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tv   WGN Midday News  CW  November 11, 2011 12:00pm-1:00pm CST

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metra approves fare hikes this morning but there is some good news ... good afternoon i'm steve sanders >>and i'm dina bair we welcome our viewers who are watching us around the country on wgn america and on the web. muriel clair joins us live from metra headquarters with details >>the good news is that there will be no service cuts but riders will have to dig deeper into their puck getspockets ... beginning
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in february one-way tickets will go up 15.7 per cent across all fare zones others will go up 30percent metro riders are looking at an overall 25% jump in fares >>by using capital funds intended to pay for equipment and infrastructure to pay for drug budget shortfalls the can has been kicked down the road according to the mayor's office ... >>this reiterates what we found on our survey people did not want to see service cuts so we hope that we as a board as well as metra staff continues to put
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the interest of the writer's first and foremost making every effort to provide them with better quality service >>metra is planning and information blitz all the new fares will be posted at metra stations throughout the city and you'll find information on all future tickets to be purchased >>police are looking for two armed men who shot and killed a security guard last night at the south side "aldi" grocery store a shopper was also shot. judy wang has the latest >>chicago police have no suspects in custody we have learned that detectives are examining surveillance video and checking cameras from nearby businesses to see of them have captured in the images of their robbers the security guard killed his 54 year-old reginald
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lanier a chicagos south side >>neighbors and customers alike say he started his job here nearly four months ago ... >>he was real nice >>two men went into the store 73 last night when man announced a robbery the other man was confronted by lanier and he shot him in the head and chest he was pronounced dead at the scene ... another woman was shot while trying to flee the store the robbers made off with an undisclosed amount of cash >>this is the second time this particular store has been hit ... >>reginald lanier's neighbors say he was zero ways willing to help out ...
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then i called a neighbor across the street who broke down and began to cry when i gave her the news ... he was such a great neighbor i still can't believe it ... >>she was a retired schoolteacher live next door to a lanier family for several years ... the day before she was to be laid to rest the home of a murdered chicago police officer was burglarized. somebody broke into the home of deceased officer has to scott in the 8800 block of south wallace street police say that the back door was broken and a tv set was stolen prosecutors say that has just got killed on november 5th by one of her four grandchildren and lived with her 15 year-old keshawn perkins is charged with
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beating and stabbing his grandmother after she confronted him about skipping school the funeral for hester scott is today >>penn state officials are asking students and fans to be respectful when the football team plays its first game since the sex abuse scandal broke. assistant assistant coach mike mcqueary has been told not to attend tomorrow's final home game of the year because of death threats against him ... mike mcqueary told a grand jury that he witnessed former coach jerry sandusky raping a boy at the campus football complex in 2002 he also told head coach joe paterno about the incident and joe paterno told the school's athletic director but nobody reported it to police jerry sandusky's accused of sexually abusing eight boys over. 15 years joe paterno is not charged with any crime spree was fired after 46 years as head coach he reportedly has been consulting with a high-profile criminal
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defense attorney >>penn state also fired president graham spanier because of the scandal he is not charged with a crime that he is losing an honor and the chicago area spaniard is a highland park high school graduate he had a plaque on the school's distinguished alumni wall with the school has taken it down the school even erased his name from its website the schools superintendent released a statement saying that are distinguished alumni need to be role models unfortunately the actions in this case general of questions about his involvement >>federal authorities investigating marquette university for howard handled sexual assault allegations last school year federal law requires colleges to be transparent and reporting those alleged crimes on campus five marquette athletes were accused of sexual misconduct by three female students the university did not notify milwaukee police as
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required by state law >>within 70 u.s. military in illinois veterans have the opportunity today to reclaim their lost or forgotten awards state treasurer dan rutherford is holding "operation reunite" in honor of veterans day he says that the vaults beneath the state capital contains nearly 200 military items ranging from metals to dog tax one metal is from the spanish-american war dating from 1890 some of the other mementos are from world war to the korean war and the vietnam war >>if you like more information about "operation reunite" please go to our web site president obama began this veterans day by hosting of a breakfast for veterans at the white house he then took part memorial services at arlington national cemetery
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the veterans day observance comes just a day after the senate approved the president's call for tax credits for companies that hire jobless veterans the president said that it's a fitting way to honor those who serve their country >>the president says his mission is to make sure that all those new veterans will be able to find work when they come home >>earlier today vedderand ana belaval was at union station for special veterans day charity event she spoke to volunteers making care packages for those serving in afghanistan >>what is happening here >>we are packing over 500 boxes with food and other items that we will send this afternoon overseas to veterans of the iraq and afghanistan conflicts ...
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the post office had been involved in this great community effort we have hundreds of people raising money volunteering and donating items over the last 30 days we invited the community to, and recognize family and friends who are veterans of service people overseas to donate money to scholarship funds for the children of deceased or disabled veterans it's a wonderful cause that we are proud to be part of at the end of the day we will have well over $100,000 that we will be able to put towards these great scholarships >>the group will be here all day you can also write letters to
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the soldiers abroad >>wonderful idea coming up next at noon defense secretary leon panetta takes on a full investigation of the airforce handling or mishandling of deceased corpses at dover air force base ... we will be right i'm bonnie and this is my cvs. i don't have time for the flu. that's why i'm knocking things off my to-do list. vitamin d -- done. hand sanitizer -- done. hey, eric, i'm here for my flu shot. sorry, didn't make an appointment. well, you don't need one. flu shots. every store. every day. insurance accepted. get a $5 cvs gift card if you're not covered. i'm bonnie and this is my cvs.
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the air force is the target of two investigations for the mishandling of falling u.s. service members. the year force found 14 instances of wrongdoing at the dover air force base mortuary during a yearlong investigation. in some cases
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body parts were burned and discarded in a landfill in virginia defense secretary leon panetta requested an independent review and to the matter and he also asked the air force to secretary to take a look at the case >>we want to take every step possible to protect the honor and dignity that these loved ones richly deserve >>to civilians and military officer had been disciplined but they may be punished further depending on the air comes on the latest investigation >>today's a one-year birthday of a missouri infant who has been missing for one month. lisa irwin was reported missing in the early hours on october 4th. last night her to have brothers where we interviewed by child counselors hoping to find clues to her disappearance the boys are 6 and 8 years old lisa father said when he came home he
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found the door unlocked the lights on a window tampered with a cadaver dog got a positive hit when searching the family's home last month >>police in venezuela say kidnapped major-league baseball player is still alive. four men abducted washington national's catcher williamson ramose at gunpoint wednesday night wilson ramus was in his native country to play in winter league baseball >>republican presidential candidate herman cain has hired a well-known defamation lawyer to help him deal with the sexual harassment accusations made against him. chicago and sharon bialek and karen kraushaar have accused herman cain of inappropriate behavior in the late 1990's when he was head of the national restaurant association. herman cain denies doing anything inappropriate. atlanta attorney lin wood says herman cain hired him to monitor and respond to the accusations
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against him on the wgn morning news today sharon bialek said he was too embarrassed to report the alleged incident at the time but now thinks that american voters should know the truth about herman cain >>sharon vioxx said that she would be willing to take a lie- detector test to prove that she's telling the truth she and kraushaar were planning to hold a joint news conference but it's uncalled off because kraushaar was not able to persuade the two other accusers to do this >>the day's top business stories are coming up next and how grass-roots campaigns like occupied aren't spurring a new movement on the city's south side and these dogs wake up too
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early! you know what else is early? medicare open enrollment. now through december 7th. can i stick with my old medicare plan? sure! or find a new plan with better coverage, less cost or both. medicare plans give you free cancer screenings and wellness visits and 50% off on brand-name prescriptions when you're in the doughnut hole. it's part of the healthcare law. so it's time to look, compare... and choose the right plan for you. learn more at 1-800-medicare or part of my job is teaching my patients how to take insulin. but i've learned a lot from patients who use flexpen. flexpen comes pre-filled with the insulin i take and i can dial the exact dose of insulin i need. i live my life on the go and need an on-the-go insulin. i don't need to carry a cooler with flexpen. novolog is a fast-acting, man-made
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insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults and children with diabetes. do not inject novolog if you do not plan to eat within 5 to 10 minutes after injection to avoid low blood sugar. tell your healthcare provider about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions including if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. the most common side effect of novolog is low blood sugar. other possible side effects include reactions at the injection site. get medical help right away if you experience serious allergic reactions body rash, trouble with breathing fast heartbeat or sweating. ask your healthcare provider about novolog flexpen today. learn more about the different insulins available in flexpen at flexpen, insulin delivery that goes with you. chicago with a look at today's business headlines ... the
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batteries that power electric cars could have safety problems sources tell bloomberg news that the lithium i am ion batteries are getting a closer look after was reported that caught fire after a side impact crash test ... and in north carolina and other fire sparked in a charging procedure for a chevy vaultoyt lots of people are posting on apple's blocks complaining about their i phone upgrades to the new version with draining batteries >>there is going to be a new mortgage refinance program
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information will be out tuesday regardless of how much is owed on a loan or the value of that home they may be eligible ... but there are some conditions >>greece is taking steps as well as italy to deal with their budget woes ... >>we're taking a look at where the markets are the dow was up nearly 300 points at this hour is a big day as well as and the gold and oil commodities and there's a bigger than expected jump in those consumer confidence numbers ... >>back to you in the studio
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>>by lance briggs out at several occupy protests a man was shot and killed near the site of occupied oakland last night police said he was shot in the head outside of the train station and died later at the hospital witnesses said two groups of people had gotten into effect for several shots rang out ... >>and in the arab nations ... philip jackson learned from those grass roots efforts they saw how social media sparked social change he got on board and got on line ... this is how
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a black man in 20 cities across the united states will participate on november 12th and exchange ideas on how to make improvements in their lives and communities at large >>we want to improve the plight of the black citizens how to pitch you more and create better citizens and family life small business entrepreneurship finances better family living ... >>there want to solve immediate problems led broken families poverty and crime >>the groups of 25 men will vary from city to city to exchange ideas and connect >>the concept is not new but the approach is ... jackson said
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that by meeting this way the groups will have more money and momentum to implement their ideas and their towns instantaneously when a minutthe meeting concludes ... >>if you like to get involved and want more information please go to the links section of ... >>nba players weigh a final proposal to get a season under way and it is 11/11/11. what are you doing today? from birth to a wedding to discounted events and restaurants we are checking out what the city has to offer today >>and they have just been signed to warner brothers records ... live music this midday from dirt
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drifters. catch them tonight at joe's a sports bar in chicago ... orthop [ male announcer ] if you think tylenol is the pain reliever orthopedic doctors recommend most for arthritis pain think again. and take aleve. it's the one doctors recommend most for arthritis pain... two pills can last all day. ♪ ♪
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when i inspect homes i can't be in an allergy fog. so i get claritin clear for strong, non-drowsy relief of all my allergies like dust mold pets and pollen. looks good. thanks. i live claritin clear. we're looking at the calendar and we see the number is 11 straight across it's a special one ... nancy loo is joining us to tell us how chicagoans are marking the occasion ... i am here at navy pier ... this numerical combination will not be around again for another hundred years so people are scheduling weddings and baby deliveries and just out there
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making the most of the extraordinary day ... it is significant to numerologist and techies have dubbed this date nerd new year ... this couple knows there will never forget their wedding anniversary ... >>both of us forgot our anniversary's while we were dating so it's a good day for us to be getting married >>several thousand couples are tying the knot today including hundreds here in chicago ... people naturally look for patterns when it comes to numbers and some many of these no. 1 digits on calendars and clocks are commonplace today retailers are getting in on the fun today in more than 11 weighs
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navy pier is offering free ferris wheel rides ... 11 scent french fries at a hot dog stands and specials that feature free products for veterans ... i think it's kind of a big deal in light of the fact that we will seek another one in december ... >>tonight there will be a special screening of the movie spinal tap at 1111. it is also corey appreciation dayrduroy appreciation day.. >>thanks nancy we will be
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i'm bonnie and this is my cvs. i don't have time for the flu. that's why i'm knocking things off my to-do list. vitamin d -- done. hand sanitizer -- done. hey, eric, i'm here for my flu shot. sorry, didn't make an appointment. well, you don't need one. flu shots. every store. every day. insurance accepted. get a $5 cvs gift card if you're not covered. i'm bonnie and this is my cvs.
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we have a nice weekend on the way tom ... i did the chicago live show last night and many people commented on yesterday's forecast when we had loretta swit on the set ... it is a beautiful day to day what it is a bit windy out there and a little bit overcast ... back in 1911100 years ago we had a big drop in temperatures
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... in 194029 years later it was 64 degrees and then fell down to the teens at night and then we had a big snow day the snowiest on record here in chicago ... the ratings plunged into the teens after being in the '60s very quickly >>it shows you how quickly november weather can change ... warm weather is fading fast now we have a mild air marching across the plains states behind this pocket of air ... temperatures are rising slowly more so than most folks would like. we had the first 32 degree
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temperatures since records were kept at o'hare ... we are now just in the upper 30's lower 40's in the chicago land area ... the warm air is coming from the west plains states ... this will boost temperatures for the weekend but overnight it was cold 24 degrees and harvard 25 in burlington wisconsin and the suburbs here reported 20 degree temperatures ... the wind will
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also be picking up we have a wind chill affect this afternoon 39 degrees with a 9 mi. per hour southwest wind at o'hare airport currently ... we have some high clouds filtering the sunshine ... the word for this weekend will be windy ... temperatures will go from 47 during the day to day to 56 tomorrow and 59 degrees sunday 40 mi. per hour gusts arriving by sunday tomorrow will be windy as well ... the jets stream blowing from the north is shifting westward ...
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there's high pressure in the southeast so we have a huge area getting no. 2 northwest wind ... we will import moisture from the gulf of mexico bringing in more clouds late tonight through sunday ... the colder air is gathering to the north that will come down next week and make a move on this area ... we are cycling through time 530 this evening 29 mi. per hour wind gusts same thing tomorrow morning they will really begin to pick up to over 30 mi. per hour tomorrow afternoon and then tomorrow night into sunday ...
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they will blow strongly gusting over 40 mi. per hour by sunday afternoon. we're looking at closeups ... bet and down the hatches this weekend there's a little bit of cool air making a move on monday it will be in the 40's but by the middle of next week we will feel that cold air. here is the chicago forecast for this afternoon mostly sunny 70
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47 degrees tonight 35 degrees with a beautiful start to the weekend sunny windy milder i to 56 degrees ... the high will approach 60 degrees by sunday with lots of wind. >>we're not gonna have to many more days at 60 degrees tom. >>it's time now for today's trivia question: which club is most of the musical " cabaret "8évxó0%xpév@'
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time for sports. at the blackhawks found the solution to their power play problems play the worst team in hockey. taking on the bluejackets in columbus ... tied at 1 in the first. nick leddy brings it up to jonathan toews who scored his second goal of the. he also had one assist the hawks on the power play in the second. marcus krueger shoots and andrew brunette is there for the rebound first of two power-play goals as the blackhawks go on to win 6-3 they broke a three game losing streak and they play the calgary flames tonight >>the bears rookie right tackle gave that corrina will undergo an arthroscopic procedure on his injured right knee today he suffered a partially dislocated kneecap in a week to loss at
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norland and has not played a game since >>the bears safety brandon meriweather could return to the starting lineup sunday against the detroit lions major wright has an ankle injury and was limited at practice devin hester and julius peppers also missed practice but they are both expected to play the bears face a young lions offense but the bears' defense is not worried about getting older ... >>former boston manager terry francona wants the cubs job. a source tells the chicago tribune that deep down he badly wants it. the cubs president theo epstein said that terry francona was the right guy if he were they would not even interview him theo epstein says that the cubs are in the sixth inning of the managerial search their interviewing sandy alomar today >>the latest nba negotiations
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could produce a season just in time for christmas players have gotten a revised proposal from commissioner david stern which still includes a 50-50 split of revenue with some concessions players will meet to discuss it on monday or tuesday of next week if they agree david stern says a 72 game season would start december 15th >>and now for the midday winning lottery numbers >>here are the winning pick three numbers: 2 7 0 >>here are the winning pick four numbers: 7 6 6 6
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there is a 22 million jackpot for mega-millions drawing tonight be sure to play veterans cash..
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[ sniffs ] i have a cold. [ sniffs ] i took dayquil but my nose is still runny. [ male announcer ] truth is dayquil doesn't treat that. really? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms plus it relieves your runny nose. [ deep breath] awesome. [ male announcer ] yes, it is. that's the cold truth!
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local hospitals. some parents taking advantage of the state to give their children a little block for a lifetime of lansford extra staff is on hand at hospitals as expectant mothers booked reservations for 11/11 deliveries some even ask for a c-section on the date and time of their choice hoping to deliver their babies at 1111 am the graziano family says the date was a bit of a surprise for them ... >>it's amazing the dates people come up with to schedule these >>doctors say they are already planning for the 12-12-12 date ... lunch
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[ male announcer ] for sore muscles use new bengay cold therapy, it's pro-cool technology releases armies of snowmen masseuse who cuddle up with your soreness and give out polar bear hugs. technology. [ male announcer ] new bengay cold therapy. the same technology used by physical therapists. go to for a $3 coupon. man: my electric bill was breaking the bank. so to save some money, i trained this team of guinea pigs to row this tiny boat. guinea pig: row...row. they generate electricity, which lets me surf the web all day. guinea pig: row...row. took me 6 months to train each one, 8 months to get the guinea pig: row...row. little chubby one to yell row! guinea pig: row...row. that's kind of strange. guinea pig: row...row. such a simple word... row. anncr: there's an easier way to save. get online. go to get a quote. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance.
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part of my job is teaching my patients how to take insulin. but i've learned a lot from patients who use flexpen. flexpen comes pre-filled with the insulin i take and i can dial the exact dose of insulin i need. i live my life on the go and need an on-the-go insulin. i don't need to carry a cooler with flexpen. novolog is a fast-acting, man-made insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults and children with diabetes. do not inject novolog if you do not plan to eat within 5 to 10 minutes after injection to avoid low blood sugar. tell your healthcare provider about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions including if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. the most common side effect of novolog is low blood sugar. other possible side effects include reactions at the injection site. get medical help right away if you experience serious allergic reactions body rash, trouble with breathing fast heartbeat or sweating. ask your healthcare provider about novolog flexpen today. learn more about the different insulins available in flexpen at flexpen, insulin delivery that goes
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with you. ugh, my feet are killin' me. well, we're here to get you custom orthotic inserts. dr. scholl's custom fit orthotic center recommends the custom-fit orthotic that's best for your tired feet. foot-care scientists are behind it. you'll get all-day relief. for your tired achy feet. for locations, see thank you... away carol buckantz the executive chef of the hilton chicago/indian lakes resort is here with an easy to make side dish using seasonal ingredients ... a savory side dish that is great for vegetarians-the bacon or the carnivore ... for this
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bread pudding you would like to use a battery type of bread cut into 2 in. cubes you need it too dry just a bit ... you are going to take a container of heavy whipping cream pour it into a bowl with lots of egg yolks by the way this will be measured to the serving size you need ... you are going to have it worse to share sauce and sauteed garlic and shallots you want to
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saute these to bring out the flavor ... you want to roast a problem of pepperspoblano peppers to yopur taste... and we had sweet corn off the husk as well as some parmesan cheese. and now we will add the cooked bacon. we pour all of this into the bread cubes bowl or pamn
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you want all of it codedoated and e venly distributed, with the bread soaking for 30 minutes.. we're going to roast the is the sweet potato slices ... we want them to cool down when they come out of the oven let that's it for 20 minutes we're going to take muffin tins larger ones you
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will grease them and put them in a water bath and you will fill each of these muffin cups with the bread pudding mixture ... this is a different type of stuffing at the restaurant we also serve it with a duck and roast pork ... it's something you can do a whole day ahead and warm them up before the meal ... we have wonderful autumn roast suppers at the hotel ...
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the name of the restaurant there is sure roshiraz on the wa itter,,ter... we are also having a thanksgiving brunch i'm bonnie and this is my cvs. i don't have time for the flu. that's why i'm knocking things off my to-do list. vitamin d -- done. hand sanitizer -- done. hey, eric, i'm here for my flu shot. sorry, didn't make an appointment. well, you don't need one. flu shots. every store. every day. insurance accepted. get a $5 cvs gift card if you're not covered. i'm bonnie and this is my cvs.
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[ male announcer ] if you think tylenol is the pain reliever orthopedic doctors recommend most for arthritis pain think again. and take aleve. it's the one doctors recommend most for arthritis pain... two pills can last all day. ♪ ♪ is most of the musical cabaret set? the answer is of course the kitcat club. >>in the long term forecast we have a nice weekend it will get cooler next week ... we may have some showers on
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sunday they will be scattered ... the temperatures will go up to the 40's today. we expect temperatures to remain in the 30's overnight we will be into the mid to upper 50s tomorrow and our model is projecting that we will be into the low 60s on sunday ... by the time we get to monday we will see the cooler air coming and ... by wednesday we will be feeling atthat... there are signs that we could get another warm up next weekend but prepare yourselves for consistent cool air ... a good
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part of the country and southern canada is currently covered with snow ... that is why by the middle of next week we will be turning chillier ... 40's today fifty's tomorrow '60s on sunday and then we get cooler next week everyone have a great weekend ... >>thank you tom and thank you for joining us today. we hope to have a great weekend. we will leave you now with more music from the dirt drifters' you can see them tonight at joe's a sports bar here in chicago.
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