tv WGN News at Nine CW December 25, 2010 10:00pm-11:00pm EST
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coming up on wgn news, a frightening start on christmas day on evanston street as two homes go up in flames. a chicago firehouse which just lost one of its brothers gather to brighten the holiday for children in need. and a big name in politics back. rahm emanuel. the wgn news starts right now. a group of chicago firefighters spent their christmas giving back and s pending smiles on the faces of
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sick children. good evening, everyone. i'm robert jordan. >> reporter: some chicago firefighters turn a week of s adness and tragedy into a day of joy for some children. it was just what the doctor ordered. well, if you didn't hear the truck coming around the corner, you certainly heard santa on the back. >> merry christmas! >> reporter: a large crowd g reeted children on the south side today at the hospital. >> merry christmas! >> reporter: it's the 40th year santa has dropped by to spread joy and gifts to sick k ids. >> merry christmas. >> reporter: and boy, was he appreciated today. >> thank you, santa. >> reporter: accompanying santa were chicago firefighters from engine 63. >> merry christmas. >> thank you, jel! appreciate everything -- gentlemen! appreciate everything you do
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all year. >> reporter: who lost edward stringer, one of two f irefighters killed while b attling a blaze fire on the south side. >> he's the hero. >> reporter: but today being a hero was not the goal. they just wanted to bring smiles to the kids' faces. after visiting patients like a mira, santa was off. >> that's why the fire department brought me here t oday. >> reporter: but not before reminding these kids to hurry up and get better. >> look how pretty you are. >> merry christmas. >> let's do this at home next year, okay? okay. >> reporter: and seeing the smiles on those kids' faces is what gets santa going back each year. you heard him say he wants all of the kids he visited at the hospital today to celebrate christmas at home next year.
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bob? >> seeing santa there was really heartwarming for them, i'm sure. and a firefighter was hospitalized this morning after battling a multi-home blaze in evanston. >> we just got a report of a firefighter down. the ambulance crews went to the front door. we were met by the fire crews at the front door. he was removed to the ambulance. >> reporter: evanston firefighters battled a blaze in the 1800 block of laurel in e vanston beginning just after 5:00. at one point, two houses and three garages were all burning. a 20-plus year veteran of the evanston -- evanston fire department injured. in light of what recently h appened in chicago, this caused a lot of concern immediately. >> at a moment's notice, things can change drastic. we got him into and ambulance and transported him to the hospital. >> reporter: an an plans took him to the hospital -- an ambulance took him to the
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hospital. >> have one house that's currently unoccupied. the residents are on raycation. the other house is vacant. >> reporter: at its height the effort went to two alarms, the heat so intense it burned two trash cans across the alleyway. in all, some 18 agencies helped get the fire out. cold weather making the more -- making the fire more c hallenging. >> freezing weather, issues like that. >> reporter: once the main fire was out, firefighters ned singed structures nearby in an effort to ensure nothing was smoldering beneath the surface. they are reviewing the aftermath of the fire, searching for its origin. >> the injured firefighter was taken to evanston hospital and is listed in good condition. the cause of the fire is still
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under investigation. cardinal george sent his spiritual message to detainees today. several male inmates gathered to hear the cardinal's message. he preached about the kingdom of jesus and forgiveness. afterwards, the cardinal visited children's memorial hospital to bring some christmas cheer to the sick children. ♪ >> hundreds attended last n ight's midnight mass at c hicago's holy cathedral. cardinal george led the traditional mass. he delivered a homily about patience and hope. [ cheers ] >> and at the vatican, pope benedict xvi delivered his christmas message to tens of
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thousands gathered in st. p eter's square. in his message, the pontiff c alled for peace in afghanistan and the middle east and e xpressed support for catholics in china who live under limited religious freedom. he also called on people to remember victims of the haitian earthquake. well, chicago snow crews are hitting the roads this weekend, trying to deal with u npredictable lake-effect snows and to clear up what has fallen since christmas eve. a lake-effect snow advisory is in effect through at least sunday morning for cook, lake and depage counties. >> it's lake-effect snow. nobody can really predict l ake- effect snow. we'll see how it comes. we had lake-effect snow all night and we were getting hit in different sections of the city. early morning, up until about 8:00, we still had quite a bit of snow on the lanes that were
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from lake-effect snow until we got cleaned up. >> according to the departments of streets and sanitation we could get more snow overnight. drivers are working 12-hour shifts. running snowmobile vehicles. more on the snow from jim r amsey. jim? >> well, jackie, you are absolutely correct. lay car did -- radar is snowing more lake-effect snow and p ushing over the city. but we're do for a major pattern change this week. it's not snow, but rain, that's getting our attention. i will have details in the forecast ahead. and also ahead tonight, the storm out east that could put a wrench in your travel plans. plus -- some very high- profile support for rahm emanuel in his run for mayor. and then later, thousands and thousands of cuban cigars confiscated at o'hare. [ female announcer ] why settle for plain bread
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that's my cleansers job. challenge what's possible with olay dual action cleanser. it cleans deep down to the pore rejuvenating your complexion for skin that's fresh and naturally beautiful. even without makeup. well, maybe just a little. ♪ facial cleansers by olay. challenge what's possible. a special christmas message for detapeees -- detainees at
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the boot camp this day. the boot camp is designed -- designed to give nonviolent inmates a taste of the boot c amp. they hosted the saturday morning forum. the reverend james meek made an appears. >> to let people in jail know that they don't have to be here. we want them to make good c hoices and we don't want them to come back here again. >> those who are unemployed often use jail as a hotel. they are in jail, and they get three meals, it's warm, o rganized adult super vision. >> some 4,000 inmates have gone through the year-long boot camp program and seven out of ten
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stay out five years later. former president clinton is backing rahm emanuel for mayor. emanuel served as one of the top advisers to thed to under the clinton administration between 1993 and 1998. mr.clinton is expected to start compan pan ig for -- c ompaning -- companing for in january. campaign reports are due by january 20th. the election is february 22nd. after a large republican victory this past election, president obama is getting a jump start on his 2012 reelection campaign. the president hasn't officially announced where his reelection headquarters will be. but white house officials say the president is likely to pick chicago. beside being president obama's native city, illinois's proximity to key battleground states could be a factor in his decision. both wisconsin and indiana voted out democratic governors
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in the november election and the president knows he needs to gain support in those states if he wants to be reelected in 2012. when he wakes up tomorrow, mayor richard m. daley will surpass his father's record of time in office and become the city's longest serving mayor. daley admirers say the city of chicago still works while other cities of america stagnate. mayor daley's term ends next may 16th, when he retires, undefeated. chicago scholars credit both daleys for being motivated out of love for the city and wanting nothing more to be mayor. illegal shipments of cuban cigars are turning up right here in chicago. >> but government agents are stopping them in their tracks. >> reporter: you are looking at contraband. not drugs, not weapon, not terrorist bombs, but cuban cigars. , seized by customs and border
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protection at the o'hare a irport. george leen saw the first p ackage last month as he s creened incoming innational male. >> after that, they kept on coming. backs worth kept coming and before we knew it, they were spread out through the line. >> reporter: and they kept coming for weeks. how many would you guess? >> we're estimating about 1 00,000. >> reporter: the companies are sent by online companies in switzerland to buyers all over the u.s. >> we have seen them going to law firms. we've seen them going to businesses. we've seen them going -- >> reporter: law firms are b uying contraband? >> apparently so. >> reporter: the importation of products from fidel castro's cube bass has been banned since 1962, when president kennedy imposed a trade embargo but the illegal shipments of cuban cigars became obvious only recently when the department of
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homeland security changed s hipping rules after the toner cartridge bomb plot. suddenly packages over a pound were banned from passenger planes. the sheer volume became apparent as they went through security screening in chicago. the patrons at shelley's, a washington cigar bar, said they would be happy to dispose of the cuban still -- dash cigars. >> if they do it slowly over the course of an hour. >> one at a time, from start to finish, that's an excellent i dea. >> reporter: and this man around the corner said he could sell them quickly. >> they would disappear quickly. >> reporter: but there would be no savoring of the cuban cigars. they are slated to be blasted
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next month. as for the people who ordered these embargoed products, they will still get a bust and they will get a notice that they've been confiscated. as they say, close but no cigar. >> i knew she would say that. >> yeah. still to come -- heavy snow is headed for the northeast and it could lead to major air travel headaches all over the country. also, taking care of naval recruits here in chicagoland. who want be -- who can't be home for the holidays. and the michigan woman who walked into the store wondering how she was gonna pay for christmas and walked out without everything she needed without having to
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host: could switching to geico really save you 15% or more on car insurance? is a bird in the hand worth 2 in the bush? appraiser: well you rarely see them in this good of shape. appraiser: for example the fingers are perfect. appraiser: the bird is in mint condition. appraiser: and i would say if this were to go to auction today, appraiser: conservatively it would be worth 2 in the bush. woman: really? appraiser: it's just beautiful, thank you so much for bringing it in. woman: unbelievable anncr: geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more.
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when you can have pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits? the warm, light delicate layers are like nothing else. add a layer of excitement to your next meal. ♪ start with cookie dough. ♪ add frosting. [ giggles ] [ female announcer ] then sprinkles. [ both giggle ] [ female announcer ] fun. easy. [ child ] wow. [ female announcer ] at ♪ [ female announcer ] the cleaner the counter, the smoother the counter. with bounty you can be confident you'll get your counter clean. in this lab test, one sheet of bounty leaves this surface 3x cleaner
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than the bargain brand. ♪ big mess? bring it. super absorbent, super durable, super clean. bounty. the clean picker upper. and for huge value, try bounty huge roll. it's a white christmas for much of the southeastern u.s., including east tennessee. as much as 3 inches have b lanketed areas around knoxville and forecasters say a system is moving across the tennessee valley and the southern appalachians. it could turn nasty overnight when the storm hits the northeast. delta has already cancelled 500 flights in anticipation for a
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very snowy sunday. and local officials provided christmas dinner for a suburban facility. more than 100 sailors were brought in for a holiday feast. the girl scout choir sang carols and santa game with gifts. and another group from grayslake was welcomed at r avenswood park. the pub had food and provided a lot of entertainment. christmas is a low-ekent -- low-key event in iraq. many christens fear attack after seven were killed in a 24- hour period in anti-cyst violence. more masses are being held in a relatively safe kurdish area of northern baghdad. many baghdad churches cancelled
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christmases observances all. well, the episcopal christmas eve service were webcast in washington, d.c. as evening well, cathedral or gannists performed the c hristens' recital. the national cathedral is the fifth largest in the world and the second largest in the united states. construction of the national house of prayer began in 1907 and was completed in 1990 after 83 years. well, a christmas thanks, thanks to a total stranger. a man picks up the tab for a woman wondering how she could afford the holidays. and the ride will cost you but the show is free. this chicago cabdriver who is
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well, a christmas miracle for someone family in michigan. >> that's right a mother was shopping for her daughters on thursday, when one generous man helped pick up bill. >> reporter: jennifer white knew she couldn't afford christmas for her daughters trinity and january, still, she headed for this walmart. >> i was pretty apprehensive. i normally don't do well around christmas. >> reporter: jennifer knew she had no money in her checking account and with christmas l ooming things didn't look good. >> i have a little bag of stuff that i've been buying throughout the year but it didn't really add up to much. >> reporter: so she did her s hopping coming to a grand total of $160. >> it was pretty much gonna put me in the whole. >> reporter: jennifer stepped up to the register and that's when fate stepped in. >> a gentlemen asked me if i was ready for christmas. >> and then jennifer pulled out her empty debit card and she
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couldn't have been ready for what went next. >> reporter: i started to swipe it and the gentleman said, i got this. >> reporter: stunned, jennifer couldn't believe what was h appening. >> i was floored, i was stunned. i couldn't even talk. i didn't know if he was serious. >> reporter: but the man was serious and it didn't stop with just buying her gifts. he then handed her another $200 in cash and disappeared. >> before i could get up to follow him, he was out of sight. i didn't get his name or anything. >> reporter: jennifer managed to give him a hug but that was it. she has no idea who her mysterious benefactor was or why he picked her. >> and i couldn't ask for a better christmas present and to get it from a stranger is just phenomenal. >> reporter: and with presents under. tree, trinity wishes she could meet the man that made this happen. >> i would thank him a million times and give him a big hug and i would probably cry. >> reporter: so while jennifer
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still has no idea who that mystery man was, what she know the for sure is that he saved her kids' christmas. >> there's no way i could ever pay him back. i would give him so much if i could. >> isn't that great? >> lovely stories. >> jennifer white did not keep all of the money. >> that's right. she continued the generosity and donated some of the cash to the salvation army as well as the homeless man. play it forward. >> play it forward. that's right. well, just enough snow to make it a light christmas. now will we see more before sunrise tomorrow? >> you know, i don't know the answer to that question. >> who does? >> i bet jim ramsey does and we're gonna have him up here next with a look at next week and the last week of 2010. >> that's right. oh, my! come on, kids, come inside.
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[ younger brother ] oh, do you want it? yeah. ok, we'll split it. [ female announcer ] made fresh, so light... ...buttery and flaky... this is half. that is not half. guys i have more. [ female announcer ] do you have enough crescents? with cinnabon cinnamon have such a sweet and delicious aroma that my family can't wait to get their hands on them. enjoy cinnabon cinnamon... now in all pillsbury cinnamon rolls.
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well, before you start t alking to jim about weather, both jim and i have -- >> festive ties. >> and have mrs. claus's outfit on. i have santa's tie here, reindeer and -- pretty good. >> we've got the spirit. >> hopefully it will help the forecast. >> one other thing. our-- jackie bange's christmas present -- >> a chainsaw from my mother-in-
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law. >> okay. well, that's -- [ laughter ] >> favorite present is a chainsaw. thank you for that disclosure. we have an interesting day to talk about. we have a lot of cloud cover around the area. we even have light snow and flurries reporting around a lot of reporting stations in c hicago. it's possible we could pick up two or three inches of snow for us tonight. it doesn't look like lake- effect snow for us but there are isolated locations that could see up to 4 inches. in the meantime, temperature temperatures across the area. o'hare is at 28. by the way, they are reporting a little fog there. visibility is down to about a half a mile. you know, for the month so far we've put together about a foot and a half of snow in chicago. the snows tonight are not gonna add much to the total. look at the winds still coming down to the north. wind chills down to 19 in o 'hare. a way from the lake a lot of spots reporting wind chills in
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the teens. our high today made it up to 316789 but notice the milder air down to the south. that's actually going to come into the chicago area late this week and when it does so it will bring rain to us. there's plenty of cold air to the north. but it's gonna stay there and should leave us alone for a few days once we get, say, into wednesday and thursday. here is the radar. notice the lake-effect snow coming down lake michigan, p ushing into lake and parts of cooke county, mostly just light snow and flurries so far but it should continue throughout much of this evening. in fact, the same is suggested by our computer models here. but by tuesday that lake-effect snow will be on the other side of the lake bothering southwestern lower michigan and parts of north central indiana. this is the snow totals from our computers. notice it's not expected to be a major event but there still may be enough to shovel by the time we get into tomorrow morning. meanwhile, this is the east coast. very heavy rains down through parts of the gulf coast states
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northern, florida. florida, in fact, under a hard freeze warning for tomorrow night. they are looking for up to a foot of. myrtle beach may get 2 inches. 6inches expected for washington, d.c. and philadelphia. a mess for travelers. not surprisingly, this entire area is under a winter storm warning. that little bluish area out to the west, those are winter weather advisories. so travel to that part of the country may be a little d elicate. let's check our forecast. first of all, for tonight, across the -- across the area, mostly cloudy, lake effect showers. there is, by the way, a lake- effect snow advisory in effect through tomorrow morning. now, for tomorrow, some snow possible. 1 to 3 totals. isolated locations might get more. tomorrow, low 7 to 14. for monday, we should see the sun come back out. there could be patchy clouds
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around. but temperatures expected to be not that far from normallal, upper 20s to -- normal upper 20s to 30s. a pattern change will begin. in fact, wednesday we should see the clouds begin to gather and thursday, friday, maybe early saturday could see some rain. we'll talk about that and a surprising warmup. >> finally! >> thank you. >> you're welcome. you are looking for a ride you can get to the show? well, let me -- let me start over there. you are looking for a ride and you get a show. next-- chicago's singing c abbie. >> that's right. that's what it says. and then later, surf's up santa. >> and a look back on the year in sports. rich king has the best of 2010 -- coming up. [ female announcer ] why settle for plain bread
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when you can have pillsbury grands! flaky layers biscuits? the warm, light delicate layers are like nothing else. add a layer of excitement to your next meal. ♪ with cinnabon cinnamon have such a sweet and delicious aroma that my family can't wait to get their hands on them. enjoy cinnabon cinnamon... now in all pillsbury cinnamon rolls.
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so hurry, and use your gift card to buy the things that make all your other gifts even better. the holiday season doesn't have to end. quick, now's the time to use your gift card at walmart! 522 bucks -- that's what people save, on average, when they call me to switch to esurance. if they switch to esurance online, they could save 522 clams. i could save 'em 522 smackers. you talkin' dough? bread. benjamins? scratch. greenbacks. moolah. cheddar. simoleons. don't try to out-save me. he's "the saver." i know he's "the saver." [ female announcer ] you could save 522 bucks.
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see for yourself at esurance. technology when you want it. people when you don't. well, a chicago cabbie is more than just a driver, jackie. he's also a performer. >> for two decades, ray saint ray has treated his fares to a free musical show along with the trip. photojournalist clair davis went along for the ride. >> reporter: although i drive a
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cab every day, i'm not living the business of driving a cab. i'm doing fine art. ♪ in chicago there is a cabbie driver who sings to his passengers all day ♪ ♪ yours truly >> reporter: no phones, texts or photographing while i'm singing. 19 years, seven months and 11 days ago, i needed a job basically. ♪ you walked into my life at just the right time ♪ ♪ >> at that time i had already achieved my goals in life,
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which are to a., not ever get a job again. but instead b., my childhood dream that would like to see a movie or write a book about. >> you get to pick a song one. >> i have personally sung to well over 65,000 passengers by now. the ma magics in of it is the ran doomness of it. you are not expecting a singing cabdriver. people just recognize me? are you the singing cabdriver? yeah. oh, i've been hearing about you for years. i'm pretty darned happy. >> i will certainly remember this ride, sir. >> and that's why i'm here! i just look for people to sing to. if they don't want to hear a song, that's right. but i'm just gonna get them to where they need to go to as fast as i can so i can find someone else to sing to.
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♪ kitty cat kitty cat mia ♪ >> i do this every day. there might be two days a year that i don't get out and sing to anybody. because that's what i do, i'm the singing cab driver. >> you know that area between the backseat and the front seat? i would be reaching -- [ laughter ] >> he says he doesn't sing if you don't want him to. >> he's good. he's good. i loved it. when there's no snow on christmas, you can always turn to white, sandy beaches. christmas, you can always turn to whit[ female announcer ] how do you close out the year?
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[ younger brother ] oh, do you want it? yeah. ok, we'll split it. [ female announcer ] made fresh, so light... ...buttery and flaky... this is half. that is not half. guys i have more. [ female announcer ] do you have enough crescents? with cinnabon cinnamon have such a sweet and delicious aroma that my family can't wait to get their hands on them. enjoy cinnabon cinnamon... now in all pillsbury cinnamon rolls. enjoy cinnabon cinnamon... [hip-hop music] ♪
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we had snow. they had sun. it just isn't fair. take a look at the surfing s antas in south florida. actually, that would be middle florida. i think it's cocoa beach. the group was hoping to create a new guinness record for most surfing santa us. 19 of them rode the waves, including a mrs. santa claus. by the way, it was a very chilly 71 degrees at cocoa beach, florida today, where this was held. >> that is a little strange, isn't it? surfing santas? >> only in florida. >> we certainly didn't make it up to 70. >> not even close. but a slightly more warmest m od -- more modest warm upup could be on the way. >> that's correct. >> at this hour, our temperature has dropped to 28
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degrees. we've had clouds out there. that should help hold our temperatures up for a while. there it is. winter storm warnings and winter weather advisories for the east coast if you are traveling that direction over the next day or two, be sure to check ahead. this is the local picture, though. notice that plume of lake- effect snow pushing across lake michigan, coming into primarily lake and northern county c ounties at the minute. it's mostly light snow, but it's expected to intensify during the overnight hours. some spots could pick up four, five inches depending upon the intensity and its duration, it is something we're watching closely. most areas should pick up an inch, maybe 2, even 3 inches. now the seven-day forecast show as pattern change by the middle of the week. wednesday night, the clouds will increase as warm air pushes up from the south. that's going to produce probably a rain/snow mix overnight wednesday into thursday. but then the temperatures shoot into the mid-40s by friday. notice we've increased clouds and showing rain.
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the forecast models suggest this could be a fairly good rain for those two days. and certainly, we'll probably spill into the snow around here. but temperatures fall going into 2011. >> you know, jill, jackie was hoping for a nice storm so she could pull out the chainsaw. [ laughter ] >> you laugh. it was a great gift. >> it was. >> i love a chainsaw. >> i'm just surprised you do. it's great. it's one of chicago 'most picturesque services. this is the 155th year for the church. they first celebrated a christmas mass in 1856. and it's a holiday away for home -- away from home. >> the spirit of o'hare this
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>> very nice. sports is next. the bulls and the knicks get the call from santa about who will play on christmas day. the call from santa about who will play on christmas day. and the thank you for calling usa pmy name peggy. peggy, yes, i'd like to redeem my reward points for a gift card. tell points please? 250,000. calculating...
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ooh! answer: five fifty! 550 bucks?! 5 dollar, 50 cents. minus redeeming charge. leaving 50 cents. say what? happy time! what kind of program is this? want better rewards? switch to discover. america's number 1 cash rewards program. it pays to discover. [ younger brother ] oh, do you want it? yeah. ok, we'll split it. [ female announcer ] made fresh, so light... ...buttery and flaky... this is half. that is not half. guys i have more. [ female announcer ] do you have enough crescents? with cinnabon cinnamon have such a sweet and delicious aroma that my family can't wait to get their hands on them. enjoy cinnabon cinnamon... now in all pillsbury cinnamon rolls. with walmart's end-of-the-year clearance event, starting december 26 at 6am. get unbelievable clearance prices on select toys, home decor, clothing, candy, and seasonal items. it all starts december 26, while supplies last.
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it's the end-of-the-year clearance event at walmart! the american lung association asks you to remember that every christmas carol begins with healthy lungs. ♪ and a happy new year for more than 100 years, your gifts to christmas seals have helped us fight for healthy lungs and air. help us celebrate another year. go to
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rich king joins us now and the bulls didn't get a christmas present from santa today, did they? >> no. >> no. that's my line. >> sorry. [ laughter ] >> that's okay, jackie. >> they lost to the knicks the second time this season thanks to the ice-cold 4th quarter. it was the second lost in ten games for the bulls. a painful loss. finds carlos boozer. he's wide open for a jump shot. and in the third, nice step h ere. he blows it from for the hoop. wow! he had 25 and the bull the kept the league. on the next possession, this about does it all.
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bulls led by 1. they had seven turnovers. the steal gets it right here. he stuffs it down. knicks not phone for defense but they played good defense. this is rejected by stoudemire. the bulls scored two points and then the knicks coast in for the win and finds chandler for the alley-oop. 103-95, the final. lakers no match for the heat at the staples center. dwyane wade comes up and fouls chris bosh. the dunk and foul. bosh had 24. hebron james even better. he made a three. he had a triple double, 27, 11, 10, the numbers. he made the champs look bad. fine at, 96-80. tiger woods spending his christmas at the amway center in orlando.
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he could not find anything and the manic win it 86-75 over the celtics. and the bears and jets tomorrow. the bears will win that game, bob jordan. i assure you. we have a special of the year-end of sports. >> great year. >> what you are talking about? >> oh! >> you like it. i never heard anybody say i'm going to cleveland on vacation. what's so great on vacation? >> the advice that he received on this was poor. ♪
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>> it's a good day to remember and i hope it's a good day to forget. [ laughter ] >> ground ball, right side, cabrera will cut it off. covers. he's out! no he's safe! >> what a travesty. >> the nightmare for them. i'm gonna sleep like a baby. ic wake up [bleep] and cry. >> he's coming over the railing and will he catch it? yes, he did! >> that's what you are wearing to lady gaga tonight? well, as soon as he's done with it. >> you know what i'm -- what you are gonna get me for christmas this year? >> he pretty intense stuff, going to swim with big features in the water. i don't know if that's a good idea. didn't you hear what happened to sea -- happened at seaworld? why would i do that i love my life.
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>> the hawks win the stanley c up! the chicago blackhawks are stanley cup champions? [ cheers ] >> that's how you play. >> wonderful job again by steve for that -- >> very nice. >> a lot of stories. >> oh, yeah, you covered it all. >> we could -- we can do half of that -- >> well, we got one more week. >> merry christmas. >> merry christmas. >> that's the news for this saturday night. >> for rich, jim and all of us here, have a merry christmas, or what's left of it. happy holidays an we'll see you back tomorrow night. [ female announcer ] why settle for plain bread
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