tv WGN News at Nine CW May 9, 2011 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT
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a time saver we could all use technology for recharging cellphone, laptop, you name it in seconds. >> the decision to take this under investigation is important when we do not make light of. >> chicago soon to be top cop now dealing with troubles back home in new jersey. the fed is looking into the department he is leaving. good evening. >> it is our top story seen around the country on duty and america tonight. tom and our news and with the story. >> tonight the department he is leaving behind is being investigated over allegations of rampant ness. carry mccarthy's next boss says he was not the problem in newark.
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>> the department of justice will be starting in investigation into certain aspects of the work of the newark police department. >> gary mccarthy was handpicked by merrill rahm emanuel. now the department he leaves behind the center investigation. the aclu's sites 407 examples of police misconduct against the department macarthy has run since 2006. >> a lot of the systems were not in place when i got there. >> complains the incoming police superintendent raised himself when he was introduced last week by the mayor elect. most of the problems predate his tenure in newark and in fact mason and his reputation as a reformer in chicago. a statement from emanuel spokesperson says when mccarthy took the position as police doctor in newark not only did he institute in number of aggressive and successful
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reforms he himself as the civil rights division of the justice department to work with the npd to excess the success of his reforms. among the reforms emanuel is pointing out the system to keep track of complaints coming into the department. its first ever performance monitoring system to keep an eye and officers facing allegations of misconduct in doubling the size of the newark police department internal affairs division. still, the allegations are serious including the case of a man who had his jaw broken by an arresting officer. >> we look at a number of areas including whether officers in the newark police department have to engage in a pattern or practice of excessive force against civilians, whether they have been engaged in a pattern of unlawful stops, searches or arrests and whether there is a discriminatory pricing. >> the fraternal order of police
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says it is reserving judgment pointing out that many of the allegations predate mccarthy's time as top cop in newark. just to give you a sense of how far back this goes, the american civil liberties union says it's been tried to get reforms on the police department in new worked since 1967. >> we apologize for the wrong graphic the beginning of that story. hard to forget that sexuality course at northwestern university featuring a live sex demonstration. professor bailey taught the class. tonight a vice president for university relations at the school released a statement saying the course is not to be offered in the next academic year. bailey is going to teach classes in the statistics and psychopathology. the power of sight of another potential terrorist threat. a six year-old north side man, and skating multiple bonds and powder from his home after
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allegedly made threats against the skyscraper. police have not reported what exactly he was threatening. the suspect is in custody and will undergo a mental evaluation. >> we now know the name of the burbank and lanai man who tried to open the main cabin of an airline flight. 20 minutes and the flight from houston to chicago he jumped up from his seat rush towards the front of the aircraft and a half to get off the plane. passengers subdued the man in the flight was diverted to st. louis where he was removed from the airplane. passengers can to the rescue and another made air disturbance began. the minister today flight from chicago to san francisco when he stormed the talk it door. flood assistance asked him to sit down even try to physically remove them from outside the cockpit area. passengers move been wrestling him to the ground and getting him into plastic handcuffs. he has no ties to terrorism. amtrak
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train passengers could face more scrutiny due to security concerns. >> wants to expand the no-fly list to include trains. the no- fly no ride idea of filed last week's raid bin ladens compound after discovering he had been targeting rails in chicago and several other cities. >> not happy with all the criticism over bin laden . maybe retaliating initially seeking the name of the a local chieftain media. pakistan minister denying that his government knew where been a lot and was hiding and reiterating his commitment to his country's fight against bin laden. >> determined not to allow itself to be used to fight anybody related to terrorism. >> american officials helping
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pakistan leaders make good on that. >> chicago's first lady maggie daley home tonight released from northwestern hospital after being admitted twice with like symptoms. mrs. daley's primary physician telling us tonight she is feeling better doctors saying christendom's were not related to her cancer. if daly has been battling breast cancer since 2002. in april she had it is senior writer and her leg replaced. the mayor not forgetting who has been working for the last 23 years. he held the last open house today shaking hands chairing the thoughts of everybody for regular citizens to high- ranking officials for hours. >> 1989 mayor richard m. daley's first open house at city hall setting the stage for his history making tenure on the floor. 22 years later a similar scene played out today. this time will be the last.
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>> we will miss him tremendously. >> thousands lined up to say goodbye first off the invited guests like republican state treasurer dan ruitherford. by early afternoon the open house was open to the public take security as the line wrapped on a corner of city hall's first floor lobby an eclectic mix of people waiting to take the elevator up clutching pictures of the mayor as the left. >> i wanted to conduct chile and he did a really good job. >> daily is a true legend. >> other is not so much. >> most of those elections i never voted for him but i appreciate that he has done a great deal. >> i did some volunteer work. that is the only disagreement i had with him. overall he has been a great mayor and i cannot
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thank him enough for what he has done for seniors. >> from seniors to children like five year-old elizabeth. >> we showed on the news this morning about the open house and she said i want to see the mayor. >> yes, i like him. >> this object as the curtain closes on daly's career. >> i am sad to see him go but i am great for a grateful for all the fantastic work he has done. >> one week from today chicago will officially have a new mayor. right after the swearing in ceremony monday afternoon there will be another open house here at city hall. this one hosted by a rahm emanuel. >> as mayor daley prepares to leave the office we have asked a lot of people that work with him over the years to share some memories. >> talking of his influence in
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springfield. >> i'll never forget incident went mayor daley took the time to call a galesburg republican legislator and thank him for voting for a bill. it was before self loans. the receptionist brought a note down same mayor daley is on line. the state senator kept that no and showed it to his grandchildren because the famous mayor daley went beyond the influence that he had been the city. he really was a national figure. certainly in influence throughout the state. >> we invite you to address saturday night at 930. a half- hour look at the life that helped to shape chicago. disorder in the court where the judge had to issue a stern warning to his lawyer. >> raging floodwaters not letting up how people along the mississippi river are gearing up for what could be the worst in
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hey susie, why don't you use this ? it's got a calculator. thanks, dad. this is the neighborhood. you get elm street and you get main street. thank you. and that's just the first quarter. so you want a slide in your office ? or monkey bars, either one. more small businesses choose verizon wireless than any other wireless carrier. where's susie ? is she expecting you ?
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because they know the small business with the best technology rules. [ male announcer ] congratulations to m&m's® pretzel for being 2011 product of the year in the candy and snacks category. i think i may regret this. you know, personally, i would have gone with the dragon -- but this is a close second. [ male announcer ] m&m's® pretzel. salty. sweet. and product of the year. these pretzel m&m's® are really good. yeah, i know. i haven't been able to stop eating them myself. guess that's how i ended up with this pretzel inside me. you know what they say -- you are what you eat, right? you are what you eat -- what a bunch of malarkey. >> emergency crews in cities along the mississippi river bracing for raging floods. mississippi is 14 ft. above flood stage highest in 70 years. water swarms the south residents
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of memphis and new orleans preparing to be hit. >> time to go olbers the carrier property make a value evacuation plans and about where you want to go. >> and national guard help of thoevacuate. police are stepping up security in the attack tweeted areas to prevent looting. a corps of engineers opened a levee near new orleans to divert water. the mississippi is expected to crest in the morning. >> reception in the child pc into started today. anthony is the orlando mother accused of killing her month-old baby and to the senate. jurors will be sequestered in orange county courthouse for an expected two month trial. 25 year-old anthony faces first-degree murder charges the prosecution is looking for the death penalty. >> objection after objection. attorneys for blagojevich faced
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intense questioning today. >> i cannot believe what i saw. attorneys jumping up to object to questions that had not even been asked yet. >> ill. former first lady appalled over the courtroom drama that had her husband running around most of the day. john harris and later, the union head. almost every question was met with an objection over 150 tally for the day. at the end of the day the judge let should the team about improper questioning primarily gold's been saying if he continue to do this i will sit you down. >> he never into that question.
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prosecutors >> was a strategy or an experience before a federal judge? what does the jury think? >> he is asking things he should not ask in the judge is telling him that or they may say that the government is hiding something and want to let the whole story come out. >> meanwhile more sickly recorded tapes were played in court. in this one a desperate sounding defendant spelling offers like the family's parties. here is an exchange. >> what is best for us first and foremost on the legal front, in a personal friend and a political front. in that order. julie andrews >> comedian >> still a heavy claims to be a man of faith by
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federal marshals did this man is just using religion to ran into some people. the fed's need your help to find a fugitive. >> bin laden already turned into a video can i eat heart healthy without giving up taste? a man can only try... and try...and try. [ male announcer ] honey nut cheerios tastes great and can help lower cholesterol. bee happy. bee healthy. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] it's new, and it's the most delicious thing that's ever happened to cinnamon. introducing cinnamon burst cheerios. 20% daily value of fiber bursting with the delicious taste of cinnamon. new cinnamon burst cheerios. prepare your taste buds.
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sentence. perhaps you can bring him to justice. he claims to be a man of faith that some may say he is actually doing the devil's work. >> someone knows where he is. >> 55 rocher bartle vasquez. >> he would go out and act like using religious adviser to gain the trust of his victim and their families. his conviction was for the seven your continued molestation of a girl in indiana. >> he went out the front of family he began molesting their daughter at the age of six and his actions continued until she was 13 years old. >> it was only stopped when her parents found pornography that vasquez said the gross email. when the trial began in october 2009 he took off. >> anyone that deals with
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victimizing children or innocent individuals are at the top of the list. >> robert vasquez is 55 years old 5 ft. 10 in. tall 170 lbs.. he could still be in the chicago area but it is just as likely best guess is hiding out even teaching narcissism to other unsuspecting families in san antonio tx. >> they need to call the authorities and tournament because he is possibly victimizing more innocent children and he's to be stopped. >> this is the number to call with information on roberto vasquez 888694589. the cult is free. if you're to plead to his capture the fugitive hunters will pay you cash. >> thank you shawn. mayor
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richard daley and his final days at city >> hall> chicago tribune cartoonist scott once the say so long. >> hallelujah mayor daley is almost gone. as mayor daley finishes his victory lap we love to have given him a gold watch but... well... we can't afford it. as mayor daley was building his legacy he was sticking us with the tab. sure he did good things parks flowers along michigan avenue. what is not to love? now the bill is finally coming due for 22 years of friends and family budgeting. what is the richard d. legacy?
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schools that do not teach. rusty infrastructure. far to police on the street. crushing debt. all this while we're being taxed until our ears bleed. daily love fast because i'm kind of busy relocating to indiana. mayor rahm good luck. you're going to need it. that is money stands for now. >> coming up taking pain medication may not keep the doctor away how to minipills but you at risk for developing a deadly disease. >> recharger cellphone in seconds. a professor has created a better battery. >> live from wgn tv chicago the official drawing of the illinois lottery. >> the evening i am led the with the winning lottery numbers.inda with
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>> in tonight's medical watch a new study links daily bills to a increased risk for disease. acetaminophen found in town all booster risk for bladder cancer. the research adds confusion for consumers who have long been told aspirin may lead to bleeding ulcers but also may protect against colon cancer. scientists admit the flaws in their study acknowledging study participants took a lot of pain killers may that other ailments that predisposes them to blood cancers. the time of year ebby
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is born may predispose them to certain disorders. spring and summer may signal an increased risk for celiac disease all wondered what could predispose children for optimism. the reasons are the same. exposure to viruses very early plays a role in office and development. by the time a child is ready for the first food it is cold and flu season complicated allergic immune reactions which causes celiac reacted to leading to abdominal in nerve tissues. the journal obstetrics and gynecology say reports on the bad news for menopausal women. hot flashes last twice as long as previously thought. women who have hot flashes earlier will have them for longer. during a 13 year study. more than 300 women studied all still have hot flashes. white women who are overweight actually had fewer hot flashes than black and average women. doctors say the
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lengthy time points the need for better treatment. >> tomorrow and have hot flashes. tom skilling forecast. >> plenty of storms. living with diabetes is a reality for me, but i learned that i don't have to use a vial and syringe as part of my daily routine anymore. my doctor showed me the novolog mix 70/30 flexpen. flexpen is discreet and comes pre-filled with my insulin. flexpen goes with me and doesn't need refrigeration. and it's covered by most insurance. if you're still using a vial and syringe ask your healthcare provider about the benefits of flexpen. flexpen is a discreet, pre-filled dial-a-dose insulin pen. you can dial the exact dose of insulin you need.
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and inject insulin by pressing a button. novolog mix 70/30 is an insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. do not inject if you do not plan to eat within 15 minutes to avoid low blood sugar. tell your healthcare provider about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions including if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. most common side effects include reactions at the injection site, weight gain, swelling of your hands and feet and vision changes. other serious side effects include low blood sugar and low potassium in your blood. get medical help right away if you experience serious allergic reactions including body rash, trouble with breathing, fast heartbeat sweating or if you feel faint. flexpen is made by novo nordisk, a healthcare company committed to diabetes care for nearly 90 years. i've made flexpen part of my routine just like spending time with my family. ask your healthcare provider about novolog mix 70/30 flexpen today. learn more about the different insulins available in flexpen at flexpen. insulin delivery that goes with you.
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these days. >> second warmest day of the year today. what is to come is really exciting. one of those years where we bonds from late winter and summer almost overnight. that's about to happen here and 87 forecast wednesday to greece for the record high to date. two weeks early to get a reading that were more about that in one moment. first, look at this beautiful sign of spring. this comes to us from can't do percent in the beverly-chicago. baltimore oriole not a baseball player either that's a beautiful bird. can abort a shot thank you for sharing that with us. we need shots like that especially on a great deal like this although we did get some sun out today. if you are away from the lake it was warm. close to 80 in our southern suburbs. 100 degree temperatures today and the plain states. wichita kansas had its
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early as 100 degree temperature ever. look at the world's developing south of us 86 in st. louis today. 94 record in oklahoma city. seven states in which record has occurred today. college station, texas their one degree from the warmest temperature ever recorded in the month of may. lots of keep their and it's coming in our direction. will be tempered in the northern suburbs. the lake surface temperatures in the thirties off shore. when he turned and went off that that is what we say so cool. elco warm the mild temperatures are at this hour. kansas city at or above 80 at this hour. 30 degrees warmer than 24 hours ago but temperatures are plunging in the talking about accumulating snow and montana as the jet stream buckles into a pig trough which will turn to when southwest and warm us out.
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easterly wind has kept the school of the city and in the northern suburbs. we had high values of tree pollen today. big storms developed overnight in minnesota and spent the day following across wisconsin and michigan. while the reader is clear at the moment we expect showers and then start to develop this the night goes on. the near shares at the moment tower at 31,000 ft. their flashing lightning across lower michigan we have blockbuster storms these are over 51,000 ft. tall there the first of all series of storms out blow up in the plant and bring severe weather back to the national scene once again after kind of a quiet period. here's what happens closer to home. scattered showers and thunderstorms possible tonight and tomorrow to cap the atmosphere for a while and lee in the debris that cap we may guess arms come back and the warmth of the afternoon. it will be warm from much warmer than it has been. pontiac in our area
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the snows will accumulate in the mountains of montana but not here. this so often happens when a storm produces no out west. wheat warm-up. we still thinking 87 looks good midweek which would be the warmest temperature since back in late september. the first 70 degree to 0.70 degree do pointer like those you find on the gulf coast. sixties tonight here the has thrown out the cooling on the north shore and along the lakefront. '80s are expected down around 70 the time to get to paris tonight than yet another day of 80 degree temperatures on thursday. putting three of these together in a month and has averaged over
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three degrees below normal and way beyond where we were last year. highs tomorrow and around 84. a little bit cooler on the north shore cloudy breezy warmer tomorrow night scattered showers and thundershowers 63. cuts and mixed son on wednesday. the warmest day at with 87. >> you can charge up your entire dead cell phone with this new
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technology crated right here in illinois. how they did it coming >> out> what is next for mcdonalds? a liquor license? know. they're looking to bars and other hangups for inspiration and profit. not for liquor. no pie today, ted? no, no, i just paid my car insurance bill -- ouch. [ man whistles ] sounds like somebody paid too much. excuse me? i use progressive's "name your price" tool. they showed me a range of coverages, and i picked the one that worked for me. i saved hundreds when switching. hundreds? who are you? just a man that loves savings... and pie. out there with a better way. now, that's progressive. [ male announcer ] capri sun 100% juice with a full serving of fruit in every pouch is a choice you can respect. [ creaking ]
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>> imagine plugging in a cell phone and only waiting a couple seconds for a charge. >> researchers at university of illinois figure out how to do it. dan with tonight's special report. >> we use in charge than just about every day but this new technology has hundreds if not thousands of potential uses electric cars power tools and the regular guy on the street with a laptop to the most intricate military computer system. the days of waiting around for batteries to charge will soon be over. >> you may see these different flashes of color this small piece of colorful metal may not look very impressive but under the microscope holds a new technology that will revolutionize modern electronics. anything that requires batters will be ready to use almost immediately. >> we think will have the first ultrafast charging battery. the
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>> technology was convicted by paul brown professor of material science and engineering at the never see of illinois in champaign. after three years and thousands of tedious hours elapse his team succeeded in engineering a high speed performance battery that is not currently available. >> the traditional battery the electricity cannot move in and out of the battery quickly stilbite changing been in the structure we provide pathways for electricity passes for i answered because of that we take what normally takes minutes to hours for normal charging and we reduce that to seconds. inside the battery we have a very fine and a structure. >> the microscopic superhighway's our 100th the size of a human hair. they enable electrons and ions to move in and out of the battery immediately. professor bronzes the new technology can be used in all types of batteries: cell phones laptops and power tools can be charged in seconds. think
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about what this would mean for electric cars. right now most electric cars have to be charged on overnight and can only travel 100 mi. on a full charge. soon an electric car would be charged in the same amount of time it takes to fill one tank of gas. 23 of phd student james from park ridge is on prof. braun's team. >> i think is really exciting to deal to work on something like that. and fiber 10 years i can say hey that that's in your hand i contributed to that. >> of the city's older fast charging batteries have potential for a serious business. >> after the university secures the patent they will like in the patent to the electricity companies which in turn will make the batteries available for purchase. >> new discoveries and lots of
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people. that is as much of the payback as expecting a big fat check. >> the united states government is investing hundreds of thousands of dollars this technology. there is competition out there a professor bronzes they're way ahead. >> we think we have a tremendous technology here. when we compare to what is out there today and to what we have seen emerging from other universities we are quite excited. >> professor bronze research group is sponsored by the united states department of energy in the army of research office. he says the military will likely be among the first customers. years to complete the final prototype that means it will be three to five years before these batteries are available to regular consumers. >> stay friends with him. you'll be rich someday. >> coming up the new the a game
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that lets you join teams 60 elite navy seals group as they raid bin ladens pakistan compound. >> bulls' goal of the video after last night's loss in atlanta. hey susie, why don't you use this ? it's got a calculator. thanks, dad. this is the neighborhood. you get elm street and you get main street. thank you. and that's just the first quarter. so you want a slide in your office ? or monkey bars, either one. more small businesses choose verizon wireless than any other wireless carrier. where's susie ? is she expecting you ? because they know the small business with the best technology rules. [ telephone rings ] oh! let's do this. look who's early! [ dentist ] my patients want to walk into their dental check-up prepared to ace it. that's why i tell them to use
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new crest pro-health invigorating clean rinse. its invigorating action lets you know it's working to fight plaque and gingivitis and it provides all these other benefits. crest pro-health invigorating clean rinse. clean, protect and invigorate your way to better dental check-ups. life opens up when you do.
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>> there was such vivid descriptions of the rate on the compound that felt like you were there. now you can be. a new level of the game counterstrike available as a free download. you could work side-by-side with seal team 6. several thousands have already downloaded the game some said the new level is in bad taste. the games greater says if that's your opinion you may as well purpose the whole game a matter what the level. >> the state and local incentives to fuel the retailers moved from downtown chicago are set to expire next year. the move is an attempt to cut costs. so far nothing set in stone. mcdonnell's makes a $1 billion order. it wants all of its 14,000 restaurants to look like this one on the north side. it helpshopes their remodeling
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project begun. no more red roof. no more fiberglass. no more steel chairs. more drive to windows were flat screen tvs >> looks a little starbucks see. tom skilling has our seven days. >> were missed hampshire is in seven and half months by wednesday. these are current temperatures. it is still 80 at st. louis 81 in omaha. seven states of record highs a number of than triple digits out in the plains. in mammoth storm look at this lifting to the plan states this will go northeastward from time to time. it will pop showers and thunderstorms but not continuously. lake day
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door. once we saw them moving around we fell in love with them. more photos on our web site wgn tv. chicago tribune. com >> i will more by the photos. >> you'll more by the photos but our web site. >> celtics turned even their series of miami with one hand tied behind their back. dan next with sports. [ female announcer
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] did you know sprite uses artificial preservatives? so get real. try sierra mist natural. naturally sweetened with real sugar and nothing artificial. deliciously refreshing sierra mist natural. the natural one. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxp@@óçp÷ñ?ú?óvúptúo@÷5@vw@?
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[ daughter ] didn't we have some jell-o pudding? dad did you eat my jell-o pudding? [ dad ] no. pudding face! no, i'm just happy. only pudding gives you pudding face! i'm sorry. you don't look sorry. you're right i'm not. [ male announcer ] get your pudding face on. with oh-so cool and irresistible jell-o pudding. >> they cannot really strong in game 3 and have to do it again tomorrow night. half to do it again tomorrow night. a three
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game series to of the games of the united center. even though atlantis' still game when they're the bulls have to get back to what got this far. that would be there usually excellent team defense. derrick rose scowling at the game tapes from last night. josh smith was the catalyst with 23 points eight assists. deland has momentum rolling into uc tomorrow night. >> coming home is always good but is not going to change the game. there's still a good team we understand that. we took one from them. they took one from us. we are even again. yet to come in and do we do best. >> the played a great team
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yesterday which have to see how respond to. interesting to see how they deal with-smith to handle the whole lot of anything until last night when he owns the game. atlanta really looked good with the basketball this game. smith and the rest of the marked to exactly the same thing in game 5 tomorrow. >> we can apply and one side of the floor. whenever we plan selfish it's beautiful basketball. we help each other that much more on the defensive end. the communication level gets up there. >> if the bulls won this, it looks like miami in eastern finals. late in the fourth ray allen lit it up. 84-81 celtics. lebron james stuck in the
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quarter cut loose and tied the game. miami to control right off the tip. there were up 3-1. that finished it for the heat. 98-19 winners in boston now with a commanding 3-1 lead. in detroit they threw an octopus on the ice. i don't know what it means that the have the entire off- season to think about it. game 6 tonight vancouver power play. the to nothing lead the canucks hang on to win a two-one there on to the western conference finals against the san jose or detroit. the white sox have made it official jake will make his season debut wednesday night at anaheim against the angels. will have that one for you at 9:00 p.m. right here in wgn. for the moment the south levee 6 man rotation tonight is and when jackson's turn to turn. to run homer
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[ asst mgr ] what are you doing? fixing the name. it's fiber none. looks like one. well, i know. i put an "n" there. ah! fiber one honey clusters cereal! that's really good! it tastes good so there can't be fiber in it! it's actually got about half a day's worth of fiber. [ asst mgr ] it says so right on the box. [ fiber seeker ] really? try it. [ mr. mehta ] honey, touch of brown sugar, crunchy clusters -- any cardboard? cardboard no delicious yes. so where's the fiber? maybe it's in the honey clusters. [ male announcer ] fiber one. cardboard no, delicious yes. back. [ ding ] [ in korean ] how may i help you? do you have something for pain? ♪ ♪ oh, bayer aspirin? oh, no, no, no... i'm not having a heart attack. it's my back. trust me. it works great for pain. [ male announcer ] nothing's proven to relieve pain better than extra strength bayer aspirin. it rushes relief to the site of pain. no matter where you're hurting. thanks for the tip. [ male announcer ] for powerful pain relief
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