tv WGN News at Nine CW November 16, 2010 9:00pm-10:00pm CST
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issue. do is the rickets want the help or not? many are calling him the man to beat in the fight for mayor. rahm emanuel up close and perm tonight. good evening. i'm micah materre. >> i'm mark suppelsa. it's our top story. he left the white house hoping to trade it for the fifth floor at chicago's city hall. gaynor hall sat down one on one with emanuel. >> reporter: he's a former congressman, exwhite house chief of staff, a prolific fund raiser. today we also saw a softer side of rahm emanuel as he laid out
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his plans for the city's future. rahm emanuel taking a tour of a turnaround school on the west side. then sitting down with us for an interview. he says education is a top priority giving parents report cards on the school and picking the right person to run cps. >> i don't want somebody who just knows policy and can't management. >> reporter: on balancing the city's budget. he says if he's elected mayor, he knows tough decisions are ahead. >> i think voters are ready for the sacrifices. >> what sacrifices? >> we'll have to talk about changes. >> reporter: an example: cutting cost is garbage collection by cutting competition. >> and the question is can we do it in more cost-efficient way and get a better bang for the buck for the taxpayers 37
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>> would you consider rolling back the parking meter lease deal? >> i would love to but we already spent that money. okay? that's gone. >> reporter: he dismissed questions about whether he's lived in chicago long enough to be on the ballot. and chuckled at the report that the men who rented his home is mulling for mayor. he says he's staying focused on the issues. >> that's what this campaign should be about. we'll figure out the political games. >> reporter: for the last several weeks, he has been on a listening tour getting to know chicago voters. he says he's not counting on help from the president. >> he gave on my last day both incredible words publicly and very warm words privately. but i believe i have to go out and earn this. >> what's one thing that chicago residents don't know about rahm emanuel? >> they know the congressman.
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they know president obama's chief of staff. some of them may know the brother emanuel in the sense of my two brothers, one is a doctor and the other is out in hollywood as an agent. but amy and i made a choice about our family life. nothing means more to me than those three kids. >> reporter: emanuel says he has tried to keep all his kids out of the public eye as much as. and we're going to bring queue -- you more in-depth interviews with the candidates. november 20 is the last date people can file to get on that ballot. one of the men who killed the parents of a talk show host who used to work here is going away for a long time. he gets 120 year prison
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sentence today. gregory brooks pled guilty to killing the mcclendons at their home last year. gerard spoke with the public tonight saying justice was served. >> we feel for the gregory brooks family. i have forgiven them. i have not changed my mind on that. but the judge rendered the decision today and the sentence and now gregory brooks is in the hands of the indiana department of corrections and in the hands of almighty god. >> reo thompson also pled guilty in the case scheduled to be sentenced thursday. a student busted after making a bomb threat to his former residents hall at the school. he 18-year-old suspended from school late last month when he was initially accused of making a separate threat to that resident hall. officials today they don't know
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why he's allegedly making the threats. when you hear about the virus, it's on the rise in cook county schools. 36 clusters have been reported. that's double the number from last week. it does spread quickly through close contact in places with contact like nursing homes and on the job. to avoid it, wash your hands frequently. the virus can live on surfaces up to 12 days. there's a new leader for chicago public schools for a while. president of the trust. he'll replace ron huberman who didn't want to work for a different mayor. mazany says he has no plan to take that job permanently. >> there are a number of important issues that i've had and mayor has filled those out
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with clear detail. it's to the vision of the type of schools that chicago needs and deserves. >> mazany says he's taking this job for a dollar a year saying he's on with the trust. huberman was paid $230,000 a year when he was in that position. it's been 14 days since the election and bean has finally conceded. wall winning by the narrowest of margins. bean picking up votes in cook and lake county this afternoon. more than 200 ballots were cast and walsh wins it by 290 votes. the issue of who to keep and who to let go creates an argument with the county presidents.
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they met briefly last week. the meeting fell apart whin he asked preckwinkle to keep certain people on the payroll. preckwinkle had said stroger wasn't helping a smooth transition. he says he'll provide all the cooperation she needs. columbia college chicago. sold this headquarters building to the college today. which is convenient enough since it is in the heart of the campus. another step in advancing its business plan and reducing costs. the building was home to companies iconic magazines like ebony, jet for more than 40 years. the lease ends in 18 months. after a swing and a missing with the cubs owners try again. plus changing of the guard in london. prince william picks the lady
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with yoplait light -- strawberry shortcake, red velvet cake and key lime pie. 30 indulgent delicious flavors that satisfy my love for tasty treats. around 100 calories. zero fat. now i love my curves in all the right places. yoplait. it is so good. [ female announcer ] scope outlast. it's about time for a mouthwash that lasts even longer. now that fresh breath feeling lasts up to 5 times longer. what will you outlast?
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seems to be some confusion over whether lawmakers in springfield are showing approval nor the ricketts wrigley proposal. >> dan ponce is joining us with the latest. >> reporter: apparently there's a lot of confusion throughout the afternoon as to whether or not the ricketts family withdrew this proposal altogether. michael madigan told reporters in springfield he was under the impression this whole thing was off. he released a statement a short while ago. apparently that is not the case. later in the day, mr. ricketts called the speaker and indicated they planned to move ahead with the proposal. at that time he reiterated that he would continue to try to be helpful to them. that statement coming from michael madigan's office. but there shouldn't have been any confusion in the first
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place saying the family never withdrew the proposal. >> there was some miscommunication under the state capitol between a couple of the leaders that led, i believe, the speaker to believe that was in fact true. but it's not. and the speaker and tom ricketts talked later this afternoon. >> reporter: the cubs chairman wants toe state to put up $200 million in bonds to finance the renovation. he says they would be paid back with a 12% amusement tax levied on tickets sold. he said the public would not be footing the bill. >> there is no new tax, no tax increase. simply reinvesting of existing taxes going forward. >> reporter: plan also calls for $200 million in private investing and would create thousands of jobs. >> this isn't about the cubs and not about the sox, not about north side or south side. it's about jobs. it's about 1,500 jobs.
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some for people who have been out of work for years. >> reporter: it would generate thousands of dollars in new revenue for the city and state. but allen sanderson is skeptical. >> they're saying if you loan us this money, we're worth so much to the state of illinois that we'll provide twofold or threefold in return. but that's just probably not the case. the primary beneficiaries of this would be the ricketts family. >> reporter: and of course wrigley field is in alderman tom tony's ward. he said the proposal needs to be thoroughly explored. he added that it could be decades before the bonds are paid off. we should mention mayor daley or quinn have expressed any strong support for this plan. >> thanks. tell us what you think. should the state help with the financing of he wrigley fields
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renovations. text yes or no to 97999 or go to still ahead: a $55 million settlement for strip search violations and cook county taxpayers have to pay for it. the fab four's hits are available for down load now. every family knows, the holidays are as much about the food as the family gathered to share it. from holiday ham to traditional tamales, it's the perfect setting where plates and memories are passed again and again. live your christmas story at a kmart price - with essential home banded dinnerware only $14.99. these essential home complete bed sets are just $34.99. plus, assorted ornaments, decor, and wrap are all 25% off.
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♪ yes! ♪ look, they fit! oh my gosh, are those the jeans from last year? how'd you do it? eating right...whole grain. [ female announcer ] people who eat more whole grain tend to have healthier body weights. multigrain cheerios has five whole grains and 110 lightly sweetened calories. more grains. less you! multigrain cheerios. outrage, disbelief, just a couple words describing how people are feeling tonight as a murderer walks free and heads for an island paradise.
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it's all completely legal. julie unruh explains why and how this is happening. >> reporter: for 12 years or so, the people say they felt a relative amount of security knowing that justin boulay was actually behind bars. with today's controversial release, words like anger and pain come to mind as you said. also if you could believe it, some strength. strength found by the victim's own mother. strength she's gained because she knows she didn't have to go through this. with candles lit and song, hundreds were around had on a day who knew andrea will were hurting. her mother was overwhelmed. >> i feel empowered. i felt so weak for so long. for over 12 years. >> everybody getting together and showing so much support. we didn't have to do it alone.
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we didn't have to think about it alone. >> reporter: they stood close in the cold and her sorority sisters sang. today justin boulay was released from prison serving only half of his 24 year prison. the 33-year-old is seen leaving the prison grounds today with his new wife behind the wheel. they're headed for hawaii. >> just knowing that this man is walking away with murder is sick. >> we're talking about murder here. 12 years? it's sick. >> reporter: coast to coast vigils were held in andrea's honor. the young woman described as artistic and kind is being remembered for her life cut short. light is shone on her story.
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a lesson for all victims. >> that more value be put on their lives. than the ones that took them. >> reporter: and a lesson for boulay 12 years later. >> coming out to a bunch of women who are now um powered and we're in our careers and we've got louder voices now. so now we're ready to be heard. >> reporter: vigils like this one were held like this coast to coast today from california to new jersey all in andrea's honor. as for justin boulay, he was married and married in 2007 to his longtime acquaintance. they are headed to hawaii. she teaches at the university of hawaii and that's where he plans to spend his next three years of parole. >> thank you. the cook county board of commissioners approve the $55 million settlement of a class action lawsuit with thousands of jailed inmates claim their
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rights were violated when they were strip searched. a state attorney says it was best to settle now than going through several years of challenges. the plaintiffs attorney says inmates weren't the only ones strip searched. some 400,000 people will share the multimillion dollar judgment. some call it is the brothel law. a housing ordinance barring more than three unrelated people to live together. the town is threatening to enforce it. neighbors are complaining about former single family homes being turned into boarding houses and their fed up with overflowing garbage, rowdy parties, and what some say are dangerous conditions. >> where they've taken photos at night of parties where you'll see couple hundred students in a back yard. you'll see 30 or 40 students on a back porch that it's questionable whether or not
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that porch can support them. >> the poor economy has landlords eager for more students looking for lower rent. landlords are fighting the ordinance. slamming conviction for breaking house ethics rules. a panel found him guilty of 11 violations. he walked out of the hearing claiming he didn't have enough time to put together a legal defense team and is blasting the fairness of the proceedings. >> i never heard of this type of thing where an accusation is made and they don't call witnesses at least not at the hearing. and that's the reason i didn't participate. >> the congressman failed to pay taxes on his home. he can be reprimanded or expelled from the house. in tomorrow's chicago
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tribune: alzheimer's disease hits nearly every family hard once it comes on. in latino families, it's especially hard where there are few spanish speaking providers. find out more in the tribune. if you race to the mall on black friday, what you need to know about ads posted on websites weeks before retailers announce their busters. you'll read about josh stevens living off groupons wherever he goes. he's trading his time for fame or money. pausing to honor an american hero. what he did to earn the medal of honor. plus while those alcoholic energy drinks could soon be illegal.
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first time in decades a living person was awarded it. staff sergeant salvatore giunta from iowa's services were in afghanistan. he pulled a fellow soldier to cover, also rescued another soldier being dragged away by the enemy. >> i lost two dear friends of mine. hugo memdoza and joshua brendan. although this is so positive, i would give it back just to have my friends back. the president's new book hit the shelves today. this is a picture book for kids three and up. his daughters inspired him to
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like the exclusive continuum. and the fascinate. or the samsung galaxy tab that runs flash. ♪ there are no sick days. vicks dayquil defeats 5 cold and flu symptoms. ♪ [ snoring ] [ male announcer ] in the nfl, you can't win tomorrow if a cold keeps you up tonight. vicks nyquil cold and flu. the nighttime sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep you ever got with a cold...medicine.
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the are now availableove about in our toploads. remarkable energy savings extraordinary capacity, introducing the no compromise kenmore elite topload washers save now at sears key lime pie, pineapple upside down cake, raspberry cheesecake... ...yeah, every night its something different. oh yeah yeah...she always keeps them in the house. no no no, i've actually lost weight... i just have a high metabolism or something... ...lucky. [ wife ] babe... ♪ umm, i gotta go. [ female announcer ] over 30 delicious flavors at around 100 calories each. yoplait, it is so good. indulge in yoplait light's two new flavors. triple berry torte and black forest cake.
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how soon are we going to see the bottom drop out? >> it turns a bit cooler later this week but comes back right away over the weekend. so it's not bad. but it's next week that things turn cool. we look at a couple of cold weather indices. and the history tells us about 91% of the final ten days of november sees snow. we've had up to a foot of snow in some cases. it's getting to be that time of year. but let's pause for a moment and look at this gorgeous scene from linda. who sent us this shot from starved rock. what a beautiful shot. thank you for forwarding that to us. and from chicago. the beautiful shot here. this was maybe around the 21st of the month when the moon was full. can you see the full moon with the clouds there? what a neat shot that is. so thank you for some beautiful
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pictures. and thank you mother nature for a day that wasn't bad. we're missing a storm to our south. we had some high and mid-level clouds come in today. on the north side of the storm that has been raining vigorously in indiana and ohio. but we made it up to 58 at lake geneva. elgin was 57. tonight it's as cool as 38 at orland park. and it's 37 at o'hare field. so starting to feel the part of autumn. there's no question about that. here are temperatures in map form across the area. as we look at rains down state in indiana. look at that. heavy rains there. and in ohio it's wet as well. this sent the clouds up into our area but avoided this area in terms of rain. but in lebanon, virginia, it's been raining. and heavy rains in indiana
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throughout the day. look at this. in parts of virginia, over two and a half inches of rain down. so this is quite a storm. and here we are on the north edge here not expecting much from it. there's another one riding southward. this is a wide view. storm one, storm two, storm three, and these are riding around a dome of warm air. none of these will directly impact us with precipitation. we could actually use a bit but it will tug some colder air in later in the week. here's where the rains are right now. we have tornado watches in parts of the carolinas and heavy rains falling in pennsylvania tonight. here are the rains in down state ohio. ohio and indiana right there. and there are a couple of showers upstream of us in parts of western wisconsin. and snows with that second system falling out to the west. somehow we mentioned to tap
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dance around these rain and snow producing systems. wind advisories where you see the light blue. these are the warnings and snow advisories out to the west. here's why. active jet stream. each ripple here is capable of lifting the air and creating a drop in the air pressure. by the weekend it flattens out and turns westerly. that means the cold air ought to be moderating by the end of the week. tomorrow's clouds could produce a couple sprinkles or light showers in this area. we're up to noon tomorrow and 3:00 in the afternoon and these flirt with showers in the area. but the big storm moves to the north. this main energy passes to the south of us as well. and here's the sprawling canadian high pressure that sends chilly air deeply into the united states. only for a brief period. and the warm up begins out at
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plains and is here pushing temperatures back to the 50s by friday. there's a plot of area temperatures and here are the highs today. looking real novemberlike no question about it. but look at this air gathering to the north. one of these tells us how likely the canada air will be cold. that's as low as we've seen it indicating a big build up of cool air. that will bring that into the united states. so late next week and the week that follows, it's going to get really chilly. and a chunk will come in a day after tomorrow. winds are northeast at 8. humidity at 68%. dew point 35. these are current temperatures. and look at these readings in northern alaska just to give you an idea of how things have cooled off there. we found in north central canada temperatures are 35 below zero within the hour.
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very cool air. that's how the storm missing us to the east. you almost have to lay down a snow pack. you find our coldest temperatures occur after a couple of storms like the one that went through minneapolis and the upper midwest. lay down snow cover and that's where the arctic express runs. and that happened yet. we're safe for a while from the coldest air. mostly cloudy and chilly tonight maybe a sprinkle. perhaps an ice pellet for two mainly in our far southeast suburbs. low temperatures 35 inland. tomorrow extensive clouds, perhaps a sprinkle or two. this is no big deal. high temperatures 48. cloudy, sprinkles tomorrow night. we think now that these are largely going to shift into indiana and avoid much of
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immediate chicago and our western suburbs. temperatures down to 35. thursday ought to be partly sunny. we took the mention of the precip out. and we had a high of 42 on thursday and partly sunny on friday too. so that's nice to take the precip out. >> i like taking that precip out. >> i knew you would. >> thank you. mayor daley was honored tonight at his last reception benefiting the united negro college fund. mayor daley was honored in this involvement. 21 years he has worked to create programs and raise more than $1 million for that organization. exercise may make you feel good, but when it comes to boosting the mood, it seems not all exercises are created equally. also a royal engagement. how prince william popped the question and the special
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engagement ring he gave his bride to be. the bulls on their own circus tour as we speak right now. >> back in houston. so far touch and go. plus the bears two day as away from the dolphins. all coming up around the corner. it's great. i eat anything that i want. key lime pie, pineapple upside down cake,
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raspberry cheesecake... ...yeah, every night its something different. oh yeah yeah...she always keeps them in the house. no no no, i've actually lost weight... i just have a high metabolism or something... ...lucky. [ wife ] babe... ♪ umm, i gotta go. [ female announcer ] over 30 delicious flavors at around 100 calories each. yoplait, it is so good. indulge in yoplait light's two new flavors. triple berry torte and black forest cake. host: could switching to geico or more on car insurance?ercent do woodchucks chuck wood? (high-pitched laughter) man: hey you dang woodchucks, quit chucking my wood! vo: geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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to bring art to the people. sharing art is the highest calling for me. if i want to keep doing this i have to start taking care of my heart. so i'm starting with cheerios. [ male announcer ] got something you'll love to keep doing? take care of your heart. you can start with cheerios. the natural whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. this is what makes me happy, so i'll probably do this until the wheels fall off. [ male announcer ] it's time. love your heart so you can do what you love. cheerios.
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in tonight's medical watch: attacking energy drinks. the fda is focusing energy on caffeine and alcohol cocktails. a final ruling to ban the drinks could come this week. a recent study found students who combine alcohol and caffeine are more likely to suffer alcohol-related injuries compared to those who drink alcohol alone. thousands are dying in the hospital every month from errors. a staggering statistic. medicare's new chief says it needs to end. 15,000 a month don't die from their own injuries but from complications like infections from the hospital. if you're on medicare, have your primary care physician coordinate all tests and treatments so nothing is overlooked. also have someone with you in the hospital to ask questions
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about alternatives to certain procedures like those involving catheters that carry a large infection risk. exercise can make you feel better but which is best? yoga according to a study. yoga was compared with walking and exercises more people choose. they found yoga boosted mood, lowered anxiety, and enhanced levels in the brain. altered brain chemistry leading to improvements in scores on mood and anxiety scales. >> thank you. gaba levels what are those? like yo gabagaba? beatles greatest finally down loadable on itunes. and david gets to return home to one of his greatest moments as a bear. sports coming up. [ female announcer ] why settle for plain bread
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when you can have pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits? the warm, light delicate layers are like nothing else. add a layer of excitement to your next meal. ♪ start with cookie dough. ♪ add frosting. [ giggles ] [ female announcer ] then sprinkles. [ both giggle ] [ female announcer ] fun. easy. [ child ] wow. [ female announcer ] at thank you for calling usa pmy name peggy. peggy, yes, i'd like to redeem my reward points for a gift card. tell points please? 250,000. calculating... ooh! answer: five fifty! 550 bucks?! 5 dollar, 50 cents. minus redeeming charge. leaving 50 cents. say what? happy time! what kind of program is this? want better rewards? switch to discover. america's number 1 cash rewards program. it pays to discover.
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yeah. you must really care about him. what? no, no. you gave him fiber. no she didn't. this tastes way too good to be fiber. they're delicious crunchy clusters with sweet honey and half a day's worth of fiber. you care about my fiber? not really. i care about your fiber too. i have for a while. ok, carl. why don't you care about her fiber? hey carl. [ male announcer ] fiber one. cardboard no. delicious yes. prince william making it official today. he's getting married. >> future king of england engaged to his girlfriend of eight years. kate middleton. >> reporter: at st. james'
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palace on tuesday, prince william showed kate middleton as his fiance. her ring is the same worse than by princess diana. >> it is meaningful to me so my mother wouldn't miss out on today. >> reporter: the couple met in 2002. both were students at the university of st. andrews in scotland. news of their engagement broke tuesday morning. prince charles also commented on the news while touring in cornwall. >> thrilled. thank you very much. >> reporter: according to the royal statement, the prince and middleton were engaged in october during a private trip to kenya and the wedding will take place next spring or summer in london. british prime minister cameron said the upcoming royal wedding is great news for england. >> i said obviously the
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government stood ready to do anything we could to help make sure what could be a great day of national celebration will be a great success. and it was wonderful to have that to pass on to him and everybody else. >> reporter: most important the queen approved. word from buckingham palace is they are absolutely delighted for them both. less than 24 hours on itunes, the beatles are topping the charts. their catalog of hits is now on there. this first day the beatles occupy 15 spots of the top 50 spots on the top itunes charts. >> did you write down abby road
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to the icecap successful where it's going to get cold soon. >> it looks chile next week. we'll get a hint of what's to come on thursday. a quick backoff over the weekend. nothing terrible warm but not terrible cold ear. it's 40 in chicago. but that's a 0 up in the canada area. here are the nighttime lows. it's interesting to look at these to see how we're proceeding into the chilly season. and if you watch our programs regularly, you know that's been a change in the northern end of north america. see how the white fills canada. we flirt with it the next couple days. blow that way on thursday. probably the coolest of the immediate seven days.
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see how we go through the cays. perhaps a sprinkle or brief shower at times. then we go into monday with showers but by tuesday things cool off. and here comes thanksgiving on thursday with really cool air starting to dump into the country. and we're talking chilly air all the way back to monday and up north. we have a greenland block developing. if you look at the upper corner of the screen is greenland. you see the the stream buckles around it. that's been a pattern that has pushed cold air down into the lower 48 the last couple winters. that seems to be happening again. there's the flow pattern by the thanksgiving. so some wintry weather ahead. 49 is the forecast high tomorrow.
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42 thursday. then up to 51 friday. a partly sunny day. thursday we have taken the rain and snow mentioned out of the forecast. looks like the dry air will come in faster than thought. but saturday could see sprinkles. and 54 on sunday with maybe a sprinkle and shower on monday too. then we start to cool off tuesday. next week, colder weather. we'll see if we get a storm mixed with that. there was a hint of a storm for thanksgiving last night on some runs. they backed off that tonight. so that's good. we'll just transition to cool air and do it without the holiday week storm. >> thanks, tom. today was like christmas for some of chicago's best restaurants. the michelin guide is rating vaunt -- restaurants in chicago and beyond.
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two restaurants alinea and l20 got three stars. this morning pastry chef got the news when we stopped by her house. >> relieved, happy, proud, tingly, excited all at the same time. excited for my whole staff an the restaurant and for michelin. we're happy about that. >> talked to the tribune food critic who added there are several great restaurants that didn't make it. >> oceanic. >> love that one. >> and he said the michelin guide could make or break restaurants. >> i don't think that's the case here. it's brand new. >> and the next guide comes out next year. maybe these places will have a chance. coming up: bulls open their seven-game road trip with one of the easier games.
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and blackhawks looking for a quick start in their game tomorrow. rich king next with sports. ♪ [ female announcer ] yoplait's real fruit and the goodness of dairy... gives you a little slice of happy. and happiness comes in 25 delicious flavors. explore them all. yoplait. it is so good. now the yoplait you love in a new four pack. try it today.
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we get double miles on every purchase. so we earned an la getaway twice as fast. we get double miles every time we use our card. [ whistling ] no matter what we're buying. and since double miles add up quick... romans! get em! [ garth ] ...we can bring the whole gang. [ sheep bleats ] it's hard to beat double miles. whoa -- he's on the list. but we're with him. [ male announcer ] get the venture card from capital one and earn double miles on every purchase, every day. go to [ indistinct shouting ] what's in your wallet?
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rich king in. >> it's a tough one for the bulls. let's hope this time easier. so far so good. year ago, the bulls one the first game of their circus road trip. then proceeded to lose the rest. hoping it's better this week. to begin their annual november marathon on the road. tom thibodeau not part of that struggle of by gone days. noah for that there. the bulls kept the pressure on. ronnie had a great run. had 11 points in the quarter. the rockets owning the 3rd period. kevin martin moving well off the fast break. the bulls went on a run in the 4th. derek rose for a three. the bulls score the first 18 points in the quarter.
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and they grab a ten point lead. rose again the hoop on this one and the foul. the bulls lead 8 #-84. and the final two minute of the game there tonight. the home opener for depaul tonight. mike a clean steal there. he'll take it in for the demons. western carolina came back and won this one. depaul losing 69-64. they drop to 1-1. coltly ruled out for the game against the dolphins. did not practice today. it will keep him on the sidelines. pennington also out. as for the update on the bears how they shape up, here's dan roan. >> reporter: the bears want to keep the momentum rolling heading into south florida. sunday's performance against the vikings on both sides of the football helped them build up a good head of steam.
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>> we're playing fast. i think that's the number one thing. we're getting to the football. you watch the film and there's nine to ten guys to the football every play. we are getting pressure on the quarter back. those are huge for us. >> reporter: in miami, the bears are facing a defense full of complexities. they like to blitz. but jay cutler and his crew are coming off maybe their best overall performance and feel they can handle what the fish throw at them. >> the balls going to the right places. it's everything. >> reporter: thursday is a home coming for major wright and hester. the exhurricane was launching super bowl 41 with a game opening 92-yard kickoff return for a touchdown. >> where do you rank the touchdown in the super bowl the first time you touched the
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ball? >> top two. >> in the super bowl? >> maybe top one. >> reporter: dan roan, wgn news. okay. the big game now just two days away. pregame for you on thursday 6:30. game here on wgn followed by a post game report during the news. the bears are gunning for their third in a row. the blackhawks, their six game circus trip starting tomorrow. they have lost to the oilers in chicago twice. hawks are 9-2 and hope the long journey can provide from spark. >> you got to get off to some success early on. tomorrow night's game is definitely big. and you want to get off to a good start off the road trip. makes a big difference. hawks the trip go by quicker too. it's the key right now. and a couple of baseball notes. roy halladay is a choice for
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[ grunting, shouting ] [ grunts ] [ man ] mike, come on! mike -- what is your deal, man? oh, come on, man. you've been riding me all day. mike, you're playing like betty white out there. that's not what your girlfriend says. whoa! whoa! baby, come here! eat a snickers. better? better. [ man ] hike! i'm open! [ grunts ] that hurt. [ male announcer ] you're not you when you're hungry. snickers satisfies. the droid 2. a lightning-fast keyboard, a turbo-texting, web-jetting super you. the droid x.
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