tv WGN Midday News CW June 7, 2011 12:00pm-1:00pm CDT
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temperatures are expected to rise well into the 90s today as chicago finds itself in the midst of a june heat wave that afternoon i am steve sanders ... we welcome our viewers who are watching us around the country on wgn america and on the web ... >>even here on the water where it's supposed to be cooler the air coming off of the lake is awfully hot all of the asphalt and steel of the city is absorbing that blistering heat of the signed if you talk to
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most chicagoans they are taking precautions ... >>i can handle at i just wish it were cooler and in the '70s >>we are beating the heat by staying in the museum ... >>i'm gonna get indoors and stay cool but definitely stay indoors >>no such luck if you're waiting for a bus or a train it is brutally hot on the street especially if you don't have shaved from the scorching sun some many tried to take care of business early today like this woman taking her dog for a walk before the afternoon heat >>those of you who have to stay out take frequent breaks cool off an air conditioning when you can and drink a lot of water to bring down your core temperature. >>sufficient moneys of the crown yoga said it the best way to stay close to heat things up
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bikram yoga studios have things up to 105 degrees... >>it's a nice relief once you get outside >>this discipline of yoga is for those who are and supreme condition do not try this at home does get into the air conditioning somewhere ... >>the city urges you to call 311 if you cannot cool down and they will get you to one of a cooling centers >>acting police superintendent garry mccarthy says he won't be satisfied until every person involved in recent mob action incidents down town is arrested
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>>mccarthy says while he approved of the way officers handle the crime all of the offenders need to be found and prosecuted. 20 arrests were made over the weekend during four separate incidents. authorities say that all of the attacks happened within 10 minutes of each other. meanwhile retailers along michigan avenue stay tighter security and better coordination with police has helped curb an outbreak of flash mobs stealing merchandise when high-profile incidents earlier this year was believed to have been coordinated by teenagers sending text messages michigan avenue officials tell crain's chicago business that last weekend's robberies along the lakefront are not related to recent retail theft problems >>this week new york congressman anthony wiener admits that he did send sexually explicit photos and messages to women on line one website posted this photo of wiener without his
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shirt on wiener initially claimed a hacker sent the photos yesterday he confessed that it was him >>i expect changed messages and photos of an explicit nature with about six women over the last three years. some of these settlers took place after i was just married. >>he said he never met any of these women and countered online. house democratic leader nancy pelosi you will be calling for congressional investigation to see if he violated house ethics rules. >>closing arguments are under way with the prosecution ridiculously going through evidence against tahawwar rana ... the defendant is showing no
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emotion. wiretap transcripts and females show that he openly engaged and plotted to the terrorist attacks and mumbai india ... he is accused of providing cover for his friend david headley who was the government's star witness he provided days of testimony against tahawwar rana who also wanted to attack a danish newspaper over controversial cartoons of the profit mama ... defendants for tahawwar rana say that headley has no credibility ... >>and the defense is set to
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began its closing arguments this afternoon and the jury could have the case deciding the fate of tahawwar rana by the end of today we are live from the dirksen federal building chicago police looking for a hit-and-run driver who injured for pedestrians including three children major accident investigators their women and three children were struck by a red s u v yesterday afternoon on west jackson on the near west side all four victims were taken to stroger hospital all but one has been released >>we have no information about the severity of injuries suffered by the leader of yemen and a possible weekend rocket attack plus groupon is
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[ male announcer ] this is lara. her morning begins with arthritis pain. that's a coffee and two pills. the afternoo n tour begins with more pain and more pills. the evening guests arrive. back to sore knees. back to more pills. the day is done but hang on... her doctor recommended aleve. just 2 pills can keep arthritis pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is lara who chose 2 aleve and fewer pills for a day free of pain. and get the all day pain relief of aleve in liquid gels.
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the the republican presidential candidate attacks president obama said economic policies appear in the president's hometown >>fuel is $4 a gallon home prices are in the datagutter.. our national debt has skyrocketed our budget deficit has grown worse and the jobs in manufacturing sector is our president needs to hunter economic rehab. >>tim pawlenty delivered his first major policy address at the university of chicago
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harris school of public policy this morning the former minnesota governor said his plans to jump start job creation, balance the budget, and cut taxes ... is the better deal for americans he attack the president as a new poll today shows 59 percent of americans disapprove of the way the president is handling the economy which is a new high. speaking of the university of chicago president obama's says he is losing one of his most trusted risers and close friend to the school. austan goolsbee is leaving the white house to return to the university of chicago as an economics professor he has worked as the primary spokesman and chairman of the u.s. council of economic advisers for the past nine months he is stepping down at a time when the obama administration is dealing with rising unemployment and a stagnant economy. >>president obama and germany's chancellor are discussing debt and other issues at the white house today chancellor angela
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merkel praised the u.s. and germany partnership center 2 countries are united in stabilizing afghanistan and stopping iran from developing nuclear weapons tonight the president will award merkle the u.s. presidential medal of freedom during a dinner at the white house is the nation's highest civilian honor. eyewitnesses say that 400 tribal gunmen clashed with yemeni government forces earlier this morning and have mackay taken control of the yemen city tidies the fighting has intensified since president ali abdullah saleh i was forced out of the country to recover from one suffered in an attack last friday officials said that he is burned on over 40 percent of his body initial reports said that the winds came from a rocket or mortar attack but officials are now saying it's possible an explosive device was hidden in the palace >>in libya nato unleashes air strikes on muammar gadhafi compound and a military base today we're hearing a released 25 loud explosions and the bonds
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despite several buildings. no wayword yet on if muammar gadhafi suffered a knee injury is the libyan government claims the airstrikes had some television stations killing two people and injuring 16 nato calls those claims bogus and insists that it did not target any broadcast facilities. the european farming officials are meeting today to discuss the deadly e. coli outbreak that has now killed 23 people ... early results of the german bean sprouts tested for e. coli traces were negative >>former media mogul conrad black denying reports that he has used fellow inmates as servants that story is part of my
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job is teaching my patients how to take insulin. but i've learned a lot from patients who use flexpen. flexpen comes pre-filled with the insulin i take and i can dial the exact dose of insulin i need. i live my life on the go and need an on-the-go insulin. i don't need to carry a cooler with flexpen. novolog is a fast-acting, man-made insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults and children with diabetes. do not inject novolog if you do not plan to eat within 5 to 10 minutes after injection to avoid low blood sugar. tell your healthcare provider about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions including if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. the most common side effect of novolog is low blood sugar. other possible side effects include reactions at the injection site.
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get medical help right away if you experience serious allergic reactions body rash, trouble with breathing fast heartbeat or sweating. ask your healthcare provider about novolog flexpen today. learn more about the different insulins available in flexpen at flexpen, insulin delivery that goes with you. a major project designed to make chicago streets safer for
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bicyclist is under way we have bob live on the scene. >>as we move around the city we see more and more people using bicycles it could be due to the high gas prices were concerns about the environment ... mayor emanuel is trying to accommodate them by configuring new bike lanes which are safer said that he can encourage more and more people to use their pedal power. >>i want chicago to be the bike friendliest city and the country. >>first city officials will have to make the streets safer for bicyclists. used cds sprinkled around the city where bicyclists have been killed markers indicate where all happened as a memorial. >>i don't feel comfortable with
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bike lanes being on streets where buses and run along. >>the mayor says his administration will help chicago become a pioneer in the expansion and reservations of protected bicycle lanes ... cyclists will be shielded from street traffic through a network of lanes that have protective indicators. >>we will have many more miles to come. >>already the city has set a trial location for the new lands which are designed to shield and protect the bikers. it's all about making the city more viable and more livable and more focused on residents themselves here in the city. >>depending on how well this pilot program goes it will determine how soon the city begins to expand as much as 100
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mi. of new shielded bicycle lanes on the near north side and i am robert jordan.. >>i'm angie lau.. on wall street stocks are higher right now concern over europe's debt crisis is easing of concern about the u.s. economy and cindersconcern's u.s. investors ... bender nagy will be addressing the imf conference and atlanta today bender nagy ben bernanke will be
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giving his address this afternoon. >>the l.a. times reports that an unusual spate of problems domestically has three illinois refineries shut down and raising gas prices once again. >>opec will decide to increase will production targets tomorrow ... >>saving time at airports security lines ... the international air transport association says that several countries are working to standardize the systems to a three line system that will make it easier for frequent travelers and others to make it through security checkpoints and liste...
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groupon is expanding its skills to grocery stores it's introducing a program to let customers use cris restore loyalty cards to redeem groupon coupons normally the daily deals must be printed or sent to a mobile phone with the grocery deals can simply be bought online and credited to all loyalty card the test project is being launched today in massachusetts and if it is successful groupon says other grocers are lined up to participate. >>we have the latest on the retrial of rod blagojevich a live report from the dirksen federal building is next and had in the medical watch the new study showing3q
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lysol believes no toilet is complete until it's completely clean. lysol toilet bowl cleaner gives you maximum coverage from the rim down to the waterline to kill 99.9% of germs and removes stains better than clorox toilet bowl cleaner with bleach. so if you want to do the whole job, lysol's got you covered. for tips on a healthy home visit
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3q the former owner of the chicago sun-times denies being a prison prima donna. he is refuting testimony from two prison workers claiming that he used other inmates as servants during his time at a florida prison ... the prison workers testified that black insisted on being called lord black the day here is released on bond last summer ... >>black has denied those claims and sends the u.s. supreme court has denied to overturn his conviction as he is scheduled for release sentencing this july >>julie will join us live from the dirksen federal building with the latest on the
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blagojevich retrial. >>it ended on a tough subject yesterday we are talking about bribes and appointing jesse jackson jr. to the old obama senate seat. >>the prosecution was trying to corner the defendant to get to the bottom of why lisa madigan was out and jesse jackson jr. was an and at the fact that that might have had to do with up- front monetary support from jackson supporters for fund- raising in exchange for the seat ... >>on one fbi recording the defendant told his brother and chief fund-raiser to reach out to people in person and be careful when he did it as though the whole world would be listening ... >>blagojevich meant or so he said that if you are reaching out to anyone you need to stay
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above board and do it as though the whole world is listening. >>today's headlines i am joined by terry sullivan our legal analyst ... >>terry this did not go well for blagojevich ... >>his lawyers are trying to rehabilitate him and his testimony ... it's a question of whether or not the jury will believe ... it is complicated for them to get through this whole scenario with the senate seat ... >>the prosecutor wanted him to say that the indian money coming forward from jesse jackson jr.
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was a bribe the end blagojevich would not take that verbal bait ... >>this is it dangerous for the jury when they go back to deliberations this tripping up on a legal definition of what is a bribe ... >>to the prosecution successfully map out this scenario of the charade with the this the senate appointment making washington people nervous ... >>is if the jury doesn't believe any of this blagojevich can be getting into real trouble ... >>of all the different things we
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heard talked about whether it be the towaway thing hospital shakedown or the senate seats ... from the prosecutor's point of view it really seems like this is the most convincing this seemed clear the jesse jackson thing ... >>that was the last word was supposed to be the knockout punch for the prosecution cross- examination ... they should be coming in with something hard and heavy but the crucial issue is whether the jury believes where the actual crime occurred in spite of a dirt surrounding the money exchanges and the bribery accusations for this senate seat sale ... the prosecution took him to the
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brink of appointing jesse jackson jr. in exchange for bribes which is the government's theory ... but because nothing ever have banned or so they think did he actually commit a crime or just intend to question? now the defense goes to redirection ... what will be most interesting is how they unravel the prosecution cross- examination of blagojevich will they review everything set on the stand of the last three days and what will the jury be able to take away from all of that ... >> unseasonably warm temperatures today we have the latest on that
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the new droid x2 by motorola with a dual core processor ? i could do everything faster. it's a shame mckenzie's too young to buy me one for father's day. we'd play games on it together listen to music, watch movies. she'd want me to have one. and what kind of father would i be to get in her way ? i'll just sign her name on the card. give dad a gift he'd give himself like the new, more powerful than ever droid x2, or the droid pro for $99.99, and get unlimited data for just $29.99. verizon. you know rheumatoid arthritis means pain. but you may not know it can also mean destruction. not just of your joints, but of the things you love to do. and the longer you live with the aching, swelling, and stiffness, the closer you may be to having your favorite things... taken away from you. but you can take action today.
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go to for your free joint profile so you can better talk to your rheumatologist about protecting your joints. tom skilling is back from vacation just-in-time for a heat wave the likes of what we have not seen in years ... by the time tomorrow and we will have 590 degree days on the booksfive 90 degree-days on the books ... the average number of 90 degree day is over four years is 40 and that's a above
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average ... i've been talking about this capped atmosphere ... that he's everything up and keeps the thunderstorms a way which tend to cool things down when they arrive ... this is how you generate these warm temperatures that we're seeing today. the hot air is in place through tomorrow and then significant improvement is on the way we have several waves of storming has later this week and combination of northeast winds off the lake will cool things down but it has not been this hot since august 2006 here in chicago. 1 05 degrees is recognized as a dangerous heat index level ... please don't
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overexert yourself you can get into some real trouble taking easy if you have to work paradors.outdoors. and we also have some big grain numbers on the wayrain numbers on the way.. about an inch and a half when all is said and done.. 99 degrees in cincinnati right now there were 28 states yesterday that surpassed 90 degrees many with record high temperatures all over the midwest at the moment it's 90 degrees at o'hare ... 91 at
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lansing ... we have the upper 90s all-around chicago land. here are the local temperatures on the map and these are in iowa ... and we're looking at the milwaukee area heat and humidity we are sharing it ... southwest winds mean there is no cooling off the late today there are heated by a series from southern wisconsin all the way to chicago. here is the jet stream
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pattern if this isn't a summer pattern nothing has ... is.... your severe weather tends to occur near the jet stream and that happens to be way to the north of us use cds bake storm systems going through the northern fringe of our hot air lifting into minnesota and michigan. northern minnesota 7 canada and the upper peninsula of michigan be on the lookout for a severe storm conditions ... it's raining gangbusters and
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snowing at higher elevations way to the northwest of us.... by thursday and friday we expect it will be a lot cooler. will be blowing up to the north of us on the satellite radar all this is forming to the west by tomorrow evening. we are looking here at low pressure trekking along the southern boundary and the thunderstorms that will arrive thursday night into friday morning and they may get heavy but there will bring cooler air. it is not like 1988 when we had consecutive days of
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hot temperatures and conditions . a high today will be 95 with heat index is going up to 103 degrees ... tonight will be warm and humid we will be at 81 in the loop and 75 in the suburbs.. back tamara to 95 degrees with the heat index climbing 200 once again in the afternoonto 100 degrees by the afternon on..
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over 700 people in the mid-90s perished and that terrible heat wave that hit chicago on the mid-90s ... we hope we never see that again ... >>for today's trivia we are asking what the official languages for brazil as a manager, my team counts on me to stay focused. so i take one a day men's 50+ advantage. it's the only complete multivitamin with ginkgo to support memory and concentration. plus it supports heart health. [ bat cracks ] that's a hit. one a day men's.
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♪ ♪ [ sponge ] okay, team. time to tackle these greasy dishes. we're facing some tough opposition today. i'm gonna need my biggest player. a change in the lineup? that little squirt? [ cheers and applause ] [ female announcer ] one bottle of ultra dawn has the grease-cleaning power of two of the leading non-concentrated brand giving you double the cleaning ingredients in every drop.
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[ sponge ] way to go, kid. you really knocked the grease out of them. [ female announcer ] dawn does more... [ sponge ] so it's not a chore. it does not seem like that little ran from carlos zambrano alienated him from his teammates at least publicly before last night's game in cincinnati meant manager mike quade talked about sam ran know who will not be punished. >>i can appreciate the frustration he is going through ... it's a demanding game people
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get upset and a lot of this stuff gets blown out of proportion went criticism goes around. >>in the cubs and the reds came it was the first start for matt garza since may 17th he started ok strikes out drew stubbs in the first inning had a one nothing lead but he was rusty the reds tied it up 1-1 and the third inning when drew stubbs put them up by one run garza gave up four runs in four innings only threw 81 pitches ... jake peavy is not going on the disabled list for now he has been diagnosed with a mild restraint and will probably miss the next start he her himself on sunday but admitted by the him during the previous start in the socks and mariners game in john danks is still looking for his
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first grand and brent lillibridge it helps that cause and the third inning. paul konerko is 13th home run makes it 1-0 for the white sox and never trailed the 13-one thanks won his first game in 12 starts this season. >>this is one of the nastiest hits of the hockey playoffs the bruins nathan horton knocked out by the canucks aaron mccomb horton went to a hospital brown got a game misconduct and might get a suspension the hit gave the motivation for the bruins' winning 8-1 but still down 2-1 in the series ... >>good afternoon these are the midday winning lottery numbers ... first we have the pick three game ...
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[ dog ] i have a gut feeling i am gonna ace this checkup. my vet thinks my insides are in mint condition. [ female announcer ] vets agree a healthy checkup starts inside. our breakthrough iams premium protection formula is developed with vets with cutting edge ingredients for the lifelong health of your pet. [ dog ] healthy inside and out. come on, up high! [ female announcer ] iams premium protection. our most advanced iams nutrition. ever. [ dog ] i am an iams dog. ♪ ♪ woof.
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former chicago mayoral candidate gerry chico has a new job. he's gov. pat quinn said choice to head the illinois state board of education. he finished second to rahm emanuel and february's election for mayor before that he served a chicago school board president of former mayor richard daley he will succeed jesse ruiz who is leaving the state for the chicago board of education. >>fewer families are buying into the prepaid college tuition pearland college illinois ... >>the copchicago tribune reports that sells it down and more families are cancelling their contracts. recent reports about college illinois said that the program make risky investments and now has a $309 deficit.
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college illinois says it's planning slower sales and higher tuition costs and negative publicity program officials also said that the fund is financially healthier than a was last year. officials at the adler planetarium want to increase admission fees by $2 if approved admission will range from 7 to $12 a person depending on age and residency. >>in the medical watch too much sun exposure for babies could lead to cancer later on the journal pediatrics reports on related changes in stand as early as the first year of life can trigger reactions that could lead to melanoma and other forms of skin cancer the authors reviewed a number of studies including a study that projected one in 33 babies with development melanoma later in life. >>and recent studies show that people suffer from parkinson's disease are twice as likely to
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develop deadly skin cancer the national institute of environmental health sciences took results from a taste of studies on the subject well man with parkinson's are twice as likely to develop melanoma women are 1.5 times as likely to have the same diagnosis since the studies were small researchers say it's difficult to drive individual conclusions. >>drinking too much coffee can affect your hearing in a study volunteers listen to white malaise and were told to press a button if the been crosby's song white christmas plagued volunteers who drank a lot of coffee reported hearing the song but it never played research's said the high levels of caffeine and the stress triggered the tracks and the volunteers hearing with caffeine acted as a seco active drug. >>
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slow release... continuously releases calcium plus d for the efficient absorption my body needs. citracal. it is time for lunch break our favorite midwestern food blogger ross is here.. you showed us a pizza waffles and bacon grease cookies what do you have for us today ... >>taking flavorsome from other countries and incorporating it into some of your favorite dishes ... today we're gonna do a brazilian potato salad ...
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>>this is my third time on the show here and everybody has been so wonderful i get fantastic feedback from your wonderful wgn chicago viewers ... so when you are making potato salad i hate all of that boiling involved ... i always use this cuisinart pressure cooker i just put my potatoes and here with a cup of water and then i just secure that lid and i set it for six minutes turnon walkaway and then it is done ... that do not mistake this for a crock pot ... i will be giving one of
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these away for wgn viewers if you sign up for my newsletters' i will be giving it away on friday ... >>what i have in humboldt is a cup of olive oil and three- quarters of a cop of red wine vinegar i am adding anchovy paste to give it a salty flavor ... not many people are a big fan of this but it does give a subtle salty flavor ... we will wisc this together to make the dressing ... this is not too difficult we will add the cooked potatoes taken out of the pressure cooker ... if you do
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this potato boyle on the stove it takes almost half an hour ... >>this pressure cooker is fantastic you can cook so many things like roast ... getting back to the recipe we're chopping half a red onion we are having one green pepper that is also chalked with two red peppers ... we want to put lots of color in this edition for the season ... >>the only thing that's really cooked here is the potatoes we're using raw pepper black olives and things like that we are also going to at sixth seeded jalapeno peppers ... that is where the heat comes from the
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seeds and ribs it from the pepper do not include them if you do not want the heat and certainly you must wash your hands after handling those jalapeno peppers don't touch your eyes or any other sacred territory on your body ... >>we add 8 ounces of chopped theta chi'sfeta cheese with boiled eggs and olives and we makes all this together mix it all together.. it's
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all about blaring those colors from the vegetableslayering those colors from the vfegetables.. this potato salad recipe will feed 12 people the recipes are all on my website ... it can be a nice meal unto itself.. for more information on today's recipe you will find the link to ross's sidete.. maybe you will when that pressure cooker as part
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of my job as a diabetes educator is teaching my patients how to start taking insulin. and i've learned a lot from patients who use levemir flexpen. flexpen comes pre-filled with my long-acting insulin, and i dial the exact dose of insulin i need. my flexpen is discreet and doesn't need to be refrigerated. and flexpen goes wherever i go. levemir is a long-acting insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults and children with diabetes. do not take if your blood sugar is too low. tell your healthcare provider about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions including if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. the most common side effect is low blood sugar. other possible side effects include reactions at the injection site. get medical help right away if you experience serious allergic reactions such as body rash, trouble with breathing fast heartbeat or sweating. ask your healthcare provider about levemir flexpen today. learn more about the different insulins available in flexpen at flexpen, insulin delivery that goes
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is the official language of brazil ... the answer is portuguese. >>and whether we have big changesweather wise we have big changes we are really into the heat through tomorrow ... lincoln park is currently at 97 degrees ... at this hour the temperature out at o'hare is up to 92 degrees it is 93 at midway ... we have a southerly wind flow ... it will be a windy day with gusts at 20 mi. per hour today
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and tomorrow ... we're waiting for that difference to come on the winds and go east of the lake: things down at the end of the week ... by the atomic to monday the warm weathe will be back intime we get to monday the warm weather will be back ... things will cool down thursday morning we will be in the '60s and with drop to the '50s a big temperature drop between the nine days and then thursday90 degree temperatures we have and then thursday's " down ... we thank you for joining us
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