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tv   WGN News at Nine  CW  October 10, 2010 9:00pm-9:40pm CDT

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marathon day in chicago as a record number of runners hit the streets to face near record temperatures. good evening, everyone, i'm robert jordan. >> and i'm jackie bange. marcella raymond is along the lake front. >> reporter: jackie, i thought i would see you out here.
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>> weather conditions not ideal for the chicago marathon, but the female winner actually broke a record. tonight, some are happy with how they performed, others wish they could have done better. others at home nursing sore muscles, happy that is over. have you ever wondered what goes through runners mind in the crucial minutes when they are at the starting line with 26.2-miles ahead of them. >> probably nerve wrecking. can't wait to start. >> i have been training in 100- degree heat a all summer. >> reporter: with that, the 33rd chicago marathon was off and running. the course went there chicago's neighborhoods. north to addison, south to 35th street where ambulances were on stand by at the cell and west over today mon. >> my pace drastically slows at mile 13 or 14. >> reporter: at mile 20, the
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temperature reached 0 and runners started to need medical attention. >> i was at my pace for the first 20-miles and it got hot and i decided to slow down and have fun. >> reporter: at noon, the alert was raised to red or high, meaning conditions were dangerous and runners should slow down or stop. >> the heat probably played a little bit of an issue, mile 12- 15 when they were on the west side of the city of chicago. it seems like that was warmer, the warmest part of the course. >> reporter: 65 runners were taken to the hospital. organizers learned a lot from the 2007 marathon when 300 people were hospitalized anticipate one runner died. >> today i think it's more of a keep your pace and try to keep your head on your shoulders. >> reporter: the heat didn't
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hurt the repeat woman's winner from russia, her time -- the men's defending champion from ten ya' wony 2:06 clinton 23. others were lucky to cross the finish line two or three times longer. but record number ran and a record number finished. all in all, a very good day. when event organizers were asked after the marathon was over at a press conference about possibly changing the date to later in the month because of weather conditions as they have been in the past four years, they agree mother nature has not been cooperating lately, so they are noncommittal about moving the marathon, bob and jackie. >> thanks, marcella. i was planning on running. i was putting on my shoes and broke a lace. >> thank you marcella. >> how hot did it get for the
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runners? jim ramsey is in the weather center with more. >> reporter: it wasn't that difficult to predict this was going to be a warm day. saturday are as you remember, we hit a high of 86, tieing the record for that date. we are in the same air mass, the only difference, today, we had a little cloudiness. 67 degrees was the temperature downtown this morning. by noon, the temperature had risen to 81 degrees. that's a 14-degree increase. that is due, in large part to bright sunshine and a prevailing westerly breeze although the breeze, frankly, was not very strong. look at the temperature by 3:00 p.m. , down by the lake front, 85 degrees was the temperature. officially at o'hare, it made it up to 84, two degrees shy of the high temperature record for this date. what is going on? a prevailing southwesterly flow aloft an approaching cold front and plenty of warm air, that's the story as the high pressure down in the southeast cooperating with an upper air
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low in the plains, reduced thely flow, but we see the pattern about to change, too late for the race unfortunately, we'll talk about that later in the broadcast. bob and jackie. thanks, see you then, jim. >> early voting gets underway this week in illinois as we move closer to the november election. in one of the key races, janulius and mark kirk faced off on "meet the press." as shawn lewis shows us, much of the debate focused on cash and credibility. >> reporter: here in washington, all eyes on the tight battle in illinois. welcome to both of you. >> reporter: in the first debate between the candidates are the economy took a back seat, in large part to character. >> here was a poll in wgn -- >> our own poll was used, citing voters concerns over
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honesty, a back and forth that lasted more than six minutes. >> reporter: were you aware of some of the loan activity to criminal figures? >> the way a community bank does business -- i know when you run for office, these stories get sensationalized. >> these are not the kinds of business we do business with? >> did you know? >> we didn't know the extent of that activity. >> wgn's political analyst was not surprised that the attack ads we have seen here at home were brought to the national stage with broadway bank being a hard issue for janulius -- making it difficult to talk about. >> it took him 30 seconds to say, if i knew then what i know
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now. the bottom line, if you can immediately say "i did not know these loans were going on" you leave a residual in the air about that issue. >> we shouldn't be surprised that the congressman is lying again. >> reporter: next, his military record. >> given your own military record, why would you exaggerate? >> i made mistakes with regard to my military misstatements. i was careless he and i learned a very painful and humbling lesson. this is very important to me. >> reporter: bottom line did you say you were once shot at when you were not? >> when you are flying over iraq, usually iraqis opened up on us. >> you have called him a liar in your ad. do you accept his explanation? >> that's for the congressman to ebbs plain explain to the voters. more troubling is his phantom
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teaching career. more troubling, his votes in washington, d.c. >> >> reporter: it seems janulius decided not to go over the military attack that david gregory has put out. >> reporter: he believes, in the end, kirk won on character, but there are two more debates to go before november 2nd and in that time, anything can change. shawn lewis, wgn news. >> a new ad from the democratic national committee accuses republican strategist and the u.s. chamber of commerce of using secret form money to pay for campaigns in the u.s. among those targeted in the ad, top bush aide carl rove who calls the charges baseless and says there is no evidence to back it up. >> this is a dissipate and i think disturbing trend by the president of the united states to tar his political adversaries with a list being
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unrestrained byny facts or evidence what sofer. >> we now see tens of millions of dollars being spent by the chamber and a number of organizations, some of which cropped up. gillespie and carl rove won one of them. tens of millions of dollars from undisclosed donors. >> axel rod offered no proof, but he said disclosing where the money came from would answer all of the questions. rove said he and gillespie have not used foreign money on campaign. u.s. chamber of commerce also denies it. >> james meeks said he will not give up his ministry if he is elected mayor. a group of pastors met reporters outside of city hall to voice their belief that meeks would be able to serve the city and his massive south side parrish at the same time. earlier this week, alderman
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kerry austin voiced concern that voters should be weary of meeks being able to separate church and state. >> those who have participated in this process to declare a person's name mentioned as candidate for mayor would not be qualified because of his refusal to give up his vocation is ludicrous. >> meeks has 22,000 parishioners and 22,000 significant tours gathered making him the biggest candidate with the biggest base so far. >> next, a special safety measure being put in place to get the trapped chilian miners to the surface as well. >> incredible images out of hundred garrry where they are trying to clean up and assess the damage from a massive chemical spill. with capital one's venture card,
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echo! so we earned a trip to the grand canyon twice as fast. uhoh. we get double miles every time we use our card. i'll take these. no matter what we're buying. plus the damages. and since double miles add up quick, we can bring the whole gang. it's hard to beat double miles. no, we ride them. [ male announcer ] get the venture card from capital one and earn double miles on every purchase, every day. go to what's in your wallet? oh, that's the spot! how'd you do that? do what? it tastes too good to be fiber. you made it taste like chocolate. it has 35% of your daily value of fiber. do it again. turn it into something tasty. this guy's doing magic.
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there's chocolate chips in here now. how'd you do that? right! tasty fiber, that's a good one! ok, her mind. what's she thinking? that's right! i'm not thinking anything! [ male announcer ] fiber one chewy bars. cardboard no. delicious yes. can it keep an eye out for itself, literally show and tell you where it is when you don't even know yourself ? droid can with lookout mobile security, one of thousands of free apps for the droid x and droid 2 by motorola. available on the ever-expanding android market. when there's no limit to what droid gets, there's no limit to what droid does. but now you have taken it too far! i don't care if i'm the official spokes candy for the new pretzel m&m's -- there is no way that you're putting a giant pretzel inside me! listen buddy, i'm not too thrilled about this either.
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oh, boy. [ male announcer ] new m&m's pretzel. a crunchy pretzel inside an m&m's. alright... [ knuckles crack ] let's get this over with. chile's trapped miners have a tunnel to safety, but anxiety is growing about whether they can safely make it to the surface. barbara hall reports on the situation of the 33 men imprisoned more than 2,000 feet underground for more than two months. >> reporter: after rescuers reached the 33 trapped miners in chile. officials said the first man
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could be brought up to the surface by wednesday. ebb pets fear that the bumpy ride 3300 feet could lead the men to pan exattacks and are proceeding with caution. >> >> translator: we want to move as quickly as possible but not forget taking into account bringing them up without complication. >> reporter: getting their stomachs ready for the journey. >> translator: hours before the rescue, we will put them on an enriched liquid diet with energy, vitamins, phosphate, potassium and magnesium to prevent them from coming nauseous or vomits during their as sent. >> reporter: they have become heros. one told when they were told they had to choose a pecking order for rescue, several have said they are willing to go last. barbara hall, wgn news.
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>> owners of a hungarian metal plant exposed condolences for those killed during a flood. the three villages were overwhelmed by the caustic flood renn a reservoir at the metals plant burst. ry departments of the town closest to the spill site were evacuated after officials warned that one wall of the reservoir was likely to collapse. >> he may be retired, but they are still arguing about the chief -- why lawmakers from the university of illinois are asking one group to back off. >> an icon of the chicago folk music scene get as special honor on the north side. okay, guys, heads or tails. heads.
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no, that's the name of the new oreo cookie. what's the name of the new oreo cookie? [ eli ] heads or tails. tails. tails. heads. heads. tails. heads. heads? oh, no. heads. what? [ shaq ] heads. [ venus ] tails. [ apolo ] tails. first is live video chat on the go. so you can be face-to-face even when you can't be. whether you're on 4g, 3g... and of course wi-fi. first lets you stream live video to the web.
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in 3...2... 1. what will you do first with evo, the first 4g phone? only from sprint. the now network. deaf, hard-of-hearing and people with speech disabilities access a violent rollover crash in the predawn hours on i-57, happening near 127th and calumet park. one person is reported injured, but in stable condition after the crash. there is no indication of what may have caused the car to careen out of control and roll over. it took police an hour and a half to reopen all lanes of i- 57 to traffic. >> cta officials still don't know why a truck veered off lakeshore drive last night and plunged into trees along the side of the road.
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dozens of people aboard was hurt and one passenger said it looked like the steer wheel seemed stuck just before the crash. investigators are looking at surveillance videoen one person was taken to the hospital in critical condition and three are listed as serious. several dozen others were treated for minor injuries. >> a chicago police officer shot a man in the leg after the man pointed a gun at officers overnight. it happened just before 1:00 near 89th and south muskegan. officers heard gunshots and saw the man shooting at a group of people. the man took off down an alley and turned and pointed at police officers. independent police review authority is vetting the incident. >> a vigil was held for a young child whose body was pulled from lake michigan. his own father is accused of killing the boy. the vigil was held at the
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jackson park yacht club on the south side near the site where hispid was recovereddent a boater spotted the body thursday afternoon, a day after dontrell's father was arrested. 33-year-old donald johnson is charged with 1st degree murder. u of i decided to retire the chief back in 2007 under pressure from the ncaa. now, the university wants a group, to stop attempts to trademarks on the chief's items and to stop using the name on the website. a cofounder kills the champaign -- tonight's live illinois lottery drawing is coming up next. after that, jim ramsey will
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be with us with a look at the workweek forecast. could we hit 80 again? i'm dan roan, tonight on "instant replay," bears in carolina where todd collins connected with nearly as many panthers at teammates and did not fail. ugly, but effective. we'll have kickoff to the final gun and then some. >> bears open up daylight in nfc north in the packers health situation turns critical. >> lds, the someone that won a playoff game for the braves, or so we thought. we'll revisit a banner night at the united center and follow the long line to marathon victory. all tonight at 9:40 on "instant it's great. i eat anything that i want. key lime pie, pineapple upside down cake, raspberry cheesecake... ...yeah, every night its something different. oh yeah yeah...she always keeps them in the house. no no no, i've actually lost weight... i just have a high metabolism or something... ...lucky.
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[ wife ] babe... ♪ umm, i gotta go. [ female announcer ] over 30 delicious flavors at around 100 calories each. yoplait, it is so good. indulge in yoplait light's two new flavors. triple berry torte and black forest cake. live from wgn chicago, the official drawing of the illinois lottery --
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runners probably didn't library it, but we loved it. >> it was beautiful out today. >> we have a slight chance of seeing another 80 tomorrow. that will depend on how many clouds gather aloft. we have mostly cloudy skies across the area. with the clouds, it kept us below record levels. 84 was the official high at o'hare. tomorrow, actually, we are thinking upper 70s will be a closer call, but it isn't beyond the realm of possibility that an 0 or even more could possibly occur. look at the clouds over our time lapse camera and you can see we didn't get a lot of
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sunshine late this afternoon. we did get some. these were mostly high, thin clouds being spun up by an area of low pressure down in the southern plains. that low will keep skies cloudy around here, as we say, tomorrow, and a couple of systems we are watching cog increase clouds on tuesday and wednesday and bring us some showers. high, again today, 84 degrees. but we are watching with great interest, the cool air that is pooling up in canada. that will swing through here the middle of the week and drop our temperatures into the 60s. for friday, in fact, we may not get out of the 50s. look at the numbers across the area. dew point temperature, there at the airport, 53 degrees, the dew points have not changed very much all day. that's generally considered reasonably comfortable for most people, not a lot of atmospheric moisture. the winds have practically died down to nothing. watch this, the temperature forecast, you can he see the cold air up there beginning to
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overspread the midwest, about oh, say wednesday and it hangs around for 2 1/2 days. another brief warmup coming in over the weekend, but as we go out about nine to 10 days, you can see some really cold air pooling up to the north and northwest. it lubes like in about another week and a half, we are probably going to be in for some serious cold. this is being produced by the area of low pressure in the southern plains. notice the line of thunderstorms. there have been about nine reports of damaging hail in oklahoma and also some strong wins being associated with that. further to the north, we are watching a cold front sneaking out of canada bringing some showers to the dakotas. there is a a cold front coming in from the pacific northwest. oregon, idaho, montana with passing showers. we do get that tuesday. here's our forecast for tonight across the area. skies, clouds, mostly cloudy, low temperatures in the 50s
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with practically calm winds. tomorrow, clouds increase, five to 10-inch drop in -- 5-10- degree drop in the temperatures. partly cloudy tomorrow night. 51-57 for a low and a lake breeze develops and by tuesday, northeast winds, that will keep the water temperatures or the air temperature along the waterfront a little cooler. as you can see, we are expecting morning sun. seven-day forecast, look at that. drop in temperatures by the middle of the week. by the time we get no next week, we should have a couple of nice days to look forward to, temperatures in the 70s. this extreme heat for this time of the year is pretty much over. maybe upper 70s to low 80 tomorrow. that's the most we can hope for. >> a newdiation in seaworld. >> the arrival of a baby killer whale. . ring ring. progresso.
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9:31 pm
everyday i eat your soups instead of going out to lunch, i save a lot of money. that's great. so, your delicious rich and hearty soups have made me, rich and hearty. that's funny. well, i'm rich because... i know, i get it. i laughed. and i'm hearty because of your juicy steak, your potatoes, your pearl onions. well, you know, everything you want to eat for lunch is right in there. so you're really, rich and happy. yeah see, i like rich and hearty better.
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[ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance?really was abe lincoln honest? mary: does this dress make my backside look big? abe: perhaps... save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance?really host: is having a snowball fight with pitching great randy johnson a bad idea? man: yeah, i'm thinking maybe this was a bad idea. . lakeview post office has a new name tonight. president obama signed a law naming the facility for chicago folk singer anticipate song writer steve goodman. goodman died in 1984 of
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leukemia. he was 36 years old. among his songs were such classics as "city of new orleans." -- >> a musical tribute to gospel star albertina walker who died friday at the age of 81. the church choir performed her songs. born and raised here, walker began to sing as a child and headlined 50s and 60s act the caravan as well as a solo star. she cofounded a nonprofit that provided scholarships. >> mesh's number one movie for the second week in a row. >> if you want to go on the website, check out your friends, the entire experience of college and putting it on
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line. >> 2200 hits in -- review of oscar buzz and word of mouth. "the social network" held on to the number one spot over the weekend. here are some of the other box office winner. [ crunching ] [ male announcer ] the closer the wheels are to the front and back of the vehicle, the bigger and steeper the obstacle it can go over. [ crunching ] guess where we put the wheels on the jeep grand cherokee. ♪ visit jeep at you do? your medicare card. [ laughing ] but don't let me or anyone see it except your doctor or their staff. and don't tell anyone your card or social security number over the phone.
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guard your card. [ woman 2 ] i hear unauthorized card use is a big source of fraud. the new healthcare law lets us crack down on criminals and win against fraud. making medicare stronger. and speaking of winning... [ man 2 ] not again! [ man ] learn more at rule the upload. rule the status update. rule the moment. we built america's most reliable network to make a more powerful you. rule the air. verizon ♪ [ sighs ] [ inhales deeply ] ♪
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♪ [ female announcer ] lighting a glade scented candle can change your whole day. [ clapping ] oh! [ both chuckle ] thank you. [ female announcer ] release the magic with limited-edition cashmere woods from glade. s.c. johnson. a family company.
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the new star attraction at sea world. >> the newest member of the theme park family. the baby orca was born there -- this is her mom's 7th calf and the 16th baby orca born at the park. they don't know the sex of the baby so they haven't given it a name. it is a whopping 350-pounds and seven feet long. waited? >> i haven't orchestrated anything, yesterday. >> welsh that's the news for this sunday knight. i'm robert jordan. >> i'm jackie bange. "instant replay" with dan roan is coming up, next. [ female announcer ] this is a strawberry pop tart.
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but this is warm, fresh-baked strawberry toaster strudel. [ music ] see the difference? pillsbury toaster strudel, the one kids want to eat. eating our loot at the end of the night... especially if it's totino's! ♪
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♪ we're the kids in america ♪ oh, oh, oh


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