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tv   WGN News at Nine  CW  November 14, 2011 9:00pm-10:00pm CST

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many chicagoans depend on the team what they are going to do to survive and bringing medicine to africa. saving so many lives. wgn evening news news @ 9 >> i was not supposed to say that too late if you have to ask teachers president karen lewis uncensored slamming united states secretary of education arne duncan made public online speech a lot of us are watching this, good evening the top story wgn news @ 9 president of chicagos teachers you get what she said and who she targeted. >> talked to karen lewis tonight or regrets are few explanations
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many comments she made before a crowded room full of educators no more than a month or so ago it was there the ctu president made light of her recreational drug use in college funny to some people but not funny to others at big children and their probe talking about self medicating her way through school. it is all on tape >> it was comedy might attempt >> no regrets? >> i said what i said and it was in context of impact of public education and this is an example of how that works >> no apologies and note regrets over controversial public remarks made in seattle of these remarks: >> i spent time at self medicating smoking a lot of lead dr. victor weed self medicating
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thank you its sounds like all of you did too >>sorry there are kids here not supposed to say that too late >> they were honest words even though sound inappropriate karen lewis says even though in front of a crowd of teachers and children. played to the crowd looking for laughs like a comic on a stage but some argue she did so at other people's expense people like united states secretary of education. arne duncan first attacked his credentials that attacked him personally. >> this guy has the nerve to stand up and say education is a civil rights of our time to know he went to private school if he had gone to public school to with a pad that stick lip stick that was ugly i am sorry. >> tonight to wgn caught up with karen lewis says spoke with
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secretary arne duncan since the speech according to her >> bigger fish to fry >> arne duncan office in washington dc did not return our calls today chicago public schools spoke not to chose not to comment on the remarks. to be clear karen lewis believes the tape replay sent around by right wing anti education activists of the u-2 and we've posted on if you would like to take a closer book. >> a pair of state employees busted today for allegedly giving away driver's licenses in exchange for cash. authorities say they found christopher wardlaw during investigation crime ring that sold state identification in chinatown supposedly pocketed $40,000 for giving passing marks to drivers. statements jesse white said a reminder to our staff and the public any type of wrongdoing or employee misconduct will not be
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tolerated adding that since 2009 office has cancelled nearly 3000 drivers licenses associated with the investigation. indiana teenager says he was bullied and beaten at school because of his heritage. family from the mideast and suing the schools tonight it number of students sean lewis in the newsroom with more on the allegations. parents of 17 year-old david haddad says pot did a better part of this year called year osama and bin laden had a terrorist. mother told son to ignore until last week lawsuit claims beaten inside high-school as others watched students allegedly involved face serious allegations and the school and administrators turning a blind eye >> looking at the pictures of 17 year-old david haddad there is no doubt the high school junior was involved in a major fight.
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>> they attacked him >> today his parents who immigrated from jordan in the 1970's filed a lawsuit in lake county indiana superior court claiming to be beating on november 8th at lake central high school st. john was the culmination of a year of escalating harrassment against their son and his ethnic background. >> they covered his face and were punching him. to make a statement, every time he would try to get up they would knock him on his back and back. finally >> it was painful to see the kid >> january of this year the haddad family filed a report with police department alleging a group of six-seven students many of you are athletes at the school came to the hall and
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harassing david mother says went to the school principal the next day in return, attorneys say fell on deaf ears >> ongoing thing brought to the parents' attention the police brought it to their attention and whether wanting to protect the integrity of these sporting teams star athletes some other reason going on and on like this batt but email to wgn television principal says not aware of any legal action and said at no time has the student or parent brought anything to my attention at anytime. that was a surprise to the family haddad today when told about the statement >> we ask for safety and justice need justice united states of america >> haddad so seeking unspecified monetary damages and say david haddad still mentally scarred
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from the incident last week not in hospital still undergoing medical treatment for the injuries. >> ex-boyfriend coming to the aid of herman cain accuser former boyfriend telling it media talk to him about alleged sexual harassment, boyfriend of sharon bialek, herman cain dr. victor zuckerman did not witness but claims the sharon bialek confided in him after it was over >> she said something had happened, and that mr. herman cain had touched her inappropriate manner. she said she handled it and did not want to talk about it any further. >> republican presidential candidate herman cain continues to deny the incident ever took place. former penn state football coach jerry sandusky and his lawyers took to the airwaves today trying to lay the foundation bought the defense against child sexual abuse claims today claiming jerry sandusky innocence and
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explanation for each allegation. >> wrong video obviously but telling you the jerry sandusky mid-air during interview with nbc tonight that he did some of the things that are detailed in the graphic 23 page grand jury report released earlier this month but denies it pedophile. controversy today surrounding the case jerry sandusky out of $100,000 bail released earlier today, the number $100,000 unsecured bond outraging a lot of people turned up a judge to set the bell has ties with a jerry sandusky charity organization former law firm listed her as a volunteer for the second mile but did not disclose that at the time of the court hearing. time for the nba video looking more and more like there will not be any basketball this season nba players reject the owners' latest contract
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offer a looking also like collective bargaining agreement could be sent to the court for a final decision likely holding nba season, claims league not prepare willing to prepare to negotiate. negative effect on businesses united center and news today make that worse. more on the affected this is going to have. >> yes certainly having an affect things are quiet tonight here at the united center. earlier today along madison the same thing very quiet business is not a lot of foot traffic but as the nba season hangs in the balance tonight one thing is short, one thing is for certain businesses around here are hurting. >> berger says a light tonight billy goat tavern in the west loop but business not so much lately >> the entire city is losing money
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>> olander says things have definitely been slow since the lockout and chicago bulls entire season in jeopardy his staff relying on games for work may have to find it elsewhere >> during the game we have three-four people more and those people are not working. nothing >> the only business along madison taking a hit. pizzeria opened in april when chicago bulls and the playoffs they never anticipated this. >> owners and players millionaires and billionaires fighting and people like us are the ones that are really hurting out here bamut down the street clark street court things are so bad having to cut staff from 20 last year to about 10 >> definitely had impact every night that you have a huge amount of foot traffic on game nights two games a week or so and a home game and you look out on all of that >> business owners looking for a
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miracle closely monitoring sportschannel bulls tickets are likely no end boyd >> book the tickets to three months back to-three months before the lockout hoping to catch again disappointed the season is probably going to be cancelled >> everyone just hoping that someone has a change of heart who knows anything is possible business owners also hoping blackhawks have a wedding and a long season as they will now have to rely heavily on black hawks fans for the lost business. back to you >> starting to sink back on the side today coming up how pace allowing drivers to use the highway shoulders working out and cook county never went budget gap with food? and tom skilling coldest weather of the season so far this week but not here for good.
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out-of-reach. the next generation craftsman autohammer. a new articulating head. superior access. only sears has over twenty five nextec tools, now all on sale. craftsman. trust. in your hands. i've seen this before -- the old "impromptu in-law visit." look at mom whipping up some kraft homestyle
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mac & cheese. sure it's easy to make, but it looks like she's been busting her hump in the kitchen. [ doorbell rings ] let the fireworks begin. [ male announcer ] kraft macaroni & cheese. you know you love it. [ female announcer ] maybe you're one of them. ♪ ♪ one of the always electrifying... eyebrow-raisers... and jaw-droppers. ♪ ♪ are you a great, fine arm-flailer... catwalk-walker or talk-a-friend's-ears-off talker? one of the hard-to-describe the laugh-out-loud laughers who inspired a variety of gain scents that are, like all of you anything but ordinary. to find some new decor.
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your house will be so bright. all lit up on christmas night. no one does christmas, like you do christmas. you find the perfect toy. that fills their hearts with joy. the gifts that make their day. got it all on layaway. no one does christmas, like kmart does christmas. kmart. smart why settle for a one-note cereal? ♪ more, more, more... ♪ get more with honey bunches of oats 4 nutritious grains come together for more taste, more healthy satisfaction. get more with honey bunches of oats. wgn news @ 9 a big meeting in country club hills tonight looking for answers after it wgn news investigation with better
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government association uncovered misuse of taxpayer money. live with the details >> tom, one after another day each cam up a very angry about access spending by the city. a time when property taxes are way up, a lot of people at the meeting of the blood person not here tonight, mayor the whitdwight welch everybody pointing the finger at him but they were heard by city council members tonight you may remember mark suppelsa and better government association work together on the investigation about the spending habits of the mayor using spending using credit cards for the town on spending before it touches dinners clothing at first city council members reacted by taking all but one of his credit cards that did not seem to work and to top it off a
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new treasurer came and started looking at the books she realized that they did not make any sense about $8 million unaccounted for. tonight the city aldermen voted not to use the mayors appointed auditor but to bring in an independent auditor to redo the books, for those living in a country club hills that may be too little too late. >> elected you sat by did not do your job looked the other way it is like you were in on it. do not try to blame it on just one man somebody else did not do anything it did not do their job >> what we have a problem no money how can we be dealing with anything else if we are not dealing with money? we need to put a stop to this somebody has to have you know what they call them, you know what they call
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them. tired i am tired of paying $12,000 a year in property taxes come over here in this community to make it number one and i am not giving up i am not giving up, >> those are just a few of the angry comments out here tonight, independent auditor is just one of several things that people all around here would like to see don they also want a state possibly even a federal investigation and also want to the firing of key people in the finance department as well as throughout city leadership. we will keep you posted on what else happens in country club hills back to you >> pace bus riders given to the new bus on shoulder plan thumbs up allowed to use the shoulder as traffic passing lanes are heavy 35 mi. per hour easing
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traffic congestion shortening commuting times cicero to central to the tri-state and county line road to the 355. first came to 15 minutes early today, finance committee board looking for creative ways to close a huge revenue gap next year voting today proposed tax increase on alcohol and tobacco. county board members say the tax hike the resends on a six-pack of beer is not so bad but others challenge to the necessity of the tax and its fairness >> hundreds lined the streets to honor a local hero tribute to a marine killed in afghanistan and the president's health care plan getting a chance in the carry on you gazers... you grazers... you thieves... you spill-prone, and thrill-prone... and refusers to be fully-grown.
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we get it. after all, kenmore is in the lives of over 100 million americans. that's why, with 31 cubic feet, no fridge in america has more capacity. we put more in so you get more out. kenmore. ♪ we were skipping stones and letting go ♪ [ female announcer ] nature valley granola bars rich dark chocolate, toasted oats. perfect combinations of nature's delicious ingredients from nature valley. ♪ ♪ nature valley granola bars nature at its most delicious. [ male announcer ] nature valley sweet & salty nut bars... they're made from whole roasted nuts and dipped in creamy peanut butter, making your craving for a sweet & salty bar irresistible by nature valley. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer
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wgn news @ 9 local marine honored today by neighbors after being killed in afghanistan. >> it was an impressive sight out dozens of students each clutching an american flag line up shoulder to shoulder on the sidewalk in front of chicago's st. patrick high-school kerrigan and the body a hearse marine lance corporal nick daniels passed by honoring the memory of the fallen mcginn himself once a student at st. patrick's high- school. 25 year-old lance corporal nick daniels killed november 5th while on duty in afghanistan, lance corporal nick daniels grew up in elmwood park only in afghanistan two months at the time of his death. most of the student standing at attention as the funeral
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procession passed by the school did not know lance corporal nick daniels but they knew of them, lance corporal nick daniels thousand four saint patrick graduate an outstanding linebacker on the football team and before joining the marines and member of st. patrick coaching staff. >> lance corporal nick daniels amazing individual great football player but as a coach putting so much of himself into the time he spent with the players and that really makes a great coach he gave everything that he had to give. >> good memories last. >> incredible act of a charity from one chicago woman up next how she is improving hundreds of lives half a world away and one of hollywood's biggest stars says acting career has a very real expiration date.
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[ female announcer ] the humana walmart-preferred rx plan gives you the lowest plan premium in the country... so you can focus on what really matters. call humana at 1-800-808-4003. [ husband ] sarah. every day spent with you has been a gift. so here's a gift for our new life together. [ male announcer ] with over 165 years of experience new york life can help ensure your loved ones are always taken care of. it's the most selfless gift you can give. usa prime credit... this peggy... hi, i'm cashing in my points... peggy? no more points - coupons now. coupons? coupons. coupons? next, you convert coupons to tokens. tokens?
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then you trade tokens for credits. and then i get the cash? then you call back. bye bye. peggy? hello? what just happened? want rewards that make sense? switch to discover. america's #1 cash rewards program. it pays to discover. introducing htc rezound. get studio quality sound for music and hd video at verizon 4g lte speed. the first smartphone with beats audio™ and beats™ headphones included. exclusively at verizon. every month brings hormonal changes and that means acne flare ups. olay challenges that. with new olay professional prox clear designed to balance oil and moisture levels and help bring breakouts under control for consistently clear skin. [ female announcer
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] under eye circles. pile on the products. or challenge all that effort with olay. simply sweep on the total effects dark circle minimizer. it tightens and helps conceal to beautifully reveal younger-looking eyes. it's a clean sweep. is never out-of-reach. the next generation craftsman autohammer. a new articulating head. superior access. only sears has over twenty five nextec tools, now all on sale. craftsman. trust. in your hands. going to feel very nice tomorrow? >> yes up to 62 degrees tomorrow
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watching that crashed wednesday-maybe tuesday but still what else that is good in chicago today not downstate for instance west lafayette indiana, meteorologist student perdue university captured this wall cloud coming in to that community right by purdue university. there were some damaging a thunderstorm with downstate. meanwhile remember the followed last week beautiful shot the full moon over montrose harbor and school bethis cat and joining in the autumn leaves a great shot, hello. many thanks to your honor for that beautiful shot today. what a nice day it turned out to be. swarms of bugs not static out by the camera could not know what that was all about but tends to
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happen as you get closer to autumn the insects sensing defect cold air is, they'd better get inside a ring around the camera with a beautiful skies late today after some showers in these clouds moving out of the area and these things did produce some big thunderstorms towering to almost 40,000 ft. downstate on a leash in a variety of heavy weather the storms are still in a line from roughly pittsburgh through cincinnati to be built kentucky and even into tulsa oklahoma as you can see the last vestige of a thunderstorm watch replacing the tornado watch occurred in great numbers downstate indiana and illinois the southern the viewing area under 1 for awhile note how the lightning is fading away the last couple of clout to ground strokes showing up here is a three-dimensional look at the storms jackson kentucky radar
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these things were once paul but you can see them coming down is still producing a formidable rainfall down to the south running all of the way from kentucky northeastward into southern ohio. the end of what has been a rough day this storm line has produced a damaging winds and hail in these areas a tornado down champaign county it earlier today. damage to a halt took a roof off of a home up there and other damage, all of this because we had a 200 mi. per hour jet stream overhead tonight these thunderstorms a bubble up all of the wind energy made its bid and of course a tornado damage in wind and the jet will come back from the northwest, began the cold air here in a moment on wednesday and thursday but a nice day tomorrow last counties under thunderstorm watch as we have a gala watches an affect on the upper great lakes and as this
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transition to colder air high temperatures today 53 degrees but look at this cold air developing to the north below 0 degrees today that is the first time and the last couple of days this season that we have kept temperatures below zero even during the daytime. the cold air is developing south toward the air mass had a load into our area for a couple of days later this week, 47 degrees chicago at 63 degrees downstate st. louis that were in the '70s much as we were guest today with a 70 degree temperatures. cooling to the forties tonight 6 degrees lower than 24 hours ago. the real chill is a day behind the warm air mass that comes in tomorrow spiking up to the low 60s and crashing. win it for the moment like picking up tomorrow quite dramatically and the breezy on wednesday-thursday. temperatures dropping to the
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lower bid for days at the upper thirties on wednesday-thursday but mild tomorrow with the 62 degrees tomorrow at 42 degrees on wednesday, 40 degrees on wednesday, 4.7 degrees above normal for the month. gusty wind regime it front sitting in the trough wide to the west a cold front does not come through until early tomorrow night impressionable warming powerhouse wind ran into the slow movement went tomorrow get and windy in the afternoon pileup of air and the fact called impression a warming compressing the gas with the air coming in palms the temperatures up a couple of degrees above what it would otherwise be. that is how we got up to 70 yesterday's scattered clouds cooler tonight mid-upper 30's and and low temperature of 42 degrees o'hare airport. tomorrow partly sunny skies windy and milder temperatures up
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to 62 degrees in the afternoon above the normal high temperature low 50s this time of year all good things have to come to an end to end this good thing comes to an ad tomorrow night with temperatures dropping in the city with scattered clouds with the colder and wednesday partly sunny and breezy and colder the wind will not be a very strong and it will be west northwest 10-22 putting a 42 together with northwest wind in double digits heels bippy going to warm up again coming back to tell you about that on the seven day forecast. >> yes up and down >> always fascinating >> always >> oasis of medical help in the middle of katia thanks to a chicago woman next what inspired her to take action and after nominated for her role, oprah winfrey finally has a date with oscar.
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these sweet honey clustery things have fiber? fiber one. almost tastes like one of jack's cereals. uh forgot jack's cereal. [ jack ] what's for breakfast? uh try the number one! i've never heard of that. [ wife ] it's great. it's a sweet honey cereal, you'll love it. yeah this is pretty good. are you guys alright? yeah. [ male announcer ] half a days worth of fiber. not that anyone has to know. fiber beyond recognition. fiber one.
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i've seen this before -- the old "impromptu in-law visit." dad's a real cleaning machine. and look at mom whipping up some kraft homestyle mac & cheese. sure it's easy to make but it looks like she's been busting her hump in the kitchen. [ doorbell rings ] ♪ ♪ let the fireworks begin. hi it's so nice to see you. something smells good. [ male announcer ] kraft homestyle macaroni & cheese. cheesy noodles topped with golden-brown, breadcrumbs. you know you love
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it. capital one's new cash rewards card gives you a 50% annual bonus! so you earn 50% more cash. according to research everybody likes more cash. well almost everybody... ♪ ♪ would you like 50% more cash? no! but it's more money. [ male announcer ] the new capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. what's in your wallet? woah! [ giggles ] tonight's medical watch saving lives and to changing the future rare opportunity travelling with anne lurie to visit a place where that is happening in the most profound way. anne lurie from the new children's hospital of chicago
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you may not know anne lurie began midwest medicine to africa aid village clinic 16 hour flight away in this chicago care a continent away. the airplanes the plans in africa natural beauty as far as the eye can see it giraffes' standing tall elephants making sure safari the visitors know where they stand. after her trip to chicago kenya philanthropist with anne lurie read about these babies and how they were treated started her mission in school first day of school 44 kids cam, 44 masai kids came i was sitting there looking at all of them interacting with some of them, and i said oh my gosh, so many of these children are sick.
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>> if there was a child sick and needed medical care typically the father would walk for two and a half days to the nearest hospital. likely if he did not have any money the child but not get any care i just found that totally unacceptable. >> out of concern grew a dream and then a clinic to the only buildings for miles like the heart and the center of the mbirikani village where the masai to their home on the land we got there on small plant scanning with for animals on the runway for the pilot to touchdown. most primitive setting, a gateway to a surprisingly sophisticated system of healthcare delivery. there are treatment rooms inpatient hospital pharmacy
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organized so well modern drug stores might learn. the madison are arranged alphabetically by ailment some purchased by the clinic others like hiv drugs donated by the united states government. >> employees explain each prescription to the patient before dispensing >> once built they came by the thousands the puzzle piece and place to fill a void where there was great need, buildings stand where a mobile trailer once delivered care and a state of the arts laboratory standing 1000 performed tests performed to diagnose an element if only they had seen this girl sooner light hair a sign of malnutrition but facing so much more her mother did not come for care when pregnant. with hiv
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her baby is not infected with virus that causes aids and a mother trying desperately to help her. >> according to the traditional health care often adults go to the clinic, >> this baby is the picture of health although not happy about the test on going mother came to the clinic early in pregnancy at the rink prevent transmission program, hiv pause it began and try entire retro boosting baby's chances, she will wait for results to see if she is hiv free. and successful outcome based on ability to understand what your problem is and then find an appropriate treatment. to solve that particular problem. batt but the first problem anne lurie gaining trust of the people she wanted to help a white woman or mzunga
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sihanouk here descending on to the african land >> mzunga who needs that to work in a bush? >> dr. japhet murithi first physician to embrace the idea and join the clinic >> helping a dream that but now he lives here during the week 125 mi. from his family and nairobi not only to treat local patients but to inspire their dream >> now there is something test results prove that second screen is said and for this baby boy it nonreactive. he and his mother head home relieved, hiv free. >> what a story. interesting they took the drugs wed a way they wait so long to get that they need the
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>> and they described so well what they beat amazing the test results hiv free story of success playing itself out again and again there and a place where hiv killing so many people. >> passion for this >> commitment is incredible and tomorrow night interesting story outside of the clinic the mud huts built by the women there and we see how mothers are literally making a clean water teaching them how, anne lurie and saving lives because of that >> how much time does anne lurie spend there? >> she goes back half a dozen times a year she was with us a month ago going back already. >> thank you very much, brad pitt does not want to act much water plant retirement and not so far to save the nba season hear from both sides theis never
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out-of-reach. the next generation craftsman autohammer. a new articulating head. superior access. only sears has over twenty five nextec tools, now all on sale. craftsman. trust. in your hands. hey! you want that? you want a warm, super-delicious strawberry toaster strudel yeah but now i have nothing to eat sure you do. hey! you can have the pop tart! pillsbury toaster strudel. the one kids want to eat [ cellphone rings ] hey honey! mom, we're dying. no you're not, you're just hungry. make some totino's pizza rolls. we don't have any! front... left, totino's. [ male announcer ] well done mom! less drama, more fun! totino's pizza rolls. [ male announcer ] give yourself an edge. one a day men's pro edge. a complete multivitamin with more magnesium to help support healthy muscle function. more b vitamins to help convert food to fuel. more confidence in a healthy you. one a day men's pro edge.
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to find some new decor. your house will be so bright. all lit up on christmas night. no one does christmas, like you do christmas. you find the perfect toy. that fills their hearts with joy. the gifts that make their day. got it all on layaway. no one does christmas, like kmart does christmas. kmart. smart kenya oprah winfrey may not be best known for acting or directing over the weekend received honorary oscar for charitable work academy gave her jean hersholt humanitarian award dinner in los angeles previous
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recipients include elizabeth taylor and gregory peck oprah winfrey cried when they call ternate said the moment was unimaginable somebody houbolt beginnings like hers brad pitt as tired of being a sexiest man alive. interview a strong and verges virgin of 60 minutes will quit acting turning 50 years old much happier producing and being in a business and converting stories to acting besides will be business six kids he has almost fell off of my chair using those names >> well you are a very attractive human being >> bill snyder my producer falls out of his chair when he hears something crazy and did not fall out of his chair there how about another 60 degree day tomorrow?
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we have that big storms passing to the self look you can see these things coming off of the pacific running a lot of the underbelly of the cold air mass in canada couple of days later this week starts tomorrow night but tomorrow could be nice but the rainfall that occurred downstate kankakee plan close to that 47 degrees at o'hare 48 at midway and deep you from the camera crawfordsville indiana you can see the brain fall towards the end out that it was an ohio today storms these are some of the wind gusts cincinnati hit with 66 mi. per hour wind happens at age 30 this morning, or less of a big wind gusts in that area as well here
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is our forecast for the next seven days not bad, to 62 degrees tomorrow dropping to 42 degrees wednesday and 38 degrees wednesday summer between wednesday-thursday not out of the question to have a snow flurry with overcast drifting through with cold air south wind already planned for the afternoon and with gusto on saturday week, the temperature back up to 54 degrees dropping off later next weekend up and down. of the you're right now thank you tom skilling >> stay in shape by hiking up and down to buy bad rap and palos park and on a fallen soldier images and more tonight's photos of the day. more photos
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on our website or c no nba but still couldn't get up
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and college early season action tonight, and chicago bears take the high road after yesterday's physical game against the is never out-of-reach. the next generation craftsman autohammer. a new articulating head. superior access. only sears has over twenty five nextec tools, now all on sale. craftsman. trust. in your hands. why settle for a one-note cereal? ♪ more, more, more... ♪ get more with honey bunches of oats 4 nutritious grains come together for more taste, more healthy satisfaction. get more with honey bunches of oats.
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[ man ] michael, every day you make me proud. here's to a future that's as bright as you are. [ male announcer ] with over 165 years of experience, new york life can help ensure your loved ones are always taken care of. it's the most selfless gift you can give. art layaway. the one that lets you buy 1000's of items... ...across dozens of departments... ...including apparel, toys sporting goods and electronics. and with kmart layaway you can shop in-store or online. see for yourself why the competition - just can't stack up. now that's kmart smart.
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[ female announcer ] would you ever pick your style off a salon wall? not in a million years. inspired by all who challenge the same old thing comes gain icy fresh fizz and other scents that are, like you, anything but ordinary. capital one's new cash rewards card gives you a 50 percent annual bonus. so you earn 50 percent more cash. if you're not satisfied with 50% more cash, send it back! i'll be right here waiting for it. who wouldn't want more cash? [ insects chirping ] i'll take it. i'll make it rain up in here. [ male announcer ] the new capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. what's in your wallet? sorry i'll clean this up. shouldn't have made it rain. basketball in a lack thereof.
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>> no kitten i still say rank- and-file if they had voted on the contract that would be playing basketball in one month but we will never know union hierarchy and the rest of player representatives today rejected what the nba called last best offer comic of the table union plans to decertify and nba season quickly swerving down the toy that no chartered airplanes four-star hotels and worst of all the special rate for those who make their livings in the nba are rena's across the country and no games the revenue split 50-50 players may have been able to live with that the issues concerning salary-cap and lug three taxes to crucial for them to accept the deal with reluctance the player says no. >> we have negotiated in good faith for over two years we have done everything anybody could have reasonably expected of us looking at the numbers of givebacks and recessions >> we have not chosen to be in this position, and the lockout
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continues to be something that is imposed upon us by a delete and by owners this is not a strike we want to go to work want to get back to work want to negotiate a fair deal but there process has broken down. >> i would say so an interview with espn and be a commissioner david stern says concerning plan to decertify not going to work should have done that at long time ago maybe we would have had a chance to save the season helipad on self destruction and is very sad. detroit lions had wrenching tactics soldier field did not do good on the scoreboard chicago bears on electric victory detroit college reputation one of tyrtaeus teams and nfl nick fairly, suh frustrated quarterback matthew stafford and interception return dj moore chicago bears did not
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initiate but did not mind the battalion. >> we pride ourselves on being a team built on character a lot of character dies, and, i was proud how we reacted we play honest solid get a football a point where you have to defend yourself. i think we took care of one another >> note and be a but we have a ton of college hoops tonight illinois took care of siu edwardsville the 6-46, dj richardson i scan with 20 points at south bend luke harangody currently unemployed watching the irish in detroit and not pretty for the home team coach's kid ray mccallum rating to breese on notre dame. at still in the first half ray mccallum of the triple upstairs for doug anderson in detroit had 8 point
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lead in the second half the irish police knocked out a bid transition one of a 14-0 run and no good and now leads just over two minutes left to play, depaul at home against the mississippi valley state, oliver purnell team with one victory good shape to make to an aero branded down from the deep corner and that of the break last year's freshman star year'smelvin as a sophomore and 80-70 victory loyola opened illinois at kansas state talk about by the bride in, porter moser play very well tonight ben averkamp on the edge ramblers and they're down 1 at the first half, finally wore down inside to jordan enriquez down go the ramblers 74-61 back to the nfl, texas quarterback matt schaub out for the year at kansas city quarterback my matt cassell begun for the year head
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injury and michael vick broke two ribs just today philadelphia eagles' loss hackers swap big a vikings 31-7 in the third and i bet finding the strength to turn that television on. >> thank you dan. that is everything but the news tonight have a good night happy you shared time with us. is never out-of-reach. the next generation craftsman autohammer. a new articulating head. superior access. only sears has over twenty five nextec tools, now all on sale. craftsman. trust. in your hands. [ mom ] hey guys. guys... [ female announcer ] pillsbury cinnamon rolls with cinnabon cinnamon are an irresistible sunday morning idea. nothing calls them to the table
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