tv WGN Midday News CW October 20, 2011 12:00pm-1:00pm CDT
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rebel forces celebrate the end of four decades of dictatorship after the death of muammar gadhafi that afternoon i am steve sanders >>and i'm dina bair we thank you for joining us >>the top story is muammar gadhafi was killed today after an air strike on his convoy a ... we have a disturbing image that appears to confirm his death ... details of the events that led to his killing are still
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coming in ... but it is believed that muammar gadhafi tried to make an early morning escape from the compound where he was hiding near sirte. he was stopped by a nato airstrike and captured our role forces who found him wounded and hiding in a drainage tunnel senator john mccain welcomed the news but cautioned that libya still has lots of work to do >>this is just the beginning we know how hard democracy is and will need lots of assistance necessarily an aid money but in other ways that we should be eager to provide when news broke of muammar gadhafi staff libyans erupted in celebration. he ruled libya for 42 years. three of his children have fled the country at least three of his sons a thought to be dead. joining us now is our terrorism analyst, depaul professor tom mockaitis
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>>there were reports it is cawnpore was damaged by an data strike and then there was all kinds of speculation of how he died and nobody will really be able to verify the president will be scheduled to speak at 1:00 ... joe biden said that nato got it right and the people of libya are rid of that dictator ... >>this is characteristic of revolutions going back to the french revolution ... there's euphoria and the immediate aftermath but then there are lots of problems that have to be solved and this is a very dicey situation ... the only thing unifying the opposition is the hatred that have for gaddafi but there are some and factions that are already beginning to squabble and now there's a difficult work
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of forming some kind of coalition government to rebuild the country and rule ... it will be challenging >>let's talk about how bad he was and why he was so reviled by his own countrymen and those around the world >>when he took power in that bloodless coup in 1969 he was a hero in the wider arab world and he stood up to western oil companies and demanded a fair share of the libyan oil production and he got that ... think that's our in the 1980's when he started to support the irish republican army and he supported the boscs separate tests and there was the bombing of the
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compound by president reagan after the berlin nightclub bombing as well as pan am 103 that he admits was the work of his intelligence he was hated because he became so remote from his own people there was so brutal regime with no freedom of speech lots of cronyism and money funneling an and corruption the key to moving on for the libyan people will be assistance from western governments to form their own government draw up a constitution work out a power-
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sharing issues and take on the difficult task of rebuilding the country. hopefully they will be open to a structured form of that support. the president is scheduled to speak at 1:00 p.m. you can stay with us after the news for extended coverage of the president's comments. a federal judge in chicago ordered the release of two video clips that were played during that the two are rana headley case sentencing awaits on the attack
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of that denmark newspaper police say two suspects broken to a family's hong on north lawndale avenue ... andrea vasquez was shot to death his mother krystal hethcoat was wanted she is in serious to critical condition of a local hospital the home was ransacked police say they do not know why this family was targeted by the three. police have a sketch of a man that was believed to be involved and eight sexual assaults on the west side ... and the attacks the man stole money and jewelry from the women at gunpoint police have a vague description of the man who was believed to be wearing a black ski mask during the assaults anyone with information is asked to call chicago police
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at least 4 kilos of heroin worth a half million dollars each were taken from a shipping container and a fenced lot in joliet authorities made the discovery last friday they thought someone slipped through the fence and cut off the locks. it is unsure as to why this her one was being stored in shipping containers and this could put cases in jeopardy and a report out today shows half of the 11th graders flunked exams in reading math and science the tests were part of the prairie state achievement examination the dismal results after the loopholes were closed on academically week high school juniors did not have to take the exam ... next at noon the hunt is called off for the wild animals that
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the exotic animal scare in eastern ohio is over now. more than four dozen tigers, lions wolves bears and other animals were set free by the caretaker of an animal preserve near zanesville. terry thompson then killed himself. police said that he was depressed because his wife left him. for a full day schools and roads were closed, and people were told to stay
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indoors, while local authorities hunted down the animals. in the end, most of the animals had to be killed. >>we might have been able to surround the area and keep everything contained but our biggest problem that we have in this whole thing was nightfall. >>ohio lawmakers allowed a law banning the private ownership of exotic animals to expire in april. animal rights activists are now demanding a new band. >>indycar says it is investigating the crash that killed at dan wheldon @ las vegas speedway on sunday. he died of blunt force trauma after his car went airborne and crashed into the track wald. if the 15 car accident has raised questions about the safety of the track which is a full mile short of the indianapolis motor speedway and much wider which allows more cars to run alongside each other. others argue that car should not a more
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intimate miles per hour on any old track. a public memorial service for dan wheldon is being held in indianapolis on sunday. investigators looking for a missing baby have obtained a search warrant for the child's home 11th month old lisa irwin was reported missing from her home in missouri more than two weeks ago lisa irwin smother said that the last time she saw the child was when she put her to bed. investigators have few leads in the case and yesterday they return to the home with a search warrant and remove several bags of evidence her parents will have to stay away from home during the search an expert on the powerful anesthetic blame for the michael jackson death say there is no way the pop star could cause to sound death. dr. steven shafer is on the stand right now his testimony is in response to conrad murray's defense team alleging that michael jackson caused his own death by swallowing propofal murray's
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attorneys are expected to begin their case tomorrow. the austerity protests increase turned deadly as one protester died of injuries is the second day of demonstrations protesting the actions by lawmakers try to deal with the country's debt protesters clashed with police yesterday when tens of thousands of people marched on parliament. today there is a new round of tough budget cutting measures. lawmakers are hoping to ensure bell of loans from the european union but protesters are against thousands of layoffs and the pension cuts. secretary of state hillary clinton made an unannounced visit to afghanistan this morning she is there to meet with afghan president hamid karzai to discuss the relationship between afghanistan and pakistan as visit comes one day after clinton made a surprise stop in libya the first visit by a cabinet level
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official since muammar gadhafi was ousted the fight over a longer school day heads to court ... over 13 schools it voted to extend the school day in exchange for financial incentives for teachers and schools ... there's controversy because many say the teachers were coerced into going along with the school day extension ... the illinois education labor relations board is now putting forth recommendations asked after being asked to intervene ... we're asking that though board of education honor the contract and negotiate that's what it's all about it's just a matter of law. >>the fact of the matter is that
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they make recommendations to the attorney general who makes a decision whether or not to go into court ... and the type of engine give relief that can be made so far nothing has been decided yet ... and i personally am for the extended school-when the children are not missing a beat and have more time to learn and to eat a meal the coast guard told a man to safety on lake michigan we will shari that video and chicagos red light surveillance cameras could soon get another use what mayor emanuel is proposing for them around schools on its and later in the lunch break we're making an allergen and gluten free dessert recipe
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[ male announcer ] meet rachel and annie. we asked them to be part of an experiment to prove febreze air effects eliminates tough cooking odors. [ facilitator ] take a deep breath, tell me what you smell. it's grassy. it's green. it smells like fresh wood. like a latte. [ facilitator ] go ahead and take your blindfolds off. oh my goodness. are you serious? wow. i think my nose touched that. [ facilitator ] ok, rachel, annie. wow. [ male announcer ] eliminate tough odors with febreze air effects so you can breathe happy guaranteed.
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second straight day of what and very windy weather. >>in assessing the damage prove dangerous. julian crews is live at monroe harbor where a man had to be pulled out of the water as huge waves pounded the shore line ... >>group of how it's proof of how treacherous these waves are ... a gentleman fell into the water here ... horrified onlookers called 911 of course the water temperature at this point in time is enough to cause hypothermia the man clung to the back of his boat to and at one point lost his grip and he was hanging onto a bully in the meantime a charter boat came by rushed over to him ...
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jim iran did the captain of the boat manage to pull the gentleman out of the water the victim is identified as an anti higgins he appeared to be ok so fortunately andrew higgins is going to be ok but it illustrates how dangerous ho dangerous these waters have become there is not much to sell it on the southern end of montrose harbor ... i've been doing this for 25 years of voice heard about 20 ft. waves and never 25 ft. waves this is where this man saw the
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vessel for the last time before coli and size waves came up over the concrete barriers we were watching the boats to see which ones were sinking >>high wind toppled trees coming down on cars it's the kind of damage been reported across the chicago land area many came down to the shoreline to witness the waves crashing on north avenue beach mother nature creating a spectacle on chicagos shoreline. >>i had to come down to see it we saw all day yesterday on the news but seeing it today like this this is for real. >>it absolutely is and we witnessed it here a short while ago a man came perilously close to drowning or suffering hypothermia all kinds of problems after he fell into the water but he was rescued ...
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fortunately nobody was seriously hurt or killed as a result of this storm since yesterday ... there are a lot of conversations going on between insurance companies and people of suffered damages live from lonrho harbormonroe harbor i'm beejal patel with bloomberg news live from the cme group in chicago ... tribune would-be paying a lower find to the irs
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investors are perplexed as to why gold is dropping ... european leaders cannot agree on how to resolve the debt crisis a summit is scheduled for october 23rd because of the high price runs and palladiumof gold alternative models are being used in jewelry looking at where stocks are trading now they are down across the board ... there is news out of germany the german chancellor has canceled a speech to parliament on the european bailout fund they're still
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deadlocked their on how to solve the debt crisis mayor of rahm emanuel wants to use red light cameras to catch speeding motorists and outside of schools we are using red light cameras to catch speeders and improve road safety ... that's what the mayor says but critics say that the plan is not picture-perfect i think this is crazy and ridiculous ... >>not in mayor emanuel to mind he is fixed on safety ... he was to curb pedestrian vehicle accidents. >>i think it's a good idea
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putting these in a school zone maybe you can save a life. i am concerned about everybody else >>lawmakers in springfield would have to give the ok to the plan right now there's a ban on using red light cameras this way ... catching speeders would lead to a big payday for the city as well >>it's very hard for the driving public >>i just think china get as much money from us as possible ... under the proposal ticket can cost as much as $100 apiece a true story of until death do us part ... the touching story
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of a couple's final moments as surprised family members and hospital workers. and later in the medical watch the encouraging news for women with breast cancer who undergo radiation after surgery and he is a grammy award winning vocalist as well as a producer and songwriter ... steve tyrell reinvented and popularizer classic pop standards he will be doing three shows at viper allie you can still get tickets for the later friday show less listen to some live music from steve tyrell ... ["witchcraft" bysung by steve tyrell]
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living with the pain of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis... could mean living with joint damage. help stop the damage before it stops you with humira. for many adults with moderate to severe ra, humira's proven to help relieve pain and stop joint damage. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events can occur, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions and new or worsening heart failure. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. ask your rheumatologist how you can defend against
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and help stop further joint damage with humira. úúú@ woman: we love ordering sushi, but0it was getting expensive.@ so to0save some0money...@úúúúúúúúúú@úúúúúúúúúúú@úúú@ú@ú@ú@@@@@@@ú@ú@ú@@úúúúú@@úúúúú@ú@ man: looks great,8hun...úú@ú@úúúúú@ú@úúúúú@ú@ú@ú@ú@úúúúúúú@ú@@@ú@úúúú@ú@úú woman: ...and we're0not0real proud of this.ú@@@úúúú@ú@úú@ú@ú@ú@ú@ man: no...we're0not.úúú@@úúúú@ú@@ú@@@úúúúúúúúúúú@úú@úúú@úú@úúúúúú@@@@ú@@úúúúúúúú@@ú@@ú@ú@ú woman:úúú@úúúú@ú@@@ú@úúú@úúúú@@úúúúúúúúúú@úú@úúúúúúúúúúú@úúúúúúúúúú@@ú@úúúúúú en: have you guys seen captain stewie and lil' miss neptune?úúúú@ú@úúú@ú@úúú@úúúúú@úúúúú@ú@ú@úúú@úúúúú@ú@ú@ú@ú@ú@úúúúúúúúú@úúúúú@úúú@úúúúúú@@@ú@ú@úúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúú dad: did you look all0over the ace? 8under0your desk? all0around?ú teen: uh,8they're0fish,8they ve in a bowl.ú@@ú@ú@@@@@@@úúúúúúú@úúú@ú@@@ú@@@@úúúúúúúúúúúúú@ú@ú@ú@ú@ú@ú@ú@úúúúúúúúúúúúú@ú@ú@ú@úúú@ú@úúúúúúú@púúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúú@úúúúúúúúúúúúúúúú@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@úúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúú@úúúúú@ú@@@@@ú@úúúúú@ú@ú@úú@úúúúúú@ú@ú@@@@@ú@ú@úúúú@ú@ú@ú@ú@ú@ú@ú@ú@ú@úúú@ú@ú@úúú dad: what're gonna do?úúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúú@ú@ú@úúúúú@ú@ú@ú@ú@úúú@@@@@@@@úúúú@ú@úúúú@ú@ú@úúú@úúúúúúúúúúú@ú@ ncr: there's an easier way toú save.@ ncr: there's an easier way top save.ú en: whatever.ú anncr: get online. 8go top 0get0a quote. x ncr: 15 minutes could save you 15%8or more0on car insurance.úúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúú@úúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúú@ú@ú@ú@ú@ú@úúú@ú@ú@úúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúúú@@
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tuesday and she is on a mission to rid the city of so-called food deserts'. her team has released a schedule for tuesday. to a stop at walgreen's that has added a fresh food shopping isle with vegetables and other groceries. she will also visit a 7 a. farm at 33rd and iron. iron street farms produces healthy food year-round and focuses on getting it to community if that have few if any grocery stores republican presidential candidate herman cain is coming to chicago. the sun-times reports that herman cain will have a fund-raiser at morton's steak house on wacker tuesday. recent polls show herman cain is
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gaining support from republican voters his campaign is receiving more attention since he introduced his plan to set personal corporate and national sales tax at 9% for everyone. >>first french president nicolas sarkozy and his wife carla bruni have welcomed their first child into the world. carla bruni gave birth to a baby girl yesterday in france she is 43 years old sarkozy is 56 years old this is their first child together ... a friend of the couple says that mother and child are doing well nicolas sarkozy has three children from a previous marriage no further information has been released >>married 72 years a couple in iowa held true to their wedding vows until a very end. relatives said that norma and gordon yeager loved being together ... and they rarely left each other
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side. last wednesday that to work out for a drive when their car was struck by an oncoming vehicle. doctors kept them side by side in the intensive care unit the two were not responsive but they were holding hands the entire time around three in the morning thursday corgan passed away [ alarm beeping ] [ male
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announcer ] take the fixodent 12 hour hold challenge. fixodent denture adhesive challenges you to a 12 hour hold test. ♪ ♪ thanks to its time-released formula, you apply fixodent once, and it holds all day. ♪ ♪ take the fixodent 12 hour hold challenge. guaranteed, or your money back. ♪ ♪ and for guaranteed freshness try fixodent cleanser plus scope ingredients.
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showers most of them are alike character at the moment the real action is on the low other side of the lake near lower michigan and indiana they're getting interesting rain totals there. the storm will be pulling out tonight. we are looking at clear skies tonight but temperatures will really drop. we are looking at temperatures possibly in the low thirties this evening. we're looking at the wind over the next seven days ... it relaxes slightly but we'll get into another windy system in another
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week it won't be as bad as this one but it will be felt. we are looking at no gusts later tonight. at the moment they are moving 10-25 mi. per hour. in some spots 30 mi. per hour there is a lakeshore flood warning is still in effect in the chicago area and northwestern indiana. there will also be a frost advisory for counties out to the west ... expect temperatures tonight in the low 30's. freeze warnings are in effect for parts of western and northwestern illinois. we are currently in the mid-40s all over the place we are looking at a daytime high
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today no warmer than 848 degrees. the cold air will modify we will back into a 60 degree weather at some point soon by we are looking at overnight temperature drops in the '30's tonight will be partly cloudy with wind continuing to weaken temperature will be from 29 way out west to 37 downtown. ... tomorrow will be in the lower 50s saturday will be sunny with temperatures reaching 60 degrees ...
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baseball related decisions for the cubs is expected to bring and jed hoyer from san diego to be the general manager sources said that commissioner bud selig will grant the cubs permission to make the announcement from wrigley field tomorrow the off day of the world series. game one of the world series in st. louis last night ... no score in the first inning when elvis andrus hit a ground ball but albert pujols made a bad throw to cris carpenter he dove to get the out by his throwing hand was almost stepped on it was tied it to in the sixth inning allan gregg pinch-hit for carpenter and he had a single to bring in the go-ahead run that would be enough as the cardinals beat the rangers 3-to the bears are on their way to london today they play the buccaneers at wembley stadium this sunday at noon there appears to be no problems
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between jay cutler and mike martz after cameras picked up jay cutler shouting and expletive directed at mike martz old say was just the heat of the moment nba owners and players are meeting with a federal mediator for the third straight day they had made some progress on how to split and, but not much else in while some players are considering a six game session of three continents and the bowls derrick rosen carlos boozer may participate that's a look at sports your live illinois drawing for the lottery is next here are the winning pick three numbers: 4 7 5
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i'm bonnie and this is my cvs. i don't have time for the flu. that's why i'm knocking things off my to-do list. vitamin d -- done. hand sanitizer -- done. hey, eric, i'm here for my flu shot. sorry, didn't make an appointment. well, you don't need one. flu shots. every store. every day. insurance accepted. get a $5 cvs gift card if you're not covered. i'm bonnie and this is my cvs. these dogs wake up too early! you know what else is early? medicare open enrollment. now through december 7th. can i stick with my old medicare plan? sure! or find a new plan with better coverage, less cost or both.
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medicare plans give you free cancer screenings and wellness visits and 50% off on brand-name prescriptions when you're in the doughnut hole. it's part of the healthcare law. so it's time to look, compare... and choose the right plan for you. learn more at 1-800-medicare or my doctor told me calcium is best absorbed in small continuous amounts. only one calcium supplement does that in one daily dose. citracal slow release... continuously releases calcium plus d for the efficient absorption my body needs. citracal. authorities are getting closer to the cause of the listeria outbreak that has led to the death of 25 people the food and drug administration said that bad sanitation at the cantaloupe packing facility may
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have contributed to the outbreak. but the fda said that it was not able to pinpoint the definitive cause. the agency says that cantaloupes from jensen farms grown in colorado should be disposed of immediately it reports the bacteria can even grow in a refrigerator. jensen farms recall the cantaloupes last month. illinois patients can their research their doctors using an on-line database. patients can learn their doctors educational background and training, whether hospital privileges revoked and whether disciplinary action has been ever taken against them the database replaces a similar site that operated a few years ago it was taken down following a supreme court ruling regarding medical malpractice forms you can access the database through our web site on the medical watch rave
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reviews for radiation ... a new study shows the radiation after lumpectomy leads to fewer recurrences in greater survival rates for breast cancer patients researchers say that this study is especially important because up until 2005 many health experts believe the radiation did not have an impact on improving long-term survival the new research also shows that no long-term adverse effects from radiation exist the use of antidepressant is on the rise are nearly 400 percent since 1988 the drugs are most frequently used by people from age 18 to 44 that's according to the cdc reports that one in 25 teenagers' use anti-depressant researchers say that the drugs are primarily taken to treat both depression and anxiety. some experts say it's a disturbing trend because many people declined to see a doctor on a regular basis and is taking anti-depressant for a quick fax anti-depressant can be dangerous and require frequent
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follow-ups with a health-care professional. teen-agers exposed to profanity on tv and in video games may be more likely be physically aggressive. researchers say that kids use profanity are more likely to throw punches were spread gossip about someone else they also say swearing could be a steppingstone to future behavior teenagers to become more accepting of profanity can start a downward slide toward physical violence and a part of my job is teaching my patients how to take insulin. but i've learned a lot from patients who use flexpen. flexpen comes pre-filled with the insulin i take and i can dial the exact dose of insulin i need. i live my life on the go and need an on-the-go insulin. i don't need to carry a cooler with flexpen. novolog is a fast-acting, man-made insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults and children with diabetes. do not inject novolog if you do not plan to eat within 5 to 10 minutes after injection to avoid low blood sugar. tell your healthcare provider about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions including if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
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the most common side effect of novolog is low blood sugar. other possible side effects include reactions at the injection site. get medical help right away if you experience serious allergic reactions body rash, trouble with breathing fast heartbeat or sweating. ask your healthcare provider about novolog flexpen today. learn more about the different insulins available in flexpen at flexpen, insulin delivery that goes with you.
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[ sniffs ] i have a cold. [ sniffs ] i took dayquil but my nose is still runny. [ male announcer ] truth is dayquil doesn't treat that. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms plus it relieves your runny nose. [ deep breath] awesome. [ male announcer ] yes, it is. that's the cold truth! cookbooks and when her older son developed multiple food allergies, she had to learn how to cook food that was a safe and
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delicious for him. and the results of that are in her new cookbook welcoming kitchen ... once you live in the state today you find that there are more things than you can have then you cannot have >>if you don't follow the diet guidelines it can be dangerous >>my son had severe asthma with pretty significant health problems ... and it's all resolved now >>this is so perfect for this time of year we are making a chocolate rice pudding. we begin
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watch this recipe prepared again on and we will also give you a link for more information living with the pain of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis... could mean living with joint damage. help stop the damage before it stops you with humira. for many adults with moderate to severe ra, humira's proven to help relieve pain and stop joint damage. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events can occur, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions and new or worsening heart failure. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are
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common. tell your doctor if you have had tb hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. ask your rheumatologist how you can defend against and help stop further joint damage with humira.
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and now for the answer to today's trivia question: the answer was overlook ... they're still our storm watches and gale warnings and a lakeshore flood warning which will continue till 4:00 this afternoon the wind is still strong over lake michigan and there is a frost warning on the western suburbs and a freeze warning in parts of northwestern illinois with temperatures dropping overnight into the twenties there ... but over the
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weekend we will have a pretty nice couple of days with temperatures hitting into the 60s by saturday ... but by the end of the seven day. the temperatures will begin to fall off once again into the 40's ... it's that time of year. we are awaiting a statement from the president on the reported death of muammar gadhafi we will bring you that when it comes on wgn tv you can also see it streaming on ... in the meantime let us leave you with more music from the grammy- winning vocal list steve tyrell you can see him this friday night at the viper allieey in
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