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tv   WGN Midday News  CW  November 15, 2011 12:00pm-1:00pm CST

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visit, call, or go to chicago police search for a man who robbed a bank on the near west side. a bank krupp worker was ambushed as he walked into work could afternoon i am steve sanders. >>and i'm dina bair we welcome our viewers who are watching us around the country on wgn america and on the web. nancy loo is live on taylor street with more on this developing story >>the employee arrived for work at 9 this morning the employee
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was entering a back entrance when attacked by a man armed with a box cutter demanding money and he got away with an undisclosed amount of cash it is unclear who the employee is or how many workers were here at the bank but at least one customer was in the bank at the time and she got out safely ... >>neighbors are wondering why a small bank in a busy neighborhood would be targeted ... >>now i have to make sure i will lock the doors things are starting to happen ... >>law enforcement officials issued a warning that there would be an increased likelihood of bank robberies this time of year ... >>the suspect was seen fleeing down an alleyway
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>>the mother of an elementary school student is upset that school officials did not call her when two students pulled a bb gun on her son. robert jordan is live at the south side school. >>this is the metcalf elementary school where two students have been suspended for 10 days for playing with a bb gun in school ... 10 days may be a harsh sentence considering nobody got injured but bringing that weapon to school was a serious matter >>i am here because i'm concerned about the safety of my child >>when parents send their children to school each day they place confidence that the school will keep their children safe and secure so when this parent learned that a bb gun had been brought to school pointed out of the students they became upset >>you don't know for was a bb
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gun or real gun after until after the fact my child could have been shot or killed >>it's a safety hazard kids should not be bringing weapons to school they come here to learn >>a security guard alerted the principle that's where the information stopped as parents were not notified >>someone not notified until very early this morning ... >>chicago public schools it released this statement:
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>>i don't want to see these kids suspended from school i want to see them mentored and educated on weapons and violence >>while the 10 day sentences harsh that sends a message to other students that school is no place for any weapon of any kind >>a second person is now being charged for shooting and wounding a young boy 6 year-old marshawn means was shot in the chest as he played cops and robbers at his grandfather's home in chicago as morgan park neighborhood the boys expected to survive the boy's uncle a 13 year-old was cited yesterday for allegedly shooting him the grandfather 50 year-old napoleon walker is charged with illegally having a gun and is expected to face a judge today >>teachers' union president karen lewis says the
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controversial comments she made about u.s. secretary of education arne duncan at a teachers' conference were ugly video from that speech surfaced on the internet >>he should have had his lisp fixed >>that's her in front of room of educators and children in seattle during the speech she also talked about smoking marijuana during her college years lewis says that she has since apologized to secretary duncan >>i apologized to the secretary he said karen you have bigger fish to fry and he was cool >>a union spokeswoman says that lewis was only trying to let mahmoud at the rally chicago public schools has not commented >>we're starting to see signs of mayor emanuel's plan to raise money by selling ads on city property a new bank of america
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signs are now plastered on the wabash avenue bridge over the chicago river the mayor hopes to collect $25 million for the city through public at sales last year the city council approved an ordinance giving the city the power to place signs and other promotional materials on bridge houses a chicago tribune online poll found 96 percent did not like bridgeheads >>we have more coming up next at noon ... more on those occupied protesters evicted from zucotti park in new york city and it's an update on the disgraced penn state football coach and the foreign policy question that caused herman cain to♪
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♪ you want to save money on car insurance? no problem. you want to save money on rv insurance? no problem. you want to save money on motorcycle
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insurance? no problem. you want to find a place to park all these things? fuggedaboud it. this is new york. hey little guy, wake up! aw, come off it mate! geico. saving people money on more than just car insurance.
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i occupy wall street protesters are returning to the new york city park with the judge's ok to do so >>be occupied protests turned violent early this morning when police in full riot gear fifth try to clear demonstrators out of zucotti park ... police arrested more than a hundred people for refusing to leave the privately-owned park. mayor michael blumberg says protesters can return but without tents sleeping bags, or tarps. >>this developed into a situation prohibiting lots of people from expressing their views >>a new york supreme court judge has ruled that the demonstrators can bring tents and camping equipment back to the park >>other cities are also clearing
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out protesters because of health and safety concerns police shut down occupied oakland protests at the city's central square said they could clean that officers arrested 32 people who refused to leave one demonstrator was arrested for spitting at police but the encounter was mostly peaceful oakland police say that people are free to rally in public but there will no longer be allowed to camp or sleep at the rally sites >>former penn state football coach gerry sandusky response for the first time to accusations he sectors sexually molested a least eight boys julian crews has more >>the new york times says 10 new victims have stepped forward ... >>jerry sandusky did an interview on the brian williams show last night interviewed by bob costas >>he was asked:
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>>i love young people i love to be around them but i am not sexually attracted to young boys >>he is mounting a companion and the court of publica campaign in the court of public opinion ... the sex abuse scandal has rocked penn state college football forcing the resignation of joe paterno as well as the university president jerry sandusky has a lot to overcome ... in the minds of many he is already guilty as charged the coach tried to deflect the explosive allegations on his nbc interview last night ... former
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quarterback mike mcqueary said that he witnessed jerry sandusky rape a boy ... >>has allegations are false >>we have valid statements from the alleged victim that that's never happened ... >>in an e-mail message to co- workers nbc reported that mcqueary who had been criticized for not calling police after witnessing the rape is now defending himself saying that " he did do the right thing >>and there's controversy about
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the judge who freed sandusky on $100,000 bond leslie dutchcot served as a volunteer for the second mile program and critics say that she should have recused herself from the case >> congresswoman gabrielle giffords has given her first interview since you is wanted in a shooting rampage in tucson last january she was shot in head and has since undergone intensive therapy and in an interview with abc she struggled to form words when asked if she would return to congress >>i feel better ... [sigh] um >>she wants to get better ... >>better better
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>>so you think you'll go back to congress if you will get better? >>yes, yes yes >>giffords told abc that she was not angry at what happened to her the man accused of shooting her is currently in a missouri prison until he is competent to stand trial >>the campaign of herman cain is responding to a video showing the presidential candidate having trouble answering a question about libya his people downplay the awkward moment yesterday when he was asked in an interview if he agreed with president obama's actions regarding the uprising in libya refused before giving a stumbling response when asked about the apparent gaffe later he laughed it off >>look it's one thing to document every word but people it was a pause! >>in recent weeks herman cain
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has also been plagued by allegations of sexual harassment which he has denied drama details on the new petition to stop black friday from becoming black thursday >>if you pass the time waiting for a flight by surfing the internet you may be leaving yourself vulnerable to airport hackers would you can do to protect yourself and later in lunch break he has brought the big easy to chicago with his
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a look at today's business headlines ... wal-mart missed earnings in a big way the company says the economy is definitely weighing down its customers and its seeming even fewer people shop at the stores but it said it will keep prices low even though they are eating
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into profits it will not pass on the higher charges charged by its suppliers >>electronics are helping to boost retail sales some predict the momentum could be going into the holidays ... >>the ceo of the bank of america spoke at a conference today saying that they learned a lot from anchoring its consumers over debit card fees ... he did say that it was costing the bank a lot more money ... >>m f global is facing lawsuits
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from its own employees a thousand were fired last week there are at least three employee lawsuits saying that they were fired without cause they did not get the 60 days' advance written notice as required by federal law >>there's a gain in stocks coming upon the heels of better than expected economic news. oil is nearly $100 a barrel at this hour ... there is a new grassroots movement to keep black friday shopping on friday. many stores have announced plans to open at midnight or earlier on
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thanksgiving and an on-line petition is asking stores to consider their employees and allow them to spend the holiday with family and friends instead of at work at least 87,000 people have signed the petition it was started by a target employee in nebraska >>if you will be flying for the thanksgiving holiday be careful using wi-fi at airports hackers are having an easier time breaking into people's accounts they're setting up fake wi-fi services and when travelers start connecting they can grab all of that information there are a few things to be done to protect yourself you need to find out the wi-fi provider and just use that if it costs money to pay the money also change your password from time to time and use different passwords four different accounts
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>>still ahead have stem cells could be used to help heart failure patients reduce the risk of further occurrences >>plus an incredible act of charity from a chicago woman how she is improvi8évxó0%xpév@' xvp6pmh? 7@xs0ñxr0?÷z@8@?x>÷÷óú/xw0ñérxsx6÷sxzxíérxrú>÷,÷w@6xsérprxrérxrxs ÷rpoéwéwx7xx7(5txz÷xst#8g÷sért[÷óxsxvér living with diabetes is a reality for me, but i learned that i don't have to use a vial and syringe as part of my daily routine anymore. my doctor showed me the novolog mix 70/30 flexpen. flexpen is discreet and comes pre-filled with my insulin.
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flexpen goes with me and doesn't need refrigeration. and it's covered by most insurance. if you're still using a vial and syringe ask your healthcare provider about the benefits of flexpen. flexpen is a discreet, pre-filled dial-a-dose insulin pen. you can dial the exact dose of insulin you need. and inject insulin by pressing a button. novolog mix 70/30 is an insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. do not inject if you do not plan to eat within 15 minutes to avoid low blood sugar. tell your healthcare provider about all medicines you take and all of your medical conditions including if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. most common side effects include reactions at the injection site, weight gain, swelling of your hands and feet and vision changes. other serious side effects include low blood sugar and low potassium in your blood. get medical help right away if you experience serious allergic reactions including body rash, trouble with breathing, fast heartbeat sweating or if you feel faint. flexpen is made by novo nordisk, a healthcare company committed to diabetes care for nearly 90 years.
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i've made flexpen part of my routine just like spending time with my family. ask your healthcare provider about novolog mix 70/30 flexpen today. learn more about the different insulins available in flexpen at flexpen. insulin delivery that goes with you. saving lives changing the future. we got a rare opportunity traveling with ann lurie to visit a place where that is happening in the most profound way. you know the name from the new ann and robert h. lurie children's hospital of chicago go. would you may not now is that and is bringing midwest medicine to africa the eight village clinics thousands of miles away a 16 hour flight its chicago care a continent
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away >>natural beatty as far as the eyes can see giraffes' standing tall elephants making sure that safari visitors know where they stand and a baby sitter drinking from its mother but after a trip to kenya chicago philanthropist and larry worried about these babies and how they would eat she started her mission in schools the first day of school 44 little masia kids came and and i was sitting there looking at all of them and interacting with some of them and i said to myself all my gosh so many of the children are sick ... if there was a child that was sick and needed medical care typically the father would walk for two and half days to the nearest hospital. and likely if
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he did not have any money in his pocket the child would not get any care. i just found that totally unacceptable ... >>out of concern grew a dream and then a clinic the only buildings 4 mi. like a heart in the center of the mbirkani vio llage where the masai make their home on the land. we arrive by small plane a scanning for animals on the runway marked with stones before the public sets us down >>in the most primitive setting a gateway to a surprisingly sophisticated system of health care delivery there are treatment rooms and inpatient hospital pharmacy organized so
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well modern drug stores might learn something the medicines are arranged alphabetically by element some purchased by the clinic others like the hiv drugs donated by the united states government employees explain each prescription to the patient before dispensing once built they came by the thousand the puzzle pieces all put into place to fill a void where there was great need buildings stand where a mobile trailer once delivered care and a state of the art laboratory emerge where 1000 tests each day are performed to diagnose and the element >>we would much rather prevent disease and treat it ... >>if only they had seen this girl sooner live near a sign of malnutrition but she is facing so much more. her mother did not come for care when she was pregnant with hiv. her baby is now infected with the virus that causes aids and mom is trying
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desperately to help her. this baby is the picture of health although not happy about the blood test he is undergoing. his mother came to the clinic early in her pregnancy entering the mother to transmitother into the program she's hiv-positive she began with anti retro viral medications her viral load went down and that boosts her baby's chances she will wait for results to see if she is hiv free >>successful outcomes are based on your ability to understand the problem has, and then apply the appropriate treatment to solve a particular problem. >>the first problem for and larrann lurie in the trust of the
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people she wanted to help. a white woman or mzungu as they are called here descending on african land ... i was introduced to and by one of the directors of the place where i had taken my training now this man lived here during the week 150 mi. from his family and nairobi not only to treat local patients but to inspire their dreams >>that is the story of success playing itself out hear again and again in a region where hiv aids is killing so many people in this tribe they're learning to survive. you will be bringing us other stories? the mas will
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travel outside the clinic to see how saving lives as sometimes happens in solving simple problems we will take you on a tour of a traditional handmade home where you can see residents literally make their run clean water >>tom skilling will be next with the weather details last throw, prince. and last chance at medicare open enrollment, too. what do you mean? it ends december 7th. if you haven't reviewed your medicare plan choices yet, well, it's getting late. medicare gives you free cancer screenings and wellness visits and 50% off brand name prescription drugs when you're in the donut hole... it's all part of the health care law. december 7th? i better get goin'! [ male announcer ] medicare open enrollment ends soon. call 1-800-medicare or visit to learn more.
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it's going to get cool tomorrow tom? >>yes it is to morris will be the coolest kid has been in seven month going to be the coolest
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weather we have had in seven months of >>... we have midlevel clouds today with some sunshine the southwest wind is picking up as we speak this will push temperatures to the 60s today. i would say technically it is like indian summer weather. on average juicy three more 60 degree days from this point forward and we have seen many ... there was a tornado yesterday in the vicinity of champaign county. there were big
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thunderstorms with a wall cloud going through the area of lafayette indiana. this area will be watched carefully for severe weather. what is driving the weather is the movement of cold air. this has been taking shape of the last several weeks in northwest canada. we will enjoy a warm day to day ... we have a
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compression system going on in the atmosphere. currently it is 59 degrees at o'hare. we are nine degrees warmer than we were 24 hours ago. the cool air that we have bent and over a few days will be back to hit us late tonight into tamarato tomorrow. do you see this step in the jet stream that is bringing the cool air. we are talking temperatures in the low 40's tomorrow. there
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will be a storm in the rockies that will keep a school for the next few days but we will warm up again for the weekend. many of you woke up to dense fog in parts of indiana and michigan and in the western suburbs. we have had strong gusty wind around the area. 33 mi. per hour.
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the midway airport temperature is currently 60 degrees. there are gayle storm warnings on the great lakes the wind will pickup. it will blow down into the plains states. tomorrow will be moderately breezy here. this
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afternoon we have unseasonably mild temperatures thy will be 62 degrees under partly sunny skies. we have a sharp temperature dropped tonight. scattered clouds breezy and sharply colder overnight. tomorrow mostly sunny and breezy and colder 42 degrees. partly sunny and cold thursday with daytime temperatures near 40 degrees. we're looking at a 50 degree day friday and something like that on saturday ... i suspect the pattern is coming that will deliver the kind of snow that sticks around for
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awhile but there is a lot of snow on the upper midwest on its way >>it's time for today's trivia: elephants have a bad sense of what?
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coupons. coupons? next, you convert coupons to tokens. tokens? then you trade tokens for credits. and then i get the cash? then you call back. bye bye. peggy? hello? what just happened? want rewards that make sense? switch to discover. america's #1 cash rewards program. it pays to discover. time for sports. the fate of the nba season is now in hands of lawyers, after the players rejected the owners' latest offer. the players will disband the union and they can see the nba for not letting them work. the league has already filed a pre-emptive lawsuit. four players and owners on all the talk, and lawyers will have to handle any further negotiations. for the latest proposal that would have started the season on december 15th was rejected
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unanimously by the player representatives for the deal was never presented to the union membership as the whole >>theo epstein will give carlos zambrano another chance to pitch for the cubs the met for lunch yesterday and epstein says he is in great shape epstein told zambrano that he will have to earn his way onto the team through hard work in the winter league and there would be conditions to any return >>one of the greatest goalies in the chicago black hawks history is now a hall of fame inductee ed belfour was inducted into the hockey hall of fame yesterday he played his first eight seasons in chicago and lead them to the finals in 1992 he went on to win a stanley cup with dallas in 1999 he was never drafted but went on to compile the third most victories in nhl history >>that's a look at sports your
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live illinois lottery drawing is next ... >>here are the pick three winning numbers: 0 6 3 here are the winning pick four numbers: 4 6 8 pop7 mega-millions has a 30 million jackpot tonight...
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ugh, my feet are killin' me. well, we're here to get you custom orthotic inserts. dr. scholl's custom fit orthotic center recommends the custom-fit orthotic that's best for your tired feet. foot-care scientists are behind it. you'll get all-day relief. for your tired achy feet. for locations, see thank you...
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heart failure. researchers report an experimental stem cell treatment helped patients with congestive heart failure reduce the risk of further occurrences by as much as 80%. 20-80 the stem cell therapy was well tolerated at all doses. phase three clinical trials are expected to begin next year and the new treatment could go on sale by 2015. in a study finds one in five americans suffer from hearing loss severe enough to make communication difficult. about 48 million americans have hearing loss in at least one ear and about 30 million have it in
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both. the study found women and black people were less likely to suffer from hearing loss the researchers say estrogen may be protective of hearing and the same cells that make skin dark mail supplier role in preventing hearing loss >>talk show host rachel ray was in chicago yesterday to appear on the rosy show she helped rosie o'donnell overcome her fear of vegetables she also talked with me about an effort close to her heart the school food program rachel ray works with public schools in chicago and other cities to overhaul lunch menus with thanksgiving around the corner i asked her about the menu at her house >>the rachel ratio heiress 10 in the morning monday through friday right here on the the energyandwgn
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we will be back with the lunch break
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we are going to taste new orleans today he is known for restaurants heaven on seven and in the purple pig and he will be the recipient of a special award this thursday from march of dimes >>i've been involved with them
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since 1995 and a big supporter i feel very lucky that my two children are very healthy so i need to give back. >>march of dimes has a great mission to reduce infant mortality that's for sure >>we're doing in new orleans barbecue shrimp ... we are using tear anything you have sitting around the house is ok we add cream and worst a share saucercestierester
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sauce... we had some seasonings and we let that cook in a skillet on the stove ... we cleaned peel and devein the shrimp and we add that ... we set this aside for five or 10 minutes ... i prefer to cook shrimp with the shells on to preserve the flavor but people in the restaurant prefer the with fairly remove that for easy eating ... i like to serve
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this dish with some cornbread it is quite simple to prepare this is a good sauce for dipping ... these are what we call you 15 trumu-15 shrimp that means there will be 14-15 shrimp per pound
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this other dish is chicken voodoo rigatoni. it's chicken creole with an added special spice that is like a dry hot sauce over pasta and we have all the other traditional new orleans and cajun favorites ...
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so you have the event coming up they're still in night it's from 5 until 9 i have some chefs from my restaurant as well as a few others around town ... 25 restaurants all together will be represented for a great cause. it's a really great party ... and there will be an option ... the march of dimes signature chefs auction will take place this thursday evening at the swiss hotel 323 east wacker drive the purple pig is located at 500 north michigan avenue in chicago and heaven on seven as at 600 north michigan avenue
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[ male announcer ] for sore muscles use new bengay cold therapy, it's pro-cool technology releases armies of snowmen masseuse who cuddle up with your soreness and give out polar bear hugs. technology. [ male announcer ] new bengay cold therapy. the same technology used by physical therapists. go to for a $3 coupon.
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a bad sense of what? the answer is the sitesight. we have beautiful weather out there it is warm by november standards ... but the cold front passing tonight will give us a steep temperature dropped.
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but there is a huge cold front developing from northwestern canada that will bring us cooler weather. and a storm out of colorado will bring snow to the upper northwest midwest but will bring in our temperatures back up for the weekend. tomorrow and thursday we will be in the low 40's with very cold overnight temperatures in the '20s. but friday we have some
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wind in bringing us warmer temperatures. look for 50 degree temperatures friday and saturday. there will be an extraordinary north to south temperature differentials across the country. 59 degrees on saturday we will have a pretty good weekend >>thank you for joining us today we hope you have a great afternoon remember we are back at 5 and again at 9.


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