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tv   WGN News at Nine  CW  October 17, 2011 9:00pm-10:00pm CDT

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hundreds of people struggling to survive do not want you to forget cover story back to attend the city. tent city wgn news @ 9 we want bob now they did more than occupy chicago down the street a pounding on the alderman's door and good evening top story wgn news @ 9 occupy america protesters holding it gatherings for weeks tonight a public confrontation jae miller there when alderman met crowd >> things are quiet financial district certainly not the case earlier this evening when protesters with occupy chicago attempted to occupy the office
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of one local m mthth ananversary occupup w wll strtrtt protesters occupied chicago march from jackson lasalle to 13th and state office of alderman bob foretti demanding to know why saturday peaceful protest of roughly 2000 people at grant park ended with 175 protesters refused to leave >> position on freedom of speech whether he says city ordinance closes at certain our constitution trumping the ordinance. exercise freedom of speech under reasonable >> roughly three weeks since the group each day gaining momentum from people rallying against social inequality and economic
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inequality driving in from grand rapids michigan >> cannot let fake money control of the government all of the time. that is basically what is going on chicagoans basically saying holding all of the money at the top not evenly distributed all of the time not allowed to grow up and support my own family it is not right >> the group says no plans on letting up hope more public officials way and add to join in the movement >> every foreclosure the banks have caused at our neighborhood at our areas the presses the mental attitude and the vigor of the city these people and what is happening in our system >> aldermen bob foretti did invite representatives from occupy chicago into office place at that meeting this evening in a word on how that meeting went in the financial district jae
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miller wgn news @ 9 >> we apologize for the audio difficulties. odds are not good the new gambling expansion bill will get the governor's signature unless lawmakers make changes following the story today >> gov. quinn says no interest in illinois becoming las vegas of the midwest but proponents say some language in the bill has to stay in order to be passed. gambling package the governor proposed today scaled- back version of a regional bell what he says has major flaws. expense that does not protect the state's integrity does not provide adequate revenue for education >> bottom line item decollate the final word >> five new gambling locations and not denied making a total 15 in the state new casinos chicago rockford downstate down belt lake county site and saw the cook county site and gov. quinn
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wants to stop gamblers from taking business to wisconsin or indiana >> people leaving the state to gamble locations i have selected in those areas people are most likely to leave it >> jody weis chicagos a former top officer and now deputy director chicago crime commission against the regional bell said the saturating the illinois gaming board opened the door for organized crime >> proposed legislation would have had so much expansion not given the resources to ensure that they were the safeguard against corruption at possible organized-crime i think fraught with peril >> does not support slot machines o'hare midway or racetracks like our intent that is the biggest sticking point for lawmakers >> do not kid yourself there will be more casinos and illinois if you will allow racetracks to have casinos >> state representative lou lang sponsor of the house bill says a new bill without slot
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machines at racetracks will never pass in the house says the industry cannot survive without it >> matter of a few years no racetracks and illinois if we do not find it way to help the industry >> the senate sponsor trailer bill and it works to address concerns the governor has especially over regulations thinks the two sides can still come up with an agreement everyone will be happy with >> probably not a mile apart on behalf of a mile a port or quarter mile apart >> gov. quinn says open to talking with supporters to get a compromise lawmakers today to springfield next week for fall session >> one of the state's poorest communities keeping a close eye on the gambling bill south suburban ford heights as hopes for economic recovery on the new casino that could lead to their top of residents and community live below poverty line at local leaders say town perfect spot for a proposed casino
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>> the site at 30 at 394, 200 a. offers a wealth of opportunity there beginning group and the gaming operator that has offered to build a casino there. >> ford heights leaders say happy south suburbs considered for casino but wishes governor would be more site specific. joining us now about the governor's proposal to scale down the casino bill chicago tribune reporter rick pearson. thank you for joining us >> little bit here and a little bit there and frankly first comment way too top heavy haven't said that tried to get voters to put together a package the old st. people who love sausage should not see how what is being made a lot of elements governor has basically sent them back to ground zero still may
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never happen. >> we talked before hand and you said haven't slot machines at racetracks actually might enhance the yes vote downstate why is that? >> to pass a bill cannot just have the votes for regional legislators also need downstate illinois in the components that allows racetrack slot machines money for the horse racing and horse breeding and agricultural industry have been hard and illinois and this would be a way to get those downstate votes that you need to pass the bill adding to the component for get the legislators are around a racetrack amenities cannot get a casino bill passed >> ford heights begging for something like that what other areas of need something like this? >> certainly rockford an area traditionally during recessionary times double digit unemployment largely because big
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structure manufacturing rockford law seeking a casino try to stop up the road to begin with scott said >> waukegan also? >> absolutely very interesting the bill in park city lake county preferred side of lake county including gov. says cannot be in park city gaming board >> as crafty a legislator at behind the scenes broker as a rahm emmanuel is the mayor any chance that somehow going to put the governor in the corner here? rahm emmanuel says we need that kind of money to help with budget deficit very interesting big response from mayor emmanuel very toned down did not see what the governors objectives were looking forward to working with them really think are to be a full-court press for the better because of money issues involved haven't said that not a lot of
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trust for governor who knows might be able to flip-flop on this. >> political reporter rick pearce set that year. what they're cooling off dramatic reminder carbon monoxide dangerous fumes sent four people to hospital north suburban high lead this afternoon building that houses a dentist's office two doors down from local fire hall minutes after they started furnace for the first time this season people started getting sick what happened heart attack another a stroke paramedics walked and portable co detector started firing grabbed airpacks and got everybody out. >> time to check filter check gemini's carded monoxide detectors are lifesavers 10-$20 local hardware store very safe >> took three people to area hospitals stable condition one was rushed critical to nearest hyperbaric chamber to have the deadly gas purged from
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bloodstream expected to recover. three chicago police stations on chopping block due to budget constraints on the city police superintendent garry mccarthy explaining to residents fourth ward was stationed in jeopardy at the meeting what happened? >> garey mccarthy came a equipped with numbers lots of research telling people tonight time and time again is not the building that matters is the police officers and getting more of them on the street that the date with residents served by the 21st district slated to be closed under a new plan it would be consolidated with first and second district he says it means getting rid of some of the double duties overlap and in jobs going on right now and getting those officers out on the streets the 21st is one of three districts which would close a lot with the bellmont and would district. about 100 people out there tonight many of them try to convince them to
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keep it open afraid of a response time and not getting it sort of patrols that are used to but the superintendent lace it up with them tonight policing is not a business and just does not make sense to keep the 21st district open >> applied more resources to combat crime in the neighborhood about efficiency >> i think that is on mark trying to give the district and to the community more police officers second most number of police officers in the city of chicago that is right on mark along with the state based organizations going to take these street corners back >> closing 21st district hoping they take back from this seriousness in which the community feels it has been slighted and importance of having a city protection high priority >> he did make sure to mention
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not all eyes are dotted and not all of the t's are crossed still research to be done so far only face-to-face meeting with residents affected by the closure of some of the police districts would district on my petition started planning a rally for sometime next week. >> still ahead 5 cannot remove an old city stickers motorist and want chicago city neighborhood bearing the brunt of a crackdown by police and what lady gaga said to former president clinton that raised a couple of eyebrows and get your jackets and umbrellas colder and wetter jim ramsey details coming up. wgn news @ 9
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i already went christmas shopping and won't get a single bill! what!? yeah, i used kmart layaway - i'm making small payments over 8 weeks. kmart layaway is the easy way to pay with no finance charges! just start with $5 plus a little down. now that's kmart smart. [ all ] trick-or-treat! aren't you a little, like old to be trick-or-treating? [ robotic voice ] it is a growth spurt.
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fair enough. [ male announcer ] you're never too old for a smooth delicious milky way caramel. president obama kinmundy wrote again taking a jobs bill to the people president left washington today presented the three day bus tour the north carolina and virginia last week said it failed to get enough votes to move forward $447 billion jobs plan. town hall meeting south of asheville n.c.
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president new plan to get lawmakers on republican side to approve the to break his bill into bite sized pieces >> this week asking members of congress to vote on one component of the plant whether we should put hundreds of thousands of teachers back into the classroom and cops back on the street and firefighters back to work >> republicans say detour is very nearly a series of presidential campaign stops >> united states postal service community forum tonight to get public feedback on the closings dozens of people upset over possibility of losing local branch showed up first of eight planned meetings this one near the china town branch also officials say annual mail volume down by more than 43 billion pieces last five years number continues bug down even when the economy recovers postal service does not get back expect to get back to peak levels critics of your budget shortfall could
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force more than 3600 closings nationwide city looking for new ways to generate revenues to the situation 33rd ward residents getting fined for not removing old city vehicle stickers. $120 in fact in the fine print of the registered owner of the pinnacles ticketed if old city sticker still a visible on the windshield. laws on the book for a long time but rarely enforced until now. still ahead tragedy that rocked the racing world fans remembering rain in indianapolis 500 champion dan wheldon killed in a fiery crash and mother of missing baby chasing story changing story about when she last saw her child. i'm bonnie and this is my cvs. i don't have time for the flu. that's why i'm knocking things off my to-do list. vitamin d -- done. hand sanitizer -- done. hey, eric, i'm here for my flu shot. sorry, didn't make an appointment.
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well, you don't need one. flu shots. every store. every day. insurance accepted. get a $5 cvs gift card if you're not covered. i'm bonnie and this is my cvs.
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[ male announcer ] cookies with smooth caramel and chocolate. ♪ ♪ hmm twix. also available in peanut butter. the toughest jobs, and the tightest turns get our lowest prices ever on craftsman products october 14th - 20th at sears. plus get a $10 tools cash card when you spend $75 or more in tools during craftsman days. craftsman. trust. in your hands. [ male announcer ] give yourself an edge. one a day men's pro edge. a complete multivitamin with more magnesium to help support healthy muscle function. more b vitamins to help convert food to fuel. more confidence in a healthy you. one a day men's pro edge.
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wgn news @ 9 racing fans mourned the death of one up in the car's most popular drivers one of indycar most popular drivers dan wheldon killed one of racing's most prominent homes >> outside of the indianapolis motor speedway live with flowers campbell's notes and even jugs of milk how fans in a tribute to two time indianapolis 500 champion dan wheldon >> we were all upset yesterday and today quite a loss batt but some of the people stopping by fans who admired him from afar pay my respects to someone who gave their life to doing something that they love to have somebody taken like that horrible crash not really fair >> throughout the day more fans showed up indianapolis motor
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speedway many of them said it wanted to pay tribute to a mad with a field changed racing over the last few years >> a great person great person great with people and kids, it did a lot for the community and going to be messed >> croissant close friends with dan worked together in the years in the world of racing >> him and my son were best friends and my son moved to denver pictures were going to be sent to m >> also a friend he and dan wheldon worked together in the past that panther race and how much time he spent with fans not just thank you hello with kids and getting down on the peace dialogue with them talking to them not just a handshake understood the fans put him where he was >> dan wheldon driver who knew how to get back to the fans >> the mother of a missing
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kansas city, missouri baby changing her story last saw her daughter says so drunk that night may have blacked out surveillance video nearby grocery store shows deborah bradley purchasing box of wine at about 5:00 p.m.. the night 11 month old lisa irwin disappeared, deborah bradley are originally set last saw lisa irwin when she put her to bed at 1030 pm now says it was much earlier closer to 6:30 p.m. discovered missing got home from work about 4:00 a.m. 25 national guardsmen have now joined law enforcement officers searching the area near the family, and not treating kids with attention deficit disorder and a young age new guidelines and it looked inside haiti tent city. special report.
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tonight's medical watch treating kids with adhd at younger age of recommendations call for four year olds to get medication to help with attention and hyperactivity issues american academy of pediatrics expanded guidelines to help kid's parents and first teachers better handle the deficit still doctors say
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for younger children behavior modification a better option. more than 5 million children united states have adhd for most children a combination of behavioral therapy and medication is ideal. treatment for high blood pressure may detect protect brain from ravages of alzheimer's disease and drugs seem to reduce dementia and alzheimer's symptoms journal of alzheimer's disease reports on adding benefits protecting part of reducing blood pressure for years a link shot between hypertension and dementia high blood pressure contributes to lower blood circulation in the brand finally drugs and candy adults and kids cannot tell the difference starting out as simple experiment turning into a major controversy for medical community, to seventh grade students found 15 teachers and one out for kindergarteners cannot distinguish candy from drugs that look the same common mistake mixing m & m's with coricidin results presented at
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american academy of pediatrics meeting doctors agreed they to do a better job educating parents about the need to keep all medication out of children's reach >> up night time temperatures dipping into thirties this week full forecast next and don't know where but downplayed today'sdown for a few days i already went christmas shopping and won't get a single bill! what!? yeah, i used kmart layaway - i'm making small payments over 8 weeks. kmart layaway is the easy way to pay with no finance charges! just start with $5 plus a little down. now that's kmart smart. capital one's new cash rewards card gives you a 50% annual bonus! so you earn 50% more cash. according to research everybody likes more cash. well almost everybody... ♪ ♪ would you like 50% more cash? no! but it's more money. [ male announcer ] the new capital one cash rewards card. the card for
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people who want 50% more cash. what's in your wallet? woah! [ giggles ] roadtrip. vegas. vegas! now?! [ female announcer ] two hours to vegas. two hours to whiten. ♪ ♪ crest whitestrips two hour express. in just two hours you can have a noticeably whiter smile that lasts for months. ♪ ♪ hi. hi. where you guys headed? i think we're here. [ female announcer ] whitening without the wait. 3d white two hour express whitestrips...from crest. life opens up when you do. and try 3d white toothpaste and rinse.
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[ bell tolls ] ah, agents i don't know if you've heard but our training organization was recently named the "best in the world." nice little pat on the back. ahhhh! [ chuckles ] ah...that's good that's good. that's, uh, that' it is, after all a celebration for all of us. [ male announcer ] we are insurance. ♪ we are farmers ♪ ♪ bum, ba-da-bum, bum, bum, bum ♪ the toughest jobs, and the tightest turns get our lowest prices ever on craftsman products october 14th - 20th at sears. plus get a $10 tools cash card when you spend $75 or more in tools during craftsman days. craftsman. trust. in your hands.
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very crispy it is crispy outside probably stopping at crackle by the time we get into wednesday and thursday cold air and with the cold air will rainfall and a stiff wind like a kind of sloppy today time friend temperatures should improve heading into weekend time lapse cameras came up with this today clouds coming from rainshowers occurring central illinois schering-plough it is with the chicago area clouds probably not going to break tonight he braces any possibility of patchy fog we did look at the possibility it tonight temperatures dropping as low as say 39 degrees and some far western suburbs the line of rain showers looking very
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impressive believe it or not checking stations through central illinois most is light- moderate rainfall not particularly impressive no difficulty for a city of chicago notice expecting it to maybe see breaks and clouds tomorrow on late to help them build back in over the areas. area of low pressure building to the east of chicago actually backspace moisture on wednesday continuing on thursday and look at the grich part numbers from the forecast models suggesting quite a brainstorm parts of northwestern indiana and southern sections of cook county rainfall amount less and less by the west you travel do expect rainfall wednesday and thursday probably quite a lot in northwestern indiana noticed temperature o'hare airport is 50 degrees pretty chilly weather along the canadian border associate with another cold front sweeping through chicago area tomorrow that will be the
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front that provides us with the downturn in temperatures the jet stream will be a sagging cold air beginning to move that pushed into the midwest again wednesday-thursday time. lifting out fairly quickly temperatures back into the low-bid 60s by the time we get into the weekend as this suggests beyond that another top of cold air coming into chicago area producer and one of the six daytime high temperatures kept in the 30's frost and freeze watches advisers and the fact eastern colorado into parts of the western plants not expecting anything like this chicago area going to be cool but not quite that extreme. temperatures throughout chicago area tonight
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all issue today when the finally beginning to subside still 5-15 m.p.h. forecast for tonight look at skies to continue invariably cloudy mostly cloudy low temperatures range of 39-47 degrees with warmer weather downtown. for tomorrow mostly cloudy it far south looking like central illinois getting rainfall gusty wind high- temperature mostly cloudy ran a possible late blow tablature 41- 48 degrees set for wednesday rainfall sloppy looking day it could seat wind speed between 15-25 mi. per hour gusting sloppy wet day looking like wednesday to adapt to be crisp and the thursday much of the san clouds may be the brand to
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diminish and thursday still cool >> is this fall? >> it will improve seven day forecast but not quite yet ready for christmas however people up to choose official christmas tree 38 families submitting never a doubt 23 treat finalists all 55 ft. colorado spruces christmas trees choices. chicago christmas tree man breaks stone with hammer he made journey to haiti incredible
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stories and a victory monday chicago bears after the big winner last night over minnesota vikings getting set for monday in a few days and also checking in on blackhawks getting ready to head out west on a road trip coming up later in sports. i ate breakfast and got heartburn, third day this week. so i took my heartburn pill and some antacids. we're having mexican tonight so another pill then? unless we eat later, then pill later? if i get a snack now, pill now? skip the snack, pill later... late dinner, pill now? aghh i've got heartburn in my head. [ male announcer ] stop the madness of treating frequent heartburn. it's simple with prilosec otc. one pill a day. twenty-four hours. zero heartburn. no heartburn in the first place. great.
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these dogs wake up too early! you know what else is early? medicare open enrollment. now through december 7th. can i stick with my old medicare plan? sure! or find a new plan with better coverage, less cost or both. medicare plans give you free cancer screenings and wellness visits and 50% off on brand-name prescriptions when you're in the doughnut hole. it's part of the healthcare law. so it's time to look, compare... and choose the right plan for you. learn more at 1-800-medicare or we were so blessed when we had triplets. if by blessed you mean freaked out about money. well, we suddenly noticed that everything was getting more expensive so we switched to the bargain detergent but i found myself using three times more than you're supposed to and the clothes still weren't as clean as with tide. so we're back to tide. they're cuter in clean clothes. [ laughs ] thanks, honey. yeah. you suck at folding. [ laughs ] that's my tide. what's yours? [ female announcer ] find the tide that's right for you at
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the toughest jobs, and the tightest turns get our lowest prices ever on craftsman products october 14th - 20th at sears. plus get a $10 tools cash card when you spend $75 or more in tools during craftsman days. craftsman. trust. in your hands. it's game day, buddy, and, boy, are we in for a doozy. oh man. mr. clean is dominating the competition! mr. clean is tackling mess like some sort of mess tackler. oh, and what's this? [ sniffs ] that's the scent of gain original fresh. that counts as a performance enhancer. i am complaining to the cleaning products athletics board. did you just make that up? yes, i did, and i'm the president. you're losing it, buddy. maybe you should hit the showers. mr. clean already did. they're spotless. i bet. [ male announcer ] introducing mr. clean with gain original fresh scent. victory over dirt's never been easier or smelled so great.
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special trip this summer earthquake stricken haiti found weary population struggle to survive feeling forgotten by the rest of the world >> opportunity to travel to haiti ravaged almost two years ago by 7.0 earthquake according to the government more than 300,000 reported to have died and 1 million left homeless venture to disaster epicenter where hundreds of thousands still live like the earthquake happened yesterday. less than two years ago rose marie and with husband and seven children and house. called black street not too far from here and that lift and a concrete where she
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lost her husband last january what was the epicenter of historically devastating earthquake and haiti >> felt hopeless i have seven children a father is dead and no money at the school is about to start what am i going to do? >> today lives in a tent camp in a sensible center of town used to be a lot with 2000 others note food or running water no safe place to go to the bathroom or dump the trash family has gotten this far by the grace of god >> sitting here god has spoke to some of its heart, and to give something a little bit of money >> as far as tent goes good next to tree cool spot oppressively hot days >> sitting here with the children >> tent camps like this blot
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nation's landscape rising from spots where businesses once stood striking symbol of the near non existent time >> government, to construct big government buildings after the earthquake everybody just came here and set up shop and some have left a lot have stayed >> haitian living water international called the water man many of those he serves with water like rose marie no place to go and no path to better life about 600,000 still live just like this be days after the earthquake population close to 1 million. some like jean baptiste and wife jeanise living in temporary shelters nearby better housing far cry from former seven bedroom home in which raising their four children. house actually this we made from the old house in a shack out of
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that. >> jean baptiste was a cinder block maker now reduced to hammering rocks to make gravel for concrete if he can ever sell a load >> got to unearth that get it out of the riverbed from the rebar bed stand at the bottom and hoist it up the broad opt and from front that up crushing it by hand with a hammer >> takes 15 days to produce enough to sell for 70 united states dollars hammer is the only capital made that himself as committed after the earthquake aid to haiti from governments and charities totaled $15 billion >> i have no choice but to do this so that i can eat and feed my children >> rose marie is almost every day feels depressed no place to raise a child >> i like the americans to know
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that to see but you can do to help us out of this >> for children's children >> a lot of the young women going to be pregnant just going to be tough staying here with nothing to do at pregnant >> perpetuating the situation indefinitely a lot of us are afraid of >> reported from haiti we have nothing to complain about. part one of the journey to i haiti on wednesday in a look at children's memorial hospital in chicago treating children health and haiti and on thursday personal story and on their website take a look at many of the resources including video clips with more residents also talked with her about her trip online chat wednesday during wgn news @ 9 once again where to find this. and coming up how her
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marilyn moment what lady gaga did on stage bill clinton birthday and a day after chicago bears big sunday night victory somebody wants out of town trade demand later in sports. capital one's new cash rewards card gives you a 50% annual bonus! so you earn 50% more cash. according to research everybody likes more cash. well almost everybody... ♪ ♪ would you like 50% more cash? no! but it's more money. [ male announcer ] the new capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. what's in your wallet? woah! [ giggles ] [ male announcer ] this is lara. her morning begins with arthritis pain. that's a coffee and two pills. the afternoon tour begins with more pain and more pills. the evening guests arrive. back to sore knees. back to more pills.
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the day is done but hang on... her doctor recommended aleve. just 2 pills can keep arthritis pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is lara who chose 2 aleve and fewer pills for a day free of pain. [ female announcer ] get an aleve coupon in this sunday's paper. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] find yourself sometimes cleaning up after your dishcloth? bounty extra soft can help. it's super durable and in this lab test bounty extra soft leaves this surface three times cleaner than a dishcloth. even with just one sheet. super clean. super soft. bounty extra soft. in the pink pack. and try bounty napkins. you know when you push your hair to the breaking point? pantene said, "breakage and split ends? get pantene breakage to strength." [ female announcer ] the keratin protection pro-v system helps prevent then repair split ends. zero fear of breakage, 100% more strength.
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pantene. [ all ] trick-or-treat! aren't you a little, like old to be trick-or-treating? [ robotic voice ] it is a growth spurt. fair enough. [ male announcer ] you're never too old for a smooth delicious milky way caramel. let's ring you up. mary? what are you doing here? it's megan. i'm getting new insurance. marjorie, you've had a policy with us for three years. it's been five years. five years. well, progressive gives megan discounts that you guys didn't. paperless, safe driver and i get great service. meredith, what's shakin', bacon? they'll figure it out. getting you the discounts you deserve. now, that's progressive. call or click today.
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wgn news @ 9 chicago welcome to stars from puss in boots tonight antonio anderas main character main stay popular shrek series also salma hayek hits theaters oct. 28th dean richards interviews tune into wgn morning news tomorrow. president bill clinton surrounded a concert tonight by lady gaga she calls maryland moment. president birthday actually a couple of months ago lady gaga and happy birthday fundraiser for the clinton foundation turned 10 years old last night celebrities honoring
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bill clinton also include usher bono, ellen degeneres jim ramsey with crespi forecast >> given you a crespi forecast only for a few hours expecting temperatures tomorrow to be cooler than today but not too bad 50 in chicago at the moment rainfall we are watching providing chicago with cloudiness rainfall in central illinois making its way however we may get rainfall in the day on wednesday-thursday forecast model suggesting rainfall flooding in some of the bears of florida at big problem happened to be a disturbance yucatan and cuba hurricane center watching that possible development of a tropical system keeping a close watch on that heavy rainfall continues in south florida here in chicago 53 degrees for high temperature. wednesday-thursday i should say with a chance of
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rain fall both days friday 54 degrees to look at the last three day saturday and sunday mostly gray days. even warming to 67 degrees to weight and looks on monday with bright sunshine the real issue going to be wednesday-thursday cooler temperatures rainfall perhaps even the stiff wind not very crispy maybe tomorrow >> rally protesting mental health facility at what time chicago public schools member getting a street named after him tonight's chicago tribune photos of the day. more photos
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on website and perfect weather put the blackhawks tamara's base up with coyotes and searching but a way to stop
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at sports next catching up with the wildcats sports next i wish you guys had layaway -- well... 'cause i could pay a little at a time... but actually we do -- and my kids would be like "awesome, mom!" oh! i did not see that. [ male announcer ] layaway's back for christmas in our toys, electronics and jewelry departments. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] pillsbury chocolate chip cookies with hershey's chocolate chips. for a moment of warm gooey, togetherness. chocolate chip cookies... from pillsbury. [ female announcer ] these are the crescents you love on a holiday. and these are the ones you'll love on a school night. pillsbury crescent dogs with just a few ingredients you have an easy dinner... pillsbury crescent dogs... school night ideas made easy.
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i'm bonnie and this is my cvs. i don't have time for the flu. that's why i'm knocking things off my to-do list. vitamin d -- done. hand sanitizer -- done. hey, eric, i'm here for my flu shot. sorry, didn't make an appointment. well, you don't need one. flu shots. every store. every day. insurance accepted. get a $5 cvs gift card if you're not covered. i'm bonnie and this is my cvs. [ male announcer ] cookies with
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smooth caramel and chocolate. ♪ ♪ hmm twix. also available in peanut butter. [ male announcer ] give yourself an edge. one a day men's pro edge. a complete multivitamin with more magnesium to help support healthy muscle function. more b vitamins to help convert food to fuel. more confidence in a healthy you. one a day men's pro edge. the toughest jobs, and the tightest turns get our lowest prices ever on craftsman products october 14th - 20th at sears. plus get a $10 tools cash card when you spend $75 or more in tools during craftsman days. craftsman. trust. in your hands. chicago bears are going to bloody old england. culture in
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football >> should be a very nice trip for them on thursday chicago bears can go over there with all that dumb after a thorough shellacking of the minnesota vikings not everybody happy apparently a veteran safety chris harris lost starting job inactive for the game asked the chicago bears to trade him a deadline is tomorrow but it devin hester not going anywhere except to the house twice last night this 98 yd kickoff return after scoring earlier on a 48 yd bomb from jay cutler who had some time this week behind offensive line >> we managed and play acts and letting guys chipped a little bit whenever we help him out like that getting the ball out of my hands going to be easy not that difficult the game plan a solid this week we have to go forward what we can and cannot do
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>> opened up holes in the runningxó game did not get hit a whole lot today jay cutler gave him time back there to throw the ball when he gets time a great game like he did today. that chicago bears hoping to return to season all around northwestern wildcats opened for the same dead not expect to start his 0-3 in the big tent especially with quarterback dan persa back down to 17 at iowa saturday came back to tie the game familiar story for defense giving up big plays hawkeye's pulled away in the fourth >> majority of the place that we are seeing in the passing game plan pretty well home run over the heads have killed us and as i told the kids today leadership council of not putting up 10 to 8: small leak is like taking a machete and taking all of the air out of every blow you have we have to eliminate that.
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>> hosting and the state this weekend by cox on the road this week after taking it 5 out of possible six points from homestead of the year about road games at phoenix colorado thursday blackhawks is seeking first road victory of the season joel quenneville size were marian hossa make the trip hopes to play tomorrow despite missing practice upper body injury after losing to defending stanley cup champion boston in a shootout pox cannot wait to get back on the ice >> i like where we are getting better every single game improving on certain things based on a few mistakes last lost i do not think we let up at all we will learn from that and be better same effort to be a tough team to beat >> did not have a real road trip yet every time on the road one night in dallas good for us to
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go on the road and get excited about playing on the road same energy at home once again >> tomorrow night's game from phoenix 9:00 here on wgn news @ 9 at cubs-red sox have not agreed on compensation the red sox will receive to will theo epstein to join cubs to get it done by tomorrow discouraging a major announcements once world series begins indications taking blogger and back to chicago bears last night jay cutler had a message apparently for offensive coordinator mike martz evidently not meant for prime time >> stepping up sad subject to one of his own guys >> cameras be careful about the cameras and the access that you guys get out some things you do not want to hear or see the guys in the media did not want to know what you are saying cameras here you find out things it did not want out there >> couple of coaches in detroit
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found that out yesterday what was up with them? getting punished. not going to be filed. ned. that is the news monday night happy you shared time with us a good night. p [ bell rings ] distracted driving. it accounts for 25% of car crashes. - ♪ [ dance ] - music, cell phones, food-- the list goes on. this is why safe driving is so important. - correct. - and it's why the best agents... help safe drivers get a lower rate. - oh! - exactly. ♪ another dream but always you ♪ whoa! ♪ it's like a vision-- ♪ [ tires squeal ] ♪ [ resumes ]
9:58 pm
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9:59 pm
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