of a camera to tell their story of how they were bullied as gay teenagers and how life does get better. >> we have been bouncing back an forth. we have been together 18 years. there is a lot to bounce back and forth about. we have not scripted it all out, yet. >> reporter: syndicated columnist dan savage created the channel. he said id cans like tyler cementer didn't have to die. >> suicide rate among gay teens is four times higher than straight teens. the reason is that a bullied straight kid at school will go
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home to a school that's on his side, to a shoulder to dry cry on. a bullied gay kid goes home to a family that often bulllies him. >> reporter: today's videotaping session, booked solid. all proud gay adults wanting to tell their stories. including there f15 pilot in the air force who is sexual orientation nearly got him kicked out of the military. >> if you can affect one life by speaking out, it's worth it. >> being a teen is hard for anybody and add to the fact that you have this secret or this extra thing that makes you seem different and it's hard to live, but you can live and you survive and it gets better. >> reporter: organizers expect to get a million hits off the site by tomorrow. to access the video, go to you tube and type in "it gets better" project. >> the onloin campaign is
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joining forces with the make it better project, sponsoring dozens of events nationwide over the next few days, ending a week from monday, which is national coming out day. >> united states issued a travel advisory for americans in europeent the state department alert said americans traveling in europe should be vigilant, especially if areas like airports and tourists attractions. threats that prompted the alert said militants were planning coordinated attacks on european cities. the alert does not tell americans to avoid travel to europe. we spoke to some travelers at o'hare as they got ready to board their flights. >> aware of it, somewhat concerned, but not overly concerned. >> unless they stop the plane, i guess we are going. wouldn't worry too much about it. >> large scale militant attack in the west was the 2005 bombings of the london
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transport system. 52 people died in the london bombings. >> the wife of the man who wants to build a mosque near the world trade center said she and her husband have received death threats. >> she made the comments on abc's "this week. "her husband would be the spiritual leader of the islamic community center and mosque planned for lower manhattan two blocks from ground zero. critics say the site is no place for an islamic institution, while supporters say religious freedom should be protected. >> >> still to come, a new face with chicago ties makes her debut with the supreme court tomorrow. >> celebrating unified germany, 20 years later. you've never seen fast.
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you've never held it in your hand, then unleashed it with a fingertip. never watched pixels whip by at 1 ghz and had your neurons struggle to keep up. you've never seen fast because you've never seen this. the droid incredible by htc. it's nothing short of its name. buy a droid incredible with flash
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we pretend high-heels don't hurt and that we can handle anything life throws at us. but there are times that we need a moment to remember. we're only human. that's more than enough. your moment. your dove™. the supreme court begins its new term tomorrow after attending the traditional red mass and receiving blessings from the catholic church. five of the nine justices attended the ceremony in washington. it began in 1952 as a way to celebrate the legal profession and remind justices that they are subject to a higher law. critics say the mass is an unhealthy mix of politics, law and religion, only six justices
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are catholic. the newest justice, former university of chicago professor elena kagan is jewish and she did not teen the mass. >> while campaigning in iowa this weekend, indiana congress ran down played rumors that he may run for president. he said he will support fellow republicans and encourage voters to come out for next month's mid-term election. he has been campaigning nationwide, raising money and giving speeches for fellow republicans. analysts say all of that political goodwill is putting a lot of republicans in his corner should he decide to run for president in 2012. >> u.s. conso late in mexico is on high alert after several grenades went off near the building. authorities say at least three grenades went off near the conso late monday night in monterrey. it's not clear if the conso late was the target, u.s. officials are investigating. there is a courthouse, a prison
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and several other government buildings in that area. >> pakistani police are blaming terrorists for an attack on convoy of tankers, carrying oil for nato. at least three people were killed. the group opened fire on the convoy at a poorly guarded terminal and then eventually set them all on fire. it's the third attack of its kind in as many days. >> an elderly man killed in a beating and his roommate in a nursing home is accused of the crime. william mcdougal is accused of killing 94-year-old roommate. it happened at a nursing home in lagoon that california. it is said he took a bar from a closet and hit him in the head. >> never seen anything this bad with the age group involved. the suspect is 81. the victim is 94 years of age. >> investigators still do not
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know what caused the dispute, mcdougal is facing murder charges. >> did it has been 20 years since west and east germany made peace and reunited, now, they are celebrating their national pride. the german chancellor and the president there met with other german leaders to celebrate 20 years of peace. the post world war ii divide ended october 3rd, 1990, just 11 months after the berlin wall was destroyed. the president there said germany has accomplished a lot in those 20 years, but that there is still more to be done. >> tonight's live illinois drawing is coming up, next. >> after that, could we get our first frost of the season overnight? jim ramsey says it is a possibility.
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coming up on "instant replay," a stunning loss for the bulls. >> we'll fill you in on the sad end to the baseball season in chicago. will this be the last time we he see paul in a white sox uniform. >> and the cubs lost in houston. >> hockey, final represeason for the stanley cup champ, it's all coming up at 9:40 on "instant replay." ♪ [ female announcer ] yoplait's real fruit and the goodness of dairy... gives you a little slice of happy. and happiness comes in 25 delicious flavors. explore them all.
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1. what will you do first with evo, the first 4g phone? only from sprint. the now network. deaf, hard-of-hearing and people with speech disabilities access complete bed sets, just $29.99... ...cannon bath towels, $3.99 each! plus, a 4-drawer or lingerie chest in three finishes, only $39.99! when it all comes together... there's smart, and there's kmart smart.
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>> another windy day, but not quite as bad as yesterday. >> in fact, the winds are down to practically nothing. the problem, now are temperatures. we are watching them drop pretty rapidly. the entire area as been put under a frost advisory. i'll show you the coverage map in just a minute. expect that no matter where you live are you may experience overnight frost as temperatures will be falling into the low to mid-030s in some of the suburbs and probable i will upper 30s to near 40 over the downtown area. we did have some clouds that drifted over the area from lake michigan. there is a lot of clear air between the cloud and tomorrow, we are expecking mostly sunny skies. high temperature today, a
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candlelight vigily 56 degrees. but this about it for the cold snap. we'll be chilly tomorrow, but should probably warm at least into the low 60s and 70 by tuesday. look at these temperatures across the area, tonight, it's getting cool. it's going to be really cool. take aing loo a dew point temperatures, good indicate oh, here of just how far the temperature may fall and notice in the 30s throughout the entire chicago area. this is the wind picture jackie was asking about. notice the winds are practically nonexistent. a a hint of a breeze coming out, less than 10-miles per hour. they are under a freeze warning in southern and central wisconsin, but for the chicago area, there is a frost advisory, so expect there will be a little frost overnight. best chance will be in the western and northern suburbs. this is a cold air. it's finally going toive go up, move off to the east to be replaced by a nice chunk of mild air. in fact by next weekend, a very good chance we'll see our
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temperatures hit 0, maybe 81 degrees by sunday, so we are not quite done with the summery temperatures, yet. waiting out to the west, another chunk of cool air. the only rain of consequence is in the mid-atlantic in the northeast, these were showers that spread from southern virginia to washington, d.c. while out west, there have been some scattered showers, most of it arizona, california, washington, nevada, even nevada, even utah. our computer model has no indication of cloud cover in the isobars. now, let's check our forecast. for tonight across the area, frost advisory in effect. mostly clear. not much wind and a low temperature, 33-39 degrees. monday, mostly sunny, temperatures moving up a little bit, but it's still going to be a little chilly, 59-63 and for
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tomorrow night, mostly clear, 38-43 degrees. probably not much frost. practically calm wins expected tomorrow night as well. during the day on tuesday, mostly sunny, temperatures between 6-72. that looks like an absolutely marvelous day. the seven-day forecast suggests we are in store for a marvelous week. a couple of 80s coming if for the next week. we'll keep it in the forecast. temperatures in the 70s most of the week, tomorrow, at least in the low 60s, not a bad day, tomorrow. >> put away the t shirrs, bring them back out. >> thanks, jim. >> some scary pumpkins, but not for the carving. >> coming up, a competition that may have found the biggest pumpkins. host: could switching to geico really save you fifteen percent
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vo: geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. [ female announcer ] yoplait's real fruit and the goodness of dairy... gives you a little slice of happy. and happiness comes in 25 delicious flavors. explore them all. yoplait. it is so good. now the yoplait you love in a new four pack. try it today. complete bed sets, just $29.99... ...cannon bath towels, $3.99 each! plus, a 4-drawer or lingerie chest in three finishes, only $39.99! when it all comes together... there's smart, and there's kmart smart.
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at the chicago's anti-cruelty society, encower ranking people to adopt a dog from a shelter. the event was open to the public and people had a chance to meet those involved. >> people gathered for the antual blessing of the animals. a priest met with the animals if an outtor commons. each animal received a blessing from the priest. dogs were the only animals that showed up in the chilly temperatures, 10 years passed, cats and even an old turtle came out 0 to receive their blessings. >> a lot of filmgoers friended this week's number one movie. >> people want to go on their internet and check out their friends, why not offer a website that offers friends, photos, and the entire college experience and putting it online. >> this idea is potentially
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worth millions of dollars. >> you stole our website. >> "the social network" tells the tale of facebook. it's generating oscar buzz as well as $23 million in ticket sales on its debut weekend. here are some of the other box office winners. hey, pete. yeah, it's me, big brother. put the remote down and listen. this intervention brought to you by niaspan. so you cut back on the cheeseburgers and stopped using your exercise bike as a coat rack. that's it? you're done? i don't think so. you told me your doctor's worried about plaque clogging your arteries - what did he call
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flushing, a common side effect, is warmth, redness, itching, or tingling of the skin. ask your doctor about niaspan. fight back. fight plaque. niaspan. you've never held it in your hand, then unleashed it with a fingertip. never watched pixels whip by at 1 ghz and had your neurons struggle to keep up. you've never seen fast because you've never seen this. the droid incredible by htc. it's nothing short of its name. buy a droid incredible with flash and get any phone free. yeah. you must really care about him. what? no, no. you gave him fiber. no she didn't. this tastes way too good to be fiber. they're delicious crunchy clusters with sweet honey and half a day's worth of fiber. you care about my fiber? not really.
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i care about your fiber too. i have for a while. ok, carl. why don't you care about her fiber? hey carl. [ male announcer ] fiber one. cardboard no. delicious yes. you know now is pumpkin picking season and some of the ones we found would not do well on your front porch. >> your porch might not be strong enough to support them. illinois giant pump king association putting on a show. joliet pumpkin set an illinois record weighing in at 1,493- pounds, but the winning pumpkin hales from michigan, coming in at 1,605-pounds. that makes a lot of pumpkin pie. >> man, i'll say. >> do you know what you get when you drop a pumpkin that
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size? what? >> squash. that's the news for this sunday night, i'm robert jordan. >> i'm jackie bang. "instant replay" with rich king is coming up next. have a good night, everyone. discover customersl are getting five percent cashback bonus at restaurants. it pays to switch, it pays to discover. ♪ everyone experiences it differently. new 5 react gum. stimulate your senses.
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