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tv   WGN Midday News  CW  December 17, 2010 12:00pm-1:00pm CST

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all day friday and saturday, get countdown to christmas doorbusters at sears. these small kitchen appliances are only nine, ninety-nine after mail in rebate. save up to seventy percent on fine jewelry. plus, this forty two inch zenith plasma is only four twenty-nine, ninety-nine. sears. be the santa you want to be. chicago fire and animal care workers race out to lake michigan for a rescue operation. the victim found floating on just a small block of ice is pulled to safety. good afternoon. i'm steve sanders. >> and i'm alison payne. we welcome our viewers watching us around the country on wgn america. we're live near fullerton at the beach with the story. good afternoon. >> reporter: good afternoon to you, too. the call on this came in around 9:30 this morning. someone on the lakefront saw what they thought was a dog on an ice flow in lake michigan.
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it turned out to be a coyote and it turns out he is nicknamed holly. she had jumped off the ice. it looked like she was actually trying to swim back to shore, but it was about a quarter of a mile out. tom skilling tells me the water temperature now in lake michigan is 33 degrees. that is much too far, much to cold to make it all the way back. 10:30, she got on to another ice flow. by that time the rescue operation was in full gearment animal care and control was assisted by the chicago fire department. they brought out the big tire boat from belmont harbor to snare holly, the coyote who was after more than an hour in the water still hanging in there. >> and wide open, i think about three or four knots all you're going to get out of that boat. it is very powerful, but not a fast vessel. we all watched and cheered it on. the helicopter marked the spot where the coyote was floating. at one point he tried to make a swim to shore and then he found
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another ice flow and got back on and he was sitting rather than standing, so his back legs were in trouble. he didn't resist any when they got to him. i think he might have been happy to get on the fire boat. >> reporter: there is no word if the coyote is one of those tagged by the city to control the rat population. we're being told that holly is being checked out by the vet, being slowly warmed back up to body temperature. we'll keep you updated on her condition throughout the day. we're live on the lakefront, wgn news. thank you. a man charged with sexually assaulting an 11-year-old girl faces a judge today. he is 53-year-old derek turner. chicago police say they found turner and the girl wednesday morning in turner's apartment at 61st and university avenue. she was reported missing
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saturday. the police tracked her down after her family traced a phone call from the girl to that apartment. a motorist is hospitalized after his pick-up hit a freight train. it happened in suburban riverdale this morning. the rescue workers pulled the driver out of the truck while it was still on the train tracks. a freight train was traveling from cleveland. no one on the train was hurt. the motorist was taken to the hospital no word on his condition, but the witnesses on the scene say he was conscious and was able to talk. authorities are waiting for the results of forensic and dna testing before they officially identify the so-called honey bee killer. this is the resolver he pulled out in a tanning salon last weekend. the honey bee used this same weapon to kill a man and wound two others back in october. the truck also matches the description of the vehicle used in those shootings. one of the victims who survived identified him as the man who shot him. he was shot and killed by his
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own gun by a customer at the tanning salon. it has been 12 days since a woman from la salle county disappeared after her husband crashed their car into a light pole and now we learn her husband was driving drunk. the county coroner says dale shannon had more than three times the legal limit of alcohol in his body. the investigators found him dead behind the wheel. a set of foot flints in the snow may be those of his wife tanya. police also found a slipper that may have been hers. the search for tanya shannon has been suspended because of cold weather. the prosecutors say no charges will be filed against a notre dame football player accused of sexual assault, in part because his accuser committed suicide. indiana officials say statements made by the 19-year- old elizabeth seeberg to campus police would now be considered hearsay and inadmissible in court. the north brook teenager was a freshman at mesh saint mary's college. she committed suicide one week after she accused the football player of the crime.
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and the u.s. department of education has now begun a preliminary investigation into her accusations. and rahm emanuel will have to wait until next week before a decision is made on his mayoral candidacy. his residency hearings ended yesterday after three days of debates. the law requires candidates to live in chicago for one year before running, but emanuel's attorney argues his move was temporary. >> he clearly intended to keep his residence in chicago. >> the law requires two things, it requires physical presence and intent. if you don't have physical presence, you don't get to intent. >> the board of election also make a decision on his candidacy on december 23. the losing party is likely to repeal the decision. and education was again the topic of debate last night at a forum for the mayoral candidates. the chicago teachers' union hoes its own forum to tackle school issues.
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the candidate -- the candidates participated, and here is what they each said about taking the -- being the next ceo of the chicago public schools. >> i appreciate the calls for a national search. i think we have talent here in chicago to run the chicago public schools. >> and you have educators in this system. >> and we need a pipeline to move them up. >> we have to have an education first model, in the a business first model. >> it can't be about money, jobs and contract. >> and the superintendent of the chicago public schools must be an educator. >> the experiment in which ceos were put in place started with the proposition that children were like wilson bridge ets and you kind of count the numbers and have results come from that. >> danny davis did not participate in the forum because he had to vote in congress.
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an annual tradition in chicago this morning to help those in need put food on their tables during the holiday season. 10,000 turkeys and hams will be given to senior citizens and families throughout the day. the food was distributed on the new north, near west and near south sides. this is the 46th year. the secretary of state jesse white has organized this effort. he has been working for the emergency fund for the last 30 years. donations to this non-profit are
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ncaa is warning south korea to stop future live fire drills near a disputed sea border. north koreans warn their response will be worse than last month's attack unless they
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stop drills. they say they will hold live fire drills sometime next week. and they responded, and four south koreans were killed in that drill. and your income taxes will not go up for at least another two years. president obama will sign into law today a large tax cut package. >> on this vote the yeahs are 277 and the nays are 148, the motion is adopted. house lawmakers approved the bill last night two days after the senators passed it. besides rating staying the same for all tax brackets, it also calls for extending unemployment benefits, cutting the social security tax for a year, and reducing the estate tax. the cost of the bill, $858 billion. and while the house voted on tax cuts, the senate majority leader harry reid was trying to pass a new spending bill to fund the federal government for the rest of the fiscal year a temporary measure
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exspires over the weekend, he says some republicans who previously said they would support the bill have now backed out. he says he will try to work out another short-term spending bill. the founder of wikileaks say the flow of leaked documents will now pick up now that he is out of jail. and julian assange was released on wound as he fights treax division to sweden on sex crime charges. assange says the allegations against him are part of a smear campaign and he also says his organization is resilient and will be able to withstand the efforts to bring it down. he is staying at a country estate outside of london with unlimited access to the internet. the cia has agreed to pay $5 million in legal fees for two men accused of water boarding terrorist suspects. the psychologist jim mitchell and another worked as cia contractors and set up the water boarding interrogation plan. they're also accused of taking part in dozens of sessions.
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water boarding a form of simulated drowning. the united states has declared it a form of torture. an army doctor who refused to ship out to afghanistan challenging the authenticity of president obama's presidency, is headed to a military prison. the lieutenant colonel terrence latkin argued that until president obama produces his birth certificate to prove he is a natural born american, she not a legitimate commander in chief. at a court-martial hearing this week, he apologized for missing his depolyment and he says he is ready and willing to ship out. he'll serve six months in prison an then he is booted from the service. and skip the mall. how on-line retailers are luring shoppers with free shipping. >> and it is a law that a lot of drivers are not listening to. how many people police say they pulled over for talking on a cell phone while driving? >> and a holiday brisket recipe that doubles as the basis for a great taco dish.
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live in chicago this friday afternoon. want to know where you can get the best prices for toys this holiday? bloomberg's industry analysts did some digging, compared the prices and found that wal-mart had the lowest toy prices each week for the past six weeks, beating out amazon, target, k- mart and toys 'r us. on average bloomberg found that wal-mart prices were 6% lower than the competitors. and for the adults, when it comes to electronics, neither wal-mart nor target disapointed. both retailers have lowered prices on consumer electronics in five of the last six weeks. we're seeing prices for blue ray dvds and cameras continue to fall. for you last-minute shoppers, the "l.a. times" reports that mace yi's will be open for 83 hours in a
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row following this tuesday morning. this follows toys 'r us announcement yesterday that it is keeping its stores open for 88 hours ray straight starting tuesday as well. for those of you who prefer the cyber shopping, online retailer is sending free shipping through send. by the way, monday will be the last full day to order standard shipping on amazon. you'll -- if you want to get it there before christmas. today on wall street, after a week of mostly gains, investors are unsure how to end the week. that's what we're seeing on wall street. and stocks fluctuating all day today, mostly on concern that europe's debt crises will spread. and those are your business headlines, live in chicago, bloomberg news. back to you. >> thank you for those last- minute holiday shoppers, and make sure to take advantage of today's free online shipping. free is providing details of free
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shipping for online retailers across the country. this year more than 1,700 retailers are joining the holiday shopping event. that number doubles the amount provided on the web site last year. some other major online retailers such as have extended their limited free shipping through the weekend. up next in the medical watch, how you -- how to know which flu shot is best for you. and later in sports, adding insult to possible injury, what some bears players are saying about the nfl's decision to have them play on a frozen outdoor field against minnesota. and they have been described as one of the best live acts around for their road house honky tonk shows, live music this midday from
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chicago's own the waco brothers! zthtjthththtjtjtjt@tjtjtjtjtétjt
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on the medical watch, stop before you get the watch. this week health officials are urging everyone to get a flu shot, but not all shots are created equally, and you can choose the one that may be better for you. the pediatric dose of the seasonal flu vaccine says preservative free. that means mercury free. but most flu vaccines do contain it. >> it is primarily in the flu shots that are contained in multidose vials. so that means there are 10 doses of flu shots in one vial and you have to go into the vial multiple times to give the
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doses to the patients. >> reporter: those supplies last longer and are less expensive, subsequently they're more widely used. >> there is supply out there, if you want to get the preservative with the vaccine. you probably need to ask your health scare provider to either order it or to preserve a dose for you. >> reporter: public flu shots administered at places like walgreen's do offer the doses, but only if someone requests. as for doctors' offices, if they have the dose, it will automatically be given to young children and pregnant women. during pregnancy, you want to minimize the amount of agents that they may be getting, so this particular vaccine is start of reserved for those kids that are under
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36 months of age or for pregnant women. >> but if there are no pediatric doses, the flu shot will be given and the parents have to speak up. they have on the internet, creating quite a buzz about it, warning that adverse health effects. the doctors say those fears are unfounded. >> there's absolutely no scientific evidence that it is in any way, shape or form associated, and the amount in the vaccine is safe and should not prevent somebody from getting the vaccine. >> reporter: the flu season peaks between january and march. the experts recommend anyone older than six months get a flu shot. j on the medical watch, scientists believe there may be a link between air pollution and autism. researchers in los angeles found that babies who live within 1,000 feet of a highway, were twice as likely to be autistic, and they believe this
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may be linked to the amount of pollutants near highways a similar study from a few years ago found that autistic children were 50% more likely to be born around contaminated air. children who are 12 years old and younger are drinking too much caffeine. they're guzzling so much of it they can't sleep. about 75% of the roughly 200 children in the study drank caffeine. their average sleep types were slightly less than the amount recommended for these ages by the centers for disease control and prevention. and children's hospital, and the families are enjoying an annual tradition today. it is their christmas party. >> and we're live at the hospital with more. judy? >> reporter: gang. this is one of mayor richard daley's favorite traditions and one he will surely miss, that is visiting the hospital. the mayor has been coming to this party to visit the kids here every year since he has been in office. [ music ] >> reporter: during this annual
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holiday party, the mayor puts an ornament on the christmas tree, exchanged a gift with the hospital ceo and sings christmas songs with the children. the mayor's favorite part of the festivity ? and when the kids and staff sing to him to the tune of "frosty the snowman." this is a tradition that actually began with the late mayor harold washington. the mayors continued it. the mayors praise the hospital and staff for taking care of children for more than 100 years regardless of whether their families can pay. >> the greatest moments of my tenure of over 22 years has always been to visit hospitals and fa sits like this to meet the great staff and the professional people and also the wonderful patients and their families and see how this care is so important, not only to them, but to our city and our nation and the world. and to me, this is what chicago is all about. mayor daley brought with him the head of luke capital abanking firm who made a donation to the hospital.
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the hospital did not disclose how much. and their gift to the mayor? it decided to name its current in-house tutoring program after the mayor, and his wife maggie. in-house tutoring program after the mayor, and his wife maggie. outside the children's
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thank you for calling usa primyou have problem? is peggy. peggy? ok, i've been waiting for fifteen minutes for someone to pick up. you're tenacious like bull. i like. please hold. no, no, (phones ringing) so pretty. want better customer service? switch to discover ranked #1 in customer loyalty. it pays to discover. just don't feel like they used to. are you one of them? remember when you had more energy for 18 holes with your buddies? [ glass shatters ] more passion for the one you love? more fun with your family and friends? it could be a treatable condition called low testosterone, or low t.
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c'mon, stop living in the shadows. you've got a life to live. [ male announcer ] so don't blame it on aging. talk to your doctor and go to to find out more. >> and you brought the sunshine today. >> it is kind of nice. >> you're talking cold for the weekend. >> it is the pretty cold. it is interesting, the windy storm we had last weekend with the blizzard and all of the rest, that thing went after the canadian maritimes and now in an unusual move, it is sending energy back into canada, and our little northwest wins are blowing on the backside of that. >> sort of a boomerang. >> yeah, it is. it continues to be the storm
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that keeps giving, although this time without all of the snow. so kind of a nice day really that sun is out there, but at this time of the year the sun is about as weak at any point in the year. there you can see the clear skies. we're going to get some lake- effect snows to start developing as moisture off the lake blows into the michigan shoreline, but this will not be the heavy snow event we saw last week because the winds are only traveling about 60 miles of water, 60 to 90 miles of water. instead of coming down the length of the lake as they did in indiana earlier this week. so it is cold out there and it is bright and sunny. we are in pretty good shape with the northwest winds that may build to 20 miles per hour at times. we do have single digits tonight. it is the coldest start to a december in five years. that continues to be the case, the only december the five
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years and only 1-140 years that hasn't produced a 40-degree day by now. there is michigan snow coming into the area. you can see we have a nice hole in the clouds at the moment. as the cold air comes across the lake, we do look for some moisture to start coming out of those clouds that will be developing out over the lake and going into michigan. but we may order -- we may pressure the precipitation on the michigan side of the lake in inches the next couple of days, and that is parceled over a long period of time. here is the snow that fell yesterday and the night before. we wound up about six inches out in the daven port area. we had a dusting last night with seven tenths of an inch in oak brook. and three tenths of an inch at o'hare. here is that storm. see this thing here? it is moving westward and you don't see that every day in meteorologist.
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this thing started out by the maritime provinces, backed up, took a gulp of warmth and moisture off the atlantic, spoken up that is blowing in from the northwest. so what will happen is an organized northwest wind. you can see as you get downwind of lake superior and down wind of lake michigan and heron, we get the lake-effect snows to develop that is the forecast by tomorrow morning at 3:00 a.m. here is the situation from our in-house model showing we don't have much to worry about right away in terms of lake snow, but you'll see these things start developing as the cool winds blow in off the lake. you'll notice, too, this does not affect indiana at this time. it might with a flurry at some point tomorrow or areas just north, but it is basically michigan that will get in on this lake-effect snow situation. it is pretty cold across a good part of the cowboy drink for many areas. it has been one of the colder december in five years and this chill is pouring in off the core of the cold air which has a temperature at this hour of
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51 below zero up in the uconn that's where the continent's coldest air is. this big, cool air mass that has dropped temperatures compared to 24 hours ago is draped over a good part of the country and makes us about seven degrees colder than this time yesterday. wins are west at 10. the wind chill outside at just nine and we'll go below zero tonight. the wins are not terribly strong, what there is of them makes for some chilly air. what about the snow picture? none this weekend of any substance. we'll get flurries later tomorrow and tomorrow night later in spots. but this is a fairly formidable system off the west coast. you can see that we're not expecting any impact from that other than these northwest winds that come off the lake, but watch as we move through time and we're up to sunday morning. you'll see it right here indicating the circulation from the plains, west end of the rockies, already being dick dated by the storm. the pressure is dropping. a big low coming in to the west
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coast. all of the mountain ranges, and this will be good knew force ski resort whose pick up a lot of snow, and that could jump into the chicago area, that snow could later monday and monday night and tuesday. it is 16 at -- dictated by the storm. a big low coming into the west coast. all of the mountain ranges, and this will be good news for the ski resorts who pick up a lot of the snow, and that could jump into the chicago area. they are unking about 10 to 12 degrees below normal. 17 in mchenry in the northwest suburbs and there you see the wind chills plotted across the area and the bright sun that is out in the de kalb area right there over the snow cover. here is what is ahead, again, quiet weather. storm gathering to the west. it will impact us next week. we're getting pretty good snow totals to come out of the mountain regions there, all the way from california eastward to the wasatch mountains in utah and the rockies in colorado,
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and there are appropriate weather watchers out in that area. here is what we expect to happen. the jet stream will carry that system eastward, but we're clear this weekend. we don't have any major problems. see how the wind speed max across? by the time we get to monday, we could be bringing a weather system in here. here is what that will look like. the pressure bringing us the gusty winds. but there is the first of two snows we see this one to come in late monday and monday night into tuesday. and then it goes by. as we extend our view to la later next week, there is another weather system that is to come in. it could snow twice. if you look at the snow numbers over the next two weeks, we're getting about twice the amount of snow forecast bed our computer models. it will be interesting to see if winter turns snowily having
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sent systems that have not produced snow up to this point. again, this is days away. for tonight, just the 15th day below normal this month. cold, 12 degrees below normal at 22, but lots of sun today and some 20-mile-per-hour northwest winning locking into the area. tonight, clear, cold. enough wind to produce sub zero wind chills. single digits away from the lake. maybe minus two at the normally coldest locations out in parts of de kalb. and a low of about five in chicago. tomorrow, generous sun and cold with some increase in clouds later in the day and flurries toward evening. high 20. and on sunday, partly sunny afew flurries and a high of 24. so in the a bad weekend. you can get in the car and drive. even in the snow belt, the snows will be manageable. unlike last weekend. >> a whole different story. >> that is good news. >> yes. >> all right, tom. here is your trivia question. this one you're going
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[ male announcer ] don't let aches and pains in the morning slow you down. introducing bayer am. its dual-action formula delivers extra strength pain relief, plus it fights fatigue. so get up and get going with new bayer am, the morning pain reliever.
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but my allergies put me in a fog. so now, i'm claritin clear! claritin works great on all my allergies like dust, mold, pollen, or pets without making me drowsy, cause i want to be alert around this big guy. live claritin clear. indoors and out.
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the bears are preparing to play at t.c.f. bank stadium. the last game played at the university of minnesota was november 27th when the gophers hosted iowa. since then the field turf has become frozen creating safety concerns. many bears players, the university plans to treat the field with heating chemicals along with using heating coils underneath a tarp. the nfl has the final say on the location of the game and the bears are ready to show up wherever that location is decided. >> we don't really care where we play because that field is not heated. they can heat it up all they want. we're going to be out there for three hours in zero degree weather. it is definitely going to be a hard surface. >> this is a year we're
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cracking down on player safety and concussions an sufficient like that. you want to fine guys $75,000, but are we going to play on this frozen field? i don't know. it doesn't really make too much sense to me. >> good point. >> and joakim noah had successful surgery on a torn ligament in his hand yesterday. the bulls expect his recovery to last eight to 10 weeks that likely mean as return, say nmarch. if a recovery takes 10 weeks, the bull also have to endure 32 games without him. gibson will likely be paired with boozer. and veteran thomas will see more minutes. as of today nine game also be against teams with winning records. and kerry wood signed a one- year deal with the cubs for $1.5 million. wood turned down more money from the white sox to return to the north side. he'll be the set-up man for carlos mall moll. and bobby jenks
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signed a two-year, $12 million deal with the boston red sox. the blackhawks take on the detroit red wings tonight at 7:30, and that is a look at your sports. your live illinois lottery drawing the next.
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♪ [ female announcer ] tide with acti-lift technology helps remove many dry stains as if they were fresh. dad may try to ruin your style, but dry stains won't. ♪ tide with acti-lift. style is an option. clean is not. get acti-lift in these tide detergents.
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silent, hybrid cars may soon be a thing of the past. because think ear so quiet, there is a new proposed law to make them noisier. the house and the senate have already approved it. the measure requires hybrid vehicles to make as much noise as their gas guzzling counterparts. it is all for safety, especially for blind pedestrians who can't hear them coming. thousands have been pulled over this year for violating the cell phone ban. illinois is one of 30 states that prohibits the yous of cell phones. state police have pulled over 7,800 people since the ban went into effect. more than 4,000 of them were in school or construction zones. these figures do not include citations from local police. almost half of chicagoans
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support building a city-owned casino. a chicago tribune, wgn poll want them to get into the casino business and 41% oppose it. generally support is among young voters an men. it would bring much needed tax rev gnaw and jobs an critics say it would only delay important decisions in springfield object how to dry up the state's debt. property owner also see how much their homes are worth on their tax bills. property assessments are going out in suburban cook county will include an assessment. the office says the new information will help property owners determine if their assessments are fair. next year's tax bills will also include a five-year history of assessments. lunch break is next. we're learning how to save time in the kitchen with a great dinner recipe. >> and we have more live music this midday from chicago, all country rockers,
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the waco brothers. [ music ]
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it is time for our lunch break and the cookbook author and cooking instructor is back with us. welcome back. good to see you again. >> thanks for having me. >> so what you have for us today is a dinner.
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>> yes. >> so the company organizing dinner is aimed at giving you strategy to take the stress out of dinner. today what we're going to talk about is coming once and eating twice aduo dinner. putting a lot of effort into one night's meal. today we're going to talk about a holiday meal which is a cranberry baked brisket. we're going to show you how to remake that into a great low effort, next night's dinner, that you won't have any idea that you're eating the same food from the night before. >> it looks so delicious, i have to tell you. >> thank you so much. >> we just put it, slow cooked it in the oven with some red wine, cranberries and tomato sauce, seasoned ate little bit and slow cooked it. >> in the oven. >> you can use a slow cooker. it just mean as lower heat. so whether it is a slow cooker or the oven, either one is fine. and then -- so you have the
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brisket for one night's dinner. so it is in the book h in the holiday section. it is my ferret thing to cook at the holidays because it is forgiving. you have several hours of time to work with because it is cook flag that slow cooking liquid. so -- >> and grab that big piece of meat. >> so whatever you have left over, wait until you see how easy this is. you take it and put it in, again aslow cooker acrock pot or any pot on low heat on the stove. i'm going to add to it one jar of salsa. and voila. the acid from the tomatoes tan salsa is going to work on that beef and take it from the nice roast and make it into sledded beef. >> nice and tender. >> it takes about an hour. >> it is not that long. >> it really goes quick because it already has all of the
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flavor infused from it with the brisket process. >> the kitchen is yours today. >> and after an hour, here you go, falling apart, sledded beef. >> with a totally different taste to it. so for one night's effort, you're getting two fantastic -- >> you're going to make those? >> i am. you can use this in soft flour tortillas or here what we're going to do -- these are my favorite, the hard shells. i think they're just so pretty, and also the point is the holidays, if you're going to have guests an you're putting together this really fancy meal one night, maybe the next night you want to have a little party, and i just think these show so nicely. they serve so good with some margaritas and guacamole. that is for a nice, yummy, causal dinner. we're going to top these shells. and there is the salsa. >> and then we can add all of our favorite toppings. >> whatever you prefer. >> what do you like on it? >> everything you got here. you can skip the lettuce for
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me. i always they that is -- think that is kind of a waste. >> i'm glad you're so honest. i want you to enjoy it. we have some splashed avocado. >> when you say the brisket is one of your favorite holiday meals, would you serve that on christmas? >> yes. >> because it is very hard to sit down -- we have little kids, all of my brothers, husband's brothers have little kids. it is very hard to get dinner at an exact time. because this is slow cooking, it gives me three hour0s of flexibility. i can keep it on a low heat. if no one is ready to sit down, we can get to it a little later. all that happens it pulls apart a little more, like in this pot. i'll serve that on christmas this year. >> and you always serve it with marked potatoes. what else do you have? >> i like it with marked potatoes because if it gets to that point where it is shredding, it goes great over the potatoes. >> and what other side ?
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>> green bean casserole, always the favorite at our family. tons of appetizers. appetizers are a big tradition in my husband's family. so we have, you know, so many appetizers, and rolls an salad. >> and that sounds so good! >> and we made a pitcher of margaritas to go with your tackas. >> yes. >> and that all sounds good. >> what would you recommend for dessert then? >> this year -- >> after your duo. >> on my web site i just posted this recipe on organizing for a freezer pepper mint cheese cake and along with all of the organizing dinner strategies, this cheese cake you can make today and it is in the freezer and takes like the pepper mint ice cream with the orio crust. you can make it today and you can have it for christmas. i love make-ahead recipes. >> that sownes really good. kelly is going to be on hand for a cooking demo at norton's general store in as a manager, my team counts on me to stay focused. so i take one a day men's 50+ advantage.
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it's the only complete multivitamin with ginkgo to support memory and concentration. plus it supports heart health. [ bat cracks ] that's a hit. one a day men's. hi, may i help you? yes, i hear progressive has lots of discounts on car insurance. can i get in on that? are you a safe driver? yes. discount! do you own a home? yes. discount! are you going to buy online? yes! discount! isn't getting discounts great? yes! there's no discount for agreeing with me. yeah, i got carried away. happens to me all the time. helping you save money -- now, that's progressive. call or click today.
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[ crunching ] [ male announcer ] the closer the wheels are to the front and back of the vehicle, the bigger and steeper the obstacle it can go over. [ crunching ] guess where we put the wheels on the jeep grand cherokee. ♪ visit jeep at okay, tom, did you get the right answer to the trivia
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question? we'll find out. what is the name of the city where the movie "it's a wonderful life" takes place, springfield? bedford falls? or pin call falls? if you said b., as we all did, it is bed ford falls. we all remember that. >> how could you not know that. it is such a great movie. >> thank our executive producer for giving us an easy one. >> it makes us feel smart at the end of the week and it is all good. >> thank you, monica. and happy friday, guys. >> and it is a little nippy out there, but the sun is out and
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that raises everybody's spirits. you see pretty cool weather across a good part of the united states now and we have some wind blowing from the west- northwest that will get up to 20 miles per hour at times. what is ahead for the next 10 days, here is an animation driven by the weather service's global modellened we moved up to saturday here. see the cold air and how much of the country is in its niche right there. you have warm air in the southwest, but we look for a plunge of cooler air to come in behind a weather system that could bring us snow late monday, monday night and tapering to snow showers and even lake effect snow on
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tuesday. then wednesday's nice, kind of moderately cool and another weather system slides in here late in the week. it could bring os second snow system later in the week. there is warming that will go on in the western u.s., according to our model forecast here. and here is what is ahead. if you're going into the lake effect snow belt areas like michigan in this case, there will be some lake-effect snow the next couple of days, but you ow eel see that weather system approaching early next week there, and that is the one we'll be watching, too, at 5:00 and 9:00.
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we look for 20 tomorrow, 24 on sunday. lots of sunshine this weekend. the cloud also tend to increase a bit, maybe a flurry late. 31, perhaps no lat -- snow later in the day monday and monday night and snow showers or snow tuesday, and another one toward friday of next week. >> christmas eve. >> christmas eve. >> and it being well timed. 46% of our christmases have an inch or more of snow on the ground. a 50-50 shot at a white christmas. >> which steve love as white christmas. >> thank you, tom. >> you, too.


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