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tv   WGN News at Nine  CW  August 22, 2011 9:00pm-10:00pm CDT

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attack, what he wants for his attackers and mayor robert mantle's 100 days. mayor rahm emmanuel 100 days. wgn news @ 9 >> after a 42 year brand moammar gaddafi control of libya appears to be irreparably damaged rebel forces taking over the streets tripoli's green square rise and air attacks and nato air attacks some reportedly aimed at the moammar gaddafi pop. top story around the country, violence and celebration government forces holding reporters hostage in a hotel while rebels claim to have captured moammar gaddafi's sons. >> after months of fighting
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rebel forces in libya appear on the verge of taking control of tripoli world leaders called for and to clashes and for moammar gaddafi to admit defeat. >> clear moammar gaddafi rule is over has the opportunity to reduce blood shed by explicitly removing power over people of libya called for it those continue to fight to lay down their arms >> libyan of their kids in atlanta watching closely to celebrate with those from their home country >> de have been waiting my entire life is overwhelming happiness >> father's dream to see the moammar gaddafi regime overthrown libyan opposition activists and disappeared 21 years ago his son said libyan security forces to commit to custody to this day the family
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does not know if he is alive or dead. >> if all live we will be there in a split second to see him we view him typically as a martyr at giving his life for his country and people >> international leaders called for, but to end without any more debt united states and nato officials warned khaddafi loyalists may planned a last ditch attack on civilians. >> i worse ago moammar gaddafi son believed to be in rebel custody claims broken the backbone of rubble's chicago which we spoke to say that is hardly the case. >> to night they know that is pretty much complete victory in libya but today the battle is all but one. won. libyan community
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in chicago small but close working feverishly to the past six months planning and supporting the rebels in libya but this day was decades in the making. >> cannot wait for the world at large to see a muslim state in reality, and to see but libyans can become. some people worry about what would happen to not worry. do not worry because this revolution has been planned since moammar gaddafi took power took the of rest in northern africa out what year ago to move the plan forward worth the wait. the last six months of suffering. finally liberty and freedom. tears are for joy not oppression and death. now they can laugh again. >> we used to be whenever asking something from your mother and
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father and they want to tell you know, they say wed moammar gaddafi is gone and that is basically a way to say it is not going to happen i believe now going to get a lot of things. >> for now they continue to watch television and go onto the internet to get the latest information increasingly difficult to communicate with relatives and libya by telephone. >> if it wanted a smart phone it out seven teenagers accused in a friday night mob attack that sent a high school senior to the hospital sitting down with sean lewis to talk about the attack. >> if i turned around i did not think i would be sitting at now >> identity hit still wanted to talk about the chinatown mob attack that left him proust and why he became a target.
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>> my mother always told me give whatever it can be replaced >> 1/2 away from the chinatown red line stop friday night heard voices behind him talking about his telephone dropped it to the ground and ran towards the doors making it there before he was tripped. i've went into the fetal position and got jumped, pretty much print i could see my mother again. because i know how she warns me everyday when i leave the house to be safe and ok >> after the attack police say the bob read to the train platform for a lengthy telephone off of the tracks. just before they were detained by security and are arrested by police. on the ground his face was fractured. eyes swollen and bleeding and those who watched the attack happened now came to his aid >> they were pretty much in
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shock >> how the high school senior with plans for college next year has forgiven his attackers even before his physical wounds have healed really hoping that life hits them and something better than being outside on the streets whenever they did these are words that can be healed, i just pretty much thank god that i am fine. >> seven teenagers are trusted to up that are 16 years old charged as juvenile spurted five of them are 17 years old and charged in adult court with a light counts of aggravated battery robbery at a mob action. >> judge denied bond for alleged gang member charged with fatally shooting a seven month pregnant
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teenager. prosecutors painted a gruesome picture during a court appearance today for 18 year old timothy jones said he got down 17 year-old charinez jefferson in a marquette park neighborhood last week as she begged for her life all the while swearing at her. families say police have the frogman. >> shot might daughter multiple * one time that i could say maybe an accident, even though you had a gun. you shot my baby multiple times. >> would not be standing here if i really felt he had something to do with this we know what to percent that he was in the house that the entire day. >> baby charinez jefferson during the time of shooting delivered at the time of death and fighting for life also has a 16 month old son. >> saved from a burning building by two neighbors broke out at four story building no.
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virginia avenue the victim burns to 75 percent of body. neighbors risked their lives bergen and out of the apartment, >> life was in danger and he was burning, i would help anybody. >> the unidentified victim take it to the hospital in critical condition no other injuries reported. 70 firefighters responded of around 3:00 a.m. to the fire damage confined to the ground floor of the apartment. 100 days, how is he doing, coming up that year rahm emmanuel first 100 days what has been accomplished? what can we expect going forward? dangers of concussions joining the cause and tom skilling says powerful storms to chicago tomorrow details coming up. wgn news @ 9
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these sweet honey clustery things have fiber? fiber one. almost tastes like one of jack's cereals. uh forgot jack's cereal. [ jack ] what's for breakfast? uh try the number one! i've never heard of that. [ wife ] it's great. it's a sweet honey cereal, you'll love it. yeah this is pretty good. are you guys alright? yeah. [ male announcer ] half a days
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worth of fiber. not that anyone has to know. fiber beyond recognition. fiber one. experts from a leading consumer publication recently tested stain treatments. they rated resolve laundry number one. beating shout. try resolve laundry for amazing stain removal. satisfaction guaranteed, or your money back. look, we've all dealt with the itching of athlete's foot. i can't just wash it away. killing it takes clinical strength. i only use lotrimin ultra. its powerful formula can even cure
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severe cases of athlete's foot. nothing cures better. lotrimin ultra. the killer cure. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ kmart's got the looks, and you've got what it takes - to make this year, epic! now that's kmart smart! wgn news @ 9 today may have been day 99 but mayor rahm emmanuel spent part reciting the things he did the first 100 days standing next to a checklist of goals he has
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achieved or make progress. >> listed that as the things i wanted to get the permit the first 100 days. they were thinks that bore a down payment of the change that they voted for and asked for. incremental steps. each area that are essential for the city future and for everybody's future. >> to further that thought the mayor says he has a checklist for the first full year in office and that checklist anything like the first 100 days require a frenetic pace in just over three months, reputation as a mayor who has a lot on his plate. >> i did not create this problem but i will resolve this problem. not the first school system in the country to outperform its principal balance the budget fundamentally it starts dealing with structural challenges facing the city fiscal health.
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mayor rahm emmanuel covering all lot of ground, 100 days since sworn ed. in from the get go about 6 $75 billion in cuts >> they want the elected be a new day at city hall that but $75 million in cuts that but starting with police pregnant and outsider kerry mccarthy to at that apartment and promising 1000 more police officers on the street not what after perhaps a bit or 0 misstep that up or to a mistake that may have been made during the tenure thus far may have been the closing of the north avenue beach because of the hot day the problem the died what one calls suggested differently but nobody thought that. crime and police make up a small portion of his plate. also bring a new face to had cps jean claude brizard a lot of things
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that may or of megawatts and brizard wants auger school day and school year we will not see those things take place for awhile. those things got started former brought blagojevich corruption trial and later announced his all children would attend not chicago public schools but private schools. private decision that we decided to make as parents. word came up a plan in order to balance the school budget tax hike for homeowners and note 4 percent pay raise for teachers. after that education reform in springfield making it more difficult for teachers to strike they threatened to do that anyway while also imposing a stricter curfew for chicagos youth. >> the curfew is a great idea >> pointed to another highlight >> talking about an end to the
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john birch a situation absolutely correct >> mayor rahm emmanuel also took on prominent ed burke taking down his security detail pretty much getting his way. not told no but he will not settle for no. biggest test still lies ahead the first time we will be able to see the thinks placing the most important sot. without a doubt the budget closing a $635 million hole will be a challenge. not going to be the same relationship with you get into making concessions as was in the daley administration. last month layoff notices for about 625 city workers after you get failed to offer its own deficit cutting concessions bite deadline that but the warning to unions in the city, when i tell you mayor emmanuel tells you to come up with a plan or i am letting you off it is
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like ronald reagan with air traffic controllers in the early 1980's, he is mean and what he says clear from the beginning 100 days in the ground work is there but still a long road ahead. >> still determining who is playing with and what is to walk up behind him a turf war going on working with the people in the city and to continue to build on the great city. >> tomorrow mayor emmanuel setting out what i'd want to talk about the first 100 days in office at exactly what lies ahead. french diplomat accused of sexually assaulting a hotel maid could soon go free why prosecutors want the charges dropped into violent clashes at a preseason professional football game. [ male announcer ] it's a fact: your nutritional needs can go up when you're on the road to recovery. proper nutrition can help you get back on your feet. three out of
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four doctors recommend the ensure brand for extra nutrition. ensure clinical strength has revigor and thirteen grams of protein to protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. and immune balance to help support your immune system. ensure clinical strength... helping you to bounce back. ensure! nutrition in charge! it was created with the power of verizon 4g lte. introducing the lightning-fast 10-inch samsung galaxy tab. stay up to date, entertain yourself and enrich your knowledge like you've never imagined. only at verizon. built so you can rule the air.
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[ man ] did we get anything good? sweetie i think you need a little extra fiber in your diet. fiber makes me sad. oh common. i dare you to taste one hint of fiber in fiber one. oh, i'd be able to tell. why don't i just eat this bag? and how can you talk to me about fiber when you are eating a candybar. you enjoy that. i am. [ male announcer ] fiber beyond recognition. fiber one. take care of your engine and it'll go far. one way i can take care of my engine? one a day men's -- a complete multivitamin for my overall health. plus it supports my heart
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health and helps maintain healthy blood pressure. [ engine revs ] whoa. kinda makes your heart race, huh? wgn news @ 9 lawyers for the new york hotel maid accused the european finance official of sexual assault try to get the manhattan district attorney's office disqualified from the case motion filed today in new york supreme court prosecutors trying to dismiss criminal case against director former director at international monetary fund, not likely the maid will succeed questions regarding credibility inconsistencies in the account of the assault. florida casey anthony returned reporting to probation office lawyer hopes does not come to that judge sentenced casey anthony to a year of probation 2010 for stealing checks from a friend
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now freed after being acquitted of murdering two year old daughter judge wants her to start serving probation at the knees lawyers argued she served while in jail waiting on the murder charge. investigation death of an experienced stunt man and air show in michigan witness captured this is video of the accident yesterday air national guard base "wing walker" todd green stamp on it used lots of small plane when he fell 200 ft. to the ground, successfully performed the same stunt hundreds of times before including during the show the day before all day one of two people who could do to stop. dozens of experts teaming up to educate chicago area athletic organizations about the dangers of concussions. chicago concussion coalition teaching thousands of athletes trainers and coaches symptoms of concussions also involved
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smashing pumpkins frontman billy corgan started his own professional wrestling league lead at wants to save his athletes have the better prepared for the dangers. a memorial honoring dr. martin luther king jr. open to the public today washington d.c. 30 ft. tall granite sculpture sitting on the national mall between lincoln and jefferson memorials, the trend a wall with memorable quotes. president obama speaking at the official dedication sunday, 48 anniversary of the march on washington. famous i have a dream speech. sports fans take the team rivalry to an ugly new level of violent clashes at a preseason football game and mobster money for sale how much would you pay for cash that used to belong to a mob figure?
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the pilots off the field overshadowed in preseason game separate cisco's 40 niner's purses the oakland raiders witnesses called sulfites to
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separate shootings as well at least one fan left the stadium in handcuffs. police looking for the suspect who severely beat a man inside a washroom. trying to figure out if it was just 18 robbery. aimee chamernihurricane irene, and the caribbean and the scene in pr 75 mi. per hour wind 20 in. of rain and the scene in palm beach county florida residents boarding up before the storm reaches shore forecasters at national hurricane center says hurricane irene getting stronger as it heads toward the united states. brace yourself for a round with rain and more. thunderstorms on the way it tom skilling sizing up the stormy weekend forecast is next. itst
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[ female announcer ] every box of general mills big g cereals can help your kids' school get extra stuff. ♪ ♪ like musical instruments. ♪ ♪ and new art supplies. ♪ ♪ because they're the only cereals with box tops for education. last year, schools earned over ten million dollars from big g cereals. you can raise money for your kids'
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school. look for this logo... only on big g cereals. you can make a difference. every cereal box counts. wgn news @ 9 looks like we have storms coming our way. radar is starting to line up to the north and west. tomorrow afternoon. could be wednesday also, we can only hope they look half as nice as this beautiful shot coming to us from looking at this shop, orlando airport cumulonimbus clouds beautiful shot, thank
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you very much. great photographer submitted great shots in the past and captured the storm coming in on the air and water show. orange crop the tops of melted sometimes, but that was run the top of a cloud. what a nice day today in chicago 90 degree temperature almost three weeks it did not have that today either almost 82 degrees pretty comfortable humidity thunderstorms developing to the northwest. day after tomorrow we may get 90 degree temperature will not last long cool it off later in the week the storms developing to the west probably prevented that
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from happening tomorrow. doppler scan of the storms in north dakota these things tower to 37,000 ft. others developing in south dakota and minnesota. blossom in overnight heading in our direction. storms coming into chicago tomorrow after the midday at work. 74 degrees today above 80 degrees in the year 2011 day 74, it warm here but thunder on the way. severe weather potential some spots may get thunderstorm downpours. this month product above normal three degrees cooler than one year ago which is interesting. taken us up through the morning hours sunshine during the morning clouds closing it quickly and by nude showers and thunderstorms closing in. just eight shape of this of arrangement line of
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thunderstorms model suggested maybe a dusty or severe with the producer areas outlook sitting under a jet stream to see powerful thunderstorms in this area as a matter of fact the forecast from the store prediction center possible severe weather tomorrow and night, wednesday a cool front get more storms may be big ones later in the day. 85 degrees and the mid-80's across each area of chicago, 79 degrees at o'hare airport at 73 degrees at midway airport. the view from pr we're preparing heavy rainfall to occur today, hurricane irene passing the island. down in missouri there have been storms today also look at pr when gusts
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up to 52 mi. per hour and hire and train it out over half a foot in some areas. all of that is hurricane irene which now is a category 2 hurricane. headed for major status tomorrow coming into the area. at a rate of computer models and forecast for national hurricane service where the storm will go looking at the composite, forecasters come up with tracks issued. the tone right here on certainty you can see the general track going to keep storm apparently off the florida coast. the coastline could be battered by waves. looking at the model up to 9 ft. waves going into southeastern florida coastline by thursday and this is supposed to ride into carolina's by a man at that time evers in the bottle forecast should not consider that carved in stone but look at the forecast model showing a 90
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mi. per hour or sorry 50 mi. per hour winds coming through the bahamas. staying east of florida at close to hit with wind. heavy rainfall expected in the system as well. lots of action on the east coast and later this week things may become pretty hazardous. watching the progress hurricane irene very closely. scattered clouds, warm temperatures and rising humidity, wind turned and saw that later tonight. tomorrow there could be mixed clouds in the morning with mixed sot, clouding over short or too early at big thunderstorms in the afternoon. storms could be heavy or severe. tomorrow night 72 degrees cloudy and warm and muggy and hot and humid the have not used those terms together for weeks. maybe storms popping
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along a cold front late today vigorous spurted back into the delightful air thursday and friday. coming back more on that hurricane irene and rains expected computer forecasted rainfall coming up spurtedbeautiful days later this week >> coming up a breakthrough in the pop-up one woman fights every day life with lou gehrig's disease als what doctors in chicago now know about the disease that could change her future and not the first time michael jordan opening chicago restaurant what is different? first look. [ mom ] can a little bowl of cereal change your life? i think it can. one of the challenges for kayla being gluten-free is actually finding choices the whole family will love. then we discovered chex cereals.
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five flavors of chex are gluten-free, including the honey nut flavor and that's amazing to a mom like me. as a parent you don't want to have to tell your kids "no" all the time. it's nice for me to be able to say "yes" to something that they want to eat. [ male announcer ] chex cereal. five flavors. gluten free. when a carpet is clean and fresh, it's irresistible. experience this in your home with resolve deep clean powder. its moist powder penetrates deep, removing three times more dirt than vacuuming alone while also neutralizing odors at their source. it's a clean you can see smell, and really enjoy. resolve deep clean powder. don't just vacuum clean, resolve clean. just one phillips' colon health probiotic cap a day helps defends against occasional constipation, diarrhea gas and bloating. with three strains of good bacteria to help balance your colon. you had me at "probiotic." [ female announcer
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] phillips' colon health. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] we've got all you need for back to school with low prices every day on everything. backed by our ad match guarantee. save money. live better. walmart. so, you guys grew up together. yeah, since third grade. what are you lookin' at? i wa-- i'm not looking at anything. we're not good enough for you. you lookin' for something else? no, i was -- i don't know. what are you big supermodels? oh, excuse us. supermodels! what are you modeling gloves? what are you doin'? that girl's totally into me. brad, eat a snickers. why? 'cause you get a little angry when you're hungry. better? better. so, ladies. so, losers. stacy, relax. oh, sorry.
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[ male announcer ] you're not you when you're hungry™. snickers satisfies. look. the mr. clean magic eraser kitchen scrubber. i heard it came from space. they have greasy messes in space? [ laughs ] well, not anymore obviously. look how it cleans. just stop. [ male announcer ] mr. clean magic eraser kitchen scrubber. its clean is out of this world. tonight's medical watch not a cure but perhaps the most exciting breakthrough in studying als or lou gehrig's disease, the terry 8 systematically until the disease kills. doctors have tried but not able to stop the muscle the generation now finding the cause. with the knowledge scientists can target a treatment. for seven years living with disease every day aimee chamernik legs arms and
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ultimately tom all impacted. slurring words. mother of three cataloger read to children instead putting together scrapbooks so children can see and remember moments together. >> problem in neurology >> within 25 years this map where dr. teepu siddique can feverishly and laboratory northwestern university hoping to stop disease >> reduces them from being independent human beings to totally dependent trapped in their bodies >> proteins in the spinal cord and brain misfire instead of recycling and maintaining and repairing cells half of patients die within 3 years of diagnosis. >> paralysis of arms legs and speech and swallowing and breathing finally add that this out they pass away but unable to breathe speak being confined to their body >> faulty protein ubiquilin 2
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accumulates in the brain wrapping are brought healthy cells like a coiled cable literally strangling cells killing people. fighting ubiquilin 2 opening the door for testing finding testing the protein, but fixing because and caring people. dr. teepu siddique recalls the order when the pathways for cholesterol identified pappa once they were discovered drugs could be used to target different points on the pathway >> aimee chamernik hopes to dr. life work will give her more time to play. >> the research i feel like made out no where to aim. >> very exciting, i did not think have ever been more excited in my life. >> more exciting dr. teepu siddique says the discovery of the protein breakdown can also affect the treatment of the other in neurological
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degenerative diseases like alzheimer's disease possible treatments now years and months not decades away 8 definite cause for celebration. >> coming up mob money you have never seen 500-even when thousand dollar bills for sale found in a convicted mobster in suburban chicago home and later in sports the offensive line center stage preseason game number two for the chicago bears.
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♪ ♪ i'm a speck of dust alone in the wire jungle. some dust rags say i'm unreachable, [ grunting ] but that's how i like it. unattached, free, indep... i've changed my mind. ♪ i believe in miracles ♪ [ female ann ouncer ] swiffer attracts dust. new and improved swiffer dusters with dust lock adhesive picks up two times more dust than a dry dust rag and locks it away. you're very adventurous! [ female announcer ] swiffer gives cleaning a whole new meaning. look, we've all dealt with the itching of athlete's foot. i can't just wash it away. killing it takes clinical strength. i only use lotrimin ultra. its powerful formula can even cure severe cases of athlete's foot. nothing cures better. lotrimin ultra. the killer cure. carry on you gazers... you grazers... you thieves... you spill-prone, and thrill-prone... and refusers to be fully-grown.
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we get it. after all, kenmore is in the lives of over 100 million americans. that's why, with 31 cubic feet, no fridge in america has more capacity. we put more in so you get more out. kenmore. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] sweet honey taste. 80 calories per serving. 40% daily value of fiber. i'm here in the downtown area where the crowd is growing. [ female announcer ] watching calories at breakfast never tasted this sweet... i'll go get my bowl. [ female announcer ] ...or this huge. new fiber one 80 calories. yes, you can actually love breakfast. no white jeans after labor day? what are you my grandmother? i'll rock white jeans whenever i want. and with tide plus bleach, they'll stay white. not whitish, not eggshell, not ecru... whatever that is. white. that's my tide. what's yours?
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wgn news @ 9 it is tough for restaurateurs to make a mark in this town, then there is michael jordan. marcus leschock preview >> what is michael jordan liked as a boss? strict we love having him pretty demanding on the court i can only a matter of working in a business it is a standard of excellence. general manager of the duke michael jordan stakeouts also works are original restaurant now closed and 160 blue where jordan is
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also an owner >> a lot different but again i think chicago is ready for this >> contemporary vibe to historic intercontinental hotel dining rooms that can seat eight people >> michael jordan you might expect jerseys and things like that you are supporting that, trying to abort different restaurant small subtleties in reference to his number or championships just something not popping out at you when you what did very subtle >> naturally the menu is loaded with michael jordan favorites dry aged bistate cut 23 ounces served on the ball another signature of side dishes grilled corn sweet corn from indiana grilled tossed with a smoked chili and a light butter cilantro and red onion is
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perfect. look at that color. unbelievable. how about a maine lobster cocktail? perfect time of the season for the tomatoes. since the opening was announced staff says reservations filling up quickly even though it has been 13 long years since michael jordan sank his last shot as a chicago bull. marcus leschock wgn news @ 9 >> get your hands on m some of handsob's cash, auctioning off recollection $500,000 bills a 500-$1000 bills. seized the money from mobster killer suburban home frank calabrese sr. 130 up for bid online. 1934 in nearly new condition united
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states states have not printed those bills in decades going for double the face tell you. tom skilling in the weather center with a look at the next seven days: >> nice warm summer whether it is appropriate but the high temperatures and the dakotas and montana today the warm air warming us into the '90s for a day on wednesday producing big thunderstorms on the northern plains moving in our direction. look at the forecast, purple areas 1 in. and a half of rain right through the chicago area. storms expected late tomorrow morning or tomorrow afternoon. it is official, irene hundred mile per hour sustained wind movement of all florida perhaps lead falling into line as and
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that tracking up through the mid atlantic and into new england meeting a huge area that could be affected by the major hurricane collection of computer model tracks and piquancy doing a curving thing up the east coast looking at the corridor of heavy rain in washington d.c., before it is all over, low temperatures in the '50s in lead and back up to the '80s back to the '70s tomorrow night and '90s have not had a 90¢ august 2nd that would be the case on wednesday, 92 degrees temperature prediction, much cooler and beautiful air on thursday-friday with lower humidity and thunderstorm over the weekend temperatures be daunting to the bid 80s and the 80's are going to feel good still hungry after marcus leschock piece. pullout one of
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those $1,000 bills. we will go i will take you guys out together. tomorrow night. >> photos of the day, a sinkhole that swallowed a car government accountability that is what you will find chicago tribune photos of the day.
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more photos at or coming up after being criticized on national television, by itself on the bench tonight starlin castro and talking but the first time stan mikita battle of cancer, but sports is next. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] something unexpected to the world of multigrain... taste. ♪ ♪ delicious pringles multigrain. with a variety of flavors, multigrain pops with pringles.
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[ female announcer ] we are taking new ultra downy with silktouch to the streets. which shirt feels more expensive? i get to touch these guys? oooh, ooh la la. i'm feeling their muscles. yup, yup. this feels great. that one. that one's softer. [ female announcer ] actually, it's the same t-shirt. really? but this one was washed in downy. really? that's why it was softer. it has a real soft velvety feeling. let me try again. [ female announcer ] it's like an upgrade in a bottle. divine. why spend a lot of money when you can just use downy? [ female announcer ] new ultra downy
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with silktouch it's an upgrade in a bottle. hey, the new guy is loaded with protein! really? 25 grams of protein. what do we have? all four of us, together? 24. he's low fat, too and has 5 grams of sugars. i'll believe it when i--- [ both ] oooooh... what's shakin'? [ female announcer ] as you get older protein is an important part of staying active and strong. new ensure high protein... fifty percent of your daily value of protein. low fat and five grams of sugars. see? he's a good egg. [ major nutrition ] new ensure high protein. ensure! nutrition in charge! it was created with the power of verizon 4g lte. introducing the lightning-fast 10-inch samsung galaxy tab. stay up to date, entertain yourself and enrich your knowledge like you've never imagined. only at verizon.
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built so you can rule the air. ♪ why settle for a one-note cereal? get more with honey bunches of oats. four nutritious grains come together for more taste, more texture more healthy satisfaction. have a bowl of happy. chicago bears-giants had to walk the second half of that preseason game got a big fan. consider a great night for the chicago bears because jay cutler staying off of his back not carry to the locker room but the offensive line passed the test, stan mikita played the entire first half jay cutler played the entire first half,
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completed passes of 32-42 yds rushed night for the special teams including a blocked punt set up a touchdown paid no attention to the score 27-6 new york giants. wildcats, practiced in front of military personnel at great lakes naval station coach loved that preaching discipline on full display. on their way back from camp pat fitzgerald sees a great experience for his team >>, it ought to be based seeing everybody marchant understanding the focus and discipline of attention to detail all around us we need to focus what we are trying to accomplish on the field >> you may have seen the chicago cubs shortstop not paying attention during last night's game against the cardinals starlin castro and did not have to pay attention tonight on the
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badge manager mike quade gave starlin castro after it daydreaming on shortstop is back towards the plate there who knows maybe saw something interesting in the left field bleachers, espn analyst bobby valentine wrapped starlin castro pat fitzgeraland mike quade said the whole scene was embarrassing >> something that after day one focus with his talent sometimes tough to challenge not acceptable about good and he feels terrible talked to him today and >> beautiful night to night at wrigley field, starlin castro a great seat to watch the chicago cubs-atlanta braves, dempster started and freddy freeman deep 1-0 braves and that enough, dan
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uggla crushed this 30th of year, cubs left as is loaded twice and no offense and braves leading a 3-0 bottom of the night didn't. today was a treat for blackhawks legend by its no. 3 next year ryder cup cliff korroll showing off a nice golf swing. good to see stan mikita out swinging a golf club been fighting oral cancer upbeat and says treatments has gone very well. >> treatments are well did not mind getting up at 5:00 a.m. and being here at 7:00 a.m. and tapping treatment hall by 7:30 a.m.-8:00 so not too bad. did not my traffic or people the way meat or whatever they do come along well. best to stan mikita he loves being out on the golf
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course. former ohio state quarterback terrelle pryor taken by the oakland raiders in round 3 of the supplemental draft and kyle orton named recorded back in denver and in major league play to bend on and a shot to center routine play off of the glove his head and he makes the catch. fires in and out at second and that the throw to first base a triple play for the national sounders all part of deception right? makes the catch clean water out place at all popped his head and lights up with a triple play that had been the major leagues. never seen that and probably never again. >> thank you. that is the news have a good night updates see you tomorrow.
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[ female announcer ] now there's a delicious way to help get omega-3 dha into your kid's diet. new flintstones gummies plus omega-3 dha. the only complete children's multivitamin that's also an excellent source of this key nutrient.
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all in a great-tasting gummy. new from flintstones. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ kmart's got the looks, and you've got what it takes -


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