tv WGN Midday News CW May 4, 2011 1:00pm-2:00pm EDT
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and save up to thousands of dollars. call this toll-free number now. more details are emerging on the raid that killed osama bin laden as the white house decides whether to release photos taken after his death. good afternoon i'm steve sanders . >> hi nancy loo welcome our viewers on wgn america and on the web. u.s. officials say the operation that killed osama bin laden was a surgical raid conducted by a small team and designed to minimize collateral damage. osama bin laden was not armed but he did put up resistance when forces entered the compound. in addition to the chief of al qaeda four others inside the compound were killed including his son. vice- president jowe biden it was an
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extraordinary top-secret mission . >> several months we were in the process of planning this and there were as many as 16 members of congress were briefed on it not a single solitary thing week. . >> a congressional source cells cnn osama bin laden had about $745 in cash and two telephone numbers shown in his clothing when he was killed. the white house is still deciding whether or not to release photos taken after his death because of concerns about the graphic nature of the pictures and possible backlash by investigators searching to the compound where he was hiding. reportedly owns from a transporter from a troubled area along the border with afghanistan carries gas food and other supplies throughout the country which explains in london was able to travel there. the
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compound in an area where most residents are army personnel in forces say that osama bin laden was living next door to a senior army maj. . >> lawmakers want to hold back u.s. aid to pakistan until more is known about the country's connection to if osama bin laden terrorism. pakistan needs to explain why osama bin laden was reportedly living in a $1 million compound near the capital for five years before he was killed. lawmakers say they want to make sure that pakistan is not shielding terrorist. the amount we're wasting american taxpayer dollars. the aid has been suspended until we get some answers to some questions. the earlier this year president obama requested $3 billion for pakistan in the 2012 budget half of the aid was for security related programs. . >> president bush declined president obama invitation to
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meet with families at ground zero tomorrow. you may remember this image of president bush in the days following september 11th. a bullhorn and vowed to avenge the text. a spokesperson says the president appreciated the gesture but he wants to stay at of the spotlight and celebrating the victory on the war of terror with all americans . >> history unfolding right now and mayor richard daley and record 22 years in office residing over his final council meeting. muriel clair live at city hall with more and aldermen are paying tribute and this could go on for quite a while. . >> i think so too. the mayors last in office so i guess it's say the curtain is slowly coming down and his 22 year reign as mayor of the windy city. today city council meeting was daley's last meeting is mayor and dabbled his first council
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meeting in 1989. he has been the city's longest mayor even outlasting his father who served 21 1/2 years in 1955 until his death in 1976. today's council meeting. . >> mr. president you have made the decision to lead on your own time by roan choice and with your record intact . >> what to wish you in that lovely wife of years the best that god has to give. a blessing upon your life. . >> many years ago the city was a gritty and dirty place but now people all over this country recognize the city is probably one of the most beautiful cities of the world. not just in the united states but in the
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world. you have changed the face of this city. . >> the older men are getting up one by one it said city council in paying tribute to this matter and we would hear from him later on in the day. bringing this to you on the 5:00 news at city hall back to you. . >> investigators looking for the cause of the huge fire this morning in waukegan and insults sheridan rode the roof collapsed there were flames and black smoke from this fire could be seen for miles. firefighters took little over an hour to get under control and they're not not in any injuries reported that up in chicago police being questioned about the deadly accident. it and killed 26 year- old and she was crossing in a crosswalk. the driver has not
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yet been charged for the incident. a student was diagnosed with a bacterial infection in the student diagnosed over the weekend health officials sent letters to students and include high fever hettick vomiting stiff neck and a rash. bacteria can be spread throughout direct contact with nose and throat secretions them up standing in solidarity at st. sabina church for father michael pfleger who was suspended last week. people gathering for a last minute vigil last night later sat quietly in a side depue and made no comments. church leaders did not mention him by name but the parade for his reinstatement. them up have free rein in our hearts. it is
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your time god. we turn it all over to you. . >> last week gordo george suspended him citing a threat to leave the church effuse transferred out of his current parish. parishioners protested in front of the cardinal's home them up former chief of staff back on the stands trying to link his old boss to corruption. john harris in the former governor's redraw. julie is live at the building with more . >> we get a nice window into the state of mind of blagojevich. reflecting at that time on his reelection in 2006. reelected for a second term he should've been on the top of the world but in reality he was financially strapped. he was depressed and frustrated by political people and mike madigan and is way
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ahead of this was the scene to be vacated u.s. senate seat. according to the fbi air taxis planning to trade the seat for something better from sell. he wanted a cabinet post and talked on the phone about heading up the political arm of the labor union and wanted to put his wife on a state board to boost his income. the governor made it clear he wanted a way of illinois politics back in 2008. used a tree after he was reelected and the like president nixon felt after he was reelected. he felt stock. that's what is said privately november 6th. a november 10, 2008 this is what is said about the search committee to find a replacement for senator obama u.s. senator from will whoever here she may
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be aware they may come from an illinois is to be somebody who believes his i do that healthcare is a fundamental human right. them up by telephone blagojevich focusing on valerie jared as a perfect fit in said give me the spot that will give for the senate seat. what do you think of that proof this morning this meant excusing the wife of blagojevich from the court and they grilled the former chief of staff about her about how she could profit from the appointment as well. back to you think you. on the midday news a levy blast and flooding concerns along one spot the mississippi communities downriver braced for the worst . >> still recovering from their own catastrophe japan pledges a little bit of help to the victims of the last week
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arthritis means pain. but you may not know it can also mean destruction. not just of your joints, but of the things you love to do. and the longer you live with the aching, swelling, and stiffness, the closer you may be to having your favorite things... taken away from you. but you can take action today. go to for your free joint profile so you can better talk to your rheumatologist about protecting your joints. [ female announcer ] choosing a toothbrush can be a game of chance. for dentists the choice is clear. fact is, more dental professionals brush with an oral-b toothbrush than any other brush. trust the brush more dentists and hygienists use, oral-b. take care of your engine and it'll go far. one way i can take care of my engine? one a day men's -- a complete multivitamin for my overall health. plus it supports my heart
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health and helps maintain healthy blood pressure. [ engine revs ] whoa. kinda makes your heart race, huh? a plan to blow up the levee hoping one town illinois appears to be working. we take a closer look of the situation from the border with missouri . >> day 2 of the exploding led the extravaganza. extreme measures were taken for extreme flood of bad. along the ohio river this the worst of benson's 1937. blew up a second levy any concede this video taken during the daytime. but above the treetops and that is at the opposite end of this floodway so that some of the water can be trained. this is all farmland
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which will not be any good for this year at least and not the farmers are upset in a class action lawsuit is happening. the state of missouri is not at all happy about this pollution. one former a retired farmer who was here during the 1930's flood and here's what he had to say . >> the farmers in many these acres they've been very lucky they've gone for so many years without any floods. this is supposed happen once in a great while. you just have to take on them up lots of towns are back to it and lots of homes are completely flooded out. when out with the wildlife service going around to the areas that are hit hardest and love these folks will not see the waters receive for several days. now they're releasing more water upstream that has been held all this rain fall. in multi week event affecting millions of people all the way down to louisiana. them
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up in noblewoman had to be at rescued when she got caught up in the flooding missouri. joe's the missouri national guard to rescue this 93 year-old woman trapped in a car. the vehicles surrounded by rushing floodwaters and national guardsmen were able to get her out the woman gets stuck will try to drive across a highway and fortunately she was not injured. . >> of japan paying a forward to the u.s. after returning to swept through much of this out. japan will give many blankets and plastic sheets for victims and the people affected by last week's tornado killing 350 people. people come from a warehouse in miami which is normally used for land american disasters. this comes about two months after the disaster in japan with the earthquake and tsunami killing nearly 15,000
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people. in an effort to decontaminate their waters japan is setting up a device to remove radioactive substances from seawater. workers will fill a metal container with a mineral that will absorber radioactive materials and then it will use a pump to continuously inject c water into the container. we hope activated in the pacific ocean close to the troubled fukushima plant by the end of this month. radiation levels remain high in the waters near the plant. . >> crews looking for nine miners trapped after explosion in northern mexico. happened yesterday morning in the heart of the country's coal mining region. workers inside the shaft about 200 ft. deep and emergency workers had to wait for toxic gases to dissipate before they could get inside. they found five bodies a 15 year-old boy who was seriously injured. bp pay $45 million fine to settle a
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civil suit over two crew crude oil leaks in alaska. failed to properly maintain its oil pipelines in the weeks in 2006 were a direct result of that neglect. the justice department considering possible fines against bp over the much bigger oil spill in the gulf of mexico. experts say the funds and restitution costs could top $20 billion. the amount one person one step closer to getting the first female mayor of gary vienna. she won the democratic primary in debt over 50 percent of the votes out of 10 candidates in the field. the current mayor rudy clay endorsed her. . >> top business stories are next in you will not what your boss to hear this. strategic advice for napping at work. the amount if you want to gas up your rental car before you return it
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for a better shot at getting surfaces clean, you'll want bounty extra soft. in this lab test bounty extra soft leaves this surface 3x cleaner than a dishcloth. even with just one sheet. super clean. super soft. bounty extra soft. in the pink pack. and try bounty napkins. at bloomberg headquarters in new york following your top business stories. one of those is boeing secretary charging the army about spare parts (inaudiblew) a tiny black plastic that cost less than $13
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for the pentagon agency. refunded about a half a million dollars on that fear after a draft and it was issued (no audio) after the draft came out. wall street journal saying richard branson and asked boeing to pay up to make up costs repeatedly delayed streamliners calling these a nightmare. the ceo of sears addressing shareholders at the company's annual meeting saying improving their business is a top priority details of how he will do this. high hopes for the kardashian collection as well as one of modern family star sophia vergara . stocks lost almost 10 percent yesterday and then went back to 10th of a percent. losing money for the first quarter and sales in stores opened had fallen. on the
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service side of the economy utility and health care growing less than forecast by the apparel company's bp lawyer services dating 179,000 jobs in april missing what economists have been looking for. investors did not like it and putting pressure on stocks the dow down only eight tenths of 1%. becky . >> they keep. a traffic controller probably not a good idea to nap on the job but did you know that napping at work is not such a bad thing proved it scientific proof is jennifer w iegel it is good for you ? . >> it improves your ability to reason in your mood obviously. this is going to save companies billions of dollars if they allow their workers to map. a
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few companies are actually doing this. . >> feud is being slothful and lazy. move it around. some companies and now this is a meditation room in some companies also google as mapping pods. companies that actually went ponce for $800 a month. . >> at my office did have a big glass window i'm sure. them up people tend to frown on the idea remember in the '80s the east of town and a gym at the office but now it's a sort of a day care and a place for children so these things are being integrated for right now we're still having to do this on the fly and we say that there are people napping and pretending that they're working. . >> of the secret heart of napping. where some of the places proof them up the
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bathroom is one of them locked herself in a people want or knocking after you. joined your car during lunch is a popular one and it is very sunny its top of you want to bring your sleep met. . >> woodson's surveillance in our parking lot . >> an empty room or compass from that will not be used their summit conference rooms in the tower some people could be using the internet . >> if your telecommuting it as well or if they're on a conference call with 17 people they may never notice. but as long as it goes are starting. . >> a lot of airlines will allow pilots to take a nap and international flights only net domestic. your workers and your ability to do your job it can then have to make a big difference. . >> a lot of famous people who are nappers'. a lot's of people who do. . >> if you want to sneak in a
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stealth inapposite a good idea that a co-worker cover for you ? . >> that is one of the other ones you schedule your nap. then i cover for some of my own co- workers but will not name names for obvious reasons. . >> it is all good. . >> will check over there to read them off joe biden does it. some people do it in the hope that the pickup. honestly and not a strong after 10 minutes but the worst but their works for some people that when not embrace it prove? if you are napping during the segment don't worry about we have it on but lessons like this go to wakeup nancy. a lot of people is their homes in the spring and fight on this course of their homes with a quicker still. later in
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strength bayer aspirin. it rushes relief to the site of pain. no matter where you're hurting. feel better? yeah. thanks for the tip. [ male announcer ] for powerful pain relief use bayer aspirin. i can tell you the housing market is yet to wake up on like me. christie has tips on easy and inexpensive ways to step up your home . >> don and she and her husband are trying to sell their home in western new york ben up spend a month last year we had up for almost a whole year. . >> is there anything that you did in between to get the house in shape so be ready for the new real-estate market ? . >> yes we redid the kitchen and we fenced in the entire back toward them up the price to two high and had to lower their asking price. $329,000. a
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buyer's market which means it has to be priced right. it also has the look good. home in style designers and authors of no place like home . >> i wish this was a miracle. i wish this was here to bounce light into the room will the more. . >> we ask how to help themselves as opening sequence to sell. . >> you do not have a dining room c have to make people feel they have a space to gathering. when i see the table i think this is a great light fixture but it's the center of the table. . >> to be selling season and according to mortgage and science home sales are expected to remain soft in the near future in the spring season could deliver disappointing results. and this climate when it comes to sprucing up your house to sell it to be something as small and simple as a color that could make a difference.
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so it just keeps before year depending on what you can afford. gray is the new page. coal modern great right away tells prospective buyers to your house is different from the other ones on the block. them up with very little money to treehouse all over the place. then at the end of the day the most important thing to keep in mind it is all about coming home. the simple things that crete that mental illusion for people coming in as prospective buyers to say i can see myself living in this home. . >> back to you . >> next time you rent a car be sure to top off the tank before you return otherwise it will cost you. five of eight major rental car companies charging at least $8 a gallon of gas to fill up when your car is returned. the highest is $9.29 a gallon and other companies are just under $6 a gallon the markup is
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tell your healthcare provider about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions including if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. the most common side effect of novolog is low blood sugar. other possible side effects include reactions at the injection site. get medical help right away if you experience serious allergic reactions body rash, trouble with breathing fast heartbeat or sweating. ask your healthcare provider about novolog flexpen today. learn more about the different insulins available in flexpen at flexpen, insulin delivery that goes with you. we want to bring you an extraordinary event. mayor daley addressing the city council for his final time after 22 years in office. you have to love the
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people. the experience is meeting people. people ask me why you keep going and why is this job exciting to the people that you meet. you meet extraordinary people every day someone that you saw that could not survive or someone they saw had a mark on the back because they came out of prison. someone that was so poor that it have anything in the life someway something happened to them that it would not be strong citizens but these are remarkable people. always pulling themselves up my father taught me never stepped on a person when they're down and never take a person when they're down. anybody can do that. that was one tradition we always thought never keep someone down the helping hand in half that helping hand in life because if you do not your not much of a person are you ? continue in this life in this great city. i'm proud of my family and my son patrick is
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here serving in the military and and very proud of all the men and women that served our military. my daughter is here and so is my wife who is recuperating my daughter is in school and my son kevin in heaven looking down upon me with my parents so you always think of those that you have lost in your life that had impact on your life and my son had a great impact. his life for like 50 years continually to survive in life. that is one thing that came out of that terrible death of my son. reminding us that life is so precious in use every moment in time. i want to thank my cabinet all my cabinets and the chiefs of staff over the years. the many of them. all of my people working in government and all those blue notes that were sent out i do not know what i would do without those blue notes. all the notes that i
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gathered in my trips around the city or my trips around the world reading articles in magazines and everything else and we pleased the city and that was to me this is the greatest job in america. i do not care what anyone tells me. this is such a great job because we have a passion it is not about posters that about getting a poll and what to do proof it's not about the mailing your texting. it's about what you have in your gut and you see new people rising did. immigrants and one in and young people in the other. when they mix with a great energy you have for the city. cities don't typically have appeared york has young immigrants. we have the same thing. we need to capitalize on that and we need to make sure that we mash together the
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systems to move forward pruett a global city. we will not compete against york or los angeles or alaska. we will compete against china and india brazil germany. indonesia. countries that are unbelievable with manufacturing bases in germany doing better than they have ever done before. china has done things and less than 15 years to bring things together. india is moving forward rapidly and of course brazil as a nation and if we do not realize the natural resources that they will have in this hemisphere will be brazil. it will be a wonderful ally and partner to us if willing to have our city trade agreement with them. to see all this as mayor in coming back always as your mayor. always believing that ethnic parade and those libraries and all the dedications are important.
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taking responsibility for public schools that this is the greatest opportunity to change our city. i help a child for education for life they of independence to live. poverty or homelessness. do whatever you can do to support our education system. we owe it to our children thinking outside the box. we owe it to our children that as adults that we should not interfere in the way they receive their education and that they should not be denied. i believe that. when it took over the housing authority to kept saying education and housing authority you will not win. those are impossible things to do. if you look at one side and i said to myself and that looked at the other side and said well i guess that's housing public housing. i went to president clinton became with the responsibility and stood with me. he give me more money for
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public housing and said mr. president a lot to do something with public housing is it what you want to do proof i said i don't want to just rebuild houses i think the people and their families and children and grandchildren deserve something better it cannot allow this in our country. he took a political risk. 99.9% of the people would not have voted form. i said we will put money up in the city will do things. he city got agreement. everyone of the secretaries give us in what amount of money and in time after difficult times to say we took a stand with president bush. i personally think them for that. he never wanted to applaud him and never wanted any resolution he just did it. he firmly believed that we could
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work with this. across the world they're all coming in all for high-rise public housing. people coming from rural areas into the city and into the world. those two developments made a marked difference in the people of the city of chicago. in 1989 i received 6 percent of the african-american vote. and then i went out a campaign to the community. i was determined that there was no way that was not the mayor. i pledge to myself that every single day. the camp community organizations and clubs i was going to make sure that was their mayor. i worked on that the app. i think the community. the elected officials in all of them to come
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together on behalf of this great city. to me i could go on and on. for 22 years and 32 years seven days of my life and i loved every minute of public service. it is a great calling and a great profession. this country is truly great. i travel and i come back them up you are witnessing the end of an era. in the city of chicago mayor richard daley addressing the city council for his final time in office. the city's longest serving mayor of 22 years . >> a very emotional moment to read right now we turn to jim ramsey who has our forecast. the mayor deserves his sunny cent of them you got it. we will see some shine in fact
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and it will still be a little before below normal. 53 degrees at the moment and look of this picture across the city and see not a cloud to be seen on most of the horizon. there were a few clouds that drifted over chicago and they have long since pushed way over to the south and we're not expecting that we will see any cloudiness before tomorrow afternoon. 53 degrees in chicago and lots of warm air to the south. we will not see it immediately but over time temperatures will be improving incrementally. by seven days or so from now we'll have temperatures in the '70s. these numbers all across the area are very very similar. temperatures under the bright blue sky. two- point temperatures are very low at this hour as a result you may have noticed it was pretty chilly getting up this morning. we're expecting two points to rise with time. a little bit of a blake and blocks coming in with wind from the lakefront.
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radar showing the precipitation through the dakotas and nebraska a cold front approaching the city. consul be on the increase tomorrow and by tomorrow afternoon or evening some of this rain with an occasional clap of thunder expected it will invade chicago. the best chance to be tomorrow night into the early morning hours of friday. a computer suggesting just about the same thing. the time appeared arrival and how much rain is expected to push into the record probably short-lived period of such a grid .. and temperature range of 41 up to 45 degrees. tomorrow clouds will increase storms' possible and temperature rains 61 up to 65 degrees for friday. or around 60
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degrees behind the cold front. the best news is probably will come beyond that. we are looking at substantially warmer temperatures as to go into the weekend. that may be accompanied by some rain or thunderstorms. of course we will talk about that later in the 7 day forecast . >> thank you. we want to let you know that president obama according to cnn has decided not to release the death photos of osama bin laden. keep on top of that story. . >> your life lottery drawing is coming up. . >> live from wgn tv chicago the official drawing of the illinois lottery. . >> good afternoon your midday drawing for wednesday may 4 2011. here are the pick three numbers. it is pick three bonus
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been supervised by the accounting firm of ec ortiz. you know rheumatoid arthritis means pain. but you may not know it can also mean destruction. not just of your joints, but of the things you love to do. and the longer you live with the aching, swelling, and stiffness, the closer you may be to having your favorite things... taken away from you. but you can take action today. go to for your free joint profile so you can better talk to your rheumatologist about protecting your joints. [ male announcer ] undeniably colorful, seriously smooth and in excellent condition. those are your lips with new covergirl lip perfection. it doesn't just give you beautiful color now, it gives you more beautiful lips
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derrick rose was named the nba mvp becoming the youngest player to receive the reward. the only other bulls player besides michael jordan to receive the reward. also the first person to get their reward in his third season in 30 years. he got 113 of a possible 121 first to lose votes. . >> it is amazing. this is only my third year. i'm still learning things about the game and to be the mvp 22 years old and it makes you want to push even harder. work harder. . >> the talent is the obvious part and we see the drive you see the humility is he how he is never satisfied. see how much
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she cares about his teammates how he always wants to do better and become a greater force. obviously our team has benefited greatly. . >> his ankle is ok after twisting it in the closing seconds of the monday night game. but dissipated a full team practice and is this is ready to go for the next thing tonight. the white sox and a historic night on the mound for minnesota to win with a hit list of light. bottom of the night line drive and the sox lose 1-0 throw in the first no-hitter in the majors this season. the first time the white six had been a no-hit since 1991. that is a look at sports. . >> in medical watch today a new study suggests cutting salt may not necessarily be good for your heart. the study found low salt intake actually increases the
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risk of dying from a heart attack or stroke. researchers followed nearly 4000 healthy european men and women over eight years recording those views the least amount salt added 56 percent higher risk of death from stroke or heart attack compared to those who use the most salt. the researchers emphasized people with high blood pressure who are not included in the study will still benefit from a low salt diet. asthma cases are on the rise in the u.s.. according to the centers for disease control people diagnosed with asthma grew in all demographics by about 4.3 million between 2001 and 2009. researchers say about one in 12 americans now have asthma. this is because of the increase is a mystery because of poor air quality has improved and smoking in secondhand smoking archive and asthma trekkers but has been drastically reduced. because of
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this the top priority is getting people to manage their symptoms better. the lunch break coming up next. . >> more than just bread crumbs. crusted tilapia. my name is mike, and i quit smoking. i knew for years before i quit that i needed to quit, and i went online to find a way. ♪ ♪ chantix -- it's a non-nicotine pill. i didn't want nicotine to give up nicotine. while you're taking the medication, for the first week you can go ahead and smoke. [ male announcer ] prescription chantix is proven to help people quit smoking. [ mike ] when i was taking the chantix, it reduced the urge to smoke. [ male announcer ] some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these symptoms or behaviors, stop taking chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of depression or other mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if
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encrusted tilapia. we make all of our sauces' fresh all the time including using our own olive oil. we had some bread crumbs here and delays of tilapia them up the bread crumbs and the parmesan already at? . >> no we make that out selves as well. we will take this and a few things need to do is to brush the tilapia with garlic olive oil. in a 350 degree oven. the magic of it. you want to cook the fish are hundred 45 degrees. key to that of oil . >> to use extra virgin ? . >> yes we use extra virgin. a flavor issue and that is the first practice with the olives. lot more flavor in there. we will get our oil hot here. among
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high-tech hot and will bring it down to medium. we will weirdo spinach and springtime did not want to bring anything else with flowers but you want water spanish for sure. of oil starts to go there spinach going in here. that is all good for the art in moderation so we will addieville but of salt. demavend we will have to leave it out and change the recipe. . >> you put some garlic in their? . >> not yet. with plenty of garlic to come. some of the new menu items out or parmesan and some baked ziti on the menu.
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some springlike shrimp scampi. we also have our coast to coast from hawaii to the greater boston area. down there we have our mozzarella light and fresh and stuffed chicken and upper shertok stuffed chicken is awesome. them up you did not leave that and there for very long and all of them up just one minute. after that the spanish to cook down too much. this is the good stuff right here. a little more olive oil to this. just a bit. we'll get that back up by high again in this process talking about how simple . >> we look easy recipes. . >> you cook your tilapia them up that is a lot of garlic my friend. . >> just a good garlic is and release the flavors it. we use a lot of garlic. some pepper and
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if you want to grab those pitiful tomatoes over there. don't those right in there. then we have some fresh basil 2. what a beautiful mix. . >> we want to soften the sting meadows and warm-up. nice and fresh with great player like the spanish with tomatoes as well. we will cut down the heat toss the garlic and and enter the basil and there. all of it. with the colors of the italian flag like to read the white and green all right there. all hundred and 45 degrees right there. you couldn't stop bias on mother's day. nice and light and pottery.
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take care of your engine and it'll go far. one way i can take care of my engine? one a day men's -- a complete multivitamin for my overall health. plus it supports my heart health and helps maintain healthy blood pressure. [ engine revs ] whoa. kinda makes your heart race, huh? the first thing you should know as temperatures will be improved and the second thing is is going to get water around here today. towards the end of the seven day. weekend showers and thunderstorms possible that not have a good day . >> thank you for joining us.
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