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tv   WGN News at Nine  CW  July 2, 2011 9:00pm-10:00pm CDT

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>> dot attempted abduction reported in broad daylight raid on north avenue beach chicago police are questioning one man in connection with the kidnapping. wgn's marcella raymond is live on the lakefront with details. >> how bold of someone to try to snatch a toddler rate from under his parents watched all i? tonight to the suspect is behind bars and police say he should be charged within the hour. at 11:00 this morning the two world
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was at the beach with his parents who were watching closely, a man picked him up and started walking away. >> the parents looked into the father got up and went after the man who had his child and confronted him and he had to fight to get his child back out of his hands. >> the police officer on a bike radio demands description to other officers, the suspect was picked up 150 yds away on the north avenue beach turnaround. >> we appreciate the job they do every day, it is a hard job. >> this beach and all the others in chicago are going to have a much larger police presence this holiday weekend, more people on the beach means more people will be out here as well into the big lesson here for parents is never let your children out of your sight. live on north avenue beach. >> a maggot mile story is
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targeted by burglars this morning, windows were smashed and goods stolen from the louis baton store. several purses or wallets and other leather goods from the high and store were taken, some of them sell for more than $3,000. the store was closed today. a case is solved after 54 years a seven year-old vanished with a man who enticed her with the promise of a piggyback ride back in 1957 the now 71 year-old jack makaula is charged with kidnapping and murder, the former police officer was arrested at his seattle retirement home he was an early suspect is alibi had just fallen apart he said he was on a train and an ex girlfriend found the on used train ticket. this summer
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holiday weekend is off to a violent start three men are dead and at least 11 other people are wounded in shootings across chicago among the victims are a man and woman sitting near the van of the 8500 block they were shot at about 530 this morning and paramedics took the woman to christ medical center in serious condition, the man was pronounced dead at st. bernard hospital. the window of a pet shop turned into a crime scene after a rare reptile was stolen in lincolnwood this have happened early this morning at the animal store and the 3300 block the shop's owner says the someone smashed the store's glass door and took the 70 lb. african tortoise or right out of the main display pen, the exotic 30 year-old taurus is a bit of a local celebrity she also makes appearances at sears and birthday parties. police may
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have a hard time catching the suspected robber, the cameras did not catch the thieves and action. the weather service has one word to describe today's weather: hazardous. even at the beach, it was one of several closed due to eco like, the temperatures were in the 90's and jim ramsey has more on the hot start to the holiday weekend. >> we made it up to 94 degrees in chicago today and that makes today the third warmest day so far this season but with a two. temperatures in the low '70's we actually had heat index temperatures that ranged between 100-105 degrees. this occurring just head of a cold front that was pushing into the area. as that cold front came through the chicago area it was relatively on the notice and the city but in parts of northern indiana radar pictures show but
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thunderstorms which erupted even producing large hail and damaging winds briefly there was a tornado warning issued been no reported touchdowns, an interesting afternoon in northern indiana flash flood warnings were in effect. up to 4 in. of rain came down. we will talk more later in the broadcast. >> big changes are coming to the way chicago celebrates the fourth of july, randy bellows salema looks at how some locals are making the most of the weekend close to home. >> cities sponsored fireworks will not be letting up chicago's skyline this year, mayor emanuel says the city cannot afford it and now folks who have made the trek tahir tradition are having to make other holiday plans. , i think it's a shame because i think it's a big deal for a lot of people in the lot of families to come downtown to see
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it and i understand there has been a lot of overcrowding, i think the issue isn't to cancel it i think it is to find a way to make the event work. >> those downtown can take the grant park orchestra sunday evening and their independence day celebration at millennium park. the fireworks cancellation was a great move. >> this saves money let's bring the dead down. i think there are a lot better things to do with our money if you want to blow up bottle rockets do in your own yard. >> the 15 minute show is sponsored by davy appear. and i think the navy pier option is going to work. one nice thing about fireworks is that you can sit in a park, and watch them.
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while many believe the city cannot for the show they do not want to move to eliminate such funds to become a trend there has got to be another way they say to make chicago work. >> the people love them is something people really like and when the politicians have to make cuts they do not cut administration for example you could cut 20 percent of the administration in almost any governmental body and nobody would know the difference but they cut teachers, police officers in stick of fireworks programs. >> you will be able to see the navy pier show from the comfort of your own home, summer blast kicks off on wgn monday night at 9:30 p.m. robert jordan and sean lewis anchor the fireworks show. still to come tonight an
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update on the story we brought you yesterday, a chicago animal shelter that lost its air- conditioning to thieves also police officers on our officers who were gunned down three years ago today. a republican presidential hopeful begins a major push for votes in iowa.
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i have fallen in love with making bird houses. caw caw! [ director ] what is that? that's a horrible crow. here are some things that i'll make as little portals. honestly, i'd love to do this for the rest of my life so i've got to take care of my heart. for me, cheerios is a good place to start. [ male announcer ] got something you'll love to keep doing? take care of your heart. you can start with cheerios. the natural whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. brrrbb... makes you feel ageless. [ male announcer ] it's time. love your heart so you can do what you love. cheerios. [ bob ] squak. 3q there she is! hey, i got a leak! yoo hoo! your husband left the seat up again! oh, wait a minute! come on, now. come back! um, miss? up here! right. so those are hard water stains, and that cleaner's not gonna cut it. truth is, 85% of us have hard water. you need lime-a-way, the hard water expert. unlike the leading all-purpose cleaner, lime-a-way is specially formulated to conquer hard water stains.
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for lime calcium and rust lime-a-way is a must. the new droid incredible 2. i could use a smartphone with social apps to stay up on what my friends are doing. and it's global, so i'll know what they're doing while they're doing it even when i travel. i'll have to act surprised when they tell me stuff. i don't have a good surprised face. maybe i can look up videos of surprised people on my new phone for reference. yep, i really want that phone. upgrade to the new droid incredible 2 by htc with global capabilities for only $149.99. now on america's largest, most reliable high-speed network. verizon. fall in, gentlemen! we're going back to training. a stain, vaughn?! a ketchup stain?! how dare you disrespect me, your country and your mama?! i guess the guy just wants to bring his lunch with him. do you have something to say about the stain, vaughn?! sir! what stain, sir?! vaughn, that -- oh! what'd they do send me a daggone houdini?! [ male announcer ] tide to go. it's tide. to the rescue. to combat tough stains at home
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try tide stain release pre-treat spray. if an uplifted follow-up on our story about thieves who stole the air-conditioning units from chicago animal shelter they did come forward to a keep those in most school, good samaritans. >> the lazy dog days of summer were made it more difficult at the animal welfare league in take facility yesterday when thieves got onto the roof of the shelter to cut and still the air conditioning coils in the system which left the animals without cool air.
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>> they still the conductor unit coils, that is the copper coils and scavengers take it said junkyards and it probably get 30 or $20 for it. >> this was one of many companies offering to donate new cooling companies for the shelter. >> we have been here for 50 years and i thought we could deny that to help the community. >> she remains angry that anyone would do such a thing to animals. >> for someone to take from these victims is very sad. >> thankfully the call for help was heard and a national team leader of training chicago donated several working air- conditioning units that will keep the shelter cool until new equipment can be installed. the shelter manager noticed the animals were never in any danger.
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>> our animals are in no danger and they never were and our situation is the best it can be at this time, we're all very comfortable thank you for your concern. >> people began showing up at the facility just to see if they could help, among them was tina of lansing illinois. bill, we saw the story on the news this morning, we drove out to make sure everything was ok. >> the dogs are ok and deed, joining their temporary cooling system they will just hang in there waiting for the new air conditioning and one day a new home. >> these people are just great that stepped up to help these animals and i cannot thank them enough. there is another side to humankind. >> it was a day for a parade the town has pulled out all the
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stops for a weekend celebration known as home town fast 2011, hundreds of people lined to watch and cheer local bands and organizations and dignitaries senator mark kirk was in the celebration in for him it represents the time to show support for those serving the nation's armed forces. >> they stand on the shoulders of veterans from the past, vietnam, world war two, korea and even the revolutionary war and we think about their sacrifice and with the young men and women are given up today to make sure that we are safe and free. >> and the boys are back in town, it is a welcome home party for two u.s. marines, a lance corporal spent the afternoon greeting old into new friends and they signed an autograph for
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two, they offered a special escort for the big bash at vfw and the family are very happy to have the soldier's home. a chicago police officer who died in the line of duty is remembered on the north side, the annual memorial service was held this morning for officer richard francis who died three years ago today officers in the 19th district of the service at belmont and western at the spot where francis died, fellow officers say he lost his life while struggling with the woman who was involved in a disturbance on a city bus he also said they get together to keep his memory alive. michele bock man wants to take the lead out right. her weekend charged to win the vote of neighbors to the west feared a suspect in a recent chicago murder turned himself in with the help
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hey, check it out. she's using the mr. clean magic eraser bath scrubber. i've heard of it, but i haven't seen one up close. what's the word around the sink? that it removes 3 times more soap scum per swipe and it came from outer space. it is not from outer space! no, man, it's from outer space. they're aliens on an intergalactic cleanliness mission. they're here to clean up the universe. oh, the kitchen scrubbers are aliens, too? yeah, look at that greasy kitchen mess. everybody's in on the cleanspiracy, man. i can't even trust myself. [ male announcer ] mr. clean magic eraser kitchen and bath scrubbers. the clean is out of this world.
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3q my busy family, the family with thousands of odors. like boomer, our boxer. our leftovers... from last night. and then there's phil. oh phil. but for every odor our new air wick odor detect uses the latest smart odor sensor technology. the first air freshener that detects thousands of odors then automatically releases a burst of freshness... that can keep up with this family, and yours. 3q at bayer, we've been relieving pain
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for over 100 years. and today, we're re-inventing aspirin for pain relief. with new extra-strength bayer advanced aspirin. it has microparticles so it enters the bloodstream faster and rushes relief right to the site of your tough pain. ♪ ♪ in fact, it's clinically proven to relieve pain twice as fast. new bayer advanced aspirin. extra strength pain relief, twice as fast. gop presidential hopeful michelle bachman was in iowa this weekend as she kicked off her campaign for the 2012 presidential election. details on balk men's bus tour through the stage.
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>> she chatted with locals and she kicked off a bus tour through her home state. >> it is so wonderful to be back and iowa, i was born and raised in louis water peter falls. i think i was very important so we want to do very well here and we're going to be working in august and on jan. february and beyond. >> balk men's tour of the state comes one week after she officially declared her candidacy. >> i was the first in the nation, it is very important to be here because of the values and opinions that people have here in iowa, and is important that we come here this is the breadbasket of the world. not
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all presidential candidates are participating in the stronghold former massachusetts gov. mitt romney and jon huntsman are sitting it out. >> president barack obama declared it is time for america to live within its means in his weekly address he said one thing democrats and republicans can agree on is the need to solve the debt crisis, he praised compromises on one trillion dollars in spending cuts that said more savings are needed. >> it means we will have to start making tough decisions and scaled-back on programs and nothing can be off limits including spending and the tax code particularly if the local will benefit very few individuals and corporations. >> republicans do not want to roll back any tax breaks if there is a deal to were raise the debt ceiling by august 2nd u.s. will default on its loans and be unable to pay its bills.
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strauss,strauss, was freed from house arrest yesterday. they say the woman lied to a grand jury about her actions after the alleged assaults and she also lied on asylum and tax documents. prosecutors are keeping his passport. chicago police decide whether or not to charge all wrong way driver who hit two pedestrians. new revelations about the health of hugo chavez are causing frictions and one isin the venezuela. and later our dean richards is running down some of his favorite patriotic movies.
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a woman is slapped with six tickets after a runway crash on a busy mile, her red car struck
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and injured two pedestrians in a crosswalk and had two other cars it happened around 5 last night as the holiday weekend was just getting started she was cited for driving left of center, driving over the median at running a red light negligent driving and striking to people in a crosswalk. a chicago man turns himself into police after a deadly and late-night shooting, the 22 year-old was shot to death last night in the 1300 block of west 13th street, the suspected gunman showed up at police headquarters and confessed to killing. the community activist was at the man's side as he walked through the department store he said he was defending himself after his life was threatened by all of fans. venezuelan president hugo chavez vows to stay in power opponents are stepping up the call for him to delegate power he is in cuba where he is being
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treated for cancer after doctors removed his tumor from his pelvis. now some political experts say the coalition could weaken if chavez does not run critics called on him to hand over duties to the vice president until he returns to venezuela. next jim ramsey is talking about cooler temperatures and the near future. and later with the royal couple did to kick off their official visit to canada.
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you could save a bundle with geico's multi-policy discount. geico, saving people money on more than just car insurance. ♪ geico, saving people money on more than just car insurance. úwpú ç uúpúx?x?út@ñíwú@íxwpoú'úñ8@÷x@úúpn÷ñ@ñp>éñóhpúkññ xxo@úvúñpñp@xúíúñxó@ñ@ol@w?úpñ÷ñxxñ@/@ñ hñgñppñó@óñçp?ú?@ñ@po@oúw÷lñ@é@ú@óú÷÷fp@o
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♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] the davis twins... ...are alike in nearly every way... ...right down to brushing their teeth. so how did only one get gingivitis? well, one in two people do. so i told karen about new crest pro-health clinical gum protection toothpaste. it helps eliminate plaque at the gumline, helping prevent gingivitis. it's even clinically proven to help reverse it in just 4 weeks. and it protects these other areas dentists check most. looks like the twins are even again. new crest pro-health clinical toothpaste. life opens up when you do.
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cool breezes already here. >> over the past few hours old lake breeze has developed and the temperatures have dropped 20 degrees. the reason for that is the lake water is only about 69 degrees low-cal ominous the sky looked earlier in the day, we thought we might get a shower and may be a big thunderstorm rolled through a as a cold front came into the area became for on noticed and did not get into the chicago area with the thunder and lightning but it did in northern indiana, it is still strong in parts of the state will share the radar in just a
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moment high temperature in chicago at o'hare was 94 degrees, still a lot of very hot air. a number of spots have had three digits high temperatures. around the various neighborhoods at the moment it is still warm in some spots is down about 14 degrees very mild air behind the cold front comparatively speaking and tomorrow should be about 10-12 degrees cooler than it was today the jet stream begins to move over the next few days and you are not going to notice much difference in the colorization of the chicago area until one week from monday when a little cool front comes through, nonetheless we are expecting our temperatures to be low to mid '80s for the next couple of days but by tuesday we have at least a shot at getting 90 degrees once again. do. temperatures are still juicy up there, we had two points for
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most of the day today. that made the air tropical and very humid. overnight low temperatures by the way should fall probably in the mid 60 range around much of the area, winds are diminishing pretty much, the remainder of the area has relatively mild breezes at 5-10 mi. per hour. now what happened in indiana. look at the explosion of thunderstorms, that again just ahead of the cold front that pushed into this region, more than 4 in. of rain being reported in some spots in association with the storms and that is probably the issue for a couple of counties it is now attracting to the southeast at 30 m.p.h. and continues to produce hail. there have been some reports of downed trees and problems of that sort look at
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what our computer model is suggesting. by tuesday another system coming into the area and there you can see it pushing through minnesota, it could provide chicago with some passing showers and thunderstorms. the area is expected to be fairly warm with high temperatures and 90 degrees. of 90 degrees. here is our forecast first of all for tonight in chicago where looking for skies to be mostly clear with the winds dying down with a low temperature by morning between 54-58 degrees then for tamara a beautiful day mostly sunny and less humid.
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high-temperature 81-85 degrees. i hand of a lake breeze as 3-7 mi. per hour. temperatures are a very seasonal in fact very comfortable for this time of year. today's 94 was only 5 degrees off the record. so far it is still early in the summer. >> the holiday weekend marks the unofficial start of the summer blockbuster season and also time for patriotic movies, dean richards runs down one of his favorites. maybe we can all get
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lysol knows a real clean isn't just something you see... ... it's something you smell. new lysol no mess automatic toilet bowl cleaner not only cleans your toilet with every flush, but also freshens your entire bathroom. so even in between deep cleans it's as fresh as any room in your
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home. for tips on a healthy home visit ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] something unexpected to the world of multigrain... taste. ♪ ♪ delicious pringles multigrain. with a variety of flavors, multigrain pops with pringles. [ man ] did we get anything good? sweetie i think you need a little extra fiber in your diet. fiber makes me sad. oh common. i dare you to taste one hint of fiber in fiber one. oh, i'd be able to tell. why don't i just eat this bag? and how can you talk to me about fiber when you are eating a candybar. you enjoy that. i am. [ male announcer ] fiber beyond recognition. fiber one.
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patriotic movies are usually of big hit at the box office and with the holiday a constant rate richards is looking back at some of his favorites. >> with respect to the ben aflack disaster a couple of years ago the quintquintessential telling of pearl harbor. the movie on which the tv series was based mash is my no. 9 pick, it told the story of a group of renegade doctors during the korean conflict with strong sentiments about the company and its policies. and number eight was tom cruise as first academy award nomination, 1999 born on the fourth of july a true story of a vietnam veteran.
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itsour no. 6 pick is also a military story bill murray strike is one whose bill murray's are reverences' the strike to the solute in know what you're talking a mile denzel washington won his first oscar as he should have, no. 5 on my red white and blue 10. the most controversial on my list will be michael moore's bowling for, but columbine more would argue that this sense is what created america.
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its bill buster fever, jimmy stewart's 1939 classic mr. smith goes to washington and no. 3 pick. we see gov in action. and number two it is a saving private ryan, tom hanks and steven spielberg disturbing depiction of the real horrors of war saluting the men and women who will always be known as the greatest generation and finally my no. 1 pick, a longtime family classic. at the top of my list is george m. cohan and in at yankee doodle dandy. jesus
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it opened in 1942. you can take a look at my current and past reviews along with my elissa interviews with the stars on our web site. along with my a list interviews with the stars on our web site. >> coming up next the new royal couple makes a stop in north america what william and kate did in canada. the people of monaco have of royal wedding of their own.
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♪ mmm. oh gosh. oh dear. big deal. you're delicious. so what. i've got news for you. there's no such thing... a bear sheriff. you think i'm afraid of you? hey what? you don't have to be mean to the cake. i do. you don't. i do. just eat yoplait light. they have great flavors like... boston cream pie raspberry cheesecake. even though i work here, i've lost weight. wow. yeah. carry on. (announcer) 28 delicious flavors at around 100 calories each.
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@@ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] the davis twins... ...are alike in nearly every way... ...right down to brushing their teeth. so how did only one get gingivitis? well, one in two people do. so i told karen about new crest pro-health clinical gum protection toothpaste. it helps eliminate plaque at the gumline, helping prevent gingivitis. it's even clinically proven to help reverse it in just 4 weeks. and it protects these other areas dentists check most. looks like the twins are even again. new
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crest pro-health clinical toothpaste. life opens up when you do. [ male announcer ] in america, we believe anyone can be a hero. kraft singles. we're rich in calcium to help build 'em up strong. ooh, watch out, bad guys. kraft singles. the american cheese. the new droid incredible 2. i could use a smartphone with social apps to stay up on what my friends are doing. and it's global, so i'll know what they're doing while they're doing it even when i travel. i'll have to act surprised when they tell me stuff. i don't have a good surprised face. maybe i can look up videos of surprised people on my new phone for reference. yep, i really want that phone. upgrade to the new droid incredible 2 by htc with global capabilities for only $149.99. now on america's largest, most reliable high-speed network. verizon.
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the newly married touches into of gingrich are making the rounds in canada. awhirl weren't tore of canada is the first foreign trip for the duchess of cambridge, they arrived in montreal today greeted by a small group of protesters carrying signs and slogans opposing the british monarchy. in montreal the couple visited a hospital for mothers and children later planned to cut along with student at the quebec tourism and hotel institute, the royals wrapped up their visit to canada's capital city of ottawa, here they are at a tree planting ceremony on the grounds they plan to the
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canadian hemlock, a tree symbolizing family and long life. then they headed to the canadian war museum greeting veterans some who have served in afghanistan and military families. the couple also unveiled an unfinished painting by celebrated welch artist, this is day three of william and catherine's 9 day official canadian tore into started on thursday with 300,000 people welcoming the royals on canada day, a celebration of the country's independence. after canada they had to the united states or a highly anticipated for days in california. >> prince william and catherine missed the royal wedding of prince albert and former olympic swimmer charlene when stock. the 33 year-old prince albert is 53. he
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formally became monaco's prince following his father's death in 2005. while he has publicly acknowledged his father's two children this is his first marriage. jim ramsey is in the weather center with 274 cast. >> we have a very warm night in progress at the moment, 80 degrees across the chicago area but it will be dropping about 15-20 more degrees before morning. take a look at temperatures across the country. it is 83 in denver right now. 110 degrees in las vegas. plenty of the nation is sweltering tonight. doppler rainfall estimates suggested that up to 6 in. of rain has fallen across
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northern portions of carroll county. that is one big downpours. a very very interesting message of themess. our computer is suggesting as you can see there are more storms coming into our future but probably not before tuesday all little cloudy on sunday. 7 day forecast 89 for a high-temperature on tuesday. we have a 90 and the forecast for next saturday, with
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partly cloudy skies expected so all in all not an unusual summer forecast for the chicago area but a couple of pretty warm days ahead. >> you only have one day left to chowed down chicago's biggest food festival check of some of the best cooking in this city the taste of chicago is about to come to an end, the wraps up tomorrow 6:00 p.m. the taste will not have fireworks this year but you can see the light show monday night at navy pier. doesn't this look good? you can get your fill at tasty red said rib fasta musical lineup as well. proceeds go to support the elimination of child abuse and domestic violence. and yes there are fireworks 9:30 p.m. on
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independence day. she is an upset winner as green as the grass courts at wimbledon, hear from the new champion who is now the talk of the tennis world. and the u.s. women had to pitch in germany as the world cup continues. highlights next in sports.
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i have fallen in love with making bird houses. caw caw! [ director ] what is that? that's a horrible crow. here are some things that i'll make as little portals. honestly, i'd love to do this for the rest of my life so i've got to take care of my heart. for me, cheerios is a good place to start. [ male announcer ] got something you'll love to keep doing? take care of your heart.
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you can start with cheerios. the natural whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. brrrbb... makes you feel ageless. [ male announcer ] it's time. love your heart so you can do what you love. cheerios. [ bob ] squak. look. the mr. clean magic eraser kitchen scrubber. i heard it came from space. they have greasy messes in space? [ laughs ] well, not anymore obviously. look how it cleans. just stop. [ male announcer ] mr. clean magic eraser kitchen scrubber. its clean is out of this world. what is that? oh, we call it the bundler. let's say you need home and auto insurance. you give us your information once, online... [ whirring and beeping ] [ ding! ] and we give you a discount on both. sort of like two in one. how did you guys think of that? it just came to us. what? bundling and saving made easy. now, that's progressive. call or click today.
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across town game 2. >> there were no fourth of july fireworks and the bragging rights are guaranteed to stay on the south side for least another year. straight out of ripley's believe it or not ozzie hanging with cubs fans. the cubs' manager was not around for most of it he argues that several play calls in the second and it turned out he had a legitimate beef. a great pitcher's goal between phil gomberg but a no- hitter until one pierre 6 inning single scored gordon beckham.
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he freezes jovany soda for one of his four innings strikeouts. some cubs fans were ok with it and the socks when 1-nothing. the cubs out hit the white sox. the sox reached 500 for the first time since mid april. [inaduible]udible] they had two guys on i think the first two innings obviously
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i was fighting myself a lot and you can see that and i had to hang in there and thankfully they hit it out there. >> i learned a lot from what i did today. they played a great game today. they battled. >> the men's final at wimbledon is set for tomorrow morning rafael will face yoke of the issue becomes the new number one in the world on monday. but today was the women on center court, maria share perovo and her first grand slam final. sure polka >> i was nervous today. when i
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came on the court i was ok. i am planning a normal match. >> it was history in men's doubles today the american twins muggy and bob brian won the final, it is the second time they have won wimbledon and they tied the record for most grand slam doubles titles with 11. the u.s. women's soccer team back in action today for a second match to the world cup against columbia. heather o'reilly quickly blasted in and the u.s. was ahead. meghan repeat now taking the feednormally as 64 in the pga
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he drops it right in their nice and close. they share the lead as nine under heading into the final round. daytona speedway host in the spring cup race tonight and has been a crash filled affair trevor won the daytona 500 on the same track he makes an early exit, he was not the only one, with just four laps to go on a restriking and this takes out half of the field. and in a very fitting finish for this race, david manages to avoid the chaos all around him on the final lap and he gets his first win. the fire in action brad richards leaves
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the dallas stars for the new york rangers. for a $6 million deal. a hamasalways some interesting sights an interleague play like in cincinnati where a picture lays down a bunt and the results? he had to leave the game. his objective, his manager and supporting his jersey and she gets tossed to, it didn't help that the phillies won that game against the blue jays. >> i can see it on the blooper reel is already. we have a busy sports day tomorrow, wimbledon finals that's the news for this saturday night i am jackie-. jackie changebange. thanks for watching.
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s fall in, gentlemen! we're going back to training. a stain, vaughn?! a ketchup stain?! how dare you disrespect me,
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your country and your mama?! i guess the guy just wants to bring his lunch with him. do you have something to say about the stain, vaughn?! sir! what stain, sir?! vaughn, that -- oh! what'd they do send me a daggone houdini?! [ male announcer ] tide to go. it's tide. to the rescue. to combat tough stains at home try tide stain release pre-treat spray. p@@óçp÷ñ?ú?óvúptúo@÷5@vw@?


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