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tv   WGN News at Nine  CW  October 12, 2010 9:00pm-10:00pm CDT

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it seems they may be right, he didn't do it. tonight a police officer held as a suspect in a two state shooting spree is free. >> officer brian dorian is walking out of jail tonight because we're told his alibi checks out. dan, this means there is a killer on the loose right. >> reporter: yeah, that's right. brian dorian was charged with first degree murder, now we are told he is going to be released from the detention facility any minute. investigators say there is inn
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disputable evidence that clears his name, it has to do with computer technology. we spoke with will county state attorney gassing a short while ago. >> this is a terribly tragic case. i feel horrible brian dorian went through this. i would apologize for any inconvenience he suffered, but at the same time he is a police officer. if he were in our shoes and he had a suspect under these circumstances he would have acted the same way. >> reporter: will county state attorney gassing says investigators found evidence on his computer that dorian himself was using it at the time the shooting took place. investigators say they were able to dig deep into his computer to verify his claim all along that he was home during the shooting spree. this evidence came to light about an hour after he pleaded not guilty to first degree murder. he was in court this afternoon with dozens of support rs as
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they watched, some people wearing matching t-shirts passionately insisting he was innocent. now it appears they were right all along. we spoke to his defense attorney a short while ago, he said he is relieved and at the same time concerned the suspect is still on the loose. >> well, i think he's a police officer and this is actually just been eating him alive that he is, he's being prosecuted for this. so he is relieved, but concerned that there's someone still out there who's killed someone. so i think that's the best. >> reporter: again, we are told that he is going to be released from this adult detention facility any minute. but he is due back in court tomorrow morning at 9:00 for a more formal release. he is going to be released on a signature bond, which means he is not going to have to pay any
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money to be released. wonderful news for him and his family, but the bad news is the killer remains on the loose. investigators released a sketch last week of the suspect, the sketch resembles dorian, but again, it is not him. the manhunt for last week's shooting spree continues. according to pat berry dorian has left the jail, no longer there. no specific time when he was let go. i'm shower they had a lot to say about the state attorney. >> reporter: dorian had choice words for the will county state attorney, though he is relieved his son will walk free, this father is furious. >> for a policeman to be innocent and put behind bars and
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have a person say on tv stating that we have the policeman behind bars, he is the shooter, that's defamation of character number one. to say the policeman stepped over the line and he's an innocent person. number two that's false arrest. you pick up somebody driving a pickup truck. >> reporter: john dorian spoke to us shortly after learning his son would be released from jail. charges were dropped against the 37-year-old lynn wood police officer. john dorian said he was confident evidence would emerge that made it clear he was not involved in the shooting spree. dorian said his son will need a lot of time to recover from this ordeal. he thanks the large contention of friends who have sported him and believed in him throughout. after two long months the
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rescue mission for 33 trapped miners in chile is underway. >> supplies have gone down, no miners are out yet. first a mine expert will test the missile shape rescue capsule nicknamed phoenix one. after that an expert in navy seal forces paramedics will go down, to prepare the men for the trip. it does take about 20 minutes to get the capsule from the top to the bottom. rescuers expect it to take about 36 hours to get everybody out of there. tonight we already know who will be first out. the 31 year old second in command, the last out a ship for man whose leadership is credited with keeping the men alive. we are streaming this signal from the mine live on wgn so you can watch the rescue all
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night long. let's talk to cook who is the cnn reporter on the scene. do you have us? are you there? okay, we must be obviously having problems. he must not be there. again, the rescue is in process -- in progress right now. we will get back to you and keep you updated throughout the show. a 23-year-old local marine killed during combat in afghanistan, sparks killed by small arms fire while fighting enemy force in southern afghanistan friday. he served as a machine gunner, highly decorated marine earning a number of honors including the purple heart. he enlisted in february, 2008. this was his first deployment. a single district court
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judge in california striking down the military's long time don't ask, don't tell policy declaring the law unconstitutional. that ends the 17-year-old ban on openly gay troops that was signed into law by president clinton. federal government has 60 days to appeal the injunction but is under no obligation to do so. tell us what you think. text yes or no to 97999 or vote on line. we will have results after tom skilling's seven day forecast tonight. as democrats rally this evening all that was missing were the pom-poms. the parking meter boxes, 200 pounds of them gone, at least a couple of them. and it wasn't by order of city hall. in the weather center tom is looking at the rain that might cross. [ female announcer ] this is a strawberry pop tart.
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but this is warm, fresh-baked strawberry toaster strudel. [ music ] see the difference? pillsbury toaster strudel, the one kids want to eat. than listening there'to our favorite songs. there's nothing we love more than listening to our favorite songs. but our favorite thing is eating totino's pizza rolls. but our favorite thing is eating totino's pizza rolls. ♪ we're the kids in america ♪ oh, oh, oh you've never held it in your hand, then unleashed it with a fingertip. never watched pixels whip by at 1 ghz and had your neurons struggle to keep up. you've never seen fast because you've never seen this. the droid incredible by htc. it's nothing short of its name.
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buy a droid incredible with flash and get any phone free. ght now, a ght now, all discover customers are getting five percent cashback bonus at restaurants. it pays to switch, it pays to discover. not everyone has room for a bigger refrigerator. so, we radically redesigned ours to be bigger where it counts... more usable space, more energy efficient. the revolutionary kenmore elite refrigerator. that's genius. you're looking live at the rescue of the chile miners. we will keep you posted on that
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throughout the newscast. the mayor says the city will hire more police officers again. despite the budget he says putting more officers on the street is a priority. >> reporter: chicago's police department has a severe manpower deficit. for two years the city held the line on hiring, couple that with the void created by officers on medical leave and limited duty you come up with a shortfall of some 2,300 officers. this against a backdrop of disturbing street violence in some parts of the city and the loss of some police officers as a result. >> everyone knows a greater ongoing police presence is important to the safety of all of our communities. that's why in this budget we continue to address most immediate pressing problem facing many of our communities escalating violence.
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we have transferred 212 officers from desk jobs to street duty. >> reporter: the mayor getting ahead of tomorrow's unveiling of his 2011 proposed city budget provided a glimpse of what further in store for chicago police department. he said the new budget includes funding for new police entrance exams, the first in four years, and the hiring of some 200 police officers. the goal to have as many as 830 additional police officers on the street in the two year period. question about the number of cops that may be retiring daly said the projections take attrition into consideration. >> we have found out not many are retiring as in the past as we saw fit because of the economic conditions. we know that both in the fire and police department, they're not -- they're staying much longer, yes, they are. they can't get a second job. >> reporter: daly limited his
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comments on the proposal directing reporters to wait until it's presented tomorrow. but following remarks hints at what's ahead. >> this is a very tough economy. you have to do more with less. well, far from popular, now the city's parking meters have become victims of thieves. we're talking about the big 200 pound modern meters found around town, at least 20 have been ripped from their poses. so far only four boxes have been recovered. they accept quarters and credit cards, some people are worried about their credit card information being stolen along with the boxes. >> hopefully none of that information is actually stored in the box, it only goes to their database, but you never know. >> well, the city says you should know the boxes only keep the last four digits which are sent to the city, last four digits of the credit card, so apparently no information is
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out. police think the thieves are stealing them for the quarters. months after the worst offshore aisle disaster in u.s. history, the president allows drilling to resume, but he has some strings attached. i love my curves. but the love i have for strawberry shortcake, red velvet cake and key lime pie,
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mmm, it threw a curve at my curves. so i threw it right back... with yoplait light -- strawberry shortcake, red velvet cake and key lime pie. 30 indulgent delicious flavors that satisfy my love for tasty treats. around 100 calories. zero fat. now i love my curves in all the right places. yoplait. it is so good. it sweeps and it mops. your old broom just can't compare.
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[ funny voice ] hey, broom! wanna sweep and mop like swiffer sweeper? then try the mop club for brooms! designed to look natural, even when wet. ♪ [ female announcer ] sorry, broom, but swiffer sweeper's electrostatic dry cloths attract and lock more dirt than a broom. and the dirt dissolving wet cloths clean better than a mop, or your money back. ♪ she blinded me with science you're looking at live pictures, it looks like the paramedic going down, they are trying to rescue miners who have been trapped for 69 days. the door had fallen off, they're trying to repair that. we have lonzo cook on the phone
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right now. what can you see. have we lost him. i think we lost him again. >> we apologize for that. once we get him from cnn, it looks like they did a test run a couple minutes ago and the door was damaged. >> somehow damaged. >> they want to run it down the shaft again to make sure they have got it right. now they're talking maybe the first miners may not come out until midnight. we will come back to it as soon as we can. >> we will keep you updated throughout the show. a new poll has governor quinn trailing state senator brady by more than eight points. tonight the governor is hoping for a boost occur teas of the vice president. >> reporter: at a local plumbers hall in the west loop one of the big guns flown in directly from the white house, vice president
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biden. pat quinn is no exception. the theme tonight one that speaks directly to the unions backing quinn, we're talking about jobs. he entered the packed union hall to cheers wore through of a vice president, joe biden backing the union, their middle class cause and their endorsement of pat quinn for governor. >> he knows how to govern and it's finally starting to work. the unemployment rate has gone down 8 months in a row in illinois, we have a lot more to do. the illinois state economy is growing faster than the national average because of pat. >> reporter: it has a membership of 350,000 strong, they welcomed him hoping his celebrity would help in the fight against brady. the ua general president says quinn is not the best choice, he's the only choice. >> i truly believe at this time pat quinn is the man for the
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job, because he's all about people. i mean he's about the working people, he's about the retirees, he's about the military, active military, he's about veterans, he's truly a champion of the people of illinois. >> in a time when so many families in illinois are struggling, bill brady's big economic idea is tacking on another billion dollars to variety of special interests and gifts to the we will think by eliminating state tax. he wants to cut minimum wage, but eliminate state tax. god love him as my mother would say, god love him. >> reporter: members are calling pat quinn the jobs governor with proven experience, a proven record and democratic muscle thanks to the state party leader as well as a mouth piece straight from the white house. >> ask yourself who do you trust, ask your friends, who do trust to look out for your children's health and their education. who do you trust to take care of
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your parents health and security. who do you trust to protect the unscrupulous lending practices. >> reporter: vice president biden spoke for roughly 40 passionate minutes pounding his physicians, raising his voice, even removing his suit jacket. he campaigned for almost 100 candidates across the country so far. chances are he will show no signs of falling down any time before the mid-term election. thank you. well, early vote pg this election season getting off to a strong start. students hitting the voting booths today. yesterday was the first official day of early voting, but many places weren't open because of the columbus day holiday. you have until october 28th to cast an early vote for the november 2nd race. president obama lifted the moratorium on offshore oil
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drilling this afternoon. it's been in place since the bp oil spill in the gulf. it was lifted six weeks ahead of schedule on the condition that oil companies would first meet a long list of new updated safety regulations. one requirement is a drilling company ceo must sign off the rig is ready and safe. the action boosted oil stocks giving them more than a 3% gain on wall street today. looking at stories making headlines, governor quinn wants to keep a close eye on a north side facility caring for children with severe mental disabilities. supermarket science why is produce usually the first thing you see, the secret to store layout and signs that get shoppers to spend more. binge drinking is on the rise. research says nearly 25% of adults in the united states engage in regular binge
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drinking. the story with full statistics in tomorrow's red eye. dubious distinction, why midway has one of the worst performance records in the nation. plus if it don't work -- if it ain't broke don't fix it. a major retailer learns this less than the hard way. another crash on the set of the new transformers movie, plus we're keeping an eye on the chill yan rescue for you. we will be back.
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ean rescue for you. we will be back. they handed out t-shirts that said static short for stop texting and talking in cars. the senior raced $20,000 to buy two driving simulators to send a message. >> it looks real, it seems real,
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on the simulator they can charge you fines, it shows how real it is without letting people do it and harming someone else. >> she was the victim of a distracted driver. new drivers find out quickly how texting can result in a ticket or wreck. the simulators will be made available to other illinois schools at no charge. it was a difficult summer for midway airport, now deemed the worst in departure delays. midway departures were on time 71% of the time. according to a report from the u.s. bureau of transportation statistics. midway's take off time actually improved in august increasing to 75%. o'hare was 23rd out of 29 major airports with 76%. the gap company learned the hard way if it ain't broke don't fix it. they're going back to the old logo, the one we're familiar with after being slammed for the new one on the right side.
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the move comes a week after the company silently changed on line. more than a thousand negative comments were posted on the facebook site. they admit they should have offered shoppers a chance to give input. unseasonably warm weather, but it can't last forever. the very latest on the rescue going on in chile, we understand the rescue capsule has been sent on a test run and they're the rescue capsule has been sent on a test run and they're waiting to see
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my sister was taking our family photo in just one day. and my smile wasn't white enough. i had to call her. as a professional photographer, i know how important a white smile is. and i trust the crest 3d white collection. [ female announcer ] introducing crest 3d white. use these together for a whiter smile in one day, with dramatic results after full kit. okay, smile! [ camera shutter clicking ] brilliant! [ female announcer ] learn how these crest 3d white products can give you a whiter smile in one day at
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key lime pie, pineapple upside down cake, raspberry cheesecake... ...yeah, every night its something different. oh yeah yeah...she always keeps them in the house. no no no, i've actually lost weight... i just have a high metabolism or something... ...lucky. [ wife ] babe... ♪ umm, i gotta go. [ female announcer ] over 30 delicious flavors at around 100 calories each. yoplait, it is so good. indulge in yoplait light's two new flavors. triple berry torte and black forest cake.
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i'm scared because every day is so gorgeous, when is the bottom going to drop out. >> we do have some cool air coming in. this is hardly the bottom dropping out, but it will feel a lot better or a lot more seasonal, let's put it that way. i think it's felt pretty nice up till now. i think most people would agree. look at this, we're looking north up lake shore drive. you're watching the demise of the fog and low clouds with which we started this day. it was bright and sunny this afternoon and for the 1 #4e9 time this year we made it up to or above 70 degrees. we have had seven 70 plus days in a row, that's about to come to an end. we topped 80 again today in a
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lot of locations. there was cooling along the lake today that has not been as pronounced in recent days. temperatures around as follows. o'hare where the high was 76 today, not quite the 82 we saw yesterday, but a heck of a lot better than the 48 we registered a year ago on this day. it's 62 tonight. 63 at midway airport. there's the view from the south side and here's the view of our temperature map at the moment. we are watching a front approach us, it jumped the mississippi river heading this way. we do have a little moisture in the air, so we could pop a shower or thundershower, but look how temperatures in the today coats are down to the 50s already. highs will revert more to the
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pattern that covered rapid city, this is the air that visits us next week, but not until then. these are current temperatures and you see how readings have gone down to the 40s in this cool air mass out in the western plain states where there are double digit temperature de-klein's coming this way. we think we will be down about 10 degrees tomorrow over what we saw today and spend the next couple days in the 60s before we jump back to the 70s for a day on saturday. here you see the cooling mountain northern plains where dew points are dropping too, that's very typical in canadian high pressure systems. they tend to be dry and it feels a lot cooler in that sort of air mass too. winds are light, but by morning they will be brisk and northerly. not only blowing in from the north at the surface, look at the jet stream roaring down into
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chicago. so it clears the way for an invasion of cool air that will produce. twelve states looking for some frost of the here's whaesz expected tonight, by # a.m. we're partly cloudy. these heaviest clouds are right behind the front. they could be raining on us as we join the day tomorrow. we think by noontime we will have partly sunny skies, a brisk northerly wind blowing up to 20 miles per hour. under the control of this mammoth high pressure that is punch into this air mass that has been setting records the last week or so throughout the central united states. a couple showers, even a couple thunderstorms in wisconsin yet at this hour. the thundershowers in iowa faded away to this little scattering of showers. they produced hail for a time today. here's a look at lightning right up to the moment, that's diminishing with time.
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here are the next ten days. blue is the really cold stuff. so we're not in that tomorrow, we're just moderately cooler, back to seasonal levels. friday will be the coolest day until we get into the middle of next week, of the next seven. then a punch of warm air comes in here on saturday. we walk a line here along which a disturbance will run, send warm air up over this cool air and set up showers and thundershowers which we could use. it's the second driest october we have on record. those would come in apparently by monday of next week. but for tonight it will cloud over and scattered showers will arrive late tonight. they will cover about 40 to 50% of the area. low temperature 57. by monday a gusty north to northwest wind will be blowing at 10 to 22. clouds and showers the first several hours tomorrow morning. windy and cooler, high 67. northwest winds 11 to 23, gusting to 25 at time. fair, breezy, cooler, 41
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tomorrow night. thursday partly sunny, second front will approach and pass thursday night, reinforce cool air. we will have a high of 66. then friday only about 60 for a high before we jump back to the low 70s again on saturday. so not bad. we have a 100 miles per hour hurricane in the western caribbean, we will be back with information on that coming up. thanks a lot. >> you bet. folks at home we will try this one more time. we're going to show you a picture of the live rescue happening. a rescue worker has been lowered into the mine shaft, a half mile down to get the first miner. on the phone lonzo cook, hopefully on a hard line so we have him. are you there? >> i am indeed. all i can tell you is the long days of anticipation are over. as you said the rescue has officially begun. about two minutes ago the rescue capsule passed the halfway point, more than 300 meters
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under the ground. and about to provide those miners entombed since august the 5th. >> who is inside that capsule and what will happen once that rescue worker gets down in that shaft, all the way down? >> he's a specialist mine rescue worker who is part of four people, there will be two naval special forces medics and two rescue miners specialists who will prepare the 33 miners for what could be a rather arduous decent in terms of stress and strain on their heart and so forth. but the mining rescue specialist was chosen, he is among the best in this particular business, and very patriotic theme above ground. shortly after he passed the
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halfway point the officials gathered on the platform started singing the national ann them. there's a large chilean flag which you can probably see. spirits are extremely high both on the platform and in fact here where family members have gathered to watch on big screen tv's. >> it's our understanding that it's possible we could see the first miner in about a half hour or so? >> right now this is a picture inside the mine where the workers are. >> correct, you can see the phoenix two capsule coming to rest at the bottom of the mine. this is a truly most men tuesday occasion. >> that's incredible. >> after 68 days those miners have been trapped and this is the first sign of life they have seen and possibly being rescued within moments. >> so a moment ago we heard
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cheering, there you go, that means the folks up top can see this picture, right? >> that's right. there's a big screen tv here, they have a couple football horns, waving a flag. it's a very festive, happy occasion. >> can you tell us as you have talked to the officials about what they're doing here, run through some of the risks here. one of the trap doors malfunctioned a bit and they had to repair that before they went down. what are the other risks we're talking about here? >> mark, i couldn't quite hear the end of the question, but i think if i heard you correctly you're asking preparations that would need to take place. essentially they're going to organize the miners, the first four have already been selected. the miners will be split into three groups. the first are those deemed to be
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the most physically fittest and technically able. that way if there are any difficulties along the voyage to the top they will be best able to operate any emergency procedure in response to the rescue protocol which would be relayed by fiber-optic cable. the second group are those with outstanding medical conditions. a couple have cardiac problems, one has diabetes. the third group are both the physically and mentally toughest. >> check it out, the first human being these miners have seen in the flesh in 69 days. >> this is absolutely amazing. of course they embraced him, had you goning him, i'm sure he's explaining how this is going to go. now, they said it would take 20 minutes down and 20 minutes up, but that did not seem 20 minutes to me, am i wrong? >> well, it was looking at the clock it seemed like it was about 20 minutes.
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>> okay. >> the going down would be about 25 minutes and they estimated the an september to be about 12 to 15 minutes. they were looking at a total cycle rate of under one hour per miner. this will go on if you include the four rescuers just under 40 hours. >> so they want to get at least one hour before midnight your time and 10:00 our time, correct? >> correct, that was the original estimates. throughout this rescue operation the chilean government have been fairly consistent in underpromising and overdelivering. they're very cautious about this. they know the whole country is united and inn deeds the whole world is united watching it. they don't want any mistakes. after the historic break through saturday when the shaft was completed the miners let it be known to their families and to the fishth that they were in no rush. they could wait a couple extra days for all the precautions to
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be taken. indeed the families we have spoken to, they're very anxious, they're anxious to see their men back above ground. they said they don't want anything rushed, they have waited this long, they can wait a few more hours. >> now, you're looking at these guys of course we can't tell just from a picture, but they look pretty able bodied to have been under there 68, 69 days, it's amazing. >> they do look in remarkably good shape. their spirits have been very high, once they were able to punch through a small bore hole into them, into that -- the special encasement area where they were hiding out, they have turned out to be in remarkably good spirits. they have developed a variety of
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problems. some have outstanding dental issues. with lack of exposure to sun slight some have severe skin problems. but one of the major problems they anticipate them arriving ground is possible retinal damage, that's why they will be wearing protective glasses so that when they do emerge into even electric light, let alone sun slight their eyes will be protected from damage. >> the president and first lady watching by a computer, there they are. how long do you anticipate that that rescue worker will go through the instructions as we walk down here? >> looks like there's some jovial talk, a little explanation as to how they did it, how long do we wait for the first one to jump in the capsule and go on up. >> well, they have been very organize the. nobody's going to jump in ahead
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of their turn. we expect about 10 to 15 minutes before the first one on his way up, something interesting for you, there's been a lot of discussion over who would be the last one, with all 33 fighting to have that honor. it looks like it might be mr. osuwa who is the shift for man who will gain that honor. he said he is bound to be the last man up. >> we see one gentleman put ong gear, putting on clothes. they're high fiving and the whole deal, that might be the guy going in first. >> that's right. certainly should prove to be the ride of his life. that capsule will go up at about
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a meter a second, could go up to three meters a second, that's about two yards a second. they will keep it to that fairly conservative rate. there was some concerns amongst the medical specialists that they could suffer from even the physically strongest could suffer from hypertension, dizziness, nausea. doing the tests they have run over the past few days on the phoenix one capsule, they proved the capsule would not rotate. nevertheless to avoid dizziness and nausea they have been on a liquid only diet foft part several hours. >> some marvelous reporting for us. congratulations thus far, at least at the beginning here. the chilean government and all the rescue efforts it's an
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amazing faes here. we have players the first one is successful and the next 32 are just as successful. we will take a quick break. our seven day forecast and sports coming up when we come right back. rule the tweet. rule the upload. rule the status update. rule the moment. we built america's most reliable network to make a more powerful you. rule the air. verizon host: could switching to geico or more on car insurance?ercent
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you're looking live inside the mine where 68 miners have been trapped -->> 33. >> i'm sorry 33 miners have been trapped for 68 days, thank you very much. a rescue worker has gone down inside the mine. we're waiting for the rescue of the first miner. he will be taken up top. we understand it should take about 20 minutes for him to be rescued. they say they want to do it before 10:00 our time, which is midnight their time. >> he is a 31 year old father of two. one of the forces down there, like the second in command, they want to bring him up first. the last guy is sort of the commander of the whole thing and is credited with keeping everybody calm and people alive.
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we discussed what do you do when this happens, when hopefully they're all set free, nobody's going to return to that mine we suspect. i read that the families have taken the time to set up book deals and movie deals and they cut a path down there where nobody's going to get a penny more than anybody else, but their goal is to basically retire. >> probably all friends now, they worked out all sorts of things between them. >> the family members up above not always friendly, there's been a lot of inn fighting, who gets to talk on the telecom, far off international relatives who barely know the miners, pretending like they do know them well. >> i understand they have picked two or three people they can see when they first get out.
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of course they're going to be treated because who knows what has gone through their bodies since they have been down there. it's been 39 minutes and 49 seconds since they started this rescue. we saw a gentleman putting on clothing looking like he was going to get in the capsule and come back up above ground. again, they have been down there 69 days. they have been on a liquid diet for the last seven hours because coming up with also cause nausea, they could have hypertension, this liquid tight dooit is supposed to help with problems that may pop up while they're going up. >> we're waiting for the first miner to get in the capsule. when that happens we will come back to you live. >> now let's go to tom skilling with the seven day forecast. >> right. what an extraordinary story, our weather's been extraordinary around here too. we have had seven days above 70, that's coming to an end as a front comes through late
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tonight. radar shows there are scattered showers to the west of us and to the north. a few may hold together and come through. but these will be very scattered, they're not going to do much for the dry spell we have had. we have a very exact hurricane, paula. sent a u.s. airplane into it today and discovered 100 miles per hour winds. it's headed for western cuba. we have got tremendous wind sheer through south florida which would tear the storm apart other than its gusty winds and squalls. so no threat that it will be a terrible impact on the united states except for some squally weather ner south florida, the keys and so forth. but mexico and cuba have been bearing the brunt of this storm. 67 for tomorrow, 66 on thursday. friday the coolest day of the next couple. then we warm to 72 saturday,
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sunday winds off the lake for the bears game, it will be 60s at soldier field. showers may be in the picture monday with very cool air coming in after that. we will be tracking that in the days ahead. >> thank you tom. back to the chilean rescue. we understand the first miner is inside the rescue capsule as we speak. >> he is 31 years old, the first man to emerge from the mine after more than two months being half a mile underground. we understand he is in that, looks kind of like a missile. he is inside locked up and ready to go up. it should take about 20 minutes for him to get up there. he put on certain clothing so he could come up. there will be a temperature difference from, you know, being down underground for that long from what they will feel when they get up top. we did see earlier the president
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of chile and his wife bundled up, down here they have on shorts. they will probably go from that warm, damp feel to the air to more chilly type of air. they experienced also medical issues while they're down there, there will be medics standing down there to help them. they will be dealing with psychological issues as well i'm sure after being down there so long. >> when lonzo told us about the darkness factor. it's like a navy seal going into a submarine for months on end. you don't see anything. it's going to affect your eye sight, like you said they have special glasses and things as precautions when they get up there. you're right, that many days underneath there, coming up to instant fame and freedom, that's a remarkable change of events
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for what may be, you know, guys who are just used to a working class environment, making $12,000 a year, which is what they make. it's going to be a whole new world in so many ways. just like a lottery winner, it's difficult to manage. >> these guys have been down here since august 5th, it was summertime, it is now fall, october. can you imagine being down there for so long with just the 33 of them xhis rating and talking. as you mentioned they have made a pact where they will all get the same amount of money, they will get an agent who will speak for all of them, they will not get more than the other. you can see the cable coming up. he is the first man to be hoisted to safety after 69 days underground. >> all prayers down below, all prayers up top if this works.
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this is obviously the big test, they have done many test runs>> right. >> not all terribly successful, most of them successful. again, one of the last ones the hatch door. >> that was just tonight that didn't work well. >> let's see if we can hear a little bit of sound coming out of that broadcast out of -- >> i think he is wearing a microphone, i saw him put on a microphone. maybe he can describe, he will be speaking in span'ish obviously, but maybe he can describe and someone will interpret for us what he's saying as he rises to the top. there they are, family, friends,
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waiting up top in anticipation. they have been there every day hoping these guys will be brought to freedom. i still can't believe since august 5th. >> remember in the beginning they were talking about it taking till christmas. >> exactly. >> so again kudos to the resources and effort on the part of the chilean government. the president we see him answers wife so exuberant because this is an obvious coo if this works. the hard part, this has to happen almost 40 times. 33 miners and the rescuers, paramedics that are going to go down. >> 15 minutes or so down, 20 minutes open. they don't want to rush things either because you don't know what's going on within the little capsule. it's closed around them, it's a tube that's in there. so there's no room to move or anything like that. >> we're going to take a break
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uh-huhs watch the first rescue of the first of the 33 miners at the siena joe's mine in chile. back with more in a moment. [ male announcer ] how do you turn a washer into a whole new way to custom-clean and care for clothes? by turning the drum five different ways. the head-turning, 5-motion kenmore elite washer. that's genius. first is 4g, but plays nice with 3g as well. first has an 8-megapixel hd camera and can stream live video to the web. first has an hdmi out. ♪ first shares wi-fi with 8 devices at once.
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