tv WGN News at Nine CW February 11, 2011 10:00pm-11:00pm EST
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revolution the egyptian people topple their leader with peaceful protest forcing him to step down. it's been celebrated around the world right here in chicago. . >> a viral revolution started on the web 3 weeks ago spilling onto the streets on to television noah in celebration egyptian president announced his resignation this morning. . >> revolutionary day in egypt as
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thousands of demonstrators chanted egypt is free after hearing the news of the egyptians president's resignation. . >> egyptian president has decided to step down as president of egypt and has assigned to the higher council to run the affairs of the country cannot president brought obama released a statement thursday urging the egyptian government to work towards democracy responded friday from the white house. emma the people of egypt have spoken their voices have been heard and egypt will never be the same. egyptians have made it clear that nothing less than genuine democracy will carry the day . >> the uprising began jenner
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25th sparked by events indonesia. the judge an exi. >> egypt's economy has taken a hit during the political unrest but there's word from state tv that the stock market which has been closed throughout this process will open for three hours on sunday. . >> in joining as of the fund the executive director for center of islamic affairs. . >> the situation is requiring am standing here in the square by
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my apartment were discussing the events that is a very quiet right now . >> i have heard that a couple of people who have been out there for days on end and say we're not going to leave even though we have toppled the egyptian president until we have every one of our demands mets have you heard that same sentiment? . >> that was the message up until we heard the latest of the present resigning that means that the whole regime has been removed. i figure that things are gorgeous are moving now . >> the president was very
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important terms of them leave and some the because use of terror against the reform that we needed the people simply did not trust the current regime to make the necessary changes. the end goal being reform and that now remains the focus of the people there want to see troop democratic changtrue democratic. >> what a difference a day makes last night many local judge americans were devastated and disappointed tonight's however they are celebrating and they are using social media websites to do so just like protesters stood at the start of the revolution . >> rejoicing is paired in respot
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jubilant the president is gone what this disney for egypt? . >> of previous presidents cut their iii though modern history of egypt in fact have come from the army is so it is not likely have a bunch of reformers and controlled the really tough work is. other relief when to open a practice up? . >> there's that whole economy
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between supporting a despot who is a frost and our other interests about now what happens next? . >> this is done longstanding american tradition goes all the way back to the caribbean both political parties it's whoever fords american agendas. they have to scenarios. the other model that worries people is the iranian one paire. inthe presidd not wish to be seen as throwing overboard his long-established allies. and the other hand he did not want to be so closely identified with the egyptian
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was supposed to be a cut of routine visit for 18 to the dentist. . >> medical experts say that it is extremely rare for someone to die following their root canal unless the infection is already and the patient system. in late january 17th year-old christopher lost a filling while eating carol kinsley on february 1st you went by himself to dental dream on. a dentist and the donar root canal without parental permission. on tuesday night he was rushed the medical center with body aches and lascivious or throw more severe than the full like symptoms that he had for days. he died wednesday morning from sepsis shock atoxic infection. he lived
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with his younger brother and sister in a foster on the people and talked with said he was one of a kind and he couldn't ask for better kid . >> he agreed with a hug and kiss he'd give up his chair for you. he'd do anything for your . >> he was a senior and eisenhower high school you wanted to be a mechanic when he graduated. today his family is wondering if the route can now was actually it necessary. the owner of dental drained issued a statement we're shocked that to hear this news and we expecare conducting a thorough
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investigation of this treatment. . >> although it's unclear of this will be one of those cases . >> car monoxide fumes and sends a nearly 40 people to the hospital of happens this afternoon at the asian age sorting plant the fire chief there said that 30 people were to into the hospital after reportedly feeling dizzy nauseous and complained of headaches. at one person even pass out from the fumes. the source of that cut carbon monoxide is investigated. one cause may have been a propane fueled forklift that was being operated inside the business at the time demonstrate train derailed disrupting amtrak service is not the tree with about zero hundred 22 cars twinges was carrying coal from wyoming. nobody hurt but the train hit some utility poles. .
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>> the stakes arm in a blizzard of 2011 to night metro's taking the responsibility. [ female announcer ] every box of general mills big g cereals can help your kids' school get extra stuff. ♪ like musical instruments. ♪ and new art supplies. ♪ because they're the only cereals with box tops for education. last year, schools earned over ten million dollars from big g cereals. you can raise money for your kids' school. look for this logo... only on big g cereals. you can make a difference. every cereal box counts.
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years behind bars. there were allegations that she was 7 and fair with a california congressman gary, did he losses even house although he never was a suspect the murderer was finally charged and 200 night he had been imprisoned after attacking a woman the same area where levy disappeared . >> 51 year-old de mayo spitzer for injured people brought into this the federal authorities said dead spitzer not investigate only a third of the money he made. he now faces eight counts of mail fraud. which could now get him hundred and 60 years in prison if convicted. . >> the call of a spiritual journey into it wasn't a dry in
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rome when a grandmother gave birth to her grandson. she was a surrogate mother for her daughter and son-in-law. also tomorrow striven the dilemma the psychotherapist says that it's a risky problem and the fines of one friend you really are see those stories and more and tomorrow's chicago tribune. . >> the roads were so bad in many
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counties they couldn't give as crew members to those cells to the jurors, a property owner's shovel the sidewalks not because its neighborly but because it's a dull city following up on complaints about a shovel sidewalks leaving door hanger reminders in many homes chicago does have an ordinance that requires sidewalks to be shovel's within three hours after snow fall. if you fail to shovel you face a $50 fine. bill also protect those who do shovel from been sued somebody slips and gets injured on the sidewalk. the city department of transportation has sent out a public way inspectors to check out nearly 500 complaints of on
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that's why i got them pillsbury toaster strudel. warm flaky pastry with delicious sweet filling my kids will love. plus i get two boxtops for their school. toaster strudel. the one kids want to eat. plus i get two boxtops for their school. than listening there'to our favorite songs. there's nothing we love more than listening to our favorite songs. but our favorite thing is eating totino's pizza rolls. but our favorite thing is eating totino's pizza rolls. ♪ we're the kids in america ♪ oh, oh, oh ( wind blowing )
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in chicago. in 27 years there we haven't had a 40 degree temperature since january. look at this warmup across north america are virtually all of southern cal and a the and all of the united states for except for parts of florida and new england had a losare registering temperatures warmer than 24 hours ago. we're not running to the beach to mar but it will be a heckuva lot more than an has been. the last of the arctic carwe could be heading for figu0
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degree weather. a 27 chicago 30 ad debuones are west southwest . humidity is that 80 percent at the moment the jet stream as long and from canada is now blowing in or will be in the next couple days from the west and will be doing at that over a hundred miles on it now ordered closed when is lined up perfectly with the surface once. although below but by tuesday we
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start ejecting it and the real north begins to come east toward week have '60s up to southern illinois by the time we get to wednesday and thursday next week. you see the colder clubs in southward which were about here in the next weekend is that some system might start running along this. but were about that when the time comes. look of the temperature at o'hare? 27 degrees their 27 midway. and 27 and a cannery.m.h
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going on fired except as big storm out in the pacific or the gulf of alaska spinning the warm air across the country that is breaking the back of this cold wave. so the forecast is for that isobars to stay packed. and sunday night we could ever bring the couple of rainshowers as we reintroduce a little surgical air with this bill will of i put pressure on monday. so the forecast tonight sporadic flurries could build a tool. a light snow. some are mixed a son in the morning but cloudy and
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when did the afternoon. in the clouds and some exxon went is strong enough to bring warm air 50 degree temperature pareup ned wow. it's really coming together. yep. this way, everyone will know about all our great discounts. safe driver, online, homeowner's -- more discounts than ever before. and they still get great service. ♪ ow! [ disco music plays ] ♪ whoa, yeah
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with at least 8 grams of whole grain and a good source of calcium? cereals they already love, like lucky charms and cinnamon toast crunch. give your kids more of what they need to be their best. grow up strong, with big g kid cereals. ♪ sticklebacks to the early 20th- century. the political activism continued in the black comedy evethe black community. the john
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washington took off as the battle continued with what many considered racially motivated council wars. it was almost up to the point of fist fights and 87 near washington died unexpectedly and city council picks are controversial recent placement. richard m. daley began his 20 year and practice. chicago has helped sent to african-americans to the senate's and carol moseley-braun and now running for mayor .
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>> my raise my gender all of these things matter but they all go into how individuals and evaluated candidacy . >> hoping to replicate the success of washington's campaign a coalition of black leaders of first the declared congressman danny david their consensus choice to replace a daily. but it wasn't long before davis and state senator james make out out to and doris moseley-braun. and reverend jesse jackson argued that the metal's campaign did the same thing. to a black and it's stile
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ballot. sam moseley-braun has axed and to drop out to the latest tribute both shows are well behind the man know when it comes to support of black voters. when clinton came to chicago to campaign for manual moseley-braun raced to the forefront calling clinton a betrayal of people who were close to him. so who is the best
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candidates to address those issues the mayoral hopeful for the most part have all downplayed raised as a deciding factor in this election and the polls said yes the majority of black voters agree with that were talking more berets and chicago a beloved indiana mayory graze [ asst mgr ] what are you doing? fixing the name. it's fiber none. looks like one. well, i know. i put an "n" there. ah! fiber one honey clusters cereal! that's really good!
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it tastes good, so there can't be fiber in it! it's actually got about half a day's worth of fiber. [ asst mgr ] it says so right on the box. [ fiber seeker ] really? try it. [ mr. mehta ] honey, touch of brown sugar, crunchy clusters -- any cardboard? cardboard no, delicious yes. so where's the fiber? maybe it's in the honey clusters. [ male announcer ] fiber one. cardboard no, delicious yes.
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it's personal. i have diabetes. so i'm proud to manufacture the accu-chek aviva meters and test strips here in the usa. and now we put a prescription discount card in every box so you'll pay no more than $15 on test strips, which is a true american value for people with diabetes like me. [ male announcer ] accu-chek aviva. born in the usa. rich, indulgent chocolaty brownies you don't have to open your oven... just the refrigerator.
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ready-to-eat pillsbury sweet moments. find them in the refrigerated section of your store. with cinnabon cinnamon have such a sweet and delicious aroma that my family can't wait to get their hands on them. enjoy cinnabon cinnamon... now in all pillsbury cinnamon rolls. it's a nice gesture kahane whmn 23,000 v of you look carefully is run at the top there. and you'll see why it's been so much
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chicago but no were on that map do you see real bitterly cold arctic air until you get into canada and years what our model is due with temperatures. falling off a little bit to the 29 by daybreak that's still lower than what we start with all look at what happens tomorrow readings rise by afternoon and evening to 36 at all here 30 a.m. midway 37 at woodstock and then tomorrow night stay above freezing according to the model then rise to around 40. it's kind of neat map this is driven by the weather services global forecast system. but the reason we're running the sec that tight packing that aligns with canada that's the edge of the arctic air that's pierce for up to monday there and we get a shot of cool air. and then next week is arm begins to develop out of
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the planes and watch how the colors bring up in this area. but the arctic air starting to sell back into montana and north dakota. so were once a warm-up later next week and then turn colder next weekend. when of the models at even as snow. and there's a window mat bright colors indicate when cecil see how wednesday it is tomorrow. then the winds die like men night and sunday they pick up again. it takes mild air above the surface and mixes it down despite the cooling effect of the snow pack. thfour we've got3
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but coming in as the chicago black caucus would ever warm ties he has with his former home fades. a little nostalgia we'll have it appeare. it's a big game appeared it's gonna be exciting for him to be back appear to special place for him and a very meaningful game seem wisthere'st riding on tonight's game. . >> outstanding first-rate from patrick king makes, was of .
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friday night superior have a great weekend [ male announcer ] 95% of all americans aren't getting enough whole grain. but actually, it's easier than you think, because general mills big g line of cereals is america's number one source of whole grain at breakfast. there's whole grain in every box... ♪ ...from chex... to cheerios... to lucky charms. so you can get the whole grain you want
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with the taste you love. get started on the whole grain you're missing with your favorite big g cereals. make sure to look for the white check. it's intelligent. even genius. but does your network work ? yes, i can hear you now. this is america's largest and most reliable network. verizon. built so you can rule the air.
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