tv WGN News at Nine CW November 9, 2010 9:00pm-10:00pm CST
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offices of several politicians tonight. dozens of people suffering tonight. all of them contracting a virus from at least 25 suburban schools. good evening. i'm micah materre. >> i'm mark suppelsa. our top story on wgn news. lourdes duarte bringing the story back, hopefully not the bug. >> reporter: the department of health is not saying which schools have reported these viruses. the nora virus is what we're talking about. it can spread quickly from touching a piece of paper with the bacteria and touching your mouth to touching food. that's why they're accepted -- sending out a warning.
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most haven't seen a huge hike in cases but it's likely they're coming. at least 25 cooke county schools have reported some type of a stomach virus. all traced to the nora virus. >> they can be managed at home by feeding clear liquids, urine output as a sign for hydration status as well as foods that are well tolerated. the problem develops when you can't maintain the appropriate amount of liquid in. >> reporter: the virus made headlines years ago. you probably remember it as the cruise ship sickness with so many people packed together in one spot, it spread quickly. so the fact that this time it's discovered in schools could have a similar result. >> it has the potential tour worse than what we may see in some people. especially in a school setting that races the crisis.
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>> reporter: vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps, and mild fever are the symptoms. extreme cases of dehydration could develop. >> use germ jell, wash your hands. >> reporter: and here's other things to remember. stay home for at least 24 hours even after you start to appear well. if you work with food, stay home for at least three days after those symptoms go away. bottom line tonight: if you think you've got the stomach flu, stay home. probably the best advice. >> thanks. the man accused of the brutal rape and murder of 3- year-old riley fox may be pleading guilty. scott eby arrested last may after dna evidence linked him to that crime. his attorney says he has high hopes it could be resolved tomorrow. her father kevin fox was
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charged with her murder and spent eight months behind bars before the evidence cleared him. continuing to ask for help to find the truck driver that hit and killed a teenager. officers are out fliers trying to jog people's memories. taylor was walking home on algonquin road then was hit. police are looking for a dull maroon or red semitruck. >> we're getting a lot of tips of red semitrucks with detached trailers. we're following up on all of them. >> police say somebody witnessed a truck driver get out to inspect it. so they know something happened. but might not have known that he or she hit somebody. waving flags and wiping away tears. hundreds of people saluting a soldier killed in afghanistan.
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andrew meari saved the lives of others in his platoon. his remains were escorted to the field. it went by the high school where he was a student. >> he was a very nice young man. he did a good job. of course he was obviously interested in the military. >> sad that someone in our community has been lost to the car again. so we just want to support his family. >> private meari's wake from tomorrow at fred -- it is tomorrow at fred dames in joliet. chicago area woman impaled by a tree trunk last month by the high wind storms made headlines tonight. she has a survival story. >> reporter: helen miller is finally home after being in the hospital for two weeks. she won't make a full recovery until after the new year. but tonight she has a lot to
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smile about and be thankful for. >> it almost killed me. >> reporter: helen miller wanted to keep the tree branch that came inches from taking her life. she clearly remembers the morning of october 26 during the wind storm. >> it was the loudest, scariest sounding, startling just bam. >> reporter: she was driving through lindenhurste. just as the light turned green, the tree came down on her car. a branch went through the body barely missing organs. >> i felt heavy pain and i saw tree literally coming into my stomach and out of my stomach. >> reporter: she says the weight on her chest was more painful than the one in her. she was amazed people drove by without helping. >> i looked out the missing window and there were people
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driving around the branch that was blocking the street, taking pictures from their cell phone and they kept driving away. >> reporter: she says after the ambulance she was calm even trying to make the paramedics laugh. part of the reason was that a year and a half ago she was in a coma after a rupture in her heart. she knew she was going back to the hospital where she would get excellent care. she is anxious to getting back to teaching art. she was more excited to show off her painting than the tree branch. >> i know i was very, very lucky. i felt like wow i want to play the lottery. >> reporter: she didn't win the lottery, but she does have big plans to continue her art career. she says she'd like to teach at the college level. for now she's excited to return to her elementary students in waukegan. as for the branch, she plans to display it at home with the
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cards and gifts she's received. illinois versus indiana. one state swamped with death. the other not so much. one state known for governors in trouble. the other not so much. i sit down with the state's star, the governor. plus what's this? a mystery missile lights up the sky off the coast of california. why the government says there's nothing to worry about. mild november weather can't last forever. tom skilling says we could see a big dip this week. ♪
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a lightning-fast keyboard, a turbo-texting, web-jetting super you. the droid x. a 4.3-inch screen. summon movies and games at your command. now buy a droid 2 by motorola for $149.99 and get any phone free. living in illinois, the word governor has for years conjured up one-word responses like prison, convicted, and bleeping. ever aer of the guy running the state next door? indiana governor leads to phrases like smart guy and right guy for the times. he's not perfect, but they're starting to say he's presidential. >> reporter: at 5'7" tall with a hairline that's not exactly tv-ready, indiana governor mitch daniels admits he's not a
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looker but it's what's in his head that is turning him into star material. >> it can't be me. come on. it's because they've noticed that we've handled things a little more successfully here. >> reporter: consider this: while illinois is buried in debt, indiana is bucking a national trend. maintaining a balanced budget without raising taxes. >> don't steal our mitch. >> great businessman. >> reporter: talk to hoosiers about their governor and they call him great. that kind of chatter is spreading to washington. since he left the bush white house as the president's numbers cruncher, he's developed the reputation as a frugal conservative with a business plan. his state has one of the lowest rates in the nation, and ranked tenth best for the business climate. >> we now have the first aaa
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credit rating in history. >> what's wrong in illinois and what's right with indiana? >> we do everything we can every day to make it more easier and more affordable to invest here and have a good chance to get it back and maybe extra. >> reporter: his nickname is the blade. given to him by president bush because of his penny pinching ways. for a man who's held this and only this one elected office, he's traveled in some high- powered circles. here at camp david with his family and the boss crossing party lines to meet the current commander in chief. his first meeting with then president-elect obama was at a governor's conference where he sat next to rod blagojevich. >> i said to him so, governor, i bet your phone's ringing off the hook with the open senate seat. >> reporter: that meeting and this news photo came three days before blagojevich was busted by the feds.
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>> i said to him i'll tell you what's going to happen. as long as this story goes on, every time they show something, they're going to use that picture of me in the middle. >> when's the last indiana governor you know that went to prison? >> happily, it's been a while. not sure i could name one. >> reporter: unlike illinois, the governor of indiana can only serve two straight four- year terms which means he's winding up his time in office. there are some who will be happy to see him go. >> he charges ahead. no matter the consequences. sometimes they're bad. >> our view is you act, you try things, and when you do that you're going to make some mistakes. some things will not work right the first time. but better to have tried now let's go fix them and learn from our mistakes. >> reporter: he admits he sometimes went so fast that it
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bruised some egos but this is a governor on the move. >> governor daniels on his harley-davidson. >> reporter: who also rides a fast hog. sounds like a future campaign slogan. >> now the cold water. unions despised daniels. indiana roads and bridges crumbling says a civil engineers group that gave the state is d plus. and northwest indiana might say it doesn't receive enough attention from the governor. he says he's tried but many of those counties do things the chicago way. and he says that's not his way. mark, in chicago someone is throwing bricks at the windows of politicians. what's behind that? and president obama taking time out of his asian trip to tour a former hometown. and a former president on a tour of his own. george w. bush on the media
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circuit to sell his book. ♪ ♪ hello sunshine ♪ sweet as you can be ♪ i love waking up [ chuckles ] ♪ to your morning melody ♪ i can tell it's gonna be ♪ a sweet day [ female announcer ] wake up to sweetness with honey nut cheerios cereal. kissed with real honey for a yummy sweet taste that's just right. and the 100% natural whole grain oats treat your heart sweet. because they can help lower your cholesterol. you are so sweet to me. ♪ you're sweet to me bee happy. bee healthy. that advertise flights for 25,000 miles? but when you call... let me check. oh fudge, nothing without a big miles upcharge. it's either pay their miles upcharges or connect through mooseneck! [ freezing ] i can't feel my feet.
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we switched to the venture card from capital one -- so no more games. let's go see those grandkids. [ male announcer ] don't pay miles upcharges. don't play games. get the flight you want with the venture card at [ loving it ] help! what's in your wallet? amateurs. that's why this savvy santa locked up all the hottest gifts months ago with sears layaway. four affordable payments and no finance charges. so everything's taken care of... including me. i look great in my wedding dress with the help of your amazing light soups. now we're adding even bigger pieces of white-meat chicken. oh, so when's the big day? oh, we got married years ago. but the point is, i fit in it. well, good for you. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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should we order panda blossom, panda moon... how about chinese at home with wanchai ferry? you can make it in just 14 minutes. mmmh, orange chicken. great. i didn't feel like going out anyway. [ male announcer ] wanchai ferry. restaurant quality chinese in your grocer's freezer. tonight the midterms might be over, but the pot shots are not. bricks have been thrown through political office windows four times in the last week. randi belisomo at a chicago office. what's going on there? >> reporter: investigators don't know if these incidents are related or politically motivated, but there are at least five politicians and a political candidate on edge this evening. staffers for democratic
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congress woman jan shecowski saw two windows were smashed. and it didn't end there. a few doors north is the campaign office where workers found bricks had been thrown through a window that was plastered with posters for the people running in the past election. workers tell me the majority were promoting pat quinn. this is the third instance this week on this block. police called the staffers to let them know someone went sent a brick through the middle window in broad daylight. it's unknown who the target was here there was a indeed in target.
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and just blocks from here, 46th ward alderman candidate has the same proen. he arrived to find glass everywhere. the repair cost $280 but he says he emotional damage was worse. this is his first entry into politics and he doesn't knowhow to think. >> this community is pretty much quiet. i've been in here for over since 1992 and nothing like this ever happened. so for people to throw a brick and dismantle my campaign, i think that's kind of bad. >> we've been in touch with several agencies who have been helpful. they're working with the chicago police and offering their services and working together to see if there's anything at this point. there's an investigation happening. >> reporter: her office is planning to increase security both here and in washington. all of the offices mentioned
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are still open for business. chicago police won't say if these incidents are connected but they are investigating. >> thank you. remember how rahm emanuel asked his tenant to leave his home when rahm left the white house? well, that tenant's doing more than squatting. he might run against emanuel for mayor. read the column in the chicago tribune. ron halfman was approached by the board and if he runs he'll take it seriously. even the talk of his possible campaign highlights the residency issue. a spokesperson for emanuel says we expect him to show up on the petition. the petitions must be filed by the end of next week. president obama making a return today to one of his former hometowns. the president made a quick trip
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to jakarta, indonesia. the president spent a lot of time recounting his experiences there but also touched on the economy. >> chining with prosperous and secure is a positive. and we're not interested in containing that process. we want china to continue to achieve its development goals. >> well, the president did also take a shot at china saying some countries run up big surpluses to maintain their advantage. former president bush sets off on a media tour for his memoir. he is promoting the 500 page book called decision point. he talks about water boarding terror suspects. he takes responsibility for approving the technique. he talked to lawyers saying it
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was legal saying it provided information about al qaeda. keith olbermann is back on the air for msnbc. >> i'd like to thank the columnists and gave their support or a fair hearing and those in that group with whom my politics do not overlap. >> tonight the liberal commentator thanked his supporters on both sides of the aisle. you heard him acknowledge donating to three democrats. he said if i had known all this would happen, i would have done this years ago. tell us what you think. should journalists not be allowed to contribute to political campaigns? text yes or no to 97999 or go to we'll have results after the seven-day forecast. still ahead: not prepared. startling revelations from the oil spill about the man that ran the company. and a man uses the bible to
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u.s. government is trying to figure out who launched an alleged missile off the coast of southern california. yesterday it was spotted by a local tv station which captured the picture as the object shot across the sky leaving a large vapor trail over the pacific. the pentagon talking with departments of defense to figure out who launched it. none of the departments contacted have information about it. so no one knows yet. the first tug boats have reached a stranded carnival cruise off the coast of mexico. it has been dead in the water since losing power after an engine fire yesterday. no power means no phones, air conditioning, and no hot food. there was no water or working bathrooms but that has been fixed. the navy brought extra food. they should get to san diego thursday. the man firmly in charge of bp says the company was not
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prepared for the spill. tony hayward saying that contingent plans were inadequate. he says company leaders were also unprepared for the media scrutiny. hayward resigned from bp last month. after 37 years, mr. good wrench is packing up the work. it's four remaining car brands will use a new brand. general motors says the new logo will link to want people to come back. we haven't heard a single complaint about the weather. >> we're going to enjoy it for a couple of days. then prepare for the inevitable cooldown. forecast after the break. it's great. i eat anything that i want.
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key lime pie, pineapple upside down cake, raspberry cheesecake... ...yeah, every night its something different. oh yeah yeah...she always keeps them in the house. no no no, i've actually lost weight... i just have a high metabolism or something... ...lucky. [ wife ] babe... ♪ umm, i gotta go. [ female announcer ] over 30 delicious flavors at around 100 calories each. yoplait, it is so good. indulge in yoplait light's two new flavors. triple berry torte and black forest cake. we get double miles on every purchase. so we earned an la getaway twice as fast. we get double miles every time we use our card. [ whistling ] no matter what we're buying. and since double miles add up quick... romans! get em!
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[ garth ] ...we can bring the whole gang. [ sheep bleats ] it's hard to beat double miles. whoa -- he's on the list. but we're with him. [ male announcer ] get the venture card from capital one and earn double miles on every purchase, every day. go to [ indistinct shouting ] what's in your wallet? when you can have pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits? the warm, light delicate layers are like nothing else. add a layer of excitement to your next meal.
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♪ layers of brownie and caramel, dipped in chocolate ready to eat sweet moments new from pillsbury. in the refrigerated section it is november. hard to believe if you spent any time at all walking around outside today. our high temperature was well above the norm for this time of year. and people around the lake front doing their best to take advantage of it. at times like these, we turn to tom skilling. >> glad you liked it. i wish i could take credit for it. >> you're a good messenger. >> thank you. the suburban temperatures today were warmer than in phoenix,
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arizona. we had 74-degree highs. phoenix only 71. other interesting stats. veteran's day is coming up on thursday. could be the warmest veterans day here in 46 years. hard to believe this was the scene last weekend. david sent us these pictures from his farm in laporte county indiana. and a beautiful sunset with a plane approaching o'hare field in this shot from joanna. but some people have noted the dust in the air and it's been incredibly dry. since september 25th we've had under an inch of rain. you'll see the dustiness here trapped into what was an inversion layer. the cool shallow dome of air traps dust and pollutants in
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it. there's not been a drier september 25 to november 9 period in half a century since 1956. so we could use a little rain. but it sure has been nice to enjoy all the sun. 100% of our possible sun today. and look at the highs at buffalo grow, itaska. it's still 51 degrees at o'hare. 57 at midway with a southeast wind. the way this cuts across the water, our north shore communities will suffer a bit of a decline in temperature. areas northward will hold to the low 60s tomorrow. while our south and west suburbs could be in the low and mid-70s. at this hour we're at 62 at
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highland park and wgn. if you look carefully, you'll see the snow flakes falling here in utah. that is a sign of things to come. look at the snow on the mountains in aspen, colorado. this push of school air and you can see this arc of clouds here, that's another jet stream pulling yet another lobe of cool air into the west. this thing a moving eastward and as it comes in this weekend we'll get dramatically cooler than we've been. here's the area it could snow in the transition process. what this is telling us is this may be the last storm spell of this length we see this season. it's going to last at least into the weekend the way it looks here. here you see the snow forecast off our rpm models. and a big dip in the jet
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stream. cold air comes in. initially you get a southerly flow here which is what's going to keep us warm tomorrow. then as this translates eastward, you'll get into this dome and stay into it. going into a long cool spell. south winds will blow tomorrow but have enough of an easterly component to cool the lake front. then showers possibly thursday. and then the bit of low pressure that will form on this boundary kind of slides up at as friday with rain and showers that could linger into saturday. we're still in the mild air at friday on 9:00. but here's the cool air on saturday and over the weekend. and you'll see another lobe of really cool air start dropping in here. once this thing gets in place, it pushes the jet stream way
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south and keeps reinforcing itself. that is a cool pool there. so we have some autumn chill on the way here in the longer term. for the moment we're mild. we're warming this hour than the normal high temperature this time of the year. that's amazing stuff. we've had 80% of our possible november sun. that's twice the normal amount of sun you get in a november here. so bonus territory. and tonight is clear and mild still for the season. low 40s inland, low 50s lake shore. about 45 at o'hare. tomorrow sunshine filtered at times by low thin clouds. those areless pervasive than they think, we'll get that on the southwest suburbs. low and mid-70s there. that could put us within striking distance of the 71 record tomorrow. 47 tomorrow night and veteran's
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day cloudy periods continued mild. high of 64. the last time we had a veteran's day that was warmer than that was 74 degrees back in 1965 says my colleague steve who went through the records back there. that would make this the warmest veteran's day in years. pretty cool. pretty warm actually. back with the seven-day later on. >> might have been the warmest birthday micah has had. >> that's right. micah, happy birthday to you. [ applause ] >> it's so warm those candles are melting. >> look at that, that is a beauteous shot there. and there's a beauteous face. >> thank you. you're in trouble. and you guys in the control room are all in trouble. >> we love you. >> i love you too. let's move on. we're talking life
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altering. why one congressman has the ultimate guarantee it won't happen. some parents sign up their kids for daycare before they're born in tonight's medical watch. it's not school but 4000 soon to be born chicago kids are being signed up. [ female announcer ] introducing pillsbury sweet moments bite-sized brownies layers of brownie and caramel, dipped in chocolate
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yeah. you must really care about him. what? no, no. you gave him fiber. no she didn't. this tastes way too good to be fiber. they're delicious crunchy clusters with sweet honey and half a day's worth of fiber. you care about my fiber? not really. i care about your fiber too. i have for a while. ok, carl. why don't you care about her fiber? hey carl. [ male announcer ] fiber one. cardboard no. delicious yes.
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on the medical watch: watching out for our children. a national effort beginning here in chicago and you can help. >> reporter: kids are plagued with illness and it stays with them as they grow. >> problems such as asthma, prematurity, autism, behavioral problems, attention deficit disorder, diabetes, obesity, hypertension. >> reporter: how do they begin and how can we halt the progression? the only way to find out is to follow kids from the time they're in the womb. >> we have to really go very early in the development of a fetus whether it's preconception or during pregnancy and then follow these children over time. it's only by following them over a long period of time that we will be able to actual say what causes -- what directly is linked to specific outcomes.
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>> reporter: when health care dollars are at a premium, doctors want to figure out how to act to prevent disease, not react. >> it may be about medications that children are taking. those are also chemicals in many instances. it can be about everyday household products even though we know families have been worried about exposure to plastics and the components of these plastics. >> reporter: it's what we eat and drink. to find out the effects, doctors will take blood samples and specimens from the people and their homes. the project has been ten years in the making but will make a difference for generations to come. >> this is really a unique opportunity if they are eligible to participate in the study. this would be a unique contribution that a woman or child in the family could make to really improving the health of america's children. >> reporter: today marks the first day to enroll in cooke county. ultimately doctors need 2000 people to sign up.
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100,000 people nationally. children from birth on and those hoping to get pregnant. for more log on to the new late night leader. >> i have dreamed of being a talk show host on basic cable ever since i was 46. >> back on tv, conan o'brien pounds his rivals with his day show. but that's day one. later in sports, a golden honor for lefty mark burhle. it's great. i eat anything that i want. key lime pie, pineapple upside down cake, raspberry cheesecake... ...yeah, every night its something different. oh yeah yeah...she always keeps them in the house. no no no, i've actually lost weight... i just have a high metabolism or something... ...lucky. [ wife ] babe... ♪ umm, i gotta go. [ female announcer ] over 30 delicious flavors at around 100 calories each. yoplait, it is so good.
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indulge in yoplait light's two new flavors. triple berry torte and black forest cake. use your shop your way rewards card at kmart today... ...for the chance to win 1 of 30 trips to universal orlando resort... ...and step into the magic and excitement... ...of the wizarding world of harry potter! there's smart, and there's kmart smart. nah. we have something else. but if you're hurt and miss work does it pay cash like aflac does? nah. or let you spend it in any way you want like for gas and groceries? nah. or help with everyday bills like aflac does? nah nah nah. [ male announcer ] there's aflac and there's everything else. visit for an agent or quote. aflac!
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but this is warm, fresh-baked strawberry toaster strudel. [ music ] see the difference? pillsbury toaster strudel, the one kids want to eat. than listening there'to our favorite songs. there's nothing we love more than listening to our favorite songs. but our favorite thing is eating totino's pizza rolls.
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but our favorite thing is eating totino's pizza rolls. ♪ we're the kids in america ♪ oh, oh, oh taking a look at stories you'll find in tomorrow's chicago tribune. local congressman handing out giving hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign cash. according to records filed with the federal elections commission. and sporting goods has been a fixture for 127 years. it is beloved. find out how friends and business owners rallied to save it when the current owner got sick. conan is back on late night tv. his new show debuted on tbs last night. >> and welcome to my new show. it's called conan. this show is called conan.
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[ applause ] wee. people ask me why i named the show conan. i did it so i'd be harder to replace. >> o'brien took plenty of jabs at his old network. actorset rogan and glee's leha michelle were guests. >> very nice. very nice day today, mr. skilling. >> it was. and just gorgeous. we got ourself some nice mild temperatures the rest of the work week. and stay that way next week. these are current temperatures across north america. it's 51 here, but 64 in omaha. and the depth of that warm air extends so far west indicates that we've got ourselves a couple more mild days on the way. look at the colder air taking shape up north. and the way this pattern
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keeping the southerly air in tomorrow. then this comes over the area and that's when we get showers friday and friday night. by sunday another big trough. look at that flow from western canada into the u.s. that dumps chilly air into the united states that keeps coming with this pattern. a different pattern next week. we are in a much cooler weather regime. there you can see the parade of systems from the west coast and the cool air building in northwestern north america and coming our way. here's our forecast. we look for 67 tomorrow. readings will range to the low 60s at the shoreline. 64 cooler at the lake on thursday. friday 64. a big spread. looks like upper 50s at the lake shore friday. particularly north show and southerly winds blow low 70s into the suburbs.
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by saturday through tuesday, winds are cool and of canadian origin. temperatures go to 50 on saturday to the 40s on sunday through tuesday the way it looks around here. so nirvana comes to an end but it has been nice. micah happy birthday again. >> thank you, tom. >> see you later. bye bye. congress expected to continue the debate. and getting attention tonight congressman john shimkis from illinois argued against climate change and cited the bible in doing so. he says there's nothing to worry about because the bible says he won't use climate change to destroy the earth. he represents the 19th district. they are active members of the lutheran church in collinsville, illinois. in tonight's photos of the day segment, a local soldier killed in afghanistan honored
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by his hometown. >> take a look at tonight's photos of the day. all soldiers are heros. he's a hero for doing what he was doing. he loved being a soldier. >> we honor those past and present and those still in harm's way. it allows us to stay free and do what we do. the message is a simple one. it's a simple one of thanks. thanks for all that you've done for us. you have made all of our lives better because of yourselves and what you have done. you are under anyone's definition heros. ♪[ music ]
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>> and also you can always find more photos on our website coming up: this blackhawks try to answer that pesky question, why are they losing so many games at home early in the season? >> and it's tuesday night. domination for northern yet as they push for the championships. sports is next. ♪ [ female announcer ] yoplait's real fruit and the goodness of dairy... gives you a little slice of happy. and happiness comes in 25 delicious flavors. explore them all. yoplait. it is so good. now the yoplait you love in a new four pack.
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♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] light up your season with a brighter, whiter smile. with crest 3d white professional effects whitestrips. ♪ in just 3 days you'll start seeing a noticeably whiter smile. for a smile that's sure to stand out. crest 3d white professional effects whitestrips. look for a valuable coupon in this sunday's paper. ♪ ♪ hello sunshine ♪ sweet as you can be ♪ i love waking up [ chuckles ] ♪ to your morning melody ♪ i can tell it's gonna be ♪ a sweet day [ female announcer ] wake up to sweetness with honey nut cheerios cereal. kissed with real honey for a yummy sweet taste that's just right. and the 100% natural whole grain oats treat your heart sweet. because they can help lower your cholesterol. you are so sweet to me.
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♪ you're sweet to me bee happy. bee healthy. takes us to the ice. >> the ice that has not been great lakely. the hawks only lost eight games at the united center all of last season. they've already lost six games at home this year. not even the players themselves know why their home ice advantage seems to have evaporated. a welcomed sight at practice, dave bolen back on the ice.
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though bolen won't play tomorrow against phoenix. the coach said the hawks had their best practice all season. but after losing three straight at home, the answers have been slow to come. >> it's never when you're asked questions like that, we want to come up with the answer. and if we had it, then there would be no problem. we would have taken care of it already. we definitely need to be better at home. it's pretty obvious. we'll be ticked off and angry about what we've done in our own building but not discouraged by it. we'll keep going forward. tomorrow night's another night. >> our record away from home has been okay. but at the same time we want to make sure that we take value and pride of playing well at home. we've got a great advantage with our crowd in the building. we've got to apply it. >> we the circus trip looming, the bulls are trying to make most of the home stand leading up to it.
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so far so good the win over denver left the bulls back at 500. and derek rose revealed today he's been battling turf toe all season. after playing three games in five nights, the bums were surprised to see coach tom thibodeau call an early halt to practice after only an hour. >> yeah, i was shocked. i was really expecting him to say close out drills, let's go, or have the whistle out. but it was kind of a slow day. he wants us to get some rest and be ready for the next game. >> i was pretty happy about that. i'm going to go ahead and enjoy this last beautiful day in chicago. we are very lucky to have a nice fall. we don't always get that. i will enjoy myself outside today. >> that's what they were doing in dekalb continue. the niu huskies facing toledo.
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quarterback chandler breaks flee on this draw. 28 yards, 28-0. including this 50-yard run for daniels. this makes it 42-16 the final. northern illinois 65. the huskies should play in the mac championships. what do you tell your defense when they've given up 67 points in a game especially when your offense scored 65? that's the dilemma for the coach this week when they lost to michigan. forget michigan, get ready for it off. i think that's -- there's no use to dwell on it. there's nothing that will do but hurt us. the most important thing we can of our ability.
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i haven't shaken it completely off. i just showed you that. and nhl is changing the enforcement for its all star game. two captains will choose up sides during a televised draft. daley began with this bulls has died at the age of 49. mark buehrle has won the golden glove. and one night after losing to the bulls, denver had a much rougher night in indianapolis. the pacers came out and made their first 20 shots in the second half. for the quarter indiana outscored denver 54-27 to turn a ten point lead into a 37 point cushion. they win it 144-113. >> somebody had their wheaties.
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