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tv   WGN News at Nine  CW  April 15, 2011 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT

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during a blizzard of 2011. a big-time post office blunder. >> chicagos very on wgn news at 9. >> i waited and now my legs are seriously frozen. >> an echo of the not so distant past when chicago was slammed with a deep freeze by horrendous blizzard. good evening top story seen around the country tonight on wgn america reflections on the 2011 blizzard. >> let me take you back it was february 2nd to a.m. winds were howling at 70 m.p.h. in snowdrifts or at least tie along lake shore drive. thousands of cars and motorists with no idea when they might be rescued. what they do? they called 911. here's a sample of some of the
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conversations. >> chicago or emergency how lau? >> account, and lake shore drive, near freezing mud off. cars and buses furled filled with freezing drive >> the city of chicago closed the driver around 8:00 p.m. leaving it anyone out there out it it there's so many people out here it is out of control. >> is there any way to get to a location that is warm? >> i'm going to be running out of gas. >> some people feared medical emergencies could erupt if the weight on the drive took much longer. >> my head. is killing head i'm feeling sick >> now. >> he is a diabetic and he has
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said nothing eat or drink the entire time that he has been stopped. for others the way it was simply getting the best of them in our mix of frustration could be heard in the voices of callers to the rebels to turn. >> flashers on in their freezing. >> everyone is out there freezing it's sad to say but we are doing the best to can right now. >> order in the best pecan >> the 911 call to cut the line after she and a concerned color were arguing with one another. not exactly proper procedure but a lesson for the city's office of emergency management that basic returning may be in order. tonight the director released this statement saying all 911 call takers are trained to handle excited angry or matte
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colors. >> there's no excuse for any chicago play to treat cholera is an unsatisfactory manner. i waited and now my legs are sears the frozen. i cannot wait any more. i have to get out of here. there will be changes over this. several will get 91 call counseling and additional training. >> police and elvaston question 5 suspects tonight from a shooting inside a mcdonald's restaurant at about 4:00 where one person was injured. w g n has more on the investigation tonight. >> after a 16 year-old boy was shot in the abdomen chris works next door. >> it was slow. next thing you
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know you see a whole bunch of kids running out of mcdonnell's. >> the shooting happened just as a police officer was pulling into the parking lot across the street. customers waved him down. >> more officers are arrived quickly. >> i walked on mcdonnell's and i saw one of the kids that got shot. they had him in costs. witnesses tell me that had their share of incidents. police usually watched >> ever seen it and read this before. >> a county judge refuses to vacate the convictions of three men imprisoned for 20 years for the rape and murder of a suburban growth. even after dna evidence is now pointing blame
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to another man. all five teenagers in the early 1990's were sent to prison for the rape and murder of 14 rolled threesome matthews. the body was found and fixed more the december of 1991. three of the teen-ager's implicated the other two. the confessions were marked by inconsistency. dna evidence now convicts a great pacific >> they were teenagers young teenagers 14 years old and 16 years old when this crime happens. >> a group in prison. wrongfully. that is tragic and that something everyone should >> be saddened about> we lost 20 years. that something will never get back. the judge continued the case until the end of the month. no charges against a man whose dna has been matched to the 20 year-old crime.
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>> surveillance video has led to brutality charges against a chicago police officer. sgt hitting a man in handcuffs. the officers' attorney called a justified response to a spitting detainee. the tale of >> the >> edward howard jr. 40 years old at 24 year veteran of the chicago police force. facing two charges are aggravated battery and official misconduct. earlier today the state attorney office released the video of the incident. >> the surveillance video shows starter howard slapping him three times. the 19 year-old was handcuffed to being arrested. video was captured by a surveillance camera back on october 11th outside a fast-food restaurant at 79th and then send. the final blow knocked geoffrey back against the squad car. the alleged victim suffered bruises cuts and swelling to his face. today the police sergeant attorney said jefferies had provoked them. >> when you look at what action
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occurred no,. cissna and on provoke action. >> strip howard and six other officers of the police powers. prosecutors say the alleged victim was fully complying during his arrest. he never provoked sergeant howard. howard attorneys say the 19 year-old tried to spit on him. after posting bond howard left the courthouse without talking to the media. as he was walking at reporter paul might keep channel seven tripped over and fell down. howard help them up and patted him on the back before getting into his car. that was a rather unusual day. to thousand dollar cash bond. last month the alleged victim filed a lawsuit and the city and police officers involved in the incident.
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>> progress in the locker driver construction project project. the began pouring concrete this morning. the visitor's section is the first of seven being rebuilt as part of the project. the mall for today and of district 18 city blocks. >> coming up he said what? >> president obama caught a but mike at one chicago fund-raiser. >> powerful storms like this blizzard that caught it out on camera. >> tom skilling is in the weather center working on our weekend forecast. >> you're watching chicagos very own wgn news.
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hey susie, why don't you use this ? it's got a calculator. thanks, dad. this is the neighborhood. you get elm street and you get main street. thank you. and that's just the first quarter.
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so you want a slide in your office ? or monkey bars, either one. more small businesses choose verizon wireless than any other wireless carrier. where's susie ? is she expecting you ? because they know the small business with the best technology rules. so, what's the snapshot discount? it's pretty revolutionary. patented, actually. it takes a snapshot of your good driving habits, so you can save money. like a snapshot? that's what i'm talking about. in a sports car. show it to me. yes! i want to believe it! ooh! fierce! argh! love it. i think we have it. the snapshot discount. new, huge, and only from progressive. i'm just a piece of dust living at the corner of j and k spending too many nights alone at the spacebar. will love ever find me? ♪ ♪ oh yes!
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♪ what about love?! ♪ [ female announcer ] swiffer attracts dust. swiffer 360 dusters gets in hard to reach places. it picks up two times more dust than a feather duster using thousands of fluffy fibers to lock dust away. you're just my type! [ laughs ] [ female announcer ] swiffer gives cleaning a whole new meaning. president obama says he is not embarrassed by remarks he made in chicago that were unintentionally recorded during a private fund-raiser. the president returned to washington today after taking off his reelection bid here. mr. obama raised $2 million in campaign donations that several months. the president's accidental hot mike moment is making headlines. >> his campaign for 2012 now under way president obama pump up supporters at a chicago democratic fund-raiser by counting his accomplishments
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last week were able to prevent a government shutdown. the reason we're able to do it was because we agreed to spending cuts but we insisted on protecting investments. an event this and that is close to our cameras showed a much more candid present. it is a rare behind- the-scenes glimpse of how the private budget talks with republican split out. it was all captured on audiotape by cbs news. >> i remember at one point in the negotiations with boners people's said we've lost on health care with lost on the epa would given that up without have something to sell. i said to them but me tell you something i spent a year and half getting
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health care passed. i had to take that issue across the country and i made significant political costs to get done. the notion that i'm going to let you and do that in a six month spending bill? you want to repeal health care? but whether it. will have that debate. you're not going to do that by nickeling and diming the in the budget to. you think were stupid. >> the obama administration did not intend for the candid moment to become public but an audio feed was piped back to the white house press room when mike that should of been turned off was left on. >>rahm emanuels spokesman is coming to chicago with some baggage. complaints filed by the
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agricultural workers reads never in our entire careers have we encountered such an egregious mean and poor management. his management style was described as pictorial. the spokesman declines, comment. >> a man will take the oath of office on monday may the 16th at 1030 the morning. the battle to the publicly that it emanuel will host an open house house at city hall from 24. on the saturday before the inauguration of a man will kick off a citywide day of service. stephanie newly will volunteer in neighborhoods across the city from 9 in the morning until the afternoon there will also be a concert featuring the band chicago and grand park from 1 to 4. events are free and open to the public. ohlman minister and the south side church former chicago marrow candidate james
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makes is thinking of becoming a former state senator. he's thinking about stepping down from his legislative seat. he reportedly says he wants to focus on the church only which he built from the ground up his 64 years old and has been a state senator for the past 10 years. he has discussed retiring from state legislature with several people. >> the tsunami relief effort. >> looks like lady liberty right here. something isn't quite right about the picture. hello? [ friend ] roger's sick. the film gala's in about 2 hours. wanna go? yeah! wait. 2 hours!? [ female announcer ] no time to plan? there's still time to whiten. introducing crest whitestrips 2-hour express. now, in just two hours you can have a noticeably whiter smile that lasts for months. ♪ ♪ they must think we're famous! let em. [ female announcer ] whitening without the wait.
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3d white whitestrips two hour express, from crest. life opens up when you do. and try 3d white paste and rinse.
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>> in washington to 2012 pass to prosperity budget. it slashes trillions of dollars from the federal budget over the next several decades. lawmakers are angered over a controversial plan to transform medicare. and filled his plan earlier this month. democrats quickly labeled at the road to ruin. house speaker banner called it a serious step in the right direction. governor pat quinn announcing the 2000 personal radiation detectors will go to japan. emergency workers sorting through all the debris. the result of the fukushima new power plant damage by the quick and massive flood waters. we received these through a grant from the department of homeland security we have a number in
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stock today to cover all the needs of the people of illinois but we had some extras 2000 and we are going to provide them directly to the people of japan right now. >> caterpillars are paying for the ship and of those periods >> something that's just not quite right about me liberty. u.s. postal service printed free billion of these last year thinking it was the real statue of liberty. attacks the rent boycott of the statue at the new york near cartel. a keen stamp collector notice that it wasn't right and told the u.s. postal service. the agency said really? if you're rushing to get to federal taxes on the mail today take it easy slowdown. the
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traditional date of april 15th with the extended this year by the irs folks to choose to follow late returns the deadline is september 17th. now we file returns will be accepted by the tax man or woman after our october 20th. the april 18th extension applies to illinois tax filers only. here's of the stories to find this week at the chicago tribune. i can get help preparing those taxes with the deadline hours away. did you know there's free help from the pyrex themselves. free software to help you with your taxes how about sitting down face-to-face with a representative of all go sam tech tips in saturday's tribune. opportunists are finding the small parcels and buying them for hundreds of
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dollars then tried to sell them back to the residence for several thousand. booming and the restaurant business. people starting to eat out more as the economy slowly improves. turning to festive brunch is for kids are welcome and the price tag is a little lower. >> to dogs were rescued and revived after a fire in the city's northwest side. fires broke out late this section of the apartment building. firefighters were notified that to dogs in the building one dog in critical condition the other has party across. the people was totally lifeless. firefighters perform performed cpr and brought the dog >> specialists> >> started breathing which is exciting. we kept working her and she opened her eyes. she got out. >> she said it would do to tanks of oxygen on heidi and are
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relieved and happy that the dogs are ok. >> up next running for their lives. deadly tornadoes rule to force states ripping roofs and flipping vehicles. >> this robot cart. see how robotic fingers are giving cardiac surgeons a helping hand. >> we wish to the best of luck. let's get started. pick three first lucky number.
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the total to take cover what in the back shut the door and the roof was over my head. it was over. >> i have anything left. >> portal thing. storm tossed from vehicles and signs of a
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major interstate. more than 20,000 homes and businesses all without electricity. >> the star system killed at least nine people seven of them in arkansas. the other two in oklahoma. a mother and her eight year-old son were killed. a huge tree fell to their home in the middle tonight. in oklahoma two elderly sisters died when the tornado smashed to their town so said. it was start to this. nothing like that on the self but a slight improvement. tom skilling forecast is next. >>
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[ male announcer ] crisco... blue bonnet butter... pam non-stick cooking spray... and a stanley saw. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ did your brother have anything to do with this? no. yes. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] only walmart has low prices every day on everything you need. backed by our ad match guarantee. save money. live better. walmart.
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>> there is a dust storm in texas a blizzard and nebraska south dakota and a dozen tornadoes plus still counting those have been deadly. easterly winds today have been formidable. in fact like michigan at calumet harbert is 19 in. above the lowest level of the last week. that will come down as winds turned the morning. we've been piling the water begins the western shoreline and we certainly watched the rains come into that. this will wind up being one of a bigger range we've had over six weeks. as we come to you tonight the storms
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presentation on the satellite is stunning. the this: i hear the remnants of which are headed for the chicago area. deadly tornadoes in the south. the tornado watch is in orange solid veterans returning the warnings. you see the storm just alive. they're healthy town itself. when the advisory down chicago but up to the north to of the winter sun visors we have heavy snow falling and sections of western iowa. southwest in minnesota tonight. double digit easterly winds roaring off the lake. they made up to 56 mi. per hour cancel had a 54 mi. per hour gusts carry. it's a rental turn to come in will add these up as the night goes on. union grove wisconsin nearly that much. two-thirds of a half an
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inch thick and you with a 44 tonight and here. 48 midway >> the wind streaming out the flags in front of the station here. downstate look at the thunderstorms rolling into springfield off the weather but camera there. downstate collinsville has pretty good storms as well. reins pretty evident. this is rush hour in st. louis were big storms swept the area. here is mississippi. one of the areas hard hit in the deep south. snow has been falling on the north end of this weather system up in north dakota as you can say. here's a look at the radar tonight big thunderstorms towering of 40,000 ft. in the atmosphere down south. were interested in wants closer to home look at how we got cells right here in the chicago area. will put these in motion but we've had flashes of lightning and see how these individual cloud cars here and
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have it up the progress. much by with the models had predicted. there's a big line here coming north were losing little as it counters the light winds through the polite thing in our area. one must look up close at some of the individual showers and a scam their cost. tonight. ballantine nebraska had 9 in. of snow. it could be worse. most people would take liquid rather than crystal precipitation. the storm continues in the area well to tomorrow. the lake is now 19 in.. of course the reins have begun a three to five more inches on the way into additional storms. when it's light on monday night tuesday. here's what comes out of the storm. these of the totals from this point forward. we add these to what has come down. according to the model some areas and see another three-quarters of an inch. this is a doozy. a
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powerful high powerful low. a gritty in between so lot of wind up there. the winds keep blowing. rising into a test in this powerful storm the air rushes in to look for that thing was spurring a typical one you spring. those were frequent and other heavy up bricks of precipitation. citing what is a drink and these are getting longer. this remaining cool air is shortening with the passage of each and every day. this to
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be reminiscent of 1967 when we had the blood big blizzard in january that terrible outbreak winds will ease a bit late tonight and then pick up from another direction. temperatures fell below and mid-40s tomorrow with partial clearing tomorrow night. when still strong. partly cloudy less windy in the afternoon. the might be a charlotte today. back in another shower thunder storm system monday and tuesday night.
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and the small but robot that helping make cars ridge surgery a bit easier. why this may be the best video ever. >> there is no important games back here. move along. >> the very act of writing that is in no the black hawks came to against vancouver under way down when nothing one to go. a couple of stocks highlights. derek grows reaction to meeting the president. they say verizon's 4g lte is fast. we're here to put it to the test.
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we calculated only 18 minutes to board a plane. 18 minutes. can andres download a movie before the flight attendant shuts him down and save himself from his yammering neighbors ? blah, blah, blah blah, blah, blah. thirty-one percent. you're not gonna get it. it's going fast ! seventy percent. one minute to go. here she comes she's coming. please power down all devices. all right, so what'd you get ? i got a whole movie and a game ! whoa ! it's america's fastest and largest high-speed wireless network-- verizon. built so you can rule the air. [ telephone rings ]
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oh! let's do this. look who's early! [ dentist ] my patients want to walk into their dental check-up prepared to ace it. that's why i tell them to use new crest pro-health invigorating clean rinse. its invigorating action lets you know it's working to fight plaque and gingivitis and it provides all these other benefits. crest pro-health invigorating clean rinse. clean, protect and invigorate your way to better dental check-ups. life opens up when you do.
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>> it's more sensitive than a surgeon's touch a dead accuracy to an operation yet it is not human. a new robot is on the scene and it is making patients' hearts happier. it's all about the way the heart beats. for some people get out of rhythm when medication is not enough to man the problem doctors goin.
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doctors have to perform the procedure while the heart is moving so they can see when the heart misses a beat. operating on a moving muscle may leave them missing their mark in repair. now they try to catheter through a leg vein in the heart with the help of robotics. the robot has very little trouble with it. >> now what seems like video game controls they feel their way working >> the robot take surgeons on a
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journey inside the chest to see all sides of the heart. it is not just about where the calf and removes the house strongly is in said the heart. >> the pressure is off since the new system decreases radiation exposure for patients and doctors. >> rain out on the south said the cops go mile high. baseball highlights leader in sports.
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>> berk reynolds now 75 will be appearing at the hollywood boulevard hosting screenings of some of his classic films. >> d. richards has more on that. plus, the new movies coming up this weekend. >> of the great films that you've done exciting and compelling films are the ones of which are most proud? >> yes. deliverances one. i
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directed a couple there is very proud of. i thought in the end deletion of one day can new word. it is a picture known wanted to make a comedy about dying. i felt very strong. >> that said are there any of these films you wish to a poll of the library. there is a shelf but enough. i sometimes wake up at 3 in the morning and go of >> look for the full burr rattles interview on my page of the web site wgn. com/keenes list. >> information and his appearances and ordered in naperville this began go to hollywood cinema. com for new
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releases began an affair is back. if you seen the previous three screams-in movies you've also seen the new a scream for. courtney cox, david arquette come in at campbell and the old slasher friends. part of the macabre fun of the screen movies with a bizarre scenarios and the inventive ways that director wes craven would spill the blood. in screen for it is missing. it is pretty formula. i can only come about a dean's list c. the animated film to shore israel. the same people the party i said sunday tell a tale of birds captured by some story torture. the story is pleasant enough but not as pleasant as the pics are moving. not as india's most kids' movies. for the little ones and the adults we do is a beautiful to look at to rated c
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+. he cannot get my current and past reviews on our website at wgn tv. com/keenes less. i've met a list of interviews with the stars there is wealth in the sunday in my column in the chicago tribune is weak and it made you with an athlete and jamie fox movie rio. dean richards wgn news. >> team is one of the hardest working guys in the business. keeping track of these movies. oh my word i think he's got me begin by a mile. to answer your question there's going to be a lot of good movie days here of this kids keeps up. tomorrow is no bargain we've got thunder and lightning at 30,000 top thunderstorms crews in the area could see some of these flashing hear the actual lightning. in selecting returns at their there is always a very active squall line losing something as it
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comes north boy it's good rain heavily of those there the individual towers. the site getting some areas to ran pretty heavily. the proposals to see here are the ones potentially producing hill that's interesting to look at that way. here's a look at temperatures right now. here is the 3 different storm is the one right now whose winds blow from the northwest tomorrow. a nice break on sunday of the table over because the next storm right there is already on it. by monday warm moist air coming up and over the storm. it rides up in this area tuesday when there could be powerful rains and thunderstorms in the area. here's the next one. this one could rain and thunder on thursday and friday we hope it'll go out of here in time for
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easter which is one week from sunday. we will keep posted on the next about 52 tomorrow that is pre-dawn. 57 partly cloudy part of the day sunday cloudy light showers monday showers and storms tuesday. shares in the back side of that system when in doubt wednesday operate thursday. system #three. more showers and thunderstorms later next week. at no point we get warm air. a real chance to grab a foothold. have a great weekend. >> if all this rebirth sanitation and a paycheck farewell. >> tonight's focus of the day courtesy of the chicago tribune. >> the fountain is falling once
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again in grant park. >> more photos on our web site wgn tv. , in chicago tribune. com. you might be familiar with the kiss chemicals on the game this might be the best yet. the
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case camera made its way around the ring at the maple leaf game. it landed on the key couple's an enthusiastic and then it flashed to to females in the crowd. do they kiss? keep watching. we don't know because the camera turned away and it's all up to your imagination. think what you will. >> discriminating camera. game two underway in vancouver got. the black cuts up next. ♪ ♪ i may be mud but i have standards. mops? please. some of them have bacteria. ♪ ♪ and they try to pick me up? ew. i'm really hard to get. uh! ♪ what about love?! ♪ [ male announcer ] swiffer attracts
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dirt. used mops can grow bacteria. swiffer wetjet's antibacterial solution eliminates 99.9% of bacteria that mops can spread around. i like your pad! [ male announcer ] swiffer cleans better than a mop or your money back. so, what's the snapshot discount? it's pretty revolutionary. patented, actually. it takes a snapshot of your good driving habits, so you can save money. like a snapshot? that's what i'm talking about. in a sports car. show it to me. yes! i want to believe it!
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ooh! fierce! argh! love it. i think we have it. the snapshot discount. new, huge, and only from progressive.
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. one almost done. along with ago in the game. the hawks had these two games so far. they got hustled in game 1 blackhawks looking for a better start against vancouver. attune nothing lost two nights ago. tetracaine saw his buddy teas take off like lightning. three defenders come storming in.
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vancouver gets aid to zero break. cory crawford offer a challenge. vancouver draws first. hanson scores the second of the series. one nothing now after one period. matt and the catcher chris over the head. all three runners scored. watch the relay. a bad throw i ended up four runs plaid. a miserable night on this out south side cold rain in a bad start for the home team. the angels lead to-1 in the fourth. last all left
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watch run peered goes back to the wall and reaches over robbing him of a home run. the game is delayed by rain in the sixth they resume adam dunn get the hang of reps in there for it to run blast. in the eighth inning of the score is still for-3. the bulls began part two of their season tomorrow. go ahead the pacers. they need 16 more to bring the nba title back to chicago. >>d basketball >errick rose after he shared a moment with present obama at last night's fundraiser has he promised to come to any games? >> 47784he said he will beat frontcourt at the final. if we make hell definitely be there. >> for step came when tomorrow
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against the pacers. tom thibodaux pulled rose aside and told him to be fake about what the pages will throw him in game 1. >> i really do not know. >> authentically want to get as many easy baskets as possible. the first thing to try to push any time you get onto the ball that's easy offense. whether it be our opponent doubling carlos or derek been trapped. it comes down to our ability to get a high percentage shot. >> finally it was 64 years ago today the jackie robinson broke the color barrier in baseball playing his first game for the brooklyn dodgers. as you saw earlier in the highlights his uniform was no. 42. he grew up a
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dodger fan during jackies year he got a special honor >> >> the first person to receive it was to feature ryan. >> [applause] >> getting his first effort tech rabin said reward. promoting legacy of jackie. he is a rock solid man and has been his entire life. a special may 7th half-hour documentary on his career with the white sox. 30 years celebrating not. hopefully it was a good year. >> with got great video. i didn't interview two months ago. think you're rich. that is the news this friday night we're
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happy share time with us. updates wgn tv. , all night. have a great weekend we will see monday. hey susie, why don't you use this ? it's got a calculator. thanks, dad. this is the neighborhood. you get elm street and you get main street. thank you. and that's just the first quarter. so you want a slide in your office ? or monkey bars, either one. more small businesses choose verizon wireless than any other wireless carrier. where's susie ? is she expecting you ? because they know the small business with the best technology rules.
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[ school bell rings ] you have a child with adhd. you're getting calls from his teacher he's impulsive in class. and his inattention makes focusing on homework tough. i know how it is because my son has adhd too. i didn't know all i could do to help manage his adhd. our doctor suggested a treatment plan with non-stimulant intuniv. [ male announcer ] once daily non-stimulant intuniv has been shown to reduce adhd symptoms. don't take if allergic to intuniv or are taking guanfacine. intuniv may cause serious side effects, such as low blood pressure, low heart rate, fainting, and sleepiness. intuniv may affect the ability to drive or use machinery. other side effects include nausea, tiredness, trouble sleeping stomach pain and dizziness. tell the doctor about your child's medicines and medical conditions, including heart, liver or kidney problems. i'm a mom first and a teacher second. so i did my homework and got informed. [ male announcer ] ask the doctor about once daily non-stimulant intuniv.
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