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tv   WGN News at Nine  CW  December 13, 2010 9:00pm-10:00pm CST

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with a sales tax on cyber purchases that could be coming in the future, and get this, past purchases. and this online sensation drew a crowd. wgn stormed his bedroom studio. >> this is chicago's very own wgn news at 9:00. he killed a would be robber who tonight evidence shows is likely saturday's gunman was also the honeybee killer. >> i'm mark suppelsa. >> and i'm micah materre. >> this picture coming in from the orlanpark police department. this man who tried to rob a tanning salon in orlan this weekend. marcella raymond has been steaking out his home.
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>> reporter: mark, we also know that the same gun that was used in the saturday night robbery in orlin park was the same gun used in the random shooting spree in illinois and indiana this fall. it was a 38 caliber handgun. neighbors say gary omayo left his house about 9:00 on saturday morning. they didn't know him well, and they definitely had no idea he was possibly intending to kill again. will county police descended on his home early sunday morning. the 48-year-old had moved there eight years ago from the chicago suburbs. on saturday night, he went into an orlin park tanning salon and tied up the female cashier at gunpoint and said he was robbing the place. sources told me he told her i'm going to make this as painless as possible. that's when jason mcdaniel walked. >> into the manright into the man with the gun. >> reporter: he tried to reason with him and tell him he was a
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father. it didn't work. >> when i saw he had no sympathy for women and children, there was nothing else i could do. i knew we had to do something because it might be the last time to see my family again when omaya took his eyes off for a second, mcdaniel pushed him down and shottim. they found a light blue chevy block a few blocks away and the link to the honeybee investigation began. it was the same truck used by a man who went on a shooting spree in indiana and illinois in october. he killed one man and shot two more, asking about honeybees to one of the victims. the same gun was also used, a 38 caliber handgun. now neighbors in a small central illinois town of rankin outside of chicago wonder if they ever really know their neighbors. >> in a town of 400 people,erb
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is, everybody knows everybody's business. >> he lives two blocks from my house. i've been raising kids in this town for eight years so it's kind of creepy. >> reporter: creepy and really all anybody knew about him was he ordered a pepperoni and veggie pizza from casey's every week. >> from the time we've lived here, i didn't know anybody lived in the house, he was so elusive. >> reporter: sources tell me his friends and family and police that his personality had changed over the last eight months, and ironically, there are no honeybees on this property, and folks out here said he never mentioned anything about them to them. mark and micah. >> marcella raymond down state, thank you. chicago's been getting plenty of snow the past few days, but northwest indiana has been getting downright blitzed. dan pompei is live where he finally made it tonight, dan.
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>> reporter: hi, mark, good evening. yeah, at one point, 70 motorists were stranded. several counties have declared a state of emergency, including porter county where we are. the indiana national guard has been called in to help and snow crews are getting reinforcements from down state. >> you are traveling at your own risk as officials have asked the public not to travel at all. to the plow guys and gals, the country station, indiana 05. >> reporter: local radio station dedicating songs to the workers out all night and all morning. they're trying to keep the interstate open but the wind is creating just as much trouble as the snow. as soon as a stretch of highway is cleared, strong wind gusts up to 30 miles an hour cover it up again. >> i'm slipping and sliding all over the place and my doors were iced shut this morning.
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so it's horrible trying to get in the car. >> reporter: many people left for work today only to have to turn around and go back home 72 i work if markham so i couldn't make it but about halfway there and i had to turn around and come back. didn't make it to work. >> reporter: earlier this eechg, evening, a fleet of 18 snow plows. they're having difficulty reaching motorists who need help. drivers we spoke with are frustrated and doing their best to stay safe as they make their way home. >> stopping for fuel in case we get stuck for 12 hours, even though we only live 3 miles from here. >> reporter: jeremy sooky says he'll be busy through the entire day tomorrow. >> there's a lot of different situations out there. you got deep snow. you've got really soft, really heavy and wet. just depends on where you're at. >> reporter: at this hour, many east-west roads in northwest indiana are impassable. police say there are snow drifts
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6 feet high in some spots. dozens of school closings tomorrow morning, so be sure to check that before you go to sleep tonight. it is going to be a very messy commute tomorrow morning. mark and micah. >> dan pompei, thanks. now, to the weather center, tom skilling is tracking the indiana storms and also checking on chicago for us. tom. >> i tell you, mark and micah, at this point, we've got snow occurring between rigor reporting stations so we don't have a visibility read right directly from the area, but we can presume the snow, which is now into its 24th hour. this is the snow that just keeps on giving. this is the one that produced our horrendous weather yesterday. it's dropped 70.5 inches of snow in westville, indiana. that seems to be the epicenter of accumulating snow. these amounts are about a foot and-a-half of snow. it's wind-blown as well, heavily indiana has had 9.5 inches, south bend has had 5.5 inches,
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and there's more on the way. this set-up won't break down until tomorrow night. eastern porter county will get more snow, as will saint john county and stark county, indiana. stark county, which is just south of la port county, there's been about 6 inches of snow during the course of the day, since 1:00 alone. and here's where the lake snows will be at 8:05 tomorrow, benton harbor getting in on that, south bend. the band actually swings back into la port county in the afternoon before it starts falling apart later in the day. that's where the winds will weaken. ♪ some of the wind speeds during the day in this area. to east chicago, it's been very windy there, and that's one of the camera views from that area. we've got another system out here to the west. that's a couple of days away and we'll tell you how that might impact chicago. it's not near as big as this thing we just went through.
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that's our next snow and we had a couple flurries off the lake this evening too. more from all of that and great pictures of the snow as well. >> the tax break package takes another crucial step forward. there's enough votes in the us senate to pass the bill and the senators are expected to okay it tomorrow. legislation would extend tax cuts for all income brackets another two years and reduce social security taxes for every wage earner next year and extend jobless benefits for the long term unemployed. >> if there's one thing we can agree on, it's the urgent work of protecting middle class families, removing uncertainty for america's businesses, and giving our economy a boost as we head into the new year. >> the president also urged house lawmakers to pass legislation. democrats are angry he reached a deal with republicans on extending the tax cuts for all wage earners. they wanted them to only remain for lower and middle class. a federal judge says
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president obama's health care law is unconstitutional. the ruling states the government cannot require americans to purchase insurance. several losses have been filed around the country, but this is the first successful challenge. the law will remain in effect until appeals have been heard. the case is expected to end up at the u.s. supreme court. tell us what you think. should adults be required to purchase health insurance? you can vote online at and we'll have results after the seven-day forecast. a legendary american diplomat died today after having heart surgery over the weekend. 16-year-old richard holbrooke, may be best known writing parts of the pentagon papers that were leaked in the 1970s, also the architect of the 1995 boznia peace plan. he underwent surgery to repair a tear in his aorta. big changes to the school lunch menu, coming up, how the overhaul may expect all our
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children. the tax man wants his share. the state of illinois wants you to pay for your internet purchases from way back even. >> you're watching chicago's very own wgn news, with micah materre, mark suppelsa, tom [ female announcer ] why settle for plain bread when you can have pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits? the warm, light delicate layers are like nothing else. add a layer of excitement to your next meal.
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♪ start with cookie dough. ♪ add frosting. [ giggles ] [ female announcer ] then sprinkles. [ both giggle ] [ female announcer ] fun. easy. [ child ] wow. [ female announcer ] at
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>> the tony preck era is underway. she's put on hold more than 180 approved impending projects that would have cost taxpayers nearly 700-00-0000. she said the county might be able to handle it internally. >> we won't spend the county has done in the past. we're creating a process to review, defer, restructure, and even eliminate all ill-advised contracts and wasteful spending that marks the previous administration. >> the hold on the spending will stay in place until late february when the board approves its 2011 budget. rom emanuel taking the stand not in a courtroom but in the basement of a chicago board of elections, facing questions about his residency. wgn's tom negovan was at day 1 of the hearings.
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he's here now tonight. >> reporter: this bordered on the surreal. one big question was whether emanuel's wife would have to appear and face petitioners who say her husband shouldn't be on the ballot. >> as we sit here right now, ladies and gentlemen, i'm hearing nothing from you in terms of specific evidence that you think you can elicit from ms. rule that you cannot get that is relevant and germane to the case from other witnesses. >> reporter: so it went, rom emanuel's wife in washington off the hook for tomorrow's proceedings in chicago, in spite of petitioners here who wanted a crack at her, for reasons they couldn't really articulate. today was all about getting some administrative work done, clearing some paperwork, and that they did. seven pages, 91 points of agreement in all sides of the debate, a list that should speed things along for the former white house chief of staff, who testifies at what promises to be
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a full on media event. today, his legal team occasionally smiling and shaking their heads, as a mere preamble devolved at times into a bit of a circus. for some petitioners, it wasn't enough just to be talking. you had to be taping too. >> i formally request that you absolutely honor any oath you've taken in your life, that you look in the mirror and look at your family name and do what's right. >> if you're trying to threaten me and scare me because you're holding in front of me the boogie man of personal legal and moral peril, it won't work. >> you're under arrest, each of the press, you are legal witnesses to this. >> reporter: a bit of theatrics today and by the end of the day it didn't look good for those trying to get rom emanuel thrown off the ballot. and meantime, a few poll san jose him at 43% of the support with the rest of the pack fighting for second spot. if that clears, it's possible he
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could end the race for mayor in the primaries. we'll be there 9:00 tomorrow morning. and lots of others too. >> we'll finally find out what he thinks about all this. >> i think it's clear. we'll make it super clear tomorrow morning. >> thanks, tom. also ahead, an internet security breach and walgreens is issuing a warning to its customers. we hate them. now we know how much the airlines love them. just how much they're getting from the baggage fees. come on, kids, come inside.
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the droid 2 global. run a universe of free apps on the world's fastest mobile phone processor. the droid pro. a fortress for data, a global office as mobile as you. now get a droid 2 global by motorola for $199.99 and get any phone free. nah. we have something else. but if you're hurt and miss work does it pay cash like aflac does? nah. or let you spend it in any way you want like for gas and groceries? nah. or help with everyday bills like aflac does? nah nah nah. [ male announcer ] there's aflac and there's everything else. visit for an agent or quote. aflac!
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[ younger brother ] oh, do you want it? yeah. ok, we'll split it. [ female announcer ] made fresh, so light... ...buttery and flaky... this is half. that is not half. guys i have more. [ female announcer ] do you have enough crescents? with cinnabon cinnamon have such a sweet and delicious aroma that my family can't wait to get their hands on them. enjoy cinnabon cinnamon... now in all pillsbury cinnamon rolls.
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>> governor pat quinn says he will shut down the put illinois to work jobs program by mid-january. quinn has funneled $122 million to state programs. the investment only led to less than 10% of full time work of people taking part. >> the governor says he's passing legislation to provide incentives to businesses hiring new workers. this is what the editorial cartoonist is working on tonight. >> put illinois to work, a program promoted by governor pat quinn. sounds like a good idea, doesn't it? in his hands, not so much. back in april, the federal government gave illinois $215 million to put people back to work quickly. well, in september, the money ran out, but september comes just two months before november, and pat quinn wasn't about to let a program that was the corner stone of his campaign
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fail, so what'd he do? he threw 10s of millions of your dollars at it. he somehow found $122 million to spend on a program that got fewer than 10% of the participants full-time jobs well, at least he got a good job out of it and that's my stantis for now. bye-bye burgers, hello whole grain, president obama signing a bill today that would dramatically overhaul school menus the first time in 30 years. the healthy and hunger free kids act replaces things like hot dogs, chicken nugget and is burgers, with things like whole whaet pasta, steamed vegetable and is fresh fruit. the dairy will be low fat. it also provides funding to subsidize low income children.
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>> doctors are seeing things like type 2 diabetes in children, which used to be seen in only adults. >> the new school menus will be pricey. the cost, $4.5 billion. three military veterans now suing uncle sam for discharging them based on the "don't ask, don't tell" policy. the three men are demanding to be reinstated and want the policy to repeal. the attorney says it puts pressure on the congress to repeal "don't ask, don't tell." the senate recently rejected the bill that would have replaced the policy. "don't ask, don't tell" does ban gays from openly serving in the military. mismanaged money is an obstacle the republican chairman will have to overcome. michael steel announced he's running for a second two-year term. he's been criticized for saying afghanistan is a war of obama's choosing. it was also discovered nearly $2,000 to a gay bondage club
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were expensed to rnc. shop online? the state of illinois says we may have to pay up. why we may have to pay back taxes for the past internet purchases. ♪ my heart stops when you look at me ♪. >> and the morning show pays a visit to an internet sensation.
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>> illinois shoppers are going to be asked to maybe soon pay online taxes on purchases. they will tax shoppers on past online purchases that go back as far back as june 2004. starting january 1 through october 15, state officials will let you pay the sales tax you owe without a penalty. last hour, we asked viewers, what do you think of the state of illinois taxing on past online purchases? here's a shock, 98% of you said, are you kidding? >> that's another one that will probably raise their eye.
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fees and baggage fees aren't going anywhere. why? because they're making the airline industry billions of dollars. unite and did continental, $922 million. american $884 million. southwest collected 22 1/2 million for additional luggage. >> an online security breach at walgreens. customers could be getting spammed. somebody hacked their e-mail list and started sending out messages to customers to enter personal data to outside websites they want to remind everybody that they did not send out any e-mails to get information. deep freeze, we'll tell you how long the arctic blast will stick around. [ female announcer ] save more for christmas at walmart!
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if you had spent $100 a week on groceries at leading national supermarkets, you could have saved $55 a month by shopping at walmart. that's $55 more to spend on sugarplums... or whatever else is dancing through your head! only at walmart. yeah. you must really care about him. what? no, no. you gave him fiber. no she didn't. this tastes way too good to be fiber. they're delicious crunchy clusters with sweet honey and half a day's worth of fiber. you care about my fiber? not really. i care about your fiber too. i have for a while. ok, carl. why don't you care about her fiber? hey carl. [ male announcer ] fiber one. cardboard no. delicious yes.
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stop in now and get a price match guarantee on the toys your kids are wishing for! like u-build monopoly, the nerf n-strike stampede blaster and more.@ make christmas an even bigger blast.@ only at walmart. >> oh, man, it's cold. it's not going to get any better, is it? >> no, this just in. >> this just in, it's cold. >> boy i tell you, it started december 1 and just doesn't want to let go, and here we are in day 3 of this storm. >> a month ago, it was gorgeous and i can't believe it fell so
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quickly. >> i think that's why people noticed it so much, because we came out of such beautiful weather. it hasn't been beautiful today in indiana. we're being told about rescues from snow-bound cars by the national guard, and state police. this is from knox, indiana. look at the snows there today. that's valerie cook. we have one from amelia burg that shows us the ground blizzard yesterday in the dekalb area. at one point, there was a 20-car accident involving semis that had many cars in the ditches, and one spot under 9 inches of snow. joanne goss sent us this picture, and here's the snow storm in progress yesterday in whiting, indiana, where the lake snow had locked in. and matt sedar of westville, indiana, right at the epicenter of the snow. look what matt has sent us. matt is a meteorology student, and just amazing, amazing snow
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drifts over there. mark susco just got a picture in to us too. look at that. how would you like your car in that bank of snow? this is a storm that largely jumped chicago with its snow production capability, but took off today, once it took a great big gulp of that lake moisture. actually, the snow started at 9:00 yesterday and has been going ever since then pretty much nonstop in places like porter, stark counties, la port, barrian county, saint joe jt. those were the storms that backed into the chicago skyline for a time today. look at the chill, while folks are freezing up here, in the southern belt, it was record temperatures, in the 80s. it was warmer in orlando today -- or in caribu maine, in the 30s. so this mass of arctic air coming off the snow pack and
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running up the snow pack with much more upstream to go. we're not done with this yet. we're 7 degrees colder than 24 hours ago and cold will be the big story here. you'll see in a moment on our weather bug censors, temperatures already flirting with zero in the suburbs west of town but closer to 20 in the lake snow belt because of warmth coming off the lake. we look for subzero temperatures with the coldest inland locations tonight. already 17 1/2 inches of snow down. 6 down in parts of the indiana and michigan snow belt and late wednesday is our next snow coming in through thursday. look at the totals, a foot and-a-half in la port and michigan city, up to 16. we told you about these other totals, including about a half foot in south bend, and these snows still to come in these bands. when they run down the lake like this and set up these bands, that means they have 200 miles to pick up moisture. you can go on either side of
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them and not know what's going on. if you're under them, that's a white out and there's no sign it's breaking down right away because these winds are traveling down the lake. the isso bars here are -- they mark the path that winds follow just above the surface. winds tend to cover across isobars at a 30 degree angle along the surface. you can see why the snow is feeding into places like la port and porter counties, even swiepg sections of lake county and why we're up to 5:30 tomorrow, we'll still have lake snow going up into that area, including barrian county, saint joe county and stark county. tomorrow night, the winds die down and so do the lake snows. this is where our computer models indicate additional accumulations. just looking at our new inhouse one, there are some spots that could get 10 to 16 more inches of snow. it will be a narrow corridor but it's in that general region, and this thing is dwarfed in size by the larger storm producing it,
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which is making all these winds and rains and snows out east, including big ones in the appalachians, and there's our next weather system in the rockies. wind gusts 40s today in parts of indiana blowing the snow around. note the temperature in chesterton coming off the lake while west of the city is in single digits. another streak of snow could come wednesday or thursday in this area. that list system produced tens of thousands of heavy snow, including the snow that totalled almost 21 inches in parts of the twin cities area and collapsed the metrodome up there, and so of course in chicago, we had wind gusts up to 66 miles per hour in michigan city, 63 miles per hour at the crib and 47 at o'hare and mid way, and absolutely miserable day yesterday, and today was pretty cold too. well, tonight, it's clear, quite cold, and from chicago west, the
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indiana lake snows are continuing, same in michigan, low temperatures, 12 in the loop -2 in the suburbs, and northwest winds are starting to come down. they'll be noticeably less a factor tomorrow with generous sunshine, frigid temperatures, windy and a high of 18. down to 12 in the city. zero in the suburbs, scattered clouds tomorrow night and the lake snows will be finaling ending in indiana and michigan. new snow in the day and likely at night. we'll give you the reads on those numbers and get back to the forecast for you, and about 18 is the forecast by the time we get to actually 23 on wednesday, and 18 tomorrow. so we'll have the seven-day forecast later on. it's gorgeous. >> yeah.. >> greenland block. keep saying that. that's what has this whole hemisphere. warm in the arctic attitudes pushing cold air to the mid latitude and is won't let it
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move. keeping the storm track down here and it's pretty hectic. see you later guys. >> what's for breakfast? you may want to let your kids decide and their choice may surprise you. an out of control car slamming into a cop and another man. they both lived to tell the story. >> oh, my god. with the capital one venture card we get double miles on every purchase. so we earned a holiday trip to the big apple twice as fast! dinner! [ garth ] we get double miles every time we use our card. and since double miles add up fast, we can bring the whole gang! it's hard to beat double miles! i want a maze, a sword, a... oww! [ male announcer ] get the venture card from capital one and earn double miles on every purchase, every day. go to i wonder what it could be?! what's in your wallet?
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leftover desserts, boardroom, now. and hurry before the interns get here. thanks but i already have some yummy black forest cake. black forest cake? ♪ so? [ female announcer ] need a guilt free treat? try yoplait light. and i've lost weight. [ female announcer ] with 30 delicious flavors like black forest cake all around 100 calories each. yoplait. it is so good.
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to bring you a low-price medicare prescription drug plan called the humana walmart-preferred prescription plan. it's a new plan that covers both brand and generic prescriptions and has the lowest-priced national premium in the country of only $14.80 per month and in-store copays as low as $2. when you could save over $450 a year, you can focus on the things that really matter. ♪ go to for details.
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>> in tonight's medical watch, want your kids to eat more healthfully? let them choose what to have for breakfast. a new study finds children happily eat low sugar cereal. most cereal contains about as much sugar as a glazed do nut. study participants didn't care what kind of cereal they got and it tasted good and the low sugar group had no complaints. cholesterol protects the brain if it's the good kind of cholesterol. high levels of hdl cholesterol were associated with fewer cases of alzheimer's, in all ethnicities, even in high-risk
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populations. football players are at high risk for concussion. on the surface, it appears more players are getting injured this year, but nfl officials say more players are actually coming forward to report concussions. 21% more compared to last year, and 34% more than in the 2008 season. the bears sidelined hillenmeyer in september after his second concussion and even with their playoff hopes in jeopardy, green bay says aaron rodgers is not a definite after his second of the season. playing through pain, if it's arm and leg injuries, it might be okay, but doctors say definitely not smart when it comes to brain injuries, because there's a chance they'll be permanent. >> in the nfl it's a new day, from injuries to fines and quarterbacks that are hit, even when it doesn't look like they've got any sort of concussion. >> right, they're checking them out and making sure. the players are speaking up and the management is making sure that's okay to do, and that's important. >> not all the players are happy about it, but it's a new day.
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the bears had a soldier field shalacking. dan roan shows us later in sports. family shaking their heads at this video of disney sweetheart mily cyrus smoking a bong. whether it's the night before, or bright and early the next morning, they're always one of the first gifts opened, and the first ones on. because they're not just pj's, they're christmas pj's. it's one of those traditions...that keeps the whole family smiling, year after year. live your christmas story at a kmart price - with 50% off sleepwear for the entire family. a tradition this good could last all day long. there's smart and there's kmart smart. yeah. you must really care about him. what? no, no.
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you gave him fiber. no she didn't. this tastes way too good to be fiber. they're delicious crunchy clusters with sweet honey and half a day's worth of fiber. you care about my fiber? not really. i care about your fiber too. i have for a while. ok, carl. why don't you care about her fiber? hey carl. [ male announcer ] fiber one. cardboard no. delicious yes. and get one free. or, buy a blackberry curve 3g for $49.99 and get one free.
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>> caught on tape, an out of control car crashing into a cincinnati police officer and another man. the officer had stopped to help someone who was in an accident when the car plowed into them. the two men were pinned between the vehicle in a concrete barrier. they were rescued and rushed to the hospital. amazingly, they're doing okay, and the slick icy roads are partly to blame for the awful crash. miley cyrus, hanna montana, family friendly, up in smoke. this picture was reportedly shot during a party at her house days after her 18th birthday party, of her smoking on a bong. they claim it was just a legal natural herb, not marijuana. she did not confirm that herself, of course. he soared to the internet star dome with lip syncing
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skills with grabbing more than 100 million hits on youtube. ♪we can dance until we die ♪ ♪ you and i will be young forever ♪ ♪the way you turn me on ♪ i can't sleep ♪ let's run away and don't ever look back ♪ ♪ don't ever look back ♪ my heart stops when you look at me ♪ ♪ just one touch ♪ now baby i believe ♪ this is real ♪ so take a chance and don't ever look back ♪ ♪ don't ever look back ♪ i will get your heart racing in my skin tight jeans
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♪ ♪ be your teenage dream tonight ♪ ♪ let you put your hands on me in my skin tight dreams ♪ ♪ be your teenage dream tonight ♪ . >> really good when they love the words to the song. >> even the little boy didn't know the words. >> hey tom >> those guys have rhythm, don't they? i tell you, that's all right. >> you need a little rhythm to stay warm and keep moving around. it's chilly out there and, you know, we've got ourselves a nice day tomorrow. there will be sunshine. the big storm is pulling off to the east. the lake snows have another day to run in indiana, but it looks like after that, we're in good shape through tomorrow and into a good part of the day wednesday. later in the day, the cloud system you see out west is coming our way. we're not alone. you see all the advisories for snow down wind of the lakes, and also out west in anticipation of that new system that's coming
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in. look at the lows though, this morning, down to 44, as far south as tampa, 32 at houston this morning, one at omaha. a big chilly air mass and this big storm that's produced off the lake into indiana, and how it pulled out, the isobars paused and back again on wednesday and that's where we'll get more snow before the winds turn north and bring cold air back down again for the latter part of the week. 15 tomorrow, 23 on wednesday with clouds coming in during the day, growing prospects for some snow wednesday night and thursday it tapers to flurries, and friday 23, and saturday and sunday, perhaps some flurries and more wind and a kind of a moderate brand of cold coming in. so that's a pretty chilly forecast, mark and micah. >> that's a rough one. thank you. >> we saw the cold snowy images
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from northwest indiana from tom and earlier in the newscast. chicago had a taste of it as well. >> "chicago tribune" capturing it all. kd muse . [music] ♪ ♪ show me the cold cold winter ♪ ♪ my feet been dragging across the ground ♪ ♪
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>> that surfer, wow. you can find more photos on our website, blackhawks are still getting their fair share of snow in denver. highlights to the hawks, avalanche, and the avalanche's goals coming up. >> and the bulls looking for their sixth win? n a row as the pacers arrive. >> that's not going to happen. >> that's not them. >> shocker. i guess i should look at the [ female announcer ] this is a strawberry pop tart... and this is a warm, fresh baked strawberry toaster strudel. we asked kids what they want... and we got a clear answer.
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the one kids want to eat. [ kids ] oooooooooooooh. toaster strudel. layers of brownie and caramel, dipped in chocolate ready to eat sweet moments new from pillsbury. in the refrigerated section [ crunching ] [ male announcer ] the closer the wheels are to the front and back of the vehicle, the bigger and steeper the obstacle it can go over. [ crunching ] guess where we put the wheels on the jeep grand cherokee. ♪ visit jeep at
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[ breathes deeply, wind blows ] something wrong with your squeegee, kid? uh, i'm a little sick. sick?! you gonna let a sore throat beat you? you're fearless! ahhhhhhhhh! atta boy! [ male announcer ] halls. a pep talk in every drop. ahhhhhhhhh! atta boy! we get double miles on every purchase. so we earned a holiday trip to the big apple twice as fast! dinner! [ garth ] we get double miles every time we use our card. and since double miles add up fast, we can bring the whole gang! it's hard to beat double miles! i want a maze, a sword, a... oww! [ male announcer ] get the venture card from capital one and earn double miles on every purchase, every day.
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go to i wonder what it could be?! what's in your wallet? >> uh-oh. might have an issue. had a good game from carlos boozer, 22 and 18 against the pacers. he always has his hands on the ball and tonight no different until late in the fourth quarter as the bulls shoot for sixth in a row. another big crowd ready to have fun at the united center and early on they did. bulls doing whatever they wanted to against indiana. great ball movement. it's 20-4, the bulls had the lead, but they got into foul trouble, bulls went to sleep, and indiana actually had the
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lead for a heartbeat. bulls got it back under control, good defense for the headquartered half. leads to the run out with ronnie brewer on the finish. he had 17 points, turned an ankle in the fourth and a minute later driving hard to the rim and landing even harder. derrick did not leave the game. he finished the 92-73 win but getting the sore wrist checked out right now. >> the way he went down, those are tough plays, you know, he was in the air, drove the ball hard, and their team defense is excellent. they reacted, it was a bang-bang play, so the way he went down, it looked like he fell in an awkward way, and so i was concerned. >> more tomorrow. blackhawks also going at it with marty turco in goal in denver against the avalanche. in the first period, troy brouwer makes it 3-3 at the end of one, but 40 seconds into the
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second period, the avs storming the net after the turnover and getting the rebound, that was it for turco. four goals in 10 shots. in the final minute of the second period, the kid gets the puck, jeremy moran gets back up and evens things up for the fourth time tonight. third period about to start, it's 4-4 in denver. the bears will probably find out wednesday where their next game is going to be. if the vikings can't go in the metrodome, they'll be looking at detroit, indianapolis or st. louis next monday night. they got the dog beat out of them yesterday, albeit by the best team in the nfl. still you don't want to be embarrassed in your own building no matter who it is. bears watched the video today, probably erased it immediately afterwards. they don't really need tape to know what the patriots did to them. >> they kicked our butts. we knew that yesterday and watched the film today. they out-executed us, and they did everything better than us,
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and they deserve to win the game by that much. >> i think every game you play can help you. it has to be a learning experience, whether good or bad, but believe me, that wasn't part of our master plan. >> farve's consecutive game streak, unable to go against the giants. they could have used him. it was that kind of night at ford field for the vikings. a nonpartisan crowd watched the giants do what they wanted to do. eli manning to kevin bost here and the giants win 21-3 over the vikings. college hoops, northwestern coming off a long break hosting long island. drew crawford taking the base line like he owns it. got a big night from john merna.
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an 85-65 win over the black birds. dave dorn is the new head coach at northern illinois and the big ten split its 12 team format into two divisions today. the legends and the leader. the legends and the leaders. illinois is a leader. jenkins turned 37 today and got a nice present from his native canada. not every day they print a postage stamp with your mug on it. fergy gets the star treatment from the canada post. it's to be released in conjunction with black history month, the only canadian hall of famer getting his due back in his home country. >> 20 games a season, six years in a row at wriggly field. >> unbelievable. >> thank you, sir. >> all right. that is the news for this monday night. we're happy you shared time with us. i'm micah materre. >> welcome back, by the way. >> thank you. >> i'm mark suppelsa for all of us here. she'll be back tomorrow night
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